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Smart Time 2_Ss cover 13-05-29 16:16 Page 1

dla gimnazjum

Smart Time 2 Student’s Book

Smart Time to nowoczesny, czteropoziomowy kurs j´zyka angielskiego dla gimnazjum, łàczàcy kompleksowe
przygotowanie do egzaminu gimnazjalnego na poziomie podstawowym i rozszerzonym z wszechstronnym
rozwijaniem umiej´tnoÊci j´zykowych uczniów.

- Jenny Dooley
Dla ucznia Dla nauczyciela Virginia Evans
żena Sendor-G
k dla gim
nazjum Konsultacja: Bo

Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

Class Audio CDs

Student’s Book Workbook Teacher’s Book

& Grammar Book (interleaved)

Oprogramowanie do
tablic interaktywnych

Interaktywny eBook Audio CD
Zawiera m. in.:
✓ podręcznik w wersji interaktywnej
✓ ścieżki dźwiękowe i filmy wideo
Teacher’s Resource Pack
✓ gry i kwizy językowe Workbook & Tests/Diagnostic Tests
✓ słowniczek audiowizualny & Grammar Book Multi-Rom
✓ kilkadziesiąt filmów dokumentalnych

Realizacja podstawy programowej III.0 Realizacja podstawy programowej III.1

dla początkujących dla kontynuujących naukę

Klasa I Smart Time 1 Smart Time 1 Smart Time 2

Klasa II Smart Time 2 Smart Time 2 Smart Time 3

Smart Time 3 Smart Time 3 Smart Time 4
Klasa III i/lub i/lub i/lub
Express Publishing Repetytorium Express Publishing Repetytorium Express Publishing Repetytorium

ISBN 978-1-4715-09261
Smart Time 2_Ss cover 13-05-29 16:16 Page 2

Published by Express Publishing Irregular Verbs

Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury,
Berkshire RG19 6HW
Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle
Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 be /b∞/ was /w≥z/ been /bæn/ leave /l∞v/ left /left/ left /left/
e-mail: bear /b≈r/ bore /b¥r/ born(e) /b¥rn/ lend /lend/ lent /lent/ lent /lent/ beat /b∞t/ beat /b∞t/ beaten /b∞tºn/ let /let/ let /let/ let /let/
become /bæk∑m/ became /bækΩm/ become /bæk∑m/ light /l¡t/ lit /læt/ lit /læt/
begin /bægæn/ began /bæg±n/ begun /bæg∑n/ lose /l∂z/ lost /l≥st/ lost /l≥st/
© Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley, 2013
bite /b¡t/ bit /bæt/ bitten /bætºn/
blow /bloμ/ blew /bl∂/ blown /bloμn/ make /mΩk/ made /mΩd/ made /mΩd/
Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2013 break /brΩk/ broke /broμk/ broken /broμkºn/ mean /m∞n/ meant /ment/ meant /ment/
bring /bræ…/ brought /br¥t/ brought /br¥t/ meet /m∞t/ met /met/ met /met/
Colour Illustrations: Angela, Andrew Simons © Express Publishing, 2013 build /bæld/ built /bælt/ built /bælt/
burn /bªrn/ burnt (burned) /bªrnt burnt (burned) /bªrnt pay /pΩ/ paid /pΩd/ paid /pΩd/
(bªrnd)/ (bªrnd)/ put /pμt/ put /pμt/ put /pμt/
Music Arrangements by Taz © Express Publishing, 2013 burst /bªrst/ burst /bªrst/ burst /bªrst/
buy /b¡/ bought /b¥t/ bought /b¥t/ read /r∞d/ read /red/ read /red/
First published 2013 ride /r¡d/ rode /roμd/ ridden /rædºn/
can /k±n/ could /kμd/ (been able to) /bæn Ωbºl tº/ ring /ræ…/ rang /r±…/ rung /r∑…/
catch /k±∏/ caught /k¥t/ caught /k¥t/ rise /r¡z/ rose /roμz/ risen /ræzºn/
Polish edition by EGIS, 2013
choose /∏∂z/ chose /∏oμz/ chosen /∏oμzºn/ run /r∑n/ ran /r±n/ run /r∑n/
come /k∑m/ came /kΩm/ come /k∑m/
Made in EU cost /k≥st/ cost /k≥st/ cost /k≥st/ say /sΩ/ said /sed/ said /sed/
cut /k∑t/ cut /k∑t/ cut /k∑t/ see /s∞/ saw /s¥/ seen /s∞n/
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or sell /sel/ sold /soμld/ sold /soμld/
deal /d∞l/ dealt /delt/ dealt /delt/ send /send/ sent /sent/ sent /sent/
transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written
dig /dæg/ dug /d∑g/ dug /d∑g/ set /set/ set /set/ set /set/
permission of the publishers. do /d∂/ did /dæd/ done /d∑n/ sew /soμ/ sewed /soμd/ sewn /soμn/
draw /dr¥/ drew /dr∂/ drawn /dr¥n/ shake /«Ωk/ shook /«μk/ shaken /«Ωkºn/
This book is not meant to be changed in any way. dream /dr∞m/ dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) /dremt shine /«¡n/ shone /«≥n/ shone /«≥n/
/dremt (dr∞md)/ (dr∞md)/ shoot /«∂t/ shot /«≥t/ shot /«≥t/
drink /dræ…k/ drank /dr±…k/ drunk /dr∑…k/ show /«oμ/ showed /«oμd/ shown /«oμn/
ISBN 978-1-4715-0926-1
drive /dr¡v/ drove /droμv/ driven /drævºn/ shut /«∑t/ shut /«∑t/ shut /«∑t/
sing /sæ…/ sang /s±…/ sung /s∑…/
eat /∞t/ ate /Ωt/ eaten /∞tºn/ sit /sæt/ sat /s±t/ sat /s±t/
Acknowledgements sleep /sl∞p/ slept /slept/ slept /slept/
fall /f¥l/ fell /fel/ fallen /f¥lºn/ smell /smel/ smelt (smelled) /smelt smelt (smelled) /smelt
feed /f∞d/ fed /fed/ fed /fed/ (smeld)/ (smeld)/
Authors’ Acknowledgements feel /f∞l/ felt /felt/ felt /felt/ spoke /spoμk/ spoken /spoμkºn/
speak /sp∞k/
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks fight /f¡t/ fought /f¥t/ fought /f¥t/ spell /spel/ spelt (spelled) /spelt spelt (spelled) /spelt
for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior find /f¡nd/ found /f¬nd/ found /f¬nd/ (speld)/ (speld)/
editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express fly /fl¡/ flew /fl∂/ flown /floμn/ spend /spend/ spent /spent/ spent /spent/
design team; Warehouse (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We forbid /fºrbæd/ forbade /fºrb±d/ forbidden /fºrbædºn/ stand /st±nd/ stood /stμd/ stood /stμd/
forget /fºrget/ forgot /fºrg≥t/ forgotten /fºrg≥tºn/ steal /st∞l/ stole /stoμl/ stolen /stoμlºn/
would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback forgive /fºrgæv/ forgave /fºrgΩv/ forgiven /fºrgævºn/ stuck /st∑k/ stuck /st∑k/
stick /stæk/
were invaluable in the production of the book. freeze /fr∞z/ froze /froμz/ frozen /froμzºn/ sting /stæ…/ stung /st∑…/ stung /st∑…/
swear /sw≈r/ swore /sw¥r/ sworn /sw¥rn/
Photograph Acknowledgements get /get/ got /g≥t/ got /g≥t/ sweep /sw∞p/ swept /swept/ swept /swept/
Unit 1: Reading 1a: Superman © everettcollection/ on p. 11; Iron Man © everettcollection/ on p. 11; give /gæv/ gave /gΩv/ given /gævºn/ swim /swæm/ swam /sw±m/ swum /sw∑m/
go /goμ/ went /went/ gone /g≥n/
SpiderMan © everettcollection/ on p. 11; Unit 5: Reading 5a: The Bun Festival © newscom/ on p. 82; grow /groμ/ grew /gr∂/ grown /groμn/ took /tμk/ taken /tΩkºn/
take /tΩk/
Across Cultures 5d: Haka dance © newscom/ on p. 89; Unit 8: Reading 8a: Life of Pi © everett/ on teach /t∞∏/ taught /t¥t/ taught /t¥t/
pp. 136,137; Grammar in use 8c: Skyfall © everettcollection/ on p. 140; Across Cultures 8d: The Hobbit: An Unexpected hang /h±…/ hung (hanged) /h∑… hung (hanged) /h∑… tear /t≈r/ tore /t¥r/ torn /t¥rn/
Journey © everettcollection/ on pp. 142-143; Writing 8g: The Avengers © everettcollection/ on p. 146; (h±…d)/ (h±…d)/ tell /tel/ told /toμld/ told /toμld/
have /h±v/ had /h±d/ had /h±d/ think /ıæ…k/ thought /ı¥t/ thought /ı¥t/
hear /hƒr/ heard /hªrd/ heard /hªrd/ throw /ıroμ/ threw /ır∂/ thrown /ıroμn/
Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the hide /h¡d/ hid /hæd/ hidden /hædºn/
publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. hit /hæt/ hit /hæt/ hit /hæt/ understand understood /∑ndºrstμd/ understood
hold /hoμld/ held /held/ held /held/ /∑ndºrst±nd/ /∑ndºrstμd/
hurt /hªrt/ hurt /hªrt/ hurt /hªrt/
wake /wΩk/ woke /woμk/ woken /woμkºn/
keep /k∞p/ kept /kept/ kept /kept/ wear /w≈r/ wore /w¥r/ worn /w¥rn/
Podręcznik dopuszczony do użytku szkolnego przez ministra właściwego do spraw oświaty know /noμ/ knew /nj∂/ known /noμn/ win /wæn/ won /w∑n/ won /w∑n/
i wychowania i wpisany do wykazu podręczników przeznaczonych do kształcenia ogólnego do write /r¡t/ wrote /roμt/ written /rætºn/
nauczania języka angielskiego na poziomie gimnazjum na podstawie opinii rzeczoznawców: lead /l∞d/ led /led/ led /led/
learn /lªrn/ learnt (learned) /lªrnt learnt (learned) /lªrnt
dr. Mariusza Marczaka, dr Magdaleny Urbaniak i mgr Jadwigi Przybylskiej-Gmyrek. (lªrnd)/ (lªrnd)/
Rok dopuszczenia 2013
Numer dopuszczenia 647/2/2013
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Contents 13-03-19 10:14 Page 1

Student’s Book

Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

SmartTime 2 POL Ss Contents new 13-05-22 11:10 Page 2

Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening

Starter ñ family ñ be/have got A person’s profile (T/F a registration card

(pp. 6-9) ñ house & rooms ñ there is/there are statements) (note taking)
ñ countries/ ñ prepositions of place
nationalities ñ plurals
ñ ordinal/cardinal ñ subject/object pronouns
numbers ñ question words
ñ the time ñ possessive adjectives –
possessive pronouns –
Unit 1 ñ jobs & places of work ñ present simple The Real-Life Superheroes (article) ñ duties (multiple
Day in, day out ñ character adjectives ñ present continuous – (T/F statements, answer matching)
(pp. 10-22) ñ daily routine ñ adverbs of frequency questions) ñ multiple choice
ñ free-time activities ñ hobbies (multiple

Progress Check 1
(p. 23)

Gimnazjum Poziom podstawowy (str. 24–25): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych
Exam Practice: Poziom rozszerzony (str. 26–27): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), znajomoÊç Êrodków
Check your progress (p. 27)
Unit 2 ñ types of holidays ñ past simple Travel Experiences (blog) – ñ holiday problems
Travel ñ holiday activities/ ñ used to (headings, complete (matching)
(pp. 28-40) problems ñ order of adjectives sentences) ñ holidays (T/F
ñ means of transport statements)
ñ geographical features ñ multiple choice
Progress Check 2
(p. 41)

Gimnazjum Poziom podstawowy (str. 42–43): znajomoÊç funkcji j´zykowych (wybór wielokrotny), rozumienie tekstów
Exam Practice: Poziom rozszerzony (str. 44–45): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu (wybór
Check your progress (p. 45)
Unit 3 ñ weather ñ past continuous The legend of the Rainbow ñ weather forecast
Rain or Shine ñ clothes ñ past simple vs past (multiple choice, answer (gap filling)
(pp. 46-58) ñ feelings continuous questions) ñ radio programme
ñ while/when (multiple choice
ñ adverbs of manner ñ interview (T/F
Progress Check 3
(p. 59)
Gimnazjum Poziom podstawowy (str. 60–61): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (wybór wielokrotny), znajomoÊç funkcji
Exam Practice: Poziom rozszerzony (str. 62–63): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych
Check your progress (p. 63)
Unit 4 ñ sports ñ C/U nouns 5 Rules to avoid injury (leaflet) ñ Girls’ football (gap
Sports & Health ñ health problems ñ a/an, some What should young athletes eat filling)
(pp. 64-76) ñ parts of the body ñ partitives (notice) ñ dialogue/
ñ injuries ñ modals Sports day (announcement) monologue
ñ food & drinks ñ (to-) infinitive/-ing form Sports news (review) (multiple choice)
ñ partitives (multiple matching, answer ñ questions
Progress Check 4 questions) (multiple
(p. 77) matching)
Gimnazjum Poziom podstawowy (str. 78–79): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu
Exam Practice: Poziom rozszerzony (str. 80–81): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu (wybór
Check your progress (p. 81)
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Contents new 13-05-22 11:10 Page 3

Pronunciation/ Speaking & Functions Writing Across Cultures CLIL

ñ asking personal questions a registration card
ñ greetings/introductions
ñ telling the time

intonation in ñ talking about daily routines ñ a summary A day in the Life of a (PSHE) How to
questions ñ expressing likes/dislikes ñ a paragraph about what you Jillaroo (blog) – (T/F make a good
ñ suggesting doing sth – do on Saturdays statement, answer impression (article)
agreeing/disagreeing ñ a paragraph about your questions) – (gapped text)
ñ asking questions typical week & plans for the
ñ an email about your daily
routine & free time (SKILLS:
capital letters, punctuation,
word order, linkers: and – too
– but – because)
(wybór wielokrotny), rozumienie ze słuchu (dobieranie)
j´zykowych (uzupełnianie luk, uzupełnianie zdaƒ)

ñ /t/, /d/, /Id/-ed ñ comparing holidays ñ an email about a visit to a Travel Time (multiple (Science) Waves
ending past ñ describing a holiday place matching, answer (informative text)
simple ñ sympathising/showing ñ a blog entry about a holiday questions) – (headings)
ñ /O/, /´U/ interest ñ an informal email about your
ñ exchange completion holiday (SKILLS: adjectives,
ñ asking questions tenses, opening/ closing
remarks, brainstorming)
pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu (wybór wielokrotny),
wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (uzupełnianie luk w tekÊcie)

/e/, /´/, /O/ ñ narrating a story ñ a summary Grandmother Spider (Geography)

ñ describing clothes ñ a story (SKILLS: sequence steals the sun (multiple Clouds
ñ asking about/describing words, tenses, adjectives, choice, answer (informative text)
experiences – commenting/ story cards) questions) – (multiple
describing feelings matching, answer
ñ dialogue completion questions)
ñ describing pictures
j´zykowych (wybór wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (dobieranie)
(tłumaczenie fragmentów zdaƒ, parafraza zdaƒ)

silent letters ñ expressing opinion – ñ a recipe Super Sunday (headings, (Science) Caring
agreeing/disagreeing ñ compare sports events answer questions) for your brain
ñ matching exchanges ñ an email expressing your (article) – (answer
ñ completing exchanges opinion (SKILLS: adjectives, questions,
word order, avoid repetition) complete

(prawda/fałsz), znajomoÊç funkcji j´zykowych (wybór wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (wybór wielokrotny, dobieranie)
wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (uzupełnianie luk)

SmartTime 2 POL Ss Contents new 13-05-22 11:10 Page 4

Vocabulary Grammar Reading Listening

Unit 5 ñ celebrations ñ present perfect Pete’s festival (blog) – (multiple ñ Festival events
Special days ñ customs ñ just – already – yet – matching, answer questions) (multiple
(pp. 82-94) ñ special days for/since/ever/never matching)
ñ embarrassing ñ present perfect vs past ñ live commentary
moments simple (T/F statements)
ñ matching
Progress Check 5 exchanges
(p. 95)
Gimnazjum Poziom podstawowy (str. 96–97): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (wybór wielokrotny), znajomoÊç funkcji
Exam Practice: Poziom rozszerzony (str. 98–99): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu (dobieranie),
Check your progress (p. 99)
Unit 6 ñ environmental ñ will On Thin Ice (magazine article) – ñ El Grando Show
Mother Earth problems ñ be going to (headings, answer questions) (radio advert) –
(pp. 100-112) ñ environmental ñ present continuous (gap filling)
actions ñ conditionals ñ a talk (multiple
ñ materials (type 0, 1, 2) choice)
ñ a talk (T/F
Progress Check 6
(p. 113)

Gimnazjum Poziom podstawowy (str. 114–115): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu (wybór
Exam Practice: Poziom rozszerzony (str. 116–117): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu (wybór
Check your progress (p. 117)
Unit 7 ñ appearance ñ comparisons The Nomads of Mongolia ñ activities
People & Places ñ family members ñ relative pronouns (article) – (multiple choice, (multiple
(pp. 118-130) ñ shops & services answer questions) matching)
ñ directions ñ dialogue/
Progress Check 7 monologue
(p. 131) (multiple choice)
Gimnazjum Poziom podstawowy (str. 132–133): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu
Exam Practice: Poziom rozszerzony (str. 134–135): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu (dobieranie),
Check your progress (p. 135)
Unit 8 ñ films ñ passive (present/past The Life of Pi (article) – ñ films (multiple
Entertainment ñ music simple) (matching headings, answer choice)
(pp. 136-148) ñ technology ñ question tags questions) ñ types of films
ñ entertainment (matching)
ñ matching
Progress Check 8 exchanges
(p. 149) ñ multiple choice
Gimnazjum Poziom podstawowy (str. 150–151): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie, wybór wielokrotny),
Exam Practice: Poziom rozszerzony (str. 152–153): rozumienie tekstów pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu (wybór
Check your progress (p. 153)
Grammar Reference (p. GR1-GR14)
Notions & Functions (p. NF1-NF4)
Exam Writing Bank (p. EWB1-EWB2)
Word List (p. WL1-WL11)
Irregular Verbs

Wybrane poj´cia:
ZnajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych – umiej´tnoÊç posługiwania si´ okreÊlonym zasobem Êrodków leksykalnych, gramatycznych,
ortograficznych i fonetycznych.
ZnajomoÊç funkcji j´zykowych – umiej´tnoÊç zrozumiałego i stosownego do sytuacji komunikacyjnej reagowania w formie ustnej
lub pisemnej.

SmartTime 2 POL Ss Contents new 13-05-22 11:10 Page 5

Pronunciation/ Speaking & Functions Writing Across Cultures CLIL

homophones ñ comparing festivals ñ compare festivals Finding your Roots (History) May Day
ñ describing a special day ñ describe an embarrassing (magazine article) – (article) – (answer
ñ asking about/describing an situation (multiple choice, questions)
event – expressing feelings ñ an email describing a complete sentences)
ñ exchange completion celebration you attended
ñ asking questions (SKILLS: adjectives,
recommending, error
j´zykowych (dobieranie, wybór wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (wybór wielokrotny, dobieranie)
znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (uzupełnianie zdaƒ, tłumaczenie fragmentów zdaƒ, uzupełnianie luk, parafraza zdaƒ), wypowiedê pisemna (e-mail)

/dZ/, /j/ ñ asking for/making ñ a letter from Mother Earth El Grando (article) – (Environmental
suggestions – agreeing/ ñ an email about an event you (multiple choice, Science)
disagreeing attended complete sentences) Precious Water
ñ matching exchanges ñ an article providing solutions (quiz, informative
ñ asking questions to a problem (SKILLS: join text, persuasive
ideas, error correction) text) – (multiple

wielokrotny), znajomoÊç funkcji j´zykowych (wybór wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (wybór wielokrotny, dobieranie)
wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (uzupełnianie luk, parafraza zdaƒ), wypowiedê pisemna (e-mail)

linking sounds ñ giving directions ñ a summary Petrified Wood Park (Art & Design) The
ñ identifying people ñ a text about an attraction in (Internet advert/ Gherkin (article) –
ñ describing your flat/ your country persuasive text) – (matching
neighbourhood ñ an informal letter describing (missing sentences) headings, answer
ñ talking about your neighbourhood (SKILLS: questions)
(dis)satisfaction word order, brainstorming)
(prawda/fałsz), znajomoÊç funkcji j´zykowych (dobieranie, wybór wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (dobieranie, wybór wielokrotny)
znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (uzupełnianie zdaƒ, tłumaczenie fragmentów zdaƒ, uzupełnianie luk), wypowiedê pisemna (wiadomoÊç)

th: /T/, /D/ ñ describing a film ñ a summary From Bestseller to Box (ICT) How to
ñ expressing preferences ñ a short book review Office: The Hobbit import pictures
ñ asking about a film ñ a review (SKILLS: adjectives, (article) – (T/F from a mobile
ñ exchange completion recommending) statements, multiple phone to a
choice, answer computer
questions) (instructions) –
(T/F statements)
znajomoÊç funkcji j´zykowych (dobieranie, wybór wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (dobieranie, wybór wielokrotny)
wielokrotny), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych (parafraza zdaƒ, tłumaczenie fragmentów zdaƒ), wypowiedê pisemna (e-mail)

SmartTime 2 POL Ss Starter.qxd 13-05-22 11:15 Page 6

Countries & Nationalities 3 In pairs ask and answer, as
in the example. A
1 Write the nationalities.
Barry (18)
Countries Nationalities Countries Nationalities London, England
The UK British Greece 5) ......................
The USA American Brazil 6) ......................

Ireland Irish Argentina 7) ...................... Mano (40) C

Rome, Italy
China Chinese Egypt 8) ...................... Rosa (62)
Madrid, Spain
Poland 1) ....................... Canada 9) ......................

Japan 2) ....................... Bahrain Bahraini D

Spain 3) ....................... Portugal 10) ...................... Amir (14)
Ankara, Turkey
Turkey Turkish Mexico 11) ...................... E
Darren (10)
Italy 4) ....................... Russia 12) ...................... Dublin, Ireland
Lara (20) New
York, The USA
A: Where’s Barry from?
2 Write the numbers.
B: He’s from London, England.
A: How old is he?
CARDINAL B: He’s 18.
Greetings &
10 1) ..................... 1st first
12 twelve 10th 4) ..............................
23 twenty-three 12th 5) ..............................
4 a) Choose the correct word.

36 thirty-six 23rd 6) .............................. Mary: Hi! I’m Mary. What’s your

49 forty-nine 1) name/age?
36th 7) ..............................
54 fifty-four Monica: I’m Monica.
49th 8) ..............................
65 2) ..................... Mary: Nice to meet you, Monica.
..................... 54th 9) .............................. 2) Where/What are you from?
65th sixty-fifth Monica: I’m from 3) Poland/Polish.
77 seventy-seven
Where are you from?
82 eighty-two 77th 10) ............................ Mary: I’m from England. This is my
98 3) ..................... 82th 11) ............................ friend, Anna.
..................... Monica: Hi, Anna. 4) How/What are
98th ninety-eighth
a/one hundred you?
100 100th 12) ............................ Anna: Hi. I’m fine, 5) thanks/
121 a/one hundred and
121th 13) ............................ goodbye.
1000 a/one thousand
1000th 14) ............................ 1.2 b) Listen and check.
2265 two thousand two
hundred and sixty- 2265th 15) ............................
five 5 In groups of three act out
............................ dialogues similar to the one in
1,000,000 a/one million
Ex. 4a.
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Starter.qxd 13-05-22 11:15 Page 7

The verb to be see p. GR1 Plurals see p. GR2

6 Read the table, then complete the sentences

10 Write the plurals. Compare with your partner.
with: is, isn’t, are, aren’t.
1 book – .................. 9 man – ...................
1 Peter .................. twelve. He is eleven.
2 woman – ............... 10 tooth – ..................
2 How old .................. Bob?
3 glass – .................. 11 fox – ......................
3 Janusz and Anna ....................... French.
They’re Polish. 4 foot – .................... 12 boy – ....................

4 .................. John and Tony brothers? 5 watch – ................. 13 mouse – ................

6 brush – ................. 14 leaf – .....................
7 potato – ................ 15 child – ...................
7 Complete the questions, then answer them.
8 lady – .................... 16 radio – ..................
1 Are you from Spain?
No, I’m not. I’m from Poland.
2 ............. your best friend a boy? ............
The verb have got see p. GR2

3 ............. your parents teachers? ............ 11 a) Fill in: have got, has got, haven’t got, hasn’t got.
4 ............. your mum thirty? ......................
5 ............. you twelve? ..............................
6 ............. your favourite colour red?

Subject/Object pronouns – Possessive

adjectives – Possessive pronouns
I you he she it we you they
me you him her it us you them
my your his her its our your their
mine yours his hers ––––– ours yours theirs
1 Laura ..................... a TV.
see p. GR1 2 Steve ..................... a guitar.
3 Steve ............................. an MP3 player.
8 Choose the correct item.
4 They ......................................... laptops.
1 A: Is this your/yours jacket?
5 Laura .......................................... a bike.
B: No, it isn’t my/mine. This is her/hers
6 They .............................................. cars.
jacket. My/Mine is the blue one. Do
you/your want it/its? b) Which of these things have/haven’t you
2 A: Are these their/theirs gloves? got? Write sentences.
B: Yes, they/them are. Where are my/
I have got a guitar, but I haven’t got an MP3
mine gloves? I can’t find their/them.
3 A: I/My think this is us/our classroom.
B: No, it/its isn’t. This is their/theirs
classroom. Our/Ours is room A2. 12 Put the words in order to form complete
questions. Then answer them.
A/An – The see p. GR1 1 you/got/bedroom/big/a/have?
Have you got a big bedroom? Yes, I have.
9 Fill in: a, an or the.
2 got/parents/have/car/a/your?
1 This is ......... book. ......... book is blue.
3 brother/you/have/a/got?
2 This is ........ rubber. ........ rubber is yellow.
4 house/garden/a/got/has/your?
3 ......... book on the desk is John’s.
5 best/got/friend/bike/has/your/a?
4 This is ......... ruler. ......... ruler is blue.
6 a/you/got/have/dog?
5 ......... pencil on the desk is mine.
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Starter.qxd 13-05-22 11:16 Page 8

This/These – see p. GR2 Prepositions of see p. GR2
That/Those place
13 Fill in: this, these, that, those. 15 What is there in each room? Tell your
partner. Use prepositions of place (in, on,
behind, near, opposite, at, etc).

☞ ☞ sink, cushions, rug, armchairs, sofa, chairs,

washbasin, bed, mirror, window, wardrobe,
1 ................ is a chair and ............... is a desk. table, cooker, cupboards, bath, pillow,
curtains, fridge, desk, toilet

☞ ☞ 1 2

2 .............. is a camera and .............. are photos.

☞ ☞ 3 4

3 .............. is a scarf and .............. are boots.

☞ ☞
There is a sofa in the living room.
4 .............. are sunglasses and .............. are hats.
☞ ☞ 16 a) Fill in: daughter, niece, mum, wife, uncle,
grandma, brother.

5 .............. are gloves and .............. are shoes.

father/dad mother/1) ................
grandpa 2) .......................
3) ....................... aunt
There is/There are see p. GR2 cousin cousin
husband 4) .......................
14 Complete the gaps with: There is, There isn’t,
There are, There aren’t. 5) ....................... sister

1 .............................. some CDs on the nephew 6) .......................

table. (✓) son 7) .......................
2 ......................... a book on the table. (✓)
b) Present your family to the class.
3 .............................. any boxes on the
floor. (✗)
4 .............................. some books in the Possession
bookcase. (✓) ñ noun singular + ’s – Who’s John? He’s Sue’s brother.
5 ........................... a bag on the table. (✓) ñ plural noun + -s’ – Whose uncle is Mark? He’s the
girls’ uncle.
6 .......................... a book on the chair. (✗)
ñ irregular plural noun + ’s – This is the men’s house.
7 .............................. some flowers in the
vase. (✓) see p. GR3
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Starter.qxd 13-05-22 11:16 Page 9

17 a) Put apostrophes where necessary. Telling the time to
1 Whos Tony? Hes John and Marys uncle. 1.3 a quarter a quarter
2 Sam is Lauras husband.
19 a) Listen and tick
to past
(✓) the right clock.
3 Mark is Anns brother. half past
4 Peter is the girls uncle.
1 2
5 This is the mens house.

b) Write down the names of six of your

family members. In pairs ask and answer, as
in the example. Don’t talk about yourself.
A: Who’s Tony? 3 4
B: He’s Rachael’s husband.

some/any/no/(a) few/(a) little

Countable nouns are Uncountable nouns are
nouns we can count. nouns we cannot count.
an/one orange – (some) milk (NOT: one milk
– two milks) b) Now, ask and answer, as in the example.
two oranges
I eat a lot of apples. I drink a lot of milk. ñ half past ñ a quarter – ten past
ñ o’clock ñ a quarter – ten to
How many apples do you How much milk do you drink?
eat? A: What time is it? / Have you got the time?
ñ too many ñ too much B: It’s twenty-five past three./three twenty-five.
(more than (more than
I need) I need)
Question words see p. GR3

ñ a lot of/ ñ a lot of/lots of 20 a) Read the table. Match each question
lots of word with the correct sentence.

ñ some/ ñ some/a little 1 Who? A It’s 222222.

a few
2 What? B He’s my dad.
3 When? C I’m 12 years old.
ñ not many/ ñ not much/
(very) few (very) little 4 Where? D Because I’m sick.
5 Why? E I’m from Poland.
ñ none/ ñ none/ 6 How (old)? F 2nd January.
not any not any 7 Whose? G Mary’s.

see p. GR3
b) Complete the gaps with the correct
question word. Then, answer the questions.
18 Choose the correct item.

1 How much/How many tea is there? 1 ...............’s your name? .........................

2 There is a few/a little milk left. 2 ............... old are you? ..........................
3 Is there many/any cake? Not many/Not 3 ............... are you from? ........................
much. 4 ...............’s your telephone number?
4 How much/many butter do you want? ..............................
5 How much/many sugar do you need? 5 ............... is your birthday? .....................
6 There isn’t many/much cake. How about 6 ............... is your best friend? ................
a little/a few biscuits? 7 In your family .............. character is most
7 Can I have a few/a little oranges, please? likely yours? ..........................................
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:29 Page 10

Unit 1 Day in, day out

What’s in this unit?

® Exam Topic: Człowiek, Praca, Szkoła

® Vocabulary: daily routines, free-time activities,
jobs & qualities, school subjects
® Grammar: present simple,
present continuous,
adverbs of frequency,
question words,
-ing form
® Reading: magazine articles
® Listening: an interview, a conversation
® Speaking: likes & dislikes, suggestions
® Writing: an informal email about your daily
routine & free time
® Culture: Australian Jillaroos
® CLIL: (PSHE) How to make a good first
® Exam Tasks
Poziom podstawowy: rozumienie tekstów
pisanych (prawda/fałsz, dobieranie), rozumienie
ze słuchu (dobieranie), znajomoÊç Êrodków
j´zykowych (wybór wielokrotny)
Poziom rozszerzony: rozumienie tekstów
pisanych (dobieranie), rozumienie ze słuchu
(dobieranie), znajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych
(uzupełnianie luk, układanie fragmentów zdaƒ),
wypowiedê pisemna (e-mail)

1 a) What can the superheroes in
pictures B-E do? What do they
fight? How are the people in
picture A related to them?

uperheroes Anonymous is a group of people in
1.4 Listen and read to find out. New York, who try to keep their communities safe.

b) Use the spidergram to tell the Like all of the famous superheroes in films and
class. comics the real identities of the members of
Superheroes Anonymous are a secret. This group of
help those in need, real-life superheroes get together and fight crime on
the poor, the lead double
lives the streets. The group meeting looks like a fancy-
homeless, the hungry
dress party. Men and women wear colourful
costumes, masks and long black capes. But who are
these superheroes?
fight crime keep their
in the streets communities

Exam Tip
2 EXAM TASK Read the text again and mark the
Zadania typu prawda/fałsz sentences T (true) or F (false). Use the underlined
Zacznij od szybkiego przeczytania tekstu, aby ogólnie words to help you do the task.
zorientowaç si´ w jego treÊci. Potem przeczytaj zdania,
które masz okreÊliç jako prawdziwe lub fałszywe i pod- 1 People know the members’ real names. .....
kreÊl w nich słowa kluczowe. Przeczytaj ponownie tekst, 2 Superheroes Anonymous is
tym razem szukajàc w nim fragmentów zawierajàcych a group of everyday people. .....
odpowiedzi. Sprawdê, czy wszystkie elementy w zda-
niu, które oceniasz, sà prawdziwe i zwracaj uwag´ na 3 During the day they look like everyone else. .....
takie słowa, jak: always, only, never czy not. Pami´taj 4 They always meet in the evening. .....
tak˝e, ˝e informacje w zdaniach mogà byç podane 5 They only protect people in danger. .....
w inny sposób ni˝ w tekÊcie.
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:29 Page 11

Reading 1a
C Vocabulary
4 Match the words in bold to their meanings.

ñ usual ñ wears ñ pleased with himself

ñ people who live in the same areas
E ñ unusual ñ old ñ meet
ñ people without a house to live in
ñ by themselves

5 COLLOCATIONS Fill in the gaps with the

words: fight, proud, real, make, Net, elderly.
1 ............ identity 4 to feel ................
2 ............. crime 5 surf the ................
3 ............. people 6 ................ sure
Night Owl explains that these people are
ordinary, but choose to lead extraordinary 6 Fill in the gaps with a verb from the list.
double lives, just like Batman, Spider-Man or ñ make ñ fight ñ deserve ñ live ñ look
Superman. Night Owl says he is an accountant ñ lead ñ hang ñ put on
in the day. He goes to work in a suit and tie and
1 Some elderly people ..................... alone
works 9-5. At night, he puts on his superhero
and need help.
costume and hangs out with his friends on the
2 The members ........ like real superheroes
streets to fight crime. “We don’t use our free
when they wear their costumes.
time to surf the Net, watch TV or read novels,”
3 Some superheroes .......................... out
Night Owl says.
together on the streets.
Not all of the members of Superheroes
4 In films all superheroes help to ..............
Anonymous fight crime. They also help people
who need help. They give food and clothing to
5 Superheroes ................... sure that other
the homeless, or make sure that elderly people
people are safe.
living alone are safe and warm.
6 Superheroes ..................... double lives
Why do they do this? “I live to see the look on so their friends don’t know that they are
people’s faces when I help them,” explains superheroes.
Night Owl. “I feel like I’m walking on air 7 I think superheroes all ............................
afterwards.” Night Owl deserves to feel proud. to feel proud of themselves.
These heroes are excellent role models. 8 Superheroes really like to take off their
work clothes and .............. their costumes.
Check these words
ñ community ñ real identity ñ secret ñ fight crime
ñ colourful costumes ñ lead double lives ñ accountant 7 What is a typical day in the life of Night
ñ put on ñ hang out ñ read a novel ñ the homeless Owl? Make notes, then use them to compare
ñ elderly ñ live alone ñ deserve ñ proud ñ role model it with a typical day of yours. Tell the class.

3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
8 Complete the summary of the text. Then,
1 Why does the group’s meeting look like tell the class.
a fancy-dress party?
Superheroes Anonymou
2 What do the real-life superheroes do as s is a group of … . They
together to fight … . Th get
part of the community? ey help the … . They
ordinary people but the are
y lead … . In the morni
3 What does Night Owl mean when he they go to work but at nig ng
ht … .
says “I feel like I am walking on air”?
Workbook p. 4
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:30 Page 12

1b Vocabulary
Jobs & Places of work Character adjectives
1 a) Form nouns to label the pictures. 3 Fill in: reliable, sociable, creative, unfriendly,
careful, lazy, patient, polite.

1 Keith is ................................. and enjoys

talking to people.
2 John is ................................ and doesn’t
make mistakes.
3 Ann is very ................................; she
doesn’t mind waiting for things.
4 Helen is ..............................; she is great
1 3 at making unusual things.
bank guide 5 Paul is ...............................; he has very
travel agent good manners.
tour clerk 6 She’s .............................; you can count
swimming on her to do the job.
taxi 7 Kate can be ............................... at times
and doesn’t like working.
shop assistant
8 Bob can be .............................. at times;
he behaves in an unkind way.

4 Match the adjectives to their opposites.

Check in your dictionaries.

Note: We use ir-, un-, im- to form negative

Positive Negative
b) Who says each sentence? Choose from the
jobs in Ex. 1a. 1 patient a lazy

1 I take tourists to historical places. 2 creative b irresponsible

2 I teach people how to swim. 3 hard-working c unsociable
3 I sell things to customers.
4 sociable d unfriendly
4 I give or take money.
5 I arrange holidays for people. 5 responsible e impatient
6 I drive people where they want to go. 6 friendly f unimaginative

2 a) Check these words in the Word List.

ñ doctor ñ teacher ñ gardener 5 Listen to Kate talking about herself and
ñ farmer ñ taxi driver ñ secretary complete the sentences.
ñ nurse ñ waiter ñ actor ñ cook
ñ lawyer ñ accountant ñ police officer Kate works as a …
Kate works in …
b) Where does each person work? Write or She needs to be …, ... and … .
say sentences.

ñ hospital ñ theatre ñ outdoors

6 SPEAKING Which character qualities best
describe you/your friend? Give reasons.
ñ office ñ restaurant ñ school
I’m very … ; I always … . I’m a bit lazy
A doctor works in a hospital. though; I sometimes … . My friend is ... .
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:30 Page 13

Free-time activities Daily routine
7 a) Fill in: do, play, go, go to. 10 Match phrases A-M to the pictures (1-13).

a swimming out with friends A have breakfast F have a shower K surf the Net
shopping ice-skating B have lunch G make the bed L catch the bus
C have dinner H get up to school
trekking M school
jogging D go back home I watch TV
cycling fishing E do homework J go to bed

Thai boxing
b puzzles gardening

exercise aerobics 1 2 3 4

sports chores

c the cinema
a sleepover
the theatre
5 6 7

the park a concert

the shopping the library

football 8 9 10
computer games

the guitar

tennis basketball

b) SPEAKING Which of these 11 12 13

activities do you/don’t you do
in your free time? Tell your 11 SPEAKING What is Peter’s daily routine? Tell the class.

partner. Peter gets up at 7 o’clock. He has ...

I don’t ... but I ...
12 Use these verbs to complete the text: go (x2), surf, chat,
get, have (x2), help.
8 Listen to Mark talking
about his free-time activities.
What does he like? - doesn’t
he like? Saturdays are great. I 1) .................... up at about 9:00 and 2) ..........
breakfast. Then I 3) ......................................... with the chores at home.
.......... .......... shopp ing with my
4) ...................... lunch, then I sometimes 5)
or I 7) .......... ..........
mum. In the evenings I usually 6) ...................... the Net
online. My friends and I sometimes 8) ...................... to the cinema.
9 SPEAKING Compare Mark’s (Sandra, 14)
free-time activities to yours.
Mark likes … . I like … too . 13 Compare your Saturdays to Sandra’s.
Mark doesn’t like … but I do. Sandra usually gets up at about 9:00. I don’t get up at 9:00.
I don’t like … . I always get up at 10:00.
Workbook p. 5
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:30 Page 14

1c Grammar in use
Oh, I’m not
reading anything
important, Sam.
What are you
reading, Dad? Yes, Sam,
that’s right.

I want to ask you Yes, he does Sam, but

something. Is it right to why are you asking me all
say that a bus driver these questions?
drives a bus?

And does a Because I wonder

taxi driver drive ... does that mean
a taxi? that shoplifters lift

Present simple vs present continuous 2 Study the box, then write the third person
singular of the verbs.
Present simple
ñ routines/habits get + -s ➝ gets play + -s ➝ plays
Do they eat dinner at 7:00 every evening? go + -es ➝ goes study + -ies ➝ studies
She goes shopping on Saturdays. catch + -es ➝ catches
ñ permanent states
They don’t live in London. They live in Paris.
1 like 3 do 5 stay 7 listen
Time expressions: every day/week/month/year
2 cry 4 read 6 teach 8 try
etc, on Mondays, in the summer, twice a week
Present continuous 3 Study the box, then write the verbs
adding -ing.
ñ actions happening now
I’m not watching TV, Mum. I’m studying.
Verb + -ing form
ñ actions happening around the time of sleep + -ing ➝ sleeping cry + -ing ➝ crying
speaking – Are you staying with Lynn? write + -ing ➝ writing study + -ing ➝ studying
ñ future arrangements lie + -ing ➝ lying get + -ing ➝ getting
They are flying to Ankara tomorrow.
see p. GR5
Time expressions: now, at the moment, at
present, today, tomorrow, this Monday 1 put 4 swim 7 tie 9 study
2 have 5 relax 8 ride 10 try
Note: some verbs (want, like, need, believe, 3 die 6 plan
etc) don’t have continuous tenses.
I like dancing. (NOT: I am liking dancing.)
4 a) Fill in: love, hate, like, not mind, not like in
see p. GR4 the correct form.

Jan 1) loves surfing the Net.

1 a) Read the table. How do we form the
affirmative/interrogative/negative of the She also 2) ................. playing basketball.
present simple/present continuous?
She 3) ................. going shopping.
b) Read the joke. Find examples of the uses She 4) ................. watching TV.
of the present simple and the present
continuous. She 5) ................. doing chores.

b) Now write sentences about you.

I like ... . I enjoy ... . I don’t like ... . I hate ... .

SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:30 Page 15

5 Form questions and answer 8 Put the verb in brackets into the present simple or the
them, as in the example. present continuous.
1 Dad/have breakfast? – sleep A: Hi Louise. It’s Susie. What 1) ...........................................
Is Dad having breakfast? this afternoon?
No, he isn’t. He is sleeping. B: Hi Susie! Nothing much. You?
yoga class
2 Tom/send emails? – surf the A: I 2) ................................................................. (go) to
in an hour. 3) ......... ......... ......... ...... (you/w ant) to come with me?
7:30 because
3 Rachel and Beth/do puzzles? B: Sure! But I 4) ......................... (need) to be back by
er tonigh t.
– do their homework we 5) ...................................... (all/have) dinner togeth
) at 7:00.
4 Mum/watch TV? – cook A: No problem. The class 6) .................................... (finish
B: OK! See you soon!

6 SPEAKING In pairs write

questions. Use the present simple Adverbs of frequency
or the present continuous. Adverbs of frequency answer the question: How often?
1 you/get up at 7:00/every day? They usually go before the main verb, but after the verb to be.
A: Do you get up at 7:00 see p. GR5
every day?
B: No, I don’t. I get up at 9 Fill in: never, usually, always, often, sometimes, hardly ever.
7:30 every day.
2 you/do sports/every I 1) always go to bed at 11:00.
weekend? I 2) ................... play football on Saturdays.
3 you/tidy your room/now? I 3) ..................... watch TV in the evenings.
4 you/eat out/on Sundays? I 4) .......................... cook dinner.
5 you/watch TV/now? I 5) ...................... eat out.
I am 6) ...................... late for school.
7 Put the verbs in brackets into
the present simple or the present
10 Write the words in the correct order, as in the example.
1 A: What ................. (you/do) 1 goes/usually/Stuart/to bed at 11:00.
after school on Mondays? Stuart usually goes to bed at 11:00.
B: I ................ (go) cycling. 2 sometimes/we/football/play/on Saturdays
2 A: ...................................... 3 late/watch TV/never/they/at night
(you/catch) the bus home 4 is/always/Annie/patient with others
from school today?
B: No, I ................................ 11 Write true sentences about you/your friends. Use adverbs
(meet) Emma in the park. of frequency.
3 A: What time ...................... I usually watch TV in the evenings. My friend ...
(Carol/leave) for school?
B: She always .................... 12 SPEAKING In pairs, ask each other what you do in the

(leave) at 8:30. mornings/afternoons/evenings every day and what you

are doing this weekend. Use adverbs of frequency and
4 A: ..........................................
(Sue/work) on Saturdays? question words like: What, How often, Where, When, Who,
Whose, Which.
B: No, she only .....................
(work) Mondays to Fridays. A: What do you usually do on Monday mornings?
5 A: Julie .............................. B: I usually go to school. I never play football.
(not/play) tennis tonight. A: Where are you going this Saturday evening?
B: I ........................... (not/ B: I’m going to the shopping centre.
play) either – I ..............
(go) to the cinema. 13 WRITING Write a short paragraph about your typical
week and your plans for the weekend.
Workbook pp. 6-7
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1 13-03-21 16:26 Strona 16

1d Across Cultures
Skills Work
Reading 3 EXAM TASK Read again and mark the
sentences T (true) or F (false).
1 Look at the picture. What are Jillaroos and
Jackaroos? What do they do? 1 Life in the Australian outback is
1.7 different from Sydney. .........
Listen and read to find out.
2 Jillaroos get up very early to
feed the animals. .........
2 Read the text and complete the sentences.
3 Sheila is Erin’s best friend. .........
1 Erin thinks the scenery is ..................... .
2 Erin stays on ........................................ .
4 Read the blog again and answer the
3 The Jillaroos start work ........................ . questions.
4 Jillaroos and Jackaroos have to make 1 What are Jillaroos and Jackaroos?
their horses .......................................... .
2 What do they learn on the ranch?
5 Jillaroos also learn to ........................... .
3 Why do they have to spend a lot of time
6 Erin’s favourite time is when they .......... with their horses?
............................... .

g 12 July
n Adventure Blo
Erin’s Australia

in the

Life of a Jillaroo
from Sydney, but I’m
, in the Au str alia n ou tback! It’s a big change
I am amazing! It’s late now
Hi everyone! Well, here and the scenery is just
ac e an d qu iet he re,
really enjoying the pe d in my work clothes.
wly se ttin g be hin d the mountains. I’m still dresse
and the sun is slo ining. The young
the y ca ll a ‘Ji lla roo ’, which is a cowgirl in tra
For two weeks, I’m wh os’. There are twenty of
us staying on the
are ca lle d ‘Ja ck aro
men training with me sunrise to feed the ranch
animals before
rni ng we wa ke up at
ranch. Every mo rning with the horses.
ak fas t. Aft er tha t, we spend most of the mo
we have bre we learn
aro os , yo ur ho rse is your best friend, so
For Jillaroos and Jack t close
tru st. My ho rse ’s na me is Sheila. We’re no
how to gain their
king progress.
friends yet but we’re ma
rses. In the evenings,
a Jil lar oo isn ’t jus t about working with ho
Being sites. Our instructor,
go tre kk ing an d lea rn how to set up camp
we und the campfire
it when we gather aro
Bill, is great. I love
Check these words
drinking tea.
Wish me luck on the ran ñ adventure ñ the outback ñ peace ñ quiet
Well, that’s all for now.
ñ scenery ñ sun setting ñ training ñ sunrise ñ feed
ñ gain trust ñ make progress ñ set up ñ campsite
Leave a comment ñ gather ñ campfire ñ luck

SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1 13-05-27 16:08 Strona 17

Vocabulary 10 Fill in: gain, big, luck, sets, feed, set up.

5 Match the words in bold to their synonyms. 1 ............ change 4 to ............ trust
ñ build ñ difference ñ view ñ win 2 the sun ........... 5 to ................
ñ come together ñ teacher ñ fantastic 3 to .............. the campsites
animals 6 wish me ..........
6 Match the highlighted words to their
opposites. Speaking
ñ noise ñ worst ñ early ñ sunset ñ distant
11 a) Tell the class three things you learnt
from the text.
7 Fill in: setting, trekking, instructor, peace, close,
b) Read the text again and complete the
mindmaps, then describe a typical day in
1 She likes the ........................... and quiet
the life of a Jillaroo to the class.
of the countryside.
2 Look! The sun is ......................... behind A Jillaroo’s typical day
the mountain.
3 Tammy and Laura are ............................ In the mornings …
1 feed animals. In the evenings …
2 ........................ 4 .......................
4 It’s difficult to ............................... in the
Australian outback. 3 ........................ 5 .......................
5 We like going .............................. . 6 .......................
6 Our .................................. is showing us Exam Tip
how to set up campsites. Dobieranie
Przeczytaj polecenie i wyra˝enia, które masz odpo-
Prepositions wiednio przyporzàdkowaç. Słuchaj uwa˝nie nagrania,
gdy˝ mo˝e si´ w nim pojawiç tak˝e to wyra˝enie,
8 Fill in: on, at, in.
które jest podane dodatkowo.
1 She makes breakfast ......... the morning.
2 He goes to bed ......... 9:30. Listening
3 He doesn’t work ......... Mondays. 1.8

4 He starts work ......... noon.

12 EXAM TASK Read the rubric, then do
the task.
5 They often go camping ......... the weekends.
6 She goes to the cinema ......... Saturday You are going to hear a telephone conversation
afternoons. between two friends about working as a
Jackaroo. For every day (1-4) choose the duty
(A-E) Chris has to do. One duty is extra.

Kolokacje 3
Kolokacja to cz´sto u˝ywane połàczenie dwóch lub
wi´cej wyrazów, np. fast train (a nie: quick train). Tuesday Wednesday
1 4
Aby dobrze opanowaç słownictwo, nie wystarczy uczyç
si´ pojedynczych słówek. Trzeba tak˝e zapami´taç, Monday ay
z jakim wyrazem lub wyrazami dane słówko si´ łàczy.
A cook lunch B set up a campsite

9 COLLOCATIONS Do or make? Complete the C feed animals D go trekking E ride horses

gaps. Check in your dictionaries.

1 ........... progress 6 ............. breakfast Writing

2 ........... tea 7 ............. the washing
13 ICT Think of an outdoor job in your country.
3 ........... homework 8 ............. your best Collect information, then write or say a few
4 ........... sb a favour 9 ............. a decision sentences about it. Think about: name of job,
5 ............ friends 10 ............. a promise place, daily routine.
Workbook p. VB1
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:31 Page 18

1e Listening skills
Multiple choice 1.10
3 Listen to the last speaker again. How is
Exam Tip your morning different from hers? Tell your
Wybór wielokrotny partner or write sentences.
Przeczytaj polecenie. Nast´pnie przeczytaj pytania
She gets up when she feels like it. I don’t
oraz podane mo˝liwoÊci odpowiedzi i podkreÊl
get up when I feel like it. I get up … .
w nich słowa kluczowe. JeÊli w zadaniu wyst´pujà
ilustracje, zastanów si´ nad słownictwem zwiàza-
nym z ka˝dà z nich. Wysłuchaj uwa˝nie nagrania 4 Where do you usually do these hobbies? List
i wybierz właÊciwà odpowiedê. under the headings:


1 Read the text and the question. Find the
ñ drawing ñ photography ñ horse riding
numbers in the text. Which answer is correct?
ñ cycling ñ collecting stamps/coins
I get up at about 7:00 because my school is not far ñ fishing ñ swimming ñ reading
from my house. I get dressed and have breakfast. ñ painting ñ playing an instrument
The school bus usually picks me up at 7:45. Classes ñ doing sports ñ playing computer
start at 8:30 but we usually reach school at 8:15. games ñ dancing
Multiple matching
Pam starts school at ... .
5 EXAM TASK You are going to listen to Paul

A B C talking to his sister Anna about his friends’

2 EXAM TASK Read the rubric, then the
Listen and match the people to their
questions and possible answers.
hobbies. There is one extra hobby.
You are going to hear five recordings about
people’s everyday lives. For each question PEOPLE HOBBIES
(1-5), choose the right answer (A, B or C).
1 Paul A cycling
1 What time is dinner?
2 Jeff B doing sports

A B C 3 Steve C collecting coins

4 Ahmed D photography
E drawing
2 What part of the body does the chair help?

6 Use the adjectives to write or say sentences
about the hobbies in Ex. 4 as in the example.
ñ boring ≠ interesting ñ expensive ≠ cheap
ñ exciting ≠ dull ñ easy ≠ difficult
3 Where does Dave work?
I don’t like horse riding. It’s expensive.
Intonation in questions
4 What class is the woman interested in? 1.12
7 Read the theory, then listen and say.
C questions which start with a question word:
falling intonation – Where’s Bob?
5 What is the woman describing?
Yes/No questions: rising intonation – Are you OK?
A what she likes cooking
B her favourite hobby ñ Are you going out? ñ Are you coming?
C her morning routine ñ Who’s Ahmed? ñ When is he leaving?
ñ Does she still go horse riding?
18 Workbook p. 8 Now do the task.
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:31 Page 19

Speaking skills 1f
Everyday English 3 a) Decide if each set of sentences are similar or not.
Tick (✓) or cross (✗) accordingly.
Expressing likes/dislikes – Note
Making suggestions 1 a He hates bowling.
like, hate, love,
b Bowling is his favourite sport.
1 Read the first and the last prefer, don’t
exchange. What is the 2 a She hates pop music. mind, fond of,
dialogue about? enjoy, can’t stand
b She can’t stand pop music. take a noun, or -
1.13 Listen and read to find
ing form.
out. 3 a She prefers tennis.
I like swimming.
b She doesn’t like tennis. I hate playing tennis.

b) Use phrases from Ex. 2 to make the sets in Ex. 3a that

don’t match similar in meaning.

4 Use the phrases in Ex. 2 to express likes/dislikes. Use

these phrases: fishing, go to the cinema, go horse riding, watch
DVDs, play tennis, play football, play computer games.

A: Do you like fishing?

B: I can’t stand it.
Anna: Hi, Mary. How’s it going?
Mary: Not bad, Anna. You? 5 a) Work in pairs. Take roles and read the dialogue in Ex. 1
Anna: I’m OK. aloud.
Mary: Are you busy this weekend? b) Replace the underlined phrases in the dialogue in Ex. 1
Anna: Not really. Why? with appropriate ones from the box below.
Mary: I’m going to the pool on
Saturday afternoon. Do you Making suggestions Agreeing/Disagreeing
want to come? ñ Why don’t we ...? ñ That sounds great.
Anna: I don’t really like swimming. ñ How about (going) ...? ñ I’d like that. ñ Why not?
Why don’t we go bowling ñ Do you fancy (going) ...? ñ I don’t think so.
instead? ñ No, I don’t feel like that.
Mary: That’s a good idea. I really
like bowling a lot.
Anna: Is 6:00 OK with you?
6 Work in pairs. Decide what to do at the weekend. Use
ideas from Ex. 4 and the phrases in the box in Ex. 5b. Use
Mary: That’s great. Let’s meet at 6:00 the dialogue in Ex. 1 as a model.
outside the shopping centre.
Anna: See you there. Asking questions
7 Work in pairs.
Student A: Look at Card A, which gives information about
2 Find phrases in the dialogue
which express likes/dislikes. a job.
Replace them with phrases Student B: Look at Card B and ask Student A questions.
from the box below. Student A: Answer the questions.

Card A Card B
ñ I really enjoy/love … ñ I’m fond of …
ñ I quite like … ñ … is my favourite … Job advert ñ what
ñ I prefer …
Part-time sales assistant ñ work
ing hour
ñ I don’t mind ñ what s?
Fridays and Saturdays 9 to 5 age?
ñ phon
ñ I don’t enjoy/like … at all. Applicants must be over 16. e numbe
ñ when r?
ñ I can’t stand … /c all?
Call Peter on 223 6578
ñ I hate … ñ I don’t like … very much.
(morning hours)
Workbook p. 9 19
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1 13-05-27 16:10 Strona 20

1g Writing An email about your daily

routine & free time

Rubric analysis From: Andy

1 Read the rubric and look at the To: Peter
underlined words. Use them to Subject: My daily routine & free time
answer the questions.
D ear P eter,
This is part of an email from A I’m a 15-year-old student in
a new e-friend, Peter. secondary school in London, England.
So, what do you do? What’s B My day starts very early because
your daily routine? What do lessons begin at 8:00. I get up at 6:30 and at 7:45 I walk to
you do in your free time?
school. I like History and Geography but I hate Maths! In the
Do you like doing sports?
afternoons, I do my homework and help with chores. In the
Write Peter an email answering evenings, I surf the Net and sometimes watch TV. I go to bed at
his questions (50-100 words).
about 10:00.
C On Sundays I often go to the cinema. I love doing sports,
1 What are you going to write?
too. I like ice-skating and cycling. My favourite sport is swimming.
2 Who is going to read it?
D What about you? Write back.
3 What is it going to be about?
4 How many words should Andy
you write?

Model analysis b) Rewrite the sentences using capital letters.

1 i go to the park on saturdays. ....................................

2 Read Andy’s email. Match the
paragraphs to the headings. 2 john’s from toronto in canada. ...................................

1 free-time activities 3 helen can speak italian and polish. ............................

2 daily routine 4 sara’s birthday is in june. ...........................................

3 personal information
4 closing remarks Punctuation
We use:
3 Find in the email: three school ñ full stop (.) at the end of a sentence (I am Tony.)
subjects, three sports, three free-
ñ comma (,) to separate items in a list (I like Maths, Chemistry
time activities, five daily routine and Physics.)
ñ question mark (?) at the end of a question (How old are you?)
Capital letters ñ exclamation mark (!) at the end of exclamation sentence
We use capital letters: (Maths is great!)
ñ To start a sentence (I’m Tom)
ñ with names (Karl)
ñ with school subjects (History)
ñ with the personal pronoun I
5 Read the theory. Put the correct punctuation marks in
these sentences.
(I’m Andy)
ñ with days of the week (Sunday), 1 At school I study Music History Art Maths and Science
months (January) 2 I’m not good at Geography
ñ with names of cities
3 Do you like Physics
(Glasgow), countries (Scotland)
and continents (Europe) 4 History is great
ñ with languages (Polish) 5 What are your favourite school subjects
6 My day starts very early

4 a) Read the theory. Find

examples in Andy’s email.
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:31 Page 21

Useful Language
Word order Personal information
ñ I’m (name) … ñ I am a student. I work
6 Put the words in the correct order.
as a … ñ I live in … ñ I’m … years old
1 I/Chemistry/enjoy/really. Daily routine
2 the shopping centre/and/My friends/often/go to/I/on ñ My day starts at … ñ I usually get up at
Saturdays. … After … I go to …
ñ After school, I … In the afternoons …
3 cycling/I/basketball/like/and.
In the evenings … At the weekends …
4 the Net/I/In the evenings/surf/often. ñ I usually go to bed at …
5 back/I/After school/walk/home. Likes/Dislikes
ñ I like … a lot. / I’m good at … / I really
6 He/often/football/plays.
enjoy … / I prefer … / … is my favourite …
7 isn’t/my/History/school subject/favourite. ñ I don’t really like … / I’m not fond
8 can’t/She/Chemistry/stand. of … / I can’t stand …
Free Time
Linkers I usually/sometimes (hang out with my
friends, go to the park, go cycling, etc)
We use:
Closing remarks
ñ and, too to join similar ideas (I like Maths. I like History. I like ñ Please write to me soon. ñ Write soon.
Maths and History. I like History. I like Maths too.) ñ I hope to hear from you soon.
ñ but to join opposing ideas (Doing sports is exciting but
collecting coins is dull!)
ñ because to give a reason (I never go to the pool. I never go to the
pool because it’s crowded.)
Dear + (friend’s first name),
(Para 1) opening remarks, name, age, what
you do
7 a) Read the theory. Find examples in Andy’s email.
(Para 2) daily routine/favourite school subjects
b) Use these words to join the sentences: and, but, too, (Para 3) weekend activities
because. (Para 4) closing remarks, ask friend to write
1 John studies History. He also studies Geography. back
2 I like Maths. I don’t like French. (your first name)

3 Stella is studying to be an actress. She is also

studying to be a singer.
4 Sylvia is studying Biology. She loves animals and
Dear John,
wants to be a vet. I’m a ... in ... . I live ... .
I get up at ... . and then I ... . My
5 Paul wants to be an engineer. I want to be an engineer.
favourite school subjects are ... and
... . I don’t really like ... . In the
8 Replace the underlined phrases in Andy’s email with
afternoons, I ... and ... . In the
phrases from the Useful Language box.
evenings I ... .
Writing At the weekends, I usually ... .
I ... too. Sometimes, I ... .
9 EXAM TASKRead the rubric. Underline the key words.
Make notes of what you can write to John.

Write an email to a new e-friend, John (50-100 words).

In your email Checklist
ñ present yourself. When you finish writing your email, check for:
ñ describe a typical weekday for you. ñ grammar mistakes ñ punctuation
ñ say what you prefer doing at the weekends.
ñ use of capital letters ñ use of linkers
ñ paragraphs
10 Use your notes in Ex. 9 to complete the email. Follow the Make sure you answer all the questions in
plan. Use phrases from the Useful Language box. the rubric.
Workbook p. 10
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:32 Page 22


1 Look at the pictures. Which
shows someone: biting her nails?
smiling? making eye contact?

It only takes three seconds for someone to form an opinion

about you when you 1) ......................... them for the first time.
That’s why it’s so important to make a good first impression.
2 How can you make a good
Whether you’re starting at a new school or an after-school
impression when you meet
club, here are some tips to make sure your first impression is
someone for the first time?
a great one.
Read through to find out.
Do ...
3 EXAM TASK Read the text and
ñ Smile a lot. This helps to show that you are a friendly person.
complete the gaps (1-3) with
the correct word (A-C). ñ Make eye contact. You want to show that you’re listening to
the other person.
ñ Be polite. Listen 2) ...................... the other person and don’t
4 Choose the correct word.
look around.
1 Don’t eat/bite your nails.
2 Smiling shows/points you
are friendly.
Don’t …
3 Showing/Playing with your ñ Show you’re nervous. Don’t bite your nails or
hands suggests you are 3) ...................... with your hands too much. This makes the
nervous. other person nervous, too.
4 I don’t know Bill well enough ñ Talk about yourself all the time.
to form/make an opinion.
5 When you are talking to 1 A meeting B meet C meets
someone, make eye 2 A with B at C to
impression/contact with 3 A play B plays C playing

5 Listen and read the text. Check these words
What did you learn from it?
ñ form an opinion ñ first impression ñ tip ñ eye contact ñ nervous ñ bite nails
Tell the class.
22 Workbook p. 11
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:32 Page 23

Progress Check 1
Vocabulary Everyday English
1 Fill in: do, go, play, make. 6 Match the sentences. There is one extra
1 ......... progress 6 ......... board
2 ......... shopping games 1 Do you like football? A In a bank.

3 ......... friends 7 ......... basketball 2 What time do you B Not really.

8 ......... my best get up? C He’s patient
4 ......... a decision
9 ......... a favour 3 How often do you and polite.
5 ......... ice-
go to the cinema? D In the evening.
skating 10 ......... my nails
4 What does he do? E Every Saturday.
5 What is he like? F He works as
6 Where does he a bank clerk.
2 Match the opposites.
work? G At 7:30.
1 sunrise A worst (6x2=12)

B early
2 quiet
3 best C sunset 7 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
4 simple or the present continuous.
late D noise
1 How ........................ (he/get) to school?
2 He ......................... (not/watch) TV now.
3 What .............................. (you/do) now?
4 ........................ (Sally/work) in a bank?
3 Choose the correct word. 5 She ....................... (tidy) her room now.
1 He works in an office. waiter/accountant 6 He ................ (study) Spanish at school.
2 She works in a restaurant. cook/teacher
3 He works outdoors. tour guide/bank clerk 8 Put the adverbs in the correct place.
4 He works in a theatre. travel agent/actor 1 Steve arrives at school late. (never)
5 She works in a hospital. lawyer/nurse 2 He can be lazy. (sometimes)
(5x2=10) 3 Pete goes to bed at 10:00. (usually)
4 She is careful. (always)
4 Fill in: does, goes, hangs, chats, surfs, plays. 5 They play basketball. (often)
6 She walks to school. (hardly ever)
1 Steve often ................... out with friends.
2 Laura ............... the Net in the evenings. Total: 100
3 He ................... puzzles.
4 He .................... online.
5 She sometimes .................... trekking.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
6 He usually ................. computer games.
tense or choose the correct word.
Bob 1) .................................... (work) as a teacher.
2) His/Her day 3) ................................. (start) very
5 Choose the correct word. early. When he 4) ....................................... (finish)
1 Superman’s real/polite identity is a secret. work, he 5) ............................. (go) back home. He
6) ....................................... (play) with his children
2 Superheroes lead/deserve double lives.
7) or/because he 8) ............................... (help) his
3 Superheroes Anonymous gather/fight wife 9) with/at the chores. Bob 10) .........................
crime. (not/work) now. His children 11) ............................
4 Jillaroos try to feed/gain their horses’ trust. (have) football practice at the moment so Bob
5 The sun is setting/going up now. 12) ............................. (wait) for them in his car. He
always 13) ....................... (drive) them home when
he 14) ................................................. (not/work).
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:32 Page 24

Gimnazjum Exam Practice


Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Exam Tip

Dobieranie Przeczytaj teksty, aby zorientowaç si´ w ich treÊci.
Zastanów si´, gdzie mo˝na spotkaç podobne teksty
Preparing for the task i w jakim celu sà one umieszczane. Przeczytaj zdania
A–E i podkreÊl w nich słowa kluczowe. Pomogà Ci one
1 Read the texts. Choose the correct option.
w wyborze właÊciwych rozwiàzaƒ.

A EXAM TASK Przeczytaj ogłoszenia 1–4

Science Class i zdania (A–E). Do ka˝dego ogłoszenia dobierz
visit to the zdanie. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki.
Science Museum Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo
Monday, 5th i nie pasuje do ˝adnego ogłoszenia.
The club is not open this weekend.
1 This text is an announcement/email. Aerobics classes are moving to Wednesday
2 You can see this text in a bank/school. evening.
3 This text advertises a product/gives Please ask Sam for the new timetable.

Learn to be an actor!
B Private classes available with a
Keep Quiet trained performer!
Please For more details call 987-2542.

1 This text is a sign/an invitation.
Students please note that the History exam
2 You can see this text in a restaurant/library. tomorrow is now in Room 17B.
3 This text tells people not to talk/eat.

Shop assistant for weekend work, 11 am – 6 pm
For a great day out every Saturday.
visit London Zoo!
No experience is necessary. Please talk to Mary
Opening Times: inside the shop.
10 am – 4 pm
í20 (adults) – You can see this text on a school
í15.50 (children) noticeboard.
B You can see this text in an email.
C This text advertises a job.
1 This text is part of an instructions leaflet/a D You can see this text at a sports centre.
brochure. E This text advertises acting lessons.
2 You can see this text in a zoo/an email.
3 This text advertises a local attraction/asks
for money.

SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:32 Page 25

ZnajomoÊç Êrodków 4 EXAM TASK Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz
j´zykowych poprawne uzupełnienie luk 1–3. ZakreÊl
liter´ A, B lub C.
Wybór wielokrotny
Preparing for the task

3 Choose the correct word. Do the sentences

From: Anna
test grammar (G) or lexis (L)? Which words
helped you decide? To: Kate
Subject: Hi!
1 What time ..... you get up? G
Hi Kate,
A is B do C does
I’m writing to you from Australia. I’m
2 She goes to school ..... 8:00. ...... 1) .................. a ranch training to be a cowgirl.
A on B in C at
I get up before the sun rises to feed the
3 He doesn’t ..... walk to school. ...... animals, then I have breakfast. Then I work
A never B usually C sometimes with my horse. It’s not easy 2) ......................
4 How ..... does she play tennis? ...... I like it a lot. Right now we are resting before
A many B time C often
we go trekking.
I’m 3) ......................... a great time.
5 She likes Geography ..... Maths. ......
Write back,
A and B or C to
6 They are ..... a lesson now. ......
A have B has C having
7 He’s good ..... Spanish. ...... 1 A in B at C on
A at B of C with 2 A and B but C because
8 I hope to hear ..... you soon. ...... 3 A having B enjoying C doing
A to B from C back
9 I don’t ..... tennis at all. ......
A prefer B like C stand
Rozumienie ze słuchu
10 I can’t ..... pop music. ...... Dobieranie
A stand B enjoy C hate
11 He always goes to the gym ..... Mondays. ...... 5 EXAM TASK Usłyszysz dwukrotnie
A in B at C on rozmow´ pomi´dzy rodzeƒstwem.
12 Do you watch TV ..... the evenings? ...... Do ka˝dej osoby (1–4) dopasuj jej hobby
A on B in C at (A–E). Wpisz w kratki odpowiednie litery.
Jedno hobby zostało podane dodatkowo
13 He ..... out with his friends at weekends. ......
i nie pasuje do ˝adnej osoby.
A hangs B meets C finds
14 She sometimes ..... the Net. ......
A watches B goes C surfs
15 They ..... sports on Saturdays. ...... 1 Amy A aerobics
A go B make C do 2 Paul B computer games
3 Martin C photography
Exam Tip 4 Bob D drawing
Przeczytaj tekst i podane mo˝liwoÊci odpowiedzi. E swimming
Zastanów si´, czy dana luka sprawdza znajomoÊç
gramatyki czy słownictwa. Zwróç uwag´ na słowa Workbook p. 12
poprzedzajàce luk´ i nast´pujàce bezpoÊrednio po
niej. Pomogà Ci one dokonaç właÊciwego wyboru.
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:33 Page 26

Gimnazjum Exam Practice


Rozumienie tekstów
Preparing for the task
1 Josh Sims is spending a year trav
1 Read the headings. Decide
America. Right now he is in Bolivia
elling around South
which words best match the . For three weeks, he’s taking
care of a jaguar, the third biggest of
underlined words. the ‘big cats’ and one of the
most dangerous animals on Earth!
B TRAINING HARD 2 His day begins very early as one of
his responsibilities in the camp is to
ñ get up ñ go to the gym make
breakfast. Then, for the rest of the
ñ exercise ñ have lunch day,
together with his friend, Carl, the
ñ go to bed ñ keep fit y’re
ñ walk to work ‘sitting’ a one-year-old orphan jagu
ñ work out in gym called Ru. They do whatever Ru wan
ñ Thai boxing ñ do sprints them to do!

2 Now read the text and decide 3 Ru is a harmless animal who likes
which heading (A, B) in Ex. 1 being with people, but they have
best matches the paragraph to be careful
with him. Sometimes, Ru gets too exc
below. Underline the words ited during
play and scratches them with his
that helped you decide. claws. It’s
usually nothing serious, but they
have to remember that Ru is a wild
Being a stuntman is a demanding
job. Stuntmen work out in the gym animal and not a pet. Still,
almost every day to keep fit. On a it’s an amazing experience.
normal week they usually have five
sessions of one hour each. I usually
do sprints and Thai boxing.
ZnajomoÊç Êrodków
Exam Tip j´zykowych
Dobieranie nagłówków Uzupełnianie luk
Przeczytaj nagłówki i podkreÊl w nich
słowa kluczowe. Zastanów si´, czy
Preparing for the task
znasz słowa o podobnym znaczeniu.
Przeczytaj szybko tekst, aby wst´pnie 4 a) Read the sentences. What type of words are missing
in each sentence? Choose.
zapoznaç si´ z jego treÊcià. Przeczytaj
tekst ponownie, próbujàc odnaleêç 1 Eric ......................... from Poland. preposition/verb
słowa o tym samym znaczeniu, co pod-
2 He is a .......................... . noun/adjective
kreÊlone słowa w nagłówkach. Pomo˝e
Ci to w rozwiàzaniu zadania. 3 He is friendly ......................... sociable.
EXAM TASK Przeczytaj tekst.
3 4 He always spends ......................... afternoons at the
Do ka˝dego akapitu (1–3) dopasuj pool. possessive adjective/pronoun
właÊciwy nagłówek (A–D). Wpisz 5 Right now he is ......................... the Net. noun/verb
odpowiednie litery obok numerów 6 Their flat is on the ......................... floor.
akapitów. Jeden nagłówek został adjective/noun
podany dodatkowo.
b) Choose the word which best completes each gap.
1 coming – comes 4 he – his
2 student – students 5 surf – surfing
3 and – but 6 two – second
SmartTime 2 POL Ss Unit 1.qxd 13-05-22 11:33 Page 27

Exam Tip 2 When (you/play) ............................
Uzupełnianie luk At 7:30 on Saturdays.
Przeczytaj uwa˝nie tekst, aby zorientowaç si´ w jego
treÊci. Zastanów si´, jakà cz´Êcià mowy nale˝y uzupeł- A The verb describes a routine/an action
niç poszczególne luki (np. rzeczownikiem, przymiotni- happening now.
kiem itp.). Starannie wybieraj rozwiàzania. Sprawdê, czy
uzupełniony tekst jest poprawny. B The verb in brackets should be in the
interrogative/be in the first person singular.
EXAM TASK Przeczytaj poni˝szy tekst
5 b) Complete the gaps in sentences 1 and 2.
i uzupełnij go, wpisujàc w ka˝dà luk´ (1–5)
odpowiedni wyraz z ramki we właÊciwej formie.
Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo. Exam Tip
Uzupełnianie zdaƒ
friend I study go three get Przeczytaj zdanie, zwracajàc uwag´ na wyrazy
w nawiasach. Znajdê w zdaniu wskazówki, które
Hi, Mary.
pomogà Ci odpowiednio zmieniç słowa z nawiasów.
I’m Harriet. I live in Newport, Wales. I’m almost 14. Dodaj niezb´dne elementy j´zykowe (np. czàstk´
1) .................... parents are doctors. My brother wyrazu lub cały wyraz) i sprawdê, czy ma ono sens.
2) .................... at University. He wants to be a lawyer. We
live in a flat on the 3) .................... floor. I like history and 7 EXAM TASK Uzupełnij zdania (1–5), wstawiajàc
Spanish. Right now I’m 4) .................. ready to go out with wyrazy z nawiasów w odpowiedniej formie. Nie
my 5) .................. . They’re waiting for me. Be my e-friend. zmieniaj kolejnoÊci podanych wyrazów. Dodaj
Laura niezb´dne elementy, aby otrzymaç logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.
W ka˝dym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie
Uzupełnianie zdaƒ czterech elementów.
Preparing for the task 1 He always (do/homework) ....................
6 a) Read sentences 1 and 2. Then underline ...................... in the afternoon.
the correct options in sentences A and B. 2 She (enjoy/play/basketball) .................
1 He (not/like) ............................. .................................. in her free time.
Geography much. He prefers Maths. 3 She (be/always) ....................................
late for school.
A The sentence describes an action happening
now/contains a verb which doesn’t have 4 They (not/listen) ....................................
continuous forms. to music at the moment.
B The verb in brackets should be in the third 5 We (not/be/really) .................................
person singular/should be in the affirmative. ...................... close friends.
Workbook p. 13


Now I can do these things in English and I can do these exam tasks
ñ talk & write about ñ make suggestions – Rozumienie tekstów pisanych: ZnajomoÊç Êrodków j´zykowych:
daily routines/free-time agree/disagree ñ prawda/fałsz ñ wybór wielokrotny
activities ñ use capital letters & ñ dobieranie ñ uzupełnianie luk
ñ talk about jobs correct punctuation Rozumienie ze słuchu: ñ układanie fragmentów zdaƒ
ñ express likes/dislikes ñ join sentences with and, ñ wybór wielokrotny Wypowiedê pisemna:
ñ ask questions too, but, because ñ dobieranie ñ e-mail


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