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Electronic spectra Bands.pdf Electronic spectra Bands = much mare tion to the The energy states and 5) energies ass 1S Kinetic er: mations. The expressed as th E= Absorption of occurs not or escribed for a and rotational er s much more energy levels a few hundred nm, t excited electronic rotational and ultraviolet e minimum of ential, wh t takes place nelectre a Molecular orbital Molecular or atomic Consider the orbitals on H, molecule cular orbitals in this molecule is c thematical rthe t form this func ns fi it came togethe te is. for subtracting one the figur ves from the other, as shown One of these 1 a bonding molecular orbital because electrons in this orbital spend most of their time in the region directly called a sigma (a) mo wo nuclei. It is it looks like an 5 orbital whe Electrons. Ve ot time at t ¥ This orbital is cular from the region b t therefore an antibonding, or sig orbital wee he the region direct bonding mr ule, bital forces the from the area between n this orbital makes the Antibonding Mobecular Ortatal Is. >. Atomac Energy ‘pile (Orbital Oxbital Bond on Atom B on Atom A Electrons an startit placed in the orbital pair of isolated a stable than a pair of Molecular Orbitals of the Second Energy Level The 2s orbitals o th the 25 orbit 3. * antibond: on another to fe a, * orbitals formed molecular o from the 1s atomic Z axis of the coordinate sy = axis along s on the adjac nt atoms will r antibo the figure ng mote below. These are called like s orbitals s because they look oxygen bond. orbitals on the other to form different shape, as s molecular orbitals look like p orb Whereas o along nm and nt above or below atoms lie, the electrons either n_ bonding The 2p atomic orbital molecular ort als interact, nm* antibonding molecular orbital. E nee between the of the 2p and 2p there between the ene and m or rn . molecular orbit sonone atom another ato s t molecular orbitals: o *o o* n,n, * n* There is a signific the 2s and 2, energies of As aresult, the o_ and 2p atomic or! ombined, We unde need te the pair of orbitals and of the interaction energies of Because the’ 2p_ orbitals is st 2p or 2p o A bonding mo (more stat whereas n energy (less si an ant t molecular ort in order of energy as follow Unfortunately an e for the his mod t ‘act with is possil the 2p. o tal on t ntrodu San element ‘ular orbital th + mole ory. The result e relative energies of the molecula iagram that Bond Order The number o ms is called the bond order. d from Lewis nd model. In molec assuming alecular orbital contribute one net bond and ctrons in an antibor mo ce effect of one bond. lec ar to charact The bond order is equal to half of the sum of the number of electrons in bonding orbitals minus the number of electrons in anti- For der will tell us vbond order. U Example 1 From this di t der fi “1464 a] “4 1 ib inpaired electrons Example 2 he molecular c The atomic number of nit N.=8, Na=2 Bond order = ~ =—=3 Example 3

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