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You have just found out that your local council plan to turn plaza San Martín into

a car parking area because of a lack of parking spaces.

Dear council:
Good morning! how are you? i hope you’re having a nice day, i found out about
the plan to turn plaza San Martin into a car parking area and i want to tell you my
opinion about it. In rio gallegos there’s a lack of parking spaces but also there’s
a lot of children and teenagers that need to have a place to enjoy the outside, i
know that are others parks but most of them get full of people and its really
uncomfortable to stay there. Plaza San martin is in the middle of the center and
it’s not close so people always have the chance to walking by ant any hour. this
plaza exists since 1901, it shouldn’t be changed because it’s important for ten
city and for the persons that live here . i hope you considerate my opinion because
i think many people of this city think the same.

Have a good day!

and thank you!

catalina abildgaard
de cristofaro.

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