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Announcements Sharon Christie

All Peoples
Welcome to the family of All People’s United Church! United Church
If you are joining us for the first time, please sign the guest book. Sunday Jan 8th, 2023
We meet in this historical church which has humble beginnings Sudbury, Ont
since 1927. May what we do in this time and in this place bring glory
to God and express love of neighbour. Happy New Year 2023

The Baptism
Sudbury Secondary School - The Value Vault
The Value Vault at Sudbury Secondary School (SSS) Of Jesus
Matthew 3:13-17
is used by students who need food, clothing and
small household items. Welcome Torrin Maag

Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty!
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Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Holy, holy, holy, merciful, and mighty
God in three persons blessed Trinity!
Words of Welcome ……………
Our Prayer List
Call to Worship
People of Ukraine, Nancy McDonald, Join us for coffee and tea
Bryan Marsh, Gil Davies Following the service Please join with me in the call to worship.
In the beginning, God’s breath hovered over the sea of Chaos.
From this nothingness, God shaped the world.
Help us Grow Donate today
E-mail “” Creator God, your breath gives us life.
In Egypt, you fulfilled your promised justice for the slaves
Facebook @allpeoplesunited You partnered with a man; together You led them to freedom.
Holy Spirit, offer us your wisdom as we listen for your voice.
In Israel, as Your people suffered under Rome,
Upcoming Speakers You became one of us, mortal and fragile, to build a new kingdom of
Jan 15th – Rev Kathy Dahmer love.
Jan 22nd – Rev Gerry Copeman Christ Jesus, you carried our suffering in Your very flesh.
Jan 29th – Rev Gerry Copeman In our place and time, Holy God, you act still.
Your call surrounds us, your voice encourages us.
Help us to listen!
God, Son, Spirit: Be with us today! Invitation to Offering:
And all the days of our lives.
Offering Song (Sung by all)
Praise and thanksgiving, thanks be to God
Opening prayer
Thanks for the food we eat,
Lifegiving God,
And for the friends we meet.
Your voice thunders over the waters,
It rumbles in silent rooms, For each new day we greet
It rustles through the branches, Thanks Be to God!
It crunches under winter boots. Offering Prayer {All}
All creation worships to you. Christ Jesus,
May our voices join this chorus of praise. Today we remember your baptism.
Amen We remember our own,
Our entrance into your glorious kingdom.
Opening Hymn VU 330 Jesus shall reign
Though we cannot understand it,
Welcome and Announcements You chose to become one of us.
The same Spirit baptized You as baptized us.
Minute for Mission Unworthy, we enter Your family.
The abundance of your love is our mentor.
Scripture readings Nancy Mcdonald As you gave your life for us, so we learn to give of ourselves for You.
Let us then give joyfully today!
Readings: Amen.
Isaiah 42:1-9
Psalm 29 page 756 Prayers of the People and the Lords prayer
Acts 10:34-43
Matthew 3:13-17 Closing hymn VU 395 Come in and sit down
Readings Response: Commissioning and Blessing
All: This is the word of the Lord; Thanks be to God.
Benediction: (Sung by all)
GLORIA PATRI – (Sung by all)
May God’s sheltering wings,
Glory be to the father and to the son, and to the Holy Spirit
Her gathering wings protect you,
May God’s nurturing arms,
His cradling arms sustain you,
And hold you in her love and hold you in his love.
Hymn VU 314 Come thou almighty King

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