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D) Rewrite the sentences correctly using: full stops(.), exclamation marks (I), question.

marks (?), or comma (,).

1) Where di~ '(OU put my watch

2) saw birds_ lions an~ alllgatefrs at Jh,e zoo.
11 I (,MY\ / ~ .
'tf: nov l.,-- 4:> wJ, r,_,{ ~9kJ cd {l,2.
3) B_etty has a beautiful dress
L,,.. ,.J ,, .. f , L npl)_'

grabbed her purse.

·LL ➔
ht orangestplums and ban.
t,.,r ). ~/J /l'l', t1.rAM • J ..- n11A. MnfJ'. ' ft.'l '

E) Choose the correct Homophone from the bracket to complete the sentences.
1) The door of the office was made of (steel, steal). ·
2) The (steak. qake) that we ate at the restaurant was delicious.
3) The teachers had to (wrap, rap) all the presents for the students.
4) The fishermen had to (rode,,owJ tt\e boat carefully down the river.
S) The students are going to (die, du) their T-shirts red for their sports day.
6) There was a (foul, f!,__!NJ) smell coming from the garbage bin.
7) I bought some (sulte,.sweet)Jrults at the market.
8) The cyclists (rode. road) their bicycles around the savannah.

F} There Is one soelllng error In each of the foltowln1 sentences. Underline the •"0 r
and write the correct spelling of the word on the alven fine.

1) When Rick ran the race he placed1orth. ~~ ,

2) The banana which I bought was ripper than ~ lantaln. _.;.
~ """""--- - -
3) Candice read a very lntrestlng book about travelllna. !:?
4) Th~ Jorney from one city to the other was _dangerous. --i
--'~~il ,l,-=""",1-- - -
5) The brave klng..fought the leirce lion. ~

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