Experience Weekend With The Family

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Experience Weekend with the Family

I participated in the new Experience Week a few weeks ago. As many of you are aware, Experience
Week has been reorganized and condensed into five days this year.

I participated in Experience Week when I was 12 years old, and even though it has been close to ten
years, I can still clearly recall that week. It marked the beginning of my awakening.

I distinctly recall thinking, “I didn’t know life could be this way!

I had no idea you could develop such a strong sense of kinship with others so quickly. I had no idea you
could express yourself so thoroughly. I had no idea how much proximity to other people may affect
one’s experience. I had no idea how much significance so many insignificant details could have if we only
gave them time.

After all these years and being well into my work for the Foundation, I went back to it with low
expectations because I was naive and selfish. When Findhorn is no longer new or magical to me, I didn’t
believe it would still possess that charm or freshness.

I was mistaken.

It was amazing. I experienced Findhorn's charm all over again, like a breath of fresh air. Of course, I
Didn’t know a ton of things! What other way could I think?

And I realized that each group would have a unique combination of individuals and energy, so even if I
participated in Experience Week a dozen times, I would always learn something new and fantastic.
What a joy it was to spend a week developing and learning with such a beautiful group of people. In this
company of complete strangers who I now consider friends, I felt so supported and protected.

The enthusiasm that all of the participants bring to this location made me realize how crucial it is that
we keep holding this on-site experience. That, in my opinion, makes up at least half of Findhorn’s magic.

Exists anyone else who has participated in both the first Experience Week and the most recent one? Has
Experience Week affected you in any way throughout your life if you participated in it?

All I can say is that the enchantment of Findhorn is still present—take it from a former skeptic. Even
now, Experience Week is fantastic. There is still a ton lot discover.

With gratitude and love,


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