Applied Entrepreneurship Reviewer 1

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Applied Entrepreneurship Reviewer

Week 1: Entrepreneurial Life and ➔ Focus:

Starting a Small Business - Entrepreneurs can prioritize their
tasks accordingly.
An entrepreneur is a person who - Making sure that the less important
relentlessly pursues an opportunity. take the back seat and the ones that
are critical get full attention.
- They pursue either a new or existing
business. ➔ They are good at selling:
- They create value in their work while - Entrepreneurs know how to meet the
assuming both risks and rewards. needs and wants of a customer.
Why are entrepreneurs important? ➔ They are able to learn new things:
- Entrepreneurs are always on the
➔ They create a new business. prowl to learn more about what they
➔ They provide jobs. do and what the competition is
➔ They add to the national income. working on.
➔ They create or influence social
change. ➔ They invest for long term
➔ They help communities.
➔ They are good at finding and
You will realize that you are an managing people.
entrepreneur when you know to create or
identify an entrepreneurial opportunity. ➔ They do self-reflection

- This is an economically attractive and Qualities of an Entrepreneur

timely opportunity that creates value
for interested buyers or end users. ➔ Commitment and Determination:
- It is a product or service that is - Entrepreneurs are persistent in
attractive or appealing to the solving problems.
customers that they are willing to pay ➔ Leadership:
their hard-earned money for. - Entrepreneurs are self-starters, team
Attitudes and Behaviors of an builders who focus honestly in their
Entrepreneur business relationship.

➔ They plan their day in advance: ➔ Opportunity Obsession:

- Entrepreneurs are aware of market
- Entrepreneurs are productive, they and customer needs.
don't want to use or waste their time
over unimportant things. ➔ Tolerance of Risk, Ambiguity, and
- Planning ahead can give Uncertainty:
entrepreneurs a chance to control, - Entrepreneurs are like skydivers,
manage and save their time. they take crazy risks, they like trying
new things.
➔ They get proper nutrition and
exercise: ➔ Creativity, Self-reliance, and
- Staying healthy can lead Adaptability:
entrepreneurs to higher levels of - Entrepreneurs are creative,
productivity. innovative, and able to adjust to new
conditions to stay in the business and
➔ Resiliency: in order to have an edge over other
- Entrepreneurs have the capacity to competitors.
recover quickly from difficulties.
➔ Motivation to Excel: ➔ Start from scratch:
- Entrepreneurs are goal oriented and - The owners have complete freedom
aware of strengths and weaknesses. on how they are going to run their
Founders vs. Other Entrepreneurs
- However, it requires more paperwork
A founder is an entrepreneur who brings a because the business is new.
new firm into existence.
➔ Franchise:
Franchisees are a category of - A business operating under licenses
entrepreneurs who own a franchise. issued under a parent company.

- A franchise is an authority that is Types of Legal Ownership

given by an organization to someone,
allowing them to sell its goods or A sole trader is a legal ownership which
services or to take part in an activity means that the business has one owner
which the organization controls. only.

Social entrepreneurs comprises ➔ Advantages:

entrepreneurial activity whose goal is to - The sole proprietor has full control of
find innovative solutions to social needs, the business.
problems and opportunities. - Legal paperwork to set up the
business is simple and low cost.
- They are a non-profit organization of
entrepreneurs usually doing ➔ Disadvantages:
entrepreneurial activity with - Unlimited liabilities where the owner
embedded social purpose. is personally responsible for all the
debts of his business.
Women entrepreneurs comprises a
woman or group of women who initiate, A partnership means that the business
organize, and run a business enterprise. has at least two or more owners (partners).

- In terms of the Schumpeterian ➔ Advantages:

concept of innovative entrepreneurs, - Easier to get capital since there are
women who innovate, imitate or more owners.
adopt a business activity are called - Banks are more willing to lend
“women entrepreneurs”. money.
- Legal paperwork is simple and low
Starting a Small Business cost.

A small business is owned by one to ➔ Disadvantages:

several persons. - Unlimited liabilities where all owners
are personally responsible for
- It operates a small amount of capital business' debts.
and serves a limited number of - Arguments may arise if the owners
customers. do not share the same objective.
- Most small businesses are in the
service industry because it requires A corporation, also known as a company,
less capital. can have two to infinite owners treated as a
- Goods producing businesses need separate legal entity legally recognized as
more capital for their assets. a person.

How to start a small business? ➔ Advantages:

- Limited liabilities where an owner is
➔ Buy an existing business not personally responsible for the
debts of his company.
- Continuity where ownership can be General Environment:
transferred from one person to
another granting corporations an ● Economic Trends
infinite life. ● Sociocultural Trends
- Ease of raising funds where to raise ● Political/Legal Trends
money, owners can sell shares to ● Global Trends
new owners. ● Technological Trends

➔ Disadvantages: Inside-out Analysis considers resources,

- The cost for legal paperwork is capabilities, and competencies that an
higher than sole trader or entrepreneur can bring up to the world of
partnership. business.
- Double taxation where the company's SWOT Analysis:
profit gets taxed at the corporate
level first. Then, when profit is ➔ Factors inside the business:
distributed to the shareholders, it is - Strengths (positive) and weaknesses
taxed again (at the shareholder (negative)
➔ Factors outside the business:
Start-up Ideas - Opportunities (positive) and threats
Opportunity Recognition - An
entrepreneur must be able to identify A feasibility analysis is a preliminary
potential of new products or services that assessment of a business idea that gauges
may lead to promising businesses. whether the venture envisioned is likely to
Entrepreneurial Alertness - Readiness to
act on existing, but unnoticed business Business Strategies
Broad-based Strategy:
➔ Market Ideas:
- Market Ideas are centered around ➔ Cost-based:
providing customers with a product or - A plan of action that requires the firm
service that does not exist in a to hold down its costs to compete by
particular market but exists charging lower prices and still earn
somewhere else. profit.
➔ New Technology Ideas: ➔ Differentiation-based:
- Involves new ideas, new technology - Designing a product/service with
centered around providing customers unique attributes.
with a new product.
A focus strategy restricts the target
➔ New Benefit Ideas: market to a single subset of customers.
- Centered around providing
customers with an improved product. - It emphasizes a single product or
Business Analyses
Screening New Business Ideas
Outside-in Analysis considers the general
environment before identifying internal Consider the following:
● Strength of the business idea
- With this analysis, entrepreneurs can ● Targeted market and customers
look for the needs in the marketplace ● Industry and competitive advantage
before determining the use of their ● Capability of founder/s
own capabilities. ● Capital requirement and venture
Week 2: Business Plan - Typically in the form of PPT
presentation not more than 15-30
A business plan is a document that mins.
outlines the basic concepts underlying a
business and describes how it can be A comprehensive plan is complete.
- It provides an in-depth analysis of the
- It presents a complete and detailed critical factors that will determine a
picture of the new business and the firm's success or failure, along with
strategy to launch the business. the underlying.
- It aims to establish whether or not a
business idea will bring in money that Steps in Preparing a Business Plan
is greater than what it costs to start
and operate it. 1. Study the present situation of the
market - the buyers and sellers.
A “game plan” contains the layout of basic
ideas for venture, descriptions of where - You should have some idea of
you are now, where you want to go and the products or services similar
how you intend to go there. to yours that are already
available in the market, who
An opportunity means to assess if a good are making or offering them,
idea is also a good investment opportunity. how these other makers or
providers sell their products or
What is a business plan for? services, how they make their
products or services known to
➔ Used to convince potential investors the buying public, how
about your future business go-betweens handle their
➔ Showcases the capabilities and products, and how they price
competencies of owners and their products or services.
➔ Helps guide businesses during the 2. Study supply and demand.
first few years of the company
- Determine the volume
Why plan a business? produced by the different
makers or providers (supply)
➔ Reduce, if not remove, the risk of against the volume needed by
losing money invested in a poorly the buyers (demand).
researched or unstudied business - If the supply is greater than
idea. the demand, then it might be
➔ Avoid costly mistakes. better for you to abort the
➔ Anticipate your financial business idea.
➔ Organize your activities beforehand. Business Plan Format
➔ Assess actual performance against
set goals. The cover page is the first page a banker
➔ Apply for financing from lending or investor sees. It should be structured
institutions. neatly and appealing to your intended
Types of a Business Plan
● Company name, address, phone
A short plan is an abbreviated business number, fax number, and website
plan. ● Tagline and company logo
● Name of contact person (preferably
- It presents only the most important the president) with mailing address,
issues and projections for the phone number, fax number, and
business. e-mail address
● Date on which the business plan was ● Description of the execution plan and
prepared timeline
● Confidential and proprietary ● Overview of projected financials
statement containing revenues, costs, profits
and assumptions
● Disclaimer
● Business concept
- statement that denies
something specially - Contains the essence of the
responsibility, it delimits the enterprise or the idea for a
scope of rights. business (ex. Selling
customized shoes online)
● Number of the copy
● Product concept
- Helps keep track of how many - Contains the essence of the
have been given out. product or the idea for a
product (ex. Selling customized
The table of contents is a sequential shoes)
listing of the sections of plan with page
numbers which allows the reader to ● Business goals
spot-read the plan rather than reading it
from front to back. - The future and long-term
prospects of the enterprise
The executive summary or overview is a
brief explanation of the key points in a ● Performance Indicators
business plan which includes the most
important information from each section of - a measurable value that
the plan. Its purpose is to give the reader a demonstrates how effectively a
convincing reason to read the full plan and company is achieving key
should be not more than 2 pages. business objectives (Ex. We
will sell 10 pcs of our products
● Description of proposed business at the end of the week)
and business model
The management and organization
- a company's plan for how it will contains the following content standards:
generate revenues and make a
profit (ex. Avon, a Multi level ● Company Name, logo and address
marketing that leverage
connections with friends and ● Mission
family and distribute products - What your company wants to
directly) do
● Description of the market - Expresses the specific
opportunity to capture or market aspirations of a company, the
problem the business solves major goal for which it will
- a situation in which a company
can meet an unsatisfied ● Vision
customer’s needs before its - What your company wants to
competitors become
● Reasons for why this is an attractive - Establishes the scope and
business opportunity purpose of a company and
● Key distinctions or differentiators of reflects its values and beliefs
the business versus competitors ● Key personnel
● Overview of the sales, marketing and ● Workforce and support personnel
operations strategy and plan ● Organizational chart
● Ownership ● Regulations

- Details of a company’s - Set of rules that businesses

ownership (Ex. The 4 founders should abide in their specific
of company A owns 25% each industries
of the company)
● Compliance Issues
● Capitalization, Compensation and
Incentives - Perceived regulatory concerns
in relation to the operation of
- Details the source of your the business
company’s initial funding
The marketing plan discusses how a
● External Management Support company makes its customer aware of its
products and services.
- External companies or
organizations that support the ● Market analysis which includes
company’s management demand and supply vis-à-vis
The product/service plan contains the
following content standards: - an assessment, which allows
you to determine how suitable
● Purpose of the product/service a particular market is for your
● Product’s unique features
● Marketing and sales strategies
- the distinguishing
characteristics of a product or ● Product/services characteristics
service that helps boost its or features
appeal to potential buyers
- attributes that can be added to
● Material requirements and sources the product definition to extend
of supply the description of each product
(Examples of Characteristics
- Material requirements are are Size, Color, Quality, Shape
supplies needed to operate the or Weight)
business while sources of
supply are details of where the ● Pricing policy (Strategies)
materials will be bought
- The wholesale and retail prices
● Process and equipment that will be for its products or services
used to manufacture the
product/render the service ● Sales projections

- step by step details of how the - The amount of revenue a

product will be made company expects to earn at
some point in the future
● Production/service process and
controls The financial plan presents a forecast for
the future of the business. It explains the
- Step by step details of how the assumptions made when forecast figures
business will operate and were calculated; claims about the product,
controlled in times of problems sales, marketing strategy, and operational
strategy can create financially successful
● Distribution & logistics business
- Details of how to get your
products to your customers
● Start-up cost requirements - If a product/service is set at a
low/median price, it is considered a
- non-recurring costs associated value for the masses.
with setting up a business, - If the price is set at a high range can
such as accountant's fees, be thought of as a luxury good or of
legal fees, registration charges, higher quality.
as well as advertising,
promotional activities, and Primary Considerations in Pricing
employee training
If the price is low:
● Financial projections
- Businesses tend to recover their
- a forecast of future revenues costs slowly, affecting their overall
and expenses growth and targets.
- There is a likelihood that businesses
● Breakeven analysis lose the opportunity to earn more.
- used to determine the number If the price is high:
of units the business needs to
sell in order to avoid losses - Demand (or appeal) can be
affected if price is high.
● Budget - Unless businesses offer an
exclusive product, customers tend
- an estimate of income and to shift to more affordable
expenditure for a set period of substitutes when prices go high.
Common Pricing Techniques
The appendix of supporting documents
provide various supplementary materials Cost-based pricing is the most common
and attachments to expand the reader’s method of pricing techniques.
understanding of the plan.
- Derived from how much is the cost in
● Resume of the key investors and manufacturing/assembling a product
owners/managers (plus labor) then adding desired
● Photographs of products, facilities markup.
and buildings
● Professional references ➔ 6.50 + 5 + 2 + 1.75 + 3.13 + 6.67 +
● Marketing research studies 14.06 = P39.11 (cost to produce one
● Pertinent published research product)
● Signed contract of sale ➔ P39.11 x desired markup (example,
50%) = P19.56
Week 3: Pricing and Marketing Plan ➔ P39.11 + P19.56 = P58.67 SRP
Price is the charge business set for its Competitor-based pricing is used when
products or services. business firms have identified competitors
and as such, they do not deviate their
- It is the exchange rate you put on all prices from their competitors.
the tangible and intangible aspects of
the business. - The common example of this
- It is the assessment of the value strategy is the prices of value meals
customers see in a product/service. of known fast food chains. Their
prices are very near (if not exactly
Pricing sends a message about your similar) to their competitors.
product or service, creating a perceived - The reason behind this strategy is to
value. minimize the likelihood of switching
to competing firms if the price is
higher than what the competition is
offering and at the same time, Marketing mix strategy is choosing and
maximizing potential profit (avoiding implementing the best possible course of
undercharging). action to attain the organization’s long-term
objectives and gain competitive edge.
Value-based pricing is used by firms in
setting the price of a product or service The Original 4Ps
based on the economic value it offers to
the customers. ➔ Product/Service:
- Product refers to any goods or
- Firms are able to capture the services that are produced to meet
maximum amount a customer is the consumer’s wants, tastes, and
willing to pay, significantly improving preferences.
company profits.
- Products’ prices can be increased ➔ Price:
per added value in the product itself. - Price is the value of money in
exchange for a product or service.
➔ When buying gadgets and their
peripherals, when a customer ➔ Place:
chooses a unit with bigger RAM, - Place represents the location where
better display resolution, the latest the buyer and seller exchanges
processor, etc, then this customer goods or services.
can expect that the price he/she has - It is also called the distribution
to pay will be higher than units with channel.
basic specs. - It can include any physical
store/virtual stores/online shops on
Marketing Mix the Internet.

Marketing mix or 7Ps of marketing is the ➔ Promotion:

process of designing and integrating - Promotion refers to the complete set
various elements of marketing in such a of activities, which communicate the
way to ensure the achievement of product, brand or service to the user.
enterprise objectives.
The Extended Marketing Mix
- It is the combination of the product,
distribution system, price structure, ➔ People:
and promotional activities. - People are one of the most important
- It is a set of controllable and elements of the marketing mix today.
connected variables that a company This is because of the remarkable
gathers to satisfy a customer better rise of the services industry.
than its competitors.
- According to Philip Kotler, ➔ Packaging:
“Marketing mix is the mixture of - Packaging refers to the outside
controllable marketing variables that appearance of the product and how it
the firm uses to pursue the sought is presented to the customers.
level of sales in the target market.” ➔ Positioning:
- Positioning refers to a process used
by marketers to create an image in
the minds of a target market.

Two Types of Products

➔ Goods (Tangible):
- Goods are tangible items with
physical attributes that you can
touch, feel, and see— like color, size,
shape, and weight.
- Individuals can use it whether that’s Personal selling or salesmanship and
single-use, used repeatedly, or even management relating to personal selling is
shared with someone else. sales force management.

➔ Services (Intangible): Sales promotion involves offering

- Services are intangible activities, short-term incentives to prompt buying and
amenities, benefits, or assistance increase sales.
that one person or business performs
or provides to another. - It includes temporary efforts to attract
- The receiver of the service usually customers and induce them to buy.
pays for the service because the
provider of the service possesses the Publicity is a non-person stimulation of
skill or the required experience to fill demand for the product, service or
a need based on customer demand. business unit by placing commercially
significant news in mass media or getting a
Stages of Distribution Channel favorable presentation on radio, television
or stage that is not paid by the sponsor.
Channel 1 contains two stages between
produce and consumer— a wholesaler and - It is also a part of public relations.
a retailer.
- A wholesaler typically buys and
stores large quantities of several Process is a series of actions necessary to
producers’ goods and then breaks provide products or services with the best
into bulk deliveries to supply retailers service to consumers.
with smaller quantities. - A process can contain methods or
- For small retailers with limited order procedures applied to obtain the
quantities, the use of wholesalers products needed by consumers.
makes economic sense. - A service process has to be fast,
Channel 2 contains one intermediary. easy, and friendly to give more value
to consumers of a product.
- In consumer markets, this is typically
a retailer which is a company that Physical Evidence
buys products from a manufacturer Physical evidence is a device needed to
or wholesaler and sells them to end support the appearance of a product , thus
users or customers. directly showing the quality of the products
Channel 3 is called a “direct-marketing provided to consumers.
channel” since it has no intermediary Week 4: 4Ms of Operation/Production
levels. System
- In this case, the manufacturer sells The most critical factors in the whole
directly to customers.
production system are the inputs and the
Promotion Elements or Tools transformation process.

Advertising is a popular and powerful tool - Their quality determines the quality of
of market promotion. the output.​
- It is a paid form of non-personal
The factors involved in the input and the
presentation and promotion of ideas,
production process are usually referred to
goods, and services by an identified
as the four Ms of production - method,
machine, and materials.
- It is a tool for mass communication.
Method Manpower

Method refers to the process or technique Manpower simply refers to the human
of converting raw materials to finished workforce involved in the manufacture of
goods.​ products. ​
- The raw material undergoes several - It is considered as the most critical
stages before it is completed and and important factor of production.
becomes ready for delivery to the - without manpower you are unable to
target consumers.​ get your work done. Untrained man
- The manager will determine the can cause damage to goods.​
most efficient way for each portion - If a man has skills and expertise,
the process to be done to eliminate then he can use the other 3Ms
damage to the product and to effectively.
eliminate areas where time and - Employer and employee relationship
manpower are be wasted. ​ has to be maintained on mutual
- Setting and adhering to the right self-respect. Entrepreneurship
operating standards​. requires a well-equipped manpower
that can deliver the goods.
The product is the physical output of the - Building the team.
whole production process.

- It should be valuable and beneficial To get the right people, they must adhere
to the consumers and should satisfy to the four functional areas of
their basic needs and wants. management:

➔ Heterogeneous Product: 1. Marketing

- It has dissimilar characteristics, ● Ordering of supplies
parts, and physical appearance. ● Sales contract preparation and
- It can easily be identified from other business permit renewals
products.​ ● Keeping and maintenance of
- e.g. furniture, bags, and home personnel records
decors ● Business communication and
➔ Homogenous Product: inquiries, etc.
- It has a physical appearance, taste, 2. Production
or chemical content that can hardly
be distinguished from that of the ● Product manufacture or service
other products.​ delivery
- e.g. soft drinks and medicines ● Machine operation
● Repair and maintenance
The mode of production refers to how the ● Quality control
product will be produced. ● Raw materials and finished
product inventory, etc.
1. Intermittent production system​
a. project method​ 3. Finance
b. job order method​ ● Bookkeeping
c. batch method​ ● Payroll preparation
● Settlement of payables and
2. Continuous production system​ collection of receivables
3. 3. Just-in-time production system ● Petty cash management, etc.
4. Administration ➔ By group:
- This layout arranges operations in
● Ordering of supplies such a way that a group of people
● Sales contract preparation and working together has all the
business permit renewals necessary equipment and tools to
● Keeping and maintenance of complete the work.
personnel records
● Business communication and Materials
inquiries, etc.
Materials simply refers to the raw
Machine materials needed in the production of a
Machine refers to the manufacturing
equipment used in the production of goods - Materials basically form part of the
or delivery of services. finished product.​

Four major types of layout: process, Raw materials inventory is when a

product, fixed position, and group. Of the manufacturer maintains a stock of all the
four, the most common are the process raw materials to ensure continuous
and product layouts​. production of goods.

➔ By process: Finished goods inventory refers to the

- Also known as layout by function, supply of goods produced by a
this type of layout groups all activities manufacturer, but which remain unsold. ​
of the same nature together.
- A good example is a furniture-making Methods of Inventory Valuation
factory where you find cutting,
forming bending, welding/ assembly, First-in, First-out (FIFO) is an inventory
finishing, and packing done in method of valuation that assumes that the
different sections.​ stock you acquired earliest is sold (or used
up) first.
➔ By product:
- This layout is more for mass - Since each sale is made out of the
production operations. oldest goods in stock, the ending
- In this type of layout, the different inventory therefore consists of the
machines and equipment are most recently acquired goods.
arranged in sequence to process
only one product or a few but very Last-in, First-out (LIFO) is an inventory
similar products. method of valuation that assumes that the
- Examples of these are automobile stock acquired most recently is sold (or
assembly, food processing, and used up) first. ​
bottling plants​.

➔ By fixed position:
- In this type of layout, the product
does not move around the shop floor.
Instead, all the necessary materials,
equipment and machinery are
brought to it.
- This type of layout is common in the
assembly of bus and jeepney bodies,
and in shipyards.
Week 6: SWOT Analysis base their strategy based on your
SWOT stands for Strength, Weaknesses, - The weaknesses are areas you can
Opportunities, and Threats. look to improve on.
➔ Internal factors: Opportunities
- Strengths (positive) and weaknesses
(negative) Opportunities are situations which the
company can take advantage of.
➔ External factors:
- Opportunities (positive) and threats - You can NOT control these factors.
(negative) - Can come in the form of trends,
change in taste, economic factors,
SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning and so on.
- It is a compilation of the company’s
strengths, weaknesses, Threats are things that are beyond your
opportunities, and threats. control.
- It helps organizations or a person
develop a full awareness of all the - They prevent you from making most
factors involved in making a business of your resources; thus, your
decision. marketing strategy will fail due to
- In doing SWOT Analysis, you will be such reasons.
armed with a solid strategy for - They are situations that you need to
prioritizing the work that you need to avoid or at least minimize.
do to grow your business.

For existing businesses, you can assess

their current situation and determine a
strategy to move forward.

For startup businesses, you can help

codify or systematize a strategy so that you
start off on the right foot and know the
direction that you plan on going.


Strengths are things which you have full

control over.

- These are the things that the

company does well.
- Resources, skilled labors,
investment, machineries, and so on.


Weaknesses are things which you have

full control over.

- These things will hinder your

progress and prevent you from
working at optimum level.
- If a competitor knows your
weakness, then they are likely to

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