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1. Answer questions 1-15.

1. What function does cell division play in an amoeba? What functions does it play
in your body? The function that cell division play in an amoeba is reproduction. This is
to ensure the continuity of their own kind. On the other hand, the functions that cell
division plays in our body is development, growth, and repair.
2. Why is binary fission classified as asexual reproduction? Binary fission is
classified as asexual reproduction because during this process, a single cell splits into
two identical daughter cell.
3. When does a chromosome consist of two identical chromatids? A chromosome
consist of two identical chromatids before a cell starts dividing.
4. When does a chromosome consist of two identical chromatids? A chromosome
consist of two identical chromatids before a cell starts dividing.
5. A researcher treats cells with a chemical that prevents DNA synthesis from
starting. This treatment would trap the cells in which part of the cell cycle? This
treatment would trap the cells in the G1 part of the cell cycle.
6. Describe the function of centrosomes. Centrosomes maintain the equal number
of chromosomes during cell division.
7. You view an animal cell through a microscope and observe dense, duplicated
chromosomes scattered throughout the cell. Which state of mitosis are you looking at?
8-9. Imagine you stain a human cell and view it under a microscope. You observe
23 chromosomes, including a Y chromosome. You could conclude that this must be a
sperm cell taken from the organ called the testes.
10. A cell has the haploid number of chromosomes, but each chromosome has two
chromatids. The chromosomes are arranged singly at the center of the spindle. What is
the meiotic stage? Metaphase II
11. A cell has the haploid number of chromosomes, but each chromosome has two
chromatids. The chromosomes are arranged singly at the center of the spindle. What is
the meiotic stage? Metaphase II
12. Explain how mitosis conserves chromosome number while meiosis reduces the
number from diploid to haploid. A single chromosome replication is followed by one
cell division during mitosis. However, in meiosis, in the first of two cell divisions,
homologous chromosomes separate; following the second division, each new cell bears
only one haploid pair.
13. In humans, how many possibilities are there when a gamete from one individual
unites with a gamete from another individual in fertilization? About 64 trillion
combinations of chromosomes. (8 million chromosomes from your father x 8 million
chromosomes from your mother).
14. A particular species of worm has a diploid number of 10. How many
chromosomal combinations are possible for gametes formed by meiosis? 32
15. Describe how crossing over and the random alignment of homologous
chromosomes on the metaphase I plate account for the genetic variation among gametes
formed by meiosis. Through homologous chromosomes, crossing over develops
recombinant chromosomes with a combination of genes that were previously on distinct
chromosomes. At metaphase of meiosis I, homologous chromosomal pairs are
positioned at random.

2. Summarize the key differences between mitosis meiosis by completing the table below.
Mitosis Meiosis
Where it occurs eukaryotic cells germ cells
Cells it produces two diploid somatic cells four haploid cells
Number of cell divisions one two
Number of chromosomal one one
Prophase length Chromatin condenses into separate It has five stages and lasts longer
chromosomes, nuclear envelope than mitosis' prophase. During
breaks down, and spindle fibers prophase I, genetic recombination
develop on the cell's opposing and crossing over occurs.
side. Spends less time in prophase
of mitosis than a cell in prophase I
of meiosis.
Recombination/crossing no yes
Metaphase chromosomes align at the tetrads align at the metaphase plate
metaphase plate
Anaphase chromatids split chromatids stay together,
homologous pairs split
Number of cells produced two four
Ploidy diploid haploid
Genetic relationships of the has the same exact genetic has a half-identical genetic
daughter cells to the parent information information
Functions performed in the growth of the organism, repair, allows sexual reproduction and
human body and replacement genetic diversity

3. Create a Venn diagram that summarizes the similarities and differences between
mitosisand meiosis. Hint: On the left side of the diagram, list key features of
mitosis, on the right are the key features of meiosis, and where the two circles
overlap list their similarities.

- produces two - produces four

genetically identical genetically dissimilar
daughter cells cells
- takes place in
- daughter cells contain - daughter cells contain
the cell nuclei
46 chromosomes 23 chromosomes
- involves cell
division - produces 4 cells
- produces 2 cells - DNA
synthesis - daughter cells are not
- daughter cells are occurs in both
identical to the parent cell genetically similar to the
- starts from a parent cell
diploid parent
- occurs during growth and cell - occurs during sex cell
development formation

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