Lecture - 6 - First Law

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3.6.3. Open system (OS)

= assembly of bodies that changes:
- substance and
- energy with the surroundings.
A MT shall be considered in which the agent receives Q and
produces W, provided that a working fluid is constantly
passing through it.
q1-2 wsh,1-2 2
1 p2,T2,v2,u2
u1 z2

Mathematical expression of FL for Open Systems = the energy

balance equation in the operation of Thermal Machines.
For 1 kg of heat agent it is expressed as:
e1 + einput = e2 + eoutput
Energy of the system in state 1: e 1 = u1 + + g z1 [J/kg]
Energy input: einput = q1-2 + p1v1 [J/kg]
Energy of the system in state 2: e2 = u2 + + g z2 [J/kg]
Energy output: eoutput = wsh, 1-2 + p2v2 [J/kg]

It results:
u1 + + g z1 + q1-2 + p1v1 = u2 + + g z2 + wsh, 1-2 + p2v2
=> (u2+ p2v2) – (u1 + p1v1)+ + g (z2 - z1) = q1-2 – wsh, 1-2

=> h2 – h1+ + g (z2 – z1) = q1-2 – wsh, 1-2

The differential form:
dh + d + g dz = q – wsh
In total size:
w22 − w12
(H2 – H1) + m + m g (z2 – z1)= Q1-2 – Wsh,1-2, m1=m2=m
w22 w12
m2 (h2 – + g z2) – m1 (h1 – – g z1)= Q1-2 – Wsh,1-2, m1≠m2
2 2
3.6.4. Generalised Forms of the First Law
Noting that the left member in the above rel. brings together
terms that represent forms of energy specific to the system, and the
right one, forms of energy as a result of interactions, can be
Esystem =  Einteractions

where:- the system can be H, Ekin, Epot

- interactions can be: thermal, mechanical, electric, magn.,
=>  Einteractions = Q1-2 - Wsh,1-2 – We - .....
 the essence of First Law is summarised in:
"The variation in the system energy is given by the sum of the
energy interactions of the system with the surroundigs"

3.6.5. Generalised form of First Law

Closed Systems:
Energy balance:


where Q = Qnet,in = Qin – Qout is the net heat input

W = Wnet,out = Wout – Win is the net work output

For rate form:

For constant rates, the total quantities during a time interval t are
related to the quantities per unit time as:

Open Systems (control volume):

Conservation of Mass Principle:


with mCV = mfinal – minitial

For rate form:

Steady flow (mCV =ct):

Steady flow (single stream):

Total energy of a fluid:


Energy balance


which becomes:


and for single stream it becomes:

Some steady-flow engineering devices (see Reference 2)

Nozzles and Difusers
Turbines and Compressors
Throttling Valves
Mixing Chambers
Heat Exchangers
Pipe and Duct Flow

What interaction we have?


3.7. Caloric state equations for reversible processes

U, H = caloric state properties - their variation is expressed by
- may also be expressed by equations depending on state
POSTULATE: Any state property of a system can be expressed as
a function of two other properties (p, T, or V) and
the mass of the system.

In a system with the mass m = ct, the caloric state properties

may be expressed as:
U = U (T, V) H = H (T, p)
Differentiation shall be obtained:
U   U  dV H   H 
dU =   dT +   dH =   dT +   dp
 T V  V T  T p  p T
An elementary process is considered during which the system
temperature varies by dT, the system being maintained at:
V = ct p = ct
An infinitely small amount of heat exchanged by the system with
the external environment is given by:

δQV=ct = m cv dT δQp=ct = m cp dT

or according to FL:

δQV=ct – δW = dU, δQp=ct – δWsh = dH,

and δW = pdV = 0, as V=ct and δWsh = – V dp = 0, as p=ct

it results: it results:
δQV=ct = dU δQp=ct = dH

By equaling the two relationships results the two mass specific

heat significance [J/kg/K]:
1  U   u  1  H   h 
cv =   =   c p =   =  
m  T V  T V m  T  p  T  p

Finally, the two caloric state equations are obtained in the form of:
 U   H 
dU = mcv dT +   dV dH = mc p dT +   dp
 V T  p T
 u   h 
du = cv dT +   dv dh = c p dT +   dp
 v T  p T
Prof. Monica Costea - Lecture 6_First Law (3) 41

OBS:1) For perfect gases, according to the Joule’s law which

states that U = U(T) => the caloric state equation for internal
energy is:
dU = m cv dT or U2 – U1 = m cv (T2 – T1) [J]

2) Taking into account that H = U + pV = U + m R T = H(T)

results in a similar form of the caloric state equation for enthalpy:
dH = m cp dT or H2 – H1 = m cp (T2 – T1) [J]
APPLICATION: A water pump sucks the mass flow rate
m = 10 t/h water at p1 = 1 bar and discharges it at p2 = 100 bar, at a
height h = 30 m from the suction level. The pump efficiency is
ηP = 0.7. etermine:
1) the mathem relationship for the mechanical work required
by the pump (assumption: win wexit ,  water = 103 kg/m3);
2) The power required to drive the pump.
Solution: FL for open systems:
(u2 + p2v2) – (u1 + p1v1) + ( w22 / 2 – w12 / 2 ) + g(z2 – z1) = q1-2 – wsh, 1-2
2 q1-2  0
u2  u1 (t1  t2)
w2  w1; z2 – z1 = h
P (from the statement)
Tank v2  v1 = 1/  (incompr. liquid)

– wsh, 1-2= g h + (p2 – p1)/

wsh, 1-2 = – [9.8130 + 10-3(100 – 1)105] = – 10194.3 J/kg
P= = = 40453 W = 54.96 HP

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