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Module 5


As a future teachers we always plan what is good to our students. Our objective is to
teach effectively so that our students will learn. We make preparations through lesson planning.
Wherein it guides the teacher on what lesson to be taught, methods to used, materials needed in the
lesson and what is expected to the students to learn.

Learning Outcomes

Specifically, after learning the module, you are expected;

1. Define lesson plan;

2. Know the different parts of lesson plan;
3. Write a detailed lesson plan.
4. Make a video of your teaching -demonstration of the lesson plan you made.

1.1 Lesson Plan

A lesson plan is a teacher s daily guide for what students need to learn, how it
be taught , and how learning will be measured. Lesson plan help teachers be more effective in the

classroom by providing a detailed outline to follow each class period.

Types of Lesson plan

1.Detailed lesson plan - It provides mastery of what to teach, and gives the teacher the
when teaching. In this plan, both teachers and students activities are

2.Semi-detailed lesson plan- is less intricate than the detailed lesson plan. It is having a general
game plan of what you wanted to cover for that subject on that particular

3.Undestanding by design (UbD)

Parts of Lesson Plan

A) Objectives
B) Subject Matter
C) Procedure
D) Evaluation
E) Assignment


 The first thing a teacher does is create an objective, a statement of purpose for the whole
lesson. An objective statement itself should answer what students will be able to do by the
end of the lesson.
 The objective drives he whole lesson, it is the reason the lesson exists. Care is taken when
creating the objective for each days lesson, as it will determine the activities the student the
students engage in.
 It is best to view your lesson objectives as goals for your class and students. One of the most
popular goal-setting strategies is the SMART criteria , which ensures goals are focused.
 In the context of lesson planning, you can use the SMART criteria to determine your lesson

Is the objective specific?

Is the objective measurable?
Is the objective attainable by all students?
Is the objective relevant to your class and students?
Is the objective time – based to align with your syllabus?

For each objective ,its important to start with an action that relates to what students should be able
to do after the lesson. Depending on what topic you are teaching and the level of knowledge your
students have , these actions will vary.


When teaching brand new concepts, you may define actions like define, identify,
explain , and determine.

1. Define and explain folk dance;

2. Identify the different parts of the skeletal system;

However, if the lesson involves more advance tasks, the objectives may include
actions like create, use, perform, or measure.

1.Create a dance step combination using 2/4 dance step;

2. Perform the basic skills in basketball;

Subject matter

 Specific topic includes sources of information e.g.. textbooks and library references.
 The subject matter includes the following:
 Topic – particular lesson
 Reference/s- usually from the book and internet websites.
 Materials – refer to objects or tools that serve as instructional aids for particular subject.

Topic: 2/4 Dance Step
References: Physical Education Handbook
A. Andin p. 34-35
Materials: CD, speaker, chart, pictures etc.

Concep check up 1

1. Select a topic and write three(3) objectives of that topic.

2. Write the subject matter, references and materials


 The procedure is the body of your lesson plan, the ways in which you ll use to help them
assume a measure of mastery of that material.
 In detailed lesson plan, the expected routines ,lesson proper , activities are presented.
Questions and answers are written.
 In semi-detailed lesson plan has only contains procedures or steps to be used in the lesson


 It can take the form of formative test consisting of a 10- item multiple choice question after
the day s lesson to determine mastery of learning e.g.. 95% of the class got 100% correct


 It includes questions, exercises, and /or a set of practice specified by the teacher. In order to
succeed in discussing the assignment for the following day, a teacher give focused/ specific
questions for students to answer.

Parts of Lesson Plan

Deductive Method

I. Objectives
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
2. Review
3. Motivation
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
a. Setting of Standards
2. Presentation of Roles/ Concept/ General Ideas
3. Discussion of examples
C. Concluding Activities
1. Restatement of Roles/ Concept/ General Ideas
2. Application
3. Valuing
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment

Concept Check 1.1

1. Make a detailed lesson plan using the deductive method.
2. Submit a video of your teaching -demonstration of the lesson plan you made.


To aid you in reviewing the concepts in this module, here are the highlights:

A lesson plan is a teacher s daily guide for what students need to learn, how it will
be taught , and how learning will be measured. There are three types of lesson plan the detailed
lesson plan, semi-detailed lesson plan and understanding by design. There are five parts of lesson
plan the objective, subject matter, procedure, evaluation and assignment.


Principles of Teaching 2 , Brenda B. Corpuz Ph.D.,Gloreia G. Salandanan Ph.D.

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