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1 | Building and Enhancing New Literacies

Across the Curriculum

Name: Percy-an O. Rondina Program, Year & Section: BSED-3-MATHEMATICS

Assignment ( Task) No. 2

Answer the following questions by giving you opinion/reflection.

1. How can you teach multicultural literacy in the classroom?

First and foremost, it is very important to understand the cultural
backgrounds of all your students. It helps in knowing all the cultures to address
and lessons to plan. Afterwards, is to identify your responsibility to identify the
strengths and weaknesses of your students to know how to eliminate them. Then,
encourage them to real-life experiences by organizing casual sessions where
students share their past stories and experiences help them open up, relate with
each other, and build strong communication skills.
Then, organize open discussions by selecting a current cultural or social
issue and holding an open discussion on them allows the students to share their
thoughts, be better listeners, and know about the issues faced by other
communities. Last, is to plan group activities that focus on teamwork and
collaboration help overcome cultural barriers, increase student involvement, and
embrace cultural differences in a class.

2. Interview students/ people in your community who are part of the cultural
minority or having different culture. Ask them about their culture, their
difficulties in adjusting to the mainstream culture, and how can you help

5 points- Very informative, well organized, no errors in spelling and grammar. Compose of
more than five (5) sentences.

C. M. D. Hamo-ay
1 | Building and Enhancing New Literacies
Across the Curriculum
3 points- Somewhat informative, organized, few errors in spelling and grammar. Compose
of five (5) sentences.
2 points- Give information but poorly organized, some errors in spelling and grammar.
Compose of less than five (5) sentences.

C. M. D. Hamo-ay

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