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Environmental Awareness

The environment is the natural world that comprises of air, water, land, animals,
plants, etc. as our surrounding. This Environment is a legacy given to us by the universe
in a perfect condition with abundant natural resources. However, man has directly
impacted the whole ecosystem, leading to many environmental issues and problems.
The increasing demand for industries, natural resources, and technologies in today’s
world has impacted Mother Earth. This, in turn, has led to other series of problems and
has altered the whole environment in an unimagined way.
The indiscriminate use of the environment is the root of the ecological crisis.
Some of the significant problems are – deterioration of natural resources, depletion of
underground water, erosion of soil and coral reefs, regular shortage of fresh drinking
water, diminishing forests and wetlands, and salinization. Some other issues such as
rapid extinction of animal species, rising air and water pollution, the collapse of
fisheries, loss of biodiversity, reduction or rivers, seas and underground resources,
increase in atmospheric temperature, and thinning of the ozone layer have become a
severe threat to the environment.
We need to adopt the principles of sustainable development in our lives. Each of
us must protect the environment from environmental issues which can lead to
disastrous health issues. By taking small initiatives like the usage of jute, cloth, paper,
bags, recycling the waste products, saving drinking water, reducing the use of
automobiles, etc., we can reduce the deteriorating impacts. Let us all join hands to
spread environmental awareness in our everyday life as well as our society. Let us work
together towards a greener and more sustainable future.

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