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Research Article Vol. 29, No.

19 / 13 Sep 2021 / Optics Express 30834

Multi-format microwave signal generation based

on an optoelectronic oscillator
1 State
Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, School of Optoelectronic Science
and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China

Abstract: A novel approach to generating multi-format microwave signals directly from an

optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Through applying
different low-frequency electrical waveforms to the bias port of the electro-optic Mach-Zehnder
modulator, the net gain in the OEO cavity is dynamically controlled to make the OEO work at
different status. Hence, different microwave signals can be generated in the oscillation process.
In the proof-of-concept experiment, a single-tone microwave signal at 4.005 GHz is generated
by using a direct-current driving voltage. Microwave pulse trains centered at 4 GHz and with
repetition rates of 390 kHz and 3.9 MHz are generated under fundamental and 10th-order
harmonic mode locking, respectively, by using sinusoidal driving voltages. Besides, rectangular
microwave waveforms centered at 4 GHz and with duty cycles of 25%, 50%, and 75% are
generated under gain switching status by using rectangular driving voltages. The proposed
method is also able to generate other types of microwave signals in a broad frequency range,
which can find applications in a multi-functional microwave photonic system.

© 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

1. Introduction
Photonics-assisted microwave signal generation has been deeply researched in recent years
[1–3]. Among numerous methods, optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) is recognized as a promising
candidate to generate high-quality microwave signals due to its remarkable advantages such
as ultra-low phase noise and flexible tunability in a large frequency range [4–7]. Up to now,
various OEO schemes have been proposed to generate a single-format microwave signal. For
example, a conventional OEO is generally aiming at generating a single-tone microwave signal
with an ultra-low phase noise and a high sidemode suppression ratio, which can be used as
an excellent local oscillator in a frequency conversion system or a clock source in a frequency
synthesizer [8–10]. Besides, Fourier domain mode locking OEO has been proposed to generate
linearly-chirped microwave waveforms with ultra-large time-bandwidth products, which is
beneficial for improving the range measurement resolution of a chirp radar [11][12]. Recently,
time-domain mode locking OEOs have been reported to generate microwave pulse signals. In
[13] and [14], passive and active locking technique have been employed to lock the phase of the
longitudinal modes in the net gain spectrum, respectively, where the phase-locked oscillating
modes are coherently superimposed in the time domain to form a nearly chirp-free microwave
pulse train. This kind of microwave signals can find applications in pulse Doppler radars [15]
and ultra-wideband systems [16].
In order to meet the multi-functional requirement in a modern microwave system, arbitrary
microwave waveform generation based on an OEO has also been explored in recent years
[17][18]. In [17], phase-coded and frequency-chirped microwave waveforms with a tunable
carrier frequency are generated. In this scheme, optical signal from a tunable OEO is sent to an
external polarization modulator, where it is modulated by specially-designed electrical signals to
generate phase-coded or frequency-chirped microwave signal after polarization detection and

Journal © 2021 Received 2 Aug 2021; revised 28 Aug 2021; accepted 30 Aug 2021; published 9 Sep 2021
Research Article Vol. 29, No. 19 / 13 Sep 2021 / Optics Express 30835

photoelectric conversion. In [18], an OEO-based multi-format microwave signal generator is

realized by employing a dual-polarization quadrature phase shift-keying (DP-QPSK) modulator,
where one of the dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder modulators (DPMZMs) in the DP-QPSK modulator
is used in the OEO loop to generate a single-tone oscillation signal, and the other DPMZM
is used outside the OEO loop to multiply and encode the oscillation signal. In this scheme,
a frequency-multiplying microwave signal, a phase-coded microwave signal and an optical
frequency comb with a tunable frequency or frequency interval are generated. Nevertheless, it
should be pointed out that, in these schemes, the OEO only acts as a local oscillator to generate a
single-tone microwave signal. An auxiliary electro-optic modulator outside the OEO loop is
needed to process (e. g. multiply or encode) the oscillation signal. Therefore, multi-format
microwave signals are not directly generated by the OEO.
In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel method to realize multi-
format microwave signal generation via dynamically controlling the net gain in an OEO cavity.
The signal format can be changed by simply varying the low-frequency electrical waveform
injected into the bias port of the electro-optic Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) in the OEO loop.
In the experiment, a single-tone microwave signal at 4.005 GHz, microwave pulse trains with
repetition rates of 390 kHz and 3.9 MHz, and rectangular microwave waveforms with duty cycles
of 25%, 50%, and 75% are generated directly from the OEO cavity.

2. Operation principle
Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the OEO for multi-format microwave signal generation.
It can be noticed that the architecture of the proposed scheme is similar to that of a conventional
OEO, which mainly consists of a continuous-wave (CW) laser diode, an electro-optic MZM,
a section of optical fiber, a photodetector, an electric bandpass filter (BPF), and a low-noise
amplifier. The only difference lies in that the bias of the MZM in the proposed scheme is
controlled by the electrical signal from a function generator instead of a simple direct-current
(DC) voltage. Through varying the electrical signal waveform from the function generator and
finely adjusting the voltage level, the net gain in the cavity can be controlled in the time domain
to generate different types of microwave signal waveforms.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the OEO for multi-format microwave signal generation.
LD: laser diode; VOA: variable optical attenuator; MZM: Mach-Zehnder modulator; SMF:
single-mode fiber; PD: photodetector; LNA: low-noise amplifier; EC: electric coupler; FG:
function generator; OEO: optoelectronic oscillator.

The optical signal output from the MZM can be expressed as

π π
[︃ ]︃
Eout = E0 exp(jωc t) cos Vin (t) + VB (t) (1)
2Vπ 2Vπ0
Research Article Vol. 29, No. 19 / 13 Sep 2021 / Optics Express 30836

where E0 and ωc are the amplitude and the angular frequency of the optical carrier, respectively.
Vπ and Vπ0 are the half-wave voltages at the radio-frequency (RF) port and the bias port of the
MZM, respectively. Vin (t) and VB (t) are the signal voltages applied to the RF port and the bias
port of the MZM, respectively. The voltage of the electrical signal injected into the RF port of
the MZM after a single-loop propagation in the OEO cavity can be written as

π π
{︃ [︃ ]︃ }︃
Vout (t) = GA Rℜ|Eout | 2 exp(−αL) = Vph 1 + cos Vin (t) + VB (t) (2)
Vπ Vπ0

where Vph = GA ℜP0 R exp(−αL)/2. Thereinto, GA is the voltage gain of the low-noise amplifier.
R and ℜ are the output impedance and the responsivity of the photodetector, respectively. α and
L are the loss coefficient and the length of the optical fiber, respectively. Hence, the open-loop
gain of the OEO cavity can be calculated as
|︁ πVph πVB (t) |︁|︁
|︁ |︁ (︃ )︃|︁
dVout |︁|︁
Gs = = |︁− sin (3)
dVin |︁Vin =0 |︁ Vπ0 Vπ0 |︁

It can be seen from Eq. (3) that the open-loop gain Gs is determined by the bias voltage of the
MZM. Therefore, through applying different electrical signal waveforms with proper voltage
levels to the bias port of the MZM, the net gain in an OEO cavity can be dynamically controlled
in the time domain.
Figure 2 presents the diagrammatic sketch of the microwave signal generation under three
types of bias waveforms. The first one is a DC bias as shown in Fig. 2(a), where the net gain (blue
dashed line) in the OEO cavity is always above the oscillation threshold (black dotted line). In

Fig. 2. Diagrammatic sketch of the microwave signal generation under three types of bias
waveforms, (a) DC bias for single-tone microwave signal generation, (b) sinusoidal bias
for microwave pulse train generation, and (c) rectangular bias for rectangular microwave
waveform generation.
Research Article Vol. 29, No. 19 / 13 Sep 2021 / Optics Express 30837

such a case, a sinusoidal microwave signal (i.e., a single-tone microwave signal) in the passband
of the BPF can oscillate in the OEO cavity. The second bias waveform is a sinusoidal signal with
a frequency fs equal to an integer multiple of the free spectrum range fFSR of the OEO cavity, i.e.,
fs = NfFSR = N/τ, as shown in Fig. 2(b), where τ is the round-trip time delay of the OEO cavity.
In this situation, fundamental (N = 1) and harmonic (N ≥ 2) mode locking can be achieved in
the OEO cavity to generate an ultra-short microwave pulse train with a repetition rate of fs and a
center frequency in the passband of the BPF. The third bias waveform is a rectangular one with a
repetition frequency of fs = NfFSR , which realizes gain switching as shown in Fig. 2(c). On this
condition, rectangular microwave waveform with a repetition rate of fs and a center frequency
in the passband of the BPF can oscillate in the OEO cavity, where the duration of each pulse
can be varied through simply changing the duration of the bias waveform. In the proposed OEO
scheme, the oscillation signal feedback and the gain modulation are realized by using a single
electro-optic MZM, which simplifies the system architecture compared with those in [17–19].

3. Experimental results
A proof-of-concept experiment is carried out to demonstrate the proposed scheme for multi-format
microwave signal generation. In the experiment, CW light wave with a power of 17 dBm and a
center wavelength of 1569 nm is emitted from a laser diode (INNO08104DFBM-PM). A variable
optical attenuator is employed to finely control the optical power injected into the OEO cavity.
A 20 Gb/s electro-optic MZM (EOSPACE) with a half-wave voltage of 6 V for the bias port
is used in the OEO, where the RF port is driven by the feedback oscillating signal, and the
bias port is connected to a function generator (Hantek HDG2022B). The intensity-modulated
optical signal is detected by a 20 Gb/s photodetector (HP 11982A) after propagating through a
spool of the single-mode fiber (YOFC) with a length of 500 m. An electric BPF with a fixed
center frequency of 4 GHz and a 3-dB bandwidth of 70 MHz is used to achieve mode selection
in the OEO cavity. Besides, an electric low-noise amplifier (Qotana) with a small-signal gain
of 25 dB and an operation frequency range from 2 GHz to 18 GHz is employed to compensate
for the power loss in the OEO cavity. The oscillating microwave signal is split into two paths
by an electric coupler (GTPD-COMB50G), of which one port is used to output the oscillating
microwave signal, and the other port is used to feed the oscillating microwave signal back to
the MZM. An electrical spectrum analyzer (ESA, R&S FSU50, 2-50 GHz) and a high-speed
real-time oscilloscope (OSC, Tektronix DP75002SX, 100 GS/s, 33 GHz) are utilized to measure
the spectra and the temporal waveforms of the generated microwave signals, respectively.
Firstly, the output of the function generator is set to be a DC signal, where its voltage guarantees
that the MZM is biased at its quadrature point. In such a case, the OEO works at single-tone
oscillation status. Figure 3(a) and (b) present the spectrum and the temporal waveform of the
generated microwave signal, respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 3(a) that single-tone oscillation
is realized at 4.005 GHz, where the sidemode suppression ratio is larger than 40 dB. The existence
of numerous weak sidemodes is attributed to the relatively large 3-dB bandwidth of the BPF,
which has a tiny influence on the single-tone oscillation as shown in Fig. 3(b). The mode interval
is measured to be 390 kHz (i.e., fFSR = 390 kHz) as shown in zoom-in view of Fig. 3(a), which
provides a reference for setting the driving signal frequency to realize mode locking and gain
switching status.
Then, the output of the function generator is set to be a sinusoidal signal with a frequency of
fs = NfFSR to realize mode locking, where the peak-to-peak voltage and the offset voltage are set
to be 4.04 V and 2 V, respectively. Figure 4(a) shows the spectrum of the generated microwave
signal when fs is set to be 390 kHz, which corresponds to fundamental mode locking. It can be
seen that a stable multi-tone oscillation with a mode interval of 390 kHz and a smooth spectrum
envelope is obtained under mode locking status. These modes are coherently superimposed in the
time domain to form a microwave pulse train with a repetition rate of 390 kHz and a full width at
Research Article Vol. 29, No. 19 / 13 Sep 2021 / Optics Express 30838

Fig. 3. Generated microwave signal when the OEO works at single-tone oscillation status.
(a): spectrum, (b): temporal waveform.

half maximum (FWHM) of 386 ns as shown in Fig. 4(b). Figure 4(c) exhibits the spectrum of
the generated microwave signal when fs is set to be 3.9 MHz, which corresponds to 10th -order
harmonic mode locking. Microwave frequency combs with an interval of 3.9 MHz are generated,
which are coherently superimposed in the time domain to form a microwave pulse train with a
repetition rate of 3.9 MHz and a FWHM of 44 ns as shown in Fig. 4(d). The relatively large pulse

Fig. 4. Spectra (left column) and temporal waveforms (right column) of the generated
microwave signals when the OEO works at (a)-(b) fundamental and (c)-(d) 10th -order
harmonic mode locking status.
Research Article Vol. 29, No. 19 / 13 Sep 2021 / Optics Express 30839

width of the generated microwave pulse is mainly attributed to the narrow 3-dB bandwidth of the
electric BPF used in the experiment. The pulse width can be further reduced if a wideband BPF is
employed in the proposed OEO. In addition, the output temporal and spectral characteristics from
the OEO are relative to the net gain in the OEO cavity. Therefore, through finely adjusting the net
gain in the OEO cavity, the output microwave pulses can be optimized. It should also be pointed
out that there are spurious frequency components between the dominate oscillation modes in
Fig. 4(c), which are called supermodes. These unwanted supermodes have a non-negligible
impact on the performance of the generated microwave pulse signals. For example, in a pulsed
Doppler radar, the supermodes may induce interference in velocity measurement. In addition,
the existence of the supermodes may lead to instability of the generated microwave pulse signals
owing to the mode competition effect. Some methods can be employed in the proposed OEO
scheme to suppress the supermodes and also the sidemodes under single-tone oscillation status,
such as using injection locking technology [20] or multiple comb filters [21].
The stability of a single microwave comb tooth under mode locking is measured by using the
Maxhold mode of the ESA in five minutes, which is presented in Fig. 5. The maximum frequency
and power drifts of the generated microwave comb are 2.1 kHz and 0.78 dB, respectively, which
are attributed to the loop length and net gain variation. It should be pointed out that the loop
length variation will lead to FSR drift, which may result in loss of mode locking status. Therefore,
feedback control technique should be employed to maintain stable mode locking.
Finally, a rectangular waveform with a repetition rate of 390 kHz is applied to the bias port of
the MZM, where the high voltage level and the low voltage level are set to be 4.04 V and 0 V,
respectively. In such a case, the OEO works in the gain switching status to generate rectangular
microwave waveforms with an identical repetition rate of 390 kHz. Through varying the duty
cycle of the externally-applied signal, rectangular microwave waveforms with different duty cycles
are generated. Figure 6(a), (c) and (e) present the measured spectra of the generated rectangular
microwave waveforms with a duty cycle of 25%, 50% and 75%, respectively. Figure 6(b), (d)
and (f) exhibit the corresponding temporal waveforms. The main difference between the mode
locking status and the gain switching status lies in that the number of the dominated oscillation
modes in the gain switching status is smaller than that in the mode locking status. In addition, it
should be pointed out that the repetition rate of the generated rectangular microwave waveform
can be increased through setting the repetition rate of the externally-applied rectangular signal to
be an integer multiple of the free spectrum range.
The main advantage of directly generating rectangular waveforms in the OEO cavity lies in that
the coherence between different rectangular microwave pulses can be maintained. Figure 7 shows
the cross-correlation results of the rectangular microwave waveforms generated by the proposed

Fig. 5. Measured frequency and power stability of a single microwave comb tooth when the
OEO is working at mode locking status.
Research Article Vol. 29, No. 19 / 13 Sep 2021 / Optics Express 30840

OEO scheme and through external modulation with a corresponding low-speed rectangular
waveform. It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the correlation peak of the signal generated by the
OEO cavity is higher than that of the signal generated through external modulation. This can
be attributed to that the phase relationship of different modes is fixed due to mode locking.
These phase-locked modes are superimposed in the time domain to form rectangular microwave
waveforms with an identical initial phase. However, in the scheme based on external modulation,
it is difficult to guarantee an identical initial phase between different rectangular microwave
waveforms. A good coherence between different rectangular microwave pulses can effectively

Fig. 6. Spectra (left column) and temporal waveforms (right column) of the generated
rectangular microwave waveforms with a duty cycle of (a)-(b) 25%, (c)-(d) 50% and (e)-(f)
75% when the OEO works in the gain switching status.
Research Article Vol. 29, No. 19 / 13 Sep 2021 / Optics Express 30841

improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the cross-correlation peak, which is beneficial for long-range
target detection.

Fig. 7. Cross-correlation results of the rectangular microwave waveforms generated by the

proposed OEO and through external modulation with a corresponding low-speed rectangular

Fig. 8. Measured single-sideband phase noise of the generated single-tone microwave

signal, microwave pulse signal and rectangular microwave waveform at 4 GHz.

Figure 8 shows the single-sideband phase noise of the generated microwave signals, which
is measured by using the phase noise analysis module of the ESA. It can be seen from Fig. 8
that the far-from-carrier (>500 Hz frequency offset) phase noise of the rectangular microwave
waveform is close to that of the single-tone microwave signal. However, its close-to-carrier
(<500 Hz frequency offset) phase noise is similar to that of the microwave pulse signal, both
of which are nearly 10-dB lower than that of the single-tone microwave signal. In an actively
mode-locked OEO, the close-to-carrier phase noise can be effectively suppressed due to the
periodic high-pass filtering effect induced by the superposition between each mode and its delayed
duplicate during mode locking. Therefore, the gain switching status is an intermediate state
between the single-tone oscillation status and the mode locking status. In addition, based on the
simulation results in [22], the phase noise of the generated microwave comb under mode locking
should be smaller than that of the single-tone microwave signal. Nevertheless, the measured
phase noise of the microwave pulse signal is larger than that of the single-tone microwave signal.
This can be attributed to the limited measurement dynamic range of the ESA. The dominated
oscillation tone of the microwave pulse signal in Fig. 4 is nearly 20 dB smaller than that of the
Research Article Vol. 29, No. 19 / 13 Sep 2021 / Optics Express 30842

single-tone microwave signal in Fig. 3. Therefore, the phase noise measurement of the microwave
pulse signal at the far-from-carrier (>500 Hz frequency offset) is limited by the noise floor of the

4. Conclusion
In summary, we have proposed and experimentally demonstrated a simple method to achieve
multi-format microwave signal generation directly from an OEO cavity. The kernel of this
method is using a low-frequency electrical waveform to control the bias status of the MZM in the
OEO. Hence, the net gain in the OEO cavity is dynamically tuned to maintain specially-designed
microwave signal oscillation. In the proof-of-concept experiment, three types of microwave
waveforms (i.e., single-tone, pulse and rectangular) were generated through simply varying the
externally-applied low-frequency electrical waveforms (i.e., DC, single-tone and rectangular).
The generated microwave waveforms were characterized by low close-to-carrier phase noise. In
addition, the center frequency of the generated microwave signals can be tuned by introducing a
tunable BPF or a microwave photonic filter into the OEO cavity. The proposed scheme paves the
way to directly generate multi-format microwave signals in an OEO, which can find applications
in a multi-functional microwave photonic system.
Funding. National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018YFE0201900); National Natural
Science Foundation of China (61927821, 61421002); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
Disclosures. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Data availability. Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at this time but may
be obtained from the authors upon reasonable request.

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