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American Literature:
A Critical Overview

‫جامعة المنوفية – كلية اآلداب – قسم اللغة اإلنجليزية وآدابها‬ 2023-2022
‫رؤية الكلية‬

‫تأمل كلية اآلداب – جامعة المنوفية في الريادة في مجاالت العلوم اإلنسانية بتقديم‬
‫الخدمات التعليمية والبحثية والمجتمعية الموجهة بأهداف التنمية المستدامة على‬
‫المستويين المحلى والدولي‪.‬‬

‫رسالة الكلية‬

‫كلية اآلداب إحدى كليات جامعة المنوفية‪ -‬تعهد بإعداد خريج قادر على التطور‬
‫ومالءمة سوق العمل بتميزه المعرفي والمهني واإلبداعي والتقني في مجاالت العلوم‬
‫اإلنسانية‪ ،‬وذلك من خالل مجموعة من البرامج المتميزة واستحداث أخرى مميزة‪،‬‬
‫تلبى الطموحات التعليمية والبحثية والمجتمعية وفق توجهات التنمية المستدامة‪.‬‬
‫رؤية القسم‬
‫"يتطلع برانمج اللغة اإلجنلزيية وآداهبا إىل حتقيق المتزي التعلميي والبحيث‬
‫واملهين يف جمال اللغة اإلجنلزيية وآداهبا بتقدمي اخلدمات اجملمتعية املوهجة‬
"‫بأهداف التمنية املس تدامة عىل املس تويني احمليل وادلويل‬

The Department's vision

“The Department of English Language and Literature
aspires to achieve educational, research and
professional excellence in the field of English language
and literature by providing societal services based
upon the sustainable development goals on the
domestic and international levels“
‫رسالة القسم‬
‫"برانمج اللغة اإلجنلزيية وآداهبا بلكية اآلداب جامعة املنوفية يعهد خبدمة‬
‫اجملمتعني احمليل وادلويل بإعداد كوادر مؤهةل قادرة عىل التطور ومالءمة‬
‫ وذكل من خالل تقدمي‬،‫ وفق توهجات التمنية املس تدامة‬،‫سوق العمل‬
‫مقررات متطورة تتسق مع منظومة التحول الرمقي يف جمال التعلمي‬
"‫والبحث العلمي وتدمع الفكر الابتاكري والوعي الثقايف دلى اخلرجي‬

The Department’s Mission

“The Department of English Language and Literature
at the Faculty of Arts, Menoufia University, is
committed to serving the domestic and international
communities by preparing qualified cadres capable of
developing and adapting to the labor market, in
accordance with the directions of sustainable
development, by providing advanced courses that are
consistent with the digital transformation mechanism
in the field of education and scientific research and that
support the graduates’ innovative thinking and cultural
Form (10)
Course Specification
1. Course Data

Course Code: ENG Course Title: Year/Level: 3rd Year

American Literature
Specialization: Contact Hours: Lectures 2
English Language and
Specialized Practical sessions 2

2. Course The course aims at enabling students to:

(A) Develop a strong understanding of 18th & 19th Century
American Literature.

(B) Learn to apply their knowledge in both written and oral

communication on the topic.

(C) Develop the skill of editing their own written texts and monitor
written performance.

3. Course Intended Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge By the end of the course students will have developed knowledge of
and the following:
understanding A (1) Learn main trends and writers of 18th & 19th Century
American Literature.

A (2) Study at close hand samples of poetry and prose of the era.

A (3) Differentiate between the various writing modes of each


B. Cognitive By the end of the course students will have developed the ability to:
B (1) Analyze various texts.

B (2) Recognize the contexts of various texts.

B (3) Recognize the relationship the various texts.

C. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

Practical C (1) Produce written analysis of various types texts.
Skills C (2) Edit their writing.

C (3) Use the accurate terminology in conducting their analysis of


D. General By the end of the course, students will have developed the skills of:
Skills D (1) Working with others collaboratively.
D (2) Searching online for information on 18th & 19th Century
American Literature.

D (3) Planning, organizing, and setting priorities for their learning of

18th & 19th Century American Literature.

4. Course Week List of topics

1–2-3 Cultural Background
4–5–6 Poetry of the Age
7–8–9 Prose and Fiction of the Age
10 – 11 - 12 Drama of the Age

13 - 14 Revision

Class discussions
5. Pair-work in analyzing writing tasks
Teaching Assignments (for the practical sessions)

6. Teaching and Learning Methods for students with Special Needs

To be suggested.

7. Assessment

A. Method Final written exam

B. Date Set by the Faculty Council

C. Mark Distribution 20

8. Textbook and references

A. Notes --------------------

B. Textbooks American Literature

C. References Knowledge Bank

D. Periodicals, JSTOR,
Bulletins, etc.

Instructors: Prof. Osama Madany

Dept. Head: Dr. Hoda Soleiman
Programme Director: Dr. Sara Eldaly

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