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Ho 22053551 S

Name: Tang Tuug

Tutorial 13
1. Suppose that Trilex Manufacturing Company estimates its
fixed costs for producing a line of masks at $39,000 per
month. The variable cost amount to $1.10 per unit and the
selling price per unit is $5.50. Before production, Trilex
invest a million dollar to buy a machine and half a million
dollar to prepare a dust free factory space.

a) What is the breakeven volume and sales?

b) Suppose Trilex earn a $60,000 profit per month what is

the payback period of the project? What other factors we
need to consider?
$ 39,000
a) Breakeenvolume :

$ 5 50
$1 -
1 0

= 8863.64
8864 ( Round up )

Sales = 886 4 x $ 5 50 .

= $ 4 8752

1 50 0 0 0 0

$6 0 0 0 0 X 1


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