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1. List two example of an Autocratic leader with explanation that characterize of

being an autocratic leader.

The autocratic leadership style's goal is to establish centralized authority and use that
control to accomplish goals.
The first example is all about Bill Gates which is the driving force behind Microsoft is
a participative leader with elements of authoritarian rule. He is a master at delegating
responsibilities, but he also recognizes the need of utilizing his team members' skills
to the maximum. The company's tremendous success was a result of this fusion of
The second example is for the leader of Napoleon Bonaparte which he is a military
commander of the French Revolution was infamous for his dictatorial management
style. He didn't discuss his plans with anyone while in charge of a sizable force. He
clearly had a successful strategy. How else could he have increased the population of
his dominion to almost 70 million.

2. List two example of an Bureaucratic leader with explanation that characterize of being
an bureaucratic leader.
The bureaucratic leader had a clear duties and responsibilities for each of the
subordinates, hence it is not a flexible management style. Result predictability
is frequently enhanced by this. Because they can't rely on luck, the system
helps businesses.
For example, in fast food restaurant manager, because being the manager of a
fast-food restaurant is a demanding job. The hours are long and demanding. All
employees must be observed by the manager to ensure that they are strictly
adhering to the work procedures. The culinary staff isn't free to prepare
hamburgers anyway they choose. This sort of bureaucratic management has
generated businesses with sites all over the world and has shown to be quite
Military leadership is arguably the best illustration of a bureaucratic leadership
style. There is very little, if any, formal avenue for reciprocal feedback, and the
chain of command is carefully followed which is to ensure that processes are
planned and implemented to rigorous standards, an emphasis is placed on
administrative chores and documentation. Higher up the command chain keeps
a close eye on each level of staff in the organizational chart, and compliance is
reinforced through periodic review processes.

3. List two example of an Laissez - Faire leader with explanation that characterize of
being an laissez - faire leader.

Laissez – Faire leader have a dependence and trusting attitude toward their
workforce. They don't interfere too much, micromanage, or provide
excessive direction or instruction. Instead, laissez-faire leaders encourage
their team members to use their initiative, resources, and expertise to
achieve their objectives.
For example, when an employee approaches you and complains that another
team member isn't doing their share. Does the laissez-faire team member
face the laissez-faire leader and demand to see samples of their work? No. A
laissez-faire leader would take a very different tack in this situation. They
would approach the worker and inquire as to whether there was anything
that may make their job easier.
4. List two example of an Democratic leader with explanation that characterize of being
an democratic leader.

Democratic leadership, sometimes referred to as participative leadership, is all

about involving as many people as possible in the decision-making process.
Businesses, institutions, and governments are just a few examples of places
where this kind of leadership is present.
For examples is the worker cooperatives who are run by workers, where the
leader is voted into power by the workers, and they collectively make decisions
on a committee.

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