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Amplitude Modulation

1. Communication: Sending and receiving of information

2. Information: Signal, data or any measurable physical quantity

i) Wire Links
3. Basic Communication System: ii) Wireless
iii) Optic Fibers
Source of Transmitter

i) Speech i) Oscillators ii) Amplifiers Link

ii) Pictures iii) Modulator iv) Filters
iii) Words v) Antenna
iv) Codes
v) Symbols
Destination Receiver
vi) Data

i) Radio ii) TV iii) Computer iv) Telephone

v) Tele-printer vi) Telegraph vii) Fax viii) Internet
Forms of Communication: Types of communication:
1. Radio Broadcast 1. Cable
2. Television Broadcast communication

3. Telephony 2. Ground wave

4. Telegraphy
3. Sky wave
5. Radar communication
6. Sonar 4. Satellite
7. Fax (Facsimile Telegraphy) communication

8. E-mail 5. Optic fiber

9. Tele-printing
10. Telemetering
11. Mobile Phones
12. Internet
◼ Baseband signal
◼ The electrical equivalent information signal is known as
baseband signal. (modulating signal)
◼ Carrier signal
◼ High frequency signal is known as carrier.
◼ This carrier signal will carry the modulating signal to the
◼ Modulation
◼ It is defined as the process by which some characteristics
of a carrier is varied in accordance with instantaneous
value of modulating signal.
◼ Modulation is a process that causes a shift in the range of
frequencies in a modulating signal.
◼ Modulated signal
◼ The signal resulting from the process of
modulation is called modulated signal.
◼ Demodulation
◼ At the receiver the original signal is recovered
from modulated signal this process is called
Need of modulation
◼ Reduction in antenna height
◼ Increase the range of communication
◼ Avoids mixing of signals
◼ Multiplexing is possible
◼ Improves quality of reception
Analog modulation
◼ Types of analog modulation
◼ Amplitude modulation (AM)
◼ Angle modulation
◼ Frequencymodulation
◼ Phase modulation
Analog modulation
◼ Amplitude modulation
◼ A modulation process in which amplitude of the
carrier is varied in accordance with
instantaneous value of modulating signal.
◼ Angle modulation
◼ A modulation process in which total phase angle
of the carrier is varied in accordance with
instantaneous value of modulating signal.
◼ The total angle can be varied either by FM or
Amplitude Modulation: DSB-SC
DSB-SC modulation
▪ Modulators
▪ Multiplier Modulators
▪ Non-linear Modulators
▪ Switching Modulators

● Multiplier modulator
● Variable gain amplifier
● Logarithmic amplifier
Non-Linear Modulator
Switching Modulator
Series and Shunt diode Bridge Modulator
Ring Modulator
Demodulation of DSB-SC
Amplitude Modulation
◼ Coherent Detection
◼ Costly receiver
◼ Point to point communication

◼ DSB-FC (Amplitude modulation)

◼ Transmit the carrier signal along with the modulating
◼ Needs high power transmitter (expensive )
◼ Simple, less expensive receiver
◼ Broadcast system
Amplitude modulation


H.F. Signal
Amplitude Modulation
Significance of Modulation Index:
◼ Modulation index µ = mp /A

AF signal

µ = 0 (No modulation)

µ = 0.5 or 50%

µ = 1 or 100%
0 < µ< 1
µ > 1 or 100%
Significance of Modulation Index:

e Amax
A Amin

µ = mp /A
Amax = A + mp
Amin = A - mp

Amax - Amin
µ =
Amax + Amin
Power Relation in the AM wave:

μ = mp / A

Pc = (A /√2)2 = A2/2
PUSB = PLSB = (μA /2 √ 2)2 = μ2A2 /8
Pt = A 2 /2 + μ2A2 /8 + μ2A2 /8
Pt = Pc [1 + ( μ2 / 2 )]
Pt / Pc = [1 + (μ2 / 2)]
Transmission efficiency
◼ Transmission efficiency of an AM wave is
the ratio of the transmitted power which
contains the information (i.e. total sideband
power) to the total transmitted power
η = ( PLSB + PUSB) / Pt
= μ2 / (μ2 + 2)
AM Generation
Envelope Detector (Demodulation of AM)
AM: Single Sideband (SSB-SC)
Tone Modulation
Generation of SSB Signals
◼ Selective filtering method
◼ Phase shift Method
Selective filtering method
◼ Selective filtering method
◼DSB-SC signal is passed through the sharp cut-off
filters to eliminate the undesired band.
◼To obtained USB the filter should pass all the
components above ωc and suppress below ωc.

◼Realizable (some separation between passband and

◼Voice signal
Selective filtering method
Phase shift method
◼ Phase shift method
◼Phase is shifted by π/2.

◼Ideal phase shifter is unrealizable.

Phase shift Method
Demodulation of SSB Signal
Vestigial Side Band: VSB
VSB Modulator and Demodulator

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