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Monday, December 5, 2022

Course outline
1. Managing performance—appraising people based on SMART goals
2. Giving performance feedback—ratings, incremental performances, bonus decisions,
handling negative performance decisions
3. Performance enhancement methods
4. Coaching employees—training methods and techniques
5. Engaging employees and managing discipline—ability to engage and make employees
participate in decision-making. Creating an engaging work environment
6. Work culture—creating a positive and enthusiastic work culture
7. Employee relations—engaging and dealing with employees collectively and maintaining
an environment with less groupism
8. Grievance handling—to resolve employee grievances as per the company’s policies and
the legal aspects
9. Conflict management—handling conflicts at different levels and working out solutions
for the same
10. Separation—handling separation and its effects
11. Prevention of sexual harassment, aligning corporate and human strategies
12. The Changing environment, new trends, and processes in HR
Performance Appraisal- It is defined as an assessment of employees by their managers in which
the manager evaluates the overall contribution made by the employees to the organization.
Usually, it is a systematic, logical review conducted by the organization annually to judge the
potential of the employees for performing the task. It helps to analyze the skills and abilities of
the employees for future growth. The idea of performance appraisal is to identify how to increase
the productivity of the said employees.

It helps to identify the employees, who perform their tasks well and those who are not doing so
along with the reasons for the same. On the other hand, performance management is an ongoing
process that aims at planning, monitoring, and evaluating, the objectives of the employees and
his/her total continuous contribution to the organization. Performance management helps
employees to identify and improve their work, it encourages the employees to enhance and
increase their efficiencies. Both management and employees participate in setting up the
objectives, assessing the performance, and identifying training needs as well as having constant
feedback for improvement and development. It is a more transparent system for rewarding
employees for their achievements. It is a process in which both employee and employer have the
challenge to set and achieve organizational goals. It is a great tool for the growth and
development of employees.

Differences Between PMS and PA

1- Performance appraisal is an organized way to evaluate employees' performance and potential

based on their past actions and activities.

PMS- the complete process of managing human resources to what they do is called PMS.

2- PA is a system. PMS is a process.

3- PA is inflexible. PMS is flexible.

4- PA is an operational tool. PMS is a strategic tool.

5- PA is conducted by the HR department and the management. PMS is done by the managers as
well as all the stakeholders combined.

6- PA is retrospective (based on the past). PMS is forward-looking (futuristic).

7- PA is an individualistic approach. PMS is not individualistic but is an organizational approach


8- PA is carried on eventually. PMS is an ongoing process.

Conclusion- The terms PA and PM are different but not contradictory. PA is a part of the PMS
which is a larger picture.
9th Dec 2022
Performance management- everyone wants to be recognized, and their judgment should
be judged.

Performance management system (PMS )






Time bound
PMS- an effective management system typically includes 3 broad elements.
1. goal setting
2. performance review
3. performance improvement process
PMS designers the employers may use multiple options for the execution of the
management process but no system would be effective without these 3 components being
Goal setting is a process of establishing an objective to be achieved in a particular period.
performance goals but individual employees should ideally align with the org strategical
Common types of goals include
1. JD GOALS- these are pre-established job duties with descriptions expected to be
accomplished continuously till the time the job is executed.
2. Project goals- goals based on the achievement of the project over some time
3. Behavioral goals- how things need to be accomplished and expected to be continuous
4. Stretch goals- goals that are challenging to reach knowledge, skills, and ability to
identify higher potential employees.
5. participative goal- goals that include both managers and individuals for the
development of their respective areas to enhance understanding and commitment from
both ends.
Goals need to be documented, available for review, managed continuously, flexible
enough, and acknowledge the changing condition.

Process of accessing employee progress towards the specified goals the strengths, weaknesses,
and actions of the employee need to be regularly recorded.
Employees are regularly imported, and a pathway generates for a decision on employee
contribution, career development, training needs, promotional opportunities, compensation, etc.
Performance review and evaluation involves objective and subjective of how to measure and
evaluate the same.
Some of the common types of performance review system work on a multiple dimensions
analysis. Some of the imp. PRS are
 RANKING SYSTEM- it lists all employees In a group to be ranked highest to lowest in
order of performance. The major drawback it quantifies the difference in individual
performances and misses out on many other parameters.
 POST DISTRIBUTION- the rating of employee are disbursed along a bell curve with a
supervisor percentage to each performance on a level of scale.
 360 – this process collects information from everyone around the employee working
domain from the supervisor, colleagues, subordinates, and other stakeholders. It provides
feedback about work-related behaviors. It is a preferred system as it is multi-rated
feedback, multi-source feedback, and group review feedback. This system works
especially for employee development purposes
 COMPETENCY BASED- this system focused on performance measured against
competencies rather than behavior tasks are done. It is a system of high-performance
 MBO-

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