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Molecular Biology Previous Year Questions Bank

[April 2015, April 2016, Nov 2014, Nov 2015, April 2012, April 2013, April 2014, April
2015, April 2016, Nov 2012, Nov 2013, Nov 2014, Nov 2015]

10 Marks
1. Discuss about the protein associated with DNA replication.
2. Write in detail about initiation complex and initiation factors involved in
protein synthesis.
3. Discuss about the role of chromatin in gene expression.
4. Explain the following:
(a) Replication fork
(b) Fidelity of replication
(c) Extra chromosomal replication.
5. Write an essay on Lac Operon concept.
6. Discuss about the role of enzymes in DNA replication.
7. Describe the structure of mRNA and t RNA.
8. Write about ribosome and its role in protein synthesis.
9. Explain the gene expression at translation level in bacteria.
10. Tabulate the differences between A, B and Z DNA.
11. Compare the three types of DNA polymerases.
12. Describe the termination and separation of RNA.
13. Discuss about elongation and elongation factors of protein synthesis.
14. Describe the prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome organizations.
15. Describe the structure and functions of different types of RNA.
16. Write about the processing of protein synthesis.
17. Discuss the control of gene expression at transcription and translation
18. Explain the structure of DNA in detail.
19. Explain the processing of RNA synthesis.
20. Give an account on post–translational modification of proteins.
21. Write an account on prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression.
22. Explain the chemical nature of DNA.
23. Give an account on RNA processing, editing and splicing mechanism.
24. Describe the components of Operon model.
25. Draw a schematic representation of double helical DNA proposed by
Watson and crick and explain the structure in detail.
26. Write an account of coding genes of Prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
27. Elaborate on the non – covalent interactions that determine the three-
dimensional structures of proteins and nucleic acids.
28. Write in detail the types and uses of DNA Polymerases.
29. Explain the structure and functions of nucleic acids.
30. Write about the post-transcriptional process of mRNA and tRNA.
31. Discuss the structural features about lac operon.
32. Discuss the DNA replication process in detail.
33. Write in detail on gene expression in prokaryotes.
34. List out the properties and functions of polymerases in transcriptional
35. Comment on the different modes of replication
36. Comment on the control of gene expression at transcription level.
37. Give a detailed account on the structure of tRNA
38. Explain the process of translation.
39. Write the processing of tRNA?
40. What is the role of translation inhibitors?
5 Marks
1. Explain the structure of B-DNA.
2. Describe the semi conservative replication of DNA.
3. Narrate the uni and bidirectional replication of DNA.
4. Give a brief account on RNA polymerases.
5. Brief about gene silencing.
6. Write a note on aminoacylation of tRNA.
7. Explain the structure of various forms of DNA.
8. Comment on initiation, elongation and termination events in prokaryotic
DNA replication.
9. Write a note on transcription.
10. Explain the structure and function of different RNA.
11. Write down the important features of Watson and Crick’s model of DNA.
12. Describe the structure of A-DNA.
13. Enumerate the basic rules for DNA replication.
14. Tabulate the differences in replication of DNA in Prokaryotes and
15. Brief about the agents causing damage in DNA.
16. Narrate about regulation factors of protein synthesis.
17. Briefly describe the structure of satellite DNA.
18. Comment on the super coiling of DNA in viruses.
19. Tabulate the differences between leading and lagging strand of
replicating DNA.
20. Brief about transcription activators
21. Write a note on genetic code.
22. Write about the stability of nucleic acid structures.
23. Discuss the origin of replication.
24. Discuss the transport of RNA.
25. Give a brief account on transcription factors and machinery.
26. Write about the regulation of phages.
27. Comment on RNA editing and splicing.
28. Comment of regulating the gene expression and gene silencing.
29. Explain the structure of mRNA.
30. Discuss the three-dimensional structure of tRNA.
31. Give the experimental evidences for DNA as genetic material.
32. Explain the role of transcription activators and repressors in RNA
synthesis and processing.
33. Explain about initiation factors and their regulation and termination in
protein synthesis.
34. Write briefly about transactional proof-reading.
35. Write briefly about the role of chromatin regulating gene expression.
36. Write the significance of Epigenetics and gene expression.
37. Write notes on the processing of tRNA molecules.
38. Explain wobble hypothesis.
39. Discuss in brief about feedback inhibition.
40. Write notes on micro-RNA.
41. Describe about the replication fork. Discuss the events occurring at the
replication fork.
42. Explain the gene regulation of phages
43. Explain the role of elongation factors in protein synthesis.
44. Discuss in detail the different forms of DNA.
45. Write in detail the process of chain initiation in transcription.
46. Explain the mechanism of RNA transport.
47. Give an account on role of translational inhibitors in protein synthesis.
48. Comment on the stability of mRNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
49. Comment on the types of eukaryotic DNA polymerases.
50. Write notes on the processing of mRNA.
2 Marks
1. Comment on B-DNA.
2. Define structural genes.
3. Name the enzymes required for DNA replication.
4. What is linear DNA?
5. Define leading strand.
6. Mention the main two steps of protein synthesis.
7. What are the termination codons in m RNA?
8. What is codon?
9. Define RNA Splicing.
10. Explain operator gene.
11. Comment on over lapping gene.
12. Comment the size of DNA molecules units of length.
13. Write the renaturation of DNA.
14. Write the role on enzyme in DNA replication.
15. Define the Okazaki fragment.
16. Write the RNA transcription factors.
17. Write role of tRNA in translation.
18. Write the properties of genetic code.
19. What is meant by Nonsense Condon?
20. Define Operon concept.
21. What is gene? Write the concept of gene.
22. Define regulatory gene.
23. Define genome.
24. What is circular DNA?
25. Define conservative replication.
26. Explain lagging strand.
27. Name two organisms having genetic RNA.
28. Define acceptor arm in t RNA.
29. Mention two parts of RNA polymerase enzyme.
30. Write two features of genetic code.
31. Define exons.
32. Define Z-DNA.
33. Define satellite DNA.
34. Write two functions of histones.
35. What is meant by template DNA?
36. Explain replicon.
37. What are the initiation codons of mRNA?
38. Name the materials required for RNA transcription.
39. Name two antibiotics which inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria.
40. Define poly A.
41. Explain transposons.
42. What are smart genes?
43. Comment on alternative genes.
44. Comment on nitrogen bases.
45. State the unit of replication.
46. Comment on the fidelity of replication.
47. What is recombination?
48. What is repressor?
49. What is polyadenylation?
50. Name the enzymes involved in RNA splicing.
51. Indicate the role of RNA polymerases.
52. Comment on translational inhibitors.
53. Comment in RNA transport.
54. What is capping?
55. What is replication fork?
56. What is transcription?
57. What is aminoacyl tRNA synthetase?
58. Comment on translational proof reding.
59. What is gene silencing?
60. Indicate the role of chromatin.
61. Define Chargaff’s base pair
62. Role of β –galactosidase
63. Semi conservative model
64. Define DNA ligase
65. Attenuation process
66. Define Ribozyme
67. Define Shine-Dalgarno sequence
68. Histone methylation process.
69. Leader peptide gene
70. Define Polyribosomes
71. Define nucleosomes.
72. Define elongation.
73. What is tRNA?
74. Write about cairns model for DNA replication.
75. Define gene expression.
76. Peptide bonds
77. Pribnow box
78. Rho gene
79. Prokaryotic ribosomes
80. Peptidyl transferase
81. Gu-AG rule
82. Enhancer
83. Triplet code
84. Motif
85. DNA Polymerase
86. Primer
87. RNA
88. Initiation factors
89. Gene regulation
90. Nucleic acids
91. θ (theta) replication.
92. Signal hypothesis.
93. C-form DNA.
94. A-DNA
95. DNA unwinding proteins
96. Inducer
97. Sigma factor
98. Negative control of operon
99. mRNA capping
100. f Met tRNA
101. Start codon
102. rRNA.
103. Promoter.
104. DNA pol 1.
105. Stop codon.
106. DNA gyrase
107. Lac Operon.

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