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 Two major thyroid hormones: •

Triiodothyronine (T3)

the most active form (is about 10 times more

potent than T4)
 Thyroxine (T4)
peroxidase to iodine
3. Tyrosine in thyroglobulin is iodinated and forms
-The thyroid gland also secretes the hormone
4. Iodotyrosines condensation MIT+DIT→T3;
- a serum calcium-lowering hormone
Although the thyroid gland is not essential for life,
inadequate or excessive secretion of thyroid
hormone can result to adverse reactions.
Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase are diagnostic for
Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
• Hypothyroidism (Low)
• chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
• Hyperthyroidism (High)
• an autoimmune disease in which the thyroid
gland is attacked by a variety of
cell- and antibody-mediated processes
1. Iodide (I ) uptake
Regulation of secretion:
2. Oxidation to iodine (I2) by a peroxidase
• Hypothalamic TRH (thyrotropin-releasing
3. Iodination of tyrosines on thyroglobulin. (iodine
hormone )
• Secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH;
4. Condensation of two diiodotyrosine residues
thyrotropin) by the anterior pituitary
gives rise to T4
5. Condensation of a monoiodotyrosine residue
with a diiodotyrosine residue generates T3, which
is still bound to the protein.
6. The hormones are released following proteolytic
cleavage of the thyroglobulin.

Synthesis of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones

triiodothyronine (T3)
tetraiodothyronine (T4, thyroxine)

Regulation of secretion:
iodine & tyrosine
• The hypothalamus releases a hormone called
thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
1. Iodide is trapped by sodium-iodide symporter
2. Iodide is oxidized by
• TRH sends a signal to the pituitary to release
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).
• In turn, TSH sends a signal to the thyroid to HYPOTHYROIDISM
release thyroid hormones.
There are three types of hypothyroidism:
• Most of the hormone (T3 and T4) is bound to • Primary
thyroxine-bindingglobulin in the plasma. • Secondary
• Tertiary
• It must dissociate from thyroxine-binding plasma
proteins Primary Hypothyroidism
•Due to a defect in the gland, the thyroid cannot
• Thyrotropin stimulates the uptake of iodide as make enough T3 and T4
well as synthesis and release of thyroid hormone. •The most common cause of primary
hypothyroidism in the United States is the
• It also has a growth-promoting effect that causes destruction of the thyroid gland by the immune
thyroid cell hyperplasia and an enlarged gland system (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)
(goiter). Other causes include:
• certain drugs such as lithium
• radiation exposure to the neck
THYROID HORMONE • radioactive iodine used for treatment of
Mechanism of action: • special x-ray dyes
• surgical removal of part or all of the thyroid gland
• T4 is enzymatically deiodinated to T3, which • some women develop after pregnancy
enters the nucleus and attaches to specific (postpartum thyroiditis)
Secondary Hypothyroidism
Pharmacokinetics: •the thyroid gland produces too little hormone due
to disorders of the pituitary gland (i.e. pituitary
• Both T4 and T3 are absorbed after oral hypothyroidism)
• Food, calcium preparations, and aluminum- Tertiary Hypothyroidism
containing antacids can decrease the absorption of •Tertiary hypothyroidism is caused by disorders of
T4 but not of T3.

Physiological actions of thyroid hormones

To normalize growth and development, body

temperature, and energy levels
▲Insufficiency→ cretinism (infant & child), and
myxedema (adult);

-To enhance CNS excitability & sensitivity of CVS to

NA the hypothalamus

#T3 is 3 to 4 times more potent than T4 in heat Early Symptoms

production; • Cold intolerance
# T4 in colloid is about 4 times more numerous • Depression
than T3 ; • Muscle or joint pain
• Paleness • Abnormal secretion of TSH
• Thin, brittle hair and fingernails • Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid
• Dry, itchy skin
• Weight gain and water retention
- Constipation • Excessive iodine intake
- Fatigue
- Weakness Graves' Disease
• Caused by a generalized overactivity of
TREATMENT: the thyroid gland
• Treatment is to replace the thyroid hormone that
• an autoimmune disorder wherein the B
is lacking
• It is treated with levothyroxine (T4) lymphocytes produce an antibody that
• T3 (liothyronine) is faster acting but has a shorter activates the TSH receptor and can cause
half-life and is more expensive thyrotoxicosis.
• T4 is used most often, but a combination of T4
and T3 is also used • The most common cause of
•Receive the lowest dose that relieves symptoms
and brings blood tests to a normal range
•Periodic monitoring of TSH levels • Triggers: stress, smoking, radiation to the
•Requires life-long therapy, can be completely neck, medications, and infectious organisms
controlled with early treatment such as viruses.

TOXICITY: Symptoms:
• thyrotoxicosis
• Excessive sweating
•Older patients, those with cardiovascular disease,
and those with longstanding hypothyroidism are - Weight loss
highly sensitive to the stimulatory effects of T4 on • Heat intolerance
the heart. • Increased bowel movement
•Such patients should receive lower initial doses of • Tremor (usually fine shaking)
T4. • Nervousness, agitation
• Decreased concentration
• Irregular and scant menstrual flow
- Fatigue
Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which an
overactive thyroid gland is producing an
excessive amount of thyroid hormones that
• Treating the symptoms • Antithyroid
circulate in the blood.
•Thyrotoxicosis is a toxic condition that is
• Radioactive iodine
caused by an excess of thyroid hormones
• Surgery
from any cause.

• Graves' Disease
• Functioning adenoma ("hot nodule") and
Toxic Multinodular Goiter (TMNG)
• Excessive intake of thyroid hormones
2. Operation preparation;
3. Thyroid crisis (comprehensive therapy).
Inhibition of the synthesis of T3 & T4
Adverse reactions
Mechanism 1. Long-term use leads to thyroid
All thioamides inhibit peroxidase-catalyzing 2. Pruritic maculopapular rash is the most
reactions common
Iodine organification-iodination of the adverse raaction
tyrosine residues of thyroglobulin 3. The severe adverse reaction is
Iodotyrosines condensation-coupling of DIT agranulocytosis, vasculitis,
and MIT hypoprothrombinemia, and liver
Propylthiouracil (first choice for thyroid dysfunction.
crisis ) and, to a much lesser extent,
methimazole also inhibit T4 converting to
Raising the plasma iodide concentration to
Characteristics a level above 5 μg/dl results in a complete
1 Result appears slowly: in 3-4 w & temporary inhibition of iodide
hyperthyroid ameliorated, and in 2-3 organification by the thyrotoxic gland.
months BMR normalized;
2 Long-term use leads to thyroid • The usual forms of this drug are Lugol’s
hyperplasia solution (iodine and potassium iodide) and
3 Methimazole is 10 times as potent as saturated solution of potassium iodide.
Iodides (NaI, KI)
Pharmacological action
• The thioamides can be used by the oral Inhibition of T3 & T4 release and synthesis
route and are effective in young patients Decrease of size & vascularity of the
with small glands and mild disease. hyperplastic gland
• Methimazole is generally preferred
because it can be administered once per Clinical use
day. Ministrant treatment of hyperthyroid 1.
• PTU is preferred in pregnancy because it Operation preparation;
is less likely than methimazole to cross the 2. Thyroid crisis.
placenta and enter breast milk.
Adverse reactions
Clinical use 1. Acneiform rash (similar to that of
treatment of hyperthyroid bromism);
1. Mild hyperthyroid and those surgery & 2. Swollen salivary glands, mucous
131I not permitted; membrane ulcerations
3. drug fever, metallic taste, bleeding • Propranolol is the most widely studied
disorders, and, rarely, anaphylactic and used.
reactions • Propranolol also inhibits the peripheral
conversion of T4 to T3.
RADIOACTIVE IODINE • Nonselective beta blockers such as
131I is the only isotope for treatment of propranolol (Inderal) should be prescribed
thyrotoxicosis. for symptom control because they have a
• Its therapeutic effect depends on emission more direct effect on hypermetabolism.
of β rays with an effective half-life of 5 days • 10 to 20 mg every six hours
& a penetration range of 0.4-2 mm.
• CI: woman in pregnancy or lactation. AMIODARONE
•Iodine-containing antiarrhythmic drug
• The radioactive iodine is picked up by the • can cause hypothyroidism through its
active cells in the thyroid and destroys ability to block the peripheral conversion of
them. Since iodine is only picked up by T4 to T3
thyroid cells (and picked up more readily by •It also can cause hyperthyroidism either
over-active thyroid cells), the destruction is through an iodine-induced mechanism in
local, and there are no widespread side persons with an underlying thyroid disease
effects with this therapy. such as multinodular goiter or through an
inflammatory mechanism that causes
• Unlike the thioamides and iodide salts, an leakage of thyroid hormone into the
effective dose of 131I can produce a circulation.
permanent cure of thyrotoxicosis without •Amiodarone-associated hypothyroidism is
surgery. treated with thyroid hormone.
•Iodine-associated hyperthyroidism caused
ANION INHIBITORS by amiodarone is treated with thioamides,
• thiocyanate (SCN−) and perchlorate whereas the inflammatory version is best
(ClO4−) treated with corticosteroids.
• MOA: block the uptake of iodide by the
thyroid gland through
competitive inhibition of the iodide RADIOCONTRAST MEDIA
transporter •Iodinated radiocontrast media
• Their effectiveness is unpredictable and •Oral diatrizoate and Intravenous Iohexol
ClO4− can cause aplastic anemia, so these • rapidly suppress the conversion of T4 to
drugs are rarely used clinically. T3 in the liver, kidney, and other peripheral
• βblockers are effective in treatment of <<<<END OF TRANSCRIPT FOR THYROID>>>
• useful in controlling the tachycardia and
other cardiac abnormalities of severe

-Consists of approximately 1 million
-Four hormone-producing cells are present

Pancreatic Hormones
1. Insulin
2. Islet Amyloid Polypeptide 3. Glucagon
4. Somatostatin
5. Gastrin
6. Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (85-90%) results
from either insulin resistance
(overweight people) or inadequate insulin
production (lean people) or a combination
of both

Gestational Diabetes
– Diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy
– Carbohydrate intolerance with onset or
first recognition during pregnancy.
Diabetes Mellitus – Increased health risk to mother and baby
It is defined as an elevated blood glucose – May require insulin injections
associated with absent or inadequate – Goes away after birth, but increased risk
pancreatic insulin secretion, with or of developing Type 2 DM for mother and
without concurrent impairment of insulin child
What is Insulin Resistance?
Four Categories of Diabetes Mellitus: – condition in which the body does not
Type I, Type II , Type III , Type IV utilize
insulin efficiently
1. Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus – Insulin resistance is the decreased
(IDDM): pancreatic B cell destruction response of the liver and peripheral tissues
(immune-mediated in most cases) (muscle, fat) to insulin
– Insulin resistance is a primary defect in
2. Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes the majority of patients with Type 2
Mellitus (NIDDM): >90%, defects of insulin diabetes
secretion and action, insulin resistance.
• The disease is characterized by an
absolute deficiency of insulin caused by
massive β-cell necrosis.
• Type 1 diabetic shows classic symptoms of
insulin deficiency (polydipsia, polyphagia,
polyuria, and weight loss).

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (10-15%) Treatment:

– results when the body’s immune system • A Type 1 diabetic must rely on exogenous
destroys its own beta cells in the pancreas. (injected) insulin to control hyperglycemia,
No insulin production is then possible. avoid ketoacidosis, and maintain acceptable
levels of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c).

Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c)

– HbA1c is a measure of the average blood required to achieve satisfactory serum
glucose glucose levels.
level over the previous 2 – 3 months
– It measures how much glucose is attached Clinical Manifestations:
to the hemoglobin on red blood cells – Polydipsia – increased thirst
– It is expressed as a percentage, not – Polyuria – increased urine
mmol/l ie HbA1c and BGL are two different – Polyphagia – increased hunger – Fatigue
measurements – Blurred vision
– Normal HbA1c is 4 - 6% – Slow healing
– with diabetes aim for ≤ 7% – infections
– Impotence in men
Clinical Manifestations:
– Polyuria – increased urine
– Polydipsia – increased thirst
– Polyphagia – increased hunger
– Weight loss
– Fatigue
– Nausea, vomiting
– Ketoacidosis may be a presenting sign


• The disease is influenced by genetic • Insulin is a polypeptide hormone
factors, aging, obesity, and peripheral consisting of two peptide chains that are
insulin resistance. connected by disulfide bonds.
• In Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas retains • It is synthesized as a precursor (pro-
some β-cell function, but variable insulin insulin) that undergoes proteolytic cleavage
secretion is insufficient to maintain glucose to form insulin and C peptide.
• Pro-insulin
Treatment Goal – 86-amino-acid single-chain polypeptide
– to maintain blood glucose – Cleavage result in the 2-chain 51-peptide
concentrations within normal limits insulin molecule and a 31-amino-acid
– to prevent the development of long- term residual C-peptide
complications of the disease.
• Normal person = low-level of precursor
Treatment • Type II = high level of precursor
– Weight reduction • Secretion is regulated by blood, amino
– Exercise acids, other hormones, autonomic
– Dietary modification mediators
– Oral hypoglycemic drugs
– As the disease progresses, β-cell function
declines, and insulin therapy is often
Glucose is taken up causing increased in
ATP, blocking K channels and influx of Ca
which leads to insulin release Rapid onset & ultra-short acting
– Regular insulin
From specials strains of E. Coli or yeast – Insulin lispro
(recombinant DNA technology) – Insulin aspart
• Not administered orally – Insulin glulisine
• Generally administered SC • Regular insulin, insulin lispro, and insulin
• Continuous insulin infusion aspart are pregnancy category B.
• Insulin glulisine has not been studied in
Mechanism of Action: pregnancy
– When activated by the hormone, the
insulin receptor, a transmembrane tyrosine Insulin Preparations:
kinase, phosphorylates itself and a variety – Rapid-acting: e.g. insulin lispro, insulin
of intracellular proteins when activated by aspart, and insulin glulisine
the hormone. – Short-acting: e.g. Regular insulin
– Intermediate-acting: e.g. Neutral
protamine Hagedorn insulin (NPH insulin)
Effects (Liver) – Long-acting: e.g. Insulin glargine and
– Insulin increases the storage of glucose as insulin detemir
glycogen in the liver.
– This involves the insertion of additional
GLUT2 glucose transport molecules in cell Rapid onset & ultra-short acting
plasma membranes; increased synthesis of – have rapid onsets and early peaks of
the enzymes pyruvate kinase, activity that permit control of postprandial
phosphofructokinase, and glucokinase; and glucose levels
suppression of several other enzymes. – have small alterations in their primary
– Insulin also decreases protein catabolism. amino acid sequences that speed their
entry into the circulation without affecting
Effects (Skeletal Muscle) their interaction with the insulin receptor
– Insulin stimulates glycogen synthesis and – The rapid-acting insulins are injected
protein synthesis. immediately before a meal and are the
– Glucose transport into muscle cells is preferred insulin for continuous
facilitated by insertion of GLUT4 subcutaneous infusion devices.
transporters into cell plasma membranes. – They also can be used for emergency
treatment of uncomplicated diabetic
Effects (Adipose Tissue) ketoacidosis.
– Insulin facilitates triglyceride storage by
activating plasma lipoprotein lipase, Rapid onset & ultra-short acting
increasing glucose transport into cells via • Lispro = 15 minutes before a meal or
GLUT4 transporters, and reducing immediately after a meal
intracellular lipolysis.
• Glulisine = 15 minutes before or within 20 acetate buffer
minutes after starting a meal – Insulin glargine
• Aspart = just prior to meal – Insulin detemir
• Peak levels of lispro are seen 30-90 – Insulin glargine and insulin detemir are
minutes modified forms of human insulin that
• Peak levels of regular are seen 50-120 provide a peakless basal insulin level lasting
minutes more than 20 h, which helps control basal
glucose levels without producing
Short acting hypoglycemia.
– Regular insulin is used intravenously in
emergencies or administered with INSULIN & ITS ANALOGS
intermediate- or long-acting preparations.
– Before the development of rapid-acting Combinations
insulins, it was the primary form of insulin – 70% NPH + 30% regular or 50% each
used for controlling postprandial glucose – 75% NPL (neutral protamine lispro)+ 25%
concentrations, but it requires lispro
administration 1 h or more before a meal.
ordinary maintenance regimens, Insulin delivery systems
subcutaneously in alone or mixed – The standard mode of insulin therapy is
subcutaneous injection with conventional
Intermediate-acting disposable needles and syringes.
– Neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (NPH – Portable pen-sized injectors are used to
insulin) is a combination of regular insulin facilitate subcutaneous injection.
and protamine. – Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
– exhibits a delayed onset and peak of devices avoid the need for multiple daily
action injections and provide flexibility in the
– NPH insulin is often combined with scheduling of patients’ daily activities.
regular and rapid-acting insulins. Adverse effect
– Hypoglycemia
– Lente insulin – amorphous precipitate of – Lipodystrophy
insulin with zinc ion in acetate buffer – Allergic reactions
combined with 70% ultralente insulin
– Isophane NPH (Neutral protamine Hazards of Insulin Use
Hagedorn) – suspension of crystalline zinc – The most common complication is
insulin combined at a neutral pH with hypoglycemia, resulting from excessive
protamine insulin effect.
– NPH insulin should only be given
subcutaneously (never intravenously) – To prevent the brain damage that may
result from hypoglycemia, prompt
Prolonged acting administration of glucose (sugar or candy
– Ultralente insulin – susp of zinc insulin by mouth, glucose by vein) or of glucagon
crystals in (by intramuscular injection) is essential.
– Thiazolidenediones/Glitazones
– The most common form of insulin-
induced immunologic complication is the • α-Glucosdase Inhibitors
formation of antibodies to insulin or • Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitors
noninsulin protein contaminants, which • Incretin Mimetics
results in resistance to the action of the
drug or allergic reactions. SULFONYLUREAS
Tolbutamide,Glyburide, Glipizide,
SYNTHETIC AMYLIN ANALOG Chlorpropamide, Glimepiride

• Pramlintide • MOA
– Administered by subcutaneous injection – Stimulation of insulin release
– should be injected immediately prior to – Reduction in hepatic glucose production –
meals Increase in peripheral insulin sensitivity
– It is used in combination with insulin to – Insulin secretagogues stimulate the
control postprandial glucose levels. release of endogenous insulin by promoting
– When pramlintide is initiated, the dose of closure of potassium channels in the
rapid- or short-acting insulin should be pancreatic B- cell membrane
decreased by 50% prior to meals to avoid a – Channel closure depolarizes the cell and
risk of severe hypoglycemia. triggers insulin release.
– Insulin secretagogues are not effective in
• Mechanism of Action patients who lack functional pancreatic B
– Amylin contributes to glycemic control by cells.
activating high-affinity receptors that are a
complex of the calcitonin receptor and a Pharmacokinetics
receptoractivity modifying receptor (RANK). – Given orally, bind to serum proteins,
– Pramlintide suppresses glucagon release, metabolized by the liver, excreted by the
slows gastric emptying, and works in the liver & kidney
CNS to reduce appetite. – Tolbutamide – has the shortest duration
of action
• Toxicity – The second-generation sulfonylureas
– hypoglycemia (glyburide, glipizide, glimepiride) are
– gastrointestinal disturbances considerably more potent and used more
commonly than the older agents.
• Adverse effects
• Insulin Secretagogues – Weight gain
- Sulfonylureas – rash or other allergic reactions
– Meglitinide Analogs – Hyperinsulinemia
– Hypoglycemia
• Insulin Sensitizers – Can cross the placenta (except Glyburide)
– Biguanides – CI to liver or renal failure
– The older sulfonylureas (tolbutamide and • reduces glucose absorption from the
chlorpropamide) are extensively bound to gastrointestinal tract
serum proteins • decreases of plasma glucagon levels

MEGLITINIDE ANALOGS • Mechanism of Action

• Repaglinide, nateglinide – Reduces hepatic glucose output by
• D-phenylalanine derivative inhibiting gluconeogenesis
– The molecular mechanism of biguanide
• MOA reduction in hepatic glucose production
– Bind to a distinct site on the sulfonylurea appears to involve activation of an AMP-
receptor stimulated protein kinase.
– Have rapid onset of action and short – Also slows intestinal absorption of sugars
duration of action
– Postprandial glucose regulators – In patients with insulin resistance,
–Meglitinides should not be used in metformin reduces endogenous insulin
combination with sulfonylureas. production presumably through enhanced
insulin sensitivity.
• Pharmacokinetics – metformin is increasingly the drug of first
– Well absorbed orally from 1-30 minutes choice in overweight patients with type 2
before meals diabetes.
– Metabolized to inactive metabolites and
excreted in the bile
• Reduces hyperlipidemia
• Adverse effects • The ADA treatment algorithm
– Hypoglycemia* recommends metformin as the drug of
– Ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole choice for newly diagnosed Type 2
erythromycin, clarythromycin - inhibit diabetics.
CYP3A4 • Metformin is also used to restore fertility
– Barbiturates, rifampin, carbamazepine – in anovulatory women with polycystic ovary
induce CYP3A4 disease (PCOD) and evidence of insulin
– Severe hypoglycemia has been reported resistance.
with gemfibrozil
• Pharmacokinetics:
BIGUANIDES – Absorbed orally, not protein bounded and
Metformin is the primary member of the metabolized, excreted in the urine
biguanide group EUGLYCEMIA – Adverse effects are on the GI (nausea,
• Does not promote insulin secretion diarrhea)
• reduces postprandial and fasting glucose – CI to diabetics with renal/hepatic failure,
levels cardiac/ respiratory insufficient, ROH abuse,
• stimulates glucose uptake and glycolysis severe infection & pregnancy (can cause
in peripheral tissues lactic acidosis)
THIAZOLIDINEDIONES/ GLITAZONES – increased risk of myocardial infarction
• Troglitazone*, Pioglitazone, Rosiglitazone (Rosiglitazone)
– hepatotoxicity (Troglitazone)
Mechanism of Action – Female patients taking thiazolidinediones
– Target the PPAR-γ (peroxisome appear to have an increased risk of bone
proliferator– activated receptor-γ) resulting fractures.
in insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue, liver – Pioglitazone and troglitazone, but not
and skeletal muscle Rosiglitazone, induce cytochrome P450
– This nuclear receptor regulates the activity (especially the 3A4 isozyme) and
transcription of genes encoding proteins can reduce the serum concentrations of
involved in carbohydrate and lipid drugs that are metabolized by these
metabolism. enzymes (eg, oral contraceptives,
• Effects
– increases glucose uptake in muscle and α GLUCOSIDASE INHIBITORS
adipose tissue • ACARBOSE & MIGLITOL are carbohydrate
– inhibit hepatic gluconeogenesis and have analogs that act within the intestine to
effects on lipid metabolism and the inhibit alpha- glucosidase
distribution of body fat • Delay CHO digestion
– Corrects hyperglycemia, hyperTAGemia, • α-glucosidase is responsible for the
hyperinsulinemia and elevated HbA1C hydrolysis of oligosaccharides to glucose
levels and other sugars.
– HDL increase in both drugs • Taken at the beginning of meals
– Thiazolidinediones reduce both fasting • postprandial hyperglycemia is reduced by
and postprandial hyperglycemia. these drugs
– Like metformin, the thiazolidinediones • Acarbose also inhibits α-amylase
have been shown to reduce the risk of • Do not increase insulin release or action
diabetes in high-risk patients. • These drugs lack an effect on fasting blood
• Pharmacokinetics
– Absorbed orally, bounded to plasma • Acarbose
protein, metabolized by the liver, excreted – Poorly absorbed, metabolized by
in the urine (parent compound-bile) intestinal bacteria, some are excreted in the
– Possible hepatotoxicity may occur, urine
headache, anemia, weight increase • Miglitol
– Not taken by nursing mothers – very well absorbed and excreted
unchanged in the urine
• Toxicity
– hypoglycemia is extremely rare • Toxicities
– can cause fluid retention, which presents – flatulence, diarrhea, cramping or
as mild anemia and edema and may abdominal pain resulting from increased
increase the risk of heart failure
fermentation of unabsorbed carbohydrate
by bacteria in the colon • Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a
– CI to inflammatory bowel disease, colon member of the incretin family of peptide
ulceration, intestinal obstruction hormones
– Decrease bioavailability of metformin • The GLP-1 receptor is a G protein- coupled
– Patients taking an α-glucosidase inhibitor receptor (GPCR) that increases cAMP and
who experience hypoglycemia should be also increases the free intracellular
treated with oral glucose (dextrose) and not concentration of calcium.
sucrose, because the absorption of sucrose
will be delayed. • Exenatide, a long-acting injectable
peptide analog of GLP-1, is used in
DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE IV INHIBITOR combination with metformin or a
• Sitagliptin sulfonylurea for treatment of type 2
• inhibits the enzyme DPP-IV, which is diabetes.
responsible for the inactivation of incretin • 50% homologous to GLIP-1
hormones, such as glucagon-like peptide-1
(GLP-1). • Effects
• It is approved for use in type 2 diabetes as – Improves insulin secretion
monotherapy or in combination with – Slows gastric emptying time
metformin or a thiazolidinedione. – Decreases food intake
• Sitagliptin promotes insulin release, – Increase glucose suppression of glucagon
inhibits glucagon secretion, and has an release
anorexic effect. – Promote B-cell regeneration
• Well absorbed after oral administration – Admin. SC
• Food does not affect the extent of
absorption. • Toxicity
• Excreted unchanged in the urine – gastrointestinal disturbances, particularly
• Dosage adjustments are recommended nausea during initial therapy
for patients with renal dysfunction. – hypoglycemia when exenatide is
• The most common adverse effects being combined with a sulfonylurea
nasopharyngitis, headache, and upper – The drug has also caused serious and
respiratory tract infection. sometimes fatal acute pancreatitis.


• Exenatide MELLITUS
• Incretin
– Group of GI hormones that cause an • Dietary instruction
increase in the amount of insulin • Parenteral insulin
released from the beta cells after eating, • Pramlintide
even before blood glucose become • Careful attention by the patient to factors
elevated. that change insulin requirements: exercise,
– Inhibit glucagon release
infections, other forms of stress, and – Glucagon increases heart rate and force of
deviations from the regular diet. contraction, increases hepatic
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, and
• Because type 2 diabetes is usually a relaxes smooth muscle. The smooth muscle
progressive disease, therapy for an effect is particularly marked in the gut.
individual patient generally escalates over
time. • Glucagon is used to treat severe
• It begins with weight reduction and hypoglycemia in diabetics, but its
dietary control. hyperglycemic action requires intact hepatic
• Initial drug therapy usually is oral glycogen stores.
monotherapy with metformin. • It is given intramuscularly or
• Noninsulin antidiabetic agents are being intravenously.
used in combination with each other or • In the management of severe β-blocker
with insulin to achieve better glycemic overdose, glucagon may be the most
control and minimize toxicity. effective method for stimulating the
depressed heart because it increases
• Because type 2 diabetes involves both cardiac cAMP without requiring access to β
insulin resistance and inadequate insulin receptors
production, it makes sense to combine an
agent that augments insulin’s action <<<<<<<END OF TRANSCRIPT FOR DM>>>>
(metformin, a thiazolidinedione, or an α-
glucosidase inhibitor) with one that
augments the insulin supplies (insulin
secretagogue or insulin).

• Long-acting drugs (sulfonylureas,

metformin, thiazolidinediones, exenatide,
sitagliptin, some insulin formulations) help
control both fasting and postprandial blood
glucose levels
• Short-acting drugs (α-glucosidase
inhibitors, repaglinide, pramlintide, rapid-
acting insulins) primarily target postprandial


• Glucagon is a protein hormone secreted
by the α cells of the endocrine pancreas.
• Mechanism of Action
– Acts through G protein-coupled receptors
heart, smooth muscle, and liver

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