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Of Purpose


Steps Of


Articles and



This is to certify that G-3 (Yash Malik,
Jayansh Bagga, Dhriti Goyal, Anannya
Anup and Aayushka Mishra) of Class XII A
of Delhi Public School, Greater Faridabad,
has successfully completed the research
project on ‘The Curse Of Child Labour' in
the Academic session 2022-23 under my

This project is the authentic work of

Yash Malik, Jayansh Bagga, Dhriti Goyal,
Anannya Anup and Aayushka Mishra.

It has been prepared according to the

CBSE project guidelines for English.


We take this opportunity to express our
profound gratitude and deep regards to
our mentor Ms. Shewta Taneja and our
honourable principal Mrs. Surjeet
Khanna for their guidance and support.

The project Curse of Child Labour

helped us in learning the art
of research and we got to know about
many new things while doing this

We would like to thank Almighty, Our

Parents and Friends for their constant
encouragement without which this
project would not have been possible. We
hope that the blessings and
guidance given to us from time to time
shall carry us a long way in the journey
of life which we are about to embark on.
Children are the gifts of God. They are to be
protected, nurtured and moulded into a
personality they would want to be. They are as
delicate as a petal of a rose, but with that
softness comes the liability of being crushed. If
guided well, they can lead the future. Nowadays,
children, to be precise, kidnapped children,
homeless children, orphan children, they are all
directed to manual labour. It may be begging on
the streets or working on a construction site,
which is no place to be for a minor.

Children are the future. But when instead of

helping them discover themselves, they are
directed to labour it indirectly affects the growth
of the country. Children, they need to play, they
need to fall and learn to get up, they need to
enjoy being a kid. But with child labour, this all is
just a dream. Even now, there are those children,
who are working hard day and night, just so they
could eat one times food, those children who are
studying from the worn-out books, from whom
you can barely read.
Government has set many rights and laws to
eradicate child labour, to get children to school.
Eg- the right to education act, etc. But still, we
need to take some concrete steps, to ensure that
no child will be deprived of education, childhood,
that no child will be forced to work. Child labour is
a curse, for every child. Their potential is dug
deep into the ground, they are withheld from the
opportunities to prove themselves. Where they
could possibly be learning, dreaming, they are
forced to labour.

We all need to come together. We need to take

actions. We need to stop wherever child labours
are working. We need to provide them with
education, the food so that they won't need to
work. We need to stop those people who are
forcing homeless children to work. Actions speak
louder than work. So if you agree with me think
about the ways you can child labour near your
locality, school anywhere you see. Think about
those ways and put them to work. If determined,
Even one person can make a change.
Children are, in many ways, the most important part of society. It is
the children of today that will change the world of tomorrow, and
to ensure that the world they make is one of peace, wonder and
unparalleled advancement in every field, we must make sure that
each child today has equal access to the resources available
around the globe.

A situation like this is what many would call Utopian and

unachievable, but we beg to differ. Not to long ago a person would
be considered insane if they were to ask for equal rights for all
individuals. It was long believed, in almost every part of the world,
that some people are naturally born with a larger claim on the
Earths' resources than others.

As society progressed, fortunately, we were able to leave this

thought in our past as we have now realized that every individual,
regardless of the color of their skin, their sexuality and their creed,
deserves an equal chance at the opportunities available to
everyone else and must only be judged by the content of their
It is a matter of great pride and joy that the children of the world
today do not have to face the unfair oppression that the
generations before them had. However, there is still a part of the
world where children are unable to pursue an education and live a
life that a child should, due to financial inequality.

There still exists a part of society, that is unable to afford to send

children to school because regardless of the fees of the school,
they cannot afford an earning member of their household to leave
the work force, as without their income, it will become impossible
to survive.

The aim of this project is to know why a practice that is so

universally condemned and looked down upon, is being practiced
to this day. We also aim to discover what the public thinks a child
should exprience as a part of their childhood and where they draw
the line between unethical child labour and a willing member of
the work force. And above all else, we aim to find what are the
possible solutions to this problem that has plagued society for so

Q. Why do you believe the

practice of child labour still
exists in our current society?
1. Preliminary Research:
We spent time suring the web to find statistics, both
global and domestic about the effect of child labour
on a country

2. Narrowing Down Our Topic:

Further research led us to narrowing down our topic
to "The Cuse of Child Labour".

3. Questionnaire Developed:
After an appropriate amount of research, we
finalised our questionnaire of 10 questions.
4. Interviews:
On the basis of the questionnaire made, we
conducted interviews and noted down all

5. Analysis and Interpretation:

All the information collected was analysed and has
been interpreted in the form of this report.

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