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This dataset was created for the Paper 'From Group to Individual Labels using Deep

Features', Kotzias et. al,. KDD 2015

Please cite the paper if you want to use it :)

It contains sentences labelled with positive or negative sentiment, extracted from

reviews of products, movies, and restaurants

sentence \t score \n

Score is either 1 (for positive) or 0 (for negative)
The sentences come from three different websites/fields:

For each website, there exist 500 positive and 500 negative sentences. Those were
selected randomly for larger datasets of reviews.
We attempted to select sentences that have a clearly positive or negative
connotaton, the goal was for no neutral sentences to be selected.

For the full datasets look:

imdb: Maas et. al., 2011 'Learning word vectors for sentiment analysis'
amazon: McAuley et. al., 2013 'Hidden factors and hidden topics: Understanding
rating dimensions with review text'
yelp: Yelp dataset challenge

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