05 - Bid Forms

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Construction Cost Analysis

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

2 Project Cost and Price

Total Price
Total Cost Markup
Direct Cost Indirect Cost ❑ Office Overhead
❑ Job/project overhead ❑ Rent
❑ Material Cost
❑ Site supervision ❑ Accounting

❑ Site utilities
❑ Labor Cost ❑ Taxes, bonds,
❑ Buffer
clean up, etc. ❑ Risk
❑ Equipment Cost ❑ Uncertainty
❑ Office Overhead
❑ Rent
❑ Sub-Contractor Cost ❑ Accounting ❑ Profit
Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan
3 Pricing Items

❑ Chapter 10: Pricing Excavation and Backfill

❑ Chapter 11: Pricing concrete work

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

4 Bid Form

Summary Sheet

Recap Sheet

Bid Form

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

5 Summary Sheets

Transverse Section

Highway Bridge Profile

Construction Project Management A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

6 Bid Form
Item No. Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Total Price
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
1 Excavation, unclassied cy 1,667
2 Excavation, structural cy 120
3 Backfill, compacted cy 340
4 Piling, steel lf 2,240
5 Concrete, footings cy 120
6 Concrete, abutments cy 280
7 Concrete, deck slab, 10 in. sy 200
8 Steel, reinforcing lb 90,000
9 Steel, structural lb 65,500
10 Bearing plates lb 3,200
11 Guardrail lf 120
12 Paint Job 1

Total Bid Price

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

Cost Code Work Type Unit Quantity
7 Site Work
32220.1 Excavation, unclassified cy 1,667
32222.1 Excavation, structural cy 120
32226.1 Backfill, compacted cy 340
31350 Piledriving rig, mobilization & demobilization ls job
31361.1 Piling, steel, driving lf 2,240
Concrete Work
Highway bridge 3150.1
Footing forms, fabricate
Abutment forms, prefabricate
3157.1 Footing forms, place sf 720
work quantities 3159.1
Footing forms, strip
Abutment forms, place
3159.2 Abutment forms, strip sf 3,620
3157.3 Deck forms, place sf 1,800
3159.3 Deck forms, strip sf 1,800
3200 Steel, reinforcing, place lb 90,000
3251.3 Concrete, deck, saw joints lf 60
3311.1 Concrete, footings, place cy 120
3311.2 Concrete, abutments, place cy 280
3311.3 Concrete, deck, place & screed sy 200
3345.3 Concrete, deck, finish sf 1,800
3346.2 Concrete, abutments, rub sf 1,960
3370.2 Concrete, abutments, curing sf 3,820
3370.3 Concrete, deck, curing sf 1,800
Metals Work
5120 Steel, structural, place lb 65,500
5520 Guardrail lf 120
5812 Bearing plates lb
Lt. Col. Dr.3,200
Abbas Atef Hassan
8 Bid Item No. 6 (Concrete, Abutments)

The bid item includes:

❑ Forms, prefabricate
❑ Forms, place
❑ Forms, strip
❑ Concrete, place
❑ Concrete, rub
❑ Concrete, curing

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

9 Work Quantities Bid Item No. 6

Work Type Unit Quantity

3150.2 Abutment forms, prefabricate sf 1,810

3157.2 Abutment forms, place sf 3,620

3159.2 Abutment forms, strip sf 3,620

3311.2 Concrete, abutments, place cy 280

3346.2 Concrete, abutments, rub sf 1,960

3370.2 Concrete, abutments, curing sf 3,820

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan


Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan


Total Bid Cost Item No. 6

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan
12 Summary Sheet
Labor Cost:
❑ Estimating purposes, total labor cost (direct and indirect costs) can be
computed in one operation by using hourly labor rates
❑ Accounting methods, direct and indirect labor charges often are
computed separately when job prices are being estimated.
❑ One commonly, add a percentage allowance for indirect costs to the
total direct labor expense, either for the entire project or for each
major work category.

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

13 Direct Cost
Item Estimated Direct
Bid Item Unit
No Quantity Cost
Labor Equipment Material Subcontract

1 Excavation, unclassified cy 1,667 $3,569 $929 $0 $0 $4,497

2 Excavation, structural cy 120 $3,731 $555 $0 $0 $4,286
3 Backfill, compacted cy 340 $3,591 $663 $0 $0 $4,254
4 Piling, steel lf 2,240 $21,390 $11,176 $72,279 $0 $104,845
5 Concrete, footings cy 120 $3,661 $685 $12,186 $0 $16,532
6 Concrete, abutments cy 280 $37,459 $7,104 $30,542 $0 $75,105
7 Concrete, deck slab, 10 in sy 200 $11,745 $1,790 $8,020 $0 $21,555
8 Steel, reinforcing lb 90,000 $0 $0 $0 $66,240 $66,240
9 Steel, structural lb 65,500 $4,220 $1,680 $73,688 $0 $79,588
10 Bearing plates lb 3,200 $1,943 $420 $3,250 $0 $5,613
11 Guardrail lf 120 $1,664 $420 $5,826 $0 $7,910
12 Paint ls job $0 $0 $0 $8,550 $8,550

Total $92,973 $25,422 $205,791 $74,790 $398,975

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

14 Project Cost and Price

Total Price
Total Cost Markup
Direct Cost
✓ Indirect Cost
❑ Job/project overhead
❑ Office Overhead
❑ Rent
❑ Material Cost
❑ Site supervision ❑ Accounting

❑ Site utilities
❑ Labor Cost ❑ Taxes, bonds,
❑ Buffer
clean up, etc. ❑ Risk
❑ Equipment Cost ❑ Uncertainty
❑ Office Overhead
❑ Rent
❑ Sub-Contractor Cost ❑ Accounting ❑ Profit
Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan
15 Indirect Cost Estimate
❑ Indirect or Overhead expenses are incurred in achieving project
completion but that do not apply directly to any specific work item.
❑ Rough Estimate
❑ Some contractors figure their job overhead outlay as a percentage of
the total direct job cost.
❑ Common values range from 5% to 15% or more.
❑ Detailed Estimate
❑ List and price each item of indirect expense on a separate sheet
“Overhead Sheet”.
Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan
16 Indirect Overhead

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

17 Recap Sheet
❑ To calculate the needed bid unit prices
❑ All costs and profit associated with the project are brought together
in a summary form: a ‘Recap Sheet’
❑ The common format of the recap sheet shows:

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

18 Recap Sheet
Contractor’s Contingency (Uncertainty)
❑ There are two choices:
1- Contingency included in each item cost based on its risk " so
more details calculations are needed"
2- Contingency may be added as a percentage of total cost(5-10%)
Bid Bond
❑ An indemnity from a surety that guarantees the contractor named is
submitting a bid in good faith.
❑ If this contractor should fail to comply with the bid conditions, the
surety will be liable to compensate the owner for damages suffered as
a consequence.
Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan
19 Indirect Cost and Markup
Item Factor Value
Total Direct Cost $398,975
Job overhead $69,868
Subtotal #1 $468,843
Small tools 5% of labor $4,649
Subtotal #2 $473,492
Tax 3% $14,205
Subtotal #3 $487,697
Markup 15% $73,155
Subtotal #4 $560,851
Bonds 1% $5,665
Total bid price Subtotal #4 $566,516
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑖𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
Factor 1.4199
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
20 Recap Sheet = Direct Cost × Factor 𝐼𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦

Item Estimated Direct Total Unit
Bid Item Unit
No Quantity Labor Equipment Material Subcontract Cost price price

1 Excavation, unclassified cy 1,667 $3,569 $929 $4,497 $6,386 $3.83

2 Excavation, structural cy 120 $3,731 $555 $4,286 $6,086 $50.72
3 Backfill, compacted cy 340 $3,591 $663 $4,254 $6,041 $17.77
4 Piling, steel lf 2,240 $21,390 $11,176 $72,279 $104,845 $148,872 $66.46
5 Concrete, footings cy 120 $3,661 $685 $12,186 $16,532 $23,475 $195.62
6 Concrete, abutments cy 280 $37,459 $7,104 $30,542 $75,105 $106,644 $380.87
7 Concrete, deck slab, 10 in sy 200 $11,745 $1,790 $8,020 $21,555 $30,606 $153.03
8 Steel, reinforcing lb 90,000 $66,240 $66,240 $94,056 $1.05
9 Steel, structural lb 65,500 $4,220 $1,680 $73,688 $79,588 $113,009 $1.73
10 Bearing plates lb 3,200 $1,943 $420 $3,250 $5,613 $7,970 $2.49
11 Guardrail lf 120 $1,664 $420 $5,826 $7,910 $11,231 $93.59
12 Paint ls job $8,550 $8,550 $12,140 $12,140.39
Total $92,973 $25,422 $205,791 $74,790 $398,975 $566,516
Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan
21 Recap Sheet

Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

= 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 × Quantity
22 Bid Form From Recap Sheet

Item Estimated Unit Total

Bid Item Unit
No Quantity price price
1 Excavation, unclassified cy 1,667 $3.83 $6,385
2 Excavation, structural cy 120 $50.72 $6,086
3 Backfill, compacted cy 340 $17.77 $6,042
4 Piling, steel lf 2,240 $66.46 $148,870
5 Concrete, footings cy 120 $195.62 $23,474
6 Concrete, abutments cy 280 $380.87 $106,644
7 Concrete, deck slab, 10 in sy 200 $153.03 $30,606
8 Steel, reinforcing lb 90,000 $1.05 $94,050
9 Steel, structural lb 65,500 $1.73 $112,988
10 Bearing plates lb 3,200 $2.49 $7,968
11 Guardrail lf 120 $93.59 $11,231
12 Paint ls 1 $12,140.00 $12,140
Total $566,484

Different between recap sheet and bid form = 566,484 - 566,516 =-$32
Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan
23 Bid Form
❑ What if there is a slight difference between the total bid price shown
on the recap sheet and the those shown on the bid form (due to
rounding off)?
❑ Adjust the bid form to match the recap sheet
❑ OR just be aware that the amounts on the bid form will govern (for
contract award)
❑ What if there is an error in multiplication or addition by the contractor
in obtaining the total prices of items?
❑ Usually, the unit prices control and the corrected total sum governs
Lt. Col. Dr. Abbas Atef Hassan

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