Catalogue of Products

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Gaitva Farms

List of Products :
1. Ghee –
Gaitva’s cultured ghee is made traditionally from desi
cow curd , enhanced by medicinal herbs , at ‘Brahma
Muhurtha’ accompanied with vedic chants by using
wooden churner.
 100 % Natural and pure.
 We prepare ghee in the traditional ayurvedic style
(with A2 curd) and not from direct cream .

 Available in 1 lit , 500 ml and 250 ml.

2.Gonyle (Floor cleaner ) –

Our Gonyle Floor Cleaner is made from the extract of Desi

cow Gomutra with addition of natural essential oils , Herbs
and Bhimseni Kapoor. Gomutra is collected from the healthy
desi gir cows. Cow urine has the amazing germicidal
power to kill varieties of germs.

 It is a natural disinfectant which purifies the

premises , spreads the positive energy and has
spiritually cleansing effect.
 100 % natural fragrance.
 Eco-Friendly.

Available in 1 lit and 5 lit .

3. Dhoopsticks –
Dhoopsticks are purely made using cow dung and
other natural ingredients like herbs and Bhimseni Kapoor .
Bhimseni Kapoor when burnt releases a scent which kills
harmful germs and microorganism and purifies the home.
Dhoopsticks have no chemical(rubber or charcoal)
A . Agnihotra dhoopsticks–
Agnihotra is a process of purifying the atmosphere
through a specially prepared fire. Process involves
preparing a small fire with the dried cow dung cakes in a
scientific size copper pot and offering some whole grains
of rice and cow ghee into the fire exactly at sunrise and
sunset. Our Agnihotra dhoopsticks are made from desi
cow ghee, desi cow dung , bhimseni Kapoor , Rice grain ,
coconut and neem oil.

Available in pack of 20 sticks and 40 sticks.

B. Chandan dhoopsticks – Sandalwood has numerous

spiritual and magical properties. It has been used since
ancient times for prayers , meditation , relaxation ,
healing and cleansing. Burning Chandan dhoopsticks
gives a sweet and uplifting fragrance . It is purely made
from cow dung and Chandan powder. No artificial
fragrance is added.

 Available in Pack of 20 sticks and 40 sticks.

4. Nasya / Panchagavya ghrita –

This powerful Nasya is made up from desi cow

Panchagavya. Panchagayvya means a blend of cow
products that is Goras (Gomutra) , Gomay Ras (Gobar) ,
Ghee, Curd and Milk. It serves irreplaceable medicinal
importance in Ayurveda and traditional Indian clinical
Use of Murchhit ghrita enhances the medical properties
of Nasya.

 It is useful in all brain related problems like Migraine ,

Sinus , Eye and Ear elements and headache.
 Consistent use of Nasya can make you Snore free.

Available in a bottle of 15 ml .
5. Amrudhara -

Amrudhara is made from various natural extracts of

Pudinasat , Ajwainsat and Camphor.
Amrutdhara is an ayurvedic preparation which can be
used a household remedy for many health issues.
It acts as a first aid at home for all children and adults.
 Inhalation of 2 drops with hot boiling water is useful
in cold and cough.
 In case of headache , Take and massage 2 – 3 drops of
Amritdhara on your forehead.

Available in a bottle of 8 ml.

6. Gomutra Ark :

Gomutra is collected from healthy desi gir cow in the

morning in a hygienic way. Then it goes through a
distillation process which removes impurities and odour
and we get Pure Gomutra Arka.
Gomutra Ark is a natural detoxifier and it strengthen the
immune system. It is useful in balancing doshas.
We have 3 types of Gomutra Ark :

1. Plane Gomutra Ark :

This Ark is made using Distilled desi cow Gomutra ,
Saunf , Jeera and Tulsi.

2. Saptarangi Gomutra Ark :

This Ark is made using Distilled desi cow Gomutra and
Saptarangi roots.

3. Arjunachhal Gomutra Ark :

This Ark is made using Distilled desi cow Gomutra and
Arjuna roots.
Vermi – compost Manure :

Our vermi compost manure is made from pure desi cow dung.
In this process , earth worms feed on the cow dung and
produce nutrient-rich manure in the form of excreta. The
excreta of earthworms are nutritious and hence the soil
becomes fertile.
This compost is rich in Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.
 It is 100% original and unadulterated .
 It is enriched with cow urine.
 For organic farming , polyhouse farming and kitchen
Available in 1 kg , 5 kg and 20 kg bags.

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