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MATH-145 —— Coondinate Geomeny hanaonation oF coordinates * Translation > Chenging We origin & coondimares withouf changing Lhe Aivection, axes. (2,4) natn OC ¥)2 Omigig o Examele: What does the equation xy? —A4x-6y+6 =O become whenthe omigin Is jransfened do C22 the dinection £ jne ace, on unaltered: | - LVN” Fl | | | | | Aw: 24P—4x cyte = 0 © Afsen rans fon mnption- Xe KD y= 9-3 As new origin, => we xd \ Syeys3 0’ (2,3) substijutimg the Value A wy mw, (Kaas Bes ~ 40rd -60V'*9) +620 te glirgs oo B49 - -8& - 66 “\84Ge0 =x tay*_yzeod | Supprevang the accents | sett KR =O # Rotation “> ame ovigin bub different dinection & nectanguian asces. X= x/c0sd -y’sinO Y= 2’ sind + yCOSO ; f= xneeO + ysnd y= ~X8nO + Yass ba Mg Y x cso |-sind > x = x’esd~ Yn e ° e G sind BMS =he QUpRy Qi00% QI02 ATAU => Y= x’sinds Y SSO ZEN oy x’ON” ° Oy Example * “Thanehoin FO aces inelined al dg’ to9ne onisinot Exomple. axes ME eauation X-gr= 0" ay: x= 10080 ~7 HNO ye Kune + VOW DT Substituting ( Be- -(¢) Cxvsy) = de Coondmates after sronsformafion (et 9’) => = pee! yy singe =>2¢= az Ve vy’ e Canad -y/anddoys 24 Ja ae @>- Way’ = Zot => oy’ ar vy Va Supprescivg the ace ents, 2xny4a%= O i + Trowlation+ Rordion a >The origin is Sandy snanetigned to dhe point Cot. A) So. eres doy?) —> coordinate ater translation y=y’r8 >the new seh & axes snnouyh she origin CLA) ane \velined te ab on ample © T° se oniginal axes. ot) = coondivete after poration after Smanslation. a= x 038 — YSN . We sind + y” COO : there ne - xa A+ cos) -Y” 8nO Ye Bx rc“ simbt 7 CBO fon convenience [eurpreesng one ‘prime | ae OF x’ ca -Y/8ind y= B+’ RnOt YOO Examele! Beamrle? Equation: xteyt-ax-6yr 6 =O Neworian: (2,30 Tnelination, 0: 45° ' Aw . Se m= Zt x’ cos4s - Y/ands an EP eres Agim, ° 2 Y= Be r/8inaga YOBW = mao y= B+ ate Supsttuding .. . .- (e Ns +8*% 2 — 9(2%28- Z)-G E+¥ bx = oe QTE meh! ? ; 7 day ee aK 2 Wo, wt aw oh 2 iy = z oe OF 3-4 + OF sok f a Oe Wb 6f e=0 7 => xtey/ WIET = ©. ents, Suppreseing A&C! tay —K =O a Twvard oS Quantities wich do nob vang afier narformation CHranslation /Roration / Trarslation + Ration ) Ovigina! Eoustion: does Zixg + vyt+ 2ax+2494+ C= 0 “manghrmed Equation: 2x4 2Wx9+ ppt + 2gcr2 by xe/= 0 faye arb ® Krbp = ar a 4 Aa5 @® abl-w= abo = | a | yy ae Oxf 1¢ a = aves afoh-aP& bp?-ch or, a b'c’s2 Pgn af” tpg! eh’ o ava+2fgh -a Pe bgt-ch> ' dr Aer notaton dhe tenm xy will be absewk if tre vt oe a a a a Rooblens © manehom The equation , | Opty WUxcy rZy?-bx 4207441 =O in the pectagulan dondi not 60 og to PE Move dhe tre: tenms in wy and xy. < Ote Any ¥DYR B+ VY +41=O fee os Rae Ananehoomn she eouation Jo panallet ares Hon ough the pomb (4,9. | xe x’ | geo/rB Substihding the value. ao wY jrO a cl EGA USES LEZ 20CTAD p2aCo’y’s Ox!+ byt heres + opy+e™) = BC h) + 20 Wt M441 =O + C2rer FP +20) 97 e+al=O oC x 4at r+ 24Ge +4l=O > ole okx’+ 2) 2 =) 9x) 42400 y+ Dy 4 et a2aR-6)% 4 br 24h 0 + 28 6a +20 Te ypemove Whe dens WW \eol 4248-6 =O 24h 4B *20=O0 ape, e= > New origin CURE CW D Afier Jnanghoomation (SuPpoeasing accents) - ont + 24ny+ Vr > -24 42 4£420%4) 0 =) oxts Zag +234 4 =O vp Pemove neterm m porwton, O= dont" x = ter on oz MYL Suppose , Veg _ Ax => \2-W2x%= Be => 12x24 Re-12 = O moe -) toads ieee erie BO => Axl 3x4 4) -BL2x44) = O > xe - 4,2 => C Bet 4) Care —B) PO 7 5 ee pr acute angle , x= S - ! 33 => tano=2 O= rent 2 = Bad bxZ ton q 5 . sm= 1 coOe= z , oye an ot J3y) m= xcs O-Y’8nh DPD %M= HC Ax Ye xesnd+y’ (go DY = i C3? +49) ' | Sebsiluling he value é my wm @, , 2 , { S (4¢-3y') + Bax! ay)OR< +4y) + & (Bo49. 92) 45420, SD 9 (Nore * 2.49974 9y’*) +24 (2207 lOre¥? -9x/ y? “12 2) a DCM 2A + \oy’2) + 1g50= 0 =D C444 286 41820 4 (-24K9 ADA 42442) 7 Y” 4 (81-288 +32) y’* 41350 © O =) 490 x’ *_12By’* 41390 =O => Dod > — BHY/2 4270 £O =) (8x? xy’* 483420 Sappnessing the aecents . \Sx*—Fy 4542 Aw. { 4 4 i « « ct ¢ 4 6 6 6 € 6 « € « e e “ Exercise Moblens ® 3x- ryxai 20 1 panaliel anes Hough (3-2) By ye 3 yey ae substituting , 30’- > ¢ -25U'r2)44al=O0 => B’-9 ~25y’ —pOX4l =O => 351 WG ge —18 =O Superexing aecenls- Avs Bx -28y-1& = O © xy? wexlay15 =O 40 parallel axestnmugh C47). AB = 244 pany Substituting, (tare ye *-& Gira) 414 (y-#) a5=0 > wir ghrie ay aghrae ~ 9-32 Vy - 96 45 =O > x ey C0H=O 7 Suppoessing accents, r+y*-60 =O Ae @ 90 y-20) -ax 40 parallel axes Haugh 4, a) AY. WE W/-A , P= Wea Zabsh tating» tre (Yea ly’/ta-2a) = alsc’-a) > Yat 2 ax’ = os ; suppretalwy decen a 2, yrs Ove As . dy axes turned Hanougr 45° - @. 9224 Byr-3=0 to -¢ cory BE x 2 ooesas’- eae D-* ° Lom ye x/enae+ fosas DI- we a Surstikeling. 3 ny => 3 loer-aeyry7) +8 => Bvt x tr YW’ 4 BY? —-G=O ~ =D Ax ary! ag’* —B =O Supprexing accents, 4ocby Dre x ay? -3 =O dy - ® Rer—2xyg 4H =O +o aos Juwned Hough he angle Fant Aw: estan => tnd => Boery)*-3= O (te Deyay?®) ~6 =O 1 . 2 amde Fe 7 CO8Or TE oc= BE C2x’-y) ye yg (may) Substiiuh ng, 2 F exw)" 5H) Oe42y 4 LOU 1) =O | DRA 474 9D — D6 250% dey yey 2y’t)> WY deveayt) ; | +520 | re =) & 4x) x'* 40-28 w-6, 44 Yody’e (KR 4444) Y tea =O SD VG t-38%' WHY! 4B =O ‘ f ( D Bet exywesytareg Superesany accents, Bxr- Cray t By%h=O p= () 2x eee au -O to axes through Ihe point y on angle tan! +o +he oniginal axex (12) inelin Aye X= l+ be Su! (5 x! 3y’ O= tar 3 5 BS t4x'-397) >4and = 3. 7 Be : Ea Q= 2+ = Ag = £ lore ay) “ind = 2 Ces) = Substituting , aad = ZB etsy — 2. (Bre? —3y? 3302 a 25 v Fy Obra? 39’) Qorsre +49? )+ 2. (0+3s4ay)) \ — %C5+4x’-3y’) at C104 Bre? dy’) A F=O D 2 (OBx\6x'24 Dy’*- 4Ox?-24%/y? 430y") _9 (-5 0e- Ix? , 2 (5 OR IDX? 20 4744020" 412/16 Y BOY! =I y)-1 29/2) (100% De? 169% GOre’4 Zaey 4 SOY’) = ($25 42030715 y’) + CBO 41574 20Y) $925 =O =) 132-24 481920724 (- 48 Be-14 4216) x79’ > x (E424 1144) Y/>4 (-8O- BORGO-2O 45) 22? ge (6ONCOM FLO BIB +20)9’% FO41 00 + 900125 459 +G25=0 22? MBG IY HV REY’ “X40 x! SY 41550 B43x%= Ex => aetrae -3 =O => 3xtyercu-e -3 = O D Bart 3p 102+ 3) ~ GIA DEXA) 3 xe & fon acute angie, x= 4 = dxttan'S we daw! $s domd= 5 e 3 rf | : BnO= Te ” eas = “Te = Beis & tat? BS mo? = = 75 3y? Ye ae ( 7+ 3y By Subs rp, 2, Cavay eB ow Meg) +B Ce 920 eB? W090 bey ay + BC Bx! FWY - XV? —By!%) a Ot Cu y soy’) 4190 =O =? (994947) 4 (G6 +2442 D* 1 ~98 53207" *Iy? +190 =o => W5ed*+6by’* 4190 =O => 23x! 4139 438s O suppressing dhe accents DW 13Y* 438 FO —po~ © oxreloxyr yr i2x-NYAB=O so ow FO Nemove the seoms in %/9 and xy: Jo powailel axes Yanough tne point CLAD Ay. @ Faosforn oe mA ots xty? + yrs 12x-ly -13=0 ~O — subslwiing in O, Ay 4 Ge) Vacsepot) UCY#) -1B=0 gtx rayrH 18 ODS potty the) + (24285 +82) Qelo’pct*) AND Od’ 9/74 Poe’ 3° => 900 ee 126x/4 D — CWA DE = “4 (Bot +iBP rapes © wets 20D Y? => 6 Ox! \Bx'Y? * y’ f 4 ar Water PR? 72A-UF VB = 3 te pemove Terms 3K 9% Y leaqlB@tl2=O0 de2p-\b= O BG a> CbL-2) EGp)eO-2) > New oniait, Ce a afier sjramsfon mation Cauppradeing aaeents ). oxre xy ry 9 —20 * 4 412422 AB =O =? WxtABxy+y*r 2 ZO —D me pemove terme WKY, Lew) Bp 8 Ete Suppse, ZB = 2% ay \5-)5xr =| bx Ne 16x -18 = 0 S \H xe Ss - e foe acute angle » x= = oetan'Z -. prerg \ U oe i] 27 x 5 Opens oe a jeme= ee ee al 1 ay? wi ( 5x?-3y’) \ =e 2 (37> UF ae (3x? 39) Substituting in @ a [B39 ge (Be yO BY)+ Bq (HABYD™ 4t2=0 => 9? sory? 499’) BCS 42 By? B 9? 1B) e Cots Zoreyay) *6B=O =) (225 4995 49 v2 4 (270 BB AHO 130 7" | y (8) 228 423 97 tEB=O D 489x/*_ \V997* +68 =O => 2Rx -Ky!*y 4 =O Suppoeseng accents WRK y= +4 =O ab %. Gexenyre) Corarrd) =e vr Jo AXE “Thnoughe one Plaine acabd , ada be yi wolined ef an Ce dan’ (~ %) to Cape “ote » | (exrby +0) Creag ed) =a BY i) o0nananaeea ea ‘ . 4 aeubsutingmG > i>. { { ( { ( cabeab'd _ abe-ad (o* - aterabd . wy + aedenic sate ~abestd af aaa otbh . a ratadoty js) § a ah yd-o-96d ie ost vb =) foo’ +by’+ ye ~ay "+ : oY ety gOeRe Fe / * 2 ‘ = ape => Caraby’) Che? -ay’)= Bebe ab ( Suppnessing the aeenth. a Gx) ¢ Cox ay) = arb —& ‘ Now, « : . Angle potation, 6 = hg ar => +tan0 eae , -4 : = aL OMO= ap 7 CRP TR \ ) o bee Oo og’ = abe (ox! , Soy ee ee Se Be CN 8) ) / , cae , by = Cys a') | Wei Tee * Tene Netty “ames in @- $ alby/say!) + b0by'-ax’) ee -§ bb sas/) salt by)? Na Jaan za%pe , be pory/sety’ ~alp% r( poelegyy aearoe pu") ee (or) Sw y= Jj Suppresting accents. xy ed xr—yr-2ax+ey +c%=0 Jd axes Hough the poinh @b ) pelined at an angle a yo She original axes, Aw : _ x? y! me OE Yebs x +’ SE Sabedhativg, (6% = “ey = eee) eer ade x a2 B+) Vo pede , 7 yr ad cia eee +2be ee iB yee 0 => aay et pe gOs me) . —- apt ely =D DY? = beret ar suprcdif Me Mani tis + Dey Sw Me™ HOB | ; - me OS Lo @ Bytoansfooming Jo panallel aces thnugh «a proeenrly i | paint Care) prove tak Ye eo Vator 3x7 Bey ty reRet 2 By -! con be peduced yo. one _aonteli ge only dro of ie 23% geod degres* Aw. wee ark Yak gubsiitdmy , 7 a6x4yee BOC) (Yet FOPPW)H RCI HH) 23-20 wy eae 8G DHA) = peop nex? ayn) » U4 2948) 4 FOUN) 49H) —23=0 => Slt —Bxly” ay te (ou “3k +h) xl (BY 42KxB) y? ' , ‘ _ gh ayte swe tT ATH BIC -2320 one degree terms and conetant Gh-Bur%=O —® Te nemove =H xBKAD = o Ti ght-5shK Meta eM A= 23 = 8 @ saving - kD, ne Ge) petting, new? “sb ™ Lv $ & @., ' 5 . . B.B2- BB Be Btb MBAS B23 ‘ = LK ~FB+2B 421429 2s % F VEIRB =O _thanelbnmed, eowlion (Supmercing - nwt @-3) ; teeny ryt’ So accents) Proved. 4 + Re

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