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Nama:Muhammad Iqbal Aldeena

Fakultas/Jurusan:FASILKOM-TI/Ilmu Komputer
KOM:B 2020
 3. The computer does what the programmer tells it to do.
The reason why I choose the third statement is because the text implies
that computers cannot solves problem.It can only follow the instructions
given by the programmer.Thus,by following the instructions given to it
by the programmer,only then can a computer solves the problems given
to it.
1.The computer is a great help to people because it solves their
problems. (F)
 The computer that has been programmed by programmers to
solves problems is a great help to people.
2.All problems are equally difficult to solve. (F)
 Not all problems are equally difficult to solve. Some are easier
than others.
3.An algorithm is a sequence of instructions used to solve problem. (T)
4.The most important part of problem solving is defining the problem
clearly. (F)
 = the most important part of problem solving is creating an
algorithm to solve it.
5.Block diagrams cannot show relationships. (F)
 Block diagrams can show relationships. The relationships
between events are shown by a connecting arrow (>).
6.Coding sheets are used for writing programs. (T)
7.Punched cards are the only way of transferring the program to the
computer memory. (F)
 Punched cards are not the only way of transferring the program to
the computer memory. You can also use the terminal to give the
computer the necessary instructions.
8.If the data is not added to the program, the computer cannot perform
calculations. (T)
9.It is a good idea to test the program before adding the data. (T)
10.A computer is very intelligent. It is capable of thinking. (F)
 A computer is not intelligent,because it doesn’t have it’s own
intelligent mind.It can only performs actions as long as they
have been programmed into it.

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