Oral Presentation - Interview With A Cientist About Endangered Species

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Oral Presentation – Interview with a cientist about endangered

Entrevistadora (E)- Good afternoon! It’s a pleasure having you here today!

Cientista (C)- Good afternoon! It’a a pleasure being here today!

E- We all know that the world is changing and it’s becoming even more polluted. It does not
afect just human beings but animals and plants as well, can you explain a little more about
this subject?

C- Of course! As you said the world is changing and we are starting to feel it every day a
little bit more, but we are not the only ones. Because of the climate changes, several species
are endagered. There are some reasons for that to happen like illnesses, new species in
their habitat are known as invasive species, the loss of habitat is also a cause and the
overexploit of resourses is the most worrying.

E- You said that the loss of habitat is a cause, is it a natural a cause or is it caused by

C- Now, it is caused by humans.

E- You mentioned that the overexploit of resourses is the most worrying cause, why?

C- Overfishing is a good example of the overxploit of resourses, Overfishing a particular fish

species is an obvious and direct cause for an animal to become endangered. But other
organisms within the ecosystem may also be harmed by the overexploitation of a particular
species. The overxploit of resourses can cause habitat imbalance and the extinction of

E- Is there anything we can do to help endagered species?

C-You can buy sustainable products, Support endangered species conservation

organizations, Limit your consumption of factory-farmed meat and dairy those are some of
the things we all can do to help.

E- Thank you so much for being here today and for highlightening important aspects.

Work realized by: Ana Beatriz Gerardo

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