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The world is growing fast with the touch of modern technologies. In the era of
globalization we can’t but comply with the globalized world .Technologies have great impact on
education system proven in the developed countries .Bangladesh can also enjoy the benefit of
technologies in education sector .For this purpose, we proposed a software based education
management system. Educational system management software is an online based solution
which can be accessed from any part of the world .The provision of the software is, it provides
the easy method to function the activities. It saves time, it enables the education system
management to access all the necessary information, it stores information for a lifetime, it helps
to carry out day to day activities smoothly. It is not easy to keep track of all the student’s
information, attendance, class materials, result, fees, ID card. It becomes a huge load and
pressure for the authorities to manage all the information in analog way .Errors occurs very
easily which reduced the goodwill of the organization and also harms the impact on a student.
The software can make the work easy and free from errors, users of the software can
continuously update the information from any part of the world through using the mobile
application. It also help to evaluate every detail which play a major role to meet the
organizational goal. our software will be beneficial for human being. It will help to manage
education system easily as well as it will make organizational profit .

System Features
This system will run by software and software are two types website and desktop version
(input data in off line) and it has also a linker apps by which student and other party can get
require information.

Website format:
This system can be accessed by:

 Trustee board
 Teacher
 Student
 Public (In general content every one can access it)

 Home page:
University related different pictures will be displayed in home page. There are two portion in it's
left and right .In left University mission-vision and right Important on going notice.

In home page footer,

 A contact info.
 Other page linker.
 Menu bar.
In menu bar,

 Admission zone:
 Different department
 Fee
 Requirement
 Time
 Other
 Billing:
 Admission fee
 Tuition fee

 Query(any one can send message to know more about admission process)

 Next page
 News Room
 Varsity related news
 Notice
 Latest notice
 Organizational activity details

 Next page
 Academic calendar
 Holiday
 Others schedule.

 Next page
 Travel system
 Transportation road
(mark on google map)

 Transportation media
(On the basis of road)

 Bus schedule
(From-to destination)

 Next page
 Community section:
Profile of

 Varsity Authority
 Teacher
 Staff

 Next page
◆ Student Profile

 Result Sheet
 Growth info graph
 Attendance record according to finger print method

 Payment history
 Class Schedule
 Teacher list
 Exam date box
 Teacher ratio point

◆ Teacher profile

 Class info & schedule

 Lesson section ( teacher can send pdf ,dos file here)
 Teacher’s personal blog which is related with academic activity

◆Department head

 He can monitor all student & teacher activities

 Student result ratio
 Teacher rating
◆Vice chancellor

Desktop format:
Basically desktop version is interconnected with the website version. The main
purpose of desktop version is to store data which data can be accessed by any user in offline
mood. It works as backup system of website version.

 Bill menu
 Student menu
 Class related menu
 Notice menu
 Employee menu
 User menu
 Admin menu
 Others
 Setup

All of the users will have an individual account ,they access to this service by entering their
own id and password and use the service.

Why it is need to develop an existing management system of educational
 System development company preliminary survey found that there are 25000- 30000
students contain in the higher educational institutions in Bangladesh. As a result, there
are various types of problem peace in the present educational institutions management
system. Such as

Firstly, Communication problem among a lot of students, teachers and trustee board.

Secondly, General public cannot find easily details information about the students admission.

Thirdly, Institutions latest notice, teachers and students personal notice, institutions news,
which is usually given through the notice board which does not reach to users in time.

The regularly counting attendance through the existing system of institution students,
teachers and staff which can be time waste every day.

The institution yearly holiday, academic calendar and other schedules in which the users are
not getting in time.

Students spend a lot of money on getting (pdf) of main reference books of teachers.

For easily teachers and students blogging.

To easily supervise the activities of students, teachers and staff by the department director.

So following these problems existing management system need to develop by the online

 Initial investigation
System development company has received many offers/request form from many higher
educational institution about management maintenance problem of current institution. So to
solve those problems, educational institution authority give a order to system development
company for develop existing management system through a more efficient, fruitful,
effective website system for students, teachers and others related party.

Then System development company has a investigation unit going to university and
educational institution. And collected the information by asking of the student, teacher and

IT sector of the institution, through group discussion, discuss with various institutions
authorities and information gather from existing management system such as notice,
manually attendance count, teachers blogging system and others. And through observed the
environment, existing system setting and physical process.

 The background analysis of total system show that our proposed new website
management system can be run successfully in the existing environment of the
educational institution.
 The company will give the input for creating this kind of website 20 lakes will cost and
also for related apps the total estimated cost near about 40 lakes. It need employee for
maintain it regularly.
 This system will give service also more institutions together.

After all, system development company will charge 10% commission from this system users and
the commission will have to pay after every 6 month.


Operational Feasibility
In manual system whenever any person comes in and asks for the services from the
system as per the requirement, staff members has to check for the solutions of their requirements
manually by searching each and every record and updates all the records when the task given to
them is accomplished. Besides this, the staff members have to prepare various status reports
manually which in turn require greater attention over the different records of the system. Manual
system has more problems associated with it.

 Deficiencies of manual system:

 Area of unsatisfactory performance:

(a) Accuracy and reliability:- Since all the manipulation and calculation are handled by
human being, so it is not sure to get correct output, further handling large amount of
data is also error prone as correction in hand written document leads to overwriting
and this create confusion.
(b) Managing the number of physical file register: All the records relating to the booking
and removal of the student record are maintained on paper and physical files. So it
becomes a tedious job to manage all of them in an effective manner and also difficult
to group homogenous records together.
(c) Preparation of periodic reports aren’t accurate: Since manipulations are done
manually, the processing may result wrong. This will lead to inaccurate reports.
Manual processing takes more time and so it may take time in preparation of report,
which is not required.

 Excessive cost of operation:

(a) Manpower shortage: System requires efficient working of the system but it is not
always possible. This results in continual shortage of staff and rise in pay slab to
keep manpower.
(b) Manual efforts and paper work: Large volume of information has to be recorded and
maintained manually. This leads to lot of manual efforts and time. Large volume of
paper is also utilized for maintenance. This results in excessive cost of stationary.
(c) Movements of documents: Different documents, files and reports have to be sent to
different departments, which require additional resources.

 Lack of Immediate Retrieval of Information:

One of the problems of the conventional system is the immediate retrieval of the
information required at some particular time. Since the conventional system deals with
the manual work so all the data are stored on papers and the processing of the data are
done manually, so the retrieval of the information related to some query delays.

 Lack of validation Check/Controls:

In the conventional manual system there is lack of validation while updating the
transaction .In real life many types of invalid data can be entered so there must be some
type of validation while entering data and updating the data. In the conventional system
all work is done manually and there is much possibility of mistakes done by human
beings so there must be some validation checks on the entry of data and the recording
of the data.

 Lack of Data Security:

In the conventional manual processing system there is lack of data security since
all work is done manually and all the details are stored on paper so there is a possibility
of losing data on papers and any unauthorized person can access the data.

 Lack of Immediate Processing of Data:

The conventional manual system deals with manual processing of the data, so the
processing delays and all the transaction cannot be performed at the time when needed.
In the conventional processing system all the work is done through paper work and
much of paper work is done.

 Lack of Sorted Information:

In the conventional manual system there is lack of getting sorted information. In
the conventional system if we want to get sorted information we have to sorted out all
the information manually as there is no option of getting sorted which is there in the
case of the automated system and therefore much time is wasted in sorting of data. In
contrast of the manual system, with computerized system we can get sorted information
from the computer.

 The New Automated System

Speedy and efficient information processing is crucial to our socially and highly
developed technology. Computers can help the intolerable burden of handling the ever increasing
amount of information with which government department public services and business concerns
are expected to contend because of their ability to analyze information as well as to retain,

update and reproduce it because of their versatility to present it in a variety of forms can, to some
extent ease the problem faced due to information explosion.

From the above Analysis we can conclude that the new system is feasible in term of
operation as is needs less manpower and time to operate and also less deficiencies then the older

Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system (hardware, software, etc.)
and to what extent it can support the proposed addition. Technical feasibility is a most required
feature of a system. This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will
successfully satisfy the user requirement.

Is the project feasibility within the limits of current technology? Does the technology
exist at all? Is it available within given resource constraints (i.e., budget, schedule...)

In examining technical feasibility, configuration of the system is given more importance

than actual make of hardware. The configuration should give the complete picture about the
system`s requirements.

As far as the project is concerned the proper implementation and designing of the
application specific data bases results the fulfillment of the desired goal. The present day
computational techniques related to dot net results in the great ease of the application required
and the fast processing and retrieving speeds of hardware makes the desired system technically

This system is technically sound. It can work on simple personal computer. Its
hardware/software requirements and produce output in given limited time. It has ability to
process huge volume of transaction at speed. And provide a great friendly environment to user.

Economical Feasibility
Cost benefit analysis is necessary to determine economic feasibility .The primary
objectives of cost benefit analysis is to find out whether it is economically worthwhile to invest
in the project, if the returns on the investments are good, and then the project is considered
economically worthwhile. First listing all the cost associated with the project performs this
analysis. Cost consists of both direct cost and indirect cost, and then benefits are calculated .A
comparison is made to see economic feasibility.

Direct cost: This is used in buying equipment, cost on manpower, cost of consumable items etc.

Indirect cost: Cost of time spent by user in discussing problems with system analysis etc.

Once the cost benefits of project have been qualified and calculated, the next step is to
find the recovery period of the capital invested. Economic analysis is the most frequently used
method for evaluating the effectiveness of a system. More commonly known as Cost Benefit
Analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and the savings that are expected from a
system and compare them with costs.

Though the developmental cost for the system may be higher but one deployed it can
provide huge economic benefits to the particular organization in comparison to the other
traditional systems provided or directly going for human deployment due to the technological

The cost for proposed School Management System is outweighing the cost and efforts
involved in maintaining the registers, books, files and generation of various reports. The system
also reduces the administrative and technical staff to do various jobs that single software can do.
So, this system is economically feasible.

It can be analyzed that the cost of proposed system is much less than the benefits that can
be derived from it. So we can accept it to be economically feasible.

This system must economical because used technique for evaluating the effectiveness is
also economic so that I take design to make and implement this system.

Time (Duration) Feasibility

Time Feasibility is a determination of whether a proposed project can be implemented fully
within a stipulated period. If a project takes too much time it is likely to be rejected. The
proposed system takes a little time period for implementation so it can be considered as Time
Feasible Software.

Information gathering is an art and a science . The approach and manner in which
information is gathered require persons with sensitivity, common sense , and a knowledge of
what and when to gather and what channels to use in securing information.

What kinds of information do we need?

Before one determines where to go for information or what tools to use , the first
requirement is to figure out what information to gather .Much of the information we need to
analyse relates to the organization in general, the user staff and the work flow.

Information about the firm

We have to gather information about the organization's policies, goals, objective, and

Company policies are guidelines that determine the conduct of business. Policies are
translate into rules and procedures for achieving goals. A Statement of goals describes
management's commitment to objective and the direction system development will follow.

Information about user staff

Another kinds of information for analysis id knowledge about the people who run the
present system. In this stapes we actually focusing on people's role , authority relationships, job
status and functions, information requirements and interpersonal relationships. Information of
this kind highlighted the organization chart and establishes a basis for determining the
importance of existing system fir the organization.

Information about work flow

We have to gather information about work flow, methods and procedures, work schedule.

Information gathering tools
The analyst must decide on to information gathering tools and how in must be used.
Although there are no standard rules for specifying there use , an important role is that
information must be acquired accurately, methodically, under the right conditions, and with the
minimum interruption to user personal.

There are 4 method of information gathering.

 Review literature , procedures and forms

 on-site observation
 Interviews
 Questionnaires
For this project we select on-site observation as information gathering tools.

On-site observation
It is the process of recognizing and noting people ,object and occurrence to obtain
information . The analyst's role is that of an information seeker who is expected to be detached
from the system being observed.

To gathering information we analysis the present system of all educational institutions ,
And talk with teacher, student , and staff of institutions and find out some problem.

 Waste of time: present system of maximum educational institutions is manual systems or

analogue systems. For this reason it is causes of waste of time. For example payment
system, attendance system, registration system are manual, and we know manual system
is slow and time consuming.
 Waste of money: we know that manual system required many people to maintain or run
it , to pay salary , wedge, and other facilities institutions have to pay more money and that
is courses of waste of money. Information can spend this money to develop educational
facilities if they change the system.
 Proxy problem: To reduce waste of time many teacher take attendance in signature
method . In this method student gives many proxy attendance.

 Reduce class time: To take attendance in manually teacher need at least 10 minute. If a
teacher take 30 class it's means there are 300 minute of class time waste for existing
 Lacking of accuracy: we know that manual system is an inaccurate system. It has lack
of accuracy problem. Being a manual system most of the educational institution's system
is inaccurate that creates many problems.


Context level diagram

Admission details
Get admission details

Fees details
STUDENT managem admission
Student details ent
Enquiry about
admission Get payment slip
STAFF Salary details

Admission details

First level Data Flow Diagram

Show message correct or not

Login password
Enter user name and password
staff Check user name and password

Add student details Add student

Fill the submit
admission Get admission student
student Admissi
Add staff details
Submit staff Add employee
Get job
staff details staff

Pay fees details Fees details

student Insert fees details
Get fees receipt student

Insert payment details

Staff details Payment details

Get pay slip

staff staff

Insert exam details
student Exam details student

Get exam timetable

Give exam time Exam
details staff
table details process
Get exam details

admin Provide exam details Insert exam
Time table


Insert marks details

student Enquiry about result Marks

Marks details
Give result
details Resulting student
admin process

Get result details

staff staff


Admin Guardian
View Profile through Login


Admin Trustee
Profile Board

Process View Profile through Login




Attendance Guardian
Press on Punch machine



Admin Guardian
View through Login, through sms


Admin Trustee
Process Board
View Profile through Login



Apply for
Apply for transport root
management student
staff Get permission
process Travel from assigned root


The next steps of Data Gathering, are examining the data

gathered, assessing the situation, looking at the alternatives and recommending a solution. The
costs and benefits of each alternatives guide the selection of the best system for the job.
Basically, a cost-benefit analysis finds, quantifies, and adds all the positive factors. These are
the benefits. Then it identifies, quantifies, and subtracts all the negatives, the costs. Cost and
benefit analysis identifies the costs and benefits of a given system and categorizes them for
analysis, then a method of evaluation is selected and the results are interpreted for action. If a
system is economically feasible, then the benefits should outweigh the system within a defined
period of time acceptable to the user/client.

Cost and Benefit Categories:

In developing cost estimates for a system, we need to consider
several cost and benefit elements.

System Costs

 Development Costs
- Onetime expenses for the project

- Personnel Cost : Salaries of all individuals who develop the system also includes benefits

- User Time

- Training Costs

- Equipment Costs : Cost of acquiring all new hardware/software for project

- Computer Usage Costs

- Supply and Materials Costs: hardware, software and office supplies

- Facility Costs : expenditures necessary to prepare the site for the new system

- Overhead and Miscellaneous Expenses

rent, utilities, training course fees, etc

- cost of running two parallel system

 Ongoing Operating Costs

- recurring costs for the operation of the system

- all of the development costs required on an ongoing basis: personnel, equipment, maintenance,
overhead, etc.

 Fixed Costs
- occur at regular interval,and are not dependent upon the operation of the system

- constant, no matter how much or little the system is used

 Variable Costs
- occur in proportion to the usage of the system

- CPU costs

- supply costs

- wage costs

 Direct cost
- Which a dollar figure can be directly associated in a project.
- Indirect cost: costs are not directly associated with operations .

- Normally increase profits or decrease costs

 Performance Benefits
- to improve the quality of work or to permit new activities to be undertaken

- common performance benefits might be error reduction, increased speed of activity ,better
utilization. Savings in operating cost.

 Cost-Avoidance Benefits
- clerical errors will be avoided with new system .

 Tangible Benefits

- can be estimated quite accurately

- usually measured in terms of monthly or annual savings or profit

Staff Reductions ,Savings on Production, Faster Cycle Time, Manufacture a new Part

 Intangible Benefits
- difficult or impossible to quantify Goodwill, Environmentally Friendly

When all financial data have been identified and broken down into cost categories ,the
analyst must select a method of evalution , by which they can select a profitable alternative .
Several common methods are available , each with pros and cons. The common methods are,

- Net benefit analysis

- Present value analysis
- Net present value
- Payback analysis
- Breakevent analysis
- Cash flow analysis

As we are working with a long time service providing process and by developing our existing
system our new system cost should be recoverd in time to make the system profitable. With
Payback evaluation method ,we can recover the investment and costs to reach the service charge
as profit.

Payback Period:

- determines how much time it will take for the accumulated benefits to the equal initial

- the shorter the time period , the sooner a profit is realized and the more affective is investment

- when company is 'cash poor' - shows when company will get its money back

- does not consider the 'time value' of money!

- a new project continues to go into debt until it is implemented and benefits begin to be realize

- payback is very useful when a project is very time sensitive

-Payback determines if the project is capable of doing this.

𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 (𝐷)
Payback Period (T) = 𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑒−𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡

System Total Cost = 40,00,000 BDT

Primary Installation Cost = 10,00,000 BDT ( for only 1 unit )

Maintenance Cost = 1,00,000 BDT (yearly)

Total Income :

10% Service Charge = 4,00,000 BDT

If we install the system in 5 institute, then yearly total service charge is 20,00,000 BDT
Payback Period = 20,00,000−5,00,000

= 2.67 year

It will took 2.67 year for resumption the system development cost. Then we will able to make

The purpose of the System Design process is to provide sufficient detailed data and
information about the system and its system elements to enable the implementation consistent
with architectural entities as defined in models and views of the system architecture.

System design goes through two phases of development –

1. Logical Design
2. Physical Design

Logical Design :

1. The current physical system is controlled by the system developer and it has an online
and offline version. Offline version is using for system developing where system is given
input and online version is the output of the system.
2. Input specification includes determining the flow of the data from sources to actual
location. Desktop version is mainly used for the data input specification.
3. On the other hand, an online layout which is called web version and it is the output
4. The all data will secured in the cloud so that the data flow will not stop until the
bandwidth is ended. As it has an offline server, so it’s edit correction can be saved in the
database and synchronize the data in the web later.
5. The whole system will cost nearly 20 lakhs and make profit from the users commission
which is 10% and have to pay every 6 months.

Input Data Flow Output

Desktop Version Web Version

Data Processing

Physical Design :

The system is designed into two categories which are Desktop version(offline) and Web
version(online). Desktop version is used for update the system by giving input and Web version
is the interface of online which is accessed by the user.

 Web Version

According to user there some types of access. They are –

1. Trustee Board access

2. Teacher access
3. Student access

Trustee Board can control the whole system. In university, vice-chancellor is the
controller of the system.

In teacher access, every teacher have a profile where they can know about their schedule
class and other task and also have there info. He can send any doc/pdf in the lesson section for
student and also give task to the student in task option. A different access for department head
will be there, from where he can monitor teacher and student.

Student can access to the website profile via password and university ID. Every
individual student have a profile where his info, result sheet, growth graph. He can also know his
class schedule and course teacher, there will be a task option from where he can know his class
task/assignment. Student can also give rating to teacher. There also have a blog and discussion
section where teacher and student both can perform.

There are another access which is public access. In the general content of the website
everyone can access. In general content, they can know about the university history, program,
activities and so on. There will have university contact info. They can know admission notice
and fees from here. Public can know how to travel to university and info of university vice-
chancellor, professor, staff etc. A query section also be there in the last for public.

It is shown by a simple data flow diagram-

Admission details
ADMIN Get admission details

Fees details
STUDENT Educatio admission STUDENT
Student details n
Enquiry about ent
admission system Get payment slip

Salary details

Admission details

 Desktop version

When the system is given to any institute, there will be an admin for the main access. Laterly,
if needed more admin to maintain the system, the admin will increase it.

Firstly, Admin will create an user role like employee role. In employee role, teachers and stuffs
maintain the software. Each individual can login in the software by providing user ID and
password which is given by the admin. There are also so many module i.e:- student module.

When student pay their fee then automatically an SMS will be send to the providing number.
Another menu will be there where department, class, section etc can entry to the table. Notice
menu will use for notice entry. In employee module, employee salary and employ shift can entry
to the table.

Basically software maintain is not easily controlable by the admin, so he can divide the software
maintainance in some category as employee and student module. Admin can access the site
which is he allowed to.

Structured Design :

The data flow based methodology begins with the system specification that identifies inputs and
outputs. It describes the functional aspects of the system.The system specification is used as a basis for
the graphical representation. Here a Data Flow Diagram(DFD) which define the the module and
relotionship to one another of the system.

Input/Output and Forms Design

The purpose of the System Design process is to provide sufficient detailed data and information
about the system and its system elements to enable the implementation consistent with
architectural entities as defined in models and views of the system architecture.

Input design: Inaccurate input data are most common cause of errors in data processing. Errors
entered by data entry operators can be controlled by input design. In the system design phase, the
expanded data flow diagram identifies logical data flows, data stores, sources and destinations.

Input data: The goal of designing input data is to make data entry as easy, logical and free from
errors as possible.

Objectives for Input Design

The objectives of input design are −

 To design data entry and input procedures

 To reduce input volume

 To design source documents for data capture or devise other data capture

 To design input data records, data entry screens, user interface screens, etc.

 To use validation checks and develop effective input controls.

In this system, we are using the following as the input devices.

1. Punch Cards: Punch cards are either 80 to 96 columns wide. Data are arranged in
sequential and logical order. Operators will use a keypunch to copy data from source
documents onto cards.

2. Online data entry: Online data entry makes use of a processor that accepts
commands and sensitive screen or voice input. The input received is analyzed by the
processor, in this case the server processor. It is then accepted or rejected, or further
input is requested.

3. The Prompt: In prompt, the system displays one inquiry at a time, asking the user
for a response. The following example represents what it can do to the system:

Output Design: Output is the most important and direct source of information to the user.
Efficient and intelligible output design should improve the systems relationship with the
user and help in decision making. Editing ranges from surprising unwanted zeros to
merging selected records to produce new figures.

Objectives of Output Design

The objectives of input design are −

 To develop output design that serves the intended purpose and eliminates the
production of unwanted output.

 To develop the output design that meets the end users requirements.

 To deliver the appropriate quantity of output.

 To form the output in appropriate format and direct it to the right person.

 To make the output available on time for making good decisions.

Let us now go through various types of outputs −

External Outputs
Manufacturers create and design external outputs for printers. External
outputs enable the system to leave the trigger actions on the part of their
recipients or confirm actions to their recipients.

Some of the external outputs are designed as turnaround outputs, which are
implemented as a form and re-enter the system as an input.

Internal outputs
Internal outputs are present inside the system, and used by end-users and
managers. They support the management in decision making and reporting.

There are three types of reports produced by management information −

 Detailed Reports − They contain present information which has almost no

filtering or restriction generated to assist management planning and control.

 Summary Reports − They contain trends and potential problems which are
categorized and summarized that are generated for managers who do not want

 Exception Reports − They contain exceptions, filtered data to some condition
or standard before presenting it to the manager, as information.

Output Integrity Controls

Output integrity controls include routing codes to identify the receiving
system, and verification messages to confirm successful receipt of messages
that are handled by network protocol.

Printed or screen-format reports should include a date/time for report

printing and the data. Multipage reports contain report title or description,
and pagination. Pre-printed forms usually include a version number and
effective date.

Form Design:
The process of designing forms involves clarifying the specific needs of your
application, identifying the information you want to work with, and then devising a
design that best meets your needs. This section briefly describes the process.
Goal of form design

The goal of form design is to display and obtain the information you need in an
accessible, efficient manner. The form should encapsulate data so that it may be run
without affecting other forms that use the same data. dBASE Plusmakes this simple.
It’s important for your design to provide users with the information they need and
clearly tell them what they need to do to successfully complete a task. A well-
designed form has visual appeal that motivates users to use your application. In
addition, it should use limited screen space efficiently.
Purpose of a form

Each form in your application should serve a clear, specific purpose. Forms are
commonly used for the following purposes:
Data entry forms provide access to data in one or more tables. Users can retrieve, display, and change information
stored in tables.

Dialog boxes display status information or ask users to supply information or make a decision before continuing
with a task. A typical feature of a dialog box is the OK button, which the user clicks to process the selected
Application windows contain an entire application that users can launch from an icon off the Windows Start menu.

You should be able to explain the purpose of a form in a single sentence. If a form
serves multiple purposes, consider creating a separate form for each.
Some guidelines for data entry forms

When designing data entry forms, consider the following guidelines:

If data resides in multiple tables, use a query or data module that defines the relationships among tables.
If users need access to only some of the information in a table, use a query or data module that selects only the
records and fields you want.
Determine the order in which users will want to display records, for example, alphabetically, chronologically, or by
customer number. Use a query with indexes that arrange records in the order the users will want.
Identify tasks users will perform when working with data on the form, and provide menus, pushbuttons, and toolbar
buttons that users can choose to initiate tasks.

Testing is vital to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption
that if all the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. Non testing a
system may leads to error. A small system error can occur a large problem. The best system is
useless if it doesn't meet user needs.

Some steps for testing the system:

1.Unit testing: Which change is made in old or new system testing it.

We design a school management system & made changes in different part like add lot of
information about admission process, new billing system, news room, academic calendar , travel
system, profile of student, teacher and all other etc. Test the changes is there has any error.

2. Sequential Testing: Give input one type and test the output is related with the input.

For example, one student want to know about travel system so output will give about
travel system not about academic calendar or other.

3.Positive Testing: Compare with existing system and set a limit for how much better result we
want from the new develop system.

In travel system now only show the roads of the buses but new system show not only
roads of the system we can see the road the in google map ,see schedule of buses and related
other information. We select 30% as standard for measure positive test.

4.Acceptance Testing: Set a level for accept the new system.

We set 20% as standard for measure the new system compare with old system. If new system
give 20 more benefit from existing system we will accept the new system.

 What do we test for?

The first test of a system is to see whether it produces the correct outputs. No other test
can be more crucial. Following this step, a variety of other tests are conducted:

1.Online Response: How fast we get feedback from the system. Measure real time.

A student want to open his account so here how fast his account is opened like 2 second.

2.Volumn : Measure that how much user can get service from the system together in same time.

Like 10000 user can access the system together in same time.

3.Streess Testing: Testing how the system will perform when the use will access the system.

Is it gives accurate important?

Is it run smoothly? Is there any problem?

4.Recovery and security: If there will any uncertain problem occurs how the backup system will
run testing it.

In our system website version perform all the activity but we have a backup system in our
desktop version here we store all the information about system in offline, if any problem occurs
this backup system will solve the problem.

Usability: Testing how smoothly the use can run the system.

Arrange a seminar for learning the user how to use it and then give a very short term
tearing and test them.

System Testing
 Testing the system unit by unit not test the system together.

1.Turnaround Time: Testing how much time will require after giving a input for a complete

A student login in his account and command for result, in output how quickly a complete result
sheet will show.

2.Backup: If there will any uncertain problem occurs how the backup system will run testing it.

In our system website version perform all the activity but we have a backup system in our
desktop version here we store all the information about system in offline, if any problem occurs
this backup system will solve the problem.

3.File protection: In our system a lot input store in website so any illegal user will try to access
those information for his benefit so here make a strong protection system ( the software will
made in C language and it will convert in machine language by using so that it will
maintain security privacy of the software ) for protect the whole system and test how much
effective this protector for new system.

4. The human Factor : For which the system develop testing there behaviour .

Quality Assurance:
The amount and complexity of software produced today stagger the imagination.
Software development strategies have not kept pace, however ,and software products fall short of
meeting application objectives . Consequently ,controls must be developed to ensure a quality
product. Basically , quality assurance defines the objectives of the project and reviews the overall
activities so that errors are corrected early in the development process. Steps are taken in each
phase to ensure that there are no errors in the final software.

Quality Factors Specifications:

The goal of this stage is to define the factors that contribute to the quality of the candidate
system. Several factors determine the quality of a system:

1. Correctness: How much correct the system information. When someone give input about
something check the output related with the input.

2. Reliability: How much reliable the new system. Testing the given output is trustable.

3. Efficiency: How much efficiently work the new system. Testing the usability of the
system, that means check how easily the user can use it.

4. Usability: How easily and smoothly the user can use the system. Testing how smoothly
the use can use it.

5. Testability: Is the system work systematically. Test the system run one by one.

6. Portability: Is it possible to move the system from one place to other. Test the system
can be portable. Since our system is website base system so it can be portable.

7. Accuracy: How accurate the given output. When someone give some input test the
output is accurate or not.

8. Error tolerance: Is it can identify the error perfectly. If someone give wrong input test
the system can identify it.

9. Access Control: Build a protection so that illegal use can't access the system. Test the
control system of the mother system.


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