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Evaluation and Optimization of the Effective Parameters

on the Shield TBM Performance: Torque and Thrust—
Using Discrete Element Method (DEM)
Lohrasb Faramarzi . Alireza Kheradmandian . Amin Azhari

Received: 13 August 2019 / Accepted: 1 January 2020

 Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Abstract Cutterhead torque and thrust are the two 1 Introduction

main designing parameters of the shield TBM, which
have to be evaluated and optimized, based on the Tunnels are generally excavated in weak ground
interaction between the TBM and excavated material. conditions for infrastructural applications in which
This study employs the discrete element method there is a high risk of subsidence and destruction for
(DEM) to simulate the tunneling procedure of the surface and underground structures. The recent
line-7 of Tehran underground urban train tunnel advances on shield tunnel boring machines using
utilizing the micro mechanical parameters calculated face-supporting systems made them a reliable choice
from back analysis on direct shear tests. The resultant to decrease the aforementioned risks (Lee et al. 1992;
torque and thrust are then compared against the actual Melis et al. 2002; Kasper and Meschke 2006;
parameters and then with those estimated from the Khademian et al. 2012, 2016; Poeck et al. 2016).
numerical analyses. This result shows that DEM is One of the important considerations about these
able to estimate the TBM torque and thrust applying machines is estimating the cutterhead torque and
actual boundary conditions and material properties for thrust, which overcomes the face material strength.
the model. Furthermore, the impact of ground prop- Incompatible machines with the face material results
erties, overburden height, linear and radial velocity on in waste of time and money, which has to be prevented
cutterhead torque and thrust and its performance are by proper design, considering the interaction between
evaluated and optimized. the machine and the working face (Acaroglu 2011;
Jakobsen et al. 2013; Ates et al. 2014).
Keywords Discrete element method  Equilibrium Empirical formulations presented by Larson et al.
ground pressure method  Penetration rate  Shield (1990) has been a reliable source for estimating the
TBM  Thrust  Torque torque and thrust in shield TBMs. However, disre-
garding the effect of overburden in this research and
ground conditions as well as providing a wide range
for torque and thrust leads to imprecise results (Shi
et al. 2011).
Acaroglu (2011) predicted the thrust and torque
required for TBMs with fuzzy logic models. The
L. Faramarzi (&)  A. Kheradmandian  A. Azhari
results showed that uniaxial compressive strength and
Department of Mining Engineering, Isfahan University of
Technology, Isfahan 8415683111, Iran tensile strength of rocks, disc diameter and tip width,
e-mail: penetration and spacing of cuts are the most

Geotech Geol Eng

contributing parameters to evaluate TBMs thrust and pressure on the excavation face, cutterhead overcut,
torque (Acaroglu 2011). shield conicity, installation of jointed segmental
Salimi et al. (2016) with regard to non-linear lining, annular gap grouting and time-dependent
regression and artificial intelligence theory including setting of the grout, the amount of ground displace-
adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and support ment and internal forces exerted on the lining of tunnel
vector regression forecasted TBM performance in have been investigated (Kavvadas et al. 2017).
hard rock and featured that SVR approach is more Ma et al. (2016) studied the effect of confining
proper than ANFIS approach (Salimi et al. 2016). stress on TBM performance in granite rock by linear
Ates et al. (2014) estimated torque, thrust and other cutting test. It is resulted that the normal force
design factors of various kinds of TBMs according to a increases and rolling force decreases with increasing
database that consists of 262 TBMs’ design compo- confinement stress (Ma et al. 2016).
nents in Turkish tunneling scheme. It is concluded that Hasanpour et al. (2014) simulated double shield
geological condition and friction coefficients are TBM tunneling in squeezing condition by 3D finite
vitally important to predict thrust and torque amount difference method and FLAC3D software. As a result,
(Ates et al. 2014). thrust force and other parameters affected the interac-
Ramoni and Anagnostou (2010) studied the tion between rock and TBM’s shield are determined
requirements for mechanized tunnel excavations in (Hasanpour et al. 2014).
squeezing grounds using finite element approach and Hamidi et al. (2010) in order to consider TBM
parametric analysis and presented monographs to performance and field penetration index (FPI) in hard
evaluate the cutterhead thrust. They showed that the rock employed rock mass rating (RMR) system
cutterhead thrust is a function of ground elastic (Hamidi et al. 2010).
modulus, in situ stress, over excavating length, Labra et al. (2017) simulated rock cutting by a TBM
maximum applied force on bits, internal friction angle, disc cutter with respect to hybrid discrete/finite
shield length, and tunnel radius (Ramoni and Anag- element approach and represented that this kind of
nostou 2010). technic has a suitable potential to improve rock cutting
Zhang et al. (2010) modeled the excavation process operation (Labra et al. 2017).
in various ground conditions considering different Fatemi et al. (2016) analyzed diverse parameters on
velocity-torque characteristics. They found that the TBM performance prediction and claimed that incor-
required torque changes in different grounds strengths porating numerous independent factors in evaluating
and the increase in hard surface layers leads to higher TBM performance could not be so utilitarian (Fatemi
required torque (Zhang et al. 2010). et al. 2016).
Song et al. (2010) offered the required cutterhead The criteria of selecting the EPB machine includes
torque based on the cutter linear and radial velocity, two aspects; geotechnical (supporting pressure and
overburden, face cohesion and pressure in sand and soil properties) and technological (TBM design, trust
clay using multiple nonlinear regressions on actual and torque). Having a better understanding about these
recorded data from several projects (Song et al. 2010). aspects and their interaction, provides an optimum
Shi et al. (2011) using the physical model of the progress of the cutterhead. However, underestimating
EPB machine showed that the friction between cutter the importance of these parameters may lead to
bit surface is the main factor creating the torque which redesigning the machine large amount of time and
may vary in different ground conditions (Maynar and investment.
Rodrı́guez 2005). This paper employs the discrete element method
Maynar (2005) and Wu et al. (2013) modeled the (DEM)–PFC3D, which has the ability to consider
EPB tunneling technique using 3D finite element complex geometries and stress conditions compared to
method. Their torque and thrust results showed a limit equilibrium, to simulate the tunneling procedure
reasonable agreement with the actual field data (Itasca of the line-7 Tehran underground urban train line
Consulting Group 1999; Wu et al. 2013). utilizing the micro mechanical parameters calculated
Michael et al. (2017) developed a 3D finite element from back analysis on direct shear test. The resulting
model for shield EPB tunneling. By simulating torque and thrust parameters from the numerical
significant parameters including different muck analysis are then compared against the actual data.

Geotech Geol Eng

Furthermore, the effect of overburden and the inter- Two sections are selected including different
action of linear and radial velocity on the cutterhead geomechanical properties derived from insitu direct
torque and thrust are evaluated. shear tests. The Q and T sections in kilometers 14 and
18, respectively. The reason of selecting these sections
is their extended geomechanical conditions through
2 Geological and Geotechnical Characteristics the tunnel rout. The location and geomechanical
of the Site properties of these sections are presented in Table 1.
Figure 2 presents the geological section of Tehran
The Line-7 of Tehran underground urban train is alluvium formation. The south-north section of line-7
27 km long including two sections oriented East–West is located in alluvium quaternary sediments. Gener-
and South–North connecting east to the center of the ally, the alluvial sediments of Tehran consists of four
city and then from center to the northern part (Fig. 1). formations namely A, B, C, and D. From which A is
This line is the longest and deepest subway of Tehran the oldest and D is the youngest formation. Consid-
city. The south-north section of the tunnel with the ering the depth of the tunnel line 7 passes through
length of 14 km and 12 stations is considered for this formation type A and type C and halfway from each.
study is excavated and supported by EPB machine for
the first time in Tehran subway network.

Fig. 1 A plan of Line-7 tunneling project in Tehran urban area

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Table 1 Geomechanical properties of sections Q and T of line-7 Tehran underground urban train
Section Location (km) Soil classification Cohesion (kg/cm2) Friction angle () Density (kg/m3) Overburden (m)

Q7 14 ? 750 GC–GM 0.12 37 1920 32

15 ? 300
T7 18 ? 000 GW 0.8 30 1950 33
18 ? 700

Fig. 2 Geological section of Tehran alluvium formation

Geotech Geol Eng

3 Numerical Modeling (Potyondy and Cundall 2004). In this study, the

smaller diameter particles are first generated and
3.1 Discrete Element Method located randomly, then increasing their diameters
results in the desired irregular and porous layout.
Cundall and Strack (1979, 1982) developed the
discrete element method in which the soil particles 3.2 Defining the Micromechanical Parameters
are considered as rigid balls. In this approach, the
loaded dynamic behavior assembly is presented by a It was impossible to directly define the micromechan-
time step algorithm and the calculations are performed ical parameters including, normal and shear stiffness,
based on the force–displacement law (Bagi, 2005). friction coefficient of particle contacts, normal and
Particle locations and boundaries are continuously shear strength. Therefore, these parameters are esti-
reformed in this approach. Schematic view of the mated using back analysis from the in situ direct shear
particle contacts is illustrated in Fig. 3 (Cundall and test results (EFNARC 2005).
Strack 1979; Cundall et al. 1982).Where, Kn and Ks are We considered 60 cm for the particle diameters
contact normal and shear stiffness; Fn and DF s are based on ASTM D 3080-90 and DIN18137 standards
contact normal and shear increment force; Un and DU s in which the shear box modelling is 10 times larger
are contact normal overlap and relative shear–dis- than the particle diameters. In order to input the
placement increment, respectively. normal force, the upper wall drives with a velocity that
The behavior model in DEM is a result of joining is calculated by the servo control system of the
simple structural models in each contact point. Huang machine in each time step. To do this, the effective
et al. (1999), Lei and Kaitkay (2003), Rojek (2011), stress on the wall is compared with the normal stress
and Menyar (2005) derived acceptable results for and in case of disagreement, a specific velocity is
shear procedure in soil and rock using joint elements in applied on the wall. Subsequently, the upper half of the
linear contact model with bonded particles. We used box is displaced by 1 mm per minute, which simulates
the same approach in the current study considering the actual direct shear test. Figure 4 demonstrates the
constant contact stiffness. In the joint element, the distribution of contact forces and the back analysis
contact point of the two particles has a shear and results are shown in Fig. 4a, b. Table 2 present the
normal strength and the slip initiates when the driving micromechanical parameters calibrated by the shear
force exceeds the shear strength. test.
The first stage in DEM is to create a compact In this study, the magnifying method is utilized, in
assembly of jointed particles. An ordered assembly is which, each ball representing the medium particles,
not able to reflect a realistic behavior of soil and rock has 60 cm diameter and the micro-mechanical prop-
structures. As a result, the random translocation of the erties of the balls and the model are calibrated to
numerous particles requires a specific method reflect the behavior of the actual medium.
Figure 5 illustrates the comparison of in situ shear
test data and the numerical results for sections Q and
T. The graphs reveal a decent agreement between the
numerical modeling and the direct shear test results on
actual specimens under high and low stress level
conditions. It can be pointed out that the particles
distribution model is in a close agreement with the
actual test setting.

3.3 Modelling EPB Machine

In this section, the EPB machine of the line-7 Tehran

underground urban is modeled by discrete element
Fig. 3 Generic view of the particle contacts (Potyondy and method using the data presented in Table 3 and Fig. 6.
Cundall 2004) To investigate the effect of overburden stress on the

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Fig. 4 Modeled direct shear test by PFC3D; a Numerical model, b contact force distribution

Table 2 Micromechanical parameters Calibrated by the shear test

Section no. Kn (N/m) ks (N/m) n-bond (N) s-bond (N) Friction coefficient

Q7 1.05e8 5.1e7 1e4 1e4 0.3

T7 1.5e8 6e7 2.2e4 2.2e4 0.29

resulted torque and thrust forces, 20, 30, and 40 meters cutter bits; and the torque is estimated in form of the
of overburden are modeled using the servo-control momentum resulted by the tangential cutter bit force
mechanism described in Sect. 3.2. To reduce the and the friction between cutterhead and ground.
solving time, a section of the overburden is replaced Table 4 presents the shield and cutterhead parameters.
with a servo-mechanism on the upper boundary of the The values of shield penetration Rate (linear velocity)
model. Then, 160,000 balls are randomly generated in and the rotational velocity are derived from the actual
the model and solved to reach the initial balance state EPB machine data of the field and the soil-steel
under gravity. The distribution of the contact forces friction angles are obtained from Herzog, 1985, well
between the balls are shown in Fig. 7. known study.
The shield is modelled using a cylindrical wall with Figures 10 and 11 compare the calculated torque
4 cm of over excavation shown in Fig. 8 and the and thrust against the recorded data during the
cutting tool with a hexagonal pattern illustrated in tunneling process.
Fig. 9. As the soil particles in the model are enlarged, Comparing the resultant torque and thrust from the
to prevent face particle to lock, the opening ratio is numerical analysis shows a reasonable agreement with
considered 15% more than the actual amount. To the actual recorded data. In some graph segments, the
compensate the effect of this increase, the friction fluctuating trends are similar; however, there is a
angle of the cutterhead wall is intensified by the same significant difference between numerical results and
ratio. In order to define the required torque and thrust actual data for thrust and torque.
forces, EPB shield and cutterhead are moved with the The authors should comment on possible reasons
actual linear and radial velocities. Using the code behind the disagreement between the actual and
written in the Fish section of PFC, thrust is calculated modeling results of Figs. 10 and 11.
by adding the following parameters: the friction force Although the mean values from the actual data and
of the shield surface; the normal force applied on the numerical modelling are in a good agreement, the

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Fig. 5 Comparison of shear (a) 200

test and numerical model Comparison of In Situ Shear Test Data with
results in three normal stress Numerical Modeling Results (Section-Q)
values of 98, 196 and
294 kPa; a for section-Q,
b for section-T 160

Shear Stress, KPa



Normal Stress, 98 KPa

Normal Stress, 147 KPa
Normal Stress, 196 KPa
40 PFC Model , Normal Stress = 98 KPa
PFC Model , Normal Stress = 147 KPa
PFC Model , Normal Stress = 196 KPa

0 0.006 0.012 0.018 0.024 0.03
Normalized Shear Displacement

(b) 250
Comparison of In Situ Shear Test Data with
Numerical Modeling Results (Section-T)

Shear Stress, kPa



Normal Stress, 98 kPa

Normal Stress, 196 kPa
Normal Stress, 294 kPa
50 PFC Model , Normal Stress = 98 kPa
PFC Model , Normal Stress = 196 kPa
PFC Model , Normal Stress = 294 kPa

0 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016 0.02
Normalized Shear Displacement

point to point disagreement between the actual and • The actual excavation medium is not homogenous,
modelling results in Figs. 10 and 11 can be explained and is affected by boulders and old wells, which
by the following three reasons. influences the torque and trust values locally.

Geotech Geol Eng

Table 3 EPB and TBM characteristics of Line-7

Excavating diameter 9.16 m
Shield diameter 9.12 m
Opening ratio 30%
Maximum thrust 65,000 kN
Maximum torque 24,000 kN m
Maximum EPB pressure 3 bar
Shield length 10 m
Weight (in the shield area) 700 ton

Fig. 7 Concentration of contact force distribution between the

balls with increase in gravity, darker color represents higher
contact force

According to Fig. 12a, there is a monotonic relation

between overburden height versus torque and thrust,
which diverges in overburden height of 40 meters.
Ground material and surface urban constructions have
a significant effect on these results. Figure 12b
Fig. 6 The model dimensions generated analyzing the EPB presents a flatter monotonic trend when the depth
increases in different soil material. Figure 12b graphs
a constant and similar velocity variation of torque and
• Due to different monitoring frequencies, the actual
thrust, which could be the result of uniform soil
data were not available in the 160 m of tunnel
material in the studied area.
length, where the mean values are considered.
• Because of the magnifying ball diameters in the
3.5 Analyzing the Effect of the Cutterhead Linear
numerical modelling, the contact failure results in
Velocity (Penetration Rate) and Radial
sharp decrease in trust values.
Velocity on the Applied Normal Force on Bits

3.4 Examining the Effect of Overburden Height The EPB thrust system is designed to have the
on Torque and Thrust Forces capability of applying sufficient thrust in order to
avoid jammed shield and provides the required normal
Figure 12 presents the torque and thrust results for force on the bit. According to the significance of the
different overburdens. In order to simulate the effect normal force applied on the bits in optimizing the
of overburden height on the torque and trust values, excavation performance, various models are created
the upper wall is moved with a servo-control mech- and analyzed to investigate the effect of linear and
anism in each time step to simulate and equivalent radial velocity of the cutterhead (see Fig. 13). Fig-
overburden stress. ure 13 suggests that there is a direct non-linear relation

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Fig. 8 Modelling EPB machine; a shield and cutterhead modeled in PFC3D, b EPB cutterhead used in line-7 of Tehran underground
train project

Fig. 9 Geometrical pattern of the EPB cutting tool

Table 4 Shield and cutterhead modelling parameters

Station Steel-soil friction angle (Herzog 1985) Shield penetration rate (cm/min) Cutterhead rotational speed (RPM)

Q7 0.55 12 1
T7 0.55 15 1.3

between the penetration rate and the normal load, normal loads for penetration rates of less than 8 cm/
which converges to a specific value in high normal min in radial velocities of 1 and 2 RPM.
loads. Also, no significant variation is observed in The advancement rate is in a direct relation with
trust force. The trust force is consists of the shield

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 10 Comparison of Real EPB Movement, m

numerical modelling and (a) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
machine performance in 35000
section-Q; a Torque results,
b thrust results Simulated by PFC (Torque, KN.m)
30000 Real Data (Torque, KN.m)

Section - Q

Torque, kN.m 20000




0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15
Simulated EPB Movement, m

Real EPB Movement, m

(b) 35000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Simulated by PFC (Thrust, KN)

Real Data (Thrust, KN)
Section - Q
Thrust, kN





0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15
Simulated EPB Movement, m

friction force and the total normal force from the cutter The increment of the bit normal force, leads to
bits. If the cutterhead radial velocity is considered as higher advancement rate due to interaction between
the variable, the friction force portion is constant and the bit and the ground. However, the penetration rate
the thrust variation is a result of normal force of the reaches a constant value due to higher shear force in
cutter bits. larger trust force.

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 11 Comparison of (a) Real EPB Movement, m

numerical modelling and 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
machine performance in 35000
section-T; a Torque results,
Simulated by PFC (Torque, KN.m)
b thrust results Real Data (Torque, KN.m)
Section - T

Torque, kN.m 20000




0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15
Simulated EPB Movement, m

(b) Real EPB Movement, m

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Simulated by PFC (Thrust, KN)

Real Data (Thrust, KN)
Section - T

Thrust, kN




0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15
Simulated EPB Movement, m

3.6 Evaluating the Effective Cutterhead Torque process; however, the torque rate may vary in different
ground conditions. The machine torque capacity
Radial velocity and Torque are the two critical should be estimated in the designing phase consider-
parameters in the cutterhead driving system. The ing the soil properties (Lee et al. 1992). Torque is a key
radial velocity is kept constant during the excavation parameter, which can properly make the cutterhead

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 12 Torque and thrust (a) 24000 24000

variations with overburden
Torque, KN.m Thrust, KN
height in line-7 of Tehran
underground train project; 22000 Section - Q 22000
a section-Q, b section-T
20000 20000

Torque, KN.m

Thrust, KN
18000 18000

16000 16000

14000 14000

12000 12000

10000 10000
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Overburden height, m

(b) 24000 24000

Torque, KN.m Thrust, KN

22000 Section - T 22000

20000 20000
Torque, KN.m

Thrust, KN
18000 18000

16000 16000

14000 14000

12000 12000

10000 10000
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Overburden height, m

and ground compatible and increases the penetration • The thrust force is in a range that the cutterhead
rate efficiently (Khademian et al. 2012). nails are stuck in the face, where an unusual
In soft grounds, such as unconsolidated soil and pressure applied on the machine.
sediments, the advancement rate increases by the • If the thrust is lower extremely lower than the
radial speed growth. However, in harder ground previous scenario the cutterhead will rotate freely,
material the optimum radial velocity decreases due in which, the force results in bit abrasion instead of
to the required time for the cutterhead stress to travel ground penetration.
through the ground and cause failure. In this case
To investigate the effect of linear and radial
applying a higher radial velocity than the optimum
velocity on the cutterhead torque, various models are
value results in poor stress propagation, which may
built and the results are plotted in Fig. 14 for sections
lead to one of the following scenarios:
Q (a) and T (b). Considering this graph, there is a

Geotech Geol Eng

(a) 10000 (a) 30000

RPM = 0.5
RPM = 1
8000 Section-Q RPM = 2 24000 Section-Q
Normal Force, KN

Torque, kN.m
6000 18000

4000 12000

2000 6000 Excavation rates = 7 cm/min

Excavation rates = 15 cm/min
Excavation rates = 20 cm/min
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, cm/min RPM

(b) 10000 (b) 30000

RPM = 0.5
RPM = 1
8000 RPM = 2 24000 Section-T
Normal Force, KN

Torque, kN.m
6000 18000

4000 12000

2000 6000 Excavation rates = 7 cm/min

Excavation rates = 15 cm/min
Excavation rates = 20 cm/min

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, cm/min RPM

Fig. 13 Relation between cutterhead normal force against Fig. 14 Relation of torque with penetration rate and radial
penetration rate and radial velocity; a section-Q, b section-T velocity; a section-Q, b section-T

nonlinear relation between radial velocity and torque. characteristics for EPB tunneling projects. How-
Increasing the penetration rate from 7 to 20 cm/min ever, the obtained results showed that DEM may
the applied torque is increased and the penetration rate be used instead, considering actual geomechanical
of 20 cm/min is converged in the radial velocity of 2.5 parameters and ground-cutterhead interaction, to
RPM. As discussed, this condition leads to destruction select a more appropriate machine.
of the machine and increases the maintenance costs. 2. During tunneling process: Optimizing the
advancement rate, radial velocity, and torque of
the cutterhead using DEM numerical modelling,
4 Discussion which may increase efficiency and reduce main-
tenance costs of the EPB machine.
In this study, discrete element modelling and insitu According to the literature, it is recommended that,
tests are performed to simulate and evaluate the EPB once the recommended torque is calculated, an
tunneling procedure. The results show an accept- additional 25–30% should be considered for unex-
able agreement between the testing and numerical pected ground conditions. Moreover, in tunneling,
results, in following aspects: especially long distance projects, up to 75% of the
1. In the manufacture design and to purchase EPB machine capacity is utilized to avoid machine depre-
machine: Using graphs from other projects are ciation (O’Carroll 2005). The EPB machine used in
commonly used to select the proper machine line-7 of Tehran underground urban train tunnel, has a

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namely torque capacity of 24,000 kN m, which Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Sepasad
according to the aforementioned, the operating torque Co. for providing us with the required information for this
would be up to 18,000 kN m.
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