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Creativity represents the ability to develop new or imaginative ideas and turn them into a reality.

Businesses can use creativity in the workplace to create innovative solutions or more positive and
collaborative work environments. Creativity promotes employees to think outside of the norm and
experiment. Beyond experimentation, the creative process also involves asking questions or looking
at problems from diverse perspectives. 

Creativity represents the ability to develop new or imaginative ideas and turn them into a reality.
Businesses can use creativity in the workplace to create innovative solutions or more positive and
collaborative work environments.

Encouraging creativity in the workplace can help boost business success. Creative thinking allows
individuals to develop new or innovative ideas and challenge norms or old ways of thinking. These
behaviors can help businesses create products, services and other offerings that differentiate
themselves from their competitors.

Today's businesses also often encounter constantly changing environments. As a result, professionals
need to assess new situations quickly and develop strategies to navigate them. With creativity,
businesses can not only meet the existing challenges but also think ahead. By implementing regular
brainstorming or creative-thinking processes, these professionals can continue coming up with new,
improved or exciting ideas that meet their markets' current and future needs.

There are huge consumer and lifestyle trends emerging amongst the millennial generation.
Marketing and the way people consume products are about to be revolutionized by the world’s
largest demographic. For creative businesses, this means it’s hugely important to ensure that their
marketing remains relevant for younger generations.

Current apprentices are at an age that verges between both generation Y, and the growing
and socially aware Generation Z. There is no better way to adapt your creative business than to
employ some who lives in the epicenter of these two huge and invaluable consumer demographics.
They will ensure that your business continues to create the fresh ideas that resonate with younger

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