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This Proposal to fullfil task of Qualitative Research Methodology (QRM)

Lecturer :
Nur Afifi, M.App. Ling.


The speaking skills are especially important to study because people will know
speakers from the technical language. Ur (1996:120) state that "Of all the four skills,
speaking seems intuitively the most important so that people who know a language are
referred to as "speakers" of that language. Nunan (1998:39) states that “mastering the art of
speaking is the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and
success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language.”
Speaking skill itself is productive skill in the oral mode. It is more complicated than the other
skills. In this skill, the students did not only pronounce the words but they had to interact with
the others well. Communication through speaking is commonly performed in face to
interaction. It occurs as part of verbal exchanges. In speaking, the use of body language is
great help for the listeners to understand the intended message. Therefore, the non-linguistic
features are very helpful to smooth the flow of the interaction between the speaker and the

A few years ago, the game was considered negative for the students, because it kept
the students from studying. But in recent years, researchers have examined the importance of
games to increasing knowledge for students. Games can have a positive effect on users, such
as being able to train thinking, agility, and speaking English. Games can make teaching
learning more efficient, given the monotonous and boring class will have a bad effect on
students. Games are one of the proper ways to make a class more live. Using student game
scan feel snug but also not forget the initial purpose of learning. Games can help educators to
maximize their potential to learn from students (Sugar, 2002, pg. 4). This paper will focus on
the use of guessing game in speaking skill learning. Using guessing game as ingredients for
learning will become easier to train students' concentration. Not only does the games also
help students become more comfortable and happy in learning. Games can be performed by
anyone, therefore very effectively use them for learning methods. Educator scan also see
more clearly the potential of students in learning. However, in this study, it will focus more
on guessing games that will be applied to speaking skills. By using guessing games, it can
improve students' speaking skills.

Guessing games (GG) are one of the techniques you can use to teach English.
Education-There are several advantages to using GG in the learning process. In particular, it
helps students to more easily understand the materials taught and practice communicating and
speaking (Amato, 1998). In the GG implementation, the basic rules are very simple. That is,
one person knows what another person wants to know and needs to guess information about
what it is, but you can add additional rules as well. Number of questions, etc. (Klippel,

A. Research Background
The speaking skills are especially important to study because people will
know speakers from the technical language. Ur (1996:120) state that "Of all the four
skills, speaking seems intuitively the most important so that people who know a
language are referred to as "speakers" of that language. Nunan (1998:39) states that
“mastering the art of speaking is the single most important aspect of learning a second
or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a
conversation in the language.” Speaking skill itself is productive skill in the oral
mode. It is more complicated than the other skills. In this skill, the students did not
only pronounce the words but they had to interact with the others well.
Communication through speaking is commonly performed in face to interaction. It
occurs as part of verbal exchanges. In speaking, the use of body language is great help
for the listeners to understand the intended message. Therefore, the non-linguistic
features are very helpful to smooth the flow of the interaction between the speaker
and the listener.

A few years ago, the game was considered negative for the students, because it
kept the students from studying. But in recent years, researchers have examined the
importance of games to increasing knowledge for students. Games can have a positive
effect on users, such as being able to train thinking, agility, and speaking English.
Games can make teaching learning more efficient, given the monotonous and boring
class will have a bad effect on students. Games are one of the proper ways to make a
class more live. Using student game scan feel snug but also not forget the initial
purpose of learning. Games can help educators to maximize their potential to learn
from students (Sugar, 2002, pg. 4). This paper will focus on the use of guessing game
in speaking skill learning. Using guessing game as ingredients for learning will
become easier to train students' concentration. Not only does the games also help
students become more comfortable and happy in learning. Games can be performed
by anyone, therefore very effectively use them for learning methods. Educator scan
also see more clearly the potential of students in learning. However, in this study, it
will focus more on guessing games that will be applied to speaking skills. By using
guessing games, it can improve students' speaking skills.

Guessing games (GG) are one of the techniques you can use to teach English.
Education-There are several advantages to using GG in the learning process. In
particular, it helps students to more easily understand the materials taught and practice
communicating and speaking (Amato, 1998). In the GG implementation, the basic
rules are very simple. That is, one person knows what another person wants to know
and needs to guess information about what it is, but you can add additional rules as
well. Number of questions, etc. (Klippel, 1994).

1. Research Problem
Based on the research background above, the researcher conducts the research
problems as follows :
- How is guessing game can improve speaking skill ?
2. Research Objectives
Based on the research problems above, the researcher investigates as follows:
- To describe function of guessing game to improve speaking skill
- To describe the ways of guessing as a learning strategy
3. Research Limitation
The research limitation is functioned to limit the research in order to lead it in
the right direction. Thus, the researcher limits the research as follows:
- Limits to slect guessing game.
4. Research Siginificant
The researcher hopes that takes benefit from games as strategy to improving
speaking skill.
5. Definition of the key term.
There are some key terms in order to avoid misunderstanding. They are
explained as follows:
- Guessing game
- Speaking skill

Review related literature is the second point in this research proposal. It
presents the theories in order to strengthen or support the research. The researcher
involves two theories, theory of difficulties and theory of poem.
1. Definition of Learning Strategy
2. Definition of Games
3. Types of Games
4. Definition of Speaking
5. Guessing Game
6. The Procedure to do Guessing Game
7. The Benefits of Using Guessing Game
Research method is the third point of this research proposal. This is the way
the researcher will collect the data. It includes research design, data source, research
instrument, data collection data analysis.
1. Research design
This research will use descriptive qualitative research. It will describe the
phenomenon that exists within the object of the research. The object of the
research here is ENGLISH SKILL: SPEAKING
Descriptive qualitative research will suit on this research, because it will
describe and dig out the information deeply from analysing of the GUESSING
2. Data source
The data source of this research will be primary data source that taken by
observation by researcher in the school. It means that the researcher will take the
data from expedition in the class.
3. Research instrument
The research instrument is a tool to collect the research data. In this
descriptive qualitative research, the researcher will be the main instrument of the
research. it means that the researcher will involve in the process of conducting the
The researcher will also use several medias such as clipart, picture, and online
games platform like quiziz.
4. Data collection and analysis
In collecting data, the researcher will use questionaire to get the data and
analyzed by researcher that correlates with theory.

Ni Putu N.K.D, & dkk. 2020. Using Guessing Games to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill.
Journal on Studies in English Language Teaching. Vol. 1 No. 2, 11-21.

Wahyuni Sri, & Fitria Yulianti. 2016. The Use of Guessing Game to Improve Student’s
Speaking Skill. Getsempena English Education Journal. Vol. 3 No. 2, 12-22.
Hadriana. (2008). ‘Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through Communicative Activities
In Small Group Discussion at the Third Semester Class A of the English Study
Program of FKIP UNRI’. Journal of English and Education Vol 2 (2), 34-51.

Ahmad. Z. A. (2015). ‘Developing Language Games to Teach Speaking Skill for

Indonesian Senior High School Learners’. JEELS Vol.2 (2), 13-33.

Novia Rabbani, and friends. 2016. ‘Using Games to Enhance Speaking Performance of the
Seventh Grade Studentsof SMP Negeri 43 Palembang’. Procedings of the 2nd SULE.
Vol 2 (No.1), 807-821.

Ratna Sari, D. and friends. 2017. ‘ Using Communicative Games in Improving Student’s
Speaking Skills. English Language Teaching. Vol. 10 (No.1), 63-71.

Tenny Murtiningsih, and friends. 2019. ‘Hands On Training: Improving Speaking Skills
Through Games for Studentsand Care Takers of Panti Asuhan Sentosa, Belitung
Darat, Banjarmasin’. Comment: An International Journal of Community
Development. Vol. 1 (No.2), 40-42.

Susi Darihastining, and friends. 2019. ‘ Online Games as a Media to Improve Student’s
Speaking Skills’. ISLLAC: Journal of Intensive Students on Language, Literature,
Art, and Culture. Vol. 2 (No. 2), 156-168.

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