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Choose at least one goal from the list of sustainability goals. Analyze how the information
is presented on the website in about a paragraph.

Affordable and Clean Energy: This page features a large title at the top, which
utilizes a bright, bold color and simple illustrations. This makes for a good introduction to
the website and makes it clear which sustainability goal is being highlighted. Scrolling
down, we are presented with a short introduction to clean energy. This provides site
visitors with some background knowledge. There are then a few tabs, consisting of Facts
and Figures, Goal 7 Targets, and Links. The facts and figures serve as the logos for the
page. Site visitors are able to read the facts about clean energy in a short bulleted list. The
Goal 7 targets tab is the pathos of the page. This tab showcases the impacts of clean
energy. Readers are able to understand why this is an important issue. The Links tab
serves as the ethos of the page. By citing their sources, the website is able to build
credibility. The readers get the impression that their facts are backed up by other
prominent organizations. The combination of these three things makes it easier for the
readers to trust the information on the website and care enough to be passionate about it.
Separating the ethos, pathos, and logos on the website provides some interaction as well
as clear places readers can navigate.

Read through the web-page. Analyze elements of the web-page in about two paragraphs.

At the very top of the page, readers are greeted with an illustration of a home and
the message “Welcome to the United Nations”. The use of this at the top makes the
website more welcoming. The website is inviting the readers to stay, making them more
partial to the information presented on the site. Below this, we see the title. Here, what
seems like their slogan is presented: “peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet”. This
lays out the goals of the UN in a short and positive message. The placement of this slogan
at the top of the page allows readers to notice it first thing. The UN is able to promote its
goals without having the readers need to navigate its whole website. The use of their
simplistic logo (which features a laurel wreath and a world map) builds more trust.

Moving on to the actual bulk of the article. This page starts with an image of
“Togolese peacekeepers from the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated
Stabilization Mission in Mali”. This picture shows the importance of the peacekeeping
goals of the UN. The peacekeeping tactics that this website is presenting are contrasted
with the image of war. However, as shown by the caption of this picture, there is no
conflict taking place in this image. According to the UN, this is because of their effective
peacekeeping tactics. The website then uses different sections featuring videos and
photos to address multiple aspects of the issue. Large chunks of text are broken up into
smaller, digestible portions. Overall, this website prioritizes communicating information in
a welcoming and approachable way without taking away from the weight of the issues
they are addressing.

Read through the charter and choose at least one element to analyze in about a

I will be analyzing the use of chapter headings in this charter. On this website, there
are 5 chapter headings: Organization of the Court, Competence of the Court, Procedure,
Advisory Opinions, and Amendment. The main purpose of these chapter headings is to
organize the amendments. This is particularly useful to the reader because it allows for
easy navigation. Rather than trying to figure out what each article is addressing, the UN
organizes them into these broader categories. This increases overall ease of use for
anyone who wishes to read through this charter. The order of these chapters is also
important. These chapters roughly go in the order that they would be implemented in.
This, again, helps with the overall organization of the charter, both for those reading it and
for those actually using it. On this website, the chapter titles are displayed in all capital
letters. The use of this bold text conveys importance to those who look at it. Overall, the
use of these chapter headings creates an organization and conveys importance.

Analyze the structure of this web page. Then, choose one of the 12 commitments and
write about how it could link to other texts we've studied in class.

This website begins with a navigation menu featuring an image of older women in a
circle in the background. The use of this image communicates and builds pathos. The menu
also features a large title in the center which reads “United Nations Secretary General’s
Report ‘Our Common Agenda’”. There are a few notable parts of this article, namely the
building of ethos by detailing who gave this report as well as the building of a sense of
community through the use of the word “common”. The placement of this title in the
center of the page draws attention to it. Another noticeable thing is the option to change
the language to 6 different options, as well as an “easy to read” option. The option to
change the language is also something that users can do at the top of the page. This makes
the page feel more inviting and accessible. The ability to change the language within the
website itself increases accessibility to countries that do not speak English. Overall, this
website uses titles, pictures, and interactive elements to split up text and make the
website feel less crowded despite the large amount of information that it is presenting.
The UN's goal would be to make this website feel inviting and easy to understand, which
they accomplish through the details I have just discussed.

I will be looking at proposal 5, “placing women and girls at the center”. This
proposal relates to texts that comment on the portrayal and treatment of women in
society. The main texts that look at this are A Dolls House, the Mattel Barbie commercials,
and, to some extent, Educated. This proposal is in contrast to the way that women are
treated in these other texts. In the UN's proposal, they commit to improving the
treatment of women, specifically by lessening the impact of discriminatory laws. In the
other texts, women are portrayed in very stereotypical ways. Women are treated like
dolls, which is the opposite of what the UN is aiming to do. However, what is interesting is
the timeline of these texts in comparison to the UN's proposals. All of the other texts
come from before this report was made. It can be assumed to some extent that the reason
this is an issue that the UN is addressing is a result of the issues that led to these other
texts being created. The inclusion of this commitment in the UN's report can be seen as a
reaction to stories that are featured in these other texts (as well as many others). I think
that the dynamic between this proposal and the other texts that we have explored is very

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