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SYSTEM OF CI. jon of two circles. Art. 84. Angle of intersect is measured b: The angle of intersection of two curves the curves at a point of theit intersection. Since in the case of a circle the radius to the point of : Jat to the tangent, the contact of tangent is perpendicu x ents to the two circles at a a angle between the two tang' common point equal to the angle between the radii of the 0 circles drawn to the same point. Hence if @ be the angle of intersection of two circles whose radii are r, and r, and d be the distance’ between their centers then y the angle between the tangents , Fig: 34 (1) (Gee Properties of Triangle in Author's Trigonometry] If the equation of two circles be 4 y+ 2gi r+ fy +0,= Oand x2 + 2 + 2gpr + Yfy + =O then n?= gi? + fe —1 rpagitfi—a and = (¢—g2)* +h “f* from Eq,(1) by relation (2) « t4f2— cos @ =# 61+ 90° + fr? = oy — (gi = go)? + 2 2ryry | on. cos @ =28iket ih 1 ey : A ary Cor. 1. If 6 =0, the two circles touch each i oe each other internally. From (3), we have 2nf2 = 48 Cor. 2. If @ = 180°, the two circles touch each other externally. From (3), we have — 2ryr = 2¢yg0 + Yify —c Cor. 3. If 6 = 90°, the two ci i Wee ret two circles said to be orthogonal when the ir pot e tight angles. From (3), we have Daeg 28182 + if2— C1 02 = 0 or, 2gige + Bf =e + 6p which i iti ‘ich is the condition for orthogonality of two intersecti, ing circles, i System of Circles 121 Alternative Method for condition of orthogonality. Let the equation to the intersecting circles be g2 y+ gir + By +0 = Oand x7 + y? + 2eox + Ay + cy =0 a fds Vor? +f? =e), centre and radius of the first circle (anf). Nez? +f? = c4), centre and radius of the 2nd circle As the two circles interesect at P at right angles i. e. ZC, PC; = 90° Therefore, from the figure, we have CyP2 + CaP? = Cy C,? on gttgetfr—a thee =Caitg? + hth? ot, 29182 + Bfufa = cr + Co which is the required condition. Art, 85. Radical Axis. Fig: 35 The radical axis of two circles is the loctis of a point which moves so that the lengths of tangents drawn from it to the two circles are equal. Otherwise, the locus of points whose powers with respect to two circles are equal is a straight line called the radical axis of the circles. See Art. 82. Art. 86. Radical axis of two circles + yt 2gxt Bytc=0 i oe ie qa) and x24 2 + 2gx + 2fy +c =0 a ab = (2) Let (x1, ys) be the point from which the lenghts of the two tangents to (1) and (2) are equal, see Art. 70 (a). Then, x32 + ys? + 2px + Biya tem a +i Asin + yn + or or, 2¢—gi)n +2 fin te 1 =0 Hence the locus of the point (x1, y1) is a straight line i. e. the radical axis of the two circles is, of, 2(g—gy)x +2 fy +61 =O vm co tee (3) which is a straight line. : Notes. 1. If S; = 0 and S; = 0 be the equations of two circles then the radical axis of the two circles is given by S,— $2 = 0 provided that co-efficients of x? and y? terms are unity in both cases or the same. Co-Ordinates—16 RW. A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry Note 2. Singe 8) = S) » 0 represents are curve passing through, the Intersection ¢ LS; ay F Sz» 05 therefore the radical axis.of two citele is their common chord. ng (\\ V Fig: 36 Fig :37 Note. 8. It should be observed from the figures that the Fig. (36) or imaginary Fig. (87) but in both cases the radi Art, 87, Properties of Radical Axis, (a) The radical axis of two circles is pe Let the equations of the two circles be points of intersection m, ay be real ical axis is a real line, tpendicular to the line joining the centres, Poy e2grs Byte =0 . a wf a and 3+ y? + 2¢r 4 fy +e =0 ay fe rm (2) (Su Ai) and (—g2. — fa) are the centres of circles (2) and (2) respectively, The equations of the line joing the centres is =f veh fa e+) 6) The slope of line (3) ror = my (say) (4) The equation of the radical axis of (1) and 2) is Gist +20 — faly +e, =0 Fee te ih 6) Slope of the radical axis (6), — ae = my (say) a (6) fe . - From (4) and (5), mynny = —1 Hence they are at right angles, (©) The radical axes of three citcles, ___ Let the equations of the three circle being the same in all cases, The radical axis of the circles $, =o, + taken in pair meet in a point, * be Si =0,8:=0, S; =0 the covetficients of x? and ¥ and $, = 0 : Si-S,=0 . a op 7) The radical axis of $2 = 0,8) = 0 and § =0, §; = 0 are respectively : 3 S,—S;=0 ie - ny Q) and S81 =0 a (3) System of Circles 123. Since the sum of the left sides of those'Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) vanishes tHe lines represented py them meet at a point, The point a a. radical axes of the three circlés meet is called the radical centre of the Le circles. The lenghts of the tangents from the radical centre to the three circles are equal: __ Art. 88, Co-axial circles. Def : If a system of circles is such that the radical axis of one pair is the same as that of any other pair, the circles are said to form a Co-axial system. Art. 89. Various forms of Co-axial circles. (@) SAS; =0 where S; = 0 and S, = 0 are any two circles of the system. The general equation of all circles through the intersection of two circles $; = 0 and S, = 0 canbe put in the form S, — 4S; = 0 except = 1. Hence $ — AS; = 0 represents a series of circles all of which will pass through two fixed points. ie the intersection (real or imaginary) of thé given circles and thus will have a common radical axis and form a family of co-axial circles. Their common radical axis or common Chord is $—S) = 0 when 2 = 1 in (a) (6) In the same way we may show that the equation S — AL = 0 represents for all values of ha circle of a co-axial system of which L. = 0 is the radical axis and the circle S ='0 is a member: If L=0 intersects the circle $ = 0 in real point, then S—AL'= 0 represents a circle through these points... is : Art. 90. Centre locus of the system S; — Sz Where $y = x? +y2-+ 2gixt 2fy 401 = é 4 and Spex? ty? + 2gox-+ 2fay +02=0. st wee c sdimid (2) Radical axis of $, = 0 and S2 = 0 is 2xlgi — $2) + 2y(fi fa) #1 = 0 ‘The equation of the system of circles is S252 = 0 oe ; or, (1 — 2) 4 y2 (0-1) + 2algs — Age) + 29(fa Mf) + (G4 Rey) = 0... (@)by Dana @) IF (x;, ys) be the co-ordinates of the centre of (4), then 0, (3) HAG yg eM 5 . 7 eS Og 6) = Me 5, weet i 5 fs We oy eat © From (5) and (6) we have, Heh wth 7 , i ” A+R Nt fe ” which shown that the locus of (x, yn),is the line af— fe) yr —89 + rsa F810 = bast > ee a 124 A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry which is evidently perpendicular to the radical axis (3) ie. 2x(G1— 82) + Uf ~ 4) +4 —-Q=0 we cory Me ) It also passes through (— g1.— fi) and (— §2— fa). the centre of the given circles forming | the system as is expected, ‘ a | Art. 91. Reduction of the general equation S, — AS, = 0 of a system of co-axial circles, | Take the line of centres of the citcles as the axis x and the radical axis of the system ay | the axis of y. : ; | Since the centres of the circles $, = 0. Sy = 0 lie on the x— axis their equation are of the | form (x — hi)? + (y— 0)? = a2 Hence f, = 0 = f, so the equations reduce to Syst Wuxec,=0 so Qy | Pty seoxte=0 is : . QQ) | The radical axis of (1) and (2) is 2(¢; — g2)x +1 —¢2 = 0 ae oo (3) But the radical axis is the y axis ie. x = 0. ++ Eg, (3) becomes ¢, —c2 = 0 or, ¢; = ¢2 = ¢ (say) Now the equations (1) and (2) becomes respectively Bay 42grtc=Oand2+ 2+ 2x +0=0 which differ only in the co-efficient of x 2S: —-IS,=0 or, 38+ yt AD 4 c= 0 Putin SLA or, 32+ y? + 2x +c=0 ey where m is a variable parameter, the different circles of the system will be obtained. Art. 92. Point Circles, Limiting Points. 7 i Point Circles : Circles whose radii are zero, are‘called Points Circles. Limiting Points : Limiting point of co-axial circle, the Centre of the Points Circles belonging to the family. Att. 93. Find limiting points of the system of circles represented by B+ P+ Mrte=0,or(x+AP+y=B—c When the radius of the circle is zero, or, A= + (Ve) Hence the point circles or limiting points of the ¢o-axial syste i — ver + frueneies 5 P system are given by. (x ie mn a) the circles reduce to points circles ie: 42—¢=0 The limiting points are (c, ©) and (— Ve. 0) The Fis ing Points are real, co-incident or imaginary according as cis + ve, zero or-ve i c>,= or, < Cor. The radical axis x = 0 meet ¢1 ie. (+c =0) inthe points (0, + Vo These points are real if ¢ < ‘and imag sit h ae esa ginary c > 0, Hence eq. (1) represents a co* system intersecting in es oo ife °. Ife = 0 every circle of the system touches the y-axis at she origin and system is said 0 tangential. very circle of the system x? + y? + 2x +c=0. System of Circles 125 Art. 94, Properties of limiting point, a The polar of cither limiting point with respect to any circle the system passes through the other. The polar of (Ve, 0) which is a limiting point w.r, to the circle e+ytt+urte = 0 a a ay is x(ve) +y.0+ (x +Vc) + c= 0Art, 74 6 or, x+Ve=0asVo+p#0 which passes through the point (— vc, 0) the other limiting point of the system and hence they are Conjugate points, = (b) Every circle through the limiting points of a co-axial system is orthogonal to all circles of the system. The general equation to a circle passing through the limiting points (— V c, 0) is x? + y? + Dx+c=0 where 2 is a variable parameter. Now the circles x24 24 2px +c=0... andar + P+2ax 4020 aa vis (2) will be orthogonal if 21. 0+ 2.0.4 —c—(—c¢)=0 which is evidently satisfied. Hence any circle of the system (2) is orthogonal to every circle of the system (1). These two systems of circles (1) and (2) are such that the centres of the other system lie on the radical axis of the other and the common point of one system are limiting points of the other. They are, therefore, called the conjugate system of co-axial circles. , EXAMPLES Ex. 1. Prove that the cireles 2*+ y?—3x + 8y —2=0 wh na (ir and x? + y? + 4x — 5y —24 = 0 cut orthogonally a u me Gi) O; B/2,— 4). = Ca + 16 + 2 = 9/2, are the ci titintes of centre and radius respectively of (i) O(—2, 5/2), r= VU(4 + 25/4 + 24)] = vas7/4 be the co-ordinates of the centre arid radius Tespectively of ii) 0,(3/2,—4) sry = (NQ/4 + 16 + 2)) = 9/2. 0,0, = (3/2 +2) + (4 5/2)*= 218/4. r+ rp? = B1/4 + 137/4 = 218/4 ,0;? = r,? + r:2,.Hence they are orthogonal Ex. 2, Find the equation of the circle which cuts the circle Poy —ersbed.d) andstty—2e—dy—780° kl ay Orthogonally. Let the equation to the circle passing through the origin be x? + y* + 2ex + 2fy = 0 om, S ‘A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry Since (iii) cuts (i) and (ji) orthogonally, then 6g + 2f.0—8 = 0 and —2¢—2f+7=0 of, 6g +8 =0. or, g = —4/3and 2g + 2f —7 = 0, or, 2f = 29/3 The required equation is x? + y? — 2(4/3)x + 29y/3 = 0 or, 3x2 + 3y? — 8x + 29y =0 Ex. 3, Find radical axis of the pairs of circles Sey 14d... @t+y—1sx4My=0' oo oo (ii) ‘The equation to the radical axis of (i) and (ii) isxt + — 144 — (2 + y2—15x— 1ly) =0 or, 15x + 1ly— 144 =0 Ex. 4. Find the radical centre of the three circles Pay t xt 2y+3=0,22 + 72+ 2e4 dy t+ 5=0 and 32 + y*@—7x—By — The radical axis of the circles is x? +y2 + x+2y+3—(x2+y? + 2x +4y+5)=0 or,x+2y+2=0 a) Pe yaxs 2y+3=0and x2 +y?—7x—By—9 =0 is x24 —7x—8y—9—(2 + +x 4 2y +3) =0, 01, 4x+5y+6=0... 200 @ Solve (1) and (2) for x and y: x=—2/3and y=— 2/3. The centre (— 2/3, —2/3) Ex. 5. Find the equation of the circle which cuts orthogonally each of the three circles. « Syext+y+x42y43=0 ass tel) sivas @ Spa att y+ 2x4 4y+5=0 (ii) Sy=x7 + —7x—8y +9 =0 (iti) The raidcal axes of the pairs of circles (i), (i) and (iii) are eupectelp given’ by the equations S—Sj=x+2y+2=0 S,—S)= 8x + 10y—6 =0 or, 4x +5y—3=0 The intersecting of the lines (iv) and the circles. (iv) vs v) (v) is (16/3,— 11/3), whieh 3 is the radical centre of _ esting tom (6-119) Hei (= 0698 /9F +18? Hence the equation of the radical circles is (x= 16/3)? + (y+ ny = (16/3 + (11/3241 one y—-Ba42 ¥= 1 01, 3(2? + y2) ~32y + 22 ~ 350 alesse t yt A+ 2y +5 =Oand x24 yt Fey System of Circles 17 Ex. 6, Find the co-ordinates of the limiting point of the co-axial system determined by + 2x4 dy +720, [C. U, 1986} The radical axis of two given circles is (Pe yPtdet 2y 45) 024 y+ 204 dy 47) <0 of, 2x—-2y—2=0o0r,x—y—1=0 Hence the equation of any circle co-axial with the given circles itt yt 4x4 2y454Xx—y—1) 20 ors + y+ (4 +2) + y(2—A) + (6-2) <0. Radius of this circle =NUIE + A)/27 + (2 —2)/2?— 6 — ay) Thus the radius is zero i.e, 1642? +82 44—42 422 —20 +42. =0 or, 222 4+82=0 adel Co-ordinates of centre of (i) (— (4 + A)/2, —(2—2)/2) Putting the value A the limiting points are (— 2,— 1), (0, 3) Ex.7. Find the equations of the citcle through the intersection of the'cifcles. Bey +Sx+ 6y+7=0 Pays des 3y42=0 = “whose centre lies on the line x + 3y +5=0 Any circle through common points of the given circles is P4ysSr4 by +7 —Mxr + y? + 4x4 3y +2) =0 or, (1 = A)x? + (1 — Ady? + x(5 — 4A) + y(6 — 3A) + (7 — 2A) =O (iii) Centre of (iii) is +» (1) (By Art. 89) @ (ii) 7) ‘20 —4) Since the centre lies on x + 3y +5 =0 ogg aA s= Oor,2= 13/3 From (iii), putting the value of 4 we have 1022 + 2) +370 + 21y4+5=0 Ex. 8. Find the equation of the circle whose diameter is the common chord of the circle +2e43y41=0and x2 + y?+4x+3y+2=0 [R. U. 1976] The circle whose diameter is the common chord of the circle Sis2+y?42x43y+1=0 an 7 on @ and Sa x24 42 44x +3y+2=0 (ii Passes through their points of intersection and has its centre on the radical axis of (i) and (ii), siisalea ele of) and 0) as SAL Bt La AN tae +3y+2)=0 or,2r41=0 ray Alt) 128 A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry Any circle passing through the point of intersection of the two circles is S +S, = 9 2(1+2), 3(1+4) 142K _ mut ayt Me My «Ltttao _(_1+2k _ 3 Is centre is |— 74» “2 As the centre lies on 2x + 1= 0 {1224 +1=0,ork=—3 14h Hence the required circle is $35) = 0 or, 2(32 + y2) + 2x + 6y+1=0 Ex. 9, Prove that the two circles x? + y?+ 2ax+c?=0 4 Bre and x¢+ y+ 2by += 0 touch if + The radical axis of the two circles is 22+ y+ Dax + 2 — (x2 + y? + 2by + 2) = 0 oF, ax —by = 0 (1) The circles will touch each other if this. line touches them i.e. if.its distance from the centre of the circles is equal to the radius of that circle. Now the centre of the circle. 2+ y+ 2ax +c =0 is (—a,0), and radius = V(a? —c2) | <. The required condition is ayes 4 Cae e-2 ong eee or, at — ae? + Ba? — Be? = at or, 4 ar” 6 | Ex. 10. The circle x? + y? + 2v— 4y — 11 = 0 and the line x—y + 1=0 intersect at A andB. B Find the equation of the circle on AB as diameter and the equation of the circle through A, orthogonal to the given circles. ‘The equation of the circle through the point of intersection | ora?+ 24 2x—4y—11=0 fe a Se. Qj and x—y+1=0 o Q) isx? + y? + 2x—4y—114A(x—y+1)=0 Represents a circle through A arid B. If its centre (-1—2/2, 2+2/2) lies on the line x—y +1=0, Az—2 Hence the equation of the circle on AB as diameter from (3) is 2+ y—2y—13.=0 The circle (3) is orthogonal to (1) if by cor. Art. 84 (2-2) +24—2) = +2422 or, k= —16 Hence the equation of the orthogonal circle by putting the value of 0 in (3) is x + y?— 14x + 12y—27 = System of Circles 129 EXERCISE VIII 4.Find the angle between the circles. (a) x2 + y?— 8x — 12y =O and a2 + y?— 20 4 dy = 0 Ans. cos—"2/N65 *(@) x2 + y? + 4x — Gy +12 =O and x24 y?— 2x 4 2y—23 =0 Ans. 60°. 2. Showing that the following pair of circles intersect orthogonally. (a) x2 + y? — 2ax + 2by = O and 22 + y? + 2bx + 2ny =0 (0) 22+ 2 — 2px + 2py + 2pq =O and x? + y? + 2px + 2py—2pq = 0 3, Find the equation to the circle which cuts the circles x? + y? + 2v + 4y +6 =Oand x? + 7° + 4x+6y+2=0 orthogonally and passes through the point (1,1). Ans. x+y — 16x + 12y+2=0. 4, Find the value of k for which the circles x2 + y? + 5x + 3y +7 = O and x? + y*— 8x + 6y +k =Oare orthogonal. Ans. — 18. 5. Find the radical axis of the following pairs of circles. (a) 22+ —3x—4y +5 =O and 3x? + 32 — 7x + By +11 =0. Ans. x+10y=2. (b) Pay + drt By +19 =Oand 32+? + 8x +4y +19 =0. Ans.x—y=0 6.Find the radical centre of the circles, (a) 4 yt43x—2y—4=0, 2 +P 2e 620 x+y—1=0 Ans. (—1,—3) (bo) 24 yo tox 4 = 0,2 +y¥—4x— 21 =Oand Ans.(-2,—4) x+y —4xt 16y +43=0 7. Find the equation to the circle w! 2y = 6 by the circle x? + y* = 16 hich has for is diameters chord cut off on the line 3x + Ans. 13(2 + y2) — 36x — 24y — 136 = O[R. U, 1960] 8. Find the equation to the circle which cuts orthogonally the three circles. ge x —5y +9=0 (a) z+ y—2x 4 3y 7=0, 2+ y+ 5x Bayh 7x—9y +29 =0 Ans, 22 + 2 — 16x — 18y—4=0 [C.U. 80] 0) Papen e—oPt Pe HU Oe : Ang. 22 + y?—ex— by +a2= 0. (C. U. 1981 ; RU, 1954] ©) Hew pei iy ise ae nase oeT Oent nay AAR 1" OAOe SAE 2%—4y—13 =0 t 3, Find the equation of the circle through the intersection of the circle x2 + y2 + 2x + 3y +4 =Oand the line 2x + 3y +4 =0and which passes through the point (2, 3)Ans. 17(x? + y?) — 26x — 2y—52=0 10. If the two circ] show that fag = fg- Co-Ordinates—17 Jes x2 + yt + 29x + 2fy = Oand x + y? + 2eix + 2fiy = O touches each others 130 A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry + 11, Show that the circles x2 + y2— 4x —7y + 6 = 0, x2 + y2 + 3x — 14y — 1 = 0 and 3(.2 ty 2x —35y +4 = O have a common radical Axis, a 12, Find the general equation of all circles any pair of which have the same radical ay, as the circles 22 + y?=4 and a2 + y2+ 2x + dy =6 Ans. (1+) (4 JP) + 20+ 29) = 4 56 13. Find the equation of the circle passing through the points of oe the circles a+ y= Jax and x2 + y? = 2by and having it centre on the line x/a— y/b = 2.Ans. x2 + y2— yy, by=0 : 114. Find the equation of the circle passing through the points of intersection + 3y +4=Oand the circle x? + y? + 2x +3y + 4 =0 and cutting the circle 22 + y2 orthogonally. Of the line 2, + 5x + 6y 4725 Ans, 10(x? + y?) + 1d + 21y 4.28 <9 15. Find the co-ordinates of the'limiting points of the co-axial system determined by the circles. x+y —2r4 8y411=0, [R.U. 1990) and x2 + 44x 42y+5=0 Ans. (~2,—1), (0, 3 16. Find the length of the common chord of the circles, (a)? +y— 12x + 16y —69 = 0, and x? + —9x + 12y—59 =9 Ans. 10. 17. Circles are drawn through the point (¢, 0) touching the circles x2 + y2'= 42, Show that the locus of the poles of the axis of x, 1, 7, to these circles is the curve 4a%(x — 6)? = (ac) fat ~e— 2a) 2 18. Find the limiting points of the co-axial system determined by the circles, @) 2+ +2x—6y=0, and 224292 —loy+5=0 Ans. (1,2), 3,1) OIF + YP A+ Ps re45)20 Ans. (1,2), (-2,-) , 3 If the origin be at one of the limiting points of a system of coaxial circles of which 2+ P+ 2gx + 2Fy +¢=0 is a member, prove that the equation of the system of circles cutting them all orthogonally is (x2 + y2) (g 4 Hf) +(x + py) =0 [R.U. 1977] 20. Prove that the limiting points of the System x24 y+ Dex tea A? ey? + 2fy +h=0 Subtend a right angle at the origin if ahs 2 ; 21. Prove that two circles will pass thro straight ine y ‘ ugh the two pts. (0, a) =mx-+e will cut orthogonally if 2 = 2 + m2), 22. The straight line Ix + mY —1=0 meets the lines ax? Q:: show that the equation of the circle described on PQ as di i es 2— alm + BP) — 2x(bl ~ hm) — 2y(am — hl) +046 = 0, oe sii RN 1988) Ux + my 71 = 0 TREN ox? + hay + by? = O aemTRACR wey on ; y PeQ fare = ANG A POG UP MA FO GOH FAA Tk s ray . and (0, — a) and touch the (C,H. 1989 ; c. u, 1981, 841 * 2hxy + by? = 0 in the points P an! System of Circles 131 23. From fixed point (x,, php +2gx+2fytc=0 Show that the equation of the circles circumscribing the quadrilateral so formed is aii x $= (ab — IP) {x (1) + MY = Yi) ~ (Uf = Bg) (X= 4) = Gh — af) YH) =0 Ue y) 9 AMS Fey ee L ‘Bra ecieel SaRereaTensferta Bora a Dra BA the ca VESco aMAMAPIS yooH "24, Show that the general equation of all circles cutting at right angles the circles represented by eye —2mx— hy +c = 0, x2 + y?— 2agx — Ayy + cy =0 is Yi) perpendiculars are drawn to the straight lines L = ax? + 2hxy se[eeyx oy | ek] x oy 1] =0 Cy a by a by 1 & a2 bp a, bd : [ORNS x2 + y? — 2myx— Day + cy = 0, 32 + y2 — Ang — Day + cp = 0 FOF THO CHTMAR Fen ees ATTRA S RA: ; *25. Circles are drawn through the point (a, 0) touching the circle x? + y? =c?. Show that ~ the locus of the pole of the x-axis with respect to these circles is the curve 4c%(x — a)! = (c? — a?) {2 -(a— 2x)?} y?. : {C. H. 1988] (9,0) RMA ae x2 + y= 2 FOCe PMMA TSHR SHS VA ANI Fa A HHS FHT RTS x STFA CHM (Pole) ATLA HTML AA 4c%(x — a)* = (c? —a2) (c? “a — 2x)*hy? "26. Show that if S; = 0, $2 = 0, S3 = 0 be the equations of three circles of which each two cut orthogonally, the equation. 1S + IiSq + 18s = 0 represents real circle except in certain cases where it represents a Straight line. (crate @ a Sy = 0, Sy = 0, Sy = 0 FOIA WT I BTA MATES AIA CRT FATA, [Sy + 12S2 + 1S =0 Gath SPOS GO AAP TATA TAROT CFT aot HARTA RA |) *27. Show that circle on the chord x cos a +y sin & — p = 0 of the circle x? + y2—a? =Oas diameter if Sx ats y2—a?— 2p (x cos a+ y sin a—p)=0 os 4-y sin op = 0 BOICE TM MTR CATO x ay a = OFC FO HH HLA FOE @ AAI ircles *28, Find the limiting points of the system of c! Bayt rge rot Marty? + 2fy + ¢)) = 0 and that the square of the distance between them 5 (c~ ey)? —ayig? + afte Agraal/ (f° +8") ta yea zge ee + Met + ye + fy +e) =O [C.H. 1988 (1986)] Bie omen gore Ses Pep PAH A RR cet wore HERA A (Ce — C1)? — 429? + pies age (f+ 8?) 1n2 A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry 29, The straight line x cos a + y sin ot = p being denoted by (a, p) find the e circle circumscribing the triangle formed by the lines (0 p), (Bq), (yr) and show # through the origin then Sweqgr sin (6 —y) + rp sin (y— a) + pq sin(a — B) = O[C. H. 1989] | [xcosx+ ysin a= p RRA (ap) WA SH FCA ANG (ap), (Bq), (yr) AM | ARS aAeRI S Ee | ren Bo uation of hat if it Pity, | "30. Show that the equations of the circle circumscribing (#fA*#FC) the triangle formed | the lines ax + by +c =0,mx + by +c, =0, ax + yy +0. =0 is "| | ae | wees COU tl | att by? | arebye Ot | a? + by? | axtbysq % | "31. Circles are drawn with the centres of the axis of x and touching the straight lie y= x tan @. show that the points of contact of tangents from a fixed point (€, n) will lie on the curve given by S=(e—E} (=x sin? 6) — 2xylx—E) (y —n) sin20 + 92 cost9 (y—n)?=0 Lecen Boia HE AR y = x tan O HAMAR HH HLA AM Fw ere ZI Gaate GE. n) ae | PRS fey eee garg on oricen cena cel secatia Bom areca a Aiea Swe [C.H.198 |

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