Frictional Resistance of Antifouling Coating Systems: Michael P. Schultz

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Frictional Resistance of

Antifouling Coating Systems

An experimental study has been made to compare the frictional resistance of several ship
hull coatings in the unfouled, fouled, and cleaned conditions. Hydrodynamic tests were
Michael P. Schultz completed in a towing tank using a flat plate test fixture towed at a Reynolds number
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean
共 Re L 兲 range of 2.8⫻ 106 – 5.5⫻ 106 based on the plate length and towing velocity. The
results indicate little difference in frictional resistance coefficient 共 C F 兲 among the coat-
United States Naval Academy,
ings in the unfouled condition. Significant differences were observed after 287 days of
Annapolis, MD 21402
marine exposure, with the silicone antifouling coatings showing the largest increases in
C F . While several of the surfaces returned to near their unfouled resistance after clean-
ing, coating damage led to significant increases in C F for other coatings. The roughness
function ⌬U ⫹ for the unfouled coatings showed reasonable collapse to a Colebrook-type
roughness function when the centerline average height 共 k ⫽ 0.17R a 兲 was used as the
roughness length scale. Excellent collapse of the roughness function for the barnacle
fouled surfaces was obtained using a new roughness length scale based on the barnacle
height and percent coverage. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1845552兴

Introduction address the effect of fouling was made. This was likely due to the
fact that the TBT systems provided long term fouling control with
The settlement and subsequent growth of flora and fauna on minimal fouling settlement.
surfaces exposed in aquatic environments is termed biofouling. A great deal of research has also been devoted to studying the
Biofouling on ship hulls leads to increased surface roughness, effects of fouling on drag. Much of this has addressed calcareous
frictional resistance, and fuel consumption, e.g. 关1– 6兴. A recent macrofouling 共e.g., barnacles, oysters, etc.兲 and is reviewed in
paper by Townsin 关7兴 provides a comprehensive review of much Marine Fouling and Its Prevention 关23兴. Similar studies focusing
of the research in this area. In order to control the problem, anti- on the effect of plant fouling and biofilms date back to McEntee
fouling 共AF兲 coatings are used. Most of these coatings incorporate 关24兴. Further work to better quantify the effect that slime films
biocides which are toxic to marine organisms. The environmental have on drag was carried out by Benson et al. 关2兴, Denny 关3兴,
impact of tributyl tin 共TBT兲 biocides in AF coatings has led to Watanabe et al. 关5兴, and Picologlou et al. 关25兴. More recently,
their ban on vessels of length ⬍25 m in most industrialized coun- Lewthwaite et al. 关4兴 and Haslbeck and Bohlander 关26兴 conducted
tries 关8兴, and a worldwide ban on the application of TBT AF full-scale ship tests to determine the effect of fouling on the drag
of copper-based coatings. Schultz and Swain 关27兴 and Schultz
coatings on all vessels was imposed by the International Maritime
关28兴 used laser Doppler velocimetry to study the details of turbu-
Organization in 2003 关9兴. Copper-based coatings are the primary
lent boundary layers developing over biofilms and filamentous
replacement for TBT coatings, but they are less effective in con- algae, respectively. The results of all these studies indicate that
trolling fouling and may also become the target of environmental relatively thin fouling layers can significantly increase drag.
legislation. For this reason, there has been a great deal of interest Despite the fairly large body of research that has been con-
in developing non-toxic replacements, e.g., 关10,11兴. The most ducted, there are little if any reliable data available to compare the
promising alternatives to date are polydimethylsiloxane 共PDMS兲 hydrodynamic performance of the nontoxic, fouling-release sur-
silicone elastomer coatings 关12,13兴. These coatings, termed foul- faces with the biocide-based systems over the coating life cycle.
ing release, do not prevent fouling settlement 关14兴 but reduce the Some preliminary data from Candries et al. 关11兴 seem to indicate
adhesion strength of the fouling organisms by an order of magni- that in the unfouled condition, fouling-release systems may have
tude or more compared to traditional AF coatings 关15兴. Since slightly less frictional resistance than traditional AF coatings de-
fouling-release coatings do not prevent fouling, they must be eas- spite having a larger mean roughness. These results have yet to be
ily cleaned mechanically or be self-cleaning at operational speeds validated and no data were offered for fouled coatings or for
fouled coatings that have been cleaned. The purpose of the present
in order to be effective 关16兴.
research is to compare the performance of fouling-release coatings
The effect of hull condition is of great importance to the per- with biocide-based AF coatings in the unfouled, fouled, and
formance of marine vehicles. Skin friction on some hull types can cleaned conditions.
account for as much as 90% of the total drag even when the hull
is free of fouling 关17兴. For this reason, understanding and predict-
ing frictional drag has been the focus of a substantial body of Background
research. Several previous investigations have looked at the effect
The mean velocity profile in the inner portion of a turbulent
of surface roughness on the frictional drag of unfouled marine boundary layer, outside of the viscous sublayer, can be expressed
paints. These include studies by Musker 关18兴, Townsin et al. 关19兴, as the classical log law
Granville 关20兴, Medhurst 关21兴, and Grigson 关22兴. Most of this
work centered on characterizing the change in roughness and drag 1
U ⫹ ⫽ ln共 y ⫹ 兲 ⫹B. (1)
of the self polishing copolymer 共SPC兲 TBT systems. No effort to ␬
Clauser 关29兴 contended that the mean velocity profile in the inner
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL
OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division
layer of rough wall flows also exhibits a log law with the same
March 21, 2004; revised manuscript received June 12, 2004. Review conducted by: slope as that of the smooth wall outside the roughness sublayer.
Steven L. Ceccio. The log-law intercept, however, is shifted downward from that of

Journal of Fluids Engineering Copyright © 2004 by ASME NOVEMBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 1039

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the smooth wall. The downward shift is called the roughness func-
tion ⌬U ⫹ , and can be used to express the log law over rough
walls as follows:
k ⫹⫽ 冉 冊冉
L 冊冉冑 冊 冋 冉冑 冊 冉

2 R

1 3
␬ 2␬

U ⫹ ⫽ ln共 y ⫹ 兲 ⫹B⫺⌬U ⫹ .

(2) 冊冉 冊 册
⫺⌬U ⫹ ⬘
2 R

冉冑 冊 冉冑 冊 冋冉冑 冊 冉冑 冊 册
⌬U ⫹ is a function of the roughness Reynolds number k ⫹ defined
2 2 CF CF
as the ratio of the roughness length scale k to the viscous length ⌬U ⫹ ⫽ ⫺ ⫺19.7 ⫺
scale ␯ /U ␶ . CF S
2 S
2 R

冉冑 冊
Clauser 关29兴 and Hama 关30兴 both proposed that the outer region
of the boundary layer for both smooth and rough walls obeys the 1 CF
⫺ ⌬U ⫹ ⬘ (6)
velocity defect law given as ␬ 2

U e ⫺U y
⫽f . (3) Further details of the development of these equations are given in
U␶ ␦ 关20兴. Recent results by Schultz and Myers 关33兴 show good agree-
The physical implication of a universal defect law is that the mean ment between the roughness functions determined by Granville’s
velocity in the outer layer is independent of surface condition method and those measured directly using the local mean velocity
except for the effect that it has on U ␶ . Experimental support for a profile. It is of note that once ⌬U ⫹ ⫽ f (k ⫹ ) for a roughness, it can
universal velocity defect profile on smooth and rough walls can be be used in a computational boundary layer code or a similarity
found in recent studies by Krogstad and Antonia 关31兴 and Schultz law analysis 关34兴 to predict the drag of any body covered with that
and Flack 关32兴. Hama 关30兴 showed that by evaluating Eqs. 共1兲–共3兲 roughness.
for y⫽ ␦ at the same value of the displacement thickness Rey-
nolds number Re␦* , the roughness function can be expressed as

⌬U ⫹ ⫽ 冉冑 冊 冉冑 冊
cf S

cf R
. (4)
Experimental Facilities and Method
The experiments were conducted in the 115 m long towing tank
facility at the United States Naval Academy Hydromechanics
Granville 关20兴 offers an alternative method for determining the Laboratory, Annapolis, Maryland. The experimental facilities and
roughness function indirectly. In this method, the overall frictional method used in the present study were similar to those used by
drag of a flat plate covered with a given roughness is related to the Schultz 关35兴. The width and depth of the tank are 7.9 m and 4.9 m,
local wall shear stress and mean velocity profile at the trailing respectively. The towing carriage has a velocity range of 0–7.6
edge of the plate. The analysis is based on the assumption of m/s. In the present study, the towing velocity was varied between
boundary layer similarity for rough and smooth walls as expressed 2.0 and 3.8 m/s (ReL⫽2.8⫻106 – 5.5⫻106 ). The velocity of the
in Eqs. 共1兲–共3兲. Granville’s procedure involves comparing the C F towing carriage was measured and controlled using an encoder on
values of smooth and rough plates at the same value of ReL CF . the rails that produce 4000 pulses/m. Using this system, the pre-
The resulting equations for k ⫹ and ⌬U ⫹ are given in Eqs. 共5兲 and cision uncertainty in the mean velocity measurement was ⬍0.02%
共6兲, respectively. over the entire velocity range tested. The working fluid in the

Fig. 1 Schematic of the flat plate test fixture

1040 Õ Vol. 126, NOVEMBER 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 1 Fouling coverage for the AF surfaces after 287 days exposure. Results are expressed
in accordance with ASTM D3623 †36‡.

Test coverage Slime Hydroids Barnacles
surface 共%兲 共%兲 共%兲 共%兲 Fouling description
Silicone 1 75 10 5 60 Uniform coverage of barnacles
共⬃6 mm in height兲
Silicone 2 95 15 5 75 Uniform coverage of barnacles
共⬃7 mm in height兲
Ablative 76 75 0 1 Dense layer of diatomaceous and
copper bacterial slime with very isolated
barnacles 共⬃5 mm in height兲
SPC copper 73 65 3 4 Moderate layer of diatomaceous
and bacterial slime with isolated
barnacles 共⬃5 mm in height兲
SPC TBT 70 70 0 0 Light layer of diatomaceous and
bacterial slime 共⬃1 mm in height兲

experiments was fresh water, and the temperature was monitored Five antifouling coating systems were tested. Two of these were
to within ⫾0.05°C during the course of the experiments using a PDMS silicone AF systems, which will be referred to as silicone 1
thermocouple with digital readout. and 2. One was an ablative copper AF system, typical of that
Figure 1 shows a schematic of the test fixture and plate. The flat presently used by the U.S. Navy on its surface combatants. SPC
test plate was fabricated from 304 stainless steel sheet stock and copper and SPC TBT paint systems were also tested. All of the
measured 1.52 m in length, 0.76 m in width, and 3.2 mm in paints were applied as directed by the paint manufacturer using
thickness. Both the leading and trailing edges were filleted to a the suggested surface preparation, primer, and tiecoat. The paint
radius of 1.6 mm. No tripping device was used to stimulate tran- application was carried out by the Naval Surface Warfare Center-
sition. The overall drag of the plate was measured using a Model Carderock, Paints and Processes Branch 共Code 641兲 using airless
HI-M-2, modular variable-reluctance displacement force trans- spray. Three control surfaces were also tested. These included test
ducer manufactured by Hydronautics Inc. An identical force trans- plates covered with 60-grit and 220-grit wet/dry sandpaper and a
ducer, rotated 90° to the drag gauge, was included in the test rig to polished smooth surface. The surface profiles of all the test plates
measure the side force on the plate. The purpose of the side force before exposure in the marine environment and after cleaning
gage was to ensure precise alignment of the plate. This was ac- were measured using a Cyber Optics laser diode point range sen-
complished by repeatedly towing the plate at a constant velocity sor laser profilometer system mounted to a Parker Daedal two-
and adjusting the yaw angle of the test fixture to minimize the side axis traverse with a resolution of 5 ␮m. The resolution of the
force. Once this was done, no further adjustments were made to sensor is 1 ␮m with a laser spot diameter of 10 ␮m. Data were
the alignment over the course of the experiments. The side force taken over a sampling length of 50 mm and were digitized at a
was monitored throughout to confirm that the plate alignment did sampling interval of 25 ␮m. Ten linear profiles were taken on
not vary between test surfaces. Both of the force transducers used each of the test surfaces. A single three-dimensional topographic
in the experiments had load ranges of 0–110 N. The combined profile was made on each of the surfaces by sampling over a
bias uncertainty of the gages is ⫾0.25% of full scale. Data were square area 2.5 mm on a side with a sampling interval of 25 ␮m.
gathered at a sampling rate of 100 Hz and were digitized using a The antifouling coatings were tested in three different condi-
16-bit analog-to-digital converter. The sampling duration ranged tions; unfouled, fouled, and cleaned. The unfouled condition was
from 30 s per test run at the lowest Reynolds number to 10 s per the as-applied painted surface, prior to marine exposure. The
test run at the highest Reynolds number. The overall drag was first fouled condition was after exposure in the Severn River 共Annapo-
measured with 590 mm of the plate submerged. This was repeated lis, Maryland兲 from September 16, 2002 until June 30, 2003 共287
with 25 mm of the plate submerged in order to find the wavemak- days兲. The cleaned condition was the test surface after removal of
ing resistance tare. The difference between the two was taken to the fouling using a nylon brush. It should be noted that the control
be the frictional resistance on the two 565 mm wide by 1.52 m test surfaces were not exposed in the marine environment. The
long faces of the plate. The tests were repeated three times for exposure site at the U.S. Naval Academy was located near the
each surface and Reynolds number. The results presented are the confluence of the Severn River and the Chesapeake Bay 共Annapo-
means of these runs. lis, Maryland兲. The test plates were held vertically at ⬃0.2 m

Table 2 Roughness statistics for all test surfaces in the unfouled and cleaned condition

Unfouled Cleaned
Ra Rq Rt Ra Rq Rt
Test surface 共␮m兲 共␮m兲 共␮m兲 共␮m兲 共␮m兲 共␮m兲
Silicone 1 12⫾2 14⫾2 66⫾7 10⫾2 13⫾2 76⫾11
Silicone 2 14⫾2 17⫾2 85⫾8 19⫾1 23⫾1 142⫾21
Ablative 13⫾1 16⫾1 83⫾6 11⫾1 14⫾1 77⫾ 5
SPC copper 15⫾1 18⫾1 97⫾10 18⫾2 23⫾2 112⫾ 5
SPC TBT 20⫾1 24⫾2 129⫾9 22⫾2 27⫾2 135⫾ 7
60-grit SP 126⫾5 160⫾7 983⫾89 NA NA NA
220-grit SP 30⫾2 38⫾2 275⫾17 NA NA NA
Smooth ⬍1 ⬍1 ⬍1 NA NA NA

Note: Uncertainties represent 95% confidence precision error bounds.

Journal of Fluids Engineering NOVEMBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 1041

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below the mean low water level. The plates were exposed and the
fouling coverage was evaluated according to ASTM D3623 关36兴.
The water temperature at the exposure site ranged from 1°C to
27°C and the salinity from 4 ppt to 10 ppt during the exposure
period. The fouling coverage after 287 days is given in Table 1.
After hydrodynamic testing, the fouled plates were cleaned using
a nylon brush and a garden hose. The surface roughness of the test
surfaces in the unfouled and cleaned condition is given in Table 2.

Uncertainty Estimates
Precision uncertainty estimates for the frictional drag measure-
ments were made through repeatability tests using the standard
procedure outlined by Moffat 关37兴. Three replicate towing tests
were made with each surface at each Reynolds number. The stan-
dard error for C F was then calculated. The 95% precision confi-
dence limits for a mean statistic were obtained by multiplying the
standard error by the two-tailed t value (t⫽4.303) for two degrees
of freedom given by Coleman and Steele 关38兴. The resulting pre-
cision uncertainties in C F were ⭐⫾1% for all the tests. The over-
all precision and bias error was dominated by the systematic error
due to the combined bias of the force gages 共⫾0.25% of full Fig. 2 Overall frictional resistance coefficient versus Rey-
scale兲. The resulting precision and bias uncertainty in C F ranged nolds number for all test surfaces in the unfouled condition.
from ⫾5% at the lowest Reynolds number to ⫾2% at the highest „Overall uncertainty in C F : Á2% at highest Reynolds number;
Reynolds number. To insure the accuracy of the results, the con- Á5% at lowest Reynolds number.…
trol sandpaper and smooth test plates were run periodically
throughout the experiments to check that the resulting mean C F
value was within the precision uncertainty bounds that had previ- tively, at the highest Reynolds number. Although the silicone
ously been obtained. The overall precision and bias error for the fouling-release surfaces tended to have lower frictional resistance
roughness function ⌬U ⫹ ranged from ⫾16% or 0.2 共whichever is than the other AF surfaces over the entire range of Reynolds num-
larger兲 at the lowest Reynolds number to ⫾6% or 0.1 共whichever ber tested, the differences observed were within the experimental
is larger兲 at the highest Reynolds number. uncertainty. A trend of lower drag on silicone fouling-release sur-
faces than for traditional AF paints was also noted by Candries
Results and Discussion et al. 关11兴. In the present case, the lower drag can be explained by
the fact that the silicone surfaces were smoother than the other AF
The presentation of the results and discussion will be organized
surfaces 共Table 2兲. However, Candries et al. 关11,40兴 noted lower
as follows. First, the frictional resistance results will be presented
drag even when the silicones were rougher than traditional AF
for the test surfaces in the unfouled, fouled, and cleaned condi-
surfaces. They attributed the lower drag to the longer wavelength
tions. These results will then be used to develop a relationship
of the roughness inherent for silicone coatings. Figure 3 shows
between the physical surface roughness and the roughness func-
representative surface profiles for Silicone 1 and the ablative cop-
tion ⌬U ⫹ . Finally, the frictional resistance will be scaled up to per coating that illustrate the differences in the roughness between
ship scale using similarity law analysis to determine the likely silicones and traditional biocide-based AF coatings. It can be seen
effect of these forms of roughness on ship frictional resistance. that the silicone roughness is populated by longer wavelengths
Frictional Resistance, C F . The results of the frictional resis- than the copper surface. The wave-number spectra for the two
tance tests for the surfaces in the unfouled condition are presented surfaces presented in Fig. 4 clearly show a greater contribution to
in Fig. 2. The Kármán-Schoenherr friction line for a smooth plate the roughness from the low wave-number scales on the silicone as
is also shown for comparison 关39兴. This friction line is defined as compared to the copper surface. The relationship between the sur-
face roughness and the increase in drag will be discussed further
0.242 in the roughness function section.
⫽log共 ReL C F 兲 . (7)
冑C F The results of the frictional resistance tests for the surfaces in
the fouled condition are presented in Fig. 5. All of the fouled
The present smooth plate results agree within ⬃1% with the surfaces exhibited a significant increase in frictional resistance
Kármán-Schoenherr friction line as was also observed in a previ- compared to the smooth control over the entire Reynolds number
ous investigation in this facility 关35兴. At the lowest Reynolds range. The increase was greatest for the two silicone plates, which
number, the AF test surfaces all showed an increase in C F com- had C F values three to four times higher than the smooth surface.
pared to the smooth control. Silicone 1 and 2 had the smallest These surfaces, not surprisingly, had the heaviest coverage of bar-
increase 共1%兲, while the SPC TBT surface had the largest one nacles. These results indicate that if silicones are to be effective
共4%兲. It should be noted that while all of the AF surfaces had ship hull coatings they must be capable of hydrodynamic self-
higher frictional resistance at the lowest Reynolds number than cleaning or be easily cleaned mechanically. The towing speeds in
the smooth control, the differences were within the experimental the present study were not high enough to cause significant self-
uncertainty of the measurements. The 60-grit and 220-grit sand- cleaning of the coating. Further studies are needed in which the
paper controls exhibited increases in C F of 66% and 17%, respec- coated surfaces are towed at higher speeds in order to address the
tively, compared to the smooth test surface at the lowest Reynolds possible effect of self-cleaning on the drag. The ablative copper
number. The effect of the surface roughness became larger with and SPC copper surfaces, which showed much lighter barnacle
increasing Reynolds number. The increase in C F for the AF sur- fouling 共1%– 4%兲, had increases in C F that ranged from 87%–
faces ranged from 4% for silicone 1 to 8% for the SPC TBT 138%. The present results support findings of the classic pontoon
surface at the highest Reynolds number. These differences are resistance experiments carried out by Kempf 关1兴 which also
beyond the combined experimental uncertainty of the measure- showed very large increases in frictional resistance with barnacle
ments and can be considered significant. The 60-grit and 220-grit fouling. Recently, similar results were obtained in uncoated pipe
sandpaper controls had increases in C F of 83% and 31%, respec- flow experiments over barnacles by Leer-Andersen and Larsson

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Fig. 5 Overall frictional resistance coefficient versus Rey-
nolds number for all test surfaces in the fouled condition after
287 days exposure. „Overall uncertainty in C F : Á2% at highest
Reynolds number; Á5% at lowest Reynolds number.…

present drag tests were carried out in fresh water, not the estuarine
water that the fouling developed in. However, there was little
difference visually in the fouling before and after exposure to the
fresh water, and the invertebrate organisms, such as barnacles,
remained alive. Also, since the salinity of the estuarine water was
low, it is not felt that testing in fresh water caused undue stress on
the fouling or significantly affected the results.
The results of the frictional resistance tests for the surfaces in
Fig. 3 Plan view of the surface waveform for „a… silicone 1 the cleaned condition are presented in Fig. 6. All the AF surfaces
specimen; „b… Ablative copper specimen. „Overall uncertainty: showed an increased C F as compared to the smooth control at the
y direction, Á1 ␮m; x and z directions, Á5 ␮m.… lowest Reynolds number. Silicone 1 and the ablative copper
showed the smallest increase 共3%兲, while the SPC TBT surface
had the largest drag increment 共7%兲. However, these differences
关6兴. It is of note that the SPC TBT surface showed an increase in were within the experimental uncertainty of the measurements.
C F of 58%– 68%, despite being covered with only a thin layer of The effect of the surface roughness was more pronounced at
slime. This supports the observations of Schultz and Swain 关27兴
and Haslbeck and Bohlander 关26兴 that show that surfaces covered
with a light biofilm, otherwise free of calcareous fouling, can
exhibit a significant increase in drag. The relationship between the
fouling coverage and the increase in drag will be discussed further
in the roughness function section. It should be noted that the

Fig. 6 Overall frictional resistance coefficient versus Rey-

nolds number for all test surfaces in the cleaned condition.
Fig. 4 Wave-number spectra of the surface waveforms for sili- „Overall uncertainty in C F : Á2% at highest Reynolds number;
cone 1 and ablative copper Á5% at lowest Reynolds number.…

Journal of Fluids Engineering NOVEMBER 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 1043

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Fig. 7 Roughness function for all test surfaces in the unfouled Fig. 8 Roughness function for the AF test surfaces in the un-
condition. †Overall uncertainty in ⌬ U ¿ : Á6% or Á0.1 „which- fouled condition. †Overall uncertainty in ⌬ U ¿ : Á6% or Á0.1
ever is larger… at highest Reynolds number; Á16% or Á0.2 „whichever is larger… at highest Reynolds number; Á16% or
„whichever is larger… at lowest Reynolds number.‡ Á0.2 „whichever is larger… at lowest Reynolds number.‡

higher Reynolds number. The increase in C F for the AF surfaces spectra 共i.e., Townsin et al. 关19兴兲, the mean absolute roughness
ranged from 5% for silicone 1 to 15% for silicone 2 compared to slope 共i.e., Musker 关18兴兲 and combinations thereof, were consid-
the smooth control at the highest Reynolds number. These differ- ered as possible roughness length scales for the unfouled AF sur-
ences are greater than the combined experimental uncertainty of faces. The best fit of these results was found using a simple mul-
the measurements and are considered significant. The ablative tiple of the centerline average height, R a , as k. R a was suggested
copper and silicone 1 both returned to nearly their unfouled fric- to be a suitable roughness scaling parameter for sanded paint sur-
tional resistance, while silicone 2 and the SPC TBT showed sig- faces by Schultz and Flack 关32兴. With k⫽0.17R a , 75% of the
nificant increases in resistance. The roughness on the ablative cop- variance 共i.e., R2 ⫽0.75) in ⌬U ⫹ could be explained using a
per, silicone 1, and the SPC TBT did not change from the Colebrook-type roughness function 关Eq. 共8兲兴. The results pre-
unfouled to the cleaned conditions 共Table 2兲, while the roughness sented in Figs. 7 and 8 show that reasonable agreement is obtained
on silicone 2 increased. It is believed that isolated coating damage using this scaling considering the relatively large uncertainty in
due to exposure and cleaning led to increased drag on the SPC ⌬U ⫹ as k ⫹ →0. Candries et al. 关40兴 assert that a roughness pa-
TBT surface, although it was isolated enough not to significantly rameter based on both R a and the mean absolute slope adequately
affect the measured roughness statistics. The differences in sur- collapses a range of unfouled AF surfaces. This scaling was tried
face roughness and how they relate to the frictional resistance will in the present study, but did no better job of collapsing the results
be discussed further in the roughness function section. than R a alone. It is of note that the scatter in ⌬U ⫹ in the study of
Roughness Function ⌬U ¿ . The roughness functions ⌬U ⫹ Candries et al. was larger than in the present study. The results
for the test surfaces in the unfouled, fouled, and cleaned condition seem to indicate that the differences in roughness wavelength ob-
were found by means of the similarity law analysis of Granville served between the silicones and traditional AF paints in this
关20兴 developed for flat plates. This was carried out by solving Eqs. study 共see Figs. 3 and 4兲 are not large enough to significantly
共5兲 and 共6兲 iteratively for k ⫹ and ⌬U ⫹ , respectively. It should be influence the frictional drag.
noted that the choice of k for a given roughness has no effect on The roughness functions for the fouled surfaces are presented in
Fig. 9. In order to develop suitable scaling parameters for the
the calculated ⌬U ⫹ despite its apparent dependence on k through
fouled surfaces it was decided to divide the surfaces into those
the ⌬U ⫹ ⬘ term in Eqs. 共5兲 and 共6兲. This is because the effect of with barnacle fouling and those without 共only the SPC TBT sur-
changing k on ⌬U ⫹ is to simply move the curve along the ab- face兲. In developing a scaling parameter for the surfaces with
scissa without changing its slope. The roughness function results barnacle fouling, it was assumed that the largest roughness heights
for all the test surfaces in the unfouled condition are shown in Fig. 共i.e., the height of the largest barnacles兲 have the dominant influ-
7 and for the unfouled AF surfaces in Fig. 8. Shown for compari- ence on drag and that effect of increased percent coverage of
son is the roughness function for uniform sand given by Schlich- barnacles on drag is largest for small coverage and smaller for
ting 关41兴 based on the classical experiments of Nikuradse 关42兴 and large coverage. These assumptions were gleaned from the present
a Colebrook-type roughness function of Grigson 关22兴 for random results and the pipe flow experiments of Leer-Andersen and Lars-
roughness given as son 关6兴, as well as the observations of Bradshaw for typical rough-
1 ness types 关43兴. Based on this, the following roughness length
⌬U ⫹ ⫽ ln共 1⫹k ⫹ 兲 . (8) scale was developed for the barnacle-fouled surfaces:

k⫽0.059R t 共 % Barnacle Fouling兲 1/2. (9)
The roughness functions for the rough sandpaper controls show
excellent agreement with a Schlichting uniform sand roughness R t here is taken to be the height of the largest barnacles, given in
function using k⫽0.75R t . This was also observed in previous the last column of Table 1. Using this scaling, excellent collapse
investigations by the present author using a range of direct and (R 2 ⫽0.98) is obtained for the present results with a Colebrook-
indirect methods to obtain ⌬U ⫹ 关32,33兴. All of the roughness type roughness function 关Eq. 共8兲兴. Further study is needed to as-
length scales in Table 2, as well as moments of the wavenumber sess the validity of this scaling on a range of fouled surfaces and

1044 Õ Vol. 126, NOVEMBER 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 11 Increase in C F at ship-scale „ L Ä150 m… for the test
surfaces in the unfouled, fouled, and cleaned conditions for U
É6.2 mÕs „12 knots…

Fig. 9 Roughness function for the AF test surfaces in the

fouled condition after 287 days exposure. †Overall uncertainty improvement. It is felt that the inability to collapse results for the
in ⌬ U ¿ : Á6% or Á0.1 „whichever is larger… at highest Reynolds cleaned surfaces stems from small areas of coating damage due to
number; Á16% or Á0.2 „whichever is larger… at lowest Rey- exposure in the marine environment and subsequent cleaning. The
nolds number.‡
likelihood of these areas being randomly sampled when the
roughness height measurements are made is small. However, the
effect of the damage on the overall frictional resistance of the
its applicability to other calcareous fouling types. The SPC TBT surface is quite significant. Further work is, therefore, needed to
remained free of barnacle fouling over the course of exposure and identify a robust roughness scaling parameter and sampling rou-
was covered with only a light slime film. The roughness function tine suitable for a wider range of coating types and conditions.
for this surface collapsed well (R 2 ⫽0.90) with a Colebrook-type
roughness function 关Eq. 共8兲兴 using k⫽0.11R t , where R t is the Frictional Resistance, C F , at Ship-Scale. Granville 关34兴
estimated thickness of the slime film using a wet film paint thick- gives a similarity law procedure for calculating the effect of a
ness gauge, given in the last column of Table 1. The slime film given roughness on the frictional resistance of a planar surface of
thickness measurement procedure is described in greater detail in arbitrary length using the roughness function obtained for a flat
Schultz and Swain 关27兴. plate in a lab. This was carried out using the present highest Rey-
The roughness functions for the cleaned surfaces are presented nolds number results for a plate length, L, of 150 m. This length
in Fig. 10. It was decided to use the same roughness scaling for was selected because it is representative of many midsized mer-
the cleaned AF surfaces as for the unfouled surfaces (k chant ships as well as Naval surface combatants such as frigates
⫽0.17R a ). As can be seen in Fig. 10, this choice of k gives poor and destroyers. Figure 11 shows the results of the similarity law
collapse of the results. Other choices did not yield significant analysis for all surfaces in the unfouled, fouled, and cleaned con-
ditions for U⬇6.2 m/s 共12 knots兲. The results are presented as
percent increase in C F compared to a smooth surface. The in-
crease in C F for the AF surfaces in the unfouled condition ranged
from 3% for silicone 1 to 6% for the SPC TBT surface. This
indicates that only small differences in the performance of these
coatings are likely when a ship is freshly out of drydock. The
60-grit and 220-grit sandpaper controls had increases in C F of
59% and 22%, respectively.
The increase in C F for the AF surfaces in the fouled condition
ranged from 50% for SPC TBT to 217% for the silicone 2. The
two silicone surfaces had the largest increase in frictional resis-
tance with the biocide-based AF systems showing smaller in-
crease. This indicates that silicones will likely provide signifi-
cantly poorer performance than biocide-based systems if
hydrodynamic self-cleaning is not possible or if mechanical clean-
ing is not utilized. The increase in C F for the AF surfaces in the
cleaned condition ranged from 3% for silicone 1 to 11% for sili-
cone 2. It is of note that the frictional resistance for silicone 1,
ablative copper, and SPC copper returned to within 1% of the
unfouled condition, while silicone 2 and SPC TBT had increases
of 7% and 4%, respectively, compared to the unfouled resistance.
This difference is likely due to small areas of coating damage that
were discussed previously.

Fig. 10 Roughness function for the AF test surfaces in the Conclusion

cleaned condition. †Overall uncertainty in ⌬ U ¿ : Á6% or Á0.1
„whichever is larger… at highest Reynolds number; Á16% or An experimental study of the surface roughness and frictional
Á0.2 „whichever is larger… at lowest Reynolds number.‡ resistance of a range of modern antifouling paint systems has been

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made. The results indicate little difference in C F among the paint 关3兴 Denny, M. E., 1951, ‘‘B.S.R.A. Resistance Experiments on the Lucy Ashton:
Part I—Full-Scale Measurements,’’ Trans. Institution of Naval Architects 93,
systems in the unfouled condition. Significant differences, how- pp. 40–57.
ever, were observed in C F among the paint systems in the fouled 关4兴 Lewthwaite, J. C., Molland, A. F., and Thomas, K. W., 1985, ‘‘An Investiga-
condition, with the silicone surfaces showing the largest increases. tion Into the Variation of Ship Skin Frictional Resistance With Fouling,’’
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关7兴 Townsin, R. L., 2003, ‘‘The Ship Hull Fouling Penalty,’’ Biofouling,
lent collapse of the roughness function for the barnacle fouled 19„Supplement…, pp. 9–16.
surfaces was obtained using a new roughness length scale based 关8兴 Swain, G., 1998, ‘‘Biofouling Control: A Critical Component of Drag Reduc-
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Acknowledgments 关10兴 Swain, G. W., and Schultz, M. P., 1996, ‘‘The Testing and Evaluation of
Non-Toxic Antifouling Coatings,’’ Biofouling, 10, pp. 187–197.
The author would like to thank the Office of Naval Research for 关11兴 Candries, M., Atlar, M., and Anderson, C. D., 2000, ‘‘Considering the Use of
financial support under the direction of Dr. Steve McElvaney. Alternative Antifoulings: the Advantages of Foul-Release Systems,’’ Proceed-
ings ENSUS 2000, Newcastle, UK, pp. 88 –95.
Many thanks to Mr. Steve Enzinger, Mr. Don Bunker, and the rest 关12兴 Brady, R. F., and Singer, I. L., 2000, ‘‘Mechanical Factors Favoring Release
of the USNA Hydromechanics Lab staff for providing technical From Fouling Release Coatings,’’ Biofouling, 15, pp. 73– 81.
support. 关13兴 Schultz, M. P., Finlay, J. A., Callow, M. E., and Callow, J. A., 2003, ‘‘Three
Models to Relate Detachment of Low Form Fouling at Laboratory and Ship
Scale,’’ Biofouling, 19共Supplement兲, pp. 17–26.
Nomenclature 关14兴 Swain, G. W., Nelson, W. G., and Preedeekanit, S., 1998, ‘‘The Influence of
B ⫽ smooth wall log-law intercept⫽5.0 Biofouling and Biotic Disturbance on the Development of Fouling Communi-
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C F ⫽ overall frictional resistance coefficient 关15兴 Kavanagh, C. J., Schultz, M. P., Swain, G. W., Stein, J., Truby, K., and Dark-
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