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Outer question

Q-1 Using Poisson’s equation show that the potential distribution between the parallel
two plates at x= ±a set at potential =0 is

nq 2
Φ= (a − x2 )
Q-2 An ion engine has Tesla magnetic field and the hydrogen plasma is to be shot out
at E×B velocity of 600km\sec how much the internal electric field must be present
in plasmas?

Q-3 Compute Larmor radius for A( 1 keV )of He + ion in the solar atmosphere near a
sunspot where magnetic field 5x10-2 Tesla and the mass for ion is 1.67 x10-27 kg.

Q-4 suppose the earth magnetic field is 3*10-5 T at the equator and falls off as 1/r 2 , let
the 1-ev proton and 30-ev each with density n=107m-3 at r=5 earth radii in the
equatorial plane, compute the ion and electron grad B drift

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