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3. Panzer Marsh!

Bieville, France 06/06/44: After hours of uncertainty the

German High Command attaches the 21PzDiv to the LXXXIV
Armeekorps. The latter wants to engage the Panzers west of
Caen where the situation is critical. The purpose of the
counterattack is to prevent the junction between the beaches
of Sword and Juno and to prevent the British from advancing

Composition of the Armies

Elements of the 2nd KSLI and Stafford Yeomanry, 3rd Infantry Division

Elements of Kampfgrüppe Oppeln, 21 Panzer Division

Battle Map:

Remove from the British and German decks all and stops his movement.
Artillery and Aviation cards.
Special deployment capabilities do not apply.
The British player is placed first. The German
player has the initiative. Place the corresponding
marker on box 1 of the turn counter. The 4th CLY enters in the indicated area on
turn 4 on a roll of 3 or less. Otherwise it enters
Each player draws 4 cards.
on turn 5.
Victory Conditions:
The German player wins if he has 3 vehicles
(heavy or light) north of the yellow line at the end Epilogue:
of the scenario. The consolidation of the Kampfgrüppen is not
complete until 16h20. The attacking Panzers of
I./22 are taken apart by the 2nd KSLI near
Special Rules: Bieville with two PzIVs destroyed. Around 16h45
The British player may place hidden 2 units in Stafford Yeomanry arrive as reinforcements.
his deployment area at the start of the scenario. Ten more PzIVs are destroyed in front of Périers
Write down their contact information on a piece from counterattacks in the area. Further west,
of paper. Hidden units are revealed if they make Grüppe Rauch's II./22 managed to reach the
a move, a shot, or if an enemy unit tries to enter Lion sur Mer coast around 20h00. But by 21h00,
their box. In the latter case the German player with the 6th Airlanding Brigade threatening their
can decide whether he makes an assault or rear, the 21 PzDiv retreated to its starting
returns or returns to the square previously left positions.

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