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Functions / Surveyors/ Dates


Updated till April’22

~ All the Best ~

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4-5 random day/night cards (CBD, NUC, Aground).

ETA reqmts.
Warm, cold, occ, stnry fronts explain and symbols.

Quote rule 19.

3 situations in sight of one another.

Vsl aground. Actions in sequence.
Damage stability criteria
How will you come to know which part of the ship has damaged from fwd to aft ?
TRS. Vsl in dangerous quadrant. Action?
Diurnal and semi diurnal range.
1) Quote rule 10,13,18,19
2) Situations 5-6 RV and open sea
3) ROR cards 8-10
4) Voyage planning points to be taken into account as a mate
5) TRS in detail . 1-2-3 rule


6) Gyro compass errors explanation in detail, what effects on gyro as we go

towards poles?

7) Errors of GPS, echo sounder
8) Buoys - Preferred channel to port in region B , Emcy wreck marking buoy.
9) Synoptic and prognostic charts
10) Contents of weekly Ntm
11) Steering failure actions?
12) ETA in detail
Started with Agarwal
Which company, type of ship, type of cargo, which area u sailed?
He will ask u question from that mostly.
1. Passage plan as a chief mate from Mumbai to Liverpool dis time of the year. I
started with load line, SW monsoon winds, HRA. He will keep on counter
questions on everything u say. Asked me from were will u get load line from.


Ocean passage of the world, routing charts and placard also available on board.
2: India comes under which loadline?

3. Path and track of trs
4. After sailing from Mumbai u getting heavy wx and strange sound coming from
cargo hold action?
I said I will make risk assessment for heavy wx , he said ok make.
5. How u know u are in dangerous quadrant and ur actions.
I gave all actions confidently and he said wait outside and den he started taking
orals for secondmate.
Explain rule 10(a) - give example..
Where in rules it says not to alter to port..

When can you alter to port give example…


If SV on port bow and ROC exists - action and as per which rule..

Disadvantages of ECDIS..
How will you correct paper charts?
How will you correct ENC?
Which publication to log correction of ENC and paper charts (No cards).

Page 1
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TRS signs and action to avoid it ( he asked me if you are in an area of a
developing trs what actions will you take ? tell about egc/fax/plotting/heavy
weather precautions/altering course and avoiding it)
passage plan C/O ?

meteorological equip on board?


magnetic compass parts ? error of magnetic compass?

which compass u use in high latitude navigation ?
rule 19 explain?
risk of collision meaning ?
anchoring in deep waters?
collision in you watch ?
Started wid why I took so long time to clear the orals?
Why last time failed?
Errors of magnetic compass? How to compansate that?
Why gyro compass does nt work in higher latitude?
Den which type of compass work and it's principal?
Does Gps so any course in higher latitude?

Passage plan as mate level wt u consider the factors?


Which area comes in HRA? From where u will get the information?

Does weather routing mandatory?
What is the advantage of it?
Den started with ROR situation he doesn't want to quote he is more focus in
practical... Not to impede passage give me the example?
If one vessel overtaking from STBD quarter not taking action?
NUC crossing from port side action?
Does crossing situation apply in TSS?

1. Red all round light. What vessel and action


2. ROR card - 2 green light vertically and anchor lights

3. Card - white above green . 2 green light on both sides. Masthead light
4. Nav lights range for vessel less than 12 m

CBD define
Safe speed quote
what do you mean by backscater
what are the limitations of Radar as per Rule 6
quote Rule 19
Situation: OV-hdg 000°,tgt R&B:005°x 5 miles, Tgt hdg-182.CPA: 0.5nm passing
from stbd your action?: I replied broad alteration to stbd as per rule 14 and pass
port to port of one another.

he, wasn't satisfied with broad altertion to stbd, asked how much(quantum) is

broad altertion? is 15° good enough in this situation.

What do you mean by good observance of seamanship as per Rule 8?

what is isolated danger buoy and emergency wreck buoy? how is it different from
one another?
you see an isolated danger buoy ahead of you, how will you identify? Action?
As a mate what all things you will consider in passage plan?
Fog signals for Pilot vessel at anchor?
Tidal stream atlas? What information you get in them?
How are TRS formed? what is vertex? why do they curve and where do they curve?
what is magnetic anomally?
what is gradient current in bay of bengal?
what are the hazards of navigating in Ice infested waters?

Page 2
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Started with situations
1. Towing vessel observed at 20° on port bow for one hour at 20 mins interval at
same bearing. After 1.5 hours she is 3 miles. CPA 0.4 miles on stbd side. What
situation and what is ur action? First he explained verbally. I said could be
overtaking or crossing without asking the aspect. He said unable to recognise the
aspect as it is a very small target. The diagram he drew was from Port bow
closing . I said alter more to stbd and overtake with wide berth. He said Don't u
think you are gonna overtake him after long time. Then I realised and said yes we
alter course to port and overtake.
What will be your action as target vessel?
2. Target vessel on port quarter overtaking you with very less CPA. Action as per
rule in normal visibility and Restricted visibility. Action as a target vessel
3. Vessel grounded with stern port side. Draft 11 m all over. Grounded side depth
10 m. Engines will be ready only after 48 hours as per Chief Engineer. What all
actions will you do. Nearest port also 2 days . I said Ballast the forepeak and the
opposite side assessing the damage. Also we can use stbs anchor so that vsl
doesn't drift more. Then he asked if there is a minimum tide of 2.6 m what will
4. You see Aircraft carrier on stbd bow at 5 miles range . What lights and shapes
will it display. Does it show anchor lights if it is anchored. If not what action will
you take?

5. Fishing vessel on your port side crossing in TSS. Actions?


6. Target vessel crossing from Port 15 min and you are doing same speed. ROC

exists. 3 miles range. He asked what will be TCPA? Gave wrong calculation. I said
I will alter to Stbd and take roundabout or go parallel. He said do you have
enough sea room with both of you doing 15 kts? Then I said we should alter to
port and pass her Stern.
7.Gyro fails how will you know? What are the instruments affected by Gyro failure.
8.What will happen to Radar when gyro fails. How will the targets react on Head
up mode after gyro failure.
9.What will happen to AIS if gyro fails.
10.Same with ECDIS wrt to position and Display mode? Will it change to Head up
11.What are the alarms in Autopilot
12.How will you take bearing of target vessels if gyro fails.
13. Gyro 300 Magnetic 306 VAR 4W. What course will you steer? If the variation
changed to 1 W. what course will you steer now?
14. You see white over red light with green light. You have just dropped the pilot
and the pilot vsl is just one mile on ur stbd bow. Master just went to sleep after
12 hrs maneuvering. How will u determine what is she doing. I said Radar
vectors. And then Action?
15. Anchor dragging . Actions as mate?
16. When you steer by Magnetic compass how much degree will it be acceptable
zone? He said from gyro it is 3 degrees. How about Magnetic? I said 5 to 10. He
said 6 to 8.
For all situations first thing he wants is to call master.

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Which vsls u sail on?
Describe chemical tanker.
I told him as per marpol annex 2 definition.
Then he askd not dis what was gt nt loa breadth max draft each any every
description of terms.
How will u calculate max amount of cargo u can load?

What is displacement

What is deadweight

Cargo docs required after loading
What if shore fig bl fig difference
What is loi
Who will issue whom
Format of LOI - Failing ques as as per him it is the major document u shud know
as a chief mate this was what he has told to tapan gosh that i made major
mistake in LOI Part not familiar with prescribed form that is y m not clearing
function 2.
COW req & checklist. Cross questions cow abort situation and stripping pump
Capt. Manoj. Started with dry cargo.

Content of IMSBC. Alternate loading, loading of new yard delivery bulk vessel


VGM for container.
IMDG segregation table and type of segregation tables. Group of segregation
New Marpol requirements for cargo residues.

IGC code and IBC code content.


Type of carrier for each.

Types of loadicator and requirements for installation as per Marpol IGC and IBC

Stability criteria for different ships.

Define angle of repose?

what is Foul BL?
As per IMSBC, what is BLU code?
why is CSS code required?
stability criteria for carriage of grain?(needs exact word to word ans)

hazards of carrying corn?


hazard of careying coal? when will you carry surface ventilation?


hazards of loading ore in ballast condition

shippers bill?
format of DG manifest where will you get it?
Precaution for COW?
Hazards of carriage of chemical?
Difference between LNG and LPG ships?
what cargoes you can carry in LPG ships and in LNG ships?

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How will u load grain? Stability criteria for grain.
I told about ships with doa.
Then he said, Now if u calculated angle of heel and it's coming 20 degree.
What will u do? I said I'll rearrange cargo n see.
He said u have total 5 holds. 4 are completely filled.
1 is half filled. Then wat will u do?
I said I will chk again by redistribution n then if still coming same I will inform pni
owners port.
N proceed with securing saucering bundling for filled n lashing strapping etc for
half filled he said ok.
1st I couldn't recollect this then he gave me hint like is there anything u can do to
secure that cargo then I understood

Loading in Chennai

Discharging in Haldia

Keeping everything same will the draft change
I said yes sir bcuz of bunker n all consumption
Then he said leav bunker n all everything same
I said yes bcuz of density change salt to fresh water ship will sink more
He said ok that's bodily sinkage wat bout trim will it change
Bcuz of cob moving behind of cog ship will trim fwd
P & A manual
Why and where will u use it?
What all things given in it
Types of bl
Negotiable or not? 3 fundamental of bl
Bunker spill action as chief officer
Imdg ammendment
Annex vi ammendment in marpol
Fire equipments on gas tanker
If they have dcp on deck den co2 hoga unke ships pe i said for E/R
Co2 capacity for e/ r
Prepare vsl for COF survey
How date issue will be considered after renewal survey when new certificate is


Too many cross questions on above - Failing ques as not have thourogh
understanding of dates of issue after issuing new certificate how it is decided.

Lifeboat what all surveys
What if lifeboat annuals not done in 1 yr
How much extention flag can give
Type of valve in manifold- failing question by mistake i told globe later on I
corrected but he said
I am not taking exam it is like a audit once i have said wrong den itz wrong
What is the difference between sinking and capsizing?
Marpol annex 3 certificate requirements.
Marpol annex 1 certificate and requirements.
Lifeboat dynamic test requirements and preparation in drydock. Liferaft


requirements and type of liferaft launching method.

Navigational light requirements for side screen.

Chain register.
MS act 1958 why is it reqd.
Crew members misbehaving action as per MS act.

1. Slop Tank arrangement requirements


2. ETA

3. Lifeboat static and dynamic test requirements

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What do you mean by strengthening members? were they provided in your last
ship? and what were the location?
What is SOLAS ch12?
where will you find the requirements for Pilot boarding arrangements?
what does MARPOL annex 6 state?


Define Lookout as per STCW?

what all duties are different for a mate than other ranking deck officers?

As a mate how will you assist Master?
What are the disadvantages of having high tensile steel construction for a vessel?
If you join a vessel and see that there is a crack in the Corner of a booby hatch
opening, what will you do?
Before leaving drydock what all checks will you carry out?
How does wind effect on a container vessel?
1. What do you know about Chain register
2. You are loading by grabs . Suddenly the shackle fails and grab falls on the
cargo and slides on to injure 2 persons standing in the hold. How will you prove
yourself not guilty wrt the cargo gear?
3. What are Recovery straps. How will you safely transfer from recovery straps to


the Davit hooks? By Hanging off pendants.

4. Maintenance on hatch covers?

5. How will you do ultrasonic test?
6. What are the wedges used for and what maintenance is required ont hem.
7. How are pontoons maintained?
8. Loadline survery. How will you prepare. Since I was from tankers he asked
about pump room ventilators and mushroom vents. What all will you check? He
wanted to hear about Flame arrestors and spark arrestors .
1.Angle of loll
2.Dryfocking plan
3.critucal moment instant
Why is it called so
4.KN curves

5.Article of agreement
8-APRIL-22 partty tri party

7.annex 6 what are the pollutants of air

8.Discharge criteria annex 1 mach spaces
9.Testing of mooring winches
10.Emerg towing arrangement
11.Man overboard sequence of actions.
12.Vessel grounded actions
14.Form e and r.
Started wid why I took so long time to clear the orals?
Why last time failed?
Errors of magnetic compass? How to compansate that?
Why gyro compass does nt work in higher latitude?
Den which type of compass work and it's principal?
Does Gps so any course in higher latitude?

Passage plan as mate level wt u consider the factors?


Which area comes in HRA? From where u will get the information?

Does weather routing mandatory?

What is the advantage of it?
Den started with ROR situation he doesn't want to quote he is more focus in
Not to impede passage give me the example?
If one vessel overtaking from STBD quarter not taking action?
NUC crossing from port side action?
Does crossing situation apply in TSS?

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Characteristics of stern light.
Vessel pushing ahead not rigidly connected, whether they will show stern light or

not. NUC @ anchor light.

As a chief set how u will access master in management level.

How u will arrange or set watch keeping of crew?
Light of grounded vessel.
Why nav. shapes are black?
Did u see any other colour ever?
Passage planning in management level.

COF survey preparation.


Drydock preparation.
Main jobs in drydock.

Fwd liferaft requirement.
Fwd strengthening members.

-What all parameters changes with the change in Density.


-How and why trim changes with change in density.


-NOP, in what circumstances u will note protest.

-How will go about preparation for Load Line Survey. What things you will check.
-Watertight and Weather tight. What will you check. Which places are watertight
and weather tight on Container ships.

Emergency preparation at manifold of gas tanker.

Flexible hose test.

Motor room requirements.


Structural requirement for gas carrier.

ESD working.
Vapour calculation in gas carriers.
Static charge.
Bonding cable.
-What was your last (Container).
-Explain about your vessel.
-You are loading, Master comes back from shore leave, ask you how much has

been loaded, what will u tell him?


Ans. Was not able to understand what he wanted… gave him 2-3 answer, didn’t
seem satisfied. Told him about draft survey also. F2
-How will go about Draft survey.
-Corrections to draft.
-Hydrostatic Draft.
-what is Centre Of floatation. Why is it important?
-Some cross questions about Hydrostatic Particular.
1. Contents of & Info in codes incl Stab criterias of: IGC, Grain Code, IMSBC,

2. How, Why & Where of: Loading of Coils & Explosives.


3. Actions for Listing during loading of Concentrates

4. Explain Bill of Lading

5. What is Charter Party & types.....explain

6. Procedure to Calculate VHM without Grain Stab booklet.
7. Procedure to find Angle of Loll.
8. Actions for: Oil spraying out of Mast riser.

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Aoa/ cba
Type of welding defects.
Type of entry

Precautions of enclosed space entry


Ballast tank construction
Annex 1 to 6 certificate
How u use ETA.
Welding types
1. Type of ship /cargo capacity.
2. Mooring winch capacity.
3. Types of chemical tanker
4. Polymer

5. how to avoid polymer


6. Static electricity precautions.

7. Annex 6 certificate
8. PV valve setting.
9. Can to trim cargo in open sea by own.
10. SCBA set of IBC in chemical tanker.
11.hazard of chemical tanker.

1. Significance of ground tackle


2. Contents of Grain Code


3. Contents of IMSBC CODE


5. Duties as Chief officer of RORO CARRIER
6. how will you calculate windage area ?
7. GRAIN stability Criteria
1. Quote rule no. 15,16,17 & 19.
2. Contents of Bridge Procedures guide
3. Weather Routeing
4. Procedure to ice report


5. Gyro error in higher latitude

6. Magnetic Compass behaviour from equator to poles

7. Situation of RV, CBD in narrow channel
8. Solas contents
9. SOLAS chapter 5 Regulations
10. CBD card
11. Passage Planning
12. Types of currents
1. CBD card
2. Full Passage planning considering you have Mate's license. What all

information & publications, info from various parties/departments, etc.?


3. Gyro errors in High Altitude

4. How to calculate Speed Error in Gyro.

5. Quote rule 16 & 17

6. Steering failure when vsl just coming out of Port.
7. Reporting Procedures/Regulations applicable as per Solas
8. Procedure to report Navigation Hazard.
ROR Rule 10, expalin ?
TRS action and dangerous quadrant and why?
Buoyage system- danger mark specification ?

Auto- pilot fail, Action ?


Girding of tugs ?

weather roueting ? Which Reg?

TSS 2 situations
Frontal depression ?
Passage plan as per mate ?
Gyro north seeking and errors ?

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What is Sour crude? Hazards of sour crude?
Precautions you will take for sour crude.

DAGMAN Phyrophoric oxidation. Untill here everything was smooth after that he started
going into documentation. What is Doc ... Its salient features....requred by

what....and kept on asking what else?
DG manifest....who prepares...what all information....and kept on asking what
else. Clean BL in detail. Multimodal BL.
After that he said as a cof you should know all documentation thoroughly and I
wont ask anything further.
Composite and GC sailing
How will you decide limiting latitude - he wants to hear ships equipment also
Which equipment affects the most in higher latitude and why
How will you correct induced magnetism?

Gyro rolling/ quadrantal or intercardinal error..... something he asked me... I said


I know about magnetic compass don’t kw about gyro

Some ROR card and situations
Asked few vsls fog and day signals
What is a front
How will you come to know a frontal depression is happening?
What is a part of TRS?
How will you take action when TRS is confirmed?
1) NOP who will you give to and who is the notary in port, how to find him
2) How will you prepare for audit
3) Ballast water management plan
4) Plans required for ballast water handling

5) How to calculate required paint in dry dock, detail calculation


6) MS act 358

7) Indiscipline onboard how many provisions (not sure provision or other word)
8) Element 6,7 and all of ism
9) How ship trim
10) Static and dynamic drafts
11) All statutory certificates list
12) Factors taken into, consideration for before a ship is built by owner.
1) Blu code
2) How will you go for loading livestock on your vessel
3) Classes of imdg
5) Nitric acid spilled on deck what will you do
6) Nitric acid formula,Sulphuric acid, Carbolic acid formula

7) Which plans to refer for heavy lift? If load density more how will you load it?

9) Cargo hold damaged who will sign damage report F2

10) If concerned person not signing what you will do
11) If short loading of cargo what you will do
12) Who other than P & I will help in payments
13) Simpsons rules detailed? Appendages.
14) Dangerous good manifest required by whom exactly
15) Hazards of concentrates
16) Half breadth plan and its use?

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1) Rule 1,2,8,12,18,22,30
2) what is safety net
3) How is Quadrantal error, corrected n how to do it?
4) ROR situation normal
5)Which vessel carry lights in combined lantern
6)Sailing vessel aground light signal
7)Two white lights and lantern which vessel


8) which is better for position fixing? Why intercept and how to solve cocked

9) Errors of echo sounder
10) Ranging and Phasing
11) Circumpolar bodies criteria
12) Warnings signals of Trs
13) what is measured mile on chart
14) Annex 4
15) Special mark buoy and where it’s used for
16) Equation of time
-Passage planning as a mate
-name of ocean current which is to be encountered during the above voyage.
-best method to get the gyro error. amplitude of sun.
-ror situations. Cards.
-iala buoyage system (cards)
-at night how u will identify the cardinal mark without light signal.and top mark
-rule 19 to quote. TRS.
-grounding action (he wanted to hear-damage stability).

-after i said that i ll see the damage stability then he asked how u ll asses the

damage stability n what r the info and where to find damage stability booklet.

-auto pilot fail action.
-principle of gyro.
-wt r the forces affecting on gyro on higher latitude.
-gyro north seeking
-u r at south china sea n u find wind is veering .
-explain rule no 8f(ii) ( its v.imp n its a failing ques of capt.anish )
-weather symb.
-frontal dep.
-wx routing. Catzoc.
1.Flammability diagram
2. Pv valve Pv breaker
3. ISGOTT contents
4 Duties of ch. mate as per ISM

5.Damage stability criteria for tankers.


6.imdg segregation
7.imdg manifest write and show

8.misdhip section of Bulk carrier draw and show

9.Self trimming arrangement in bulk carrier
10.Isgott contents
Loading concentrates hazards. Cargo information required by shipper.
Angle of loll. DRI. Blu code contents. Torsion moments and type of torsion
moments static dynamic.
Diff VTS and SRS
Simple situations in Pawan notes.
TRS why recurve happening
How will you identify dangerous quadrant.


Isolated danger Mark.

BRM and BTM.

Correction of Enc.
How will you verify whether upto date?
Hazards of high lat nav.
Sound signals of grounded vsl.
Why magnetic compass not reliable?

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⁃ What is NC
⁃ what is major NC
TAPAS GOSH ⁃ how PSC will detain a ship - he want to hear if ship dont follow Solas, ISM,

marpol MLC.

⁃ (He asked Which ship i have done- I said LNG, ohk than i will ask other than
⁃ What are claims in grain
⁃ How will you prevent these claims
⁃ If claims come as a chief mate what will be your action
Structure of IMO
Stages of IMO
Base of IMO.
Structure of DG shipping.
What is MS Act
How many reg
Reg as per MS act for wages
Reg as per MS act for casualty
Reg as per MS act for security
What reg do u know ( u guys only read note n not the MS act book it's 500pg not
5 pg of ur notes)
Trading certificate mand n satu
Tell me all Satu certi (he wants alll)
Plans for dry dock
Tell me what info in which plan to much detail
Content of Marpol.


What is a regulation n what is a convention?

ISM code in detail

Which Ch in Solas talk about ISM
12 elements of ism
PMS which elements
How to renew
When can ur SMC b cancelled
What is Major Non-Conformity (define don't make ur own def?)
Declavity of Doc what imp to u how u measure
Foul Anchor
Name parts of joining Shackle
Oil Record Book
STCW amendments
PSC as per what regulation what all it check who in India carry PSC inspection
Conditions of class
Den he said m feed up of u
What is Grounding Tackle


⁃ what is tri party and bi- party - give complete ans

⁃ What is statuary, mandory and class certificate

⁃ Duties of c/o as per stcw (few more I don’t remember )

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⁃ Loading precaution of LNG
⁃ how will you load heavy lift - i told him everything but he just want to hear FSE
⁃ What is timber

⁃ What is pulp wood and wood pulp


⁃ What is timber ship

⁃ What is timber code - he need solas defination
⁃ What is code
⁃ What is imsbc, grain and imdg code and different different code
⁃ Why grain code
⁃ How will you load imdg cargo in container ship
⁃ What is mates receipt and what u mean by any remark in mates receipt
⁃ how many routine charts
⁃ Content of routine chart
⁃ How will you loadline given in routine chart - he want to hear i will load to least
loadline taking care of fuel Consumed gonna consume during voyage
⁃ What is synoptic chart and its use for passage plan - he just want to hear it is

used for future prediction


⁃ How you will ECDIS for passage plan

◦ Diff. Between TRS n TLD - he just want to hear, TRS moves East and TLD moves
to west
⁃ Beaching, Ground tackle and foundering
⁃ How does magnetic compass turn during course change
⁃ What is Controlled GPS, csc in GPS
⁃ Who owns GPS - us air force
⁃ Anchor dragging action as chief mate
Plans is ship. I told all in Pawans he wanted more.
Maintenance of anchor. I said everything.
N said bout ranging in drydock.
He asked wat other things u do in drydock on anchor.
I said thickness measurement.


N he asked wen will u change at wat percent deterioration?

Types of tugs. I was blank.

Intact stability code 2008 has just came in do you know about it ?
I said no I didn't read about it.
Stcw duties as mate.
I told about 10 points n couldn't recollect more.
He was waiting until I told him sir I can recollect.
Marpol annex vi. I said whatever I knew, Wanted more
What aspects of passage planning will you look into as a mate?
You are approaching pilot station as a mate and the master becomes unconscious
what will be your action?
What authorises you to take command if the master is incapacitated?

Which rules do not apply in Restricted visibility situation?


What precautions and measures will yu take when navigating on high latitudes?

What does the GNSS compass indicate?

Quote rule 19...Both internal and external asked me various situations..
What are the sound and light signals for an aground vessel?
In restricted visibility which is a give way and a stand on vessel?
What do u mean by not impeding the safe passage of a. Vessel?

1. Plan Voyage from kochi to rastanura as a mate.



2. Quote rule 6

3. Sextant how to take sight

4. Synoptic charts
5. And many GK questions which he regularly asks

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1. Voyage planning from Jakarta to Capetown
2. TRS during above voyage

3. Latitude of Jakarta and Capetown (Failing question)
Saying you should have knowledge of the places in the world.

Quote Rule safe speed

Approaching sign of TRS

Which is dangerous Quadrant

Voyage from mundra to cochin as a mates

From where you will get the info about ocean currents, what all publication?
What are the advantages of getting info about the currents?
How will you assist Master in navigation?
How will you use TSS?
You are 4-8 morning watch, gps fails, action?
How to take star sight. What is CZD , TZD, LHA arise?
How to take over watch? What all to check on bridge before taking over watch?
Why to come 15 min before watch? Lights and shapes positioning and technical

details (all). You see single red light on port bow , action ??
How will u make sure that you dont reach late on watch?

SART, EPIRB. Lifebuoy on wings with buoyant smoke details.
Williamson turn. Master standing orders.
Lat and long of India. Why we have time zone +0530?
How zones are divided? Distress signals.
How many rules and annexes? RV situation.s
ROR situations,
Star sight calculation,


Names of some bright stars,

how will you determine with stars to consider for sight,

Methods to determine position at sea,
Sextant errors,
TRS warnings and action,
Passage planning as a chief mate.
Meaning of my name and place of origin
And personal talk to start with
Then he asked about plan from dahej to amsterdam
Then kept asking q to evrything i said Like loadlines, Weather, Watchkeeping,


Compass to box from south to west

Number of cardinal points in compass rose
Sub cardinal points in compass rose
Value of Angle for one point
Then about gps
Gyro compass principal
Magnetic compass principles
Situations between power driven and sailing vessels(cross questioning),ship
reporting systems in India, methods of position fixing, noon sight calculation,
errors of gyro, what is bridge procedures guide, gyro failure action. How as a


mate you will ensure management of crew on board, types of facsimile charts,
requirements for eta and detail explanation, damage control plan, difference

between piracy and armed robbery, docs as per isps code and ism code, Causes
of ocean currents, When we use shm for tide calculation, Countries in region a
and b IALA buoyage system, difference between climatic and weather routeing,
How will u rig ground tackle and it's use, what is one fathom bank.

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• Tie was sort ofloose, fired for that at first succeeded by lecture on first
impression and presentation etc.
• Introduction, type of v/l, native details , Family details, local political leaders,
who vs who in this election, Home minister , Company name meaning & why,
where u did GMDSS, What is meaning of college name 'AMET' who is owner, Hw
did u get in merchant navy and 50% of oral time was used up by these questions
in detail, discussion. How did u get to DG, where staying her, how much distance
from thane to here , came how, how much fare etc.
• Never use any short forms like PD Vessel etc or any such
• He is lie detection machine, so tell truth, don't lie, he will catch and find u lying
or outsmarting him, all such general stuff of truthfulness becos he is not merely
sitting to take Q&A Orals but to find weather how confident, competent, and
situational awareness you are in life too , oral questions se jyada mujhe yehi yaad
hai waha ka.


(No past Questions, who took last orals only these details etc etc)
1. Passage Plan from Colombo to Jakarta, How will you plan ur passage and also

with respect to bridge team, TSS. I was explaining him and with the word
ballasting and loading, stress came into play, SF &BM, I told loadicator , he asked
if loadicator not working I wanted to say please stick to the subject but ... I tried
and he assumed based on the method I told that i was not conversant.
Lengthwise load curve buoyancy curve etc etc.... What is ullage, what is sounding,
Spelling of ULLAGE
2. 1 situation normal crossing- You have to be specific that determining ROC as
per 7, bearing wala funda, found ROC exist or not and then as per 8 and action
as per which rule, defining crossing as per so and so rule etc.
3. Quote rule 17
4. How do u do a navigation watch - do start with 15 -20 mins join watch?
5. How many rules, I said 41, what are the latest, I said 39-41, he asked what is
meaning of them- I was explaining and then with my using the word IMO, he
asked where is IMO I said Geneva, He asked r u sure its geneva, said yes, Asked
to go out and find - Answer is London. (so whats in geneva - where is it is located
etc/answer is Switzerland)
He started with introduction, which company, types of ships you have done GK
questions. Asked me how many islands are there in japan?
Name 3 biggest islands in japan?
What was your last port of discharge?
I said Vancouver so what is full form of BC (Vancouver BC) and in Washington DC
full form of DC?
Vancouver is famous for?


Capital of Colombia?
What all types of vegetables are there since my father is farmer.

- Voyage plan from Sikka to Japan as a mate

- Weather hazards in the voyage. I said TRS. How do you know trs will be there??.
What is cirrus cloud?? Cross question
- Effective BTM?
- Cross questions in BTM.
- What is magnetic compass, where it is located, components.
- Navigation in river as a mate?
-what is safe speed?? Head on situation??

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Started with GK lots of GK.... I felt like I am giving GK exams rather than Chief
mates oral exams ..... but he slips in questions of different function in between
your GK exams ....
Ship Routeing.
Difference between Gyro compass.
And Magnetic Compass. What is the difference between True North and Magnetic
Called ...
When is Variation East and West
How to remove bubble from a Magnetic Compass
Fluid in Magnetic Compass


Molecular formula for ethyl Alcohol

Why Distilled water and Ethyl Alcohol used in the Magnetic Compass .

Magnetic Elements
Parts of Magnetic Compass
What are Flinder bars and Soft Iron Spheres used for .
Warning sign of TRS
Quote Rule 6
Only one situation that to normal Crossing situation no other targets open sea
condition.... I am the give way vessel .... why such action and as per what rules...
No cards no annexes nothing then related to rules and situations
From where you will ocean currents
What is Roeuting charts and contents .
What is fathom .... conversation of fathom into feet...
Where is one fathom bank .... have you transit Singapore Straits
Started with passage plan for a log Carrier from Malaysia to Japan....told him
marpol loadline cargo.. lashing check...n boom question change
Position plotting.. told him terrestrial n celestial.. have examples till I reached ex
Y ex meridian... how to calculate..
plz study this in detail.. he asks d formula too
Ecdis to do it
One situation... vessel dead ahead in the same direction...
started with master's standing orders as CPA 2 mile stuff so would never get her
any close like that situation cause incase our steering fails n our speed is more
then we will collide.. one short blast alter to he asked "did you ask


me if there is sufficient sea room?" I just said sorry sir n is there any...he smiled
and said sea.. so I stood with my earlier action

Then he asked "have you ever done anchoring..I said I hd been for anchor
stations as a cadet n now mostly assisting master on the bridge..he asked d same
thing again n said d same thing again....he asked what do you you mean by 4 in
water...told him 4th lugless joining shackle at waterline..
Trs warning signs...told him stuff from Subramanian.
Echo sounder errors.
What arrangements did you have on your last ship for ETA..I said I had
EMERGENCY TOWING BOOKLET...LOG carrier.. ETA is for ETB they had
listed the possible ship equipment that could be used for towing.
Rule 6..quote
Ships routeing
Magnetic compass..what checks to do
When to use long n short pulse for radars
How will you plan a passage from Mumbai to Cape Town?
OPW. How will you what publication you have on-board?


ECDIS AIO update. Magnetic compass.

Boxing of compass from S to W.

Sextant errors. Weather routing.

TRS approaching signs. One ROR situation.
What is ground tackle?
Dragging anchor action when master is not onboard .. Action as a mate?

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Started with GK lot. Where r u from?
How many Chakra in Konark temple? How many Temple in Puri?
How to protect your house from lightening? What u should check when u go to
see girl for marriage. Why girl where glass chudi. Material of break band. Your
shirt material. Port Dahej when established. Meaning of Dahej & lots.
hat is management. How u do bridge management.
Ship Roueting. Magnetic compass component.


What is GPS? Warning sign of TRS. Which is dangerous quadrant.

How to avoid. Formation of TRS. What is latent heat.

What is barograph? Merquiry barometer.
How would u know pressure dropping for TRS. Preparation before Anchoring.
How to make fast tug. Android barometer principle.
Quote Rule 17. Only one situation that to normal Crossing situation and head on,
open sea as per what rules.
No cards no annexes nothing then related to rules and situations
From where you will ocean currents. And ship routening.
What is Roeuting charts and contents. Something about Japan.
Introduce yourself
Why did you fail?
Preferred channel to starboard region A describe.
ROR situations involving towing and PD, PD and CBD, rv situations.
Errors of gyro. Why gyro doesn’t work in higher latitudes? Wants to know the
principle and not just the mathematical reason.


What is skip distance?

Planning a passage through ice. From where will you get real time ice

How do you ensure you receive nav warnings for a particular nav area?
EGC (as it was my failing question)
Navtex. Range of operation. Uses.
TRS. How does it form and why only in tropical latitudes?
How to correct magnetic compass.
What are the uses of those spheres?
Very practical guy and wants only straightforward answers.
He was sitting all this while along with Capt. Awasthi so it seems he was quite
satisfied hearing the answers. So did'nt ask too many questions.
It was a shocker to me frankly cuz I've heard stories about him but then who
cares if all goes well.
As far as Capt. Awasthi is concerned he is Old School and pretty much sticks to
his set of questions and seems like a decent guy. But he would ask you a lot of
general knowledge questions in between and would try to confuse you for other
He is old school so be really thorough with:.
1. Sextant

2. Sights
3. Celestial and terrestrial position fixing

4. Magnetic compass
5. Celestial definitions
One tip: If internal is sitting along with the external speak your answers crystal
clear and loud with confidence.
I screwed up few times here and there but then admit if you are not aware of
1. Turning circle and importance.
2. Emergency steering gear test requirements and procedure.
Which steering motor is dedicated for it?
3. Inputs to 2nd mate for passage plan.
He signed the exn45 and said okay you are passed. Yeah have got to say "What a
relief it was today".

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Types of current, Causes of current.


AZAD Anchor vsl and aground vsl lights and shapes ( Got confused so was not happy)
principle of Gyrocompass ( Going too much deep in to the chapter was not able

to answer to his satisfaction)
He said that is enough for function 1 i cant give u fun 1 even though Capt OAK
has given u , u will have to come next time well prepared.
Last attempt failing question
Narrow channel – overtaking – when to give sound signal
Vessel crossing from stbd qtr nearly 20 degree abaft the beam

Ocean currents

Currents in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea

SW monsoon
Horizontal and vertical spacing of lights
Screening of side lights
Cut off sector for side light in foreword direction
Procedure for adjusting side light after repair

Signal shown by Dredged (RAM), TRS approaching and vsl is anchored action as
chief officer..... i said heave up anchor nd proceed to safe waters... He said


anchor not coming up Action, approaching sign of trs... vertical sep between all
round light nd shapes... both ecdis fail action as ch mate.. gyro fail action as ch

mate... they want to hear again that 1 point I don't answer... voyage monitoring
as choff... don't answer planning part he got annoyed... why gyro is not reliable
on higher lat.... AIS feed not coming to ecdis action as ch off
How a gyro is made North seeking?
You have to transit an area of high tidal stream, how would you go about it? Will
you take it to be following or ahead?

Why are currents in some places north flowing and some places south flowing?

Can you talk about rule 8?

which part of rule 8 is contradicted by another rule?
Can you give an example of how rule 8 is applied in another rule with respect to
"the effectiveness of this action shall be carefully checked" (after I had quoted
that part)
How is a new danger marked?
You are in an area with 6 knots tidal stream, your speed 9 knots.. what advise will
you give to master.....kept on asking anything else? No info source available in
the same situation, how will you proceed?
How do you make gyro north seeking (in detail)
What is the use of Flinders bar?
With models (two ships) explain the principles of collision avoidance specifying


Explain Action to avoid collision with rule in detail0


Where all in colregs is the word impede and with reference to what?
TRS determination and various cross questions.
How will you determine the distance of TRS from your position without any info
source available?
Draw lights of a Towing vsl seen end on. What are the characteristics of the
Difference in underway and making way lights. Lights for a PDV making way.
What type of vessels show different lights in making way?

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1. GPS errors, gyro errors(i said lat & damp, lat-co-spd, ballistic deflection he
wanted to hear one imp one)
2. Quote rule 39,40,41 & screening of lights
3. Difference between standard compass & standard magnetic compass( both are
same he wanted to hear placed fore & aft line and safe distance from other eqts)
4. How will u assist master in command making decision(I said ans according to
pawan notes but he wanted pointwise like management of traffic & weather
managemnf he said these two to me )
5. Mumbai to Rotterdam passage plan as per chief mate(answered all frm pawan

notes but I don't know what one most Imp point he wanted to hear)

6. Cardinal mark( He wants to hear it is same both in region a & b)

7. Indian ship reporting an who operates
8. Taking over navigational watch(He wants pointwise, 1st come 15min before &
2nd.master night order etc).
9. One vsl port qrts in rv action, same vsl now on stbd bow action
10. One vsl crossing from Port bow roc exist action, target vsl not taking any
action what next ( I told as per rule 17 I will take action by stbd alteration but
forgot to tell 5rapid blast so wrong)
11. What is synoptic chart and info from it
13. TRS define and signs
14. Examples of cold and warm currents in Atlantic Ocean
15. Difference btwn beaching and grounding
All 3 rules of part F, quote Rule 19,
one vsl in stbd qrtr In rv action,
gyro principle and errors,

HBW & VBW, difference btw magnetic and gyro,


How to keep effective watch, how ull assist master in command making decision,

mumbai to newyork plan as per chief mate,
weather routing, synoptic charts, TRS signs and actions,
fog signal of aground,
screening of lights cutoff,
buys ballots law.
As I entered he asked me written status i said clear in 1st attempt both phase 1
and 2
Then asked which attempt of orals i said 2nd
Who took ur orals last time I said Capt. Panigrahi n Sundaram
Write your last failing questions and he asked that
1.Rule 8
2.Performance Standard RADAR, GYRO, DOPPLER
3.Ship Routeing System
Present Question
1.Echo Sounder error
2.Doppler Log error
3.What is aeration


4.Steering Requirement
5.Rule 5,6.

6.RV signal of Trawler,Pilot Vsl(here he want to hear in additional 4short blast)

7.Day signal of towed vsl ( here he want to hear if length exceeds 200m)
8.Which all vsl shows yellow light(I said him towing vsl, air cushion vsl, he said
me one more n said go out n find)
9.Cards only two FV seen from port and other card only 1 red light( before
starting card he said me I want to hear word to word)
10.ARPA Alarms ( here with CPA,TCPA,Guard Zone,Target Lost he wants to hear
equipment failure or any sensor failure)
11.What is synoptic Chart
12.What is weather facsimile
13.Signs of TRS( here he wants to hear Cirrus clouds from direction of swell with
other points)
14. Avoiding Action in dangerous quadrant

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-Started with previous attmpt qstn.
-SHA def with diagram
-Meridian def
-Tide calculation
- Errors of Echosounder


-Alarms of ARPA
-2 ROR CARDS( Fishing vessel / Trawler ,one day card cones with apex together)

- Passage plan from mumbai to rotterdam , as chief mate points to consider
- vdr/svdr 10 recording difference
- signs of approaching TRS
- Weather associated with TRS
- name all clouds in TRS
- TRS avoiding action
Started with which type of ship
ROR card. For situation.

TRS developing action


Polar code

How will u assist 2off for passage plan in polar area
Weather report details
Weather fax. Front..
Cold and warm front. Limitation of ECDIS.
*Errors of echo sounder
*Working principle of gyro
*Alarms of arpa passage planning *from Mumbai to Kobe (I missed out saying


about special areas)

*TRS signs and actions

* Cards- air cushion vessel
* Sound signals of pilot vessel
* ROR situations with models
* Horizontal and vertical sectors of lights
Difference between VDR & SVDR in terms of Data recorded
Errors of Echo Sounder
Ror Cards

1. Fishing Vsl

2. Trawler

3. Trawler shooting nets Day Card no 28
4. Trawler Day card No 26
Alarms of ARPA total 4 alarms (CPA & TCPA, TGT LOST, GUARD ZONE etc)
What is Trial Manoeuvre, what all info does it give (He wanted to hear CPA &
1. Write all questions on which u failed last time.
2. ROR cards Towing vessel from astern, traweler from astern, meaning of
underway and making wasy through the water wrt to traweler and power driven
3. Errors of GPS and explain all and max error in each. ( to be written on a piece
of paper )
4. Rule 19 D and e. Told me to write both the rules on paper and wanted me to


include the key words also.

5. ROR situation , vessel right astern of u faster than u ,who's responsibility to

keep clear.what action will you take. ( Got grilled quite a lot on this )
6. How will you conduct passage planning in northern latitude.
7. Equipments used at higher latitude.
8. Principle of working of gyro compass and difference between gyro compass
and gyroscope.
9. Principle of speed log and and what is Janus config? errors of the same.
10. Difference between VDR and SVDR. (He wanted all 10 diference) (to be written
on a piece of paper).

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Passage planning,

BAWEJA one situation normal, one day card,

aground vsl fog signals rule 19 and rule 13,
TRS, & many more I can't remember

What is TRS?
What are types of currents?


Arpa alarms -(gave him 4 alarms stated in pawans notes but he wanted one more

Cards - ram card with 2 mast lights end on - i said it was “ram “ but he wanted the
whole thing -“ram or dredger in underwater operation” and wasn’t happy that I
didn’t identify dregder..... echo sounder errors

Anchor watch in Mumbai.. Master ashore..?? .. He wanted to. Listen that we

should also call/inform Master.
Alarms of ARPA


Trial Manouvre

Vessel grounded.. State actions
Errors of Echo Sounder
Ship routeing system
ROR cards..and i fumbled..... After that no more questions for function 1
Past failing Questions
X band and S band radar difference
Errors of Echo sounder


ARPA alarms

Trial manoeuvre? Why to use? Indication? T
Y we do PM of Radar? Efficiency
Formation of TRS
Ocean currents
How will you find ex meridian limits?
Past failing Questions. Cards.
X band and S band radar difference.
Errors of Echo sounder.


ARPA alarms. NOP.

Trial manoeuvre? Why to use? Indication? T
Y we do PM of Radar? Efficiency F1
Formation of TRS.
Ocean currents.
How will you find ex meridian limits?
1) ROR situations - very basic ones.
2) 4-5 cards (Fishing vessel, Aground vessel, Day cards of Trawler). He is
interested only in identification and action.
3) Why do we need SHM to calculate tide?
4) How will u calculate ex meridian limits.
5) TRS avoiding action(wants to hear 1-2-3 rule and asked me to draw the same
and also the stuff given in subra).


6) Symbols of Cold front, warm front and Occluded front

7) Errors in gyro (I explained course speed error and started with damping error,

then he changed the question. He wants to hear the formula and how the course
speed error and damping error is corrected)
8) Action if vessel aground ( the first step he wants to hear is stop engine and
apart from tht steps such as u vl ask engine room to change to upper sea
suction, lights and shapes and damage stability).
9) Errors of Doppler log
10) Horizontal spacing of lights
11) Cut off limits of side lights

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- planning in transiting Suez as a Chief Officer
- ARPA Alarms
- Synoptic charts
- TRS - Dangerous quadrant and in which lat TRS occurs
- North Atlantic currents
- Only two ROR Cards - sailing vessel of less than 20 m or less with side lights in
a lantern and the other one Two white lights one above the other and side lights
(towing or power driven vessel)


- Only one situation - Crossing in clear visibility and you are the stand on vessel
what actions to take and if she doesn’t alter then what actions to take

- Collision - your actions
- What is Trial Manoeuvre and whats the sign displayed for it on radar and how
does it work and its regulations
- Gyro principles, Errors and how to correct it
- Ship routing system
- Difference in VDR AND S VDR. What all data is stored in VDR extra than SVDR
- Gyro fails - Actions
- Principles of watchkeeping
1) Radar to be started at open sea, procedure? Went deep with radar questions
like performance monitor, efficiency, etc...

2) Performance standards of ARPA?


3) 2 cards, 2 situations (RV and clear visibility)

4) 1 card of buoy (Isolated Danger)
5) Passage from Mumbai to Kobe (Japan) in December, plan as a chief mate?
6) Last ship make of Gyro?
7) Vessel aground in open sea, Action?
Anchoring in ice
Damping in tilt
Principles of watchkeeping
Alarms of ARPA


Some 9-10 cards, No situation

TRS - approaching signs

Grounding action
Why u stop engines in grounding?
Collision and how to do damage control?
Radar starting procedure
Why radar goes in standby mode? What does it do?
What is important to keep in mind when you are on watch on vlcc
Squat - he was going in detail
What changes in squat only bodily sinkage or change in trim
Why trim changes in squat
What is center of flotation?
What all parameters changes when density changes
Region b - preferred channel to STBD
Prepare - anchor will connect to the bouy in the mooring


Situation narrow channel fishing boat on port side and your vessel is doing more

Pilot vessel RV light.
You have encountered RV - tell me what will be your safe speed - he doesn't want
to here the rule also is said safe speed we cannot give any number to it not
satisfied wanted answer in detail.
YG flag. VTS full.
Why VTS is called a service?
What services VTS give?
Pilot vessel more than 50m in length.

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What checks will do on gyro for long sailing?
You changed steel in dry dock what will u chk as soon as sail out.

BEHL What checks on magnetic compass before compass adjuster boards,

Polar code (full in-depth),

Draw synoptic chart and explain details In it.
Which ROR rules will u expect yr 2ndmate n 3rd off to know by heart?
Deep water anchoring
Aurora phenomenon and where to find this info for what purpose did you open
mariners hand book for... i said fir seeing bio sulfonication information.
Information of ice where will you get that from (he wants to hear np 100
How will you come to know if you vdr fails or not functioning that what all
equipments it was recording (I said vdr manual, he said where else i said imo
permormance standards, he furthur asked wher on board you will find
performance standards couldnt answer "i guess it would be given in manula only
What is bore tide ( i answered as per pawan kumar but bhel said wrong ans plz
check internet for correct answer, i checked it something else dosent match with
pawan notes)
- submarine identification buoy ( i said special mark he said incorrect - i checked
with a master and he said the info is given in annual notice to mariners at some
pages , honestly never knew about this if any one on board can check and fwd
the ans in the group will be great for the candidates)
- west cardinal mark without top mark identify and all characters

- iala b preferred channel to stbd buoy ( identify and all character i took time in

this and he said bhai itna time lega toh jahaj thuk jayega, but i answered

correctly in the end, he wants to be quick in identification)
- vdr requirements
- master ice reporting regulation as per solas
(i answered solas ch5 reg 32)
- he drew a light house and is character and asked me to explain each and every
part of it
"oc. w.r 12 m 70 sec 12M/18M" (this was a sector light and drew the same as it
will be on th ba chart)
- give 20 points when taking over anchor watch
- tell me 7 important markings on chart when passage planning ( i told draw
course, mark course and dist, nga, any caution mark like fishing heavens or
military exercise zone mark or highlight it, i said tidal diamond he said its already
marked couldn't think of more please find out on your own- i was basically
- lat 40 deg n and sun at winter solstice what alt will you ask all your cadet to set
on sextant for meet pass (couldn't ans, the correct answer is you do the latitude
by meridian altitude calculation in reverse and get the ans it is approx 27d,. lat
dec given find mzd and then find talt by subtracting 90d)
- ocean currents and types

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ESP.... i told him about survey and use of esp....but he wants to hear in detail
requirements for bulk carrier, containers, oil tankers and certificate in it. Type of
anchors. Ac14 in detail and draw it.
Grain code contain. He needs all content. Draw damage stability table how u c on
ship.. of type 2, type 3 lodicator.(1st he will ask which loadicator u have on your
ship). Grounding action as mate.
Sound and some lights. Some ROR situations.
He will give u IMDG code, supplement and tell u to find details of some cargo by
giving u un number. Using above tables take action.... fire on container, spill ...he
says AB reports u UN number take actions.
Then show proper segregation and separation from code in detail how you will go
about loading rocket propelled granate.
Shipper has given you wrong declaration of cargo how you will go about loading
and stowage. You have to load that cargo.
D1 and D2 ballast water treatment with values as per requirement.
Load line survey told him. But he wants measurements of hatch coaming, air
pipes, air vents, seals on deck and under deck. Holding power of anchor. I told
him as per sea bed 2 to 4 times weight of anchor..

Name types of ice. Where will u get information about same.....Mariners


handbook. Breaking yaw. I told him what it means. He also wants drawing for

same. Passage plan from MUMBAI to UK. What is occultation draw and show. Gyro
erratic in high lat. Formula for CSE and Damping error.
Y r they high at pole explain me. I told about horizontal and vertical component
also he wants something diff. Why you use soft iron. He needs to hear coefficient
D correction. Limitations of radar. I told him all.
But he is interested in all values for same. Do all solas regulation of solas ch5
...he asks any questions and tells u to relate with it. VGA. I told him all about VGA
( even there is vdo of mersk line about the same where they explain it) ...he
doesn't want just in lay man terms like methode 1 and 2. he needs more
information check IMO reg and ms act for same. fcking for all questions he needs
presiz values. He also says which MS act states it. Say act no. Lazer gyro.
Damage stability calculations no 2 db and no 2 hold flooded. he need
calculations. not actions what u will take ...he tell sub he hi action lenge gv me
calculation and if u tell him about lodicator then woow he will ask where will u
find how it looks like what all values u get.....have u operated it any time. Type of
winds. All that gradient, geostropic winds and all ......
ERS how do they calc...c vdo on YouTube
He has all wooden buoy without top Mark he makes channel and then gives u
1. Voyage planning
2. Input to second officer
3. What you will check in passage plan
4. Types of ice
5. Gloccary about ice in which publication
6. Pwom
7. Wind chill factor
8. Cold weather precautions

9. Effect on gyro

10. CSE depend on which coefficient of latitude


11. Correction to gyro

12. Navigation through buoyed channel without topmark
13. Cards
14. Types of anchor
15. AC 14
16. Holding power of anchor
17. Immediate danger how much cable u will decide for anchoring
18. Submarine buoy ( Given in annual summary notice to mariner)
19. Emergency wreck marking buoy
20. Describe preferred channel to port for region B

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Bore tide. Polar code. PWOM.


Types of anchor. Holding power of anchor.

What is AC 14 anchor. What is breaking yaw.

Anchor dragging action. Doldrums.
Air chill effect. Types of ice.

What is general practice of seamen, what do u mean by 'any constraints imposed
by the radar range scale in use'

Couple of ROR situation

How will you take over watch in rough weather at coastal passage at 4am in

How many people will are available on bridge for look out ( wanted to know diff
watch level)?
How will engage Em. Steering.
How to calculate Gyro error at sea , Formula to calculate Amplitude.
Rule 6, 9, 10, 19
1 situation RV
Polar Code
What equipment for Polar
What is GNSS Compass
Why Polar code
What all equipment get effected.
Any effect on AIS (unable to answer)
What is ship Routing
Passage planning

How will you calculate compass error

How to calculate using amplitude

Can you calculate amplitude of moon & stars, if yes how if no why no
2nd off did departure checks calls you and says no compass error bcoz cloudy
sky how will you find error
Stars sight Complete details
Polaris sight Complete details
What is totally correction for stars
Why apply a0, a1, a2 correction, what are these correction
What is inhore traffic zone, who uses
What is weather Routing
Wer you will get Router info, which all publications to refer
What all info in ocean passage, Routing chart
Info in ships Routing
Rule 5,6,10
Methods of gyro error


Amplitude draw diagram - when taking amplitude

Weather routeing

Polaris use
Radar limitations
Take over watch in R.V
Collision action
Voyage planning as per mate
Your vsl will transit in high lat in the next voyage...action as mate?
Your vsl aground... action?

Information given in polar code wrt navigation and pollution prevention aspect


Characteristics of radar
Arpa alarms
Heavy wx precautions as mate
Meteorological equipments available onboard
What all equipments will work on bridge in case of blackout?

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How will you do safe Navigating

TRS. Beaching in details. ROR card No. 235 and Action.

Why are you not getting married? Stages of collision with distance.

Rule 9 10 18 19. Errors of GPS.
Explain all equipment on bridge
Gyro fails

Quote rule 19 & 17


Various situation

Fog signal

As chief officer role in passage planning
How will you reach your cadet about annex 4 distress signal
Grounding stranding beaching

Aground vsl lts



Aground vsl defn

Vdr information

Who is authorised to take vdr info
4Stages before collision what are they?
1) Passage plan ( Ras Tanurah to Singapore) how will you assist 2nd officer.
2) Rule 13,16,19 understandings
3) TRS ( why dangerous semicircle called dangerous)


4) Situation Restricted visibility base on 19 (e)

6) Stages of collision. And situation based upon them.

7) Noon sight calculation.
8) Polar code and type of certification.
9) Current in Indian Ocean during northeast and southwest monsoon.
10) Solar eclipse criteria.
First he asked me fn 1 kyon nahin mila terko last attempt mein...jahaz chalana
bhul gaya kya...
Then he told me be honest with me and if you dont know any answer please tell
you dont know..
Then he started
1. 2 situations
one head on and vsl is in 3 miles while from stbd odr vsl is overtaking
and TSS situation fishing vsl crossing..wt action??


2. Buoys, Flags(past failing questions?)

3. 4 stages of collision avoidance
4. seasonal corrections in tide..y u do...(past failing question)
5.Annex 1 -formula for intensity and high speed craft requirement.
4. what is LRIT and how it works, ECDIS advantages & lim
5.Inertial navigation system
6.Fohn wind effect
7.How is monsoon formed
8. Turning circle details
9. Vsl collided. Ur on bridge.Master injured. All Actions
10. Ground tackle
Errors of GPS?
Difference between GPS & DGPS
Buy ballots law in detail
TRS approaching signs & avoiding actions?


Polar code ? Date in force?

Precautions as a mate while transiting polar regions.

Synoptic chart and prognosis chart in detail

Piracy area ? Precautions as a mate
What is manoeuvring light?
Situation - PD VSL and towing VSL (what lights &symbol)
Another situation in RV

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What all instruments are available on-board for navigation? Errors of GPS?
what is GDOP ? POLAR code ? when it came into force ?
what all precautions will u take ? what compass will use ?

why not gyro compass in higher lat ?

ship grounded on your watch what is your action as a mate ?
synotic charts prognosis chart ? Trs action ? how will u identify ?
tidal stream ? ETA and ETB requirements ?
Towing vessel lights and what will your action be if she is on your port bow ?
Port Bow target vsl in restricted visibility ? whos responsibility ? No cards
- TRS.(each and everything, including what is Buys Ballot's Law)
- Synoptic & Prognosis.
- Weather Routening.
- Situations.
- Fog Signals.


- Buoys.
- Rule 10, 19 (Im sorry sir, would not be able to quote that. Explained both rules

to him with sketches.)
- Inputs as chief officer for passage plan.
- How to train your cadet on taking sights. (Lot of cross questions.)
- Errors in GPS.
- Errors in Gyro.
(For errors I was just naming them, he didn't like that. Then I improvised and
explained all in brief.)
Surveyor asked if I have sound knowledge of Colregs. I replied yes
Explain the understanding of rule 19?
Explain the latest amendment to Colregs?
What do you understand by audit?
What is the difference between audit and examination?
Who can conduct an audit?
What is difference between internal auditor and external Auditor?
Have you been a part of any onboard audit?
Colregs brief understanding of Annexes?
How will you verify the position of the vessel?
I told about GNSS he didn't approve of it. So I told him about coastal navigation,
range and breaking and running fix and sight by sextant.
What are the errors of sextants?
What is first adjustment screw and second adjustment screw?

What errors of sextant cannot be fixed?


What is leading lights?

Explain whatever you understand about IALA system and state its full form.? F1
How will you conduct a passage plan in respect to being the mate of the vessel.?
What do you understand by navigational zones
What is weather routing ?
What are type of weather routing?
Information from routing charts?
Some basic questions regarding TRS. Like what are the conditions for trs and how
will you navigate away from it.?
What do you understand by ENC and what is the primary function of ECDIS and
how will you set it up properly.?
How will you compare compasses when you start your watch. ?
What is the first thing / equipment you will check when you come on night
What will you do when you encounter traffic as soon as you take over from the
relieving officer?
Few ROR situations but no cards and no lights and shape and signals?

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Which type of vessel u hav sailed?
Symbols for flood tide, EBB tide, PA, SD
Few situations in R.V.

Few situation in clear visibility


Master is unconscious action for evacuation?

Pan message how u transmit on VHF
What is code for medical emergency
From where u will get that?
U r in Japan 2+1 red light flashing??
Blind navigation technique?
As per what regulation u carry equipment’s on board? He wanted to hear reg.


Requirement of LRIT?

What is ROTI? What is formula for that? How will you determine turn?
Cross question on that
What is parallel indexing?? Where u use??

Responsibility of IHO,

IALA purpose,

ICAO and Iamsar relation. what is derelict..

Chapter 5 carriage requirements, Chapter 5 Master discretion,

Reg 24 chapter 5 , requirements for autopilot heading and track control req.,
steering gear test, mandatory publications ,
what is LNSS plan? certificate as per chapter 5 solas

Asked me to introduce my self in detail

1. What equipment is there onboard ship to calculate the atm.pressure?working

principle of aneroid barometer.


2. What factor affects the atm.pressure?why do it changes?what causes it to


3. ETA / Req. as per which convention with reg.number
4. Name the SOLAS chapters.
5. Which SOLAS ch.& reg. enlists the requirement to carry Nav.Equipment
6. What is the pressure in this place?
Rule 2,9,19
No cards

Situation third mate calls you and told mine clearance vessel just 1 .5 miles right

ahead action and what might have gone wrong why mine clearance??
Loadline survey what all items you check

Anchor dragging action

TSS in detail
Voyage planning from Mumbai to Canada
Beaching in detail with refloating .. sailient features of B/L

As I enter asked me which ship u sailed on from where are you, what is d

speciality of ur place..

1. Light of Trawler at Anchor

2. Where the white light of Trawler is placed.

3. TRS
4. At management level how will you come to know that 2nd mate has taken
consideration for tidal stream or not while planning the passage.

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He asked about ocean currents experienced during voyage with their directions
like from (north to south)
Great circle sailing and how u carried out in dis voyage
ECDIS settings for arrival San Francisco
What values u will enter and how to decide especially safety depth etc
Will the ECDIS gives any alarm while route check wrt safety depth settings

Then TRS draw diagram and show Dangerous quadrant and why it is called

so...what about isobars in dangerous quadrant.. actually he wanted to hear

isobars will be closs each other or it is ll have distance in between
Passage plan input as a mate wrt various codes and convention also as per
company policy need to tell as per each convention what are reqd in planning like
marpol special area etc,
Weather information reg sources. I also mentioned shore based wx routine
services which is provided by some companies.
Ur in Singapore TSS near to horsburgh light house and near to a shallow water
area suddenly ship behaviour changed what are the causes and actions reqd...
He started with last attemt, Surveyor names and failing questions ,and what was
He asked which is ur fvrt function, i said fun-1.
He started with ROR situations.

ROR Sit- u r on PD vsl , towing vsl crossing from port bow, range 2 miles, Action.

ROR Sit - TSS u r on PD vsl following traffic lane, one PD vsl coming in opposite
direction in same lane , nearly reciprocal course , Action. ;

Diff in VTS and ship reporting system and as per which reg. of SOLAS?
TRS Coming Action, Why RHSC in NH is dangerous?
Diff between TRS & TLD?
Gyro Function?
Gyro in higher lat?
Diff in Parallel indexing and position fixes?
ROR Rule 10, explain ?
TRS action and dangerous quadrant & why?
Buoyage system- danger mark specification?

Auto- pilot fail, Action?

Girding of tugs?

Weather routeing ? Which Reg?
TSS 2 situations
Frontal depression?
Passage plan as per mate?
Gyro north seeking and errors?

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It told him was not up 2 the mark in gyro and magnetic compass.
He asked r u aware of all the concept. I said yes.
-Rule 9
-Narrow channel SV overtaking u from stbd side dist 1 miles and it is in sails and
on collision course ( I gave him all the funda for o'taking ) she is not taking action
and VTS ask u 2 keep clear what will u do.( Tell him what action and as per what
- Lights of sailing vsl
-lights of trawler
-Diff btwn VTS and ship reporting.
- BTM and BRM what is it.
- Pilot ask something to capt and he gave wrong info what will u do ( Told him

about challenge and response from BTRM )


-Rule 10
2~3 situations in TSS.( I forgot to mention call master he said always that should

be the 1st thing u should do u have come for mates orals and not masters orals)
- Wx fax (Asked me draw the synoptic chart and it's symbols)
-What is different btwn contingency and emergency.
- What will u do in case of grounding. ( Told him 1st stop engines and then follow
the checklist as per SMS).
- Lights of aground vsl and sound signal
- 2nd mate new onboard how will u familiarize him on bridge (told him As per
checklist in SMS)
- how will u navigate with Ecdis in Polar region.
- what charts will u use in Polar regions.
-What all things will u check in ecdis as a mate.
- Asked me r u confident of taking the ship alongside without master (I said yes)
asked me how will u take a short round turn.
Cards, TRS in detail. Currents - warm and cold with examples.
Fronts - warm and cold. Mer to calculate.

Rule 9. You see a fishing vessel on your port bow in narrow channel.. what's your


What all will you check in ecdis as a mate. What is ridge and trough?
Isolated danger mark. Form R. Navtex.
What are mandatory messages in the navtex ..wants to know what a, b,d, l stands

-What is safety contour


-What will happen if you cross safety contour.(told him that we will get visual and

audible alarm, not satisfied)

- what is SCAMIN( answered him- if we zoom out or zoom in beyond SCAMIN

some data dissapears- not satisfied)

ROR- one vessel on port bow and one on STBD qtr (he didn't gave any CPA, TCPA
or range).
TRS in detail
Why Dangerous quadrant is called dangerous?
Why only advance quadrant in RHSC is dangerous?
Gyro overhauling what they do?

How gyro works?


Why Gyro gives error in heading at higher latitude?

One crossing situation at calm sea good weather radar not operational very basic

and ask me to explain to third mate who is on watch ? How third mate should
approach this kind of situations at sea? (Explained him about checking bearing
and aspect,determine ROC exist or not everything than I can but still he wanted
something different)
How does strong prevailing wind affect formation of TRS?
How GPS calculate position in detail?

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1. Started wid introduction
2. Last ship route
3. Passage plan between any two ports as per chief mate point of view
4. Warm current and cold current
5. Trough and ridge

6. Fronts
7. TRS in full detail

8. Equation of time
9. Many ROR cards
10. 2 situation
11. Routening charts
12. Vessel grounded action as a chief officer
13. Manoeuvring characteristics of vessel
14. Errors of aneroid barometer
1) Target vessel on 4 points of stbd from own vessel, can see his mast head
lights and side lights, action
2) Target vessel on stbd quarter 2NM away and the speed of target vessel is 2kts


more than own vessel, RV situation, ROC exists, take action

3) Ship Reporting systems in India

4) Details of INDSAR and INSPIRES.
5) In polar areas what are the means of communication.
6) Difference between GLONASS and GPS
7) Navigation in Polar waters.
True/Mean/Dynamic sun
Gyro little bit detail
How to know gyro not working


Fohn wind affect

How to help master in making decisions?

What all conditions consist of NUC?
3-4 situations normal ones but wants actions in detail.
TRS avoiding action.
Weather associated with front.

Conditions necessary for Solar eclipse. He want four conditions .

Difference between true sun, mean sun, dynamic sun.


Two more PON ques not able to recall


In RV, open sea one PD vsl over taking from starboard quarter. ROC exists.
Open sea NUC vsl on port bow at 4 NM action.
1. Why morning Long by Chron and not intercept?
2. Why 3 point bearing preferred over 2 point bearing?
3. What is Lunar eclipse? Conditions for Lunar eclipse?


4. Climate associated with Warm and Cold fronts?

5. What is limiting latitude in GC sailing and why is it used?

6. Vessel overtaking from Stbd side in RV. Action?

7. Which rules apply in restricted visibility?
8. Lights displayed by towing vessel?
9. What factors determine action to avoid collision?
Met info in the logbook and its significance
Equipment to measure sea temperature
Weather in warm and cold fronts


In open ocean, how to determine visibility


Gyro is wandering how do you come to know

RV Situation vsl speed more than you at 3 nm on stbd qtr, Roc exist action
Open sea FV at 1 nm on stbd bow on same course and a PD vsl crossing 4 point
on port side at 6nm, ROC with PD vsl, action

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Past failing questions
Company and type of ship sailed on
Lunar eclipse
Deviation card : procedure to make
How do you take sight
Which method is preferred for morning sight and why?
How do you take merpass
In TSS, engine failure action

Precautions in rv navigation

Rule 19 quote

Which all rules applicable in rv
Situations : nuc on port bow, both sidelights on 4 point stbd.. few more
Overtaking in narrow channel (bank effect, interaction)
Can u overtake in nc what sound signal
Synoptic and prognosis chart
Trs - how to determine u r in dangerous quadrant
How will u know that ur gyro has failed
Warm and cold current
Vsl aground and fv sound signal
Fv light and shapes
Describe Polar Code
Reasons Gyro Magnetic compass not working in high latitudes
GNSS compass


What is Datum of GLONASS? PZ90

How will it affect ECDIS?
ECDIS limitations
How can you use ECDIS for collision avoidance?
ECDIS failure drills.
RV you see one echo on Stbd bow? Appearing and disappearing. Action as OOW.
U are in TSS of Singapore, Main Engine failed Action as Mate?

RV situation:

U are overtaking a Vessel which is doing 8 knots and U are doing 10 knots,

Suddenly u saw one vessel in reciprocal course ahead of vessel to be overtaken,
How you take Merpass by sextant Altitude?
Lunar eclipse
RV Situation (His standard one)
Vessel 2 points on STBD bow. You can see masthead lights and both sidelights.
which situation is it?


Quote Rule 14
Which all rules are related to Restricted visibility

Lights and shapes of a towing vessel.

How do you take Meridian Altitude.
Why is SHM Required?
Errors of magnetic compass (He doesn't want to hear about the co-efficients,
variation, deviation, magnetic anomalies etc).
He was in a hurry and as he saw I had got 7 from the external he said he will ask


1 questions if I give answer I go through or come next time

Requirements of ETA

Nuc lights
Distance between day signals

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Rv u can see a blip on the radar which is coming and going action
N than cross questions on that ( Trial manoeuvre he wanted to hear .. if we will
use that before taking action)

How will I assist master

Action on gps failure
What all equipment will be effected on gps failure
Will I use ais for collision avoidance and why
Types of reports and where to find of it's mandatory or no
How will u Determine semicircle of TRS
1. What is True, Mean, Dynamic Sun
2. You come on bridge as chief and
second/ third off handsover the watch where one vessel is converging on stbd
side and other on port side head on.OPEN SEA SITUATION

what will u do as a mate


3.purpose of Harmonic constant in tide calculation

4. 2 Ecdis onboard and one ecdis fails what all actions you will take as a mate
5. In open sea no targets and no land how will you evaluate the visibility in Nm.
6. How will you determine you are in Danger semicircle in NH. What is veering ,
How frequently you will take wind bearing to determine it? will face your ship to
true wind direction to determine the storm centre in actual scenario.
Moon augmentation
Why -30 in moon corn
Lunar eclipse explain


Solar eclipse explain

Equipments used in polar region don’t tell him equipments like radar echo,

sounder etc. he wants to hear additional equipments carried onboard For polar
ROR situations
Crossing and overtaking combined and plenty cross questions on that
Gyro principal. Gyro error. How to correct gyro error. Gyro fail action.
Which all equipment affect if gyro fail? What will happen in radar due to gyro fail?
How u will get target info. In gyro fail how will u steer ur vsl?
Why trs is not forming near equator? Weather routing, 6,7simple situation of clr
Open sea you nd lookout person on bridge ..suddenly lookout person get


unconscious action ?
If u answer you will go and chk thn he asked ... U will chk thn who will keep

Tss one vsl is coming behind u. Dist 1.5 miles ..ur engine fail action
labrador current and gulf stream almost at similar latidue why one is cild where
as other is warm current.?
Est of africa which all current .... Name
Origin of labrador current,
I must say he is good person extra fingerings...

-various situation


-aground lights
-oceans currents all

-how to determine visibility in dark night when there are no vessels around
-various lights Nuc

Situations Wrt fishing traffic,

Crossing, Action by stand on with fishing traffic,


Polar code rqmts. for navigation, Ships routeing

RV actions, Synoptic and prognostic charts,

Rv radar not picking targets what will you do,

TSS how do you navigate , As a mate what is required.
From you for coastal navigation, Mate voyage planning.

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Asked how is ROR - I said prepared well, you can ask Sir. Smiled and said
offcourse I will and then didn’t asked any rule and cards
1. Normal situation - open sea head on and one vsl on port bow, action.
Then same situation vsl on stbd bow


2. Magnetic and gyro higher lat

3. Equipments req at high lat

4. What is gnss compass
5. Both gps failed effect on Ecdis
6. Gyro fail effect on Ecdis
7. Polar Code requirement
8. Settling, steaming and damping error
Lunar eclipse
Synoptic charts
Prognosis charts
Rule 5 6 9 10 13
Grilled me on rule 19

Y pl is perpendicular to azimuth

Restricted visibility situations

At night in open sea how will u determine range of visibility?
What is the vertical angle of navigation lights?
How much overlap can be of navigation lights?
GPS errors & limitations, Gyro errors and limitations.
TRS, YYY is LHSC navigable in TRS.
YYY is dangerous quadrant called dangerous
In TSS steering fails & rough weather approaching, action
- In case sailing on a full-fledged ECDIS ship, vessel intends to go to a port of
Refuge and vessel does not have permit for those charts. Action? Chart Agent
24hrs service not responding? Contact Company and they are also not able to
arrange charts? In those scenario what a ship can do , any backup available ?
- Charts / ECDIS update procedure ? How is the ship getting update ?
- IMO standards for 2 Bridge Equipments : Magnetic Compass & ALDIS Lamp. Also
state the requirements as per SIRE as I am sailing on tankers.
- Procedure of taking bearings / compass error directly from Magnetic Compass


from monkey Island.

- Details about Magnetic Compass & Aldis Lamp

- Additional equipments required in higher latitudes
- ROR situations specially regarding RV conditions
- Use of Trial Manoeuvring for Anti Collision purpose
- Synoptic Charts / Prognosis Charts
- Signs of an approaching TRS
- Stranding / Beaching
- Currents and factors required for currents
- How will you assist master in decision making
How composite GC sailing is carried Out? (I explained him all by gnomonic chart
and transferring)?


Asked how u can save d distance- comparing and adjusting meridians on RL track
not satisfied?

How to check visibility without any target in open sea i said by table in nooris
Various ROR situations confused me in give way and stand on vessel?

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Past failing questions which were as follows: Inspires and INDSAR co-ordinates
(so i draw the diagram and explained) and use of both and who is in charge of
them? ROR cards 1 white it.

Then just asked lights for towing vl, which vsl do not show anchor lights, Rule

7,10,15,16,17 explanation, overtaking & crossing RV Situations, Safe water mark

buoy specification, A radar target seen on radar by disappeared before acquiring
it what will you do?, Eco sounder errors, what is Pythagoras error and why does it
occur? Position fixing methods, star sight, ECDIS correction procedure, Nautical
publication correction procedure, what are the advantages of ECDIS over paper
How composite GC sailing is carried out? (I explained him all by gnomonic chart
and transferring)

Asked how u can save d distance- comparing and adjusting meridians on rl track

not satisfied?

How to check visibility without any target in open sea i said by table in Norris
Various ROR situations confused me in give way and stand on vessel? This failed
me in dis function
Past failing questions which were as follows: Inspires and Indsar co-ordinates (so i
draw the diagram and explained) and use of both and who is incharge of them?
ROR cards 1 white lt.
Then just asked lights for towing vl, which vsl do not show anchor lights, Rule


7,10,15,16,17 explanation, overtaking & crossing RV Situations,

Safe water mark buoy specification,

A radar target seen on radar by disappeared before acquiring it what will you do?
Eco sounder errors, what is Pythagoras error and why does it occur?
Position fixing methods, star sight, ECDIS correction procedure, Nautical
publication correction procedure, what are the advantages of ECDIS over paper
-2 situations only in narrow channel
- bulb gets fused and which bulb to be used for masthead light (didn’t know at all


-2– 3 buoys he asked

- gyro not working in higher latitudes?

-Cadet has to take merpas at 40degress latitude. What altitude to set on sextant ?
- synoptic charts
- ice charts
- warm front
- frontal depression
Rv situations
Anchor dragging action
Rv ,heavy wx u r on watch, action?
Narrow channel precaution?

Squat,how to reduce?

Towed vessel lights?


How towing wire can b seen at night?

Ex meridian n limit?
Light of fishing vsl at anchor?
Star sight?
Vsl coming 1 pt abaft ur beam from stbd side, clear visibility, action?
What are cross current?

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1. Dangerous quadrant in Northern hemisphere action. How to escape it.
2. Region A while departure from harbour u see a green conical buoy which side
you will keep it.
3. Restricted visibility suddenly arises what is your action as mate.
4.Trs characteristics


5. Fog signal of towing vsl

6. Lights three white light in vertical direction
7. Fishing vsl lights. And also when fishing vsl is on anchor what light it will
8. What is tide .
9. When u r in port tide increases what is your action
10. Star sight. When n how to take. What you will Check?
1. How will you come to know the barometric pressure when you don’t have
provided any meteorological aid to you when you at sea.
2. Signs of TRS
3. How to secure anchor at sea ( too much cross questions on that ).Which wire
will you use?calculate Breaking stress of that particular wire if I provided 20”
4. R.V. and two vessels are approaching in a narrow band of a restriceted
waters,which rule will apply & why?does vsl has to give a long blast to show
his presence?


5. Vessel coming out of port in region “A”

6. Assist master in anchoring? what all info. You will provide to master regarding

anchoring prioir>
7. Vessel transiting narrow channels in R.V. precautions?
8. How to replace a cable of an anchor? Procedure & precautions.
9. What is short stay? Which stay you will prefer ?
10. Gave two P.D.V. and asked me to place them in a narrow channel? How they
will head means what will be the positions of the vessel wrt the narrow
11. Sound signals for anchored vessel
Very short tempered person. you tell all the things what you know exactly but still
he will point out what you missed.
Past failing Questions
What is Range of tide how it effects u as C/o explain in detail.
Secondary port tide calculations why and how?
Anchoring procedure, brought up position holding position, holding ground..lots
of cross questions by Capt.Muduli both of them were together


RV ur in bridge what u will do all details

Rule 6, 24,35 F1
How will u determine safe speed , visibility
Steering fail actions,
Various charts when u will use n why,
Star sight calculations n procedures in details,Trs 300nm action how to avoid,
Dangerous Quadrant Action, Sextant errors and few more Questions by him.
Actions upon encountering restricted visibility
Precautions while navigating in narrow channel
Course alteration in narrow channel with heavy current
Define WIG craft and state her lights
What sound signal will you give while overtaking other vessel in narrow channel


when you have sufficient searoom to overtake


What sound signal will you give while going astern on engines in rv
3/4 ROR situations. 3/4 buoys.
Detailed procedure to take staggered sight
Gyro failure at sea
Master ashore in Dahej and vessel starts dragging anchor
Vsl in dangerous quadrant of TRS in southern hemisphere, action?

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Vessel in mumbai a tanker having a voyage to taiwan vai singapore. How will u
proceed and if ur charterer is forcing you to take max cargo how will u do it.?
- Maximum angle of sextant
- situation of 2 PD Head on and 1 PD has a obstruction on stbd side what will be

your action?

- TRS avoiding action if you are on the path of the TRS

- Few more situations and also situations regarding lateral buoy
- No cards no rules
- RV master trying out engines astern what fog signals
- Sailing130 mtrs propelled by machinary day and night signals
- F.V / Trawler / mine clearance operation vs lights and shape
- Prepare a ht. of eye table
Procedure to take star sights.various cross questions on calculations.
Action if radar fails.
How will you ascertain ships position when gps and gyro fails.
R.V. narrow channel heavy traffic and strong cross currents. How will you
Vsl coming out of port and ypu see 2+1 red flasshing light..action..(i had to ask
him which region after which he said region B)
4 -5 situations .


Two white lights in a line..identify( i started with P/D vsl underway 50 mtrs or
more.. fucked up on that part ..then he asked me can it be 40 mtrs..i said no..ans

:can be less than 50mtrs as vsl less than 50 mtrs are not obliged but still can
carry two masthead lights)
Narrow channel you intend to overtake another vsl.. what signals you will use.( no
signals as overtaking is possible without any action of the overtaken vessel )
RV you are making way and you put your engines astern. How will you indicate
that to the vessel astern of you. ( i said if making way than 1 prolonged blast..but
i will increased the frequency n when m nt making way 2 prolonged blast with
increased frequency) he said no .
How will you ascertain that the chart is fully corrected.

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1. He showed me pictures of Sailing vessel propelled by machinery(day singal)
,pilot vessel at anchor (day signal),west cardinal buoy(day signal).
Night signal for CBD less than 50 mtrs underway (asked my how will less than 50
mtrs in length be CBD, I said by definition and quoted the definition he was ok
but he seemed to hear something else don't know what exactly).
Night signal for PWD towing more than 50 mtrs length of tow more than 200
mtrs seen from stbd. Night signal for Air cushion vessel underway. He was happy
with my above answers.
2. Sight calculation what is the main problem when your latitude is 24 degree
South and declination 23 degree South altitude is 1 degree ,(i wasn't able to
answer later he explained the in this scenario it's tough to take sight as when the
body is close to your Zenith it will move very fast and it's very tough to take
bearing of it )
3. He asked me to read the weather chart (the one with the warm /cold fronts and
pressure gradient he wasn't completely satisfied he asked me what are the
weather associated with cold fronts and warm fronts?)
4. You are approaching pilot station what are your actions?(i explained as much
as I can recollect later he said he wanted to hear about RV approaching pilot
5. Your steering failed what is your immediate action?


(I told him about all points from pawan's he specifically wanted to hear on

tankers there is requirement for change over of tele motor system from 1 to 2
or vice versa)
6. What is the arrangement for blocking the rudder movement?(he wanted to hear
about there is a requirement of having a valve system in engine room that will
arrest the rudder moment to carryout any maintenance).
7. He showed me a scan copy of a paper which had islands congested to each
other he said how will you go about navigating it, how will you know which island
you are passing?( He wants to hear specifically about terrestrial position fixing )
8. He showed me a scan copy where own vessel collided on her port bow to the
target vessel's stbd bow while tgt vessel was initially overtaken us from stbd but
later changed her route and overtaken own vessel on my port side due to fishing
traffic on both vessels stbd side ,his asked how this collision could have avoided?
(I answered I should have given wide alteration to stbd side and kept clear of all
the targets keeping them on my port side, don’t answer him call master and take
all way of by stopping and reversing as he will say that is not practical).
9. Warning signs of TRS and how you will be sure?
(I started with buoys ballots law he didn't want to hear that he wants to hear
about change in pressure, increase in wave/swell hight and heavy wind also wind
veering and backing part).
10. You are going to pick up pilot what all things will be manage/check as per
senior officer?
Will make you comfortable and ask you to pick up one topic of function 1, in
which you are very confident.
I didn't choose any.
1. NUC and Aground vessel day and night signals including fog signals

2. Few ROR cards


3. You are sailing from Mumbai to Australia. State all the adjustments you will do

for Magnetic Compass

4. Gyro compass principles
5. Rule 19 in your own words and what you understand
6. What do you mean by NOT TO IMPEDE THE SAFE PASSAGE and by which rule
7. WIG lights

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•I told him about TRS signs and action.
In that little bit cross questions
Why do u stop vessel?
What is veering and backing of wind?
Change in wind direction means what? And how will u get it from where? How do
u write wind direc in log book? Can u find out wind direction by just looking at
the sea and how?
•weather associated with Cold Fronts
•ROR cards including day cards
•explain rule 19 specially last part (part e)
•Gave me case study and what action would hv been taken to avoid collision
•gave me one diagram in which lots of fishing vessels are there and how will you

navigate between them what action u will take


•How RADAR Will detect weak targets and what setting u hv to do - I told him

about gain, trails, vectors but ans was “u will switch to long pulse and for a
moment and again switch to short pulse”
•what is radar arrestors
•draw radar plotting (I bungled you in this)
•Gave me on chart and told me passage plan is been made by my cadet u as a
senior officer what check the passage plan and find out what is wrong- It was
about TSS how will u join and cross and all the markings
•showed me one bouy and how will u knw from the symbol whether it is floating
bouy or not
•what is the difference bet traditional and simplified, draw any one simplified
symbol u knw
•How do u start gyro compass on board (I didn’t knw this)
•What was the maker of gyro of ur last vessel (lol I could not remember that too).
Aground and NUC lights wid. day light signals,
Situations made it so complicated,
Iyyer hav its own question sets n situations diagram,
I’ll show u weather fax dia n normal chart n ask u what all information I’ll u get it
frm der,


In magnetic compass asked if u go frm india to australia wat all things u ll

correct., gyro principle, shallow patch all around n u r navigating within that area
what all u manage on bridge as per BTM,
Will tell u to dram parallel index,
Clearing line and bearind,
What is leading lights n transit bearing,
What is TMC in autopilot
Mostly practical questions.
Will give you various case studies of collisions and will ask you to review them
using the rules and cross question of whatever answer you give him
Lights of aground vessel, NUC , and wig craft vessel and also the day signals of
them. Will cross questions you on the difference in the lights between making
way and underway. OWA triangle and followed by a lot of cross questions,
Passage planning essentials!

He just heard the appraisal planning monitoring and execution and then


All the radar functions what they are and what do they do.
In-depth questioning on true motion and relative motion and how do you use true
vectors and relative vectors.
Trial manoeuvre but not too much in detail.
Little bit of performance standards of Radar.
ECDIS mostly regarding updates ! Doesn't want theory..
Mostly how will you update on-board
Various restricted visibility situations

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NUC lights, Aground lights
Towing lights
Air cushion, WIG craft lights and what shapes, if any
Few questions from Annex 1 regarding sectors
Difference between Fish on vessel and trawlers..
Gave 2 case studies and old u r mate how u would have avoided collision..
Brings his own passage plan - told me to do parallel indexing and asked me to
show how will I navigate, with buoys
About 10 questions in this.. Clearing bearing, landfall
Fleet of fishing vessel engaged in fishing ahead about 50 , I am senior officer,
what will I do- fishing vessel engaged in fishing won't be underway... I drew a
course through them with keeping safe cpa and continuously monitoring them on
radar and pass
He asked will u reduce speed or alter course and let them pass , I said I would b
on safe speed with engines ready for manoeuvre, keep situation awareness and
navigate as I would around Indian, china coast.. He seemed happy
Gave me few situations.. Vessel. On port, stbd quarter and 3 vessels on port bow
and a head on vessel-action....

I told him own vessel will b give way only for one vessel for all rest Its a stand

on.. And wide alter to stbd about 80 Deg and pass astern of stbd beam crossing

vessel as per rule 15 , 16, 17 various parts
Every action i took, told him as per which rule and sub paragraph too, so he
didn't askuch and moved pretty quick
Just one RV situation
Difference between simplified and traditional symbols
How does bay of Bengal current behave,
2 currents on East Coast of North America
Falkland and Peru current difference
Beaching procedure
How will U assist master in decision making and train ur second officer for
passage planning
Cold front weather
Approaching signs of TRS
U r overtaking TRS, determine ur position
Lots of questions on ECDIS- limitations, UPS, back up Ecdis, route monitoring,
how do u update
Radar plotting draw and explain, he gave a situation off overtaking vessel, told
me to take series of compass bearing and do radar plotting
Fastest turn for MAN overboard
Best search pattern when position not known
ROR cards, Rule 13, 19
Name of ALRS volume


TRS, Vsl in dangerous quadrant action . Vsl aground action

Screening of side lights annex

Passage plan which all publications you will refer .

Error of aneroid barometer.
Gyro principles. How does GPS work. Echo sounder Ranging.

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- Last attempt failing questions. Radar plotting and Rudder arrestors.
-ROR cards (lights and preferred channel buoy)
-Rule 13,19
- How will you determine the position of strong center in NH
- Action taken in dangerous quadrant.
- What all publications u will refer while planning a passage from Mumbai to



- Synoptic charts
- U r on watch from 4 to 8 at 5 o’clock collision took place what action u vl take
- vessel dragging anchor action
- what do u understand by ship routing
- what is weather routing
- Errors of echo sounder
- what is quartering of seas and what action u vl take in that
1. Explain rule 19


2. Cards

3. Publication u will use for preparing passage plan from Mumbai to UK
4. How you will come to know that u are getting close to the eye of TRS.
5. Principle of magnetic and gyro compass

Some ROR cards (lights + preferred channel buoy)


Quote rule 7,13,19,22


Action in TRS dangerous quadrant NH (Not happy with subra's ans.)

Oil spill in US. Action
Principle of Magnetic compass
Grounding. Action. Factors that will decide foundering.
No situation. ROR cards of NUC, trawlers, fishing, preferred channel region b n
some more. Rule 7, 13, 17 asked me to quote but told me if u can't then explain
each point. I quoted.
How will u take over watch? Publications on-board all.
Magnetic compass working principle. ECDIS.

Secondary port tide calculation. Sextant errors.


Veering, Backing. Dimensions of cone, ball.

Duration of long blast. TRS in bay of Bengal how wud u determine in which
semicircle and avoiding action.
{After that he kept 1 pen as my ship and then told me that now u are keeping
wind on Stbd bow now tell where is the centre of storm. I gave ans as per buys
ballot law then he said as per ur avoiding action u will be altering course to stbd
and on the stbd only side u have storm centre then how is this a good avoiding
action. I told him that I'm very confident about the action and I'll take the same.)
Around 15 cards (day and night signal and preferred buoy channel).
Weather Routing.
Quote rule 7& 8.

General understanding of rule 1.


Passage plan Mumbai to London.


Ship's routing.
Synoptic and prognosis chart.
Solas ch V.
Vessel aground n watch action?
Sextant errors.
Rule no.6,8 &19, iala buoyage cards- preferred buoy, ROR Cards-Mine clearance,
NUC. Ship routeing. Weather routeing, Ship reporting, outeing guide contents.
Synopstic charts. Alrs contents.


Navtex use, type of messages. Trs in detail.

Why alter to stbd..where will the storm center lie, vertical sector, horizontal

sector, screening of light & why Matt black painted,

Passage planing as a chief officer,
Errors of gyro compass.. Maintenance of magnetic to rectify

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ROR cards and buoys
Rule 13
Horizontal spacing, vertical spacing, shapes size and spacing

TRS in northern hemisphere

ALRS volumes
ATT volumes
Secondary port calculations
What is seasonal corrections & why, What sign
Routeing charts.
All about Magnetic compass detail
Day and night cards
Buoys cards
Gyroscope properties


Rule 6,19
Trs in detail. Obtaining bearing,avoiding action,why no trs in s atlantic

Ship routeing in detail. And Hw to perform routeing.
Ship reporting system
Passage plan Mumbai to New Orleans as chief mate
Noon sight
What type of gyro compass on last ship?
ROR cards, IALA buoyage cards
Technical details of lights and shapes
Difference between composite flashing and group flashing
Ship routeing. Weather routeing
Routeing guide contents
Synoptic charts

ALRS contents

Seasonal correction to tides

TRS in detail
Why alter to stbd.. where will the storm centre lie if you leave to stbd?
Passage planning from NY to Europe.
Errors of gyro compass.
Maintenance of magnetic compass.. How to rectify bubble?
Duration of short and long blasts
Actions if you're quartering seas
Types of PSC inspection.
Rule 19. ROR card - Pilot vessel, Fishing vessel, Preferred channel to stbd,
Cone shape diameter, Synoptic chart,
Ships routeing system, Principle of gyro,


Aneroid barometer corrections, F1

TRS dangerous quadrant action in NH, How to find storm centre, ALRS diff
Tide tables volumes, Diff between Composite group and group flashing,
Publications required for the voyage from Mumbai to UK port.
ROR cards, IALA buoyage cards, Technical details of lights and shapes,
Difference between composite flashing and group flashing,
Ship routeing, Weather routeing, Routeing guide contents, Synoptic charts,


ALRS contents, Seasonal correction to tides, TRS in detail,

Why alter to stbd.. Where will the storm centre lie if you leave to stbd

Passage planning from NY to Europe, Errors of gyro compass,

Maintenance of magnetic compass.. How to rectify bubble?
Duration of short and long blasts, Actions if you're quartering seas,
Types of PSC inspection, He got into a lot of technicality in all questions..

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Towing Vsl, Fishing Vsl and IALA Buoy Cards.
Quote Rule 19,06,07.
What is Ship Routeing and as per which Regulation? Publications used in Ship
Synoptic Charts.


List of Meteorological Equipment’s on board and as per which Reg.

Contents of ALRS & Tide Tables.

What is Harmonic Tide Calculations.
Action after Collision with Fishing Vessel.
TRS in detail including avoiding Action.
Aneroid Barometer Corrections.
Echo Sounder Errors.
Ranging and Phasing in Echo Sounder.

ROR cards: Fishing Vessel, Pilot Vessel. Conditions for TRS. Weather Routeing.


Ship Routeing. Ship Routeing Guide. Weather Fax.

Passage Plan as a mate. Gyro error.

Preferred channel Cards. Rule 14.
High latitude Navigation. Screening of Side lights

1. Past failing questions

2. Pass plan Mumbai to UK
3. POLAR Code
4. Ice Navigation
5. Pilot v/l card
6. Towing v/l card
7. Fishing v/l card
8. Gyro error


9. Gyro use in higher latitudes

10. Duration of short n long blast
11. Weather routing
12. Routing charts
13. Coastal navigation from Mumbai to cochin
14. U r on Indian flag vsl, had collision with FV near Indian coast, action n
15. Preferred channel to stbd region B n port Region B buoys
16. Difference in composite n group flashing.
17. Special precautions to be taken having quartering seas.
TRS formation, curve, limiting lat, danger quad , action in danger quad
Quote rule 2, 10, 12, 14
Synoptic chart how will u use in PP

Current in East America

How will u assist master in decision making

Lee tide, neap, spring tide

Morning u take long by chron n afternoon u take intercept y ? Was confused in
this question n didn't answer properly
Magnetic compass after stbd alter y change
Limitations of gyro winds

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Quote rule 10.
Full form of IALA.
Difference in buoyage system region A and B.
Difference between TRS and TLD.
What action to take when one vessel on collision course in right astern in rv?

Why huge deviation when vessel goes from one hemisphere to another.
How will you check compliance of vessel nav equipment?

How many rules in ROR (contents)?
What are the places where gyro compass is unusable?
Ocean currents in east coast of USA
Procedure for emergency steering
What is propeller drop?
Causes of TRS and where it originate.
1. Where TRS originates and where it ends? Why it Recurves in its path?
2. Action to avoid TRS
3. What is Full form of IALA?

4. Name Ocean currents on east coast of America.


5. How will u know that your vessel is in Fog?

6. What is Restricted Visibility?
7. How many Rules in ROR?
8. Why Magnetic compass swing independent of Power supply when vessl swings
to Starboard.
9. Limitations of ECDIS

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1.In voyage planning which was done during our times and now onboard
everything is almost the same what is a big difference between the two?
Ans: Now a days everything is documented and u are undersigning and
responsible for it.

2. Full moon how often ? What is wet moon? what is blue moon? answer in pawan

3. early Morning twilight chiefmate takes sight by intercept and later in morning
third mate takes by long by chron? why is it practiced like this why not the other
way around?
Ans: Because during twilight there are many cel obj visible in the sky and
morning only sun.

4. When during route you change course but when doing so the magnetic
compass has a lag when alignment on new course why so?
Ans: as per the magnetism class during phase II . the directive for tf

5. Ecdis has one major drawback/disadvantage answer me only in one word?

Ans: Prone to Virus
Ok how is it prone to virus??
Ans: don't answer USB thing he wants the answer as ECDIS has various inputs
thru GPS VHF AIS NAVTEX many input agents

6. when onboard we always keep the Nav lights on also during sunrise to sunset
apart from only at night? i know its a good practice but where is it written that it
should be kept on?
Ans: Rule no.20 C
The lights prescribed by these Rules shall, if carried, also be exhibited from
sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility and may be exhibited in all other
circumstances when it is deemed necessary.

7.What is ristricted visibility?

Ans. its a weather phenomenon (don't say anything further than this)

8. You take Long By Chron sight with DR Lat 20° N and do calculation.
same sight is worked out by Capt with DR Lat 20.1° N
same sight is worked out by 3/O with DR Lat 20.2° N
will all have the same Obs Long
if Yes why so ?
if No why so and who will be on right or who will be on left and how?
Ans : i explained him with defn on long by chron as the obs long we get is the PL
which cuts the DR lat so it depends on the PL how it cuts all three DR Lat


( am not sure whether he was satisfied with this answer if anybody has any good
explanation then kindly advise below👆👆👆👆)

9.Current on east coast of US ?

I said Gulf stream is warm going up and Labrador cold current cold current going
where do they both meet?
Ans: he expects us to say it meets at the savana area where these two currents
meet and coz turbulence in water and difficulty in sailing or vsl enroute that area

10.What is Synoptic Chart?

Ans: Its a birds eye view of the region where we get to know the weather
condition of that region

11.TRS formation ? movement?

Ans: be very precise in the direction and rest answer as per any notes you are

12.How many Rules are there in ROR?

Ans: I said 41 Rules Page 44
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Voyage planning, Rv definition ,

Innocent passage, UNCLOS,

How is fog formed, floundering, damage stability,

How will you tell master if ingress of water in hold or tanks after Vessel has
How ships magnetic compass gives heading,
IALA buoyage system full form and in detail.

1) What are the contents of Bridge team Management publication (My answer -
Don't know)


2) What are the errors in Magnetic compass while altering course & why does
needle doesn't settle during alteration of course: Explain him about Retentive &

Gaussin but he was not happy.
3) why Voyage planning is required.
4) what all equipment is connected with emergency generator.

What is restricted visibility - Wx phenomenon

How you will determine its restricted visibility - I said using radar and objects in
vicinity / backscatter of masthead light / hazy horizon in daytime. Was not happy
and said talk like a chief officer. Then he said all this is bullshit rest visibility is


Asked which rule you can quote.

Quote rule 10.
Disadvantages of ECDIS - wants to hear prone to virus.
You are on bridge and collision – action.
How will you keep effective watch? Gyro principle. CSE gyro.
Magnetic compass. Why magnetic compass is not stable when altering course - I
explained retentive and gauzing error but said wrong.
Starts with tell why u left great eastern other words for salary...other better word
for wife ..
And den start after half hour lecture.
Asked restricted visibility
Limitation of ECDIS
TRS origin movement decay..
Why its re-curve?

Asked one preferred channel buoy


Told to quote rule. I said I can explain the rule

Total no of rules..
Annex4 kitne point he.. he wants exact no.
Den asked if moonrise today 9am, tmwr same place moonrise after how much
Spring tide bore tide
Why happen to magnetic compass when ship alter course?
Stranding beaching foundering.
Duties of chief mate as per STCW.
Synoptic charts

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1. Two observers one 2' north of me and 2' south of me. Taking a long by chron
sight during the day. Will we get the same obs long if yes why if no why ? And
who will be east of you and who will be west of you ?
2. Why do we use a Polaris sight ? What is its advantage ?
3. Full form of IALA
4. What is wet moon? When does it occur ? During waxing or waning?
5. How many rules do we have and when did the new amendment to the rules
come.? Explain
6. Explain rule 10 . Which vsls can violate this rules.
7. What is restricted visibility ? (He dint want the colregs definition. Says it's
second mates level)
8. What all equipments on the bridge ?
9. TRS formation, origin , path ? Why does it curve ??
10. Anchor is dragging? Action as mate
11. Duties as per STCW
12. What is statutory, mandatory and class certificate.? Explain it

13. Disadvantages of ECDIS? ( He wants to hear that it's virus prone, rest all

every1 knows )

14. What is collision?
15. Ships routeing? (When I explained it to him, he said that it's not accurate and
all and some shit)
16. How will you prepare for SEQ survey ??
17. Weather routeing ?? How will you do it ??
18. Emergency steering gear
19. Disadvantages of Great circle sailing ?
20. Stranding, foundering and grounding ( for foundering it's loss of intact
bouyancy and not intact stability )
21. Currents in North America. How does it flow.? Where do the meet. Where does
the gulf stream finally reach ??
22. Which magnetic pole is near to true poles ?? North or south ??
23. Synoptic chart ? What all info
24. How will you maintain a navigational watch?
25. Difference between close quater situation and risk of collision ??
26. How many distress signals in annex 4
27. Heavy weather precautions
28. Gyro compass. Asked me what's the new trend now.
Q. When will t alt be 90?
Q. What is perigee?
Q. Explain lee tide?
Q. How will weather effect Radar picture? He wants to hear the word spurious

Q. Limitations of Ecdis?

Q. Errors of Echo sounder?


Q. Angle between T. North and T. South and angle between M. North and M.
Q. Ocean currents in East coast of N America?
Q. Which sea has the highest salinity? Answer is Dead Sea.
Q. Rules quote. Rules 2,6,9,10. Some cross questions on these rules.
No cards or situations asked.
Q. TRS formation, trend, avoiding action?

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1. Autopilot alarms
2. Cards
3. Arpa alarms
4. Situation with trawler
5. Gyro principle
6. Gyro errors
7. Singapore tss mob

8. Sound signals

9. Current
10. How will you come to knw that whether anchor is piled up or not.
11. Aground action
12. Metrological equipment.
13. 19D
14. Exemption as per TSS rule
15. Why rule 41
16. Changes in ROR
Limitations of Great Circle sailing?
Lee Tide
Synoptic charts
What is RV (its a Wx Phenomenon.. Got pissed when i quoted the def from Rule 3)
Full form of IALA (there is a new full form)
Procedure and Precautions during anchoring
Quote Rule 18 / 10
Define RAM with examples
How will you cross a TSS (at right angles)
When can you violate this (in emg)?
What is Emergency?
Diff. btwn Close quarter & ROC
How many rules and annexes r there in ROR?

Which are they, when did they come.. r they rules (they r not rules.. only
supplements to add more weightage to the rules).

Sound signal range for vsl less than 20mtr.
2 GPS onboard showing diff position (receiver clock error)
How many GPS Satellites?
Who operates them (i Said US Defence)?
Who in US Defense ( I dint knw. then he said Air force)
effect of lightening when it stikes the ship and Precautions (Ground all aerials to
avoid damage)
what all affect the turning abilities of a ship
What kind of cargo do u carry on ur ship
Precautions for heavy Wx
how will u conduct good navigation
What is Stranding /Grounding /Foundering
Does mag compass run on battery or Electricity (neither)
When u alter course.. how does the compass card turn then (Directive Force)
If 2 person taking long by chron as same time one have Dr late 19*58' and other
hav dr late 20* 00' .obs log obtained will b same or diff..?
Lee Tide. Synoptic chart.
Full. form. of IALA. Quote Rule 07/09
When can you violate rule no.9 ??

How many rules and annexes r there in ROR??

Which are they, when did they come.. r they rules.

2 GPS onboard showing diff position??

Who operates Gps? Wet moon dry moon.
Precautions for heavy wx. Are magnetic pole 180 apart?
Origin of TRS..movement.. Why TRS recurve? Emergency steering procedure
Current at east cost of America. Weather routine type and advantage.
Spring tide. Difference between TRS and TLD.

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-When you can say there's a fog in the vicinity? (When the restricted visibility is
less than 1000 metres)
- Perigian tides effects - causes substantial rise in height of tide ( perigee tides
data not given in tidal atlas)
- Nav equipments onboard ( say as per Solas ch 5 )
- Collision ( impact between two sea going vessel)
- Though magnetic compass is not connected to any power source or any other

inputs how does it changes its course when we alter our ships course? (Co-

efficients a, b, c, d & e)

-Foundering (it's loss of intact buoyancy and not intact stability)
-Limitations of ECDIS (Virus is the main point)
-Sight question - 3 persons using different DR lat ,will the obs long be same ( No)
if not same then ? (All will lie on East or west but on the same PL)
-Why TRS curves? (Cos high pressure in that area pushes the TRS away)
-Heavy weather precautions - (follow heavy weather checklist and ensure safety of
crew, cargo & vessel)
-Ice navigation principle - Avoid entering ice region when a longer and warmer
route exists.
1. What is apogee.
2. What is waxing and waning.
3. Wet moon n dry moon (i said i only know blue moon).
4. What is the effect of rotation of earth on tide. (I said it effects the range of
tide.. he said it effects the height of tide).
5. What if three people taking sight at same but uses different DR. Will the long
be same if yes why if no why). - I couldn’t answer.
6. Entering into ice towards berth. Procedures n princple of ice nav. - I forgot to
say i will check if vsl is ice class.

7. How many rules n annex of colreg. Explain verification of compliance- he was


not satisfied.

8. Anchor dragging. Action
9. TRS in detail. Why it curves to NE nly in northern hemisphere.
10. Stranding, beaching, foundering.
11. Rule 10 quote( i said i can explain he said no u have to quote as management
12. Are mag pole 180 deg apart i said no. Why? And which one is closer to true
north SP or NP? Couldn’t answer dis.
13. ECDIS limitations.
14. Synoptic chart and how u will use it for passge.
15. Weather routing as mate.
16. Heavy wx precautions. Listened nly few points - answer him as mate.
1. At morning say 8:30 or 09:30 you took a sight ,if two persons are calculating
obs long from two different lat say 19'58" and other 20'00" will both of them will
get same obs long if yes/no why?
2. What all electrical requirements are required on bridge as per what?
3. Anchor dragging action?
4. What are statutory, mandatory and obligatory certificate?


5. What are BL and its type?

6. What is collision?

7. Disadvantages of ECDIS?
8. How will you prepare your vessel for safety equipment cert survey?
9. What are rule 7,9,10,19,34?
10. How many rules in ROR?
11. How many annexes and what are they?
12. Formation of TRS, it's motion and identification? (I said the formation and
motion from oways metrology notes, he said ye sabb kaha see padhaa?)

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1. Started with twilights in details
2. Diff between moon & planet
3. How to check star suitable for site in morning and in which twilight
4. Sight Calculation in detail
5. Understanding of TRS
6. What is blue moon and how often it occurs
7. Ground


8. Stranding
9. Foundering

10. Beaching
11. Difference b/w Risk of collision and close quarter situation
12. Navigation light spares
13. What is difference b/w normal bulbs and Nav lights bulb
14. Do we required to switch on nav lights in fog
15. He wants rule 34 word to word.
16. Rule 10
17. Annex 4
1) How u ll do ice navigation
2) If my lat is 19 55 n urs 20 deg n we take sun sight will we get same dr long .. i
said no.. den he asked who will get more me or u
3) Total no of rules n annexes.. Asked all 4 annexes
4)Quote rule 2, 5 , n 9
5) one situation .. RV fishing vessel right astern.. roc exist..radar
6) principle of watchkeeping
7) principle of watchkeeping in ice navigation
8) Perigean spring tide.. i gv him defination..he asked how it is different from
other spring tide
9) Full for of IALA


10) Diff bet close quarter situation n roc

11) wat is contingency n how many contigencies given in ur last ship contingency
12) wat is ordinary practice of seamanship
13) Errors of gyro compass
14) Currents experienced on east coast of america
15) why 2 gps gets different position..told him pseudo range..den he asked me
who controls gps..told him usa colorado ground base segment.. he wanted
specific name i could nt tel
16) Difference bet region A n B
17) Diff bet TLD n storm..told evrythng from subra book but he said wat is d
main diff..i dint knw
18 ) TRS avoiding action
19) What is SPS

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- When is body’s Tr Alt. 90 deg. Wants to knw with ref to lat n dec n they shud b
same name.
- What is sun’s altitude today in mumbai. says tell me this irrespective of what
you have studied till now just giv a basic and approx ans. Told him 60-70 deg,
makes faces n says what 60-70 it is 72 with ref to lat n dec.
- Why do trs recurve? Gave him 2 ans but was not convinced. As per him bcoz
they try to enter into high pr areas and in doing so they stay stationary for a
couple of days at that location, but when eventually unable to do so they recurve.
- Are magnetic poles 180deg apart? I said no. Asked y. Told him bcoz of surface
variation magnetic poles keep changing. Says that n all is ok why u have to giv so
long ans. As per him they are not 180 deg apart as they are not opposite to each
other. 😒
- Limitations of ecdis
- what to do if you are in NH n in the dangerous semicircle? Started telling him
the ans, after listening a bit he said, that n all is garbage. As per him just head
*keeps making faces in between and saying that you dont knw anything, what
material are you guys referring, only watching movies.
- IALA full form. I said International Association of Lighthouse Authorities.
Apparently it is wrong. Google it you’ll know.
- Synoptic Charts ( Says whatever ans you have given is absolutely wrong. As per
him the correct definition is that synoptic charts show a bird’s eye view of the
weather in that area AT THAT SYNOPTIC HOUR. He wants to hear specifically
these words only)


- Currents on the east of USA with their origin n path.

- You are going to take over for the 1st time as mate, what will you look in the

stability booklet. (As per him EXEMPTIONS, what is not possible)
- GPS full form. Told him global positioning system, says wrong it is Global
Positioning fixing system.
- Functions of VTS (gave ans was not satisfied with it)
- NTM Contents
- What is grounding, stranding, foundering.
- How many contingency plans did you have onboard. (Say any number more than
25) then he asks you to name some. I said one of them as fire in galley then he
stopped me there and said how will you extinguish galley fire. I said fire blanket
if fire on stove. He said ok n what is that blanket made up of? I said I dont know.
Then he said this is the problem with you guys, every ans your uncle has but you
don’t bother to check. I askd him which uncle he said google.
- Weather Routeing. I answered. He said ok but nt up to the mark. He wants to
hear passage planning n stuff too with it.
- How will you come to know that you are dragging your anchor. Standard
- How will you keep an effective watch? ( Be on bridge physically) Ok. What does
effective mean here? I said but he made faces. He says effective means as per
master’s desire.
- Heavy weather preparations. Wants to knw how will you make a passage plan
considering heavy wx expected along.
- What are disadvantages of GC sailing. Told him abt more distance and higher lat
so more chances of adverse wx. Gives me a look and says you hav not studied a
- How many rules are there. 41. Name the annexes.
- No cards, No Rules, No situations
What will you consider during voyage planning as a mate?
Performance standards of ECDIS.

Ideal condition for formation of TRS and why its not formed at South Atlantic.
How will you assist master in navigational duties and your obligation during


Gyro failed - List of equipments affected.
Understanding of rule -7.
How to achieve effective navigational watch?

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ROR cards, IALA buoyage cards
Technical details of lights and shapes
Difference between composite flashing and group flashing
Ship routeing
Weather routeing
Routeing guide contents
Synoptic charts

ALRS contents

Seasonal correction to tides

TRS in detail
Why alter to stbd. where will the storm centre lie if you leave to stbd.
Passage planning from NY to Europe
Errors of gyro compass
Maintenance of magnetic compass. How to rectify bubble?
Duration of short and long blasts
Actions if you're quartering seas
Types of PSC inspection.
He got into a lot of technicality in all questions..

Few cards (trawler, mine clearance vsl, fishing, towing, pilot, buoys)

Quote rule 15,17,18,19, Annex 1 definition (height above the hull)


Synoptic & weather charts, ALRS volumes idea for all volumes, Indsar, Inspires,

how much is the area covered by INDSAR & Inspires draw diagram, Is the
coverage area same or different and why, Voyage Planning, star sight, how many
methods for error calculations, Procedure for taking Error, Amplitude

Rule 9, 10, 18, 19 , 34, 35


Cards almost 10 ( air cusion vsl, pair trawling, incospicutios object, vsl less then

12 me, Nuc, aground)

Day signal 3 cards
He will confuse u with similar type of lights cards and then day card
Buoy to explain safe water mark, cardinal marks
(has a PPT keep switching each slide, rapid fire)
• Pilot onboard obligations as a mate, navigation in a long narrow channel
explain wrt to ROR and Safety
• Rule 9, 10, 19 quote and obligations
• Cardinal marks with specs
• Preferred channel buoys

• Safe water mark


• Towing lights towing a inconspicuous submerged vessel, Towing vessel on port

bow, whose responsibility to keep clear?
• Pilot vessel on the stbd bow crossing action and as per which rule
• Fog horn heard forward action ( told him both scenarios radar operational and
not operational)
• RV situation vessels only mast is visible on the port bow Action
• Passage plan from Rastanura to Singapore ( i was telling him about Load line
zones, waste management , ballast water management etc. but he wants Normal
2nd Mate preparation like the 4 stages APME)
1- Purging of ECDIS
2- Roll over of GPS

3- RA in detail for HRA


4- Position monitoring and fixing ng

5- Gross UKC and net UKC

6- Spare magnetic compass stowed posn and why

7- GPS and DGPS working
8- Date dependent in ECDIS.
9- Coefficient of magnetic compass and correction

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Started with ROR (8,10,19,35)
Few situations RV and TSS
Current types
TRS in detail and avoiding action

Why no TRS after 20 degree


Why magnetic and gyro don’t work in high lat

Star sight (long by chron) in detail
Lateral marks and isolated danger
Grounding and steering fail actions
Passage plan from Canada to Australia as a mate.
Tidal stream and tidal diamond.
Annex 4 and annex 1 specifications.

1. Started with bwmc D1 D2.


2. Ship receive gallons of oil on board will u note it in orb? Which part?
3. Vsl @ haldiya port wat inst u giv 2 officer n crew on duty.

4. How will u order mooring ropes n wats d new ammendment.
5. DD critical moment n prepn.

Offset function in ECDIS

ENC and raster chart

Minor changes in passage plan after completion of plan, what r they?

Squat depends on CB
During anchor where to take load once brought up...stopper
TRS in SH avoiding actions.
Voyage planning as a mate,
Abort point
Bore tide and what precautions needed

BTM in detail

Bridge visibility criteria in detail


ECDIS safety settings, anti-grounding cone specifications
Weather routing in detail
TRS avoiding action for slow vessel in SH
Damage stability when grounded in detail
Aft ETA deployment in detail and requirements
Magnetic compass correctors

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- Errors of GPS
- Describe GDOP & User clock in detail
- Quote rule no 6
- Errors of Gyro in details
- Why Gyro unreliable in higher latitude
- Errors of magnetic compass
- Why Magnetic Compass unreliable in higher latitude
- SV overtaking PDV who is responsible and as per which rule..
- Compilation Scale of ECDIS
- Types of Rolling and Synchronous rolling in detail.
-what action to minimize these rolling

- Surf riding, broaching and pooping.

- Region B marks random asking

- Weather Routeing
- What all things u will report to shore agency in Shore base weather Routeing
If u r Wx ship
-TRS in details: Formation, Avoiding action in Southern Hemisphere for slow
-Why no TRS on equator
- Passage plan in polar water
- 4 to 5 crossing Situation of CBD, SV, NUC and PDV
- Quote 19d
-Annex 4
- No cards
- End mein rapid fire for 5 min que not remembering.
How to determine CBD


Fishing vsl situation

Passage plan.
General introduction about myself,
Which vsls sailed on, why failed last time, last vsl route..I said persian gulf to far
east, so said mallacca transit kiya and then started
Any danger faced during transit.
Any issues during crossing
TSS is narrow, can it qualify as narrow channel..if yes, which rule shall we


comply.. rule 9/10

You want to overtake in narrow channel, how will you overtake. Narrow channel

15 mte depth, one vsl 10mtr draft and other is 5mtr.. which one should keep to
stbd side and why. If nearing a bend how will u know there is another vsl around
bend. How Will u keep clear of her. She is not taking action, and safe for only one
vsl to pass thru bend, now what action u will take. vsl cross narrow channel, who
is give way and stand on. When does ur vsl bcom CBD and when will u decide to
say that. Performance monitor qts, trial manoeuvre, radar blind sector and
shadow sector

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Why do u take 3brgs to ascertain if ROC exists?
Range discrimination. Brg discrimination. Range accuracy.
Brg accuracy. HBW. VBW.

UKC policy of last much water do we need to have under keel so that

vsl is not CBD. Defination of CBD.
How much width OR searoom is sufficient to say u are not CBD
Horizontal n vertical separation of lights
All annex in ROR- Detail
Radar limitations with respect to safe speed
Hbe, vbw, accuracy of radar
Shadow, blind sectors of radar
Gyro errors
Passage plan from last ship what are the things of your concern ?


Containers sighted in water before arrival port, action?

Broaching, sirf riding, parametric rolling

Formations of trs, dangerous semicircle
What is ROC?
Out of visual/radar bearing, which one more accurate.
Gyro principle little bit in detail
Some situations on rv, TSS
You see white light on stbd bow, what all kind of vessels possible, action?
ROR situation
Vessel crossing from starboard in tss, ROC exist


Vessel in open sea one vessel head on another in Port quarter action

Changed situation to vessel overtaking from starboard quarter action
Ship handling current from port quarter vessel course 040 jetty towards north..
One tug available.
Which side to berth and where to make fast tug, Reason.
1. Ocean currents

2. Diff between current and tidal stream.

3. TSS ( first line only and meaning of all rules apply)

4. Dangerous semicirle of TRs
5. Y it is dangerous

ROR situations, cards (7:8 cards mostly ram, persuine gear fishing, CBD)
Practical questions as mate F1
Rule no 19 situations and cross questioning

-How will you correct components of Mag compass

- Principle of Gyro Compass
- Precision
- Principle of magnetic compass
- Tidal stream


- Currents

- Bay of Bengal Current

- Isobaric Patterns
- Quote rule 8
- Part F of ROR
- Duties as per ISM
- Main point in passage plan as Choff

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1. What are ocean currents and Types of ocean current and describe each of them
2. Gyro compass principle

3. Magnetic compass parts.. (Binacle)

4. Your vessel grounded Action
5. Day and fog signal of Aground vessel
6. Aground vessel right ahead.. What actions
Fast and rapid fire of questions without giving time to think ... actually capt
manahas was totally busy with his work

Loadline zone chart


Routeing chart

TRS semicircle
Right hand semi-circle
Dangerous quadrant
Why it is called dangerous quadrant?
1) Ship on port bow who is give way
2) 1 ship crossing ur bow in a narrow channel from stbd side who is give way
Me - I told she shall not cross nd impede my passage nd I will sound 5 short
blast he was like who is d give way vsl ,I said not to impede refers to rule 8f
where she shall take early action then he was like so she is give way na ,I said no
rule give way only is for 12,13,14,15,18 and he went on saying not to impede
means she has to keep clear, I told sir not to impede means when there is even
no risk of collision u shall not impede nd risk of collision means it will definitely
collide,he said tera ROR toh bahut gol hain I said no sir am very confident about
my answer, and told as per rule 8f she shall keep clear of me much before a risk
of collision exists and since now der is risk of collision I will take action as per
rule 8f 3 too, I had confirmed with captain Iyer who is d principal of Tolani too,
anyways he smiled nd moved on


3) TRS formation criteria.

4) Action when in path of TRS.
5) Warm and cold current.
6) Gyro compass principal.
7) tidal stream Atlas nd diamond.
8) passage plan publication.
9) error of echo sounder.
10) vsl aground action.
From question 3-10 he was only asking question nd not even listening to my
answer as he was busy in his mobile and asking ho Gaya kya.
11) magnetic compass principal
12) how will you correct magnetic compass and on which heading
Me- I told pb, ib, pc ,IC nd + d correction but he kept on asking which heading
will find out the correction i said depends on what error I have + pb or + pc, later
he was like how will u know that and to find out which error will u go on, I said
sry sir I don't know this.
1. Lot of crossing situations with the model he has.
2. Passage planning on Ecdis. How will you know on Ecdis that you have all cells.
Second officer told you all electronic charts . How will you check?


3. Navigable circle. Why is it called so?

4. Ocean currents.

5. Trs formation.
6. A vessel with angle of loll heels more due to wind. Now no more wind. What
will happen. Why?
7. How will make sure as a chief officer that NOx requirement is followed?

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Give an introduction of yourself.
Why did u not get function 1 in your last attempt.
How was your external?
What are loadline zones, and how does it affect a chief officer.
Passage from Norway to Indonesia, what will u do wrt loadline zone.

Explain gyro compass in full.


What are the errors and why is it unreliable in higher lat.

Explain procedure for correcting magnetic compass.
Why is the deviation card prepared.And how often.
What does the soft iron sphere correct. Why is D mostly +ve.
Give me information about TRS in the northern hemisphere.
Which is navigable semicircle and dangerous quadrant.also define. Why is it
called navigable semi-circle.
What is ocean current. Types and causes. What is Benguela current?
10 TO 15 CARDS





Asked a lot of cards basically preferred channel cards and buoys


Flag W, S, V.

When Devesh is external don’t forget to call master as I made dis mistake
and he told action not made in ample time?

10 TO 15 CARDS




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Started with general questions like which company? Where you did your phase 2?
Where do you live?
Asked which types of ships I’ve done. What voyages?
How will you go about planning a passage from Brazil to India? (I started
answering from 2nd mates POV, chart catalogue etc.)
What are the contents of the chart catalogue?
What is a large scale and small scale chart?
What projections do we use?
Then said now inputs as mate. What all will you check.
What is an HRA? Where on this voyage will you encounter it?
What is BMP5? What is the information you’ll get from it?


What is a citadel? What all does citadel contain? Can you steer a ship when inside
citadel? (If citadel is steering flat)

What is a magnetic compass? Requirements for carriage. Describe the compass.
What liquid is used and for what? (After this he started asking formula of ethylene
glycol, ethyl alcohol, ethane, potassium dichromate... he’ll keep asking till you
say I don’t know. )
Box the compass from S to W. How many points? One point is how many degrees?
Will you encounter a trs along that voyage? How does a trs form? How will you
know there is a TRS in the vicinity? (Wants to hear barometric tendency and will
check the tendency from 3 hours earlier)
What is Coriolis force?
Errors of sextant. How to correct error of perpendicularity? How to take long by
chron sights?
No ROR, no cards.
Property of gyro scope
Why it won't work on high lat(bcz tan error becomes too high)
Tell me about magnetic compass binnacle (Basically sab kuch sunana
sphere, Flinder bar,magnets etc)

What info in ocean passage to world


Fishing vsl overtaking whose responsiblity

A normal tug and tow crossing our vsl from port side whose responsiblity
How TRS is formed.
Which side is navigable side Nd
Which side is dangerous side and quadrant and why so (Because in dangerous
quadrant the wind Nd wave generation is high and it pushes the vsl to the eye of
1. Started with introduction, he asked which company r u working with and types
of vsls u have sailed on.
2. Capt Manhas will first ask u all the questions which the external has marked
(X), then he will ask his own questions.
3. What is ocean currents?
4. Types of ocean currents and causes?
5. What is the difference between tide and current?
6. Now he put a wooden ship on the table and said wind is coming from
astern,now tell me in which direction will current come and how will it effect the

ship ?

7. What is Coriolis force ?


8. What is the effects of Coriolis force on currents explain?

9. Principles of gyroscope?
10. Why gyro compass is not very effective in higher latitude?
11. Why magnetic compass is not very effective in high latitudes?
12. How will you carry out compass adjustments at sea?
13. On what conditions you will carry out compass adjustments ?
14. What is heeling error?
15. How will you correct all errors of a magnetic compass? He wants to know the
16. Errors of gyro compass?
17. Why TRS recurve?

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Started with introduction.

MANHAS Scamin option in ECDIS explain?

ROR cards.

IALA buoyage system?
TRS- [Again few things]
Angle of repose? And which cargo shift first?
1. Pair trawling card
2. What is skip zone and skip distance
Ans skip zone is a zone where if the vessel lies she will not get any any
transmission made by mf and hf from other vessel
3. Which speed is used in radar for collision avoidance and why
4. What are the effects of tidal changes other than ukc
Ans. Difficulty in manoeuvring when tide is from a stern
5. What are the sensor in Ecdis
Ans speed log, GPS, gyro


6. What to do on ecdis if both GPS sensor fail

Ans use DR mode
7. What is catzoc
8. Indication of trs
9. What is navigable semicircle
10. What is equation of time
11. Master is using speed over ground for berthing and you are assisting master
what will be your input on sog
Ans sog is used while berthing to get actual direction of movement of vessel
12. What is aspect
Ans- brg of target
Principle of gyro/errors, how to adjust gyro,
Deep water anchoring, TSS situations,

Range of audible of fog signal for vsl of 100m,


FV lights, passage planning as per CO,

Radar perf stds, entering port which SPD (SOG/STW),
Factors effecting squat, collision action,
Rule 16, rule 18, diff bet GPS/DGPS,
TRS in NH action.
1) You are in a narrow channel, state all things you will do.
2) TRS in nh, which is dangerous quadrant, what actions will you take in both
3) Tides, spring and neap tide defn, when does it occur, when it is needed,

calculate the tide and write it down on paper for secondary port.
4) Spring range and neap range for a place

5) How will you take a sight, write all the steps of calculation
6) Indsar a little bit
7) A situation in tss, basically a coming out of a port and then going to another
port on the other side, how to go.
8) As a mate plan your passage thru gulf of Aden.
-polar code
-why gyro n magnetic are unreliable there
-working of gnss compass

-passage planning as ch mate in polar regions


-a vessel at stbd quarter...exactly 22.5deg abaft beam...spd 21kts...own spd


12kts...both side lights visible and masthead lt...action

Then he changed it...similar situation, cpa is 0...action?
-stbd quarter fog signal...nothing on radar...signal increasing...action?
Answer is maintain co n not alter anywhere.

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Vsl 1 pt stbd ...can see both side lt n mast head lt...action...

1short blast co altr stbd

Rv situation AB reported fog signal cming frm stbd quater n sound intensity

increasing....action...inform master...chng fog signal to aft altr co to port till
sound intensity decrease...ask action as per which rule
Passage planning from Rotterdam to Shanghai using northern route.....
Screening of lights....distance Between nav lights

1) if you have to sail more than 66 degree lat what ventures you will find in


2) sailing from Korea to chille what will you do with gyro?

3) requirements for calling magnetic compass adjuster?
4) which ROR rule is very robust means you cannot change or override in section
2 of steering and sailing rule?


Ecdis counter setting, alarms, corrections, testing,

Rule 10 explaination, ROR cards towing, fishing, trawler, AIS,

How will you assist master in decision making.

ECDIS counter setting, alarms,



Corrections, testing, Rule 10 explanations,

ROR cards towing, fishing,

Trawler, AIS,
How will you assist master in decision making?

1. Ice navigation
2. Requirements for ice navigation
3. Polar code
4. Types of weather chat
5. How will u assist master in decision making
7. RV situation
8. Cold weather precautions
9. Effect on gyro at high lat.

10. U are n bridge and there's explosion in 2 port cargo tank, Ur initial action.

11. Collision, action master is disabled. F1

12. Types of ice
13. Quote rule 19 d, e
14. Flags.
15. Meaning of one flag, 2 flags and 3 flags raised on mast
16. Benegula current characteristics and were it is found
17. TRS avoiding action
18 how will you know if you can navigate in polar water
19. What equipment in bridge helps to see, is it mandatory, why, where it is
20. Bore tide.
21. Types of current.

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1. Started with voyage planning. What makes you mandatory to do voyage
planning. Where it is written dat it’s mandatory.Which regulation which
2.Bridge equipment and their Test
3.When to take VDR back up and how?
4.After collision when u will take VDR Backup ( not immediately after some time
about hour or so coz he wanna listen VDR should record all actions you have
taken after collision)
5. Bridge Electronic Publciation? How to correct them? How to check it's corrected
or no? What to do if not able to update?
6.What information given for light house on chart? What is Nominal and
Geographic range ? Which publication to refer for?
7. Height of light house and bridge given on chart? (For light house and other
object MHWS for Bridge and overhead cable HAT ) what is chart datum?


8. SW Monsoon. Why SW? After saying Coiroilis and Gradient next question
9. Coriolis and Gradient Force?

10.Situation RV target vslon stbd qrtr and not appearing on radar but sound
singal increasing action
(Increase interval of sound signal and post lookout on to check any change,
inform master, adjust radar setting and check if target appear) nothing asked
10. How you will assist master in decision making
11.high Latitude navigation planning and precautions (Ice navigation)
12. How LRIT work ? How you will come to know LRIT Working or not?
13. ECDIS Performance test? Why to perform? ( But this test is now not required to
do if upgraded to 4.0)
14. ECDIS advantages
15. Bore Tide, Spring and Neap Tide
16. How you will consider tide in passage planning and which publication ?
17. Gyro error? How will you apply course lat error?
NO rules and cards
1. LNG cargo operations scupper plug requirements.
2. LNG Drip Trays requirements.
3. Collision situations
4. ROR Cards


5. Action as a ch mate after Collision

6. Weather routing
7. Ice navigation
8. Polar code requirements, training requirements
9. Buoys
10. Rule 10
What is Gulf Stream n Kuroshio, Location.
Day card of Sailing vsl, Night cards of Ram, Nuc, Aground, Trawler, Cbd.
Crossing situation from 3 pts at Port bow at 5nm, then same situation 2nm (He
wants to hear who is stand on n give way, sound signal used 34D).
Vsl aground right ahead with 90degree aspect, action. (When vsl aground right


ahead then always alter to the side opposite of her heading as it should be safe
then other actions)

Buy ballots law. Signs of TRS. Symbols of Cold Front.

Wind symbols for calm wind n all i know. Indsar, Inspires.
How will u assist Master (As per Pawan notes).
Passage planning Mumbai to Far east. (He wants to hear his fav point Cold
weather precautions if expecting cold wx along with all others).
How will u get accurate Gyro error (Transit bearing, when Ship at berth)?

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- signs of approaching trs
- LRIT and requirements
- errors of echo sounder
- passage plan from india to uk, points to consider as chief officer and also ocean
currents you will encounter during the voyage
- warm front symbol


- fwd eta everything you can say

- various situations crossing and also he keeps cards in front of you identify and

take action normal crossing situation you are stand on and give way vessel has to
take action , now same situation give way vessel not taking action 1.5 miles on
start board bow action.
White cards towing vessel right ahead seen from stbd side action.
White card nuc vessel right ahead action.
- ocean current and types
- INDSAR & inspires
LRIT as per which regulation
Currents in North Atlantic


2, 3 situation crossing
Cards in his cell phone towing and Ram

Sextant error, how to correct them?
Indsar, Inspires
Draw warm front, weather symbols
Errors of Echo sounder..
Normal currents patterns
TRS approaching sign


Around 10 cards
RV Overtaking situation

Quote 19 rule part d only
LRIT carriage requirements
1 ROR crossing situation
South China sea wala TRS ques.
Signs of TRS.
Cards- safe water mark, towing, FV, CBD, RAM, etc. (all day signals only)


Name few currents with region

Going ind to uk precautions as chief officer

EKMAL spiral
Front symbol
Synoptic charts
VTS mandatory??
Chart symbols, weather fx symbol for cloud and wind,
ROR situations cross questions, lateral buoys, Cardinal buoys,
night and day signal cards, annex 1 ROR some questions,


all major currents to be experienced while transiting cape of good hope,

Ekman spiral, LRIT, inspire, diff btw both,

On tanker fwd eta arrangement,

South China sea all satisfying condition for TRS identify the quadrant and actions
(ans the actions as per ch off he wants to listen about lashing and informing ER
and stability), turning circle of the vessel, causes of current and types of ocean

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Ekman factor
Spiral gyres


10...12 cards, he used to confuse candidate with night signal of CBD and day
signal of aground. Hw will ask this frequently to trap u.

RV situation one horn in port bow and one horn in stbd quarter
Chart symbols light house, wreck, tower,
From a to b distance given, ship speed given, current given asked abt cts. (silly
question bt I did mistake.)

Method to find gyro error,



20 cards including day shapes buoy cards ,

errors of echo sounder,

LRIT in detail, INPIRES,
Currents( he will take names and ask where it exists), TRS,
errors of sextant, errors of gyro, heavy wx.

Few lights and shapes. Errors GPS.

Error gyro. Echo sounder.


Sights in detail. Tides.

TRS signs and avoiding action. Sextant.

ROR situation rv and normal very simple. Rule 2.
Ship handling some def.piovt pt .tactical dia
Clouds ocean currents
Passage plan Goa to UK
Currents expected
All the cold and warm currents and the area where they occur
Cards , said ur power driven vessel you see these lights right ahead, so for eg u

see a stbd side of avessel than roc doesn't exist... (Failed all the second mates
candidates for this as they said whatever was mention on the cards). Cards

around 10 random
Crossing situation action. Bmp4 contents.
Echo Sounder errors. LRIT.
INDSAR and inspires. TRS formation. Actions
All the methods of calculating gyro error.
Cards (15-20), including day signals ( pair trawling hauling nets, pair trawling net
fast on obstruction)
Situation- crossing situation.
Turning circle and why it is important.

Chart symbols(No bottom found till this depth, SD(Sounding Doubtful), Rock
awash near the level of the chart datum dangerous to navigation.

Weather symbols for cloudy sky, wind(50 kt, 10kt, 5kt) etc.
Ocean currents- Falkland Current(Malvinas Current). Tell me all the currents you
know and whether they are warm or cold.
Given ship’s speed, point A and Point B and current. Find course to steer. (Drawn
on paper)

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MITHILESH Types of buoy

At night u have a buoy right ahead, how will u recognize, Its characteristics.

Later buoys.

In narrow channel, ur draft is 8m and there is a depth of 7m how would u go
about it.
Nuc. Ram. Symbols wreck, etc.

1) Situations with ship models ( will show on sheet & post them as an
attachment). Capt. Mittal gave me one to one situation, i.e. only one target
Quoted following Rule 19(e) with the situation. Rule 15 in crossing situation
2) Night Cards, Buoy Cards (Preferred channel region B)
3) Gaussian Error
4) Errors of Gyro
5) TRS (avoiding action in SH)
6) Structure of TRS. (Track, Path, Trough etc.)
7) Currents in the East of Africa. (He wanted to hear all the currents in Indian
Ocean) Direction of Aghulas Current.
8) ETA requirements.
9) Course 270 and at night time u see VQ (9) flashing. Action? ( He was not happy
with reduce speed and take all way off coz he said I am on sea speed, so I told
him being right handed propellor I will give hard port and come to reciprocal

course) (In this situation we are in danger water so keyword is, come on to

reciprocal course as it was safe, we just came from there.)

10) Duties of Chief Mate in passage planning only related to bridge (BUT NOT
THE 2nd MATE DUTIES) (Keyword was rest hour management and watch keeping
11) Now in open sea you encounter RV. Managing of rest hours?
12) Diameter of day signal ball.
13) Distance between the two shapes.
14) How will you obtain position using Celestial body.
15) Star sight full procedure step by step.
16) Meaning of Damp in Tilt. (Told him, it is achieved by Top Heavy arrangement.
To make gyro North seeking17 gm weight is used on top of rotor and shifted a
little to west of the centreline of rotor which finally settles it to the meridian)
17) Anchored Vessel RV Signal.
18) Aground vessel RV Signal.
19) Day Signal of CBD
20) Day signal of Aground vessel.
21) Meaning of Take All Way Off. (To bring the v/l to complete halt by stopping
engines or by applying astern propulsion, ultimately STW should be zero
6 ROR cards (pair trawler, dredger, sailing vsl, trawler hauling nets etc)
3-4 ROR situation
IAMSAR which manual on board? Why not other 2 parts carried onboard?
Search patterns and when to use them.

How to calculate "S" Track spacing in search... Formula?


MOB open sea, action, which turn?


How to cancel false alert by EPIRB?

How will you know accuracy of GPS?
What all information from synoptic chart?
What are fronts? And types?
Weather associated with front?
What are occlusion?

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As chief officer passage plan between 2 ports that ur last vsl has done.
Further more, if ur vessel is trading in Arabian sea during SW monsoon, how will
u go about it. If your vessel is trading in WNA, action.
Port in Kandla or sm other port with tidal range upto 6m...action?
What's so special in rule 9,10,13 with reference to rule 18.
Situation, crossing vessel on Port side and u are overtaking a vsl on ur stbd side..
Actions ul take to avoid a TRS.... When ur in d dangerous semi circle, taking
action he will finger u saying Dat ur action is putting the vessel in dangerous
semi circle again... What's the point? Stick to ur answer and tell him, Dat ur
atleast avoiding the dangerous quadrant. Sector and 123 method as well...
Equipment which have a backup power. If in blackout, how long will the power


come back? What is the biggest disadvantage of gyro? When power comes back
can u safely resume navigation?

Plan a navigation watch schedule for RV and piracy
Situation and as per which rule.. And what does it say.
Ocean currents of the world.
TRS in detail with sketches...
Assisting master with anchoring... How will u go about it... Specifically bridge
side... So explain everything how ul go about anchoring, then also mention
bridge procedures... Normal stuff
How will u prevent ice acretion
Weather routing, ship routing, ship reporting, ROUTING GUIDE, SYNOPTIC
CHARTS, prognosis charts, have u used fascimile on board. Who sends fascimile
data in india... And station..
That’s on ECDIS and paper chart same
Contents of bridge procedure guide. When to call master
No ROR cards. Voyage Planning from Europe to Canada in winter north Atlantic as
a mate. Visibility Criteria for Container Ships.
He made me quote the rules, which I was unable to do so. But he didn’t mind
much but kept on insisting you should know it by heart.
Told me which all rules say not to alter to port (Rule 14. 17, 19).
Lights for fishing vessel at anchor. Ship Routeing.
Ship Reporting System. INDSAR.
What all alarms will GPS give. What all are the other methods for checking on the
position. (Radar fixes, Visual Fixes, if near coast and celestial fixes if in open sea).
What types of celestial fixes (Star and suns, have you done on your ships yes).
How will you take fixes from star and what all you will keep in mind (Told me
draw it on paper)?

TRS in SH, its track and movement, Draw and show, Which is dangerous semi F1
circle which is navigable semi circle, He gives a position on the paper which side
you will alter and pass clear of the TRS
Errors of gyro.
Where is vertical magnets used for correction of Magnetic Compass
Your watch at 0600 you receive weather message heavy weather in 6 hours, how
will you go about planning stuffs, What all preparations required, what all checks
list you will follow.
You encounter restricted visibility in your watch, what all actions you will take.
What all information is provided in weather faxes
How will you know that the ECDIS charts you using are up to date, on your watch
you find that the present chart is showing not up to date. What actions. (He wants
to listen to that you will ask the shore authorities the corrections for that chart
and apply manual corrections to it)

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Told to quote overtaking rule..I said I can explain..
N den rule 19
And den annex 4 distress signals.
NUC light..NUC light when underway.
Which code support ice navigation.

Explained details of polar code and powm


Anchoring procedure in detail

Limitation of ECDIS
Barometric tendency
TRS formation
Synoptic charts.
Weather routing charts in detail (he wants to here..routes are also shown on
routing charts)
Avoiding action for TRS
Passage plan Mumbai to Hamburg. Ship reporting system, name reporting in
route. Ship routine system.
Trs formation and why recurved. Why right hand semicircles dangerous?

Upwelling current and example. Rule 8f.


Parts of colreg. Names of annexes. Annexe 4 in brief.

All Lights for dreger. Also at anchor.
Day signal for vsl aground. Sound apparatus with respect to size of vessel.
Noon site. What is Geographical position?
What in intercept? IALA Buoyage in brief.
HRA limits (new regulation). Beaching precautions
1-Cards- two red lights in line and white light much below it
Ram dredger with obstruction on stbd.
.1-Restr visb, one vessel on stbd bow and one vessel stbd qtr..action as per which

rule and quote the paragraphs.


.2- normal visb, vessel on port bow, crossing.. action and as per which rule? If

you say 5sb as action before altering he will ask will the other ship be able to
hear? So if it at 5 miles then why to sound? At what distance would you take
action? If both vessels are doing 15 knots what is the tcpa?
3-What is a tack line?
4-What is hydrographical information?

Problem of gyro with high latitude navigation


Errors of gyro

FV at anchor lights
Diff between grounding stranding and beaching F1
Polar code and pwom
Distance between 2 all round lights

1) Region B How to identify preferd channel to stbd

2) crossing situation n tss..i said reduce speed allow other vsl to pass..he said
one more ship astern..i said alter to stbd n keep clear
3) fishing vsl overtaking roc exist ..action.. asked me whose give way..i said fv he
said action..5SRP ..still no action alter course to port or stbd depending on sea



4) TRS avoiding action

5) How to correct magnetic compass
6) Wat happens to gyro in higher lat
7) When we come from open ocean to sea wen do we start eco sounder n why
8) How eco sounder is use in position determining..he wants to here PL
9) Ocean currents

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- Cards
- ROR Situations

NITIN - Rule 2, Rule 7 (Im sorry sir, would not be able to quote that. Explained both
rules to him, this time no sketches tho.)

- Weather fax gives you what all informations?
- Magnetic compass. Errors. Correction. Deviation card. Why unreliable in higher
- Gyro fails. Action?
Passage Plan - What to check in passage plan made by 2nd Mate(Specific to
Certificates required by Polar Code
EMG Towing Arrangement (ETA) requirements
What is Grounding, Stranding & Beaching

Why Gyro cannot be used in high Latitude


All details of BUOYS (South Cardinal Buoy / Isolated Danger Mark / Emergency

Wreck Marking Buoy)
What is Weather routine
COLREGS LIGHTS ( RAM, Mineclearence Ship & P/D less than 12 mtrs)
Few COLREGS Situations and which rule applies
Sound signal for Aground vessel (Attract attention of other vsl)
Lights for aground vsl.
Equipments connected to emergency supply ( he wanted to hear nav lights)
MOB on stbd side....action
3 points on stbd bow ....masthead light and both sidelights seen....just
sighted.....what is the range? Explain the situation.
Performance standard of radar
Isolated danger mark
Region b preferred channel to stbd
Synopsis and prognosis

Dilution of precision

TSS with fog ....u are overtaking another vessel action

Westbound approaching OFB....Engine failure in TSS still having headway which
lights to display
Wind force 4....both bulbs of forward masthead light fused.....action
You are on bridge will you know steering has failed.......further what
steps you will take.....emergency steering drill explain and duration
How does TRS behave in the northern hemisphere?
Define dangerous quadrant
You receive info....TRS in vicinity.....action
Rule 13, Williamson turn.
Started with which all alarms did you experience on the bridge.
I mentioned a few on ECDIS, GPS, etc. but he then asked about Auto Pilot Alarms
and what all adjustable parameters.
Vsl in Japan, preferred channel to port buoy shape, characteristic, etc.
Asked how will you identify fairway buoy by day and by night and then asked

about emergency wreck marking buoy.


Flag G & B and describe.


Rule 8 quote and 2-3 situations. One was RV situation. Asked how will you
indicate to other vsl that our vsl stopped in RV. Basically tell him about fog signal.
When can you be alone on bridge and which publication mentions it.
Define Tide and current and name a few currents.
When I said Labrador he stopped and asked where is it experienced. TSS
formation requirements.

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1. Sailed on which ships, trading areas.
2. Are you aware of OFB ( One fathom bank) in Singapore strait. How much is 1
3. You are a loaded tanker, westbound in TSS, you have a loaded bulk carrier
right ahead of you? How will you overtake her? What sound signals?
4. Will you ask her permission for overtaking in TSS? Why not?
5. Let’s say you are overtaking her from stbd side, you are parallel to her. Now
your engines failed? Action? In above situation when will you call master? Suppose
master is not answering, what will you do? Suppose master is unconscious in his
cabin, what will you do? Who will attend him? (2/off) Then who will go for anchor
station? (3/off). How will you reduce speed in this situation? (Rudder cycling).
At what speed will you drop anchor? (0.3kts) Who will take responsibility in
absence of master? How will you arrange for medical help to
6. Symbol Flood tide, Flag A, Cold & warm front, occulsion.
7. What is TLDZ (Temeprate Latitude Depression) and weather associated with it?

8. Region B preferred channel to port.

9. RV. You listen fog horn on port bow? Radar in operational.Action. (Rule 19e)

10. NUC day and night signal.
11. Performance standards of radar? How many targets can you select on ARPA?
12. How many log books on bridge?
13. Aneroid barometer correction.
14. GMDSS tests?
15. On/Off load test of GMDSS battery. What maintenance on battery? How much
is the voltage?
16. How will you know that Nav lights are working? What is name of that panel on
which you have nav lights indication?
17. What all controls on steering panel? ( Say all autopilot controls and NFU, hand
, auto)
18. Emergency steering frequency and procedure.
19. What is STCW? Why do we have CODES?
20. Your duty as per STCW, how will you establish watch keeping arrangements?
(Managing crew work/ rest hrs). How much rest?
21. Mer pass limits? Where to find? (Norris) Approx. limit (66 min)
22. How will you assist master in heavy traffic?
23. Gyro 2 deg high? True co:125, what gyro course to steer?

Flags. Buoys. Head on situation.


Quote rules - 7,8,10,19d,e.

Situation - Head on / overtaking. Restricted visibility overtaking in TSS.

GNSS working principle.


Gyro not working in hugh latitudes – why. Gyro spares

Chart symbols
Interaction in Bend in narrow channel. What forces acting?

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1) How to beach the Vsl?
2) Azimuth circle diagram and naming of AZ.
3) Details In TRS.
4) LTA throwing procedure.
5) Various ROR situation. In overtaking, RV, head on, crossing. With cross

question in between.

6) Preferred channel buoy specition.

7) Fishing vsl light and specification, spacing between them.
8) Shapes and specification, spacing between.
9) Interaction between vsl.
10) About Singapore one fathom bank. Guys looks like very basic but sometime
we forget basic only... And if back to back someone ask this we might not reply
fast...and correct. I able to manage to get out of this.

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1. ROR situations of crossing situation in R. v ; overtaking in RV ; TSs ; narrow
channel... (Guys he changes the situations again once you give your answer and
hel ask question as per which rule you took action)
2. Asked light rythm of Special buoy; prefered channel to starboard in region B;
west cardinal mark; east cardinal Mark
3. Ur vessel in TSS in restricted vissiblity n u want to overtake one vsl ahd of you..
Action and sound signal.... (Guys he wants to hear dat 1st action vl b that you
call Master on bridge)
4. Gyro spares
5. Gmdss batteries and testing procedures.. Daily and yearly requirements
including d voltage
6. Annex 4
7. Polar code
8. Definition of NUC and RAM .. Rule 3
9. Day and night signal of NUC; RAM; CBD and their fog signal in restricted
10. Tidal stream and how dey are formed

11. Spring and neap tides in details and how many times will you get them in one


12. How many Navareas in world and india falls under which Navarea
13. Navtex frequency and under which volume of ALRS ul refer to select Navtex
station whole planning passage
12. How to plot great circle on paper charts and ECDIS
13. Asked me abt ADLRS and how to install them and how many icons will b
visible. Snd in each icon which all volumes are covered.
13. AIO corrections and T n P. (He wants to knws that not all countries produce
AIO.. The list of those counties who gives AIO vl b found in d Base CD)
14. Formulas of GYro error.. Damping error and CSE
13. Vessel aground.. Watch actions
14. Steering fail in TSS... Wat actions
15. Fog signal of vessel at anchor and Aground vessel in restricted vissiblity
16. Vessel going astern propulsion fog signal in RV
17. Dragging anchor vch flag will you hoist and colour of Y flag.
18. Golf flag when made by trawling vessel.. Wat does it mean.. Golf flag to draw
and to show colours.
19. Chart symbol to identify of Ocean current; wreck ; histroic wreck ;bench mark
; sand; SD

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-flags J, K, G
-Buoys identification and lights
-day signals for aground
-Narrow channel situation: sv crossing
-one vsl on stbd beam 5 cables...parallel course n same speed. Another vsl head

on...tcpa 5min...action

-spore tss engine failure near 1 fathom bank

-bow cushion effect
-Tld weather
-symbols SD, PA, benchmark, obst
-front symbols
-fog signals
-how to send urgency msg
Aground vl light, NUC light making way,
Trawler day signal, Trawler shooting net day signal,
Rule no 8,19,
ROR situation In TSS, RV, overtaking,

TRS and it’s avoiding action, TRS formation,

What is veering n backing? Passage planning,

Vl at Singapore strait at critical point master not receiving call action (medical
emergency), What is roaring forties? Anchoring.
Ground tackel, Navtex frequency
Who issue nav warning in India, List of equipment on emergency power.
ALRS volume, Steering test, Emergency steering test.
Pm standard or radar in detail, Different ocean current, Plenty cross question.
Aground vl light, NUC definition, NUC light making way,
Trawler day signal, Trawler shooting net day signal,
Rule no 8, ROR situation, TSS, RV
Overtaking, Many more,
TLD, Why south Atlantic no trss, TRS formation.
How to determine wind in TRS?
Vl NH TRS action draw, keeping changing ship position.
What is veering n backing?
Different type of occlusion, Amplitude, He gave some value lat n declination
rising sun. Draw n hw vil u calculate.

STCW, Passage planning.

vl at singapore starit at critical point master not receving call action (medical

Gyro error, Gyro spare, What is roaring forties?
Anchoring, Ground tackle, Navtex frequency, Nav area.
hw many nav cordinate in india, who issue nav warning in india.
list of equipment on emergency power, ALRS volume.
steering test, emergency steering test.
Tide, Lunar tide.
PM standard or radar in detail, DIP.
Visible horizon sensible horizon draw.
Clear bearing clearing mark draw.
Parallax horizontal parallax.
Different ocean current & many more … plenty cross question.

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Favorite flag identification A , C ,F,Y ,G,H
Cardinal buoy identification without top mark
(N,S, and W important) and
action on seeing on N heading or S bound.
Safe water buoy, red cone.

raw preferred channel to port in region B.

Aground action.

Types of seabed and abbreviation.
Sh favorite , SD ,sd , flood tide, ebb tide, current symbols as per 5011
Which site preferred for star sight and why.
Frequency of occurrence of spring tide and neap tide .how many times it occurs.
Arpa performance standards. Rule 19 part e quote.
Situation of RV, wherein fv on our port and another vsl on stand quarter action
with radar working and with radar not operational. RV signals.
Flags Identification
Chart Symbols
RV situations

Difference between close quarters and Risk of collision


Emergency supply to which all equipments on bridge
Various Alarms on bridge
Android barometer
Lat 20S Dec 20S draw diagram and name Azimuth.
What is TLDZ?
Started with flags
Azimuth diagram on paper
pilot ladder specification
emgcy genrator
emgcy steering
spare for magnet compass
...anchor testing turning circle

...buoys gave situations in japan and all areas


...Ror grilled heavily

...Vl agorund and other lights sound signals
...chart symbols many
...emgcy communication
...TLDZ all dettails
...aneroid barometer everything
...TRS all things
....tides all details from spring neap to calculation
... aground situation actions.
Flags -A, K
Buoys -Lateral n Cardinal buoys
Draw Pref Channel
Specs of Pilot ladder n draw

Situation from his notes


TLDZ n wx associates wid it


Clearing mark n bearing

AIO, ECDIS Updates, n Publications Updates
Performance of ECDIS, Radar n Arpa.
What is Relative n True Mode related to Sea n Ground Stabilisation?
Symbols- Historic wreck, SD, SD, SH, PB, Benchmark, Ebb n flood current.

Cardinal buoy isolated danger buoy,

Three Flags meaning 4 situation RV


Arpa performance
Standard radar four five chart symbol historic wreck

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Describe flag Golf and purpose
IHO symbols draw and purpose
SD, PA, Benchmark
Historical wreck
Describe region B preferred channel to port

Various RV situations
Upon my astern propulsion to keep clear he said vessel ahead anyway came and

collided you ruptured your 2DB .. master fell and serious injury .. Action
Damage control plan in detail
Medical assistance and evac procedure in detail
Helicopter equipment use and procedure how will you prepare master for evac
Heavy traffic situation - make watch schedule as per STCW. TRS.
Which is dangerous semicircle, dangerous quadrant, Action when in dangerous
quadrant. What is veering and backing?
1. How to identify Golf flag
2. How to identify Hotel flag
3. Situations same as his set
1. One vessel head on one vessel overtaking you from stbd what is your
2. In RV you hear on the port Bow the fog signal of another vessel

4. Actions after collision. No.2 db bilged

5. Chart symbols

1.Historic wreck
2.What does PA mean
3.What does SD means and what does sd mean.. one in caps and one in small
4.What does sh mean
6. Polar code contents and certificate under it
7. Fairway buoy identify at night
8. Range of sound signals
9. Vertical spacing of mast head lights.

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Buoy east cardinal and fairway buoy without top marks and identify lights at night
Flags to identify A, C and Y.
What is occurrence of spring and Neap tides in a month?
Day signal for vessel aground.
Situation simple head on and beam vessel overtaking sight of one another action.
RV fog signal fwd of the beam radar not operational action
If Ur on bridge wing how to know gyro has failed.
125 true , error is 3 degree low , what course to steer
Np 5011 symbols.
Indsar requirements and where to get the co-ordinates from
Symbol for historic wreck
Symbol for wreck not dangerous to surface navigation
Symbol for wreck dangerous to surface
Alarms of ECDIS.

Performance standard of radar


Correction for enc update in ECDIS

Navigation equipment connected to emergency power
How to know that other vessel going astern in rv
How to take star sight
Emergency steering procedure
And requirements for the same
Overtaking in RV IN TSS
What signal you will give and which side to overtake?
Precautions while overtaking in RV.
Interaction between vessels while overtaking.
Polar code and polar water operations manual.
Some abbreviations from np5011 (Sd, pb).
If your proceeding on a course of 090 and see a wreck which is not dangerous to
surface navigation action.
Approaching signs of TRS.
Actions to be taken during coastal watches with heavy traffic densit
Rule 8, 18.
5 ROR situations good visibility and RV.
5 Buoy identification and action, lateral mark, preferred chnl to stbd, safe water,
west cardinal.
4 Flags Identification.

4 Chart Symbols, wreck different types, pa, sd, rock awash.


In passage plan what u will check

Performance standard of RADAR.
Gyro Errors, if error 2 deg low what course u will steer.
Pilot ladder requirement, if damaged how will u repair, dimension of ropes and
Tld & weather associated with it.
How often there is spring and neap tide occur.

Quote rule 8
Situation one vessel on stbd after overtaken us and going parallel with same

speed and one head on vessel


One RV situation

ROT cards mostly day signal and flags

Requirement of ARPA
Chart symbols as per ISO

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West cardinal buoy top mark missing alpha flag.
Region B buoy rhythm lateral marks and also preferred channel buoy marks
Isolated Danger mark.
You are coming out of Mumbai green buoy right a head action.
Vessel aground action.
Rule 8, 19 (only explained not quoted)
3-4 RV situations and Normal situations
Around 10 cards
Chart Symbols Historic wreck, wreck dangerous to navigation, swept depth

sounding 26m

Performance standard of Radar

Performance standard of ROTI
TLDZ weather associated with it
Barometer Correction
TRS avoiding action
Flag for Emergency steering.
Around vsl signals and lights
Passage plan from Gulf to China
Spring tide neap tide proxegian spring tide.
Weather chart symbols.
What is pressure tendency?
1. Many buoys and there meaning
2. Fishing boat and signals
3. 3 situation easy ones and one rv.. in one situation after taking action he said
vsl collided and action.. so collision actions as per chief officer..
Capt. is unconscious then actions...
4. Gyro general
5. How will u carry out emergency strg drill

6. Amplitute how will u train ur cadet.. draw rational horizon diag and explain

7. currents across oceans

8. duties as watch keeper as per stcw ..i ans few and got stuck..
8. shapes and there dimentions
9. anx 1 of ROR.. in genral horizontal spacing..
10. complete visbilty criteria..
11. TLDZ and the wx associated with it..
12. few wx symbols
cold front warm front etc etc
13. Draw turning circle and explain its terms..
-Rule 8
1) Vsl in fog, radar inoperative, u hear sound signals ahead of u, action, wat all
sound signals??
2) Own vsl overtaking in tss, fog , How will you overtake, action?? Wat all sound
-Vsl collided, action
-Amplitude, explains it to Cadet how will u carry out naming of amplitude, not to

use formula.
-clearing mark nd clearing brg


-U r on bridge, ur third mate on watch, heavy fishing traffic, ur action as mate, as

per stcw?
-sound signal of aground vsl, length 120m, table pe tap karke sound karne bola.
He wants to hear tapping noise on table.
-safe water mark bouy showed and asked wat bouy is it? What is top mark of dis
bouy, what is difference between ball and sphere.
-what signs in waves, seas, clouds u see incase of trs generation. I answered it, he
strtd to add and to every ans i gave, atlast i said barometer tendency. By the time
he changed Q.
-life boat ration expiry?

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-Rule 8
1) Vsl in fog, radar inoperative, u hear sound signals ahead of u, action, wat all
sound signals??
2) Own vsl overtaking in tss, fog , How will you overtake, action?? Wat all sound
-Vsl collided , action
-Amplitude, explains it to Cadet how will u carry out naming of amplitude, not to

use formula.
-clearing mark nd clearing brg

-U r on bridge, ur third mate on watch, heavy fishing traffic, ur action as mate, as
per stcw?
-sound signal of aground vsl, length 120m, table pe tap karke sound karne bola.
He wants to hear tapping noise on table.
-safe water mark bouy showed and asked wat bouy is it? What is top mark of dis
bouy, what is difference between ball and sphere.
-what signs in waves, seas, clouds u see incase of trs generation. I answered it, he
strtd to add and to every ans i gave, atlast i said barometer tendency. By the tym
he changed Q.
-life boat ration expiry?
ROR cards

Rule no 8
Historical wreck symbol

Made some symbols on papers Nd asked what is it
Depth symbols
Lateral and cardinal buoys

Situation 2 nos. No ROR card. Flag G.

Preferred channel to port reason B. Content of Polar code

Spare of Gyro. Radar range and bearing discrimination.

Draw Latitude and Dec he gave me some values and told me to name morning

Amplitude. Some 5011 symbols like depth doubtfull, no bottom at certain depth.
Transmit safety message.
Spares of Gyro. Correction to aneroid barometer.
Formation of TRS. Distance between lights.
RULE 8 quote
ROR situation: vessel CBD is overtaking your vessel from stbd side and vessel
right ahead: Action?
Draw Bench mark symbol

Flag G and Z.

Restricted visibility: radar un-operational: vessel on your port bow 1.5 M. What

Dangerous quadrant? Seasonal corrections. Why do we do?
Buoys: preferred channel to port in region B
Barometer errors, Collision. Action.
Gyro spares, Steering drill reqs dec 16 N lat 34 N..tell me azimuth?....

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Flood tide symbol
Wreck with historical data symbol
Shown me west cardinal mark and isolated danger mark and told me to identify
Light of fairway bouy
In Japan u see (2+1) flashing green which side to alter
Quote rule 8
What do u mean by "constraint imposed by radar range scale in use"
Ecdis what are various alarm
What are spare of gyro on board
Latitude 18 S and declination 45 N draw it and show on rational horizon ,what
will be azimuth
Port 45deg vsl coming down and our vsl doing 000 ROC exsist in rv
What action radar inoperational

( I told I will increase the frequency of fog signal and will post a lookout ahead
and will reduce my speed or take all way off)

How will u let other vsl know that u have taken all way off

(when PD not making way 2 prolong blast in interval of 2 min)
In r.v how will identity vsl is nuc or ram or tug
( he wants to hear they will transmit security message and tell him content of
security message...he doesn't want to hear that we will get it's info from Aid etc)
U have a vsl ryt ahead in TSS moving on same course in rv how will u overtake
( I told I can overtake her from any side )
He said OK if overtaking from port side of target now what action
(Basically he wants to hear ship to ship interaction wala condtns while overtaking)
While overtaking engine fail what action
( I told inform master and vts and will enter in separation zone and will drop
anchor there)
At what speed u will drop anchor ( less than 0.5 knots)
Now u have current in there so what will u do now will u know which
current is there
( he wants to hear about tidal diamond wala funda. .like what info we get from
the tidal diamond tables etc)
Region b preferred channel to port draw.
Kept two vsl Rv radar inoperational fog horn from port bow action. I told slow
down and take all way off. He kept more closer what now. I could not able to
He showed two buoy safe water and w cardinal buoy and asked how will u
identify at night.
Day signals for trawler hauling net.
Draw flag G.

Collission.action master fainted.

No cards


How many spring tide and neap tide in a month.

Diff bet current and tide
Emcy steering frequency and procedure.
Course up north up head up.
Naming of amplitude.
9 deg north declinatio 20 deg south draw RH DIAGRAM name the amplitude.
Draw symbol of flood.
Synopisis and prognosis.
How trs forms.
Approaching sign of trs.
Spare of gyro.

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Quote rule 4,5,11,28
Dimension of Cylinder.
OP YADAV You have a Chinese master with whom u have a language problem what all

information will you ask to him before proceeding to Anchor stations?

Which equipment on the Ship will affect Magnetic compass the most?
As a senior officer how will keep a navigational watch?
How will you determine a risk of collision for a target?
In a TRS if the wind is veering what action will you take?
In the towing arrangements what is a catenary?

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Only ROR took me 30 min.
External started with:
1) Quote rule 16, 17, 19.
2) Meaning of rule 16, 17, 19 with examples.
3) Rv : one vessel on port bow nd one on stbd. Action Ans: maintain co nd spd.
4) Rv crossing: port to stbd. Action Ans : reduce spd.
They are like tera RoR goll hy and started laughing.
Nd discussing what shall we do , carry on orelse switch to next function.
Bhel started asking now:
5) Narrow channel : sv nd pdv , thy draw on a paper which is like crossing
I answered as per crossing, thn he said your about 22.5 abaft the beam nd in
I said ill consider it overtaking.
Thn too many cross questions btwn narrow channel nd rule 18.
6) Thn quote rule 13 nd thn 34 c 1 nd 34 c 2 , 34 d sound signals.
7) Rv sound signals, made sound with 1 steel plate 🥲 nd 1 stick nd asked to
identify, For anchor nd pdv.
8) maneuvering nd warning signals for pdv whn altering to stbd.
9) tss : fv crossing port to stbd.
Ans: fv should keep cleae of us bfre Roc as per 8f1 if roc thn as per 8 f2, if not
taking action ill redice my spd as per 8 f3.
Thn cross questions as per 18 you should give way right, i answered rule 10 over
rides rule 18.
10) Screening of lights

Ans: told as per annex 1

11) safe water buoy: shape , light nd where all you use nd meaning.

12) complete IALA from history : answered as per ROR iala buoyage starting
pages of SK puri book
13) fishing vessel lights , pilot vessel lights 》 50 mtrs. - no any mast head lights
, it will only exhibit as per white over red, side lts md stern light.
14) special marl , isolated danger mark buoy.
15) sv crossing port nd stbd nd Im Cbd .
Ans : quoted as per rule 18 nd told sv will keep clear.
Now Bhel was happy with func 1 nd paningreya started again with func 1.
16) weather routing
Ans- as per pawan
17 ) you sighted derelict - danger msg
Ans - solas 5 how i will sent danger msg
18) ecdis performance standards
19) explain minimum range md max range as per radar limitation.
20) fronts -occluded
21) why gyro not accurate in high lat.
Ans- as per pawan
22) magnetic compass errors: var , dev , coeff a,b,c,d,e nd gaussian error ,
retention error.

I tried not to say about coefficients, bhel bc came in btwn you dnt know about
I said i know and then started explaining,
23) he said last question- you grounded, assist master on bridge nd thn on deck
nd about ground tackle.
Ans : happy with ans nd moved to func 3.

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1. Solas ch 5 explain.
2. Ship reporting as per Solas. How you will participate in ship reporting system?
3. VTS as per Solas
4. Danger message

5. Prepair danger message.

6. Rule no 19, 16.

7. Situation in RV and Normal visibility.
8. Emergency steering gear requirements.
9. Screening of NAV light.
10. Distress signal.
11. Gyro compass and error.
12. Passage plan as chief mate.
VTS regulation CH V reg 12
Explain any regulation of SOLAS.
Contents of Polar Code.
High latitude effects on Gyro compass
Quote rule no. 8, 19.

ECDIS performance standards

Actions in a TRS dangerous quadrant.

Ocean currents
Tidal current
Anchoring in waters with high tidal range.
Explain IALA buoyage system
Information on a Synoptic chart.
Fire scenario actions as a mate.

Quote Rule 8 19..

Solas chapter 5 TSS regulation and requirement..

TRS dangerous quadrant..

TRS avoiding actions..

Performance standard of doppler log, gyro..
Emergency Steering gear requirement as per SOLAS..
Watchkeeping standard as per STCW..

Rule 8 19 10
Grounding tackle n tug advantage

Collision vsl dep port action

Solas chapter 5... vts
TRS avoiding actions F1
High latitude navigation
Performance standard of echo sounder ECDIS
Steering gear requirement

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What is ENP?
What is carrage req. For ENP?
What is ECDIS carrage req. ?
What is Indian Special Annual Notices to mariner? What info u get and when it
How many Navareas?
How many met areas?
Who is Indian metrological coordinator?
What is PIVOT Point?
What is squat?
How u get to know that ECDIS is performing as per IHO stad.?
How will u correct gyro latitude and damping correction??
How u take site in the morning?


What is azimuth?
What is Amplitude?

Formula for Amplitude?
Ur on CBD vsl fishing vsl crossing u who is giveway?
As per which rule?
Quote rule 18
Vsl on 1 point on stbd bow both mastheadlight and both side light u can see take
Same situation but this time u see a vsl on 2 point on stbd bow take action?
Same situation vsl on 3 point on stbd bow take action?
Ror card
Fishing vsl
Towing vsl with ram
Lateral port hand mark region B light and rhythm of light.
Preferred channel to port region A rhytm of light.
West cardinal mark rhytm of light
What is baking effect?

What is Fullform of ROR


how many Articles are there in COLREGS

how is a convention amended

what is the procedure to apply ammendments to convention in India
what all procedures are there to bring any amendments to a convention.

U on container ship in Singapore strait your vessel surrounded by many vessels

port bow stnd bow beam astern you sight one vsl in starbaod bow crossing the

Action. He said he want ans like chief mate.. Call master is ans.

Rule 19 explain, some situations

Rule 9 explain, lot of cross questions

Definition of NUC, lights, shapes, sound signal


Lot of questions and cross questions and understanding of TRS like he will make
sure u understand it properly

Mine clearance vessel lights n shapes and what will u do if u see it and what else
is concerning if not ROR, what action will u take onboard as a chief mate in such
Aground vessel fog signals in RV and action.

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1. Fog signal of Pilot vessel?


2. How you define Restricted visibility?

3. Vertical Position of masted light?

4. Vertical position of sight light?
5. situation vessel on STBD bow you hear Fog signal action?
6. What is your safe speed in RV? Let say 2nm

Lights of Trawlers at anchor


Lights is purse seine gear, where it is mentioned about rhythm? (Anx-II)

Fog signal of Pilot vessel.

Quote Rule-19
TRS avoiding action in NH, vsl in Dang quad.
Steering gear failed, action.

1. Gyro failed what happens to radar. How you will take bearing of other vessel.

2. Few ROR situations.

3. Towing lights definition
4. Vessel towing What all lights vessel being towed on length 85 mtrs and tow

100 mtrs will display.

5. Rule 19 and few RV situations

6. Gyro fail what all equipments affected.
7. Gyro 305 magnetic 300 variation 3E gyro fail. What to steer on magnetic.
8. TRS formation and avoiding action.
9. Errors of Sextant
10. Search patterns as per IAMSAR.
Passage planning as a mate,


Anchor dragging master ashore action,

Lights shown by trawler and fishing vessel,

difference between AIS and LRIT,
Conditions for TRS formation,
Difference between TRS and TLD, squat formula.
Mostly he will start last among all the internals (After 1800 usually) and together
with master candidates. So me and a master candidate together questions to one


and relevance to other.

1. Crossing situation in TSS.

2. Lights of dredger making waking.
4. How will you assist master in decision making when transiting Singapore strait.
5. Disabled ship
How to assist master on bridge
What is BTM


Difference between VTS AND VTMS

some 3 4 loghts of trawler fishing vsl towing vsl

Explain rule no 9 and 10

Ship reporting system
Indsar and inspires
Trs avoiding action

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Terrestrial AIS and Celestial AIS

TSS situation 2 vessel crossing one from Port one from starboard action (c.v)

Cross situation
VTS not respond
How to inform other ships LRIT and AIS
1. towing vsl on port bow...mine clereance vsl on stbd bow 6 points n trawler at

anchor on stbd bow 12 points..action??? He said he wants answer specifically as


chief mates management lvl,.

2. Star sights n how to calculate set n drift..explain how to calculate to 2nd mate

candidate which were called in between my orals..
3. why MINE CLEARENCE vsl doesn't show RAM light..
Wrong answer: it's on naval duty..not practically possible..
All previous question - he will keep u asking until he is satisfied that u remember
wat last surveyors questioned u and did u rectified ur mistakes of last attempt
(suggestion- with dis surveyors u can b lucky cuz he ask same previous question
n little extra from his side)
Dry moon
Wet moon
Rule 10 TSS-he asked if i by hearted ??cuz Capt. JB Singh put remark last tym-“not
able to quote”/ i said yes dis tym i knw all by heart- he said ok tell me its content
Situations in TSS - as i started to tell him its content
Passage plan in english channel TSS- practically on paper.
Action - ur ship aground on soft bottom ( action as chief mate on bridge) - he


wanted to hear abt tide n chances of refloating to b ascertained with stability

point of view.

Lights of aground vessel/ NUC
Shapes dimensions
He will give u situations and question u on basis of ur answer - so basically
answer in wat u r good at n confident
No cards were shown
TRS-once he understands dat u knw it he will move to next questions
Synoptic charts
Actions in heavy weather as mate
Wat is spring tide
Perigean spring tide
Neap tide( as i was answering he asked wat is nibbed (neaped) vessel ? I said
never heard abt it

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TRS fani
Various RV situations
Vsl engine broke down near the coast action (alter course away from shore
considering traffic)
Wt all to monitor in dis situations (monitor rate n drift n shallow patch depth)

How to use anchor in dis situation ( pay out d anchor once it touches the ground

pay out fully under power fr 100 mtrs of depth) so Dat u cn avoid going aground

U r at port strong winds.. Heavy weather wt actions (can advice Master to proceed
to sea with approval from DPA)
If u don't get permission ( double up the moorings n use different bollards use
additional moorings) he wants you to rig fenders n tug to be stand by
U r at anchor n heavy weather is predicted your action. (secure the ship as per
heavy weather and proceed to deep waters n take land shelter till d weather
Function 1
1 . One vessel on your stbd side near to qarter brng. Constant action
2. His fav situation tgt vsl on port bow 5 miles action


3 . RV vsl on stbd bow then next at stbd. Quarter radar operational

4 .rule no 6 and 19 quote

5. Margin of safety of vsl factors to detemine the same
6. Navigation in ice
7.trs dangerous quadrant why dangerous
8 why pl is straight for celestial and why circular for terrestrial
9 characteristics of radar hbw why less and why vbw is more
Cards, frequency of non-displacement craft light, frequency of purse Seine gear
When will you call a compass adjuster?


As a mate what will you do before compass adjuster comes maintenance of

magnetic compass, gyro, tests and maintenance of radar.

What rules will you expect a first time third officer to know by heart, practical
questions on TRS, avoiding it etc.,
Correction of sextant errors (told him all about them but he wanted to know how
exactly we'll adjust the screw)

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1) what is the first thing you will check in the maneuvering booklet for a car
Me - windage area
2) what is the max wind heeling moment?
Me - Sry am not able to remember
3) he showed me two diagrams one of which was angle of loll and the other
severe wind and rolling
Me - I said second one
4) spairs for magnetic compass
Me - I said more than 150 GT spare magnetic compass and spare corrector
magnets ( but he said not spare sufficient no. Of magnetic corrector magnets)
5) how will you order a spare magnetic compass if you are magnetic compass is
broken and you have replaced it it with your spare
Me - we know the make ,type , area where ship was built ( he added internal dia ,
gimbal size and said ur spare will come only from the shipyard ur ship was built
nd all)
6) how will you train your cadet to learn side error and which time will be the best
to teach him practically day or night ?

Me - i explained him about side error, then told him that I will teach him in the

morning or evening Twilight where you can see the stars and to check whether

they are horizontally displaced
7)rule 6 and understanding specially second part
8) what are the rules that you want your cadet to be thorough in?
Me - I said 5,6,7,8 lol then told many more than told party m B steering and
sailing rules
9) current near new foundland nd y is that area of significance
Me - because of advection fog , great circle traffic converging, ice , heavy weather
10) how does ice come there
Me - told him about east Greenland current West Greenland current then baffin
bay and then labrador current bringing ice to new foundland
11) plan a voyage a HRA by bmp 5
Me - told him the 5 fundamental and normal HRA things that we do
12) which is the first thing you will check in a wheel house poster
Me - stopping distance
13) inertial stop or crash stop
Me - inertial stop
14) picking up pilot on car carrier in a busy area and pilot is delayed nd beam
Me - reduce your speed to minimum, use bow thruster,keep anchor stand by , co
ordinate with pilot station
1. You are on a voyage from Chile to Japan. Places where you won't get any
service technician on time, high latitude. How will you as a chief officer make
sure that gyro will be in order? ( I told him all the maintenance, he said this is all
operational level... Think as Management level)
2. What are the spare requirements of Magnetic compass.
3. In North Atlantic, what weather will you observe.
4. Index of colregs. In section 2 of PART B, which is the most important rule?
What rule you will ask your cadet to by heart the rules.


5. Which is the most important information given in wheelhouse poster?

6. Draw frontal depression as seen on surface chart. What is the speed of frontal

7. Have you done dry dock? What information you will ask from docking master?
8. Your company took over a ship which is 25 years old just came out from dry
dock. 300 tonnes of steel renewed. What will be your concern as chief officer?
9. You are going for Anchorage at a depth of 60-65m. As a chief officer, what all
information you will check on bridge before you go forward. Action after going
forward And what all information you will provide to Master from forward
10. What is beaching. When will you consider beaching?
11. Official logbook entries.

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Sitting together and asking,
Started with My Name, Company Name,
Types of Ship, last ship info like Bridge equipment makers.
He wanted to leave early n was taking his time thinking of questions to ask. Most
of the questions were practical but he wanted to hear some typical answers what
he had pre meditated n kept on asking deeper n deeper on every answer.
No colregs, ror cards or situations.
1) Voyage from South Korea to Chile, how will u prepare ur Gyro compass as its
a long voyage n in Chile der is no servicing facility for Gyro if something goes
2) Ur in a dry dock n it has been two months everyone is busy with something or
the other. Steel replacement, Surveys etc. Tell me one thing that Master might

have forgotten.

3) Magnetic compass inspection n maintenance is going to be carried out. What

all preparations we can do to facilitate it. Spares for magnetic compass n how
will u order spare compass.
4) You’re in Kandla awaiting berthing n TRS has formed in Arabian sea just
outside the Gulf. It might recurve east or north east towards Kandla. How will
u ride the Trs and what kind of Ships ride the TRS.
5) Ur a selective Meteorological Ship. What all equipment’s do u carry? What is
the frequency of reporting n Masters obligation. How to report n what all to
6) He told me ur in north high latitude above 60deg north. Draw cold front n
frontal depressions for that area on the paper.
7) Why beaching is done. What is the types of Ships that do beaching.
8) How will u teach ur Cadets about Sextant. Sextant errors and how to correct
them. Side error. How to correct. He wanted to know by turning second
adjustment screw what all things happen
Major steel renewal in dry dock, wat wud u advise master to check in terms of
Magnetic compass spares

Preparation to be carried out b4 compass corrector comes onboard


Corrections of magnetic compass

How wil you check & ensure gyro compass is working properly on voyage form
China to Chile
Frontal depressions n draw how to identify it on a wx facsimile
Most imp rule in Colregs in part B sect 2 n related cross questioning
While proceeding to Fujairah anchorage how wil u assist master from fwd station
1) ice petroling in detail , Laki
2) How to plan a passage from Uk to Canada , what all thing u get from routine
charts + many cross questions
3) Use of Dgps

4) Difference between gps and dgps & requirement


5) 3-4 situations in Rv , one vsl at port bow fwd of beam & 0 visibility then he put

2nd vsl on stbd bow also and asked action of all ships
6) Just fwd of beam u listen fog signal in rv , action
7) In overtaking situation, u see astern lt , action and which side will be safe to
overtake and why
8) He put one head on situation
9) He put one east cardinal mark ahead of own vsl , action + top mark

2 ROR situations.

- RV-You hear fog signal on port bow range is decreasing. No target on radar .

ROC exist. Action

- vessel on 22.5 abaft your beam. Own vsl speed 10 kts target vsl 15 kts. ROC

exists. Action.( Failing question)

No further questions.
Said your application of ROR is poor come next time

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2 Ror situations.
SRIVASTAVA - RV-You hear fog signal on port bow range is decreasing. No target on radar .

ROC exist. Action

- vessel on 22.5 abaft your beam. Own vsl speed 10 kts target vsl 15 kts. ROC
exists. Action.( Failing question)
No further questions.
Said your application of ROR is poor come next time

- Passage planning as chief mate

- international ice patrol
- polar code

- weather routing

- weather routing charts

- types of weather charts

- Quote rule 13
- NUC card
- south cardinal buoy
- Emergency steering requirement and drill
- what is global warming and it's effects. Measures taken by government.
No cards, No buoys, No situations, No Colregs.
1. How will you go about voyage planning as a Mate? What all aspects will you
look at?
2. How will you assist Master will all information regarding voyage planning?
3. Emergency Steering Drill. How is it carried out. How often do we do the drill?
4. Routeing Charts.
5. How to carry out weather routeing?

6. Your barometric pressure falls by 5mb. Action?

7. Difference between Depression and TRS?

8. Maintenance of Magnetic compass.
9. What are the different coefficients. Give small info on them.
10. How to prepare for drydock as a Mate?
11. What is declivity of dock? And it's purpose.
12. A lot of collision and close quarters situation is happening with vessels and
small fishing boats here in Bombay waters. With regards to Rule 5, 6 and 13 give
a short description why these rules failed to be followed onboard.
13. You are about to sail through the Bosphorus strait into the Black sea. As
Mate, how will you prepare the vessel?
Passage planning for mate, how will u go about planning taking bunkers at
Anchorage, magnetic compass coefficients and stepwise corrections,

maintenance of magnetic compass, deviation card, ROR quote rules 6,13,9,5...

Indication of bad weather barometric pressure falls by 5 mb (doesn’t want subra

answer).. Stepwise actions, formation of depression in ur path 12 deg N..

Instructions for second and third officer, avoiding action TRS, reason for cyclone
vayu, categories of cyclone with wind speeds, Anchor dragging master not
onboard. mandatory certificates on-board stepwise

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ROR- rule 5 n13 quote, nuc day and night signal, South cardinal buoy,
Metrology- buys ballots law explain, if pressure drops by 3mb where is the low
BTM- if you are in fwd stn, and vessel entering port and pilot gets delayed master
panicking, what will you do from fwd stn (main point he wants to hear you will
call 2/o to relieve you and you will go on bridge to assist master and if reqd take
Passenger Vessel has main engine failure action, if towing is reqd who will you
inform and why, what is salvage towing, what is the best action if you are drifting

towards an island ( he wants to hear the quote from dantons- never go ashore
with the anchors in the hawse).

Action in case of grounding.
Bridge eqpt - Magnetic compass- what are the coefficients, how will you correct a
magnetic compass, who does corrections for the magnetic compass.
ECDIS- what to do if you need enc for a place to divert and your contract for chart
supplier has expired.
Echo sndr – errors. GPS errors.
ETA- what is ocean towing and Harbor towing, what is the difference in the tugs,
what are the eqpts in ETA of passenger vessel ; draw the top view of the fwd ETA
and tug, What wire dia is used, who gives the wire to who, as chief how you know
when to reject the tow line, what should be the MBL of the tow line, what is
bollard pull, how to calculate it.
Various cards, ROR situations, buoyage system, isolated , special mark ,safe
water mark buoys as per cards.
Voyage planning as per chief officer, important consideration for the voyage...
Factors necessary for formation of trs, what is buys ballot law...just becoz

pressure fallen below 5mb u will consider formation of low pressure...not


necessary how will u confirm it at that tym????

Navigation in high which all vessel apply....what is ice class

vessel...types of ice... what should b the thickness of ice considered safe for
Prepare checklist for vessel arrival port...
Prepare checklist for any one Emergency experience on board...
Tides and ocean current
Action as chief mate for grounding...

Ice patrol, Ice accretion, Factors for ice accretion, Ice limits,

Weather Routing, shore based weather routing,

3-4 ror cards and buoys, hygrometer,
dew point, sweat, ventilation, few more meteorology questions, F1
tide and current, why some places in India has high tide more comparative to
other places, No rules or ROR situations

Gave me a paper and asked me to draw ETA,

While drawing he asked as per which regulation,

I said SOLAS chapter and regulation I don't remember,

He gave me SOLAS and asked me to find out, it was in chapter 2.

He asked me why is it chapter 2 and not 5.

Requirement for ETA deployment, I answered.
He was not satisfied. He wants exactly what is quoted in SOLAS.
Again asked me to read from SOLAS.

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Quote 6,13,17,19.
Define Nautical Mile
SRIVASTAVA Errors of Magnetic Compass
How will u correct Magnetic Compass

Methods of finding Gyro Error.

Weather routing,

Passage Planning as Mate.
Routing charts, Wx Fax, TRS
Auto Pilot n controls of Auto Pilot
Emergency Steering. Significant wave height,
Freak wave, abnormal wave, Tsunami, Odas bouy, Tsunamic alert system.
Duty as chief mates (basically he wabts to hear as per stcw nav, cargo n shipping)

In singapore strait rv wht safe speed wd we maintain

Cards- grounding day signal, also anchor v/l signals

Magnetic compass adjustment (only wants to hear as per solas)
Gyro error adjustment
Grounding action as chief mate, ERS.
-Weather routeing in North Pacific during winter's
-GPS fail
-Star sight calculation
-Buys ballot law

-Rule 5, 6


-Malcca staright passage precautions
-How will u determine safe speed in straits
-Heavy weather precaution
-How will you use weather information And how it's given
-Vsl disable how to connect towing in heavy weather
-Higher latitude navigation

Quote rule no 5, 6, 13 & 19.


Day cards. Night cards. Cardinal Buoys.

Voyage planning in detail. Anchor dragging, take action.

Allison with jetty while departure, actions.
What information is obtained from Weather routing charts.

1. How r south west monsoon formed (i knew he wud ask dat as now v facing
monsoon) 😜
2. Passage planning as mate, inputs to 2 off
3. ers, wat info v give at dep n arrival
4. Types of ice
5. Bore tide

6. 2 cards

7. 1 narrow channel situation. Own vsl pd overtaking sailing. If sailing vessel


stopz wat wil u do. Ans is rudder cycling

8. What is rudder cycling
9. What is occulusion. Draw n show
10. Types of ice
11. Gyro erratic in high lat. Y. With formula
12. Bearing discrimination in radar
13. U r mate n vdr service done. Wat chcks to b done. Mention u wil vil chk perf
stds as per solas
14. What is kick ahead

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1. Navigation in light ice precautions

SRIVASTAVA 2. Gyro maintenance onboard

3. Wat is dry n wet type methods used for making gyro north seeking

4. ERS
5. Quote rule 6 n 19
6. Rule 10. How to join n leave TSS, what precautions. Aft i gave my ans he also

What is weather routing? Different equipments u use for it?

Quote rule 5, 6 and 19
Few situations on TSS and RV
Cards of NUC, CBD- day card, dredger, fish with persuine
Ur on watch and baro goes below 6mb?

How to determine location of TRS

What are weather routing charts and info u get from them?

Symbol of occluded front
Maintenance on mag and gyro compass
Why we prepare deviation card? Who does it and how?
When do GPS fails? He wants to hear the Jamming of signal and world war
Errors of GYRO.. and what is ballistic effect- i screwed up in this but he was ok..
said nobody usually is able to

1. Gyro

2. Magnetic principal

3. Sound signals with pencil

4 Cardinal marks without topmarks

5. Head on situation between 2 CBD . One coming out and other coming
in.Justification with rules
6. Use of Flinders bar

1. How does GPS work


2. Why is DGPS more accurate than GPS.

3. Explain VDOP and GDOP

4. Principle of working of gyroscope and gyrocompass.
5. 90-PZ =?
6. 90-Px =?

Explain what do you mean by ‘taking way off’

Explain Critical RPM

Master ashore you are at anchor and vessel anchored ahead of you is dragging
towards you very fast - Action

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You are using parallel indexing on radar and your gyro fails can you keep using
parallel indexing (Yes)
What does Signal NC signifies (Distress)
Explain 19(d) and 19(e)
What does all way off means in rule 19(e)
Two vessels head on both are CBD which rule applies
How many flashes are there in Quick flashing and Very Quick Flashing and how


Make South cardinal buoy

Vessel making way 180 and identifies South Cardinal buoy Action
Two vessels at anchor other vessel dragging anchor towards own vessel action,
Master gone ashore for medicals
Two PDVs crossing one of the vessel is give way but having 6 knots of following
current. Who will take action (He wants to hear there other vessel - stand on to
alter to stbd and take a round turn pass astern of give way vessel as the give way
vessel would be having less manoeuvrbility due to following current Rule 2
You are coming out of Japan, which buoyage system they follow and which buoy
colour would be at your port and stbd beam
Passage planning
Buy ballots law in detail
TRS approaching signs & avoiding actions?
Polar code? Date in force. Weather routeing.


Precautions as a mate while transiting polar regions.

Synoptic chart and prognosis chart in detail.

Piracy area? Precautions as a mate.
What is manoeuvring light?
Situation - PD VSL and towing VSL (what lights &symbol) narrow channel and
Another situation in RV.

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Lights for towing fishing trawler


Many situations cross questing


ROR - full index chapter wise section wise

-ROR index how many parts and sub sections how many rule in each section.
-tell me in brief about part 6 verification compliance and why it came into force.
-Lights for towing vessel,crossing from port ur action risk of collision exist and as
per which rule. Cross question

-You see two red light in a line above white light what type of ship ur action.Cross


-Nuc light,she dropped anchor which lights.

-differce between Doppler log and electromagnetic log.
- what is Navtex explain in detail Navtex msg transmission format.
-dimensions of shapes spacing between them.
-more cross question on lights and situation.

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1. ROR Situations -
- Trawler crossing from port - Action, what lights will you see.
- A tug towing alongside crossing from port - Action, what lights will you see

- Contents of ROR

- New Part and it’s purpose?
2. Vertical and Horizontal difference between lights?
3. What difficulties will you face when in high latitude areas?
4. Why will the Magnetic compass show an incorrect reading? Why will there be
less directive force in high latitudes?
content of ROR
annex of ROR in detail( Vertical and horizontal separation of light) he was mainly
into annex only give me situation: me on pdv and trawler on port bow, identify
the light, what actio, according to which rule.( he want to know according to
which rule and which paragraph).

No ROR cards.. various situations wrt nuc, ram, cbd and vsl aground didn’t asked

to quote the rules dimensions of shapes and their separation errors of eco

sounder and Doppler log.
Advantage of Doppler log wrt other speed log.
Vsl rolling and pitching, effect on speed on vsl. how long will show the speed.
Gyro compass error( give formula), properties of gyro compass.
Steering failure action, follow up and non-follow up.
Why part f of colreg came.. and what cam which was not earlier.
Started with introduction.
Will ask written result too.
What were the subjects for phase 2 written exams?
1. ROR situation pdv crossing from Port bow. What lights shown by Target vsl?
(When u say alter stbd so as per which rule u will not alter port).
2. PDV pushing alongside. Lights for pushing vessel and being pushed. (Did not
show ROR cards. He had model of ships kept with him. Only described vsl and

asked what lights shown).


3. NUC vsl lights and shapes separation between them.

4. Annex 1 separation of mast head lights
5. How many rules in ROR. What are the additional ones which part and what is
Part B.
6. Navigation in Polar Water. With respect to nav equipments.
8. Gyro compass and magnetic compass not functional at high lat. Why? (Explain
damping error and steaming error w.r.t formula, and explain why directive force
is zero at poles).
9. Tele-motor, hunting gear.
10. Synoptic charts, Routeing charts
1. ROR situation pdv crossing from Port bow. Roc. Action as per which rule. What
lights shown by Target vsl.
2. Towing vsl same situation. Action. (Towing vsl not RAM) Lights.
3. Trawler same situation. Action. (Wants to hear if you can alter to port or not)
4. Pdv pushing alongside. Lights. (Did not show ROR cards. Only described vsl
and asked what lights shown)

5. How many rules in ROR.


Why additional rules came. What was the need.


6. Doppler log principle.

Cross questioning. SOG STW obtained by doppler.
7. Navigation in Polar Water. With respect to nav equipments.
8. Gyro compass and magnetic compass not functional at high lat. Why? (Explain
damping error and settling error w.r.t formula, and explain why directive force is
zero at poles)
9. Explain follow up and non-follow up.
10. Positioning of masthead lights (be thorough with Annex)

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- Started with crossing situation with pdv. What is rule 17d?
- Situation with pdv and trawling
- Lights & shape of trawler of 100 m in length
- How many rules in Ror, New added rules, why they added and what is the need
of verification of compliance.
- Vertical separation between head light, horizontal spacing between mast head
- Height of side light wrt to Aft mast head light

- Types of steering gear


- Mechanism of NFU wrt to steering platform

- What is synoptic charts
- Practical cut of lights explain with diagram alongwith intensity
- What is Col?
- Weather associated with col
- How SW monsoon occur?
- Problems in high latitudes
- What will happen to magnetic compass wrt latitude(went in deep)
- Gyro wrt to speed
- Drifting and tilting
- Why gyro and magnetic behave ineffective in high latitude

Situation. Identify the light of a towing vessel on the port side and take action

2 situation. Identify the light of a trawler vessel on the port side and take action

What is a synoptic chart

Drawn the symbols of col , cold and warm from admin the synoptic chart
How are navigation equipments affected in higher latitudes. Some cross
questioning on the gyro and magnetic compass.

Trawler of length more then 50m underway wat lt it will show?

If same vsl on ur port bow crossing situation.

U have power driven vessel port bow not taking action. Wat will be ur action.

Precautions in higher latitude with respect to navigation.

LRIT data. How will it be transmitted? How you will receive it?
When can coastal state ask for LRIT data & how?
What is limit for LRIT data for coastal state

1. Contents of ROR
2. Vertical position of side lights as per ROR.
3. Vertical difference between mast head light
4. Trawler Vessel lights
5. One trawler on port crossing situation Action. (Wants to hear if you can alter to


6. Two Red lights Identify Vessel.


7. What is synoptic chart.

8. Routing chart and info
9. ASD & info in it.
10. TRS Avoiding action
11. Difficulty in POLAR region?
12. Why magnetic compass & Gyro Ineffective?

Polar Navigation difficulties


Lights for Trawler and Towing vessel


Situation with Trawler (Trawler on port side -- tell lights and then action )

NUC vessel lights and shape

Why magnetic compass behaves erratic on high latitudes
Failure of steering gear. Action?

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Which company, how many ships, type of ship and cargo.
1. Have u done dry dock. I said yes.
Y class surveyor is present at docking of the ship.
Who other person are der while docking of the ship.
As a mate duties in dry dock
What is class? Wat is renewal survey and den he asked me wat is special survey.

Basically he will keep u asking on everything u say. U should av idea of wat u



What is condition of class. Many y?
Y we go to dry dock? Wat requirement , wat if we don't go, ?
2. What are statutory cert. validity of each, wat to renew them?
3. ISM cert any docs onboard.
4. What is major nc and nc, wat happens to the certificate?
5. How ISM cert are interrelated. Many y???
6. What all work is done in drydock. Related to anchor, how u do it? Wen a anchor
cable will be discarded? Many why?
-South Westerly monsoon
-Why India is operating on area 3
-Gmdss requirements for area 3
-Epirb alert how help in search and rescue.. who all recipients of this
-Polar navigation
-Gyro and magnetic errors in higher latitude
If both are having this error.. how will you navigate then?

-Trawler of 100mtr in length.. what lights


-Horizontal sector

-Practical cut off
-Vertical sector of lights
-side lights position
-fwd masthead lights positioning
-crossing situation with trawler, tug
- radar inoperative, clear day vl is on port side converging
- now u r on that vl.. radar is inoperative.. how will u know wether overtaking or
crossing.. now tell me aspect of that stbd vl
- what is LRIT, Why it is introduced
- If your flag state want information of other vsl how they will get it
Two red lights ahead action ; identify making way or not Practical cut-off of side
Vsl trawling more than 50m what lights she will show, she is in port side roc exist
..... action!

What is running moor he asked to explain ship model .


North cardinal buoy seen sight ahead action , what lights buoy will show.

RoR Dulles how many parts

Sections how many
What are synoptic charts
Problem faced by Ships in polar region , gyro/ magnetic problem in those waters?
Annex 1
1.Mast head lt specification .. as per him lt is not above hull and not even cont
upp deck .. dont know which word he want

2.What is lux

3.What is candela ... define candela ...


4.Why mast hd lt should be distinguished from 1000 mtr .... why 1000 mtr only
5.Manoeuvring lt characteristic and why only 2 mtr above or below where diff
between fwd and aft is 4.5

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1. Card (one) R W R and RR and GG LIGHT.

2. Right ahead In night two red light, possibilities of vsl and action.
VIBHUTI 3. Certificate of register as per which regulations/convention.

4. Situation IN TSS PD vsl crossing from stbd to port action.
5. Approaching to port collided with buoys, action.
6. Citadel drill how to carry out.
1. Scharnov turn draw and explain. (Wants to see the drawings are made
accurately. Doesn't appreciate rough drawings).
2. Explain track line search.
3. What lights will PD vessel towing show if length of Towing vsl is 190m, dist
between towing vsl and tow is 60m and length of towed vsl is 130m. (Wants to
hear 3 masthead lights as length less than 200m).
4. Definition of towing light.
5. You are in the 135° overtaking sector of tow and coming up from behind her. If
there were no obstructions which other lights would u see. (Stern light and
Towing light of towing vessel).
6. In above situation her speed 11kts ur speed 12 kts. Range 4 miles What's ur
(As m overtaking it's my duty to keep clear. Said I will overtake from stbd).
He added if ur course is on port side what will happen. (Overtaking will take
around 5 hours N if course is port side I wil overtake from port).
7. Coming out of port after passing last buoy u saw red over white and green
sidelight. What’s your action? (Wants to hear since it's pilot vessel it may be
underway but stopped or making way so I will observe first and then take action
Then he said it's stopped now how wil u pass it. So I (Will watch where it's drifting
and preferably pass astern so if he starts engine suddenly won't be a concern for


8. Drew Tgt vsl on my vsl's stbd beam with range 3 miles. Which situation and
what action?

(Wants to hear broad alteration to stbd and it can be achieved as it's less than my
vsl's turning circle)
Now u r on tgt vsl what is ur action.
(Wants to hear if I have to take action I wil not alter to port for PD vsl on my port
side as per rule 17)
9. Above situation in RV. (When he puts u on tgt vsl in RV closely check his
drawing as the heading of the vsl is such that our vsl appears on beam but is
actually fwd of the beam).
10. Drew tgt vsl on port bow slightly out of range of head on situation, both vsl
speed 15kts and approaching with CPA 0.5 cables to stbd and range 5miles.
Master orders to maintain atleast 1mile CPA. Action?
(As per him as both vsls have to take action to avoid collision so correct action is
to wait for tgt vsl to take action n if she doesn't then let tgt vsl come on bow
crossing heading then widely alter to port and give 5 short n rapid blasts).
11. In Narrow channel engine unavailable for next 24hrs. Depth outside stbd
side of channel is 100m and port side is 10m. Ur draft is 11m. Master dropped
anchor near stbd side. U come on bridge and find anchor dragging what is ur
action. (Doesn’t want to hear dropping second anchor as when u say it he wil tell
u now u came on morning watch and found vsl aground all around).
What is ur action? (After mentioning grounding actions if u mention use of tide he
wil tell u now 3m tide has refloated the vsl and it is aground further inside land
also vsl is fully loaded so no deballasting. (Wants to hear will call tug at night only
when dragging anchor to hold position).

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Clear visibility vsl 15* on port 8NM
Den u see 15 min later same 15* but appears lil big
Same after 30 min 15 * but appear lil more big, Action?? Which rule?
Crossing situation n head on stuff few normal situation.
U leave from port master leave u on bridge saying m going to wash room I'll
come after. 10 min
U see red over white action


U sea green side light action

Now u see white over red
Again u see green light
utopilot alarms
What all will b effected
Gyro failer acton what equipment effected
What happens to Radar
How will u take brg
Few more question
-you are on PDV, and towing a vessel in distress. What lights will you show?
-same situation, what lights if you are a normal towing vsl?


-vsl on port bow, at 6nm, bow crossing at 3nm, cpa 5 cables. What action?
-autopilot errors, rudder setting and setting on your ship

-RV, vsl on port quarter, what action
-what lights will u see if you are overtaking?
-engine breakdown, vsl drifting and running aground...what action?

-Actions on grounding.


- How to drop second anchor and by how much if vessel immobilised and at
anchor,dragging towards shoal.

- Radar usage on gyro failure.
- Compass co. To steer in case of gyro failure & chart changes (ie: Variation)


Compass heading: 210
Variation 3 deg west
What will be your action (wanted to hear what magnetic course u will stear) ?
You are in same condition going from one chart to other and variation changes in
other chart what course u will steer now. Calculate accordingly and answer.

A vessel approaching from 25 degrees on ur port side range 5 miles and CPA of

vsl is 6 cables on our stbd both vsls speed 15 knots. other is not taking action ?

Open sea master decides to switch off both radars. u see a target brg constant
and range very slightly decreasing. 30 min brg constant and range very slightly
decreasing. Ans is overtaking situation. We are overtaking
Gyro fail what all equipments affected? And how?
Radar failure. Action. Situations in Radar after failure. How do you take a bearing
after it?
Few more questions/situations from his set. (Pawan
GYRO FAILS GYRO Heading: 300 compass heading: 310 variation 3 deg west.
What will be your action (wanted to hear what magnetic source u will stear) you
are in same condition going from one chart to other and variation changes in


other chart what course u will steer now a vessel approaching from 25 degrees
on your port side range 5 miles and cpa of vsl is 6 cables on our stbd both vsls

speed 15 knots other is not taking action?

Open sea master decides to switch off both radars. u see a target brg constant
and range very slightly decreasing. as u start telling about roc things he will say
45 min brg constant and range very slightly decreasing not happy with answers.

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-Started off with Rule 13.
-No cards
-He prefers drawing on the paper
-Lights of all RAM


-Again 4-5 Situations on paper

-Annex I of ROR

-Then he drew 2 paper charts side by side .. ur course is from 1 chart to another
with different variation ... What will be the course to steer?
-On d Radar there r 2 targets, 1 on d Port 1 on stbd..Port one is clear but stbd is
close quarter, suddenly your Gyro fails what happens to Radar screen and how
will u monitor the bearing of the stbd target.
Various ROR situations .some of from Pawan notes... Answer given as per pawan
notes but he is not satisfied .
Gyro fails....what all equipment will hamper
How will you take compass bearing.... I explained him TMC but this concept was
new to him hence he didn’t satisfied

Gave various situations on Radar PPI in head up mode


Effect of gyro failure on ECDIS

Drawn towing vessel and tow on paper and asked me to draw lights
Towing light definition
Overall he is not satisfied....
Example: In ROR situation I said alter course to stbd he said wrong then i said
alter to port...again wrong.
I asked what is answer.... then he said alter to stbd....then i said initially i said
stbd only .... No reply...proceed to next question

Various ROR situation. Lights.


Gyro fail. What happens to radar?


What all equipment’s will be affected?

Anchor drag. Ship aground your action.
Ship port quarter aground.. Ur action (list to stbd)
Ground tackle. Using anchor as ground tackle

ROR situations 5-6. ame situations in RV. Few Cards.

Rule 8, 19, 10. Mag 309 Gyro 300 Var 5w Steering failure.. what mag course will
you pursue. Now Var has changed to 1E what's the mag course.
Radar trails and trail manoeuvre. Limitations of radar.
BCR and BCT related situation( bow crossing range/time)

Steering gear alarms and failure action. Auto pilot failure and alarms.

Default settings on autopilot. How will you assist master in passage plan?
Dynamic UKC six factors of calculation.
IMO PS for VDR, where do you get that( luckily I knew the circular number so he
left that midway). VDR SVdR difference.
Lat 40 N at Winter solstice , Altitude of sun at merpass.
Passage plan in RV, Critical areas.
How will you define a critical area in Navigation. Rule 19 explain.
Master in capitated in Navigation critical area.

Various situations and deep questioning. RV.



Effect of Gyro failure on radar, Action?

Gyro fail then what compass heading to steer , given Dev?

Search pattern? No cards.

Questions on Radar vector’s understanding.

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1. You are coming out of port and you see white over red light just one mile away
, what is your action ? How will u come to know if she is making way or stopped?
Which vectors you will use? Difference between sea stabilised and ground
stabilised mode? Which do you prefer and why?
2. Gyro hdg- 205, Magnetic -195 Var- 4w gyro fails , now what magnetic course
will your steer ? Answer: 195. Now you enter a new are and variation is 2E now
what new course you will steer?
3. If gyro fails how will u take bearings? What will happen to radar?
4. Restricted visibility u have a vessel on your port bow on collision course your


5. Clear visibility and same situation.

6. You are at anchor engineers carrying out repairs and engines not available for
next 12 hours, your anchor is dragging what is your action?
7. Same situation continued and now you are. Aground how will come to know
you are aground?
8. How will u clear your vessel from shoal patch without external assistance of
9. How do u find track spacing? What is the formula?
10. What are the search objects for Uncorrected sweep width? Have u seen that
table in IAMSAR?
11. How to determine bottom of the seabed without looking at charts? Some
more situations and his standard questions don’t remember other questions.
Narrow channel situation overtaking..
Sea stabilisation and vectors representation.
Magnetic compass co 300, Gyro co: 295 variation 4°W
Gyro fails – what happened to radar and vector
Gyro fails what magnetic course u will steer
Now u r entering a new variation area of 2°W what would be the mag co
Vsl on stb bow both side lights n mast head light visible. Action


Vessel overtaking from port qtr. Risk of collision exist. Action.

Same situation in RV. Vsl on stb bow in RV.risk of collision exist.

RV situation vessel overtaking, forward of the beam at a close range
Vessel anchored close to the shore anchor dragging action, engine
Unavailable. Finally vessel aground action. Anchor dragging.
Engine didn’t came and u beached on soft mud by astern wind strong
Gyro fail actions. Anchor dragging actions. Grounding actions.
how will u re float her(use both anchor as ground tackle de ballast to
change trim wait for tide). TRS. Southern hemisphere. Dangerous quadrant.
Navigable quadrant. Avoiding action. Veering and backing of wind.
Sailing vsl more den 100 m anchor lights

What is fishing boats, pilot boats,


towing vsl with d tow cards in full details nd situation


Rule 19
IAMSAR in detail
Collided with fishing vsl- action
ROR cards night signal and preferred channel.

Two crossing situations one in TSS and in other case narrow channel.

How to correct magnetic compass?


Principles of Gyro compass.

Errors of Gyro.
Responsibility of mate as per STCW code.

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Asked me to introduce myself then started with passage planning, what all
passage plan input u’ll provide to 2nd mate. Lashing to b checked in containers
and how.
Type of sextant and errors
Explain error of colimation
Errors of barometer and how to correct it,

In between questions like where is IMO, which river flows through lacknow was

F1 & F2
asked. How you will give training to yr cdt. On deck how will u verify that any
place is properly chipped. Which type of pain that you will be using & process.
Various codes and there contents (isgott, IMSBC, grain code, IMDG).
IMDG supplement content. N location of ILO
Asked me how many rules in ROR. Quote last rule. Who carry out audit on board.
In container ships how will u load cargo if lodicator fails. How to verify each
containers weight if it s correct.
Heavy lifts loading and precautions.
Bill of ladin. Mates receipt.
Asked what all ships did
He will get angry if Ans like 2nd mate
1. Fatafat 15 points loading 3 grades of cargo as mate( he wants Ans - loadline,
draft restrictions, channel restriction, ukc at berth, cargo density, temp,
segregation, cargo compatibility, max capacity allowed to load, stresses,
Make sure these point will be answered else it cost you
2. Breaking strength of mooring,
3. What is rope elongation and publication used for
4. No of turns on winch and which publications will refer

5. Now you are taking over

F1 & F2

FATAFAT what all documents will you check as mate( CRB, GRB, ORB, CHAIN
MANUAL, STAB CONDITIONS, these all to be added in your Ans)
5. Now taking over from mate what all you do with respect to cargo fatafat
6. Finally asked if you Ans this qstn correct then will give you both fun-
You are going out to to checks what all checks you do as a mate( start with you
out from accommodation - Natural vents and exhausts, wildon pump, deckseal,
pv breaker, pv valve indication, moorings( no of turns), gangway nets, freefrom
Greece, posters kept at gangway, sopep, shavealls and drip tray, pressure
gauges, overboard side- make sure all these added)
7. Asked msds and SSSCL imp points wrt to mate.
Few cards, What is lanyard (told what is given in Sagar samrat but he told its not
complete), Vessel collided how to assess damage and action as a Mate, What is

loadicator, how to test loadicator is showing accurate reading, How much error
F1 & F2

allowed in loadicator reading?, what is B/L and its function, why grain code and
BLU code differently given?
Chart symbols asked by Johori
All types of wreck, sounding doubtfull, lighthouse told to draw all.
Why do we apply seasonal correction in tide??
Fog signal NUC
Trawler light

F1 & F2

Now hauling nets light

What is red above white
Do u know imsb I said yes ok
How will u load iron ore in goa
What preacaution
Which notice( MS 9/2010)
Main points of it

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Lights of dredger?
he wants to here safe side to pass & obstruction side..

F1 & F2
As you have done all tankers i will ask you from bulk carrier ...
load port Goa ordered to load iron ore concentrate in monsoon season ... how
You will proceed to load? In which chapter you will find information for iron ore in
Rule 19 d and e quote n explain. Crash stop. Emcy stop. Magnetic compass
correctors. Why sphere ball wats its use? Gps principle.
How many satellites used for a fix? Action in TSS- both Steering motor failed
Asked me which all ship. Why loadline?
Criteria for it. Loading in tropical n heading summer- how much u will load?
I said upto tropical ... he confirmed if m sure?? I said i can load max to tropical LL
provided reaching summer i will b at summer LL keeping in account for
consumption of fuel n al i will load. He said no m not satisfied & you r forcing me
to go in deep. So he said ok take a hypothetical situation n gave me all details of
cargo fuel ballast n all.
And asked me to cal how much i will load!! I got stuck / thought now function


two gone- den i requested him for paper to solve he gave me one , luckily i got

F1 & F2
ma bag inside the horror room with me in which pen was der as he said as mate
u r expected to have ur own pen if u wana explain anything on paper - if i was not
having pen den definitely dis wud have made him more frustrated.
I solved it on paper n gave him answer he was happy and said why u guys always
need to paper to solve chalo atleast u knw the stuffs. Asked me again which ship
i said lpg. He said ok write down contents of Grain code on paper n show( by now
i thought he had already planned to take away fnction 2).
I handed ober to him the contents he checked and said nthng (I was worried cuz
it was not in sequence which i wrote). Explain VHM. And tuk my exn.. Said best of a good mate. He is also a nice guy as he listens all ur answer in depth so
basically he is not a guy of upr upr ka knwledge n doesn’t judge u with it. If u
knw the context n content den he will consider ur answer even if u missed out
something imp as he will stir ur brain till he Knws that u dont knw it for sure
Just don’t loose ur cool n answer him confidently.
Articles of Agreement? What are bi-party and tri-party agreements?
What is the difference between MLC and STCW work and rest hours?
What is the difference between risk and hazard?
What action will you take when a TRS is approaching?

What is Buys Ballots Law?

F1 & F3

Draw and explain how an air vent works.

What is LRIT? Can the coastal state get LRIT information? What is the maximum
range up to which a coastal state can receive LRIT information?
What are the latest amendments to MARPOL?
What is e-waste? What do you do with it?
Tell me about enclosed space entry procedure. What is a permit? What
information does it contain?

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Passage planning as a mate.
What is the purpose of a passage plan?
The stages of the passage plan.
You're en route from Japan to US west coast in the winter. Which route will you
take and what precautions will you take?
How will you prevent ice accretion on deck?
Tell me about Ship Reporting systems. When do you send them? What format?
What do you do when you deviate from your initial plan? Do you make a new
passage plan?
What are synoptic weather charts? Tell me all the information you can get from
them and their symbols.
What is tidal stream? What are the little diamonds that you see on the charts?
Which station are they taking as a reference?
Does the ECDIS and paper chart have the same datum? How will you transfer a
position to the chart with a different datum?
Tell me about the Aghulas current.
Errors of Gyro. What causes them and how can you rectify them?
How often do you test the autopilot? How do you test the off course alarm? What
is the principle of the steering gear? Draw the steering gear of your ship and

explain how it works when I give a helm of Port 10 from the bridge. What is a

F1 & F3
CSR? What is it affiliated to? When will you call the master?
Cardinal buoy characteristics.
What is a TRS? You're enroute to South America from Japan and encounter a TRS
in the Southern Hemisphere. Which way will you alter?(Towards the equator)
Can you reduce emission from the bridge? (Yes, reduce rpm)
What is critical period? What happens during the critical period?
Rules 13, 18 and 19.
ETA arrangement on your last ship.
Contents of STCW and what changes were made in the Manila Amendments?
Contents of COSWP? Who issues it? What is the latest edition?
What are statutory certificates?
As per what guidelines are ships constructed? (IACS).
Entries in the OLB. What is chain register? Who issues it?
What is ORB? What entries are made in Part 1 and Part 2? Do tankers have both
How will you train your cadet? What will you do if you find that the cadet is
depressed? ( he was like, nowadays lot of people are killing themselves over
trivial stuff).
How will you assist the master in decision making?
How will you assist the master on the bridge while anchoring?
How will you go about anchoring the vessel?
What happens to the anchor when it drags?
NSWMAns- not satisfied with my answer.
Same points he asked me what he asked me in my last to last attempt.
-Prep for coal loading carriage disch - NSWMAns
-prep for wood pulp loadingnot
-what’s CSM , its is for which vessels? As per which regulation NSWMAns
-categories of IMDG- switched to how many magazines-i cudnot explain the types


so NSWMAns
-Loadlines - which loadline does indian coastal belt has

-loading in a tanker - tank half loaded how will u calc quantity ?whats UTI
-what all criteria for ventilation of cargo hold -NSWMAns
-what is Bundling?
-difference between LOI & LOP
-suppose u have sailed out and cargo in your hold liquified , action , whats NOP ?
-Loadicator test explained all but again NSWMAns

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Chem tanker X cat cargo discharged. How will you proceed for tank cleaning?

AGARWAL Hazards of coal

Hold prep for coal

Sulphur caught fire in hold at port. Action
How to calculate max cargo that can be carried on board?

1) Define load density , broken stowage

2) Bill of lading and mates receipt in detail
3) How will you load coal -preparation of hold, precautions while loading
4) Imsbc contents
5) Draft survey calculations


6) Concentrates, Fmp, TML

7) How will u go about for making man entry in a crude oil tanker after

discharging - lots of cross questions
8) Imdg classification, segregation
9) Nop and lop
10) Angle of repose
11) Calculation of hourly rate on tankers if loadicator fails while loading gasoline?
All calculations
What are the things that can go wrong in a gas carrier and action
How will you determine max lodables

How will you do caro calculation in bulk carrier


How to find out constant

Significance of constant
How will you load dangerous cargo on bulk carrier
How will you load IMDG cargo
Does IMDG apply to Gas carriers and why ?
1. How do you calculate maximum cargo? Can we exceed load line? What are the
limiting factors?
2. Which all ship IMSBC applies to? Can you load all cargo written in IMSBC on
bulk carriers? How do you which cargo you can load? Can you coal on
all ships?
3. Stowage factor and load density? How will decide max cargo based on them?
4. Certificate related to cargo on tankers?
5. Group of cargo as per IMSBC. Group C cargo what hazards?
6. Shipper gave name of cargo which is not there in IMSBC Code? How will you


7. What all IMDG applies to ?

8. IMSBC as per which Convention? Which chapter of SOLAS says about IMSBC. F2
Latest amendments to IMSBC code?
9. Documents related to cargo on bulk carriers? document without which you
can’t even start loading?
10. Mates receipt, shippers declaration. Is shipper declaration mandatory? Which
11. Grain loading criteria.
12. Angle of repose? Angle repose of grain cargo?
13. Coal precautions during carriage?
14. Concentrates hazard?

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hazards of coal ? hold prep? sulphur hazard?
what is concentrate? hazards of it? how to load?
wet shift /dry shift? trimming of cargo? how is it done ?
whatnis angle of repose? why is grain code different when imsbc there ?
stowage factor? why draft survey in bulk and tank gauging in tankers?
broken stowage?
can you load heavy lift on ur ship? how will u load ? what happens to the g? ho
will u make sure you have positive gm throughout ?

what is fsc /fsm? what happens because of it ?


imdg vols ? emg and mfag ?

can you load containers on dry cargo ? as per csm ! , what is csm ? then what is
css. now how will u load steel cargo ? stresses on ship ?
iopp survey ? bl/mates recpt? isgott , why is it there ?
flamable range? diagram ? oil tanker precaution while loading ?
dirty oil/oil with low api , how will you load ? and precautions when on voyage ?
note of protest?
claims against chartere? lop
hazards of grain?intact stability criteria?doa?grain stability booklet ? volumetric
heeling moment ? DOC
1. Procedure for loading cargo on Gas Carriers
2. Is IMDG code applicable to Gas carriers
3. Requirement for DOC on Gas carriers

4. Intact stability requirement for gas carriers,where will you find it?

5. Cargo calculation process without loadicator.
6. Stiff ship and tender ship.How will you know if the ship is stiff or tender.
7. Is it possible to make a gas less stiff when completely loaded
8. what is the Solas chapter which mandates the IGC code for gas carriers.
-is IMDG applicable for bulk carrier, he said NO, hd little discussion on dat.
-cert required for bulk Carrier

-how will you plan to calc stowage of cargo


- vsl planned to load cargo from LA to Mumbai, upto wer home much max'm

cargo u'll load. No restrictions on any port.
-if vsl is hogged, fwd nd aft draft already submerged, still 10cm remaining at
plimsol, will u load or not, if yes, why..
IMSBC code

Potash hazards and how will you refer to IMSBC.


Though you were on bulk, did you carry imdg code..does imdg code apply to bulk F2
Vessel in Australia gets detained coz cargo of manganese ore was not
trimmed..what could the reason be?

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-IMSBC content (i just said few of them then he changed the ques ..(No need to
say in correct order )..
-How to load the container on a ship which is not designed to load the container .
-3 grades to load on a chemical tanker.
-where u will find compatibility chart on chm tanker.
-which all conventions applies for carriage of cargo ..( i hv not ans correctly)
-how to reduce a free surface effect on ship..

-how does kg affect by FSC .


-ship sweet

-diff between purging and padding
-draft survey in details
-loadicator not working wt action n from where u ll find out the sterss.
-wt is VEF
-wt is a the polymer cargo ..
-tanker calculation from start to end ..
-precautions to take to avoid static electricity..
-tell me something abt ODME And some more ques on tanker ..
1. How to make stowage plan gave me one cargo name ( arebian light )
2. How you will make sure that u will max cargo and ur not breaking any law
also .. (all loadline, FWA , DWA , bunker consumption funda .) and max filling
limits on what basis ?
3. Why there is no code for oil cargo? ( ALL TECH DETAILS ARE GIVEN IN ANNEX 1
4. To which vsl IMDG IS compulsory..
5. Then why we keep IMDG ON tanker?? ( HE JUST WANT,, TO FIND OUT MFAG
6. EXPLAIN IMSBC: (he wanted me to explaination that how u will load cargo
where to look what ... start from annex 1 of imsbc and which all things you

will get from individual schedule)


7. any relation between IMSBC and annex 5 Marpol : (HME / NON-HME GRB PART

8. Draft survey cal not much in detail
9. Stresses on ship due to cargo and from where you will find
10. How will you come to know that ur loading with in specific stress limits if
loadicator not working
11. No 2 cargo hold explosion ur action
12. How you will will calculate ur damage stability ?
13. Loadicator testing
14. What is BL and tanker need any BL
15. Types of BL u know
16. What is seaway bill ?
17. Mates receipt??
Why there is no mates receipt on tanker ? ( I DON’T KNOW )
Tues of ship have done asked chemical.....but asked more about bulk &

CSS code. IMDG segregation,


IBC content, Type of chemical tanker,


Chain register, Load density, SF,

Who will u load bulk cargo. Draft survey ....
Told steps ....found OK formula asked ...then moved to next
18. Concentrate loading and precautions,

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What is IMSBC code? What does it contain? Which ships is it applicable?
What is CSS code?
How will you load IMDG cargo on a car carrier? Which certificate? What are its
What are the types of separation as per IMDG code?

What is ship sweat and cargo sweat? Explain both.


What is Bill of lading? What is Mate’s Receipt? Does a car carrier have a bill of

lading? Why does it not have a Bill of lading?
How will you load containers on deck? Lashing system on a container.
What precautions will you take while loading Reefer containers? The set point
temperature of a reefer is -6 deg C and its return temperature is 4 deg C. What
are your actions as a duty officer?
What is ISGOTT? What information is given in ISGOTT?


1. Load cargo from Houston to Gujarat. All aspects of loading unloading carriage
with grain cargo

2. Mates receipt
3. Loading bulk cargo

1. Which cargo on last ship

2. What all precautions you will take during loading and discharging
3. Here he stopped in between and asked me where do you live , I said mumbai ,
where in Mumbai , I said chembur, then where in chembur I said vashi naka, and
then roughly he asked which stop before that .... I thought he asking general told
some stop which is major ....but he was seating with goggle map and saying why


are you giving wrong information and told me stop which is just before my place
...and saying don't have basic knowledge of your own place started saying don't

know anything and all ... Made me confused and then told me continue your
3. After listening this I was in coma mode...not able to continue further
5. In above continuation started asking formulas of ethylene, sulphuric acid,
some more can't recollect.( I was so disturb could not answer it properly )
4. Livestock details - I told in general for carrying animal and all....not satisfied
saying don't give general term.
5. How will you determine trim and what you will determine from trim?
Which ship? LPG.
Capacity in m3.
How you prepare for loading.
What all parameters you consider?
What if you found leak while loading... Action?


Which gasket is used on loading connection?

Why slow loading initially? How do you do that?

Min rate and max laoding rate of last vessel?

Fire hazard on gas tankers?
What is asphyxiation?
How do you calculate cargo on board? Which gauge? Can there be error in gauge?
What procedure after loading? What all documents chief officer sign?
What is letter of protest? Who signs it?
Prepare ship for departure after loading.
Content of IMSBC
Content of ISGOTT
Contents of grain code

What is IMDG code ans explain

How will you know what is the weight of container?

Angel of repose, Stowage factor

Bill of lading, Mates reciept
Docs required for carrying different types of cargo... I said for grain DOA... ImDG
k liye DG manifest, certificate for moisture content, TML, certificate giving detail
of cargo like stowage factor, any specific hazards etc

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Heavy lift precautions, how to determine COG of heavy lift,
what information to be supplied by shipper,

AWASTHI Cow requirement,

Cow operation and precautions,

IG requirement,
Cargo planning,
Loading without a loadicator, etc.
1. ISGOTT contents and explaination on MFAG and EMS
2. Grain code
3. Bundling criteria

4. Precautions prior loading, during loading n after loading on container ships


5. VGM

6. B/L features ( in leagal terms)
7. Mates receipt
8. LOP and NOP
9. CSC plate info
10. Container lashings
As usual Awasthi started with some GK questions
Where are you from as i am frm kolhapur he asked me Kolhapuri Chappal is
famous so why it is famous, what spcl about it? How u don't know?
Which vsl u sailed, i did crude oil tanker
How will calculated stability of the vsl without Loadicator

What all precautions you will take while loading, carrying and unloading cargo?

How you will prepare loading plan? What all info you will get from shipper?

What is ullage? How to measure ullage? Full form of UTI?
How UTI works? What is ISGOTT? What all info it gives? How many content? Which
is the 1st Chapter?
Have you seen lashing manual? What info it gives? How will you load Heavy lift
Cargo onboard?
Content of Stability Booklet. What is NOP?
How will you collect evidence to file NOP?
Where are you from
Which part of goa
Which kind of ships u have done
How many chapters in isgott, which is 2nd and the last chapter
What is lpg carrier
Elements of grain code
IGC code contents


IBC code Contents

As a mate what all precautions you will take while loading, carriage, discharge of F2
cars in car carrier
What is effect if trim on stability
What is dunnage, uses of dunnage
How to load trucks in a Roro ship
Hazard in Roro vsls
How much fuel is required to be carried in the cars in a car carrier
Defn of fwd and aft perpendicular
Note of protest defn
Asked about LNG carriers
Asked me to draw and label all parts inside the LNG cargo tank and around
Then cross q on the material of construction of LNG
The loading procedure of LNG


About grain code

Some terms on dry docking

Like sholar and bilge block

Dry dock procedure
Prepare dry dock specks
IMDG how many books
IGC code

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Asked which all ships I have done
Types of chemical tankers, categories of cargoes, p and a manual,
entries in cargo record book, Contents of IBC code,

Precautions during loading-unloading-transit of palm oil cargo,


ISGOTT, Documents for loading IMDG cargo.

What is heavy lift and how will you load heavy lift,
Types of gas carriers, Livestock capacity plan. What is boat note?
Mates receipt? Bill of loading and types.
Difference between note of protest and letter of protest,
What are grain heeling tables?
He will not ask those ships which u have done.
Before loading cargo how will you go about stability of ship if loadicator fails??
IMSBC code cross questions.

IMDG code.

How do u know if any container loaded has correct weight??

Angle of repose?? How do u know loaded cargo has correct angle of repose?
Bundling?? Cross question on that.
As a mate how will you prepare your vessel before loading if loadicator fails how
will you calculate SF BM manually? Timber code.
Draw timber loadline?
ISGOTT content. How to maintain LNG temperature.

Lots question on LNG. How to prepare arrival in port.


Procedure of loading in details. How to monitor temps of tanks.

Draw cross section of tank and explain. What is insulation.
What is invar, perlite. Membrane material.
Formula for methane Ethan propan.
Which type of ships u sailed on? LPG
Molecular formula for propane, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol?
Draw midship section of your last ship?
Questions based on figure- Working of deepwell pump?

Material of pump shaft? What is invar?


What are antirolling chokes? How will you make cargo tank entry?

How will you check Oxygen content in the tank?
What u will do if oxygen analyser is giving wrong reading?
Working principle of oxygen analyser?
Procedure of COW? What is pitch of cow machine?
How will you reduce time at dicharge port during COW?
Parts of ISGOTT? Contents of IGC code? What is MARVS?
Ask me you did only bulk so do you have any idea about ISGOTT... told him
purpose and content .... satisfied
What are the precautions carrying Urea .... told him whatever I can .... kept on
asking anything else ... I told I don’t know more....
MS act reference number when carrying timber from kandla
MS act reference number when carrying grain from Mumbai


Draw GZ curve ..... what is on X axis Y axis... how you get GZ ( told KN - corrected
KG )

From where you get KN

What all information you get from GZ curve ....
than asked me why you draw line 57.3 dekh that intersect tangent drawn to the
curve for finding initial GM .... I answered because 1 meter radian is 57.3 ....
What is angle of contraflexure.... couldn’t convince him .... he started explaining
to me what it is....😆 he was in a very good mood today so lucky for me
Angle of loll and remedial actions

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What is grain code. What information you get from grain code?
Hazards of Grain. Loading of Heavy Lift.
IMDG code. How to go about loading IMDG cargo on a container vessel?
Bundling of grain surface. Why it is done? How it is done? He need strength of
lashing material and all that?


What is GM solid?
What is Free Surface Correction?

What is Free Surface Moment?
Why it is called Moment?
Where you get it from?
What is Lashing Code . have you used it?
I told it’s not applicable to bulk and liquid cargo and as I have done only bulk
haven’t used it but I have seen the book while preparing for the orals

How will you proceed with loading on your ships cargo?


What if loadicator fails?

Contents of intact stability booklet.
Angle of repose concept. Grain loading.

What is ISGOTT?

What is Grain Code?


Bulk carrier prior loading procedures.

What is "FRAMO"?

What maintenance is carried out on Framo pump?
What is cofferdam?
What is Note Of Protest?
VHM, Nop, Lop
Timber lashings
Cargo difference.. what to do?


IG failed while discharging?

Why to inform master if IG fails, what’s the legal implications?

Contents if mate receipt? (Don’t know what he wants to listen...told him name
cargo quantity condn..still he said some legal term?
What does ISGOTT tells about high oxygen content?
Contents of IMSBC?
1. Volumetric heeling moments and grain loading precautions, preparation of
hold for grain loading.
2. Bundling and specifications of separation cloth. Y bundling done, DOA for

grain in full detail.


3. CSS code use and contents.


4. Imsbc code application and how to use.

5. As a mate how will you ensure safe carriage of cargo.
6. Cargo documents on bulk carrier.
7. Mates receipt, BL, note of protest.
8. What is dunnage, use of dunnage, how to place dunnage for steel coil loading.
Asked me which ships have i done, i said product and chemical tankers
- Things you will you do as a mate to make sure your ship crew is not affected by
the cargo you are carrying on the chemical tanker.
- Types of chemical tankers

- Categories of chemicals as per MARPOL


- Preparations to be done before loading operations

- Number of chapters in ISGOTT

- How will load a heavy lift if it is exceeding the load density of your deck
- What is 4X4 ( i was not very sure , i said dimension of dunnage used, he just
smiled... if anybody knows please share)
- What factors will affect the ‘allowable heeling moment’ of a ship which is to
carry grain (Stumped! If anybody knows, please share)
- What is VGM and the amendment associated with it ( dint know )

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Last times failing questions.
What is critical Temperature?

AZAD Why is is important for us?

What is Coke?

What are the hazards of coal?
While carriage of coal during voyage, fire in hold, action?
Then he asked lot of vessels do not have hold fire fighting system even when
they are carrying coal, how and why?

1) What is a DOA and the regulation regarding the same.


2) Can u carry a cargo if a ship does not have a DOA?

3) How will you carry out load testing of cargo lifting gear and at what intervals?
4) How will you perform dynamic testing of Lifeboats?

VGM regulation
Maximum loadable quantity hw will u decide

Tanker line up

Tanker topping up

Tanker loading rate determination
Tanker topping up rate determination
Vef wat is the factor
Ullage calculations
how u do draft survey...
why draft survey not applicable for tankers...
load density can we load more than it...


precaution for heavy lift while loading...

preparing for concentrate loading....

height of pv valve mast riser..
two independent means of venting system...
charter send msg to load cargo in chemical tanker which is not mentioned in
diff between inerting And purging
Talk about the grain code and why do we have it?

After some bad weather your vessel has listed, action ( Same grain vessel)?

Contents of the IMSBC code?

What are the dangers when a cargo liquefies?
What are the things you will look for when loading crude oil?
What are the dangers of double hull oil tankers?
How will you go about loading grain?
What will happen when grain will shift?
What happens when ship heels to the KG, KM...and then went too deep into
it..around 15-20 min grilling on stability with diagrams. How will you prevent
grain shift?
Can you eliminate grain shift? What things to keep in mind when loading


What will happen to the KG, KM when cargo shifts (not heel)..and again around 15

mins grilling on stability with diagrams. Explain the process of static electricity
What are the precautions to take? What if you don't have IG? When will you use IG?
Do all tankers have IG? What are the regulations for same? Carriage of IMDG class
Stowage and segregation of Class 1 in detail. Hazards in loading a heavy lift and
precautions you will take. What will happen when the vessel lists while loading
heavy lift? Kept on asking anything else ?

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1) What is grain and Bale capacity
2) Timber Lashings Specifications
3) Spike crude ,Sore Crude
4 ) Container Lashing System
5) What is Polymerization
6)What is AOR,load density


7 ) Reason for Spontaneous combustion in coal

8)Avoid Static electricity in COW

9) COW procedure in Details
10) Amendment of ISGOTT
11) Inerting and Purging
12)Hazard of RO Ro
13) What is Boat Note
14 ) Grain loading criteria
15) What is Wet Shift and Dry Shift
1. Documents for cargo claim again.
2. Undocking precautions. Most important point for him - Stability condition to be
same as wen we entered
3. Navigation light maintenance
4. Navigation lt. Arc of visibility
5. Document and plans for dry dock
6. Anchor PMS (wanted some specific point was very angry cuz I didn’t say his


7. CO STCW duties (told him all points as Pawan but was not satisfied) he wanted

2nd in command after Master, head of deck department.
8. Oil spill during loading
9. Anchor dragging action (wanted some specific points .he didn’t tell me)
10. Vessel grounded action
11. Intact stab requirement
12. How will u motivate the crew?
13. What training u will give the crew on tankers.
14. Explain PMS on board ur last ship
15. SF and BM explain
1. Load density
2. Stowage Factor and Broken stowage. What is the relation between them.
3. Can u load a cargo with higher load density if ur ship is less (Yes if I divide the
load by keeping dunnage).
4. Dilution and Displacement method. When to use dilution and when
displacement explain?
5. Iron ore loading before, during and after precaution.
6. Cargo inhibitors explain
7. What is the stress measuring device and what are the main documents
required for it.

8. Polymerization explain

9. Cargo claim documents


10. Trim and Stability booklet content. he want in sequence.

11. Define Heavy lift.
12. What precaution to be taken when lifting heavy lift.
13. Loadicator testing procedure and frequency
14. Segregated and clean ballast tank difference
15. Advantages and Disadvantages of COW.
16. What all checks you will carried out on loaded oil tanker while sailing.
17. Contingency plan for oil spill while loading.
18. What is the difference between hazardous cargo, dangerous and harmful
19. Deck seal use
20. Is RORO vessel safe? Explain.

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1. Load density
2. Stowage Factor and Broken stowage. what is the relation between them.
3. Static accumulator oil.
4. Dilution and Displacement method. when to use dilution and when
displacement explain.
5. Coal loading before, during and after precaution.
6. TML and hazards of coal. methane emission is imp for him.
7. What is the stress measuring device and what are the main document required
for it.
8. IMDG is for which cargo.
9. Name the Supplement of IMDG all 6.


10. Trim and Stability booklet content. he want in sequence.

11. Define Heavy lift.

12. What precaution to be taken when lifting heavy lift.
13. Types of Chemical tankers as per IBC code. be specific on terminology.
14. Difference between PV valve and PV breaker. and its working. main diff is pv
vlv for each tank and pv breaker is connected to common ig line he wants here
15. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cow.
16. What all checks you will carried out on loaded oil tanker while sailing.
17. Contingency plan for oil spill while loading.
18. What is the difference between hazardous cargo, dangerous and harmful
19. Full form of RORO vessel. Hazards of RORO vessel
20. Is RORO vessel safe?
IOPP cert foram A n B, coal hazards, grain criteria,
Sampling points, how u wl load IMDG cargo,
Segregation content of CSM,
Inert gas alarm, CSS content,

subsidary risk, bilge cover disch along at cargo-tell issue note of protest,

boat note, clean mate receipt issue and cargo found damage wl u wl suggest

prep loadline survey, damage stability booklet content,
how u wl calc trimming of cargo to achv desire trim, grain st.criteria,
loadicator test procedure and accept error,
bracket damage action-issue LOP,
operator load damage cargo-action.
Grain code contents, imsbc contents,
css contents, how will u load reefer container,
bagged cargo, power supply off during loading action,

hazards of chemical tanker, loading on chemical tanker,


diff btw harmful & dangerous substance, dg manifest,


mates receipt, effect of trim on cargo,

loadicator fail action, sf bm calculation,
damage stability booklet how to use,
angle of repose of grain,
bulk code for which cargo, IMSBC groups, load density.
Told to write down previously asked questions.
Flammability diagram
Mates Receipt, Boat note


NOP and documents to be produced before notary.

Load density, TML

Action if cargo liquefied during sailing

COW advantages n disadvantage
Concentrates loading
IG related

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- ISGOTT contents and most imp chapter
- types of chemical tanker
- COW adv disadvantage


- heavy lift precautions before and after lifting

- concentrate def

- TML / FML def
- IG composition with percentage constitute
- types of BL and function of BL
- Diff between boat note and mate reciept
- Iron ore precautions
- Nop/ Lop/Loi def diff
Asked me to write all previous questions
Loading coal

Contents of CSM

Explain polymerisation

Loading plan of chemical tanker as i was from chemical
As per Regulation which reg MSDS.
Explosives stowage n types of magazines.
Now he asked his questions- composition of IG.
What do u mean by Contingency?
*Cow advantages and disadvantages
* PV valve PV breaker
* IG system


* How will you load coal?

* Loading of crude with high H2s
* Load density stowage factor
* Heavy lift and precautions and what info will you ask from shipper and what
declaration will it give.
* Documents that will be required for cargo claim
* Define load density and stowage factor snd it's unit and how it is in interrelated
* Hazards snd precaution s associated vth carriage of Coal
* Hazards and precautions associated vth carriage of iron ore and sulphur
* Define TML ; MC
* Hazard and precautions while loafing heavy weight
* Hazards and precautions of Logg loading

Asked me in details about log loafing lashing materials and their breaking

strength and holding capacity


* Contebts of Imsbc
*Contents of ImDG
* Contebts of Isgot
* Diffrebt type of cointainners and lashing used
* if loadicator fails.. Action (He needs to hear dat v hav a bckup Loadicator CD on
board dat to to be installed on other bridge pc as a backup)
* Latest amendments in ISGOTT
* Difference between LPG n LNG
IMDG applicable for what kind of cargo
Precautions when loading chemicals drums on ur Deck
Precautions for loading Heavy Lift


What all will you check on the heavy lift

Contingency.. Cargo Gear broken down (Mention will inform Master and Ch

Difference between LNG & LPG (Wants temp). Load density.
Stowage Factor. What is the density of Heavy Density Cargoes?
What is ISGOTT and whom does it apply to?

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1. VECS requirement.
2. ERS according to which regulation, which type of ship and size of ship,

BAWEJA 3. IMDG code applicable for which ship.

4. Primary and Secondary means of venting settings.

5. Loading of 2 grades of oil, which all documents, publications, codes, plans and
manuals to refer for loading.
6. Winch PMS and setting of brakes.
1. Last failing questions.

2. FMP, TML.

3. Documents for heavy life.

4. IMDG and supplement content.
5. Cow procedure.
6. Inerting and purging and reason for carrying out.
Statutory and mandatory certificates,
Form a and form b,

Oil record book,


Dry docking plan,

Drydocking is it mandatory as per which convention,
Chain register,
How will you slip cable,
PM's on anchor
Chemical tanker (type of ship I have sailed on).
Types of chem tankers. X-y-z categories.

Loading of palm oil. Caustic soda soln.


Sulphuric acid. Drying / inerting / padding.

How to gas free tanks? How to clean tanks for palm oil?
Segregation tables.
Venting system on tanker.
Hazards of palm oil.
Load density. Stowage Factor. Markings on container and CSC plate.
What is tare weight of container. What to check in reefer container?
What are Heavy lift precautions while loading?


DG Manifest. IMDG Code.

Segregation of IMDG. DOC – imdg.

IG contents. Lastest amendments to ISGOTT.
Boat Note. Types of dunnages.
Types of BL. What is Note of Protest and who and where it is lodged?
Lashing for timber cargo?

Amendment to ISGOTT


IMDG Segregation

And all his set questions

Secondary venting arrangements if oil tanker.

Grain stability, Time requirement for not of protest.


Steel coil precautions.. Heavy lift cargoes prec..


IMDG code and supplement.. LPG and LNG carriage temperature


Cargo securing manual… VOC, VGM,

Factor for loading IMDG container. Container markings.
Load density/stowage factor.

Amendment to ISGOTT


IMDG Segregation

And all his set questions

Secondary venting arrangements if oil tanker

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Which types of ships hav you done. I said crude oil tankers.
1) Types of BL
2) Reason for spontaneous combustion in coal ( Told him as per errol fernandes
3) What is NOP. If your ship is in Mumbai where you vl go to make a note of
protest (Initially I said high court, he started smiling. Then I changed my ans and
said I will ask the local agent to take me to the notary public. Looked satisfied.)
4)Heavy weather ballast requirement
5) Seachest pressure testing (3.5kg/cm2 for 15 min)
6) Paramount clause

7) Union purchase ( he wants to hear swl of the union purchase will be 1/3rd of

smaller derrick).

8) meaning of purging and inerting
9)Why do u carry out purging ( I told him purging is done to to reduce
hydrocarbon concentration in tank, then he asked what else. I was silent. Gave
me time to find out answer but finally he said bcoz shipper will tell u to do so)
10)Oil spill from slop tank. Action?
11) what is the purpose of equalizing valves in slop tank and how they are
situated in each tank?( to separate clean slop from dirty slop. One vl b at a lower
level than other one. Can also be used if one tank is overflowing.)
12. Three most important points in ship shore safety check list ( communications,
loading and discharge procedures hav been agreed and ESD arrangement)
13) overhauling of Pv valve
14) Amendments to Isgott.
1) What is Heavy Lift and Precautions during loading?
2) Difference between LPG and LNG?

3) ISGOTT changes? Changes to SSSCL?


4) VGM?? (He told to go to DG site for this)

5) ORB requirements?
6) Difference between RORO and Pure car carriers?
7) Chemical tankers' types? Explain the types?
8) Chain register and it's parts?
Angle of repose
Load density
Use of both
Bilges overflowing into the hold of iron ore, action - pump bilges out, inform
shipper and actions suggested, make for port of refuge since MC could be more


than TML
ISGOTT Contents and amendments
VGM and where can u find this- DG website F2
Convention of IGC code - SOLAS CH 7
What all consideration when loading a gas tanker to Max capacity- I said density
of cargo, loadlines, and drafts.. they seemed content
Coal loading and hazards
Sulphur loading and hazards.

BLU code contents


Shipper declaration info


What is solid waste bulk in imsbc.


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Tanker cargo calculation
Who you will calculate VCF
What is ocean loss?
While discharging can tank over flow
What is the use of dresser coupling?
What you will check in dresser Coupling (bonding cable and why)
IMSBC code full form
Types of IMSBC cargo
IGC code full form
Which IGC code chapter is imp to chief mate?

Pyrophoric oxidation

Checklist for COW

What all pre arrival checks as per cow? - only as per checklist.
Spiked crude oil and its use.
Primary and secondary venting.
Pressure setting of sensor (as secondary means of venting).
Name imp cargo documents you required for tanker.
Bill of lading what is there in first page.
Bill of lading what is written in carriage of contract.
Can you discharge cargo without bill of lading?
P &I club
P & I club involvement in cargo dispute.
Flame screen and flame arrestor.
IMDG detailed
Timber stability

Heel due to wind


How will u load class 1.1( wants to hear inform mmd prior)

Care on reefer cargo
Loadicator fails, how will load on bulk carrier in final stages to achieve 12.5 even
keel. ( Use trimming tables.. explain how to use it)
Load density
If carhi hold load density 10t and coil density load density 15t ..can u load??

Imsbc content
Heavy lift def and precautions

Cargo damage which docs required
Loadicator test
Can we load without DOA
Blue card,
Certificate of entry
Types of welding
What is TIG? What is the use of tungsten?
What is the use of slag?
Defects in welding caused by slag?
Marlpol regs effective from 2020
MGO reg. from 2020

D2 reg, ballast performance standard?


Tell me the contents Marpol Annex 1 apart from discharge criteria?


Tell me the contents of Marpol Annex 4 apart from discharge criteria?

Tell me the contents of Marpol Annex 6. Details of Nox/Sox technical manual,
Tell me everything that is covered by ISM? SMS onboard as per what reg?
What certificate issued as per ISM? Audit criteria for SMC?
Fund convention? What liabilities does fund cover?
Sound pollution convention? Where will you find duties of crew
Anti fouling convention? What is banned and permitted as per Anti fouling

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how to prepare load plan for car carrier
how to lash a car (standard car )

how to load a car ( not standard dimensions )

draft survey in details.

then he asked which ship u have prepared well expect car carrier. I said ask me
he said if I ask from tankers about spiked crude cavitation npsh curves and
phrophoric oxidation u want be able to answer.
IMSBC n categories under it
ISGOTT. Draft survey

Coal loading

Many other ship specific questions

MLC. Doc validity
Noise pollution:
MLC amendments
Lashing of timber carrier I told all lashings but he wants how much u will tight
hog lashing. I told I will keep it a bit loose later I will tighten it...but he says I also
know that....tell me how much will you tighten it?
Dimension of hog lashing wire and wiggle wire....

When is DOA supplied to a ship ...he don't want basic answer....he wants answers

as per chief mate. Who supplies DOA.

How will you order nav bulb? I told about impa and all..also about filament and
all....he wants volt...I told I will ask E/O...
He made pig face.... 3rd mate calls u on watch .....and he will give u situation and
some buoy around and 2 mile CPA... Take action take action take action fast he
keeps on moving the target towards u he is telling u have no time to think.....

1. Dry dock.. Documents required.


2. Anchoring procedure when tight space. Explain in detail. Draw.


3. MARPOL annex 1 - oil record book for cargo entries

4. Drills frequency. 5. Ship shore checklist 6. Duties of mate as per ISM 7.
Load line survey, what will you check as mate?

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1. Tell me about the different pumps you know of.
2. What is NPSH?
3. What is cavitation?
4. What information will you get in the stability booklet?
5. You as a chief officer on chemical tanker have received a query from charterers
to load 4 different cargoes. Prepare a stowage plan for the same. He wanted a
detailed answer.
6. What is polymerisation?
7. What is putrefaction?
8. What is rollover?
9. Hazards of gas tankers
10. What all information provided in shippers declaration for solid bulk cargoes

11. What all information provided in individual schedules for solid bulk cargoes in

12. You see smoke coming out of an IMDG container on your watch. What action?

I said will first immi refer to the DG Manifest, he cut me short and said your cadet
lost it, what now? I said will identify the class of the container from the placard.
(Had read this from one of his previous sets). He just laughed.
13. What is COGSA?
14. Which are the rules which govern COGSA and multi modal transport Act? Had
no idea about this.
15. What is FOB, FAS? No idea again. He told me these are INCO terms but said at
ur level i can understand but not for a masters candidate.
16. On arrival discharge port, receiver asks you to discharge his 1200 m3 parcel,
will you? I said will ask for the B/L stating its his parcel. He asked no B/L, what
now? I said wont discharge. Will contact charterers and owners.
17. What is a LOI? Does it hold any value? I said from a shipper it doesnt. He
asked and from a receiver? I hesitantly said yes. Guys does it? Just want to
1. What was the dimensions of cargo line in last vessel?
2. COW line dimensions, how cow is carried out, beginning to completion


3. Grain code, doa, how to load without doa

4. Heavy lift planning

5. Loading procedure diff bw oil tanker and lpg
6. Ship type IGC AND IBC
7. how to load chemical or product on crude oil tanker, tank preparation
Which plans u will refer to load general cargo.
What info u get from rigging plan.
Hazard of loading Concentrate, what precaution u will take when loading
Concentrate that was lying on jetty for a couple of weeks, what is TML, test
procedure for determining moisture content in cargo, what all info shipper will
give you.
What is ISGOTT, contents of ISGOTT,
What is static electricity, what precaution u will take against it?


What is load density, tare weight, where will u get these info.
What is loadicator, what info you get from it?

How will you ensure that loadicator is working satisfactorily?

What will you do if loadicator if not working?
How to calculate SF /BM of vessel without loadicator?
Marpol Annex 5, what measure you will take to implement the Requirements of
Annex5 on your ship.
Can u through plastic, dunnage overboard.
What is critical period, critical moment?
If You have list of 2degree on port side, and u load 200T of cargo on center line,
how will this effect list of ship.
Formula to calculate list.

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Stack wt,load density
Draw imdg segregation table

C.L.DUBEY Zinc concentrate loading preparation

Proof load, breaking strength,swl

Relation between swl and breaking strength
Heavy lift precautions
Static electricity
Chemical tanker tank cleaning
Information available on gen argmnt plan
Info given in IMDG pertaining to mate

Tanker loading... topping up in progress..chickson burst..action?


Types of heavy oil and light oil

P & A manual
What is FCL and LCL wrt container
Types of containers and explain them
What is electronic B/L
Grain Loding manual, ISGOTT content,
IMDG content and Class, MFAG,


EMS, What if DG container on fine?

Type of LPG. Draft survey formulas.

Caine Test. SWL proof load.
CSS content. CSM.
Precautions for iron Ore , DRI , Sulphur.
SWL of crane on last vessel?

Proof load of crane?


Crane test to be carried out, preparations for the surveyor?

During cargo operations ship listed 7 degree, Action?
During Cargo operations shore gantry broke and fell on vessel, Action?
Contents of DG manifest
Started with what is the proof load
10t crane and how much proof load
Prepare for crane survey you have 24 hours
Lpg grade change, loading of butane and propane
What docs you need for lpg


Can you burn lpg as fuel

As a mate what all you need to check for lpg loading

Docs for lpg
Can you jettison cargo
Oil spill during bunkering actions as mate (fn3)
Offical log book and sopep in relation to oil spill
How will you assist master in oil spill events
Grain stability
How will you prepare hold for grain loading after coal discharging CSC plate.
Proof load of 30Mt crane.
How will you prepare your vessel for crane testing various method of crane


Grain code content. Grain loading condition.

Will vessel load grain without DID.

CSS code content and how it will help chief officer

IMSBC code content. Group of cargo under IMSBC code.
Which chapter is more important for chief officer from IMSBC code?
Container segregation table. What is x in segregation table?
ISGOTT content.
What is difference between survey and audit?

What audit you did? How take external audit?


Various case of for Dredge vessel right ahead action.


Light fishing vessel shooting net and hauling net.

Can you load grain whose angle of repose more than 60.
What is maximum angle of repose till you load grain cargo?

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IBC Code
Flammability wants in detail

CHAND IMDG oiltankers don't carry...but why do u have that code as per which regulation
Crane markings (swl and what else) where can we find what markings to b there

Proofload of crane
Purging and gasfreeing what is more dangerous
BL (ans as per actual BL as seen on ships not notes answer)
LOADICATOR not working how will u calculate cargo + stresses
In detail ( college u did box shape ship what is in actual ship)
1) IMSBC code. Content n importance.
2) IMDG code.
3) CSS code.
4) Cargo securing manual.
5) Chain register.


6) ISGOTT content .
7) COW requirement.

8) Tare weight , Stack weight , CSC plate , Bay plan
9)Proof Load. ( carne SWL 20T)
10. Concentrate hazard n precaution.
11. Heavy lift lading preparation , precaution.
12. Oil spill action . Entry in which log book. Under which point you will mention
oil spill.
Bale capacity, load density, stowage factor.
CSS code. CSM.

How will you load different grades of cargo on oil tanker?


Different types of oil tanker. Venting arrangements.

Grain loading. DOA.
Intact stability criteria. VHM.
Critical period & critical instant. Mates receipt? BL.
Can you write remarks on BL?
How will you load steel coils?
how will you load Reefer ? wt all documents?
There is a problem with the refer your action?
How will you load IMDG?

What are the information in schedule 1 of DOC?


How will u go about loading grain? Publication you will refer? Hazards of grain?
CSM applies to which all ships? a bit of cross questions on this topic .

Stowage Factor? Load density? Broken stowage?
B/L not ready at departure what will u do?
Procedure if master does nt sign the B/L?
(then he asked me Ship specific questions like) what is the regulation for how
much fuel is carried in the cars fuel tank ? the air pressure on the tyre of a car ?
how will u discharge a car with a flat tyre?
- Draft survey.
- Concenterates.


- If you found cargo damaged in cargo hold #3, as a mate what actions you will
take and what advice will you give to master regarding singing of bill of lading?

- Stability requiremnts for general cargo.

- What kind of cargo you can take on your last vessel. I said last vessel being a
semisub DP vessel, we were limited to heavy lifts.
- How will you load heavylift? (Many cross questions)

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- Mates receipt.
- Bill of Lading & types.
- Cargo Manifest.
- Boat note.
- Stowage factor & where you find it.
- Load density & where you find it.
- Trimming tables & it's use.
- Grain Code. Stability criteria. Loading with DOA & without DOA. (Asked me again

which vessel other then DP have you done?)


- Test on containers.

- How will you load DG cargo. (Lots of cross question.)
- What is check digit?
- Container not on loading plan but about to be loaded. Action?
- You are loading two different chemicals. Procedure?
- Shore stops one chemical. Action?
- IG fails. Action?
- Publications to refer for loading and tank cleaning on chemical tanker?
Content of IMBSC code.
Content of CSS code?
Understanding of ISGOTT and full form?
Contents of IMDG?
Classification of IMDG?
If IMDG is not on board how will you look for proper segregation of dangerous
good on your vessel.?
Details of IMDG segregation table (I told only till the first 5 columns) - there are
total of 18 columns?
Why do you understand by DRI?
Have you loaded DRI?
What are the precautions of DRI?
Contents of shipper declaration?

Categories of cargo?

What class C cargo is considered dangerous.?

Grain code and grain stability requirements?
Understanding of timber code and understanding of wells and uprights?
Detailed lashing of timber with wiggle wire ans Hogg wire?
What do you understand by quater mean draft
What is first and second trim correction?
How will you know if the vessel is listing while loading?
What will you do if vessel has a black out while loading.?
What do you understand by deflection.?
How will you load a ship ?
What If lodicator is not working.?
How will you know the condition of vessel is safe.?
What do you understand by LNG carrier ?
What are the types of LNG carrier?
What do you mean by fully refrigerated ships and what is range of temperature of
such a ship and what is pressure range?

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Procedure fr tank cleaning. What all precautions?
One crew feell down in tank action? What is static accumulator oil?
What all precautions fr electro static hazards? How will u test heating coil at what
pressure? What is test presure fr fire line? Where pressure gauge is situated fr fire
line? What is usually working pressure of fire line?


U hav to carry 9 parcel of chemical how will u go about that?

If one of the parcel is not in COF what will u do??
Stability critaria fr the vessel?
What is AOR ? which is more dangerous low or high AOR?
what is bay ? How it is numbered?
If one container seal is broken what will u do?
Example of cargo claim? Load density?
How will you load sulphur in India?
As per what Indian Reg? As per what MS Notice??
What u will do if PV breaker leaks?
MLC requirement for Indian ship?

MS act? Regulations in MS act?


What is your role as per MS act?

What is IOPC? Fund? Maximum liability? Supplementary fund? What is SDR?
Calculation for SDR?
What is certificate A and certificate B??
Many more questions for Indian ships as per rules and regulation.
He said u should know regulations for Indian ships also??
- Gas tankers.
-Each and every thing u can think of Gas tankers

- Draw reliq plant . Cross question on this

- write down safety features in compressor room .

- Cross questions on knock out drumin compressor room.
- Tanker calculation
- How do u test low level and high level alarms in gas tankers .
- IMDG Amendments
Many more but grilled nicely on gas tankers only.
What is ISGOTT ??
Next ques he asked what types of ships u r sailing on : I said Gas carrier
He told me that is bad for you i am LNG guy.
Different types of gas carrier as per cargo ??

Different types of gas carrier as per igc code


How will you go about loading ??


What are limits sets for loading in Gas carrier or how much you can load your
charterer is asking??
What is boil off??
What are hydrates??
Explain liquefaction cycle with diagram various cross questioning.
What is knock out drum he asked me that as i had drawn in liquefaction diagram?

Defn of load density, stowage factor

Hazards of coal


Contents of imdg
Oil spill, action

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Contents of css code, segregation table of IMDG code,
DAS precautions for loading explosives,
What is IBC code and contents,

Documents required as per Marpol annex 2,
what is timber code and lashing requirements.

What is HMS in detail.

Last carried cargo and it's MSDS n details also where will u keep MSDS copies
Bulk carrier loaded with coal and find smoke coming from hold action.
What is BLU CODE and contents. Is only for ship?
Tanker loaded and ballast condition at sea what are all difference wrt stability,
trim explain.
Draw diagram and show position of COG in each condition ballast and loaded.
Gas equipment reqd as per ISGOTT.

ISGOTT current edition number and year.


Draw flammability diagram and explain each points.

Approx value for LFl.

This diagram applicable for which cargo and why?
Will u keep ur tanks with in this range?
Loading hose burst and oil leaking, master is gone ashore ur actions?
When I was telling actions one by one i mentioned stop cargo ops and inform
terminal, he asked how to inform terminal?
Ship shore safety check list emgcy procedures
Communication primary and back up
Tell about Cargo record book and it's entry and why u required it
What is NLS?
What is type 2?
How to check moisture content onboard?
IMDG content
IMSBC- he said tell me everything u know abt imsbc.


Annex 2 Marpol - he said tell me everything u know abt Annex 2

What is DPP

How you will change from dpp to cpp.
What is rocking test
What is padding?
Crew burn his hand with Sulphuric acid- ur actions
1. Loading of concentrated with hazards, MC, TML, FMP.
2. Contents of Grain Booklet. Loading of grain with DOA. What is DOA. How will
you compare heeling moments of grain obtained? Angle of repose.
3. Hazards of Coal, precautions.

4. Test for loadicator.

5. IG system on tankers, alarms, flammability diagram and hazards.

6. Draft survey. What is the importance of initial draft survey.

7. Letter of protest and why do you issue. Have you issued any LOP and why???
8. Functions of Bill of Ladding. Why so important?
9. CSS Code and contents of CSM Code.
10. Loading on Bulk carriers and types of loading.
11. Stability criteria of Car Carrier.

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What ships have you done? Why do you not have DC. I said that I don't sail on
tankers. He said you should still have. I said okay
Started with basics
1. Angle of repose and what you understand from it
2. Stowage factor. Load Density
3. Received instructions to load Iron ore. How will you go about doing it?
4. Precautions while loading.
5. Care for cargo during voyage. Here I accidentally said ventilation for Iron ore
so he asked again. Then I said no you won't.
6. Ventilation criteria ( Dew point )

7. Ship sweat. Cargo sweat.


8. CSM contents
9. How will you secure Iron Ingots. Draw and show. Here I just made a box shape

vessel so he asked me to draw a transverse section of bulk carrier.
10. Alternate hold loading
11. Types of dunnage
12. How will you secure a container on general cargo vessel.
13. Flammable limits. Flammable range
14. How to measure CH in tank.
15. Explosimeter explain
16. Purpose of BL. How many original copies
17. Negotiable and non negotiable BL. Why to have non negotiable BL
18. Stability criteria for general cargo ship.
19. What is angle of loll
20. Vessel at angle of loll. Action
Started with basics load density stowage factor permissible load density
Loading heavy lifts in detail everything
Loading high density cargo by checking it from IMSBC
Loading Grain and how u will use grain code
How to use IMSBC code

Documents required to load IMDG

Change of grade in tanker what action u will take as mate and vessel at berth

Hazards of heavy density cargo
Ship listed 5* stbd side due to cargo become fluid action as a mate?
( Both were taking orals at same time and they were quite satisfied with Function
2 but finally internal did not give though I got 6/10. Internal said study Kore
about tankers as I am bulky guy and for exam purpose should know about can't put limitations on COC)
What is polymerization?
How will you carry out a cargo tank cleaning.
Cow procedure? 4 Advantages and 4 Disadvantages of COW?
What is VGM? Cargo gear breakdown.

What action as per Mate?

What is critical Temperature?

Procedure for Purging and inerting.

Can Purging be done in inerted condition?
What is multistage centrifugal pump?
Primary and secondary venting arrangements and the pressure settings CCR.
Container lashings.
1) How will you calculate damage stability in loadicator?
2) What is straight BL?

3) What is shipped BL?


4) What kind of BL for container vessels.


5) On vessel which is the most vulnerable place incase of damage.

6) How will you go with damage Stability calculation for E/R?
7) What checks to be done on reefer container after loading?
8) What is the purpose of PV valve, PV breaker and vent risers?

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1. Difference between LNG and LPG? Wants to hear everything.
2. Most Critical Operations on LPG tanker: I said all operations are critical but
personally i feel grade change is one of the most important thing.
3. What are the things which can go wrong during Grade change?
4. Using loadicator how will make sure your vessel is complying with Damage
stability requirements?


5. What if Loadicator fails how will you calculate your stresses?

6. Which Compartment you think will affect your stability the most if taking in

water? I said E/Rm.
7. E/Rm is flooding with water how will you calculate your damage stability?
8. What is the intact stability criteria for V/L loading grain.
9. Why GM required is more than other vessel?
10. GM requirement for other vessel.
11. What are the hazards associated with High Density cargo?
12. Contents of Shipper declaration.
E/O not able to repair reefer, next what to do
Hot settle reefer claim
Container VGM requirements


Function of pv v/v, breaker, their settings

Dangers of coal

Coal spontaneous combustion (want to know exactly how that happens)
Union purchase system
Topping up/topping off
Grain stability criteria
Reefer monitoring system on board containers


Exact Solas chapter and regulation he expected when came into force.
Sheeting points of PV wall PV breaker

Shippers declaration under IMSBC
Bill of lading mates receipt
Which B/L is used on container?
1. What is angle of Repose? Why not applicable to bulk cargoes? Difference in
grain and bulk cargoes?
2. Hazards associated with grain cargo? Is grain code applicable to bulk cargoes?
3. All contents of IMSBC shippers declaration form?
4. Is IMDG applicable to Bulk cargoes? Why and as per which regulation?

5. Union purchase system?


6. What are 1st and 2nd trim corrections in draft survey calculations and why are F2
they applied.
7. What is Loadicator? Required as per which code and convention? Who approves
it ? How to test it?
8. What is remote monitoring device on reefer containers?
9. What is PV Valve, PV breaker and other similar systems provided? What are the
exact settings for each on pressure and vacuum side? What is millimeter water
Sea chest testing reqmnt and why 3.5 kg
PV valve leaking action
Timber cargo loaded inside hatch, will you use timber loadline


Bay Plan

AOR, its significance and measures for cargo with low AOR
Mates receipt B/L difference and consequence of BL clause
Union purchase system
Shipper declaration all points in the form

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How do you go about planning/ loading on a container ship,
checks do be done on reefers,
stresses on container ship,
how to load IMDG,
what is parametric rolling,


hazards of coal,
why spontaneous combustion occurs,

hazards of concentrates,
details provided by shipper,
hazards on oil tankers,
TLV, IMSBC content, straight BL,
Liner BL, Multimodal BL,
u sighted loading damage container your action.

Information in shippers declaration, as per imsbc code?



How will u stow 35000mt in a ship with dwt 50000mt?

Can u depart with 1m trim?

Significance of ig?
Info in bill of lading?

1. Which types of ships sailed on? (Chemical). How does framo system work? Why
to keep system pressure 15 bar more than pumps?
2. Cofferdam purging. Is there any arrangement to check gas in the cofferdam?
3. In tank cleaning how to determine quantity of water required for cleaning.
4. PV valve leaking heavily. Vessel on loaded passage. How to rectify?
5. V/l on loaded passage. How will you come to know there is leak from cargo
tank to ballast tank? Now there is a leak from cargo to ballast tank, what actions


you’ll take?
6. How will you inert ballast tank?

7. Are there any spare PV valves for cargo tanks on-board?
8. How to carry out Cargo sea chest integrity test? Why pressure required is 3.5
kg/cm2 and why time of test is for 15 min?
9. How do you carry out damage stability calculations?
10. What is ERS? Who provides this service?
11. Precautions while loading coal.
12. Cargo groups as per IMSBC.
13. Lashing system on container ships.
What is Reefer Monitoring System on container ships?
What procedure you will follow in case of a reefer malfunction? If you receive
claim for that cargo, what will you do?


What all documents Shipper gives for carriage of general containers, reefer
containers, DG cargo?

Is there any Bill of lading signed on container ships? No

Then how does Master acknowledges receipt of container cargo onboard? What
document he signs?
Cargo crane breakdown? Action.
Grain loading how will u do?

Can u load all IMDG cargoes in container ships?


Tankers how PV valve n PV breaker works


How to load grain cargoes without loadicator?

Last cargo coal n next cargo grain, how will u prepare holds?
Will u discharge the chemicals used for cleaning with bilges?

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Can you calculate SF & BM Manually onboard ships.
Loadicator Requirement on ships. Testing of Loadicator, who approves it.
Can you load all types of IMDG containers on a container vessel.
What factors does an administration consider when issuing Document Of
Compliance to ships.

Wash water requirement on tankers & calculation.


Cargo sea chest testing requirement. RA for fitting of a spool piece.

When do you carryout RA.
Mooring tail replacement and as per which publication?
Can a mate write anything in chain register, if yes then in which section and what
entries? Hazards of coal.
Why spontaneous combustion occurs?
Can spontaneous combustion in a coal occur if I keep a bag of coal here ? Why ?
Where will you find load density?
Passage plan from argentina to rotterdam, ITCZ, ROR situation,
crossing and rv, cross qts, how loadline zones are decided,
argentina to rotterdam gc or rumb line, skiffs approaching action,
diff between psc and flag state, AOA and CBA,
crew did not get salary for last 2 mnths action as a mate,

coal precaution, loading high density cargo so calculate max cargo for that hold,

type of gas meters carried onboard,

before container loaded on ship where all does it go through,
spontaneous combustion (cross qtns...why temp increases,
how co2 is formed, how it ignites), purpose of ig system,
on ships where ig system is not mandatory what do they use?
VGM, what is use of soft iron spheres,
ballast water regulation D1 and D2,
requirements for ballast water exchange, certificates as per ISM
Devesh asked me what all ships you have done. I said LPG.
He started with
Loading from start to end , cross question and went in deep

Documents on gas carrier


Cargo at disch port arrival is less than BL action

Compressor fails action
Crane test-
Proof load
Cert of fitness
Gas monitoring equip. Onboard
- what is Q-H curve
- all topics on coal ( hazards , loading )

- all topics on grain


- ig system failed on ship , ur actions


- pyrophoric iron sulphide

- P/v valve leaking during loaded voyage at sea , ur actions
- Stcw amendments
- anchor cable maintenance
Previous oral questions
How will you carry out the cargo seachest test?
One of the PV valve is leaking heavily and need to do maintenance. Action?
ODME test procedure. When it is to be carried out?

How does the sensor detects the instantaneous rate of discharge 30 litres/NM?

What would happen if its more? Alarms related to ODME?

What is the source of water to flush the sample line?

Why do we need to keep the bilges dry in cargo hold?

How will you try out the bilges?
What are the precautions for carrying coal?
If coal is on deck and deck is to be washed, will u flush it in overboard?
What is draft survey? What is 2nd trim correction? Why do we add the 2nd trim

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Documentary credit system. Coal loading.
BL types, Explain straight BL.
LPG calculation. Tanker types for gas ships,

Difference in LNG types (I'm a gas hand),

Gas propulsion, Container types,
Reefer precautions, Coal why does it spontaneously combust (dont answer as per
notes) he wants details, Chemical tanker passivation,
Which is better active or passive tank,
Some other stuff, CSS code and CSC plate
What all ship did, said tankers then he said why no one asked single qstn from
tanker in last 3 attempts- my bad
1. Pressure testing of line requirement and procedure.


Will you use stripper pump for line testing

2. Tell something about surging

3. Asked pressure gauge is fwd or aft of manifold valve
4. Loading 3 grades of cargo
5. Has freeing of tanks
6. Loadicator rest requirement and how these test are don
- Define Load Density. Explain
- Explain working of Centrifugal Pumps.
- During a cargo discharging tank comes to 3 m sounding and you hear abnormal
noise / hunting, first Reactions.
- If vessel does not have DOA can she still load grain ? Criteria / how can a ship

load grain without DOA ?


- Requirement to carry loadicator on-board, is it mandatory? Mandatory as per

what regulation.
- Procedure for monthly testing of loadicator.
- COW washing procedure & requirements. Role of IG during COW.
- Coal Hazard
- Concentrate Hazard
- Contents of ISGOTT
- Contents of IMD
1. Asked which vessel. I said Gas Carriers.
2. Types of Gas carriers. Including cargo wat dey carry n temp. Containment
system etc.
3. Use of anti-rolling tanks on containers.
4. CSC n its significance.
5. How will u know that u can carry IMDG in container on ur ship.
6. Prep your hold for carrying Coal.

7. Fire in hold with coal. Action. (FFS not working)- too many cross question.

8. What ventilation on coal cargo n why.


9. All about COW n its requirement.

10. Why IG necessary for COW.
11. General cargo ship carrying timber in hold n other it is loaded Container.
Which loadline to use. I said the normal assigned loadline
12. Now if she loaded that cargo ok deck.
13. Checks in Load line survey.
14. What is straight BL.
15. Can non-negotiable BL be negotiated? I said no. He said den it does not serve
the purpose of BL if it is non-negotiable.
How do you load water in slop tanks?
How much water you will load for cleaning of tanks?

How will you do pressure testing of cargo chest valve loadicator failure?

Significance of CSC plate as mate.


What information will you take from CSC plate as a mate was what he asked?
Broken stowage it’s unit!!!
Load density and from where will you find broken stowage and load density on

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Which ships cannot load grain i said all without DOA? Not satisfied with DOA
Union purchase system.

Why draft survey calculation is not done on tankers but carried out in bulk

Various question on timber ships?
Which ship can carry timber cargo? Cross questions.
Cargo dispute after discharging what action as mate?
Coal ventilation requirement?
Which ships cannot load grain i said all without doa? Not satisfied with DOA

Union purchase system?


Why draft survey calculation is not done on tankers but carried out in bulk

Various question on timber ships?
Which ship can carry timber cargo? cross questions
Cargo dispute after discharging what action as mate?
Coal ventilation requirement?
- Cargo record book. Annex 2 discharge criteria.
- What are groups for IMSBC..
- If cargo liquifies what action.
- What is saucering – bundling.
- Pyrophoric oxidation ?

- IMDG applicable to chemicals ?


- asked me to load plan with 4 grades of cargo

- clean BL ?
- Pump room ventilation requirements
- Timber lashing
- loading grain without DOA
- PA manual
- Angle of repose ,, when is it dangerous ?
- Ship shore safety checklist
1. Contents of ISGOTT
2. Procedure to prepare tanks for man entry after discharging
3. Working principle of tankscope

4. Which gas will you use to calibrate O2 sensor.


5. How often will you calibrate gas meters?

6. Requirement of gas meters on non-tankers

7. Hazards of coal
8. How will you use trimming tables.
9. How will you come to know the contents inside a refeer container just loaded
on your ship are in good condition.
10. Why no draft survey required on tankers?
1) Show all the Grain calculations as per the Grain code and state the criteria with
and without DOA.
2)What are the precautions you wrt refer cargo. Draw a refrigeration system and
explain what is brine.
3) You have 5000t to load on a bulk carrier for trimming. No 1 and no 5 holds

will be used. Show by calculation how you will distribute the cargo.

4)Describe the construction of a PV valve. What is the pressure in the PV valve.


What is the difference between a PV valve and a PV breaker.

4) In an IG system what is the purpose of the scrubber?
5) How will you maintain the temperature of the Cargo tank in a chemical tanker
if the outside temperature is more? Which code gives u the guideline?
5) How will you cool the cargo in a LNG carrier? Explain the system used to do so.
6) How will you maintain a positive GM on a container ship at all times?

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Info IMDG code brief
Segregation, what info. How will you refer and how does table look like
Xxx concentrate, how will you load
Hazards of concentrate
What is dry shift and wet shift
IMSBC code in brief
Types of B/L
What is foul B/L
Diff Between load density/stack weight
Wer all info will you get this info

Lifted weight using crane and then blackout action


What is static charge

How to reduce it
IBC code
Disch criteria Annex II
ORB & CRB which all ships
Will chemical tanker carry both. Which ships will carry both?
Entries in CRB, specific code for Prewash
Tank cleaning how will you do
Wall wash how will you take
Wall wash tests?
P & A manual contents ans details
Heavy lift
You have to load 60000t grain in us and uscg inspection how will you proceed for


Chemical tanker alongside for loading, what all checks u will carry out.

After that he said u have to load two parcel of chemicals how will u carry out the
Note of protest n docs
Mates receipt
Grain stability criteria
Grain loading
Tanker calculation full
Chain registers n content

Breaking stress

6*24 BS formula
How to avoid static electricity? F2
Crude oil washing in detail?
Capacity plan
IMDG classes and class 3 symbol to draw?
Loadicator use n testing
Type of chemical tanker
Factor of safety
Shipshore safety C/L

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What type of ships do u sail on (when I said crude oil tankers, he said ok then lets
not talk about tankers)
Cotton or Steel which has more SF
LNG or LPG which is heavier
Categories of NLS cargo

How will you load heavy lift if load density is 5T on excess


What is angle of repose

How much angle of repose does grain cargo have
Molecular formula of few chemical cargoes
Hazards of coal
What causes static inside cargo tank while doing cow and how will you avoid it?
Lashing of timber
Most critical stage while loading heavy lift
What material is used to distribute load of heavy lift vargon
Contents of cargo securing manual, how to check cargo sling swl,
how to check whether crane wire is suitable for the crane and testing,
Fore pump requirements, checking, back up for the same, Fosm system on deck,

IMDG code details, what is Ems, mates receipt details and condition how affects

BL, difference between LPG and LNG, action of chief officer immediately on

loading crude oil tanker, how to avoid static build up during crude oil washing,
difference between pv valve and pv breaker, setting on both, action to take in
case of Crew disobedience, duties of ch. off, actions in piracy zone, action as per
what, duties of ch. off during transiting river, dry docking, type of blocks, bilge
and keep blocks.
1) why IG used on tanker
2) cargo calculation in detail on tanker (wcf, vol in air , vol in vac)
Use of tank trim table how to use

3) chain register all entries , if during dock operation a shackle (your ship) broken

accident happens how will you prove your shackle is tested (he want to hear

serial no. punched on it and will show certificate in orignal)
4) 6/24 wire breaking load(formula)
5) certificate and documents for grain loading
6) imsbc content
7) RO-RO ship and timber carrier what documents on board
1. Have you loaded heavy lift i said no, he showed a scan paper which had a huge
cylindrical cargo with 10 m length ,1.98 m diameter,56 tonnes Wight he wanted
to know everything in detail about loading , lashing, precautions, donnaging etc)
2. Dangers of concentrate?
3. If you are loading a wet cargo how will you know initially it's wet. I said about
can test, checking temperature and instrument on some ships which will give you
exact moisture content but he cross questioned no but what is the first indication
of the wet cargo?) Also will the water stay at the top of water i said top then how
will you remove it? I said by Weldon pump.

4. Ok what is cargo liquefaction and signs (I told him defination and said once

the cargo liquefies the ship will have uneven rolling, he cross questioned how

will you go about it now I told him about adjusting ballast, removing bilges
,inform P & I , owner, charterer ,master, he wasn't satisfied).
5. Grain loading how will you go about it and reduce heeling moment (he is
concerned about only grain stowing arrangements and not calculations)
6. How will you know whether you can load two IMDG cargoes together ?
7. Segregation on containers? (He don't want to hear about IMDG segregation he
said there is separate segregation of containers).
8. What are there in segregation tables? (He wants to hear about all the columns)
9. What is pyrophoric oxidation on tankers?
10. Why you need to purge tanks before gas freeing?

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How will you go about loading grain?
What are volumetric heeling moment
IMDG code, what information from it?

How will you segregate 2 imdg cargo if only names of cargo given to you by

IMSBC code and contents
Types of cargo as per imsbc
What are concentrates and hazards associated with it?
What is liquefaction of solid cargo and it's hazards?
IMSBC code Contents. Type of cargo.
Concentrate definition. Concentrate hazards and precautions.
How to determine TML onboard?
Individual schedule… If cargo not listed in individual schedule
IMDG code contents. Classification. Supplement use. Why IMDG on tankers?
Dangerous good list. Segregation table.
RORO, Hazards.

If during deballasting and loading of cars, car topples. Reason


Ventilation requirement..

CSS code Contents…. Sliding tipping angle.
Dunnage uses, Tanker… Flammability diagram…
Pv valve Pv breaker…. Spike crude.. Sour crude…
Static electricity …. Surge pressure…
Amendments to isgott …. Types of Chem tanker…
Heavy lift precautions… Container securing.. CSC plate..
Timber lashing requirements…
How to determine max loadables and what all u refer.
Loadicator requirements and test
IMDG contents
Ballast exchange precautions in RO-RO
How to load grain in USA


VHM calculations

Stresses on lashings
Steam trap
Pressure surge
Why not to use water for coal fire
1. Securing of Oversize cargo
2. Types of timber lashing
3. Grain lashing and VHM
4. Container lashings, reefer boxes checks, racking stresses and where they will

be maximum

5. Difference between IMDG and Bulk cargo Segregation table


6. Bilges leaking in cargo hold. State your actions

7. What all documents are signed by chief officer ( ship type specifically)
8. Loading plan ( ship type specific)
9. Stowage factor and load density
10. Calculate SF and LD for 2*2*2 mtr and weight 2 tons
11. Where do we load IMDG cargo and from where to find

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•what is liquefaction and actions u will take for the same
While loading how will you knw MC of the cargo is above TML
•imsbc contents
•calculate lD and SF of cargo which is 2x2x2 and of 2t
•calculation of grain - cross questions in that how will u get VHM and WHM
•what all securing methods of grain
•why we can’t use saucering on bulk carriers and only for grain- I said grain has

more shifting hazard compare to all other cargoes I don’t know whether it was

correct or not

•Does segregation for imdg and imdg containers are same or different and why -
it is different but why didn’t knw
•THIS IS HIS PET QUESTION- he will show u picture of a cylindrical tank and say
it’s a heavy lift how will u go about loading and securing it
• what is sliding and tipping
•pv valve and pv breaker difference
•what is surge pressure
•what arrangements are given on tankers to avoid mixing of vapours
Started with previous attempt questions first....
Contents of IMSBC code, contents of IMDG code,
contents of ISGOTT, stiff-tender ship,

precautions for heavy lift,


loading-carriage-discharging-tank cleaning for Palm oil,

documents with respect to cargo claims,
cargo gear breakdown actions,
Hazards of concentrates,
method for determining angle of repose,
types of RORO ships
Lashing of timber i said hog lashing n he went into detail evn i draw it he said
what else
While loading container found container giving smoke, Imdg content n more

details in supplement

What is liquefaction n what all precaution u ll take for the same

How to load grain without loadicator n asked me wat all details u get it from
loading manual
Contents of Grain, IMSBC n CSS Code
draft survey on bulk carrier,
Load a cylinder on bulk carrier how I’ll u proceed
Gas meters! Tankscope and explosimeter and their calibration
What is surge pressure and how will you control it
Types of gas carriers based on construction

Types of tanks of gas carriers


Load density calculation


Stowage factor calculation

Showed me a picture of a cylindrical tank with dimensions and said it's a heavy
lift and asked how will you go about loading the cargo and proper securing of it.
What all will you do prior loading during landing and after the loading of such
cargo with cross question in whatever you tell him?
Draw timber load line.
Than gave a photo of a big machine. Which had its weight..lenght..height
mentioned. Asked can we load this on a bulk carrier.
Asked to calc the load densitt. Wht al lashings..and how to take it.

Imdg code. Its contents Etc.


Classes of imdg. Markings on a dg container.


Wall wash methods on Chemical tanker.

How to to open a framo pump. What are the key points?
What is explosivemeter?
What is tankscope.
What is the diff..and which to be used when.
What all cargo docs u will be dealing with as a mate.

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Load density, angle of repose.
Bulk carrier loading procedure
Loading in US what extra thing .
Oil spill in US waters whom to inform. Types of bill of lading.

NOP. Content of IMDG ISGOTT.


How will you load heavy lift.

Wire breaking stress formula
Loading of steel coil. How will you secure what you will check as mate. Breaking
stress of that chain. Coal hazards
Grain stability criteria
On tanker how will load 2 grades of cargo
1. Hold preparation for concentrate
2. U are carrying coal, 25 days voyage, as a Chief mate what u will do

3. P. V. Valve setting

4. U r in U. S. Waters loading oil, pollution takes place what action

5. Precautions while loading n discharging oil cargo.
6. What is load density
7. Precautions to be taken while loading heavy lift cargo.
8. Is the pressure setting and vacuum setting in P. V. Valve is same or different.
1. IMDG contents, classification
2. IMSBC contents, stability booklet contents
3. How will you load graIn a as Choff in America

4. How will you load coal, what precautions, what type of ventilation

5. How will you load 3 chemical cargo At one tIme such that you are arriving port,

action as per choff
6. Heavy lift cargo by using Own ship gears ,precaution as Mate, what will
happen to stability At each stage
7. What is lashing code (CsS)
8. What is Receipt for shipment AnD who issue it. Others don't remember

Sulphur loading and precautions.


Why only FW for dust why not salt water?


IMDG code in detail.

Heavy lift precautions, then he went in deep about stability during lift.
ISGOTT. IG system. Grain stability criteria

Hazards of Sulphur.

Hazards of grain.

Loading criteria for grain with DOA and without DOA.

Grain loading calculation. F2
Definition of AOR, load density.
CSM manual.
-IBC code contents, IGC code.
-IMSC code, Shippers declaration

-Sulphur Hazards.

-Coal precautions. While long voyage for at least 25 days


-Loading three different grade chemical, how will u load.

IMDG code contents.
Heavy lift precautions,

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1. Angle of repose
2. Loading of sulphur, why sea water is not sprayed
3. Breaking stress of wire rope
4. Cow operation

5. Content of IG

6. Precaution to be taken while Loading 2 different grade of cargo in tanker

7. Timber cargo loading precaution
8. Heavy lift cargo loading precautions
9. Type of refer cargo
10. IMSBC content
11. Grain loading without DOA
12. Car loading
Grain loading. Concentrates.
How will you go about loading heavy lift with ships crane?
What will happen to metacentric height when you just pick up cargo?
Coal cargo loading. Angle of repose, tml.
Loading of sulphur in full detail.. including chemical formulas when mixed with
water. How will you prevent dust for sulphur cargo..why would you use a spray of
fw and not SW?

What would contaminate the cargo..what's the chemical formula for byproduct if
you use SW and not fw..a lot more questions on the same topic

How will you determine tml

If shipper has declared a certain tml, and if you feel tml of cargo you're loading is
right on the borderline, what would your actions be as a mate
Nop. Who nortarizes it?
Bl types? What's a received for shipment bl, who signs it
Rigging plan
How will you go about loading steel coils, plates and what lashings you'll use
You've to load 3 types of cargo on a chemical carrier, what instructions you'll give
your duty officers
IMDG code and it's supplements..
Grain loading in detail
Chemical tanker loading procedure
Ms Reference for loading iron ore in India (MS notice 09/2010)
Heavy lift precautions
Gases carried in gas tankers

Hazards of gas cargo


Container loading and lashing in detail

CSS code and csm manual
Draught survey all calculations
ISGOTT contents
COW procedure
Wall wash test
dry docking with damage forward
Lashing code and contents
IMSBC code
Loading sulphur what instructions to 2nd and 3rd officer.
Sulphur dust explosion actions
Why use fw and not sea water
(He was not satisfied with corrosion or formation of h2so4 answer).

He said as choff you should know(failing quest)


IMDG classification

What is COW?
Types of gas carriers as per IMO
What is 1G as in what is 1 and what is G?
Why use IG?
What is pv valve, location requirement?
What is heavy lift, precautions, why vessel heels on side load is lifted (failing

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Grain loading. Concentrates.
How will you go about loading heavy lift with ships crane
What will happen to metacentric height when you just pick up cargo
Coal cargo loading. Angle of repose, tml.
Loading of sulphur in full detail.. including chemical formulas when mixed with
water. How will you prevent dust for sulphur cargo..why would you use a spray of
fw and not SW.

What would contaminate the cargo..what's the chemical formula for byproduct if

you use SW and not fw..a lot more questions on the same topic. How will you

determine tml.
If shipper has declared a certain tml, and if you feel tml of cargo you're loading is
right on the borderline, what would your actions be as a mate
Nop. Who nortarizes it.
Bl types. What's a received for shipment bl, who signs it.
Rigging plan. How will you go about loading steel coils, plates and what lashings
you'll use. You've to load 3 types of cargo on a chemical carrier, what instructions
you'll give your duty officers.
Imdg code and it's supplements..
Grain loading. Concentrates.
How will you go about loading heavy lift with ships crane?
What will happen to metacentric height when you just pick up cargo?
Coal cargo loading. Angle of repose, TML.
Loading of sulphur in full detail.. including chemical formulas when mixed with
water. How will you prevent dust for sulphur cargo?
Why would you use a spray of fw and not SW?
What would contaminate the cargo?

What's the chemical formula for by product if you use SW and not fw..a lot more

questions on the same topic?

How will you determine TML?
If shipper has declared a certain TML, and if you feel tml of cargo you're loading
is right on the borderline, what would your actions be as a mate.
NOP. Who nortarizes it?
Bl types. What's a received for shipment bl, who signs it.
Rigging plan. How will you go about loading steel coils, plates and what lashings
you'll use?
You've to load 3 types of cargo on a chemical carrier, what instructions you'll give
your duty officers.
IMDG code and it's supplements..
Grain loading (each and everything)
Precautions on loaded passage with Coal cargo

Ship grounded, actions and if there is a hole on ships side and water coming

inside tank, what is your actions as chief officer


Oil spill during discharging in US port , actions

Who appoints QI
IMDG code contents and how many classes of IMDG cargo
Formula for volumetric heeling moment
Angle of Repose
TML, Concentrates
High density Cargo

Grain loading Full


Chemical tanker loading full


Heavy lift loading

Shipper’s declaration
Breaking Stress of Wire
Rigging Plan

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Dg manifest
Urea loading from us to Chennai
Stability booklet
Imsbc content
Ibc code

Refer types with temp

Stability criteria
Load high density cargo
Heavy lift
Types of chemical cargo hazards n how will u load n discharge precautions
Grain securing
Roro n pcc differ
What is Timber ship?
Timber code
What do u mean by code?
Grain stability criteria.
What are the types of refer cargo? Name and temperature requirement of same
Types of heavy lift carriers?

What do u mean by livestock carrier? Carriage requirements?

What is the difference between PCC carrier and RoRo carrier?
What do u mean by dangerous cargo ?classes of IMDG code?
What are the types of segregation as per IMDG code?
What is IMSBC code?
Precautions while loading LNG cargo?
What is NOP?
Use of loadicator onboard? Requirements? What are SF and BM?
Angle of repose
Why necessary to have grain code and imsbc code? what is the difference?
Coal precautions
Types of refrigerated cargo
IMDG code classification

Mates receipt

Bill of lading and types
Types of heavy lift vessel
What is timber and its types
Types of gas carrier as per IMO
Loading precautions on LPG carrier
1. What is Dangerous cargo?
2. Types of Refer Cargo and there Temperature as per IMO.
3. Types of Heavy lifts as per IMO
4. Types of Container As per IMO
5. What is NOP?
6. What is BL?


7. What is Mates Receipt?

8. Why master refuses to sign BL

9. Types Of Gas carriers as per IMO

10. Why Grain code is formed? Why not Coal Code? Why it is called Code?
11. Use of Loadicator onboard
12. How will you test Loadicator?
13. Difference between car carrier and RORO
14. Who issues the BL
15. What is Dangerous cargo Manifest?

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Boiling point of propane, butane, VCM, butadiene, ammonia


JB SINGH Types of gas carriers as per IMO

What all contingencies you have on gas carriers

RORO and car carrier difference
Which certificate for gas carriers
How will you gas up a tank after dry dock gas free condition?

Why so many Codes. What is code ..answer it is law

Why grain code ...why can’t u carry as per IMSBC..
Tell angle of response is different.. so
Type of container, Type of open container. What is high cube container?
IMDG classes.
Timber intact stability criteria
He will say u have cert of fitness ..can u load grain..
Say grain required DOA .

Explain DoA

Load ship without DOA

Explain segregation as per imdg
What is DG it helps.
Difference between roro and pcc..tell roro we can carry trucks and pcc only cars.
Type of heavy lift carrier ships .
Action if any emergency on will u assist master.
LOP And NOP explain in detail
Urea carried from Canada to dome country.. action
Type of gas carrier ..(LNG LPG ethylene butadine chlorine carriers)
Steel coil loading ..action n precautions.
BL main function and types of BL (he wants exact no of BL are there)
Q. Imsbc code and why grain code when already Imsbc code present?
Q. Imdg code in detail and segregation?
Q. Types of gas carriers? He wants to hear the ones from his set not LPG, LNG.
Refer pawan notes
Q. Difference between Roro and Pcc? In Pawan notes it's only mentioned that
trucks can be loaded which I told him but he said no loaded trucks and said you
need passenger cert for Roro as truck drivers will also stay on board which is not
in Pcc.

Q. Mates receipt?

Q. Bill of lading types? He says only say 14 types no need to list them.
Q. Checks to be carried out after completion of discharge on bulk carriers? He
meant hold inspection by officer where he wanted to hear damage by payloader
to the nuts of DB tank manhole and regular checks.
Q. What is loadicator and what all details will it provide?
Q. Who prepares stability booklet? It's made by Shipyard with help from Class and
submitted to Flag state for approval. Say this only.
Q. Types of heavy lifts? Only say submersible and non submersible type
Q. What is ORB why and who requires it?
Q. He drew just plimsoll mark and deck line without load line marks on a piece of
paper and asked which type of ship has this? Answer is ship which can only sail in
summer zone
Grade change for gas carriers.
Working of compressor and condenser in the reliquification plant.

IMDG classes. And why call 4-5-6 start from 4.1 etc.

Note of protest.

How many bill of ladings are there- 12.

Loading carriage and discharge of urea. Transported from montreal to kakinada
How to determine max loadables from a voyage from ras laffan - Australia.
What is a loadicator. - wants to hear ship specific computer based programme.

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Precaution while loading h2so4?
Precaution while loading urea from Canada to India?

JB SINGH Content of stability booklet

Diff between CPP nd car carrier

Segregation table as per imdg
What is timber..grain..imsbc code?
Type of refer cargo with temp?
What is b/l? What is DG manifest?
- Chain register as per which regulation( Required as per ILO under Dock labour
act & chain register is issued by any dock labour organisation)
- Loadicator ( mention it's a ship specific instrument)
- BL ( contract of carriage is not mentioned on reverse side of BL but only carriage


- Why grain code separate from IMSBC( mentioned in Solas ch 6 part C)

- Timber ship definition ( ship of length more than 24 m fitted with fixed lashing
equipment to carry timber on deck)
- Dangerous goods ( goods mentioned in IMDG)
- Types of heavy lifts ( semi-submersible type & project cargo ships)
- Steel plates of some dimension to be loaded on the ship using what type of
lifting equipment? ( Self locking wire sling)
1. Mates receipt. I answered everything about it but he was not happy.
2. B/L - how many? I started saying names he said he want nly figure i said 14.
3. Lifting gear stopped wrking n having load suspended on it. Action.
4. All about loadicator.
5. Steel plate of some dimensions (i forget )needs to be loaded. Load it using
sling . As i started answering he stopped n said wat material of sling shud be- I
couldn’t answer.

6. Why separate code fr grain. I said abt AOR non cohesive n hazards of shifting n

settling etc.he said no you r wrong. I mentioned abt the incident which tuk place
while carrying grain n al. He said no..

7. Contents of timber code.
8. Reefer cargo types n temps.
9. Gas ships as per imo. I said LPG LNG ethylene chlorine etc he said no. I started
saying 1G 2G n al he said no. I started saying fully pressurised n al he said no n
shifted to other question.
10. Who signs BL and what is purpose.
11. Explosimeter and tankscope.
12. Convert Propane tank to butane.
13. Type of heavy lifts.
1. what is code?
2. why IMDG,IMSBC code and so many codes required on board?
3. what all precautions. Will you take while loading heavy lifts?
4. you are about to load oil cargo in gulf and discharge at new Zealand how will

you go about?

5. what is DG manifest and contents of it?

6. contents of stability booklet?

7. what information you get from displacement chart given in your stability
8. contents of damage stability booklet?
9. different types of refrigerated cargo as per IMO?
10. different types of refrigerated ships as per IMO?
11. what are contingencies?

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1. Grain code timber etc. what are they and why necessary?
2. Type refrigerated cargo
3. Type gas carrier
4. Ro-Ro PCC


5. What is dangerous cargo( cargo mention in imdg code)

6. Capacity and general plan

7. Content of stability booklet
8. Some definition load density etc.
9. Loading of urea voy Canada to Mumbai precaution
10. ISGOTT content
11. Dg manifest
1) How u’ll prepare loading plan for voyage kuwait to auckland
2) How u’ll use stability booklet in preparing plan
3) What is timber ship
4) What is diff bet pcc n roro


5) Diff types of containers

6) Diff types of referigeted cargo

7) How many types of BL... 14
8) Mates receipt
9) NOP
10) what is dangerous cargo n how it is segragated
11) what is dg manifest n how it is useful?
*Asked me which all ships have I done till now. I said only LPG. Said ok.
- IMDG segregation of cargoes. (Started telling him in between he stopped n said
dont give me values, why is it done tell me. He wants to hear that it is better to
keep this dg cargo away from other cargo as well as away from PERSONNEL)
- What are livestock carrier ships? I said they carry animals. He said that even
cadet knows. From where you will get info about how to load, carriage n other
stuff. I said I dont know. He said there is no International Regulation as such.
Normally these types of ships mostly trade from 3 countries namely Australia,
New Zealand and Brazil having Cattle, sheep n beef as their cargoes respectively.
These countries/ports have their own national/local regulations which you need
to follow.
- IMSBC full form. Why IMSBC is different and grain code different. Why not same.
Gave him couple of answers. Was not satisfied. Says as grain is the largest
commodity shipped all over the world thats y.
- Types of gas carriers. He does not want 1G, 2G n all. He wants his ans which is
types of gas carriers are lpg, lng, ethylene, chlorine, ammonia, butadiene etc. I

knew this so gave and first time he smiled n said ok good.


- Precautions with carriage of urea on a voyage from montreal to vizag. Moisture F2

n sweat ans u hav to give
- How will you load steel plates of dimensions 6”x2”. Didn’t knows this ans.
- Mate’s Receipt
- Types of cold cargoes. Air chilled, frozen n 1 more which I forgot along with
their temperatures.
- Difference between PCC and PCTC. Former you can carry only cars whereas in
the latter along with cars you can carry trucks and heavy items too. Was satisfied.
- What is B/L. How many types? Who signs. When do you sign. If master signs
after receiving cargo at load port and then freight is not paid to owners at disch
port what will happen? (Told him what all I knew, god only knows what he was
expecting. Last part I din get)
- How will you stop cargo incase of an emergency on a gas carrier. I told him we
have an emergency shut down button. Asked locations for the button. Gave him
6-7. Kept on saying and and finally I could tell 10.
- What is timber code. Draw timber load line.
- Dg Manifest. Purpose and what info do you get from it.
- Why do we have these codes such as imsbc, igc etc and why do we need to
follow? He wants to hears as a code is a law we need to follow thats it.

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How will you load steel slabs
Testing of cranes using proof load
Urea precaution during voyage
Types of refrigerated cargoes & precautions
B/L & types how many- 14
Mate receipt

Document credential system


Why grain is not listed in IMSBC code

Dg manifest
How will you load Dg cargo & classes of it
Loading explosives precautions
How will you determine angle of repose ?
How will you prepare a loading plan from brazil to sydney
Thats all i remember guys.There were other questions also which i dont
remember.Oral went for 2 hrs almost.He is difficult man.Azad was sitting nxt to
JB Singh so he didn't ask me any question & signed Exn.
GA and Capacity Plan all info, prepare for loading,
timber code n timber vsl, imsbc, grain, isgott code,

stability booklet, loadicator,


vsl sailing from montreal to india precaution for urea n mop,

types of reefer cargo, pcc & roro vsl,
types of containers, gas carriers as per imo,
segregation table, mate receipt n BL when will master sign,
Dg Manifest Note of protest, contingency plan.
Load density
Ship sweat and cargo sweat
Cargo planning as a chief officer
What will see 1st in stability booklet after joining
Code of safe working practices?published by whom?
Urea loading precautions. Css code.
While loading grab got stuck action
Dangerous goods manifest, why we require to have dg manifest
Various types of container
Precaution while loading reffer container


What is timber vsl

How will you load timber cargo

What are pcc and roro vsl
Loading heavy lift cargo explain procedure
Types of refrigerated cargoes
Explain ig system
Explain framo pumps
Loadicator what all info..
Cow procedure and requirements
Content of p and a manual
Types of gas tanker as per imo
Mates receipt. Nop
How many types of bl ( i said 12 he told 14)
1. Contents of chain register.
2. How will you load steel plate of some dimensions he will give.

3. Types of gas carriers as per IMO ( 6 types... Lng lpg ammonia etc)

4. Types of containers.

5. Types of refrigerated cargoes.

6. IMDG code applies to dangerous cargoes carried via sea or all modes of
7. What are the disadvantages of loadicator.

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1. Chemical tanker hazards
2. loading of Hazardous chemicals, precautions
3. what all information you will get from IBC code
4. cargo not in COF, action.. Will u load or refuse cargo and on what basis
5. timber deck cargoes, define and what all lashings required.. Y not wood pulp
6. why grain is not in IMSBC code
7. what all do u know about IMSBC Code
8. precautions for concentrates
9. container lashing systems
10. difference between RORO and CAR carrier
11. how will u maintain stability on RORO
12. define heavy lifts and precautions
13. which code gives DG cargoes

14. how will u stow IMDG cargoes


15. requirement for IG systems on tankers

16. what info do u get from Stability booklet
17. what will u first check in that when u join a ship
18. what is GZ curve, what info, draw
19. stability criteria for grain
20. what all will u check for enclosed space entry
21. type of gas carriers as per Imo ( LNG, LPG, AMONIA, CHLORINE, ETHYLENE,
22. what is Reliquifaction
23. what is high density bulk cargoes
24. timber deck loading and stowage
25. what is mates receipt and when is it made
26. what is bill of lading, when does master sign it( once it is confirmed freight is
payed).. Who issues it and on whose behalf
27. what is foul Bill of lading
28. how will u take lashings for equipments on deck before rough weather
29. what all docs will u sign after loading cargo
Which type of vessels u have done?
Grain stability criteria?

Types of gas tankers?


How to load 25tons steel coils and it’s securing?

COW requirements?
What is IMSBC code?
Non volatile cargoes?
VEF in details?
-Explain WNA in loadline

-Grain stability Criteria

-Grain loading in USA, which document is important before loading (National

Bureau Certificate NBC issued by USDA)


-Using shore side Grab in ships crane, what all checks u will do(he wants to hear
about certificate stating SWL)
-through B/L
-loading in tropical zone for winter zone
Loading heavy lift precautions & while loading crane, cargo hold hatch cover,
cargo hold got damaged tell action as a C/O, What is angle of repose, tell few

cargoes angle of repose, is the angle of repose given for any cargo very accurate,

grain stability criteria, can vsl load without DOA criteria for that, timber & tanker

stability criteria, hazards of concentrates, how to load high sensity cargo and its
hazards, why grain code for loading grain? Contents of ISGOTT, IBC, what is B/L
and its functions

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ISGOTT content. IMDG content. MFAG procedure. CSC plat content.
Test of container and why they do that. How container located onboard (Bay
Plan), Lashing code content. Grain loading.
Grain stability criteria also draw on paper.

Angle of repose - whts for grain and water.

How to check onboard AOR.

Where to find it and why it is important.

Loadline stb side. How to use loadline?
What is Solas ch.12 and then screwed me there - asked for all regulations
To whom it apply, whts endorsement in it * couldn't and this but sent me out for
2 min to find abt ch.12. Bulk carrier alarms.
BL why it is imp? Types? Mates receipt.
Boat Note. COW. Heavy lift precautions. Ships and Cargo Sweat
What is IMDG and explained the procedure how will you load a d.g container?
Segregation and stowage table details and latest amendment
Stability criteria of timber carrier. What is hog lashing?

Contents of IMSBC. Hazards of concentrate.

Loading preparation for coal and precautions. Hazards of grain and what are the

securing method.

Contents of ISGOTT. Types of chemical tanker.
What is cargo record book and details? Then he comes to the container ...
What is bay? How to locate a container on board a ship?
Container marking and explain them like container code and no.
What is CSS and CSC code and contents of them?
Content of IMSBC. Content of ISGOTT. What is lashing code ?
What a STP ship? Certificate A & B of Passenger Ship.
How are cargo hazards of IMSBC identify. What is tpd?
Boatnote. Types of Sweat. Voyage from UK to India , what about ventilation of

hold. Flow moisture point.


Hazards and precautions for cargoes that may liquefy.

Bill of lading and purpose.
How to determine moisture content onboard
Where is it given
If you do the above test and it's showing moisture action ?
( Told him send samples for lab analysis )
Lab report is positive , will u load the cargo ?
• load a bulker with timber- wants all documents required
• DG manifest Cargo Manifest- what all info ( wants to hear Emergency
• Loading a VLCC at Rastanura Disch in Singapore ( Actions from NOR tendered
till full away)
• after loading cargo short by 1000 tonnes take legal action?

• Meaning of Care of Cargo? Why care for cargo?


• IMDG documents

• Ship shore safety CL( wants to hear all parts)

• Loading of bulk carrier (wants as per BLU code)
• Liq cargo caught fire action (I said ref MSDS for the specifications wrt type of
extinguisher to be used etc, but he was like u can get info from ISM code also
and many other places, i dont know what he wanted to hear)
• Showed Load line chart SW monsoons, explain bulker Loading (told him the
normal procedure Bunker consumption etc...Wasn’t quite impressed with the
answer wanted something more)

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SF. Load density. Heavy lift. Loading cargo above ur Load density how.
IMDG why on tanker. Loading of grain in detail from starting.
Loading of two different parcels in chemical ships. Letter of quality for cargo in
tankers contents. Letter of origin contents.


Wallwash procedures in tank in detail, what chemicals used with in what ratio etc
Carrying cargo with high H2s and benzene content.

Crew member exposed to H2s action.
Loading of heavy lift all details.
Container lashing and as per what, wants to hear Csm and contents.
VGM regulation and details. Damage stability calculations.
Documents required on container ship for loading.
Cargo not mentioned in COF, how to load. LOP is it legal?
How will you load/secure a car in Flat rake container?
DOC on container
Vsl discharged Cat X cargo, need to load Cat X cargo again next port. explain
how will you prepare the tanks.

Pre wash for Cat X cargo


Entries in Cargo record book for Pre wash carried out

Wall Wash Test
Vsl discharged Iron ore in Sudan, next port Gibraltar loading Coal- How will you
prepare hold? Can you discharge cargo residues? Can you discharge Wash water
(Basically checks thorough knowledge of Annex V)
Entries in GRB Part II
1. How you will carry out Draft survey?
2. How will you carry out Tank cleaning operation?


3. Which all guideline you refer for the above operation?

4. What is in the P & A manual?

5. How will you carryout cargo calculation on tanker?
6. From where do you get the Density for the cargo?
7. What do you mean by weight reduction factor?
COW requirements
IG requirement
Tank cleaning precautions.
Grain code and stab req.


Livestock ship stab req.( Das)

IMSBC content.
Loading calculation on tanker.
Discharge preparation.
IMDG code and container lashing method. Which one is better?
Iron ore loading and hazards.
1. How to calculate cargo quantity to load
2. Draft survey.
What’s first and second trim correction with formula and explanation


Why mctc-50
3. Loading 63000 tons cargo in a 75000 dwt ship precautions

4. Alternate hold loading where its given ship is approved

5. loadicator not working how to calculate cargo distribution in holds.
Wanted answer in detail.
6. Stability related basic questions. What all parameters change with density?

After Loading dox required.

Loadline survey


Draft survey

How vsl will behave with less GM

Cargo to be loaded partially in tanker. How to do in detail?
Needs only practical answer.

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Tender/stiff vessel
Capsizing lever
What all things to consider before loading in container vessels.

Timber loadline applies to which ship

Stability criteria for timber ship
Clean/claused and some other type of bill of lading, mates receipt
Angle of repose and it's importance
Grain loading criteria without doa
Started with the introduction of last vessel General information.
Cargo calculation on gas tanker.
While loading operation tank pressure rising action.

During cargo ops sounding gauge is damaged action.


What is slip tube?

When vessel comes out from dry dock procedure to be followed and precaution.
To be taken prior loading ops.
Why do gassing up.
How we check dew point during gassing up?
During cooling down procedure how we check the time requirement for same.
P & A manual
Cow manual

Certificate of fitness

How to load cargo on tankers

Wch documents signed by mate
Who issues bl and is bl signed on board or edp
New load orders of 10000 t
How to go about it?
Load density and stowage factor why necesary
Pyrophoric cargoes
Stowage plan rejected what could be reasons
Things to consider as mate while preparing stow plan


Imdg classes
Class 3

Is petrol volatile or voc?
Will petrol or gasoline fall in class 3
Why inert gas not used in firefighting
Inert gas advantages
Stcw code duties of mate
Which section also
1. What is angle of loll and what happen when vsl is heeled more due to wind and
suddenly wind stops blowing .

2. What is angle of repose

3. What is csm and what info you will get from it

4. Document for loading grain

5. Can you load grain without doa
6. Grain stability criteria

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Why it is required (I said we will get the idea at what angle of heel cargo might
shift if untrimmed)
He asked but even some cargo with high Aor shifts why so (because of moisture
content increasing more than a liquid state will develop)
Tell me which were the bulk carrier which sank in India and why they sank (Asian
forest and black rose bcz of M.C got more than T.M.L and cargo liquifiyed and vsl
developed on google to know the detail)
What is secondary means of venting on tanker
(I said we have alarm system on chem tanker which is 10% before the PV valve

setting )

But he still asked what is PV breaker (I explained him the working and then he

told that PV breaker is secondary means of venting given in Sola's)
What is the nitrogen % coming from engine room?
What is the oxygen %coming from engine room in IG system?
Alarms of IG system (Total 9 alarms in IG)
What is separated from in Imdg
Hazard of coal
What are hazard of roro (High freeboard so more windage area As I said lacks
from the transverse bulkhead. From to which progressive flooding can take place
He asked if so then what is remedy for it. (bilge pumping system is there on
What all things u will consider while making a loading plan?






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1. What is angle of repose?
2. What are hazards of oil
3. What are hazards of liquifying cargo
4. Low angle of repose is good or not


5. Is any cargo included in imsbc which liquify and any special measure required
Ans. Iron ore fines and special methods are used for calculating transportable

moisture limit
6. Wall wash test procedure
7. What to do if charterer informs you to keep bill of lading onboard
Ans. It should not be kept onboard with master as it is violation of law
8. Functions of bill of lading
PV valve setting, PV breaker,
mast riser, p and a manual,
Annex 2 dish criteria,
marvs, deck seal use,

container no: details,


how will u know container is damaged,

timber deck cargo problem,
grain stblty criteria without DOA,
css code contents, stale bill of lading in detail,
other types also just names,
Hamburg rule,
IMSBC code contents full.
Lashing code
Grain code
Lashing of flat racks
Lashing of OOG cargo


Testing of loadicator- how you do it and who approves the trim and stability

Refrigerated cargo
Precautions for refrigerated cargo
How to load refrigeration cargo?
Reefer containers loading
Dg loading
IMDG code
Load density, dunnage types,
Heavy lift n precautions


Everything n IMSBC F2
Bunkering precautions
Precautions while carrying concentrate
CSC plate, Types of Chemical Tanker
NOP and what docmnts u carry
Type.of ships
Lpg calculation in detail

Damage stability requirements and conditions


Prepare lpg cargo plan and state which publications and why

You are a 7 hold bulk carrier with 7 cranes having a swl of 15tonnes
Owner had to load a 20 tonne cargo
How will you go about doing it
Oil tanker vecs in detail (color coding) and other stuff

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How will you know how much cargo you can load in a hold and upto what height?
Contents of intact stability booklet
From where will you know which cargoes you can load in a chemical tanker. COF
and what does it contain
Damage stability booklet. Where all is it there onboard? (He wants to hear in CCR
and on bridge)
Is there any automatic equipment onboard tankers which gives continuous
information on trim and stresses. Said its not the loadicator but something else. I

didn’t know what it is.


Loading of cargo with failed Loadicator. How will you go about it?

What is ERS? When do we use it?
Hazards of naphtha. Hazards of concentrates. Hazards of sawn timber.
COW operations in detail. What is AOR? If a cargo has high AOR what does it
Examples of cargoes with high and low AOR.
Gas cargo calculation, chemical cargo calculation.
Which ASTM tables you use?
How will you use benzene dredger tube (wants to hear about the tube you will
break from the centre and use).
1. Types of chemical / gas tankers.
2. IMDG call 1 segregation.
3. Contents of CSS code.
4. What is heavy lift. And precautions for loading.
5. What is ISGOTT. And what is ship shore safety checklist. What is A/p/r from the


6. What all check you will do prior entering enclosed space.

7. What is IMSBC code?
8. Grain stability.
9. Draft survey.
10. What is b/l.
11. Note of protest.
12. Actions if cargo shifts.
What is constant, how do you calculate constant.
Use of Fwd n Aft perpendicular (As per him we get Water plane area which gives
Under water vol).
Requirement and Entries in Orb part 2.
Gas carrier types (Lng, Lpg, Ethylene etc).
Types of Container.
Contents of Csm manual.


What is Heavy lift (as per pawans notes) and precautions?

Ship shore safety checklist. What is APR n its significance.

Ship sweat.
SF, AOR, Load density, Tml.
What is Mates rcpt?
What is BL?
Difference in Mates rcpt n BL
Iron ore precautions
Concentrate hazards
BL types, IMDG class, MFAG, segregation table, ISGOTT, CSC plate, CSM,

Constant as per draft survey, y u apply correction to draft to get draft at


perpendiculars, load density, SF


SWL, can u load cargo more den SWL

Angle of repose
Mates receipt

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All the amendment to Marpol in last 5 yrs,
discharging criteria for Marpol annex 4 waste in special area,

MIRANDA Dry docking what all plans required, why docking plan required what info

what are anodes where are they located and material of their construction,
inspection of ballast vent, what is fwd and aft perpendicular,
loaded vessel aground on the fwd port side action as chief mate,
and how will u assess the extent of damage, and actions to be taken once afloat.
SF, load density, how to determine Wat dunnage to be used,
types of dunnage, heavy lift, constant in draft calculation,


enclosed space in dB tank on bulk carrier after discharging coal to rectify leak in
tank procedure, types of gas detector available on bulk carrier,

what is vrf in gas tanker calculation, cargo sweat, You are given 20t,
2x2" dunnage, load density 2 t/m2 can you load?
Full calculations asked,
Load density. Stowage factor.
Broken stowage. Angle of repose.
IMSBC purpose nd contents and What was change in IMSBC from BC code.
CSM purpose and contents. Draft Survey explain.
Constants. Loading concentrate hazards and precautions.
Heavy lift cargo precautions. Types of chemical tankers, what all specifications.


Types of gas carriers.

High density cargoes. COW req.

Ship shore safety checklist carried on oil tankers.
ISGOTT contents. Note of Protest and when will you issue.
He wants to hear nop is extended. Multimodal transport doc.
Types of containers. Straight bl what it is.
Lop. Fwd perpendicular and aft perpendicular define.
What is code and convention. What comes under what.
Types of container. Lashing of container.
Types of tankers
Then he asked me what type of i have sailed on and since i have sailed on tankers
he started with bulk carriers

What are concentrates?


Precautions of loading concentrates

Loading concentrates in goa discharging norway via cape of good hope what all

precautions related to cargo will u take?
Types of coal. Hazards of coal. COW in detail.
If in detail Static electricity precautions. Definitions sour crude spiked crude. How
u will load 5 grades of cargo. Heavy lift.
Precautions. Which all plan will u refer prior loading heavy lift?
Permeability, S.F, load density, stability manual,

broken stowage, AOR, CSC , what is heavy lift,


what is quarter mean draft, ship sweat,


types of chemical tankers, COW, SSCL,

Concentrates and properties,
Types of Bill Lading, Container lashings, EMS.

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Stowage Factor, Load Density, Angle Of Repose, Broken Stowage, Permeability.
Difference between Permeability and Broken Stowage.
ISGOTT contents
SWL definition
CSS code, CSM contents
MFAG, CSC plate
What is a heavylift?(Say something along the lines of: An indivisible load that


adversely affects the stability of the ship. DO NOT SAY 100 tonnes or give any
other value)

Precautions while handling heavy lift
Precautions and hazards associated with concentrates.
Types of containers
Ship Sweat
How will you calculate cargo loaded on a bulk carrier? How do you carry out a
draught survey?
What is Quarter mean draft?
Types of chemical tankers.
1) Hazards of concentrates (Small Book of Capt. Errol Fernandes)
2) Hazards of coal (Small Book of Capt. Errol Fernandes)
3) Contents of ISGOTT (No need to mug up the contents, I told him randomly and
he was satisfied)
4) Number of classes in IMDG cargo
5) IMDG Cargo Type A,B & C definition
6) As per IBC code classification of chemicals. (X,Y,Z & OS) (Here I was not asked
to give the exact definition, so I only mentioned X,Y,Z & OS)
7) What all information do you get from Loadicator (Key point GZ curve and told
him other information GM(s), GM(f), LCG, quantity etc.
8) What all plans you will refer while making loading plan.


9) Definition of LEL
10) Definition of Purging

11) COW procedure ( all precautions from arrival till end of operations, keyword
DE bottoming).
12) How to refer MFAG?
13) Load Density
14) Stowage Factor
15) Broken Stowage
16) Angle of repose
17) Precautions in Wood Pulp.
18) What is Bill of Lading and its functions.
19) Testing of Loadicator.
20) At what interval you will test Loadicator? (I said as per SMS, 3 monthly and
annually in front of the Class Surveyor)
Asked from LPG ships


Dangers and problems with hydrates

How to calculate quantity of coolant require to gas up tank.

Action when we hydrates are formed.

Explain entire grain calculation with grain loading manual explanation...



Show draft survey calculations... Lots of cross questions...

Technical reason for applying 2nd trim correction...

Documents required for loading dangerous goods...

What info on dangerous goods declaration???

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VGM in detail (cross questions)


MUDULI Mates receipt (samul’s is not enough for him )

Loading Coal at Richards bay-Vessel at Anchorage and it rained whole night .. Will

you load cargo as u reach port .. Lot of cross questions
Coal carriage precautions..

1) Load density, Angle of repose.

2) trimming procedure for cargoes vth angle of repose <30, 30 to 35 & >35.


3) timber code
4) draw stbd side timber load line n how vl u use ths for loading, loading

procedure including lashing n stability.
5) Intact stability for grain.
6) incoterms, what info thy provide n their legality wrt cargo.
Started with ASTM tables which one is used for what
LNG how it is carried and what it’s temp


Concentrate hazard and how will you carry

Bol and mates receipt
Haque visby rules and difference between both
IMDG code content
What ships have u done...since my ships wer specialized vessels with completely
different operation, and rare.. He asked me to explain the entire vessel.. Cargo
that I used to carry was cement... So precautions, hazards, loading, discharging,
carriage With cross questions.
Loading of coal, start off with obtaining info from the shipper, hazards,
precautions. then talk about hold prep.
Why have there been deaths when entering the hatches.. Action in case of fire in

Coal loading and calculation, grain stab requirement, how is the void space

practically measured.

Entries in ORB0 part1, HAVE YOU MADE ANY ENTRIES IN ORB (Trick question).
Concentrates... Hazards and how will u load. What is wet shift. Why is it
Draft survey. Have you carried out draft survey on board? I said yes. He said..
Now days it's easy with excel.. Only enter the drafts and values u get ur ROB...
Can u explain manual procedure.. How will u carryout draft survey prior loading,
post loading, prior disch and post disch.
What u know about cargo securing manual. Explain d securing manual on last
ship. What are container lashings?
How will u trim the hold
1) grain code stability requirements and cross questions

2) Timber code stability requirements


3) Contents of CSM

4) major hazards in oil tanker

5) what is min. toxicity level
6) what is TLV and STLV
How will you carry out Gas freeing on an oil tanker?
Which method will u use Dilution or Displacement, and why?
Concentrate cargo liquefied, action as a mate?

Slop tank requirement on a tanker.


After completing loading, u gave mate’s receipt with all ok but then u noticed

cargo is damaged. But shipper wants clean BL. Action?

Criteria for loading grain.
Why is the angle of heel 12?
How will you test loadicator? How much difference in values is acceptable?
What is dump valve? What precaution will I take before opening it?

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Discharging completed explain in detail for man entry
Decanting settling tym
Dump valve and its main use (U section ..check water to be filled ...and he wants
to here.. that before opening dump valve ...check gas and present cargo in slop
compatibility with the overflow oil mixture.)
All ships Min gm requirement
Sulphur and urea hazards

Nop and lop


How u will take evidence?

Loadicator test how u will carryout ..
Types of chemical tanker
LPG and LNG major difference .
Which ship u carry lng and lpg
Reliquefaction plant
Boat note ( he specifically needs answer ..thag chief officer gives the barges the
boat note..of details of cargo loaded or discharged)
Dg manifest, EMS
1- Detailed procedure for tank entry after oil tanker has discharged tanks.
Practical answer and in correct order.
2- How and why you do draft survey? Practical he wants some procedure given in
Errol text book chapter 2 first page apparently.
3- What is constant? Why u calculate it? Why u do draft survey initially?

4- How would u load IMDG container?


5- Smoke from IMDG container, action as chief mate?

6- Documents required for grain vessel
7- You have prepared a mates receipt showing condition of cargo as good,
suddenly crew informs you of damaged cargo loaded. Shipper asks master to
sign clean BL.
8- What is your action? Owner, PNI not answering phone.
9- Shipper ready to give LOI or any document required for u to sign clean BL and
he doesn't allow vessel to depart without clean BL.. action
1) How many types of BL . Wat is BL. When it is signed
2) NOP n LOP diff
3) Wat is subsidary risk
4) One cargo has 15 AOR n other has 34 AOR ur concern. I said cargo will less aor
will shift easily.. he sAid many ships r sinking with cargo having high aor..
recently one ship sank off phillipines wid high aor ..i said may b not trimmed

properly.. den i asked which cargo.. he said concentrated den told him abt

5) secondary venting on tanker.. i said pressure gauge..if no pressure gauge den F2
pv valve primary n pv breaker secondary
6) wat is grain code
7) GM for timber ship
8) If a vessel goes to angel of loll n after dat wind acts on it n she heels further..
den wat vil happen wen wind dies down.. i said she will come back to angel of loll
coz of gz which was formed

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1. Hazards of grain
2. Hold preparation for wheat
3. IMDG Code Contents
4. Imdg container smoke 💨 coming out, actions ?
5. You are discharging oil at berth and have to make man entry in cargo tank,
how will you proceed ?
6. What precautions will you take for hot wash ?
7. How will you recognize a imdg container on a container plan ( dg manifest and
bay plan )

8. Ship shore checklist, Explain ?


9. Loading grain in a ship without DOA

10. Coal, everything from loading to discharging
11. Smoke coming out of hatch with coal, actions ?
12. Concentrate had deceloped a flow state, actions ( do not say port of refugee)
One of the points i said was port of refugee and then he started asking me which
convention calls for port of refugee, what does it mean, what all requirements
and all. Basically he got pissed off with port of refugee.
12. Minimum requirement for gm for all types of vessels ( he specifically wanted
to know for a vessel liaded with coal)
13. What will you look at before ballasting and deballasting as a mate in a port
14. What is draft survey, why is it used and which ships use it, formula
15. Iron ore loading, can it be loaded in any vessel ??
IMDG, segregation between two classes with 3 in segregation table.
Went into depth in imdg.
How to identify MP
DG list contents

Shippers Decl Contents

Heavy lifts - List of 10° when you pick up weight, action

How to load heavy lifts

What is the most critical point when loading heavy lift cargoes
Hog lashing of timber - draw
Draft survey explain
How to calculate constant, final cargo
Boat note - for him CO issues after conducting draft survey of each barge and it is
not a custom doc
Types of Chemical carrier & explain.
Difference between LPG & LNG.
Draw Flamability Diag and explain.

How to Gas Free after discharging operation.


Precaution for carring concentrates(What will you do in sailing if wet shift occurs) F2
Water entered in cargo(What all certificates / How will you assist investigation)
How to test Crane.
How to test lodicator(how much error is allowed)
Difference between Note of protest & letter of protest

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Wet shift, dry shift, Load density, Stowage factor, Stiff and tendor ship.
Imdg segregation, Coal carriage requirement, Hazards of coal.
Fire in hold carrying coal, How to take gas sample and check temperature?
Gas meters onboard carrying coal.
Why we discharge bilges when carrying coal? How to check ph value?
Hazards of iron ore. How will u load?
Difference between inerting and purging. Different types of cargo claim.

Discharging coal....grab gets stuck in hold in the cargo....action.


Type of valve at hold bilges, their location and construction.

Stability criteria....why is it required.
Timber carrier.....distance between uprights.
Lashings as per timber code.
Angle of repose 17 degree.....load as per what?
6000t cargo remaining at intermediate draft 1 and 9 are trimming
holds....present trim 100cms....trim to achieve 40cms.....loadicator not trimming to distribute?....i explained the procedure as
per hindship....but then he wanted exact formulas.
1. Take over as chief mate on chemical tanker.
2. Loadicator tests.
3. What cargoes carried previously? What precautions for methanol?
4. Cargo Sample failed at discharge port? How will you prove that you took
proper care of cargo during voyage?
5. Intact stability of cargo ship.
6. Contents of Stability booklet.

7. Heavy lift defn. How will you go about planning to load heavy lift?
8. Bay plan.

9. What types of pumps worked on? (Framo) How to operate them? What oil is
used in them? (Hydraulic) What is the exact name?
10. What is MSDS? What info will you get from it?
11. Lashings on timber deck cargo.
12. Spacing between stanchions as per timber code.
13. What is TML?
14. What is ASTM? How many tables?
15. What table do you use on chemical tanker?
16. What is BLU code?

IMSBC Contents. Why IMDG book carried on tankers?


Testing of steam lines. Explanation of container number.

Timber spacing of stays requirements. BLU code.

How will you load when loadicator failed. Testing of containers. F2

Hazards of coal. How will you prepare stowage plan?
Windage area of container. Main stability concern on container ship.
Smoke from IMDG container action. Testing of containers.
1. Started with group of cargo in bulk carrier
2. What is low angle of repose?
3. Loadicator failed have to do final trimming 6000 mt remaining on completion
trim should be 60 cm how you will load
4. Why vessel trim when vessel goes from dock water to salt water
5. How you will test loadicator and tolerance limit and what data you get?
6. Types of dunnage.

7. How to clear cargo bilges if the nrv flap is stucked do you cargo .


8. How will you load heavy lift on a container vsl if you don't have securing
9. If cargo is damaged on arrival how will you save your back
10. What is cohesive cargo
11. What to the temp inside hold loaded with coal is increasing
12. Ro Ro lashing
13. Draw flammability diagram and explain.
14. How will you calibrate gas meter?

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1) Types of temperature gauge on gas carriers?
2) Requirement of gas detectors on gas carriers
3) DCP requirements on gas carriers

4) Why gas carriers freeboad high


5) Timber- spacing of uprights
6) Marvs settings how to change requirements as per igc
7) Load density
8) IMSBC contents
Load density
BLU code contents
PV valv pressure

Dilution and Displacement


Static accumulator oil

Consignee sends u letter that Cargo is damaged , Action ?
How to take sample from bilge and for what we take sample?
inspection of cargo tank , what all things u will report to supritendent
What is whipped corrosion?
load density
.... types of dunnnage ...loading imdg on general cargo
...subsidary risk ...general stabilty criteria

...stabilty booklet ... coal hazard loading

...tml ...tlv ...water ingress system

...types of valves .. accumulator
...acctuator ...framo pump
...pressure surge ...static accumlator oil
...protective tank chemical ...p and a manual
...testing steam pipes ...imdg in depth
Load Density
Hazards of Concentrates

How will u measure MP

Which valve used in bilges (Ans-Nrv i.e Screw down NRV) n how will do

Draft Survey- Calculations
Tanker- Calculations
What is Purging?
1. What ships have you sailed on
2. Loading 6000t to go. Present trim 1 m. Final trim req 0.6m.

How will you go about if lodicator has failed.

3. Loading heavy density in a gearless container hatch cover.


4. Coal loading and on fire

5. Types of cargo damages
6. Timber uprights distance
7. Infact stab criteria

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How will u load iron ore.
Pump room ventilation requirement.
How will u load heavy lift on hatch cover of container.
Types of dunnage, how to load a heavy lift on it?
Load density, where to find it.
Prepare hold for reefer ship, Brine contents.

Grain code, lashing procedure.

IMSBC code, types of cargo.

Subsidiary risk, how will u identify subsidiary risk of package.
Trimming question- gave me initial trimm final trimm and amount of cargo to be
loaded, asked distribute in no 1 and 9 hold, need to explain him what values to
take from hydrostatic table and do it on paper.
IG system alarms.
U have discharged cargo, consigner is saying cargo is damaged and issued letter
of protest, action.
Static accumulator oil loading specific requirements
ISGOTT Contents
MSDS contents

Trim and stability booklet contents

Hydraulic oil used onboard name - VISGA 46

And loading and heating of the same
Detailed grilling on cargo heating
Steam system with leakage identification
Timber loading and lashing
Snake loose on timber vessel on deck-Action
Contents of IMSBC
Contents of BLU,CSS
Types of pump on ur last vessel Explain full discharging procedure including
Loading Plan from Gulf to China what all points to consider.
Cohesive and Non cohesive cargoes
Classes of IMSBC , IMDG

Can u load IMDG cargo on General cargo vsl.


Grain loading and Segregation.

Securing of timber, action on sighting a snake, snake has bitten u what action.
Helicopter operations.
ISGOTT contents (many questions from ISGOTT all normal ones like flammability
diagram and all)
Storm valve
Static accumulator Oil definition, precautions while loading this types of cargoes
Pyrophoric reaction.
VEF how to determine , when will it not be applied.
-define sf
-what all cargoes cn be loaded in bulk
-groups of cargo
-group 123, what does that mean as per imdg.

-timber cargo lashings u cn do, what are uprights/stays, what are their


-cargo trimming, calculate nd show.

-tankers what alarm are der in pump room.
-whats diff between flame arrestor and flame screen.
-how will u load imdg cargo in general cargo ships? What u'll chk??
-content of CSM.
-Few Q's tanker, which i cud hardly ans, told u shud do group studies much.

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-define sf
-what all cargoes cn be loaded in bulk
-groups of cargo
-group 123, what does that mean as per imdg.

-timber cargo lashings u cn do, what are uprights/stays, what are their

-cargo trimming, calculate nd show.
-tankers what alarm are der in pump room.
-whats diff between flame arrestor and flame screen.
-how will u load imdg cargo in general cargo ships? What u'll chk??
-content of CSM.
-Few Q's tanker, which i cud hardly ans, told u shud do group studies much.
Types of dunnages
Content of imsbc and csm
( no need to tell chapter wise ...bas Fta fat bolo he will change the qstn )
what are the group of imdg not class
( never hear groups in imdg)
Draw and explain me how G shift during heavy lift operation
What is tlv,static accumulator
What precaution u will take when loading static accumulator oil
(Initial loading rate to be 1m/s until bottom structure is covered

And then maximum 7m/s)

How will u load grain on general cargo ship

(Ship must have DOA and grain loading manual

Then explained him about Vhm )
Timber lashings
How much separation is Allowed in UPRIGHTS (for a ht of below 4 m timber deck
cargo 3 m separation is required
In uprights
Ht of 4 m and above 1.5 m separation is required in uprights )
Wids (for bulky water detection alarm system requirements)
Then ship specific
What type of tanks did u have
What is emrgncy framo pump at what pressure it work ..
What hydraulic oil u use in framo ,where will u find info about it
What all test on container and programme for testing.. Said ACEP and period but
wanted types of test.. I knew there are 6 in CSC code but never came out in
What does the container number i.e Alphabetical and numeral digits mean.. What
is a check digit
Problems faced with Container and RoRo ships
Effect of wind.. Severe heeling criteria and how are the levers formed

Where to find stowage factor..


What is CSM and its contents


Imsbc code.. How to load concentrate

You have 50 DG containers.. How to load
What all documents to sign
Imdg code and supplement.. Action in fire.. EMG MFAG
You want to load heavy lift on the hatch of container what to check
Isgott.. Static electricity and static cargoes.. Requirement for cargo to be static
cargo wrt electric conductivity
Dilution and displacement

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1) Assumptions of volumetric heeling moments? He neds technical ans as per
grain code.
2) IMSBC: appendix 1
I started explaining but he said next question.
3) What is intermediate bulk container ?
4) CSS code: i started with contents nd not happy.
5) Gantry crane loaded IMDG cont with smoke nd escaped?
Action; I’ll ask shore to disc. He said no shore people.
I said ill see placard on container nd enter supplement of imdg code nd see EMS
fire nd thn take action. He said you dnt know the cargo name nd un no. I said

class 5.1 organic peroxides ill see by inded in supplement. He said i think you
nva imdg volume nd supplement. And finally not happy with ans.

6) NOP - in detail
7) RORO containers precautions at sea - answered everything nd asked about
recent incident of roro fire. I explained everything nd he said do you know what
is the cause of it. I said i havent go through the complete article. He said why- i
said im busy in preparing for orals.He laughed at me nd said you are nt
interested in incidents at all.
8) Calculations of draft survey- i hve ans as per pawan.
9) Asked molecular formula of any organic peroxides- said i dnt know , ill go with
UnNo but he is nt happy.
10) Loading potassium in hold nd thm grain cargo. Hold cleaning procedures in
detail - he told im not happy with generic ans. He is not happy with generic
answers, he wants the students to ans in depth as per the code.
1. How to calculate SF/BM?
2. LD, SF, AOR.
3. High density cargo. Hazards.
4. During voyage carrying coal, smoke coming out from hold action.
5. During voyage carrying concentration list developed, how will u know whether
it is angle of loll or list and action?
6. ISGOTT contains.

7. Ship shore safety checklist.

8. IG contain

9. Ch 19 of ig code.
10. Bill of lading,
11. Dg manifest.
12. Note of protest.
13. Wind heeling criteria.
14. RO RO precaution and how to load?
15. During one month long voyage on general cargo ship, what maintenance you
will carry out
RORO discharging, carriage and loading and hazards associated with RORO
What all are arrangements are made in case of water ingress in the cargo spaces
in RORO ships?
Heavy Lift cargo. How will you discharge after 30days long voyage across ocean?

Contents of IBC code

Chapter 17 and chapter 19 of IBC code

IMDG Class 1 loading How you will load as per IMDG code? (Asked by Capt. Behl)
A random container loaded onboard by shore crane operator with smoke coming
out of it. Action. (Asked by Capt. Behl)
VGM MSC circular and MS notice number? (Asked by Capt. Behl)
Contents on a bulk cargo shipping declaration

ISGOTT, IBC, IGC Code Full Content..



Concentrate hazard..
COW Checklist all 3 checklist..

Flammability Diagram draw and explain..

Survival Capability of Oil Or Chemical Or Gas Tanker..

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Ship shore safety checklist


PANIGRAHI CODE grain...imsbc...IBC...isgott...stcw...ism

(Content word to word )

Dg manifest
Concentrate hazard

1. Wind heeling criteria (GRAIN AND RORO)

Didn't look satisfied
2. Grain loading how would you calculate Grain wind heeling moment
Not satisfied
3. Concentrate precautions
4. ISGOTT contents word to word


5. Ship shore Safety checklist ( almost everything)

6. Loading of heavy cargo on deck

7. Survival capability for Oil, chemical and Gas
8. Dangers associated with RORO
9. Oil coming out from Mast Riser. Action .. answer action for a mate only. No
other crap
10. Vessel lists suddenly .. action?
11. COW checklist everything.
12. Grain stability criteria. Make the graph . ( He gets into details , so be quiet

How are loadline zones divided, on what basis?


Explain pv valve?General setting and with what speed should the vapours be
released and why?

What is PES and ACEP, in imdg? Which the agency in india for this?
Cargo calculation on a bulk carrier?
Hazards of imsbc cargo giving example of each one?

10days prior arrival for loading what all will u do... Start from scratch and explain
everything until u start Loading.
ISGOTT contents and amendment
How many chptrs are there in the new SSSCL of ISGOTT?

Timber cargo
Steel coils

N2 system on Chemical tankers
Framo system advantages and disadvantage
Types of pumps used
MSDS contents
Loading steel coils from Europe to Far East explain the precautions
What all will u carry out on cargo cranes... What all checks? What maintenance?
What is B/L and types. (do say its doc of title)?
On arrival port you noticed cargo is damaged, action?

How loading of livestock is carried out in India (as per local requirements).
What’s is latest DG circular/SOP for livestock carrier (04/21 25.01.2021).

Define Load density and its significance / unit.

You will load 200t of heavy lift by ship's crane, say points related to stability.
Can you load grain cargo without DOA?
Information in Note of protest.
Grain stability calculate

With and without stab booklet


If two oil cargoes contaminated wat will u do ??


Latest Solas amendments in chapter 2

Bi party triparty
He send me outside to find out questions which i dint ans...

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What is load density, storage factor, broken stowage,
Angle of repose for grain cargo,
SANTOSH DARODKAR How will you load grain as a mate,
Stability criteria for loading grain with doa and without doa,

Hold preparation for grain after loading coal, lashing code,

What are trim tables, where you will get information for a particular solid bulk

how will you load iron fines (do mention MS notice 9 of 2010),
Actions in case of lifting gear breakdown,
What is mimic plan,
Actions in case of heavy weather as per css code,
Hazards of concentrates.

Loading precautions for Iron ore.


What all things you will check before you plan for loading Iron ore cargo?

If two crude oil (heavy crude and light crude) cargo vapours got mixed with each
other before issuing NOP how will you collect evidence for the same.

Precautions of concentrates

Heavy lift

Summary of isgott

What all plans to be referrred prior loading
Load density
Stowage factor
All grain questions

Grain code
Procedure to start loading

Stowage plan of grain make before loading

Where will u get info of coal if shipper does not provide

What is IMSBC
What r hazards of grain
Procedure to load pipes
Hazards of pipe loading
Concentrates hazards

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Previous attempts question u have to tell him he will verify n not ask anything
unless u tell him atleat 50%. All abt LPG operations as i am LPG guy(suggestion-
he will ask u abt last ship cargo u carried and basis on that he will question max
of d questions). How many B/L - i said 12( as per Capt. JB singh) he started
laughing. Documents for cargo operation.
Grain hazard. Concentrates.
High density cargo- he wanted to hear it will affect the stability more - as chief
mate concern. Methods to secure grain cargo- i started mentioning abt bundlng
saucering n al he said its all obsolete- den i mentioned abt special construction of
bulk carrier with topside tank n al he was happy but asked how will u secure
cargo which is between the deck level n hatchcover top(basically inside hatch
coaming area) - i got stuck so he said u answered settling as hazards so how will
u take care- i said i m not aware he said dont worry amount of grain in dat area is
very less it will not shift. Action - cargo liquified/ i said abt reducing speed


adjusting ballast course n al he said if it liquified u cant do anything u will

straight go in water. Better take precautions before loading.

Asked me abt TMC n MC. LPG discharge ops in detail..
Why we use heater? Why we use booster pump?
(All dis were based on my answers to him). ImDg in detail kept me asking abt
class segregation. As i explained he asked how will u stow m from where u will
get- as per him it shud b stored as per category in DGL ( he said imdg not upto
the marks). Types of LPG ship. Proof load n criteria.
He is very humble and polite person and listens to ur answer very calmly.
Gets frustrated if u answer him wat he dnt wana listen.
If u get stuck in between he will explain u so that u can recollect n answer him.
At 1830 Capt. Sundaram asked me if i can come on monday as he was having
some imp stuffs to attend n seemed busy.
He said its ur call if u wana come or i will sit n take ur orals now. Gave me 5 mins
to think outside. (Just to confirm with fam n al if i got any commitments on
monday). I went inside and told him i will come on monday- he said ok come
-Past Failing Questions

-CFR regulation related to IMDG for car carrier ( fuel oil tank and batteries)

-Class notation for PCC

-Loading precautions in PCC

-SOLAS Ch 12, reg 12 & 13
-Can test
-Past Failing Questions
-CFR regulation related to IMDG for car carrier ( fuel oil tank and batteries)


-Class notation for PCC

-Loading precautions in PCC


-SOLAS Ch 12, reg 12 & 13
-Can test
IMDG code. Loading of DG cargo.
Types of reefer cargoes.

Loading of freshly cut pulses.(cooled or chilled cargo).


Lashing of containers. How to Chek the lashing.


Solas chapters for csm. DG cargo and its segregation.

Cargo liquefaction. How to test?
Shipper’s declaration. Documents for loading dg
What is doc dg?

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1. Definitions stowage factor load density and angle of repose which is good low
or high angle of repose
2. ISGOTT content

3. IMSBC contents & Amendment

4. AOA amendments
5. MLC contents
6. Boat note
7. Timber freeboard why less
8. Critical period why critical
1) On oil tanker ur discharging n 20 percent cargo remaining. Company calls Dry
dock scheduled after 7 days with 3 days of steaming to reach DD from current
location. What will b ur immediate actions as Coff. I told him Cow, followed by

2) Washing.Preparing to hot water wash all tanks. He wanted to know approx


quantity of slops collected after washing n later how much qty of barge to

order for deslopping.
3) Can we load product oil in Crude tankers n vice versa n reasons n
requirements for same.
4) Also suppose ur doing Cow then what is that one thing which u will do to get
better results. He wanted to hear increase the Trim to max poss.
5) Diff types of tankers as per Class.
IMSBC contents how to use IMSBC code
During discharge operation on tanker you receive orders that next port is


drydock how will you go about the preparation.

During Final stage of loading 5% cargo left to be loaded 80cms trim by stern, how

wil u complete loading
Pipeline diameter of various pipes on tankers
Early departure procedure
1. Load density / stowage factor. What’s the use and where to find this on all
2. Hazards, loading and precaution for sulphur/ coal/ iron ore.?
3. Stability booklet contents?
4. COW procedures and precaution?
5. How will to carry out Gas freeing operations on tanker?

6. Flammability diagram?
7. Loading of refer cargo?

8. ISGOTT contents. What edition. What info contained. Everything?

9. Bill of lading and who issues it?
10. Note of protest?
11. While Loading steel coil, it fall on deck and in hold, and also stevedor injured,
what action?
12. Planning / Loading of heavy lift? By ship crane as well as by shore crane?
What difference and what happens?
13. Grain loading / stability criteria?
14. Loading of IMDG container?
1. How will you go about loading IMDG cargo on your ship.
2. Give short description of IMDG Code and Storck Guide.
3. How are Hatchless container ships constructed differently from Hatch cover
container ships.
4. What safety measures are provided for cargo holds carrying IMDG cargo.
5. Recently there was a Maersk vessel that had a DG fire near Lakshadweep

(Maersk Honam). What was the reason for the fire? And how did it spread so fast.
5. What Bilge Monitoring system is present on container ships.

6. What is verified gross mass. Give short info.

7. How is IMDG segregation carried out as per IMDG code.
8. What is CSC plate.
9. How is lashing carried out on container ships?
10. What kind of stresses are most common on ultra large container carriers.
11. How to check on these stresses during Cargo operations in port?
12. How does Anti heeling tanks play a role in maintaining stability in port

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Contents CSM, monitoring of lashing on container ships,
instructions for OOW, VGM, IMDG code contents,

SRIVASTAVA stowage categories, how to load imdg container,

information in doc for dg goods,

fire fighting arrangements on container ships carrying dg,
procedure to plan loading conatiners- in what sequence and order will you load
what measures to be taken, non negotiable b/l purpose,
how many copies of b/l issued, letter of credit
What is IMSBC code...wht all information u get...contents of imsbc...what is angle
of repose... what is hazardous cargo with high AOR or cargo with low AOR,how
will u figure out A.O.R of particular cargo...load density, stowage factor , broken
stowage...wht is imp for u as a chief officer at the initial stage of cargo
Container bay row tier system...can u load container on a vessel not design for

carriage of container...which code...any particular lashing

how will u lash diagram as per css code...( I said since there is no such

eye on the deck I will weld one with proper swl)length of timber shoring...hazards
of coal, sulphur, concentrates,how will u carry out grain loading... hazards...what
chemical used for fumigation?? precaution during fumigation....can u load grain
in wing tanks???I said if there is provisition then yes....and provided vessel is
certified to carry in wing tanks...wht is bill of lading..who issues it?? information
on b/l...who can sign it....wht is electronic bill of lading...wht is LCL and
FCL..purpose...what is gross weight of container....what is CSC plate...have u ever
seen a customs plate on container...wht is stack weight???
Asked which ship I have sailed, he said he is master of LNG/LPG vessels.

Definition of Gas as per IGC code, mollier diagram,


absolute pressure, gauge pressure, vapour pressure,

governing factors for setting of MARVs,

asked me to draw Reliq plant, purpose of suction knock out drum in Reliq plant,
what if liquid goes to compressor and safety arrangement for that,
cargo containment, ESD1 and ESD2 differen
He asked me which type of ship, flammability diagram for LPG,

boiling point for propane, Butane, Ethylene,


cargo tank containment, Procedure for grade change,

procedure for gas freeing before entering dry dock,

LPG overflow at manifold action, Power cut during loading action,
procedure for inerting, Bill of lading, no. Of originals issued,
note of protest
Iron ore cargo loading. Can u load Alternate?
Coal Loading - voyage Care- Discharge

Crosses questions on Loading precautions...y this y tht. Grain Loading...criteria


ISGOTT, IMSBC, BCH, COW,, tankscope,

Ig system, Chem vsls, how to find rolling period,
loll angle, Heavy Lift, CSS,
Container loading precautions.
Iron ore loading
Stowage plan
Hw wd we monitor stress on capesizers while loading iron ore(hull stress
monitoring sys).

Can we load alternate hold loading( as per solas ships with 150 m n above losds
90% of its deadweight s prohibited )

Rolling period n its formula

How we ship behaves n angle of loll, TMP
Angle of repose (how would u go about trimming cargo - he wants to hear about
trimming procedure as per IMSBC)
Flammability diagram –limits and what u measure with Explosimeter (HC gas lel
in %)

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Polymerisation in detail. Inhibitor in detail.
Loading of 4 grades of chemicals, 2 reactive and 2 non-reactive, in detail (He
wants to hear everything from the voyage order to loading operation).
You have started loading, now your duty officer is on watch, you go and take a
deck round, tell me what all things you ll see.
Chemical spill, action ( Again he wants to hear everything from alarm to spill

collection). Product carrier- Precautions required during voyage.

Load two grades of white oil in a product carrier and precautions( in detail).

You have to do hot work in a COT. Explain the full procedure.
Critical temperature. What is its significance.
Angle of repose. Hazards of bulk cargo with examples of each.
Testing and maintenance of cargo hoses. 2 criteria for Static accumulating oil.
Where can you get guidelines for carrying out hot work.
how will you take water in your slop tanks.
How will you inert your DB tanks.
Primary and secondary means of venting.
IMDG-Classes, Contents, Documents, Precautions before loading IMDG container,
Stowage & segregation.
Phosphoric acid loaded in all the tanks, what all precautions to be taken during
the voyage. Chemical cargo spill at manifold, take action.

Make a discharge checklist for discharging of 4 grades of chemical.


Types of chemic tankers. Load 4 grades of product in a product, in detail,

precaution to be taken for their segregation, contamination.

Top view of pipeline system for product tanker and chemical tanker.
Bill of lading- What is it, how many copies, issued to whom, copies for which all
parties, why u have this many no of copies.
Note of protest in detail. Role of P&I club.
Both to blame clause. Angle of repose.
Stowage factor. Load density.
1. Def of AOR n TML
2. Grain loading. Procedure. When i said VHM he asked wats d value of allowable

3. Precautions at sea when carryin iron ore


4. What are high density cargoes

5. Container bay plan

6. Container lashings
7. EMS and MFAG
8. Container lashings
9. CSM
10. Vgm
-Parametric rolling
-Synchronous rolling
-Grain loading


-What is lean gas and reach gas and their content. (Lean and Rich gas are type of
natural gas. Lean gas high concentration of methane and ethane (95% or more)

Rich gas have higher concentration of propane, butane and the intermediate
weight hydrocarbon pentane C5, heptane C7)
-Boiling point of Propane, Butane and Ammonia.
-Explain full procedure to load propane and butane.
-How to control cargo boil off during voyage - reliquifaction plant.
-Explain WNA in loadline
-Grain stability Criteria


-Grain loading in USA, which document is important before loading (National

Bureau Certificate NBC issued by USDA)

-Using shore side Grab in ships crane, what all checks u will do(he wants to hear
about certificate stating SWL)
-through B/L
-loading in tropical zone for winter zone.

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1. What is DOA, why we need it?
2. Grain code, have you seen grain booklet? Give some info on what are its
3. How to prepare hold to load grain?


4. What are hazards of grain? How to reduce the hazards?

5. Give some info on fumigation.

6. Prepare cargo oil tank for man entry.
7. How to test loadicator on a tanker.
8. DG spill - action, you see smoke from DG container- action.
9. How to prepare ship to load oil?
10. Difference between harmful and hazardous.
Bale capacity, load density, CSS code.

CSM. How will you load different grades of cargo on oil tanker?
Different types of oil tanker. Venting arrangements.

Grain loading. DOA.

Intact stability criteria. VHM.
Critical period & critical instant. Dunnage.
Heavy lift procedures. ISGOTT. P and A



Imgd code salient feature and chapter quote,
Many Cross questions on imdg on basis of both volumes chapter wise,
Imsbc contents , concentrate hazards and loading procedure,
As choff what factors to consider on bulk carriers,

Chemical taker types and define,


Chemical tanker Construction parameters, F2

Ig gas and proportion of all gases,
Type of deck seals and explain wet type, Mate's receipt,
Bill of lading who issues it, Dg manifest and explain,
Imdg code what all colums in list of dg,
Some more I don't recollect
-Imgd code how many volume explain each volume and chapter.(he wanted to
know how many pages for volume 2 dangerous goods list and how many
columns what information is written in columns)
-ISGOT what it contains.
-Imsbc contents , concentrate hazards and loading procedure

- coal hazards loading procedure


-As choff what factors to consider on bulk carriers.


- grain stability requirement.

- flammability diagram explain, what is purging why it is done, what is critical
dilution line.
-Mate's receipt
-What is bill of lading who issues it.
-Dg manifest. Some more I don't recollect

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1. Why are there different arrangements for PV Valve and PV Breaker it they are
there for the same purpose?

2. What is the compatibility table and what is the segregation table for class 1

3. How will you go about a draft survey on a bulk carrier? Why do we add or
subtract the first and second trim correction? What is the purpose?
4. How will you perform a flow test? What is TML?

Tanker calculation in detail.

Draft survey calculation and why we do.
Static and dynamic test.
Iron ore and concentrate loading, including precaution and hazards.

Chain register.

He is much in IMDG explosive.

Classes of IMDG
Subcategory of explosive
Segregation of explosive( not away from, seperated from)
Principle of UTI
What is compatibility and segregation of class 1 IMDG

1. Chain register. Who issues it?


2. Loading of iron ore in monsoon in India. Which circular what it mentions?

3. Hazards of ores
4. IMSBC code

1. Purging (Wants to hear gas freeing of tank in inerted condition)

2. What is TLV,TWA, STEL and ceiling limit.
3. Timber code contents and lumber load line. Is there any difference between

lumber summer draft and normal summer draft & y?

4. On a bulk carrier Initial Draft survey in full detail. Why 1st trim correction

5. IMDG contents and Supplements

6. What is Ems
7. Segregation as per Imdg.
8. Chain register
9. HVV? Why 30m/sec
10. Bill of lading? Who issues it?
1. Loading of Coal. Hazard, precautions.
2. What is concentrate? Loading of concentrate.

3. What is TLV?

4. Draft survey in full detail. ( Lot of cross questioning)


5. IMDG contents
6. How will you segregate Class 1 (Also list the sub classes of class 1)
7. Contents of IMDG Supplement.

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- Imdg volumes
- Imdg segregation
- load class 1 with class 1 cargo
- what is magazine?
- Types of magazines
- pv breaker and pv valve difference
- why pv breaker is not in all tanks and what if we will put PV valve of same

pressure instead of pv breaker


- Purging and inerting, why we purge which is still in inert condition

- why initial draft survey is carried out
- Draft survey
- why 1st trim and 2nd correction?
- Is any segregation in imsbc
- Coal loading in detail
- Principle of css Code
- how to go about cargo which are not in imsbc
Tank cleaning and tank entry procedure for oil Tankers, purging and gas freeing
Content of Imdg and IMSBC

DOA in detail, stability requirement for grain


Method for checking the mc of concentrate on board, precautions for loading

Imdg supplements in detail
Flammable diagram understanding
Hvvv's and why vent speed is 30m/s
-Draft survey explanation, all steps of calc
-bill of lading, who signs it nd issues it, when not to sign BL
-what is HVVV

-PV valve

-PV breaker

-diff between pv valve nd pv breaker, why two system given
-asked hv I done dry dock, I said yes during cadetship, so aksed what is shear
strake, deck plate joining shear strake, what is that plate called.
What is purging, why is it done when hold is already in inert condition
-little bit of cross Q, not much.
How many vols are there in imdg . What all is included in the supplement

How will you use mfag


What is imdg class 1 and it's relationship to segregation and compatible tables.
Types of gas carriers. - he wanted to her the survival capability. And asked to
Isgott and what are its contents. Not word to word. Just a brief understanding
Last failing questions
Concentrates hazards
How can you rely on certificate given by shipper for tml.

I said many points but what he wanted to hear is that the laboratory which gives

this cert is it approved by administration.


You are joining as a mate on a loaded tanker to take over.

Calculate the cargo loaded.
Gave him all the steps of calculation but he figured out that i have never used api
tables in actual.
VGM, flammability diagram in detail, what is purging, inerting.....

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-why draft survey of ballast vl
- use of constant
- draft survey calculation
- why trim correction
- what is fwd perpendicular
- what is frst trim correction

- Bill of lading
- what will shipper do with it

- why PV valve is not ig line

-how will u load class 1 good
- compatiblty and segregation for class 1
- subclass of class 1
- grain stability requirements
- full grain stability calculation and explain me with diagram, why it's like that
- what is void in grain ship
- what is chain register
- why annealing is Carried out
Bulk carriers not sailed but must know - how u carry out draught survey.
Difference between PV valves and pv breakers - they work for same cause but why

different construction.

Tanks fully loaded u just signed on Master asks calc the cargo .

Principal of UTI
Requirements for loading grain .
Compactibility n segregation as per Category 1 .
1.what do you understand by the requirement for having double bottom tanks on
oil tankers and chemical tankers.
2. What is the defn of chemical tanker as per marpol? And as per solas?
3. What do you know about CSM? What is its purpose? Which ships does it apply.
If its not applicable to ships which carry bulk cargo why do bulk carriers have it.
4. What u know about LASH ships. Do they require csm? Why dey require csm?
What are the regulations?
5. Why did IMO bring in the regulation for requirement to have Double hull? What
was the implementation date? Why der was a delay to implement double hull on
chemical ships?

6. What do u know about solas ch 12? Tell me the regulations. What is the density

range to classify high and low density cargoes.

7. What is the requirement for loadicator. Who does the inspection? What dey
inspect and certify?
8. What is married gear?
9. Imdg ammendments? What is d diff between risk and hazard management?
How does it help to mitigate dangers onboard?
10. What are the restrictions whilst using a married gear?
There may be a few more questions which
I cannot recollect. Vaz is a very tricky surveyor as we all know. He will ask
anything other than wats der in d notes. He tried to confuse me, lots of cross
questioning. But the answers i was confident about i stayed firm. No point in
searching for the answers as he wil NEVER ask the same questions.
1- DG class 1 is underdeck and DG class 3 is on deck, how will you go about
segregation? How many types of segregation are there?


2- What all documents required after DG is loaded onboard?

3- WLDS on bulk?

4- What do u know about draft survey, why it is carried out? How it is carried out?
5- Gave figures and told to calculate constant
6- Fire on container 4 high? What's latest Solas required for fighting fire?

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1. Details of water level detection system on bulk carriers
2. Iron ore and concentrate loading precautions in Indian ports. (Wants to hear
DG circular 09/2010)
3. Action if now water level detection system is giving alarm and 1meter water in
(Wants to hear checking surface of cargo for liquefaction by moisture migration)
4. The above ore cargo was discharged in Gulf and next loading is in
Mediterranean for clean cargo. How will u prepare and how will u handle previous
ore cargo residues? (Covering function 2 n 3)
(Wants to hear all cleaning procedures as u do prior loading grain after dirty
cargo and for discharge wants to hear 1. Non HME, 2. Vsl has passage in between
which falls outside both gulf and Med special area so will try to discharge there
as per non-special area guidelines for residues in cargo wash water).

5. Whr is position 160402 on container ship


6. What is DOC for container ships and what will u find in it.

7. How will u go about loading different containers onboard
(Wants to hear abt reefer and dg loading, related documents and
stowage/segregation step by step in details)
8. How will u load and secure on a RORO vessel a flatrack trailer carrying a
container on it.
( Wants to hear trailer cannot be loaded with container on top as the load of the
container will break the axle of the trailer under stresses at sea. So we will load
them separately)
9. Now how wil u secure the above trailer alone.
( Wants to hear as using securing points as per CSM, 1st gear engaged, tire
chocked, brake applied etc)
10. Chemical tanker has to discharge Cat X and passage from Mediterranean to
Black sea to load Cat X again. How will u go abt it. (Covering func 2 n 3)
(Wants to hear 0.08% by weight criteria and tht these r not spl areas for annex 2)
10. Prewash procedure in detail and where will u find it
Which vsl u did...i did tanker
1. IMDG container under deck how u load?
2. Classes
3. Container 100882 IMDG, next container where? On deck.
4. Flat rake container (diagram given in notes is wrong he said)
5. Tanker calculation


6. Draft survey lot of cross questions

7. Heavy lift loading?

8. Iron ore discharge, loading grain preparations
9. Cat x discharge in Mediterranean
10. Lashing of jeep on flat rake draw.
11. Manifold 2,3 using leaking occurred in no.2 pipeline , action?
12. Mate receipt
13. Type of BL
14. What is DOC?

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Type of vsl u sailed (Chem Tankers)
How may vsl I said all through my sea service
He say let's start with chemical Tanker
U dich cat X cargo from 3 p n 5s tank
U have to load X cat cargo next port
Explain complete Procedure from disch to loading
Lots of cross question he wants simple one line ans
P n A manual
What all info what help to U
U disch iron ore from red Sea going to load
In Italy
Full procedure for the hold cleaning n wich annex


HME n non HME

(He want to ear as both ports in specal area u can get exception)

Draft survay full calculation he stoped me at 2nd trim correction
Aske how will u know what's the exact Quantity loaded
How will u calculate constant?
IMDG segregation table
X n Y axis
What dose 3 stand in the table
How much mtrs sepration
How will u load IMDG container (DOC imp)
Identitfy 100406 we're will u find this container
Type of lasing
Den he said ok last one
What is Boat note
How is it diff from mates receipt?
1. Grain stability and what all documents and factors to consider for loading
2. IMDG cargo segregation table 4 one container loaded at location 100882
where will you load the next container which location?
3. IMDG classes
4. How to load heavy lift?


5. How to load grain after iron ore departing and sailing in Mediterranean sea.
Where will you pump out as per what Marpol reg?

6. Chemical tanker category x disch loading another cargo category x tank
preparation and Marpol reg for discharge?
7. Cow washing and cow manual.
8. How to calculate constant, he gave drafts, quantity in tons of light ship,
ballast, FO DO, FW?
9. How to do Draft survey on bulk carrier.
10. How do you Calculate cargo on Gas carrier.
1)Segrgation of explosive. Class 1.6, class 1.9, wanted to elaborate on
compatibility group
2)Category X cargo discharge in Sudan net port of load in Italy.(transiting
Medeteranian Sea)


How will prepare you tank for next cargo, He wanted answers with refrence to

3) Boat note,who issues and what are the contents.
4) Principal of liquification on gas carrier.
5) Gave bay , row and tire (100386), and said it has class 4 container , what is the
nearest place where you will store a code 3 (segregation) 20 foot container.

- Loading IMDG- wanted to hear DG Manifest to be sent to DG Office .


- Seaway Bill, mate's receipt


- Cargo washing, dunnage disposal when vsl does not leave spl area Annex V
- Disch for Cat X washings.

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- Loading IMDG- wanted to hear DG Manifest to be sent to DG Office .
- Seaway Bill, mate's receipt

- Cargo washing, dunnage disposal when vsl does not leave spl area Annex V
- Disch for Cat X washings.

Oil pipeline has hole in it action

What is Boat note?

070084 what’s next number


One is class 2 DG cargo one is class 6 how to load

How to load heavy lift cargo with jumbo Derrick
Entries in ORB a from load port to discharge port and when doing a man entry
inside COT
Pressure Testing of Cargo pipeline
-container vsl, dox for imdg loading
-what is shippers declaration?


-segregation of imdg
-DOC contents

-loading iron ore. How will u find out the final quantity on board?
-discharging cat X cargo and loading cat Y cargo in same tanks in next port. How
will you go about it?
Ring main and direct line system.
Hole in cargo line while discharging. Action
how would u change a leaking expansion joint in cargo line
asking in detail about IMDG
what is class 1.5c

Explosives details

step by step

Chain register detail.
draft survey in detail
what is a constant. How to calculate?
During discharging grab breaks from d shackle of crane and falls on deck as a
chief off what will u do?
during investigation how will u show to port that d shackles was in good
condition (wanted to hear about chain register entries)
what all markings are there on d shackle
How would u change a leaking expansion joint in cargo line?
Asking in detail about IMDG?
What is class 1.3
Segregation in 1.3 and 6 everything step by step
What is secondary risk
Annex 2 special areas

X category

You discharged the cargo now sailing how will u carry out carry out washing

Draft survey in detail

What are constants?
What is boat note who issues it ,how will chief know that how much cargo boat
has deleverd
During discharging grab breaks from d shackle of crane and falls on deck as a
chief off what will u do?
During investigation how will u show to port that d shackles was in good
condition (wanted to hear about chain register entries).
Chain register in detail
What all markings are there on d shackle?

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-Boat Note in Detail
-Difference between Mates receipt and Boat Note

VIBHUTI -Stevedore comes and tells mate they have finished cleaning the hold after
Discharging .. what all will u ask d Officers to check on your behalf

-Description of a bilge .. as to what pipes and arrangement
-He gave a container number wrt Bay/Row/tier and he drew a IMDG Label, asked
me to identify it after that he asked me the segregation for it ..then he asked me
to right down as to where will i stow dis container wrt to the first one .
ODMCS..... How this 1/30000 figure decided.....why only 1/30000
IMDG class 1 segregation
On paper he wrote location of container 070306 .... He want me to draw


container vessel and place this container....

He want me to draw segregation table ....

Then place another container as per segregation type 3
Is DOC applicable for deck cargo?
Overall not satisfied coz we both are confused with container vessel and location
of container.
How to load DG cargo.. Wt all documents required
What all you will check in IMDG code?
IMDG segregation and stowage
Boat note.. Who issues d boat note?

Mates receipt

Who signs mates receipt n boat note

Difference btwn dem
Reefer ships
Types of cargo on reefer ships
What all r chilled cargoes?
How will u load freshly cut pulses?
Precautions b4 loading cargo in reefer ships
1) Towing vsl lights ( length 160m, tow 100m, length of tow 80 m)
2) Crossing situation btwn 2 vsl.
3) crossing situation
4) sound signal range
5) IMDG classes
6) segregation table n types
7) document of compliance
8) loading of dg container what all you will check
9) under deck loading precaution
10) Chain register in details

11) Chapters of chain register


12) One crane shackle broke and fell in hatch , 2 guys dead, relate the shackle

to the book.
13) Marking on a shackle
14) Chemical tanker prewash requirement
15) Discharged cat x in one port and going to load cat y in other port actions.
16) Latest prewash requirement
17) Recovery strops
18) Recovering lifeboat in rough weather
19) Hanging off pendant
20) Liferaft explain
21) HRU part and explain.
22) Procedure and arrangement manual explain
23) Bulk carrier loaded how will u know the exact amount of cargo loade

Pipe line rupture during discharging action



Chain register
Container questions

Segregation table .. 1,2,3,4,X

IMDG code

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1. Difference between stowage and segregation
2. How do u use IMDG code
3. Where will u find segregation and stowage in IMDG code?
4. How to find constant? long discussion on this one


5. How to do draft survey? In detail with formulas

6. Is draft survey required on tankers?

7. On tanker after loading the difference between ship and shore figure exceeds
300t what will u do ? What will u suspect as mate?
8. CSS code / CSM / containers / angled twist lock how does it look? When you
turn the twist lock which direction does it turn.
9. IMSBC code and relevance.
1. Tonnage mark
2. IMDG DOC - (Cross Questioning)
3. Hold cleaning - Cross Questioning
4. Marpol Annex 5 dis Criteria - (Cross Questioning)


5. Lashing of Car in Flatrack Container - (Cross Questioning)

6. Cargo Securing Manual

7. Securing of Portable Tank
8. Hog Lashing - (Cross Questioning)
9. Wiggle wire lashing
10. Refrigerated Cargoes
11. IMDG segregation

Vsl in Goa port loading iron ore- regulation, precaution, Indian rules

Iron ore loading in Red Sea and to discharge in Mediterranean and preparing for

grain loading
IMSBC code

1) segregation table for class 1 with class 2-9.
Meaning of code 1,2,3,4,X in segregation table.
2) Segregation table between class 1 compatibility grp.
3) If b/w reference package Nd compatible cargo Segregation reqd is 2. If
reference cargo is loaded in row 02 Nd bay 02 Whr wl u load the compatible


4) Identification of container ( Bay, row, tier)

Bulk cargo
1) Angle of repose of a cargo , whr u wl find it Nd it's importance.
2) While at port wrkng cargo , angle of the cargo exceeds angle of repose
a) Can it first of all happen.
b) What r it's consequences.
c) Ur action if vsl lists at berth Nd at sea.

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Both taken all together ,
Start with warm up questions
Stowage factor , load density and how u calculate it , broken stowage and what is
the unit of it ?
Then in between nitin asked on tanker how will u do tank cleaning, all steps
explain .
Then he asked how will u prepare your tank for man entry ,
While telling him the whole process of this , when I told I will use the blowers to
start gas free the tanks then he asked what if your blowers are not working !
Then how will you gas free your tank ??
Answer I have put IG into Gas free mode and introduce fresh air into the tank . He


was happy . Then he asked me tell me the 2 methods of doing it .

F2 & F3
Answer is dilution and displacement.
He asked which one as a COF u will use and the effective one ?
Answer I gave him the displacement method . And also many small small cross
questions on related to the process ..
Aggarwal asked hazards of coal and how u will prepare your tank for loading coal
Then nitin asked after that what will u do if the concentrate develop flow state in
middle of your voyage ?
Types of Bill of lading and how many bill of lading are prepared and what are the
reason for that ?
Answer I gave 3 B/L and 2 are the back up if B/L one is lost during while
transferring to the consignee then other 2 are act as a spare B/L . Otherwise
these 2 B/L act as null and void .
- few past failing questions
- prior loading to discharging coal
precaution & hazards
- OLB entries


- what all entries will u do in OLB in passanger ship ?

F2 & F3
- Entries of ORB part 1
- Discharge Criteria for annex 5
- what is SF & BM
- types of loadline. draw both load line loadline (lumber and standard). draw stbd
and port side loadline. ( nitin was tryin to confuse me for 1/48 is used in
standard LL)
spacing thickness in detail. all in detail
- CSS Code
- Testing of lifeboats
- Types of gas carriers as per IGC Code
- IGC code full form
- Types of chemical tankers
- Types of cargoes (x,y,z)
- How will yoy make a grain loading plan. What all will you consider.( VHM )

- MARVS setting on lpg

F2 & F3

- Cargo log book on lpg. What all to log down.


- Cargo related documents you will sign.

- Preparation for DD. Too much discussion on this topic. He Wanted to know what
as mate is most important to you prior going into DD. Told him abt virtual gm.
Said what all it depends upon. Formula. He said it depends on two factors i.e vsl
trim and the declivity of blocks of the dock.
- Loadicator testing. Which parameters will you compare and with what.
- Livestock he asked again as he saw the ques written by JB
- Note of protest.
- Letter of protest.
- What kind of cargo related protest do you give. I said we used to give for slow
rate. He was happy to hear that.

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- chain register and who signs it
- IMDG Code and contents

F2 & F3
- What is a B/L and different types of B/L
- How to load Heavy lifts and precautions
- Hazards and precautions while loading coal
- Byparty and triparty (something related to CBA)
Rapid fire

F2 & F3

HSC code
CSS code req as per what Solas which chapter which req.
He want to know that u have knowledge of requirements for different codes.
Difference btw piracy and armed robbery not happy with my legislation part.
How to calculate maximum loadable on oil, gas carrier,

def of chemical, oil,

F2 & F3
What is ctm (not cash to master) in cargo operation,

discharge port 50 steel coils missing action mate receipt and b/l clean
Cyber security part of which convention,
fund convention and max liability has india ratified BWM,
what if oil spill in country not part of clc and fund... hongkong convention..
Asked me q on lng loading and discharging and cross q

The fire at manifold lng

F2 & F3
Diff in lng and lpg carriers wrt tank construction

Mates receipt who signs and use

Bill of lading
Cargo manifest
U r on bridge Anchor watch, master ashore, own vsl riding anchor @ 6 shackels
on dck, vsl in frwd 1.5 Nm range dragging anchor very fast, Action.
Vsl grounded Action as a mate? seafarers agreements as per MLC?
IMSBC Code content? CSM manual full form and as per which reg and code?
Diff in CSS code and CSM manual? ISGOTT content and colour of front cover of
book? DOA who issue ? / load grain without DOA?
DRI hazards? FWD ETA Arrangements on tanker and why chaffing chain outside
the lead?


Flammability diagram draw? Types of ship as per ILLC?

F2 & F3
Heavy weather precaution as per mate? While loading Oil tanker, sudden list ,
Berthing ship in river , current against , without pilot and tug, advise master ?
Before bunkering at anchor, advise master before barge coming alongside as a
mate? BLU code?
Pooping , broaching and foundering?
Diff in Gronding and Dry docking in repsect with loss of GM?
Hazards of RORO? Trim stability booklet who issue ? How will come to knw its
authorised? ESP on tanker?
What is meaning by NC? how will u report? PSC in next port , preparation as a
mate? MSDS content? MSDS as per which Reg?

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U r on bridge Anchor watch, master ashore, own vsl riding anchor @ 6 shackels
on dck, vsl in frwd 1.5 Nm range dragging anchor very fast , Action . ;
Vsl grounded Action as a mate?
seafarers agreements as per MLC?
IMSBC Code content ?
CSM manual full form and as per which reg and code?
Diff in CSS code and CSM manual ?
ISGOTT content and colour of front cover of book ?
DOA who issue ? / load grain without DOA ?
DRI hazards ?
FWD ETA Arrangements on tanker and why chaffing chain outside the lead ?
flammability diagram draw ?

types of ship as per ILLC ?

F2 & F3
Heavy weather precaution as per mate ?
While loading Oil tanker, sudden list , reason ?
Berthing ship in river , current against , without pilot and tug, advise master ?
Before bunkering at anchor, advise master before barge coming alongside as a
mate ?
BLU code?
Pooping, broaching and foundering ?
Diff in Gronding and Dry docking in repsect with loss of GM ?
Hazards of RORO ?
Trim stability booklet who issue ? How will come to knw its authorised ?
ESP on tanker ?
What is meaning by NC ? how will u report?
PSC in next port , preparation as a mate?
MSDS content ?
MSDS as per which Reg ?

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- what is todays date ?
- what type of ships ?
- what cargo ?
- draw midship section of ur last ship
- why r d beams on chemtanker on deck ?
- precautions while discharging heavylift with ships derick of swl 200 t
- tell me something wat all stability related problem you will face while handling
above operation
- hazards of car carrier
- what do u call d place wer cars are stowed?
- ffa maintanence ?
- tell something about foam onboard your last ship ? what is the compound used
in foam tank called ? where does dat compound is getting converted to foam ?
- suddenly he asked me wat was the swl of the derrick in the heavylift question
- how many types of product tankers ?
- why u cannot load chemicals on oil tanker and why u can load oil n chem on
product tankers ?
- contents of marpol
- contents of imsbc and full form
- what is Dri *
- what is nickel ore and wat is the indian regulation for it ** ( dis asshole was so
upset that i didnt had taken interest to read about this topic on internet and he
also conveyed the same by exaggerating in front of biggest asshole of d.g muduli
- flamibilty diagram for naphta *


- draw last ship intact stability curve

F2 & F3
- LFL of naphta *
- how will you test loadicator
- what all things you will check before man entry in ballast tank ? what all
checklist ? which certificate u will check ?
- you have to load grain and after that you have to laod iron ore what all things
you will reffer and what all informations required and important for planning and
tell me the procedure ?
- you are entering drydock what all stability related things will happen ? what is
critical period n instance and why is it associated with drydock ?
- parametric rolling
- you get an alarm in GDS showing 1 ballast tank action
- how will u remove that cargo out of the ballast tank ?
- how will u dismantel kenter shackel and name the parts ?
- chmate duties as per stcw and ism
- which manual is used onboard as per ism
- is chmates duties written in dat manual ?
- what type of cargo iron ore is ?
- how will u load cargo if loadicator is not working ?
- how many types of tankers and their details as per wic code ?
- as per wic chpt of ibc u will load caustic soda ? what all info u get in chpt 17 of
ibc ?
- hazards of caustic soda
- draw and show top view of ur last ships fwd eta ? as per which code it is
necessary ? what is the length of the chain ? what all parts are their ? for what it is
used ?
- their is a leakage near the manifold coz of loading arm while discharging you
are the choff. d/off running towards you to inform wat will b ur action ?
- Prior bunker operation wat will b role of choff?

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Leak in 4P PV valve n u heading us n u have USCG as a chef ur actions
Plenty cross questions on this topic
You are having NC in ur rest hrs ur action
MLC amendments date and year
Solas chp contents
Cargo sea chest pressure test value at what pressure ull carry out test and from
where did you get this value
ISGOTT contents

How will you discard cargo samples


F2 & F3
Where is it mentioned
Requirements for cargo sample storage
Containers bayplan , the few , row , identify n draw
What all placards will a container have if it has imdg cargo 3 types eg radioactive
, toxic etc and which all places
Requirements of placards
Drydock what all preps
Critical period
Will critical period for VLCC and smaller ships vary or will b same.
1) Load density- many questions related to it Is load density for tankers
important ? In what way
2) Loadicator requirements. And as per which Solas regulation - cross questioning
on the same
3) Crude oil washing. Explain entire procedure how you will go about it.
4) what is close loop and open loop COW
5) can you load grain cargo for ship without doa ? How
6) timber loadline - can you load till timber load line ? What ships have it ? Cross


F2 & F3
6) There is a difference between bl figure and your figure – action. How much
factor is allowed as acceptable difference ?
7) what is claused BL
8) Role of P and I
9) AOA. it is an agreement between whom ? Cross questioning
10) why is bow beaching more favourable ?
11) how will you prepare vessel for mlc survey
12) what is dmlc 1 and dmlc2 Who issues ? Who prepares ? Lot of cross
13) psc inspection - Under what conditions can a vessel be detained ?
Lot of questioning
14) why does psc carry out inspections ?
How will you secure steel coils?
Precautions for concentrates.
Contents of Imdg code
3 chemicals to load in the load port. How will you go about it?

Contents of MLC
F2 & F3

Amendments of MLC
What are the responsibilities of RPSL? Then he asked me any financial
responsibility of RPSL. Then the wing of Administration (DG shipping who looks
after RPSL😑)
Documents as per ISM
Hanging off anchor ( What construction of wire you will use. What is the breaking

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Tanker load plan
Timber code in detail

How to load linseed


F2 & F3
Water ballast management code
Duties of ch off stcw & ism
What is code? COSWP, SF BM, OLB.
Certificate on board, Environmental protection marpol annex1.
Plans onboard, Dry dock preps.
Shell extension plan.
Which type of vessel u have sailed on - I said product tanker
He asked tell me how Framo pump work?
He asked about the Marflex pump to.
If framo pump fails action - answer is use portable framo to transfer the cargo .
Types of heavy lift carrier?
Draw flammability diagram and explain.
What is timber vessel : answer just say vessel of 24m or more who carry timber.
On deck and comply with timber code .
Intact stability content
How you will use the stability booklet .
U are first time chiefmate what is the most important data you will first check on
booklet .?
He asked what is mate receipt and what is bill of lading . Many cross question on
bill of lading . Total chutiya wala funda . What if shipper don’t pay u money after
u sign bill of lading ? Answer he told me mention in bill along with a stamp from
cargo owner that freight paid ..
then he asked what are the content on back side of bill of lading . I replied only


F2 & F3
the terms and condition for carriage are mentioned on the back side , he was
satisfied . Then he asked which side is the first page on bill of lading ?
Dangerous good manifest and why it is made and what is the main use of it -JB
Singh answer -that is used for discharge port and is given to port authorities,
ambulance , fire brigades, etc .
Why IMSBC , grain code , timber code made - answer because code is a law .
Difference between grounding , stranding , and foundering .
Difference between collision and allision.
What are statutory, and mandatory certificates .
What are the duties of chief officer as per stcw
Entries of OLB - just say will check the first page of OLB
How will u carry out maintenance of LSA on board as a chief officer - I have refer
pms and as per the schedule. He told no u have to ensure that lsa ffa need to be
keep ready at all time. I said ok sir .
Then he asked as a chief officer how will u maintain Harmony onboard , if bosun
comes and ask for a porn ?
My answer was I will not give him as I don’t have it. He told me no as a chief
officer u have to arrange from someone and give him and on a paper write that
during working hours don’t watch , at ports don’t watch porn and take his
signature on a paper (this is a process as per JB Singh )

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What is timber ?
Entries in Olb
What you enter in olb if somebody misbehaves on ship ?
What all things you get in stability booklet ?
What is Sf n Bm ?
Diff between porthole and schuttle ?
What all things you check in Loadline Survey ?
What is diff between statutory, mandatory and class certificate ?
Explain Shell Expansion plan. why it is used. whats the purpouse ?


F2 & F3
What is docking plan n what is the importance ?
COSWP who issues and who is this body?
What is Olb?
How will you load different parcels of cargo in your ship? (chem tanker )
what all precautions u will take while you have Urea on your ship and coming
from U.k to India?
Preparations to Load timber?
How many types of container?
How many types of BL. What is mates receipt n who signs it?
How will u manage multinational crew?
Why is OLB used?
What is tri-party and Bi-party?
- baltic moor. why is used ?

- Mediterrian moor. why it is used ? advantage


F2 & F3
- IMO requirement for anchoring
- IG content in tank and supply
- IG panel alarm
- what is critical period ? what happens at that time ?
1) defn of stowage factor, load density, broken stowage, how is it used
2) your last ship, what was it and tell me like an essay

3) since I said container, tell me port watch of container ship


F2 & F3
4) calculate gm of the ship manually and write down
5) requirement of rest hours as per stcw
6) ERS
7) entries in orb
8) entries in olb
9) entries in deck log book
What all type of Cargo do u load on ur OSV
How do u lash the Cargo
Precautions for those type of Cargo
Straight BL
Electronic BL
Electronic ORB
u see a big oil slick along Indian Coast..

F2 & F3

whom will you report to


Full Form of INSPIRES

Heavy Wx Precautions as a mate
NOP all details
brake rendering test
PMS on winches
how does ur DP system work
how does ur vessel hold position
wat Precautions do you take in Monsoon weather to maintain your position
What is Ground Tackle

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What type of ships u have sailed on, last ship type,its piping,cargo tan structure..
Type of pumps
Driptray capacity at manifold
Weldon pump air hose type,
Types of hydraulic fluid for pumps

Coupling of weldon pump hose connection with air ,name of that coupling,

F2 & F3
How will u discharge the cargo left underside of steams
How to use portable framo pump
What is mercaptans
What is inhibitor
Why IMDG on tankers
Loadicator fails
Marpol annex 2 disch criteria
Pyrophoric reaction
Container lashings
What is angled
IMDG code and amendments in detail, IMSBC code, ISGOTT, IG system in detail,
requirements, inspections and maintenance in IG system, action when failure, oil
spill at port actions, ESD , ship shore safety checklist in detail ,cargo operations
all in detail loading discharging, 7 barrel kit , Frame pump details as I said I
worked in chemical tankers during cadetship, action when pump fails ,chain

register details ,stresses calculation ,SF and BM draw and show ,vessel at port

F2 & F3
loaded to max with a hog of * cm..what all consequences load line regulations,
chain register, dry docking, AOA, bunkering procedure, surveys and certification
all mixed questions don't remember exactly ,hazards associated with container
ship GM issues explain how vessel will behave ,VGM ,concentrates define and all
procedure for loading and precautions while loading and also hazard associated,
TML ,many more questions in function 3 but at the I was exhausted i don't even
remember what all he asked ...practical guy ...he only comes once in a month ..if
u get him then u r lucky.

1) Testing of loadicator how many methods


F2 & F3
2) Procedures for gas freeing in oil tanker

3) Rescue boat criteria

4) Dynamic and static test of lifeboat
5) Discharge criteria for oily wastes in special areas.

Page 180
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ROR rule 7..8...9...10...19. Screening of lights.
Ocean current. Magnetic compass n gyro compass behaviour in higher latitude.
Dry dock preparations. Critical period definition n explanation.
Class requirement as per which rule. Wht is condition of class?
If u r vsl one anchor loss it comes under COC.... Answer ..yes
Diff betwn FSI n PSC. PSC in detail.
Entries in official log book as per which rule (ms act 214).
Annex 6 of marpol.
Form B ....IOPP.

ETA requirement as per wht....fwd n aft ETA arrangement.

F2 & F3

PMS of anchor cable. Changes in STCW (AMMENDMENT).

Rest hour as per mlc. MLC AMMENDMENT.
what is Resolution?
Wht is statutory it.
ESP survey. Dock labour act in detail...
Explosion in Eng rm action. Foul anchor...n action.
Squat...smelling the ground...
BHC and BRC terms....break holding m break rendering...
Whn to condem tail n per what....LINE MANAGEMENT PLAN....
ISM CHAPTERSA. Mlc rest hour period
Crew didn't receive salary for two mnth action. ETA requirement. Dry dock in
Diff between DMLC I & II. Who issues it?
Suppose as a C/o you on fwd station, vsl struck the berth the bulbus bow has
struck the berth.. action??
Diff betn PSC & FSI
Information on mate receipt??
Info on CSC plate? What is stack weight?
Official log book and its entries
What are contents of chain register and the entries made in chain register, who
makes it? What entries you make in chain register and in which section?
Who is competent person?
Suppose u have a survey, inspection and audit, which one you will focus on?-
survey I answered – he said why ??? audit it also imp. Isn’t it so? Then he said

F2 & F3
answer is correct he wanted to knw y? –NITIN

Attachments of IOPP certificate

If the liability of CLC is exceeded which fund comes in to place
How to calibrate gas instrument, how will you calibrate O2 instrument.
How will u load coal? Preparations?
How to go about gas freeing after cargo discharge, gys he doesn’t want to listen
tank cleaning guide. He wants answer practically what all things to be done.
Limiting factors of loadicator
Without loadicator how wil u know the rate of cargo being loaded? -> how will u
know the tank shape is rectangular? Where will you find it?
Information in capacity plan
Vsl Df =5m, Dm= 6m , Da=8m, is she hogging or sagging?
How will u carry wood pulp? Preparations
What is ranging of cables?
I didn’t went fully prepared, he said to come prepared nxt time.

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- you have to change over grade in chemical tanker how will u proceed and u hav
to do a man entry. ( needs everything from certificates till man entry )
- what type of ships u did ?
- clc convention ? who’s sponsors it ?
- what is d diff btwn primary n secondary means of venting and requirement?
- slope tank requirement
- types of BL
- what is multimodle BL
- functions of BL

- What is PSC and FSI ? and diff btwn tgem

F2 & F3

- how will u test loadicator and alllwance

- diff btwn safcon and seq survey
- naphta lel & uel
- flamability diagram in detail with cross question
- u hav already loaded a cargo shipper produces a clean BL. now u get to know
that your cargo is damaged.. what will u tell ur master w.r.t BL
- while at sea you are approaching a port you your cargo has been damaged what
all documents you will prepare for PNI
- what is triparty and biparty in detail
- how will calibrate gas detecting eqq ? what all type of span gass u will use ?
- few more questions i dont remember
- actions for bunker spillage while bunkering in fujairah

How will you go on to change over from dirty oil to clean oil in product tanker ?

F2 & F3
Concentrate liquify what actions will u take ?

What is declivity?
What are the casualty entries made in OLb n as per which section ?
What is the diff between Safcon survey and loadline Survey ?

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- Loading oil gasoil ,how to protect against static accumulation.
- stability criteria. stability booklet content.
- static accumulators. loading of dangerous goods on general cargo ship.
- vessel develops a list at sea , reason and action for sea.
- which rule allows you to jettison. wreck removal as per which reg.
- Hague Visby Rule. Explain BL with example.
- How to layout wire coil. How will you uncoil 20t wire coil( on tanker).He gave a
hint u have something at aft.Couldn't satisfy.
- Taking over a ship / Yard delivery from China what all will u check.
- Any circ. from dg for same. Changing of crane wire.
- Testing carried out for lifeboat. Told him about static and dynamic tests.
-Fight between bosun and cdt, how will u make an entry for same.
- Galley fire and equipment in galley for FF.
- PMS carried out in galley to prevent galley fire.
- marking on anchor cable.Checks done on it.
- How will you mark anchor cable.
- which part of anchoring equipment helps in guiding the cable inside spurling

pipe. Chaffing ring

F2 & F3
- Stopping bar. Master ashore ,anchor dragging?

- How to slip out anchor cable. Explain the construction that holds the bitter end.
- Heavy weather precautions. How anchor is secured at sea.
- Different tank construction on tankers. Told about type 1 ,2 and 3 and 1G, 2G.
- various equipment on bridge with regards to cargo.
- instruction for duty officers in loaded passage.
- Action on receiving a bildge alarm while loading. I started talking about dry
cargo ship, then he told what will you do on tanker.
- Reason for bilge alarm( pumproom). How will you clear the bilges?
- Explain the transfer arrangement for same. Any marpol ammendment.
- DMLC certificate. Bi- party and tri- party agreement.
- How will you ensure your hull surface in cold weather and foggy conditions is
properly prepared for painting.
- Various surface preparations conditions. These are as per which standards.
Few more questions from his set .He tries not to repeat the same question to
other candidates.
Few questions asked to other candidates same day :
- Cow line testing. - Steamline testing.
- Types of lubeoil used on various pumps on your last vsl.
- Types of grease.

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Loading criteria requirement of oil tanker. Static accumulator define. COW
checklist. (Tankage).
How many tanks to clean by cow requirements. Flame arrestor and flame screen
Cow testing pressure. Cargo loading Preparation of grain and reefer.
Damaged Meat in meat room ,disposable and identification .
Timber lashing names. Ms notice of corono virus. Ms notice of VGM in detail.
VGM definition. Loading of heavy lift. How to increase strengthen of deck for
loading heavy cargo.
Load density and where we will find. Damaged Stability booklet contents.
General ship stability requirements. Coal on fire , action.
Bilge water alarm system for bulk carrier solas requirements in detail.
Solas amendments. STCW amendments. How to unload 20t wirecoil received from

F2 & F3
Windlass PMS. Boson and cader fight action.

Difference between actuator and accumulator in hydraulic line.

Define Critical period. Ranging of cable. Snubbing the cable.
Chain locker maintaince and checks when it is empty.
Paint name used in chain locker. Documents you will sign as a mate.
What is API and specific gravity. ASTM table number used onboard specify
number and their use.
Load in hot gulf crude oil and discharge in cold climate of China.plan cargo .
In gulf we load in barrel and in china we discharge in cubics ..specify conversion
factor from barrel to cubics. where we will find.
Less density to more density, drafts increase or decrease?and effect on trim
?whether trim increase or not increase.
Plan Loading on general cargo ships, which has to discharge at many ports.
Loadline surveyor Preparation.
Watertight doors parts and what is there between to cleats and how to grease
How will you train cadet and crew. What is toggle nut n its use.
Content of IMSBC code. P and A manual.
Testing of Steam coils. Hieght of steam coils in cargo tank.
Material of steam coil. choking of scupper. Greasing of gangway.
Open joining shackle. Crude oil tankage. Gas tankers types.
Gritt ballasting surface preparation. what is sa 1 sa 2 sa 3.
How to order lub oil? types of lub oil.

F2 & F3
Cargo claims. Note of protest.

Ship listed to one side at port. (I told every thing like cargo ullages and ballast as
per plan or not, mooring, any vessrl along side, any damage ship side, any
increase in sounding, ask engine room if they have transferred some thing.) he
told all is contact and ok. but still listed. action??
Which certificate for polar ship. Pilot ladder in detail dimension etc
Risk assessment. what is scantling?
what is gusset plate?
Shell plan numbering.
1. Which is the first survey after new delivery. Validity of that certificate and can
it be extended.... If yes then for how long.
2. Elements of ISM code.

3. Contents of seq certificates.

4. From where will you get the list of all bridge equipments onboard.

5. Types of coal..... If IMDG code applies to them or not?

F2 & F3

6. Documents required for loading grain. If no grain loading booklet the how to
load.... Do you calculate vhm for individual hold or for entire ship...?
7. Difference between PV valve n PV breaker
8. You are going to a certain port n you want to know if you have all the required
medicines onboard? .....who checks upon arrival of the required medicine
9. What all parameters changes When vessel goes from one density to another.
10. Hazards of concentrates and ore.

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Heavy lift loading
Grain loading
SANTOSH DARODKAR Precaution while loading jet fuel
Form A&B

F2 & F3
Load line survey
Difference b/w audit and survey and inspection
Duty of ch off as per ism
How will you implement ism onboard ship
Orb entry
Chain register
Ism contents
*why MLC chapters are called titles
* why corrugated Bulkhead instead of straight in Bulk carrier
*what are the provision of ISPS which has been done for a PSC
* what are the 2 densities mentioned in first page of SOLAS Ch 12
{1 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction,
designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above,
constructed on or after 1 July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line,
be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and
remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in paragraph
2 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction
in which any part of longitudinal bulkhead is located within B/5 or 11.5 m,
whichever is less, inboard from the ship's side at right angle to the centerline at
the assigned summer load line, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a

F2 & F3
density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above,

-3- constructed on or after 1 July 2006 shall, when loaded to the summer load
line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions
and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in
paragraph 4.
3 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction,
carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above,
constructed before 1 July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be
able to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold in all loading conditions
and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium, as specified in
paragraph 4. This requirement shall be complied with in accordance with the
implementation schedule specified in regulation 3.}
* what are married Gear and what is the formula for calculating SWL. And the
angle calculation.
* how many titles in social security of MLC.
* Annex of ISPS code.
* In which all codes in conventions amendments came due to ISPS.
* External maintenance of a lifeboat.....want to listen the greasing parts of the
davit and all.
* In reefer ships what are air chilled cargo
* Abandonship musterlist
* Post discharge inspection of cargo hold

* Structure of a cargo hold bilge.


F2 & F3

* ODMCS it's input and the output we get from it.

* Preparation of load line survey
* Calculation of constant in bulk carrier prior loading .......want to listen ....carry
out draft survey substract lt ship, deductibles and ballast.
* How to identify bottom plugs in a dry dock
* Preparing vessel for a dry dock...wanted to listen about DD spec.
* how to load heavy lift on deck using ship crane.
* Anchor picked up to clear it?

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1. asked me whether u done or not explain me imdg container to load and do
stowage using imdg books. he actually handed over me the hard copy of imdg.
i was just.. any how i get something in vol 1 chapter 7. but unable to explain.
2. During discharging cargo line leak action (C-clamp)
3. How u take samples at manifold. What document for support. (quality

4. cargo operation with barges, documents used. (boat note)


F2 & F3
5. Crane jib broken repaired on-board. make entry in chain register. where and
6. load line suvey.
7. safety construction survey.
8. how you do draft survey. he gave some figures and told me to find constant.
9. Mate receipt. explain
10. Tanker cargo paperwork.
11. Discharge critetia and special areas
12. SOLAS and Marpol amendments. some more practical things I forget.

-Galley fire


-PSI & FSI differentiate

-monthly checks on LB

- requirements for launching ing FFLB
- Rest hrs as per STCW

Heavy weather precautions

Vsl going from Mumbai to HRA. Preparation and precautions
Vsl bunkering at anchor. Anchor dragging. Actions.


Duties of chief off as per ISM code

PMS of crane

Chain register contents, entries
Lifeboat launching reqmts
PSC, FS .. difference
Article of agreement. How many copies?
Biparty and triparty agreements. Examples of both
1) Web frames, Garboard strake, How are frames numbered drawing.
2) Chain registers contents, what all entries you will do as mate
3) Statutory and mandatory certificates, examples
4) Seq. survey preparation as a mate.


5) Lifeboat lowering procedure, checks performed during annually and 5 yr

interval . At what interval seq. Survey is performed.
6) PMS of gangway and windlass F3
7) Entries in official log book
8) Foul anchor
9) Dry docking related cross questions
10) Heavy weather precautions
11) Loadline survey preparation
Your anchor dragging action, Foul anchor, Cable struck in Anchor how to
remove, While cleaning anchor fluke broke action, Where you will get all details
anchor, How to change anchor which all parties to inform, Anchor in which
survey, SEQ survey in detail form E, Statutory cert & mandatory cert with
examples, AOA in detail, oil spill action, bilge keel, strakes
shell expansion plan(info), decking plan (info), Stability booklet info


Complaints on ship handling, Dry docking full in detail, Stability booklet info, ISM
full in detail, Risk assessment, Loadline markings in detail full draw.

Why triangle sometimes on load line? PMS, Disciplinary action.

Coswp, OLB, ORB. Disch criteria Annex 1.
Special areas (All Annex). Contingency plan.
Ship aground you are fwd action. Ground tackle.
Name 10 manuals onboard. Name 10 conventions.
Chain register. Ballast water Exchange in detail.
MOB. Anchoring. Types of mooring. Windlass maintainance. HRA precaution

Page 186
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Stiff and tender vessel
How will you calculate your vessel stability without loadicator
How will you calculate stability while dry docking

What is the diff between DB tank in general cargo ship and gas carrier

Which certificate of security required as per MLC and what its for
When is a vessel considered abandoned as per MLC
When did the requirement of financial security as per ques5 come into force
How will you motivate your crew
How will you train 2nd officer and cade
SF/BM can be more than 100 percent ? Loadicator certificate?
Testing of loadicator? Difference between PSI and FSI?
Bilge shoring? Dry dock prep and stability?
Entry prior hra? bmp5? Hardening of ship ?
life boat maintenance all?
accomodation ladder maintenance?
you are assigned to rigg pilot ladder ? what will you do ?
how will you train your crew ? induction training , familiarisation, joining
meeting? pms in detail?
which ISM chapter? ISM in detail? duties of chief mate as per ISM?
ETA on your ship?

ORB? 1 and 2. Who signs in orb 1


drills and their frequency?

leakage during loading , leakage during voyage,leakage during discharging?
collision on your watch action ?
progressive flooding ?
ILLC, type a ,b ,b100,b60?
chain register,what is in it,which regulation?
who is incharge of lsa/ ffa?how will u make sure it is good condition ?
statury certificate ? name some? as i started naming he used to pause me and
used to ask me to prepare for its survey
ibc/igc as per which convention?
ballst water management ? bwmp,d1,ballast exchange procedure,d2 standards?
ballast water treatment system on ur vessel and how does it work?
when to use it?
Collision on ur watch action? damage contol plan ? damage control booklet ?
1) plan training schedule for a cadet and a OS
2) importance of training
3) MLC in detail certificate/ title full explain / advantages of MLC

4) ISM: certificate/ functional requirements / elements of ISM code


5) loadicator in detail..... Certificate/ test/ allowed values/ failure of system F3

6) ballast water management plan on my last vessel
7) how to motivate crew
8) how to maintain decipline on board
9) COSWP : training and who issue it
10) duties of C/O with respect to STCW
-rest hours exemption as per STCW
-chain register.
-chemical disch criteria .
-ETA requirements..n exp the fwd eta arrangement
-duties of chief off as per ISM n STCW


-MLc req regarding crew accommodation


-wt is MS act
-girting of tug (he wanted to listen COF wala funda)
-ism element
-sleeping of anch
-wt is EEDI
-how to open the link of the anchor chain
-wt is a form A and B ?? N wt u ll get in that ..

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1. Types of moors u know?
2. What is the meaning of moor ?
3. Told me to explain any 2 and gave 2-3 situations about wind direction and
current and then which anchor to drop 1st .. with diagram
4. Relation between ism and pms?
5. How you will train ur crew ....( FAV QS . HE ALMOST GAVE ME 15 MIN TO
COMPLETE THIS ANS : Safety , security, operational , health , work related ,
emg training etc he dont want to listen CBT , video and drill .. he just want to
listen above points i remember 6 now but as per him there r 10 points )
6. What is OLB ??
7. What all entries you will make.

8. other than normal which entries u will make in OLB ( i told him about fights or

any death or change of command, any collision. But he said anything else

which is more imp ... and then gave me hint that it is related to cargo .. and I
said any pollution due to cargo and jettisoning of cargo).
9. What is F.O.B and some more terms( I DON’T KNOW SIR ) ... which all charter
party terms u know ??
10. Aft tug line parted ur action ... ( he wants to hear check for any casualties and
tell master to stop engines as bcoz of wire propeller can get stuck or damage)
11. What is MS ACT??
12. And then his last and fav question ... latest MS notice who is the approval
authority? How many ms notice in 2018? Tell me one more ... One Imp Tip:
Try To Show Him That You Have Practically Done It Onboard Like Stowage Plan
And Ship Handling, Loadicator Testing And All He Will Move On To Next
Question And Also If You Know Regulation No Same Thing).
MLC few question
Accommodation requirement

Solas ch 5 overview

Rest hr STCW MLC both

Marpol orb 2, Annex 6, BL types,
LOP, LOI, Drills, PMS, Mornings. .standing and .......all
Emergency grounding
ETA in detail

MLC..he wanted to listen many titles...wht each has..etc.


Wht all u do to comply with mlc on board.


Objectives of ISM.

Pms. How do u use pms onboard.
What is INDSAR.. mooring ...mix.moor.


1. How many life raft on last ship

2. And asked have you seen open life raft - I thought he is asking open life raft

onboard....I said no
Started pacing me off here again.... Means you have not done PSCRB course..


1. NOP
2. Anchoring and berthing procedures

3. How to handle crew

4. Third officer coming late for watch daily. Your action

Chief mates duties as per stcw

Marpol annex, asked about garbage.

How will you make sure lsa ffa ready at all times
Didn't ask me more on function 3 ,took hardly 5 mins .

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What is AOA
What is foul anchor
Ground Tackle
What do u mean by moored and anchored
Where is imo... Full form
Whats the role of imo

What action will you take to boost moral values in crew with multiple nationality
wrt to safety on board... I didn't get this question... He was read the question

from somewhere.
And few more...
How will you go ahead with postion fixing method in above voyage...And also
how will you come to know gps is showing correct posn... How will you calculate
celestial sights in detail... How will you know about the chronometer error for
that sight and correction... How will you keep track about atmospheric pressure
Mates receipt,
PSC preparation,


How will you motivate crew,

COSWP operational hazards,

Intact stability, collision and damage assessment,
Mates duty as per STCW,
ISM compliance, ISGOTT,
-Dry docking, preparation before entry, docs required, etc
Then started with introduction and GK questions. Asked about company, its MD,
office, crew, native place, birth place, questions related to both places, questions
related to both the places, training institute DNS and first mate, asked full form
of MASSA, rivers in gujrat (as my last sign of place was kandla) tide in kandla and
many more general questions.
Subject related questions (very few):-
-How will you manage and train crew onboard
-If ever done psc, and which places ( i told chile, saudi arabia etc),, asked capital
of chile and what is it famous for. Port of saudi arabia.
-How to prepare for psc
Ground tackle ( this was the only question that I didn’t knew)


-Dry docking, preparation before entry, docs required

-why aft trim is preferred and not fwd trim for docking

- what are shores and made up of
-marpol Ax1 content, ORB entries
-types of dry docks and difference between gravin and floating dock
-familiarization checklist
-How to train cadet and crew trainees
He will ask many GK questions, and when your answer will contain any country or
place in it, then again he will start asking u GK questions about that. Remeber
whatever u say as soon as u enter, include only those places in your talks about
which you do know a little bit.
Knowing the most common things about those places will be a plus point i think,
although i have heard he doesn’t pass based on GK questions but still if you do
not know then his facial expressions do change.
Chain registers and contents-who issues it?

Article of agreement and cba, Explain PMS in short,


Official logbook entries, difference between grounding and beaching, diff


between foundering and flooding, difference between pilferage and stowaway,

Plans for drydock, difference between bilge blocks and bilge shores, requirement
for collision bulkhead.

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Your AB is not keeping proper lookout in watch... what Action you will take??
Duties of mate as per ISM and STCW

AWASTHI If new cadet is joined how you will train him (He wanted to hear about training.
Record book)

If PSC inspection is due how you will prepare?? What preparation u will tell your
2nd officer and 3rd officer for PSC.
Chain register & contents?
Your vessel is aground action??

Under whose authority you carry medical chest.



Or who is the person who issue medical chest certificate.

I told Port Health officer from where you will list of such PHO.

He asked any latest changes that have come anything relating to this.
As per what requirement you will carry medicines on an Indian Ship.

Name the different plans related to ship structure?

How numbering is done for shell expansion plan?
What is stealer plate? What is garboard strake?
How will u check stability of the ship?
Which software of loadicator u seen on last ship?
What is chain register? Contents of chain register?

Who examines lifting appliances? What is swivel and its use?


What is annealing? Steering gear regulation?

Predeparture steering gear test procedure?
You are dicharging at port and sudden black out on board, take action?
How will you ensure that safety equipment are properly maintained onboard?
How will you train persons onboard?
What is BL? What is mates receipt? NOP?
What is dragging of anchor? What is foul anchor?
What is foul cable? Which year new STCW amendment was adopted and which
place? STCW-2010 Manila Philippines. Contents of STCW?
STCW code
Emergency Towing in detail.


How to train cadet.

Who published TRB.

Stability with Loadicator and without Loadicator.
Bilge block.
What u know about DD.
In one port there is a crew change of total 12 numbers .... what all things will you
I told first take them to master collect certificate make them sign AOA.... he told
me give your answer as a chief officer .... then told him about safety security
round and assign them duties wrt to emergency situations .... drills and all that....
What is PSC observation .

PSC code 17, 30, 50 and 70 what does that mean


STCW code

Is it in 1 part or 2 parts
What is the difference between the 2 parts
Is it two different books as 2 Different parts
According to him Part 2 tells us how to comply with Part 1.
Emergency Towing Arrangement. I told him about bulk carrier.... he asked me is
it possible you can go on ships which have ETA ... I told yes may be .... so do you
have any idea about it I told yes .... so told him tanker towing arrangements .
As per what Chapter of Solas ETA required.
Fore peak tank structures. Chain register. Lifting appliances.
Mechanical advantage. Velocity I told him it's a ratio n opposite to


Mechanical this point he asked "So tells me that guy has really
prepared good surveyor sets... you'll just don't study the sets but study them in

detail..I said ok sir..

Types of dry docks. Training cadet.
PSC. Heavy weather precautions.
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Deep anchoring procedure?

Grounding contingency plan?
AWASTHI ISM elements?

Contents of STCW?
Manila amendments?
Slipping of anchor?
1. Chain register, entries, who makes entries.
2. Wats a lifting appliance, wats loose gear (basically every word u speak he will
add "what is" and give a question back to you, so keep Ur words to bare
3. Anchor dragging.

4. Ism overview, Duties of mate as per ism.


5. Drydocking procedure,Critical moment, critical period, critical instant, jobs in


6. Wat is training, how to carry out, is it a reqmt ?
7. Have you done a running moor? I said no, so he said then I won't ask this.
8. Bilge shore, bilge block.
9. Eta reqmt, what ETA eqpt on ur last vsl? Towing pennant. Wats a pennant?
Material of pennant.
10. Indiscipline Onboard.
11. Power failure and blackout actions.
- definition and quick diagram of tumble home, rake, sheer, rise of floor, flare
(for flare and rise of floor he asked what is the use of them?)
- How will you motivate crew on ship
- PMS of windlass
- How will you maintain LSA/FFA equipment?
- How will you take anchor lashing and loose gear, deck fittings used
- If i have done a dry dock? I said yes. Asked me where? Setubal, Portugal. Capital


of Portugal? Lisbon. Distance from Setubal to Lisbon. 😁Asked me what kind of a

dry dock was it?
- Critical moment during docking
- Critical period during docking
- What is ranging of cable And why is it done?
- whether i have gone to a bottom of a chain locker, i said dint get the chance.
Asked me how will you remove water from chain locker. Said will use an eductor
to pump out water from CL. Asked me to explain principle of eductor
- As a mate what all factors matter to you most when it comes to stability of a
• Stealer Plate, Rise of Floor,
• Why stealer plate in called stealer plate and where it is found on the ship?
• Misconduct of crew actions
• Surveys of Ships

• Keel block , bilge shores and shoring


• Pms on Life boat , Life raft and HRU


• What is the Rope HRU

• Why HRU is not for forward life raft
• Have u don't dry Dock??? Why have u not done dry dock? Why I don't request
your company to send u for dry dock so u can get expienrence in dry dock....
• What is PSC? Have you done PSC.??? Why u dint get detainable deficiency????
Lots of Cross Questions

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1. Ranging of cable
2. What is joining shackle, draw joining shackle and name parts, how to open n
what all equipments required to open
3. How will you prepare drydock job list, what all jobs you will carry out
4. Changing of windlass brk liner
5. Material of brk liner and type of bolt used.
6. Chain register
7. What is proof load
8. Testing of crane( dynamic n static)


9. Changing of lifeboat falls

10. Material of wire used in Lb davit.

11. What is galvanised iron
12. Critical moment, period and why it is calld critical.
13.How do u carry out annealing of loose gear.
14. What is critical temp during heat treatment.
15. How will you determine your anchor is dragging( Gyro n radar nt working)
16. Training of Cadets
17. How will u carry out maintenance of LSA n FFA onboard.
18. PMS in detail.
19. PMS of Chain locker
20. Anchor chain wht al tests and maintenance carried out.

Certificates on-board

CLC expiry and who issues

Classification society
Condition of class and where to find?
1. What is condition of class from whr u will get info whether ur ship has any

condition of class

2. Cert issued under marpol annex VI

3. Contents of IEEC
4. What is EEDI
5. Unit of EEDI
Started with all past failing questions .The n started with his own set.
1) special surveys what all inspected.which certificate is renewed?
2) MLC regulations related to wages .
3)substantial corrosion.
4)ESP related few definitions and questions like close up survey, suspect areas


5)when the plate has to be changed for example a plate of 20mm then at what

thickness u will change plate...that is after how much extent of corrosion.

6) how will u come to know how much ballast to take in fpk tank to make even
keel if initial the trim was about 1 m ?
7) contents of stability booklet.
8)inspection of gangway in which survey ?
9)lifeboats annual thorough test .details of dynamic winch brake test .
10)how will u check load line marks are correct .?
1) what is the entries u will do as mate in the OLB ..
2) how will u calculate the freeboard when making the entry in the OLB ..told him

I'll add the related freeboard and the draft at that time and then use this height

as reference to get the freeboard at that instant.( He gave me a lot of hints here )

3) what is condition of class..

4) can condition of class be given to statutory items ..I said no ...then what is
done if some statutory item is found defective ...I threw flag dispensation wud be
reqd..he nodded and accepted it.

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How will u determine that ur ship is stable....
what is pms.... pms for anchor....

B KUMAR difference between psc nd fsi....

diff between interim nd initial survey....

nc nd observation diff...
what is vec explain in detail...
what is boat note... types of bl....
letter of protest... note of protest...
LSA requirements on tankers?
Life buoy requirements for vessels?

As per the ism code what will be your responsibilities with respect to training?

What are the dangers associated with dry docking?

What is the formula for calculating up thrust when dry docking?
Few questions, but he spent a lot of time on each one, let's you speak until you
run out of things to say with respect to that question or only when he needs
some clarification on some point.
Statutory certificates. In what survey are Lights and shapes checked.
In what survey is colregs compliance checked. Which is the specific document

which mentions these (Not SEQ). Duties of mate as per ISM. Dry docking


Virtual loss of GM and then deep into it with formula and actual calculation on
paper for various stages of drydock and grilling for 15 mins. Have you anchored
How will you come to know anchor is brought up. What is scope of cable.
What is ism code? Functional requirements.
Mandatory? why? Onboard implementation. ?
Who thick book is? Colour of the book?
Have you read it thoroughly? CBA and AOA content, In detail.
Why CBA require. How thick CBA? Have you read it?
Many more questions about but irrelevant to the syllabus.

Steering failure ..then same situation grounding then action


Then I said it betn angle of loll.

So 10 min on angle of loll .he was trying to change my ans. But stick what you
have read . He will act like you are answering is wrong .
Stability little bit about. Stiff tender vessel, Not in detail
Synchronous rolling. How many ways ship can have list?
PSC inspection full on, Regulations about PSC.
Where it is written, Is there anything written in Marpol?
Foot notes in solas what is exactly given have u read it?
1) Oil Spill action
2) Duties of Mate as per STCW
3) What is Operation
4) What are technical operations
5) Dry docking preparation
6) Entry in official log book in Port


7) Diffrence in FSC and PSC

8) Anchoring Details

9) Loadline Survey
10) Some construction defination
11) CBA
12) AOA copies
13) Number of MOU
14) ORB - 2 entries
And Some more not able to recollect

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1. Statutory certificate and trading certificate difference and examples
2. Triparty and biparty
3. Difference between CBA and AOA
4. Number of originals of aoa and who keeps what (its given in pawan notes)
5. Difference between commercial operation & technical operation (wants to hear
in technical needs repair and maintenance).
6. Give 3 examples of strakes and where shear strake located
7. Chain register contents and as per which regulation
8. Duties of chief mate as per stcw (I started with plan & conduct a voyage and he
said wrong ,nothing ahead)
9. Pms of navigation lt ( He wants to hear paiting of inboard screen)

10. Psi and fsi


11. If ship has indian flag state who will come for flag inspection ( He wants to

hear authorized inspector from dg shipping)
12. PMs of anchor cable ( wants answer as per monthly, yearly,2.5 yrly and
13. How will u train ur crew
14. Who publish coswp
15. What is important for chief mate in coswp name any 3
16. Action if vsl grounded
17.How will u Berth ship with no tugs(said Baltic moor)
18. Procedure for beaching vessel
19. Foul hawse and foul anchor
20. Heavy weather action ( 1st point he wants inform everyone or else wrong)
21. Plans required for dry dock
22. Chief mate duties during bunkering
Operational and enviromental difference,
triparty and biparty examples,
drydocking preparation, psi and fsi,
Documents required for note of protest,

pms of anchor cable,


duties of chief officer as per ism,

statutory and mandatory certificates definition and list,
coswp how many chapters, isgott ammendments,
contingency plan for collision wanted something specific,
how will u train ur crew,
plans required for ballasting operation (GA and pumping and piping),
docking plan.
Past failing questions
Manila amendment 2010-he wants each n everything 1-2 I missed out
Defect of welding & How to avoid
Convention and code


Grounding action
Don't forget to mention first stop engine light /shape

Screening of lights
Fund convention
Started explaining as given by Capt jaiswal on my sea time
N stopped in between

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He will ask you to write down past failure questions,
When you write it down be wise and make sure you know answers for that.
1. D1 D2 standard for ballast exchange.
2. Pilot ladder boarding arrangement with dimensions and solas requirement with
rope strength etc.
3. Heavy weather precautions, wanted to hear you'll inform all parties well in
4. Critical period, moment, why it is of most importance.
5. Documents for Drydock.

6. Safety radio station certificate, not the Cargo ship safety certificate with form

R. Other one.

7. Slipping of cable, in what all situations you'll do it.
8. Wages not paid by owner, how will you deal with it.
9. Formula for P & VLG in Drydock.
10. STCW amendments, other than Pawan notes 13 points. (sent me out side to
find out).
11. Free fall life boat launching requirement as per Solas.
12. MLC titles.
13. Anchor dragging actions (your vessel & then other vessel).
14. Smelling of ground.
15. Mandatory and Statutory certificates.
16. Certificates as per Solas.
Started with all past questions.
Duty’s as per ISM. Difference between PSC and flag state.
What is condition of class? What is MOU? Contents of MOU.
Who carries out flag state inspection? How many MOU are there?


What is chain register? Actions in case of grounding, Actions in case of collision.

STCW. Discharge criteria as per Marpol.

Difference for discharge criteria of engine room spaces (special area and outside
special area).
Statuary and mandatory certificates. Preparation for dry dock.
Various plans onboard. What all jobs to be carried out?
Precautions before flooding. How will u carry out load line survey?
From my previous attmpt
-Structure of IMO
- MS Act
- Diff between BMP 4 and 5


- contingency planning for collision

- Manila amendments
- Contents of Mlc title 5( after this he stopped asking func 3 and asked me to F3
prepare better in func 3)
He passed me in 1,2
He is nice guy, ask qstn with intention to pass not to fail.
He asked me to write most of answers instead of verbal
* Tri party and biparty agreement
*Duties as per ism ( he wants exact and all of them ) asked me to write it down


Contingency in case of collision( again asked me to write down in a paper and he

himself writes down points 1 to 7 . So i wrote 7 points only. Then he said u forgot

to write record data) and many more. Baweja was rapid fire. He asked million
questions that I couldn't remember the moment I got done with him. He wants to
hear what he wants instead of what you know.
* Chief officer duty as ISM
* Diffrence between Statuatory and mandatory certificates and name dem
* Name all statuatory certificates as per SOLAS chapter vise


* Contents of SOLAS
* As chief officer wat all inspection vl u carry out on lifeboat and all LSA

* Difference between bi party and tri party... Difference between flag state and
port state inspection.
* Entries in official log book

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Master ashore dragging anchor in inner anchorage (I said heave up anchor.. he
stopped it there saying. never heavy up without permission of port)
Contingency collision (10 imp points)

Duties of mate as per ism (7 imp points)


ORB carriage requirements

Contents of chain Register
Who is competent authority
Who will make entries on chain register
Slipping a cable.. why u do it?
Anchor PMS (Wants to hear. will refer to PMS Manual
1.official log book entries while arriving port
2. Note of protest and documents required
3. Crane stuck during cargo operations action

4.chain register entries done by whom and contents


5.plan for dry dock

6.preparation for dry dock
7.dragging of anchor and master ashore
8. Collision action
9.Slipping of anchor
10.Maintainance of anchor, bitter end, chain locker.
Ask me to write previous remark on a paper but didn’t ask anything.
Grounding tackle.
Elements of ISM
Duties of co as per ism
LL survey
Collison action, he only wants to listen imp point.

Anchor dragging, master ashore, here again only imp points


Olb entries in port only

Dd plan (he wants to listen GA plan first)
Why small trim
Why stern trim
Orb in detail 1 and 2
Environment security
LOF and changes i added scopic he was not interested
Towage salwage
1. Previous failing questions.
2. Contents of OLB and entries to be made in the same. OLB entries when
entering port.OLB required as per which regulation.
3. Types of grease and uses.
4. Types of paint. Only asked me the list.

5. Duties of CO as per ISM.Wanted the keywords for the same. No keywords then

u dont get the function.

6. Collision with another vessel. Action. Wanted 10 most important points in

order. ( if order not followed then he said he won’t give the function.
6. Duties of CO as per STCW.
7. What is the meaning of statutory certificates and how is it different from
mandatory certificates.
8. List 4 mandatory certificates.
9. Dry dock is required as per what. (as per Solas and classification society.)
10. Reg number for classification society and DD as per Solas.
Write 10 points on contingency checklist - mate on bridge , u have collided with a
vessel-action as a mate.


I wrote all of them he was happy but he said it isn’t in the order.
Vsl at anchor - master ashore & anchor dragging. Dnt say u will heave up anchor

n proceed to Sea.
Dry docking as per which regulation of Solas.
What all plans required for dry docking - he wanted to hear most of them?

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Docs as per ISPS, audit requirement for ISPS –
BAWEJA I got confused with the renewal survey and periodical survey.

LIFE BOAT launching appliances testing requirements.
What is D2 regulation

Write 10 points on contingency checklist - mate on bridge, you have collided with
a vessel-action as a mate.


I wrote all of them he was happy but he said it isn’t in the order.
Vsl at anchor - master ashore & anchor dragging. Dnt say u will heave up anchor

n proceed to Sea .
Dry docking as per which regulation of Solas .
What all plans required for dry docking - he wanted to hear most of them.
Duties of CO as per ISM
Anchor Cable PMS
Few points about PMS
Bi and tri Party Agreement


Praparation for DD
Plans required for DD

Any regulations for DD?
ORB and it's Parts
Garbage record Book and it's entries
Who signs Chain Register?
1) STCW manila amendments, all of them?
2) Anchor dragging, master ashore, Ur action?


3) Documents required for cargo claim?

4) Duties of Chief Officer as per ISM code?

5) Statutory and Mandatory certificates?
6) Contingency plans, action for vessel aground?
7) Flag state and Port state differences?
Chain register
Stcw amendmnt
What is diffrnc btwn statutory n mandatry certificate. MLC
Name some statutory n mandatory certfcte


What is bi party n tri party, Giv some example

What is AOA?
What is CBA?
Preparation for load line survey.
Letter of protest. Note of protest.
Note of protest hw u go about it. Anchor dragging action master went ashore

Only he asked related to loadline but in full depth of it

Who you will prepare ship for loadline survey

In tanker what all openings are weather and watertight?


Where the ship will crack first


Areas more prone to rust

What is damage stability?
Last ship what was your worst damage stability criteria

1. Tell me in detail about flux - (he wanted to know about the flux in the welding
electrode.). As a chief officer you are supposed to inspect the ballast tank of your

vessel. What is the first platform called when you enter from the manhole? State

the 4 fundamentals of Planned maintenance system? - 1- systematic scheduling


and planning of jobs.

2- Detail description of the job to be done / completed.
3- Maintain adequate spares.
4- Maintain reports and logs of all maintenance carried out.

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Enclosed space

Break rendering test


How will u train your crew
Recovery strops and construction of it( material swl ?)
Enhanced survey

What is LEL on container ship?

Contents of IMDG code?
How will you load Class 1 cargo onboard? (Answer as a mate- type of segration,
stowage, procedures, triggers, labelling, packaging, markings)
Where will you find details of whether you can load class 1 cargo on board or not?
He gave me the imdg code and told me to find what triggers explosion in class 1

cargo and safe procedures for carriage.


VGM contents in detail?

Where will you find VGM details?
How are the containers weighed as per VGM? ( 2 ways)
Who declares the weight of the container as per VGM? ( Answer is not shipper)
Tell me the details the shipper is supposed to declare as per IMSBC? ( As per him
there are 17 points)
What is shearing force?
How will you calculate shearing force?

Docs as per ISPS, audit requirement for ISPS - I got confused with the renewal

survey and periodical survey.


LIFE BOAT launching appliances testing requirements.

What is D2 regulation - explained him nicely but he asked - where u will find it ?
There I fucked up . He wasn’t satisfied with the answer given in pawan notes

SF and BM in term of shipping

Loadicator fails how will u calculate?
Noise pollution convention?
Date adopted ? date into force ? Resolution number ?

MARPOL annex 3 ?
Give specific names of marine pollutants (like shipping names )

loadline survey on ur ship ,what will the surveyor check ?
EPIRB yearly and 5 yearly (I told him annual a shore technician comes onboard
and he checks the unit for proper function and five yearly its send to shore and
the transmission power os checked) [he said this is a second mates answer I want
more specific ]
Annex 6 what are the harmful substances . name 5 substances
Difference between bush and bearing
PMS for windlass
D1 and d2 standards
Certificates associated with isps
Forms of csr

IRS - who are they?


What all info do you send to ERS in case there's a damage


Where will you find that form?

How do you calculate damage stability?
He did let me go out a couple of times to find out about ERS and difference
between bearing and bush and later said that I could grill you all day on this ERS
topic, but that's not the point.. you need to continue the learning process and not
stop here..

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Content of ISGOTT I said 1st 4 parts... Now he wants details in all parts as per
sequence. ie first 1 const of 2 consist of and so on....
Test of wire in dry dock. I don't know what he wants...may be i m wrong. I heard
the question wrong. 1 yr and 5 test...he wants shore test...not interest in
company manual and all...
I also told about dynamic and static test...but interchanged the values for same
he was confusing me for again pig face....

Tide tables how you correct it on board...


Hazards of loading solid bulk cargo...

Torried zone...i had no idea ...Google it u will find it... ITCZ...
He will ask full form and definition. What all s-vdr should record and where it is
given. Winch brake test. I told him procedures and 75% of MLB (on actual its 80%)
.... then he asked witch regulation. I got confused then. He also asked want u get
by doing all this stuff.....(by that time I got totally confused). He was like u have
red my notes I dont need my answers, I told sir I dont even know your name.....
give me more specific detail u r now in management level....fck
kitna detail du orrr.
He asked me if i was sailing as second mate and if tech library was under me.
Then he said that with every answer you give, tell me which publications you will
refer and their content in general.
Latest amendment to marpol annex 5

Marpol annex 1 regulations that help in pollution prevention


COW procedure in detail with line up

Gas freeing procedure in detail
Cargo tank water wash procedure in detail
Decanting procedure in detail
Things you will check in cargo tank inspection
Surface preparation standards
MLC inspection items
1. CSR certificate what all information you get from it
2. Various plans on vsl
3. Capacity plan contains and information you will get

4. STCW Ammendment
5. MLC titles

6. Duties of chief off as per ISM
7. Articles of agreement in details
8. What all check you will carryout before flooding the dock as a mate
9. Antifauling paints
10. Life boat tests and frequency of tests
➢ Testing welding method onboard.
➢ Types of welding.

➢ Damage stability in case not tied up with ERS.

➢ Grounding, bilging formula, it’s effect, condition depend upon?


➢ Bow cushion effect, rudder cycling with exact helm, olb on master death,
heavy wind why bow tend to move toward wind.
➢ Types of paint, lifeboat tests weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and 5 yearly.
➢ Parametric rolling (said as per notes) he said wrong.
1) Maintenance of lashing gear whn you came from heavy weather:

Ans: everything. He pointed out you frgt saying that ill grease the turn buckles.

2) Ship shore checklist and ISGOTT - answered as per the checklist and few

3) Bonding of wire - static electricity.
4) Before cargo ops what all will you check.

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- PSSA ..What it is few area...who issue list of all PSSA (Mepc...marine
environmental protection committee (Main committee of IMO).
- Name few marine pollutants as per annex 6 - i said Sox n Nox... nothing else
he asked.
- What is Certificate of entry...i didn't knew ..later he told me to find it out...Certi
of entry is issued by P n I club when vessel enters in to therr club n when ship is
insured against 3 rd party damage.
- What all area covered under BMP 5.... saud all then he asked but gulf of Guinea
is not der then how will we get information or guidelines for transiting in that

area...ICS has issued guidelines which has to be read in conjunction with BMP4

- Parametric n synchronised rolling... is there any guidelines for master in case of
heavy seas n who issues this.... msc circular no he wants
- Alarms provided on motor room and compressor room
- IGC code full form.
- he asked which ship u have done...said lng then started asking abt Reliq plant
- Publication used for ballast tank inspection guidelines
- control measure as per annex 6 on navigation...told about smeep... weather
routeing , speed optimation etc
Loadicator failure how will you calculate SF BM and GM
What is ship stability
Marpol Annex 4


Foul anchor
Chain register

Critical period and why it's say critical
How you file NOP
Stcw 2010 content
How to calculate damage stability
Stealer plate
Equipment onboard wrt environment protection
Statutory cert
ORB part 2 for which ships and entries

Duties of mate as per stcw


BMP5 what all you know


How will go about training a cdt who is on his last ship as cdt with 3 months to
sign off?
Vsl blackout and anchor dragging..action?
What is OLB and its entries
Preparation of vsl 4 months before drydock

Articles of Agreement (AOA)



The first two lines written on AOA?

The most important column in AOA?

Marpol regs effective from 2020?

Vessel is going to dry dock 3 months later, preparations as chief mate?

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- Duties as per STCW(say the standard points)
-Training of Cadet ( tell about CRB)
-Biparty / Triparty (AOA next of kin)
-Marpol 2020 (Sulphur limit globally 0.5% , how will you implement? - low sulphur
fuel , scrubber etc)
- PMS of windlas
- Drydock as per ISM ( he said something about following SMS of dry dock also )


- Entries in Official Log book as C/O

- BMP-5

- Statutory Certificates (after definition tell him as many examples)
- Anchoring, master not well, no astern propulsion, 3 mile anchorage, full
speed.... (He wants to hear that u will use stopping distance to stop vessel within
anchorage, as no astern propulsion).
2-3 questions more ... But from his set
Note - He likes to crack jokes in your every answer , laugh with him , praise him
... He will be very happy. Told me next surveyor will be MEENA . Also i read his
questions from the set , he asked each and every question from his set.
Dock labour regulation
As per STCW what are the responsibility and duties of chief officer

MLC has work hours whereas STCW has rest hours


What kind of training does chief officer carries out...competency (cadets),

contingency, safety related, etc and what else.

Topping up .u r In ccr
Duty office at tktop
Duty officer reports flange leak at manifold, Ur actions!!
Emcy stop.
1. Article of agreement. Detail .
2. Most important information in AOA (He want to listen Next of Kin )
3. What you understand by Environmental protection. What convention to control
4. Latest amendments of solas.


5. Annex 7 of Marpol.
6. MLC. How does it benefited seafarers.

7. Planned maintenance system why it is required.
8. Drydocking plan information.
9. Dry docking preparation most important aspect as chief mate. (He went to
listen vessel stability )
10. ISM elements.
11. Screening of light. L&SS

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1. Duties of C/O as per STCW.
2. Your duties as per new STCW amendments.... monitoring of W and R hrs, to
ensure Medical reports as per new standards and Fit for Duty stamp.
3. How will u train cadet..he wants to hear familiarization round by c/o as 3/O
doesn't do proper round..and understanding cadets capability of understanding.
4. Entries in OLB.
5. ORB entries. ORB as per which regulation.
6. What is accidental discharge? Give example.
I said oil leak during Cow operation due to excessive pr. but he wanted to hear
Malfunction of equipments/ valves.

7. What is unstable equilibrium.


8. Your Loaded ship listed to 10 degrees. Action?...he wants to hear that I will

find the root cause like consumption of f.o. from only one tank, cargo shifting,
hull the SERS shore emcy response service.
10. If it will be hull breach than how will you tackle..I said will start pumping out
he said it won't help, then I will go for matting and he replied "Mai Buddha
hogaya abhi Tak mat dekha nahi tum log Kya dekho ge even I have read this
theory in Denton. You guys just read orals notes and nothing else. Your emcy
response is very poor".🧟‍♂
11. You are at fwd stns visibility 20 mtrs .you are 100 m abeam of berth and
there are ships moored fwd and aft How will you come to know that ship is
moving arthwartship...he said by the wake at the bow.
12. Chain Register entries.




ETA arrangements? Requirements?
ETB contents ? Requirements?
Chain register.
Statutory and mandatory certificates.

Certificate of registry.

PMS. Anchor chain PMS.

Criteria for changing anchor cable/links?

Duties of a chief mate ?
Can chief mate take over the command when the master is incapacitated.
You are chief mate for the first time and there's experienced second officer with
master's license.
Who will take the command?As per which regulation?
Official log book entries as a mate
PMS of anchor? how much deterioration allowed ? stud link deterioration found at
dry dock action ? who issues Ship station certificate ? types of certificate ? if you
have SSCC how can it be converted into SSEC ? how will MLC help you as a mate ?
date India has adopted and ratified MLC ? Entries in OLB as a mate?

AOA? Critical instant ? cricical period ? will P increase or decrease after touching

the blocks ?

Marpol annex 1 discharge criteria from machinery spaces ? any distance criteria ?
Marpol annex 5 discharge criteria ? new amendments to annex 5 ?
statutory certificate ? is certificate of registry a statutory certificate ? (he wants to
hear your answer in reference to MSA) Your vessel is streaming the current while
How will you berth with the help of tugs? which lines will u pass 1st ?

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- On Indian flag; how will you make sure that any crew or officer other then Indian
nationality is MLC compliant. (Exactly same question which was asked by
- STCW amendments

- Have you studied M.S.Act? Yes! Good then, tell me M.S.Act Reg no. @#¿ (I don't

even remember the number now. This was the time I knew he is not going to give
me function 3.)

- As per M.S.Act which actions come under disciplinary actions?
- Polar code and what all certificates as per code?
- Dynamic and Static test for lifeboat. (Answered him, but he was asking me to
answer like a chief mate and not a second mate.)
- Chain register. (Lots of cross question)
- You are OOW, morning 5 o'clock. Vessel agrounds. Action? (Cross questions on
damage stability and lodicator.)
- Polar code. Preparation prior entering?
- ETA.
- Have India ratified MLC? - When?
- On Indian flag; how will you make sure that any crew or officer other then Indian

nationality is MLC compliant. (Have no fucking idea, what he wanted to hear as he


was not satisfied with my answer; which was everything about MLC & DMLC- I &

- Drydock.
- Anchor cable PMS.
- Slipping of anchor.
- Anchoring as mate on forward station.
- Mates entries in OLB.
- Discharge criteria Annex 1 & 5. (Cross questions)
- Annex VI. Special areas.
- Prior piracy area preparations?
How will you manage ship staff?
How will you motivate ship staff?
What actions you will do while going for anchoring?
What type of anchor lashing does your ship have?
What do you mean by shackle of anchor?
What is ganger length?
What is brake band material made up of?
What does ranging of anchor mean?


Have you done dry dock or no? - I said yes

What all jobs are normally done in dry dock?

What do you understand by shore block keel?

ISPS regulation?
What is BMP used for? Have you ever used it or have any knowledge of it?
Explain what is P1 & P2 ship and what is condition for assigning freeboard?
How will you prepare for load line survey?
How will the owner be liable for damage?
When will the owner of vessel be liable for damage claims?
What is note of protest?
Difference between note of protest and letter of protest?
Solas chapter 5 reg 19 start speaking

Chapter5 reg 19.1


Marpol annex 6 amendments. I started soeaking something about sox nox he


stopped me.
Wat is mepc n ppr.
Wat is psc i started speaking. He gave me axn n told u passed. Go.

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Marine insurance
Deck log book

Official log book

MS Act

Difference between act and rule .
Functions of chief officer as per STCW
STCW and amendments
Was worst for me only indian regulations number he wants
Master incapacitated which rule or law ??

Discipline on board ?? Which law


What is Sire ?

IMO regulations 1052 ??
What is CDI ?
STCW contents and chapter 2 overview
1 ship sanitation certificate, what is it, what regulation why is it required ( ans is


2. what is deratting certificate, regulation, under what rule it is required

3. All certificates issued under solas ch 3, under solas ch 5
4. Deratting Indian regulation and plenty other Indian regulations which I didn't
1. How will you prepare muster list onboard.
2. How will you mark load lines, if plate renewed where old loadline was marked.
(loadline certificate).
3. Ranging of cable.
4. What all test you'll carry out, markings. He wants detailed.

6. Maintainance on LSA.
7. Davit load test Static and Dynamic with proof load.

8. Immersion suit testing interval.
9. ISM contents.
10. Latest Marpol ammendments. (other guy he asked about IMSAR
11. What all effects on ship maneuvering in river.
12. Pilot ladder resolution- 1045(27).
13. Structures of IMO.
Solas reqmnts for drill
L/b maintenance as per solas
Psc & fsi
Dd preparations

Grounding beaching stranding difference

Ground tackle


Psc codes name few

Duties of C/O
AoA Cba
Official log book entries
Marpol latest amendment
Solas chapters
-Ground tackle

-what is grounding and how will you act if happened onboard

-what statutory certificates you had onboard your last ship


-official log book entries as a mate

-oil record book entries
-Condition of class

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1. What is the sequence of loading your hold in bulk carrier. And finally how will
your stowage look like.
2. Loading/ discharging / carriage of gas carrier and precautions.
3. IGC contents. And what all will be wet from them.
4. Internal for testing cargo flexible hose and precautions if the hose burst.
5. How to reduce pressure on gas carriers.

6. How prevent tank from going into vacuum during discharging in gas carriers.
7. Grade change of gas carriers and cargo compatibility.

8. Make a stowage plan on a paper.
9. What is stowage factor and load density - where will we find load density. He
asked me if i can load a piston of 100 t's and if I can load or not.
10. What is mates receipt? Who signs it? Who do we have to hand it over to? What
significance does it hold.
11. Crane inspection interval.
12. PMs of life boat davit.
13. He cross questioned the externals questions.
He 1st asked me which company and wad ship.. Opened his book wrote P against
my name, then began asking me questions, while questioning he asked for my

exn Form and continued with questions.

1. Difference between foundering and flooding

2. Beaching
3. Critical period.. And why is it called the same.
4. Ballast water convention and plan
5. AOA wad all u get?
Is IOPP certificate reqd for containers
Oil record book
Orb for containers
Sso duty
Prior transit and during transit western Africa or any other piracy area ur actions
as per SSO .
Do u had any casualties onboard or any near miss onboard?
Tell about near miss wrt ism code
Dry docking trim reqd for graving dock
Why it's minimum trim
What is critical momentum
Stability aspect of dry docking

How to find residual gm


What is P? ans upthrust force

Formula for P
Type of anchor in ur last vessel and the holding capacity F3
PMS for windless and winches from where u ll get information
Vetting inspection point of view what inspections u ll do for winches
Free fall lifeboat maintenance
Drill requirements
Prior freefall life boat launching what are inputs u ll give to master and crew
Enclosed space entry drill requirements
What IMO guidelines on how to carry out enclosed space drill
Ur vessel heading to a head sea /heavy wx and u and master on bridge and
seeing smoke coming from fwd store action in details
I told before sending crew fwd alter cos and keep the wind on stbd qtr he asked
me how ur going to do that step by step procedure
Ship handling in heavy WX

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Oil spill actions
Imminent collision, actions
DESHPANDE Foul hawse.. How will you clear? Statutory and mandatory certificates with


Ground tackle. Dry docking.. critical period..why is it so?
If collision is imminent, how will you go about it? PM's for windlass and pv valve.
Duties of chief officer as per ism. Annex 5 of marpol.
Bi-party and tri-party agreement.. you're employed on a foreign ship, between
who is the AOA signed. Significance of AOA.
Ballast water convention
D1 and D2 standard.
To which ships it applies? DIDN'T KNOW
Dry dock preparations?
Why it is required?

REQUIRED by which convention? DIDN'T KNOW

Oil Record book entries?

How many parts?
Applies to which ships?
Anchor dragging in inner Anchorage. Actions? Told paying out, dropping second
anchor but wasn't satisfied.
Running Moor? Explained but wasn't satisfied.
Which certificate to refer in order to determine if the chemical cargo can be
loaded? COF.
1. Pooping, broaching, surfing
2. Bilge shores what is the use
3. Kentar shackles, diagram and name of parts, what is the use of stud in it. and
Then mondal shackles and name of the parts.
4. Make diagram of vsl sitting on the blocks
5. Formula to calculate upthrust, and various cross questions in that
6. What was the material of soft mooring rope on your last vessel


7. What is the material and diameter of wire rope on your last vessel,
8. How many strands on wire rope of your vsl

9. Types of anchors,
10. Type of anchore, weight and holding power of anchor on your last vsl.
11. Official log book entries as per MS act
12. Crew training is mandatory as per which chapter of ISM
13. Forcastle door is open, water is coming in it, wind force 8, action ?
14. How you will turn your vsl in this condition.
15. Engine room fire, tell me fixed fire fighting equipment on your last vsl, and
explain full procedure to activate it.
Dry docking everything in detail

Statutory certificates
Labour Act

What is deciplinary action as per MS Act and what regulation deals with it?
Can u sail without class? If yes how? And if NO how?
Form A and B
Attachments of all Satuatory Certificates
Ground tackle how to rig?
Girting of tug?

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1) Plans on board
2) Difference between capacity plan and G.A. plan
3) Shell expansion plan in detail
4) Contents of shipper declaration

5) Difference between flag state and port state


6) What is CBA

7) Who all are benefited with CBA
8) What is declivity in dry dock
9) Why small trim by stern for dry dock
10) Duties of mates as per STCW
11) Certificates as per ISM
12) Detailed idea on DOC and SMC
1. Fundamentals of PMS
3. Definition of NC, Observation, Deficiency
4. Chief mate duties wrt to Dock Labour Organization.
5. Certificates as per ISM.

6. Validity of DOC and SMC?


7. All certificate required as per Marpol Annex 6?

8. Validity of Energy efficiency certificate.
9. How will you make sure you are complying with energy efficiency certificate.
10. Vessel transiting Limited depth area concerns as chief mate.
11. How will you make sure your pilot boarding arrangements is complying with
12. Who approves the certificate for pilot ladder and how it is done?
13. New regulation for maintenance of Pilot ladder.
Discharge criteria for cargo residue.
Can HME cargo be discharged.
Checks before dry dock
Explain upthrust.

Tell me about combine bargaining agreement.


Tell me about article of agreement?

How will you know the contract what you sign before joining the vessel abides
with CBA?
Tell me about statuary certificates?
Is there any place onboard you will know what certificates are about to expire and
what are the surveys to be carried out soon and who all have this
Certificates under marpol
Ism certificates and validity


Entries in chain register


Garbage record book/Seafarer employment contract latest amendments

What does P&I cover Under MLC
Loadicator under what ch regulation
1. How will you discharge Bulk cargo residues remaining onboard after cargo
discharging due to spillage etc
2. Date of last amendment to Garbage record book.
3. Container found damaged at arrival port and reason unknown. How will you
protect shippers interest.


4. Quantity of maximum limit of liablility of damage which a shipowner has to

pay and as per which regulation other than Limit liability convention?

5. Under MLC which 2 insurance covers are provided by P&I club.

6. Who provides DOC? Can Flag issue DOC? Validity of DOC and under what
conditions? DOC and SMC applicable to whom?
7. Ballast water management D1 & D2 standards? How will you know which is to
be used on your ship?
8. Entries by mate in Official Log book

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Cert on tankers as per Marpol
ODMCS stopped action
SEEMP part 2 inputs, NOx technical file content
BWM standards d1 and d2


lot of PMS jobs overdue after taking over on ship, action

Citadel requirements
Why docking on trim and not even keel
BMP4 and BMP5 difference
Cert as per ISM
Risk assessment as per which table

What all certificates as per Marpol,

AoA, CBA, MLC which 2 certificates r reqd,


how to motivate crew,

dry dock preparation,

oil spill action, Condition of class,
Marpol discharge criteria, OWS stopped working what to do,
EEDI, what is NC as per ISM?

1) Detail procedure for anchoring in Deep Waters

2) Explain in detail Annex -6

3) CAS and CAP


4) What is Fund and LDC

5) How do you relate LDC to today Shipping
6) Type of Seemp file and it's content
7 ) Data given from ship to office with respect to Seemp
8) Critical Period in Detail
Relation between ballast and cargo capacity of a ship
Article of agreement


In deep waters, anchor not coming up action and cross quest.

Marpol annex 6
Lifeboat damaged at Anchorage during drills
Olb entries
Flag state inspection
Asked about last vessel route. Was it hectic? Was there any rest hour violations?
How will you deal with rest hour violation as a Chief mate?
As a Chief how will you provide training to crew?
Was there any accident on your last vessel?


What all entries you'll make in log book?

Who will cover medical expenses of crew and as per what?

AB come and complains he did not receive salary for last month. Action?
PSC inspector comes onboard and gives a unjustifiable deficiency. Action. - I said
will info flag state. He said you can take help of MOU.
Dry dock pre entry procedures.
Info on Shell expansion plan. Docking plan.
Triparty and Biparty Agreement examples
Difference between mate receipt and B/L

Functions of a mate receipt


Straight B/L

ISM Certificates
Bosun tells cadet slapped him, your action (exact entries he wants as per MSA)
Supplement to IOPP Certificate
Information obtained from docking plan

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* BWM Reg D1 & D2
* Entries to be made in OLB by Chief Mates
* Action as a Chief mate when one of the Crew Member Gets injured
* Action as a Chief Mates when 2/E reports the high consumption of hydraulic oil
* Who is the incharge of LSA FFA maintenance ( I said 3/O under the guidance of

C/O, He then Probed me and asked anything about it mentioned in PMS..I said

each equipment’s maintenance and the responsible officer for that is mentioned

in the PMS)
*Who is responsible for fire safety when in Dry dock.
*Who is responsible for providing gas freeing certificate when ship is in dry dock.
* After issuance of Gas free Certificate can hot work be carried out anywhere on-
board- ( I said, even after the gas free certificate is issued the fire safety is still
with ship staff.. so a hot work permit is issued for any job required and hot work
will be carried out only under the purview of the hot work permit).
1.As per polar code which certificate issued to the ship
2. If one AB comes and complaint his wages are not being credited in account
since 2 months what will you do
3. What is FORM A and B. VOC Plan


4.If u miss an entry in the ORB for loading figures and you already made entry for
disch(human error). what will you do.

5. what is condition of class
In which certificate is it mentioned the vessel can trade in a certain region
6.what is Mooring Management and line management plan.
when will you change the rope tail.
what is the criteria to change the rope tail.



- AOA ( everything )
- PSC ( everything )

- ballast water management D 1 and D 2 criteria
- duties of chief officer as per ISM

What is SOx? What are the regulations related to SOx?

What is Ballast Water Management Plan? What is D2 standards?
What is DOC? How is DOC issued? What is SMC? Validity of DOC and SMC? How
and when are the audits carried out and who conducts the audits onboard and


Elements of ISM

What is PSC? When do they carry out the inspection? What are the grounds of
clear detention?
What are the duties of mate onboard? As a mate, how will you carry out the
training of personnel onboard related to their job?
What is CSR? When are the corrections done to CSR? Is new CSR issued if there is
change of shipowner?

Ship handling, Pivot point



Statutory requirements
Certificate, Preparing for survey

Articles of agreement
Crew welfare, Stcw amendments

Failing questions from last time,

Dry docking loaded ship,
BWMP standards,


D4 standards, Bmp4 and Bmp5 diff,

I'm m. statutory and mandatory certificates,

Cyber security and safety,

Social equality policy of your company,
Gangway test & marking,
Free fall lifeboat drills.

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What happened last time?
Told him external had passed. So started asking Past Questions
Paint Indenting
Paint Thickness Measurement
Margin Line
What will happen if margin line submerged?
Ballast Water Regulations
D1 & D2 in detail

Stresses in Above Methods


Prepare Risk Assessment for Ballast Water Exchange

Mooring Safety Management Plan Regulation (New Regulation under MEG4)
Actually it is Mooring System Management Plan
Its contents
Its approval Requirement
Mooring Tail Renewal Requirement
Details of Mooring Tails
Difference in Tonsberg and Mandal Shackle
Condition of Class
IOPP cert has mistaken, how to correct it.
Is class attendance necessary for Certificate Correction?
- Annual testing of cranes
- Straight BL
- Dangerous Cargo Manifest
- Different ways of Ballast Exchange. Explain both the ways. Requirements for
- IOPP Certificate Validity? Inspecions done for IOPP. Lots of cross questioning.

Certificates under ISM? Validity for both DOC & SMC.


- Surveys required for SMC ? Lots of cross questioning.

- Whats are Clear grounds of detention from the PSC ? Examples ? Lots of cross
- How will you prepare ship for MLC inspection ? Lots of cross questioning.
- Difference between Foul Anchor & Foul Cable ?
- Various Types of Shallow Water Effects?
- Cyber security. How to avoid Cyber Threats ?
- Vessel dragging anchor.
- Slipping of Anchor
1. Info from shell expansion plan.
2. Validity of DOC n SMC.
3. Certificates under MLC convention.
4. What does DMLC stands for. (Was unble to recollect at tht time what is D ).
5. Which VIQ is in use now.
6. What all SIRE vettings u have done.

7. AOA is which type of doc.


8. Duties of chief mate.


9. Form E what all info u get.

10. What all new in BMP5 from BMP4.
11. Running n open moor.
12. Difference between foul cable n anchor.
13. What is declivity n how to alter it.
14. Why trim by stern for dd?
15. Tell me about cyber security. (gave some funda just to convince him that m
aware of such thing.) / how will u avoid cyber threats.
PSC as per which convention authorizes them to come on-board and how do they
come to know which vessel should they board.


Then ISM if validity of SMC is expired then status of doc and then what things are
covered by ISM.

When is ISM survey carried out?

Then mate receipt and difference between mate receipt and BOL.
Boat receipt.

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How you will sustain Damage stability?
DEVESH Seq. certificates?

Foul anchor and foul cable?
He asked only practical questions....

How u vl sustain Damage stability?


Seq certificates?
Foul anchor and foul cable?

So many questions he asked dont remember
He asked only practical questions....

-Marpol annex 6 regulation

- enclosed space entry on chemical tanker WBT . Checks ?
-Ism into force and functional requirement
- Load line survey


- ISPS discuss. You as C/O are SSO . What all you will check
- Anchor foul — cable foul

-ISM contents
-STCW manila amendments
- What is ERS
- 3 stbd cot leaking? Action?
- grounding action?
-Marpol annex 6 regs for nox nd sox
-Change over procedure from hfo to lsmgo
-Morning watch: 3/E collapsed in engine room- action as mate

-loadline survey

-fsi nd psc

-master ashore, anchor dragging- action
-ism contents
-stcw manila amendments
-special and enroute definition as per marpol
-hot work on forwrd mast, in ballast voyage on tankers, full procedure
Validity of interim DOC and SMC
What are the survey frequency of both

MLC amendments of 2014


Situation of anchor dragging what will be your action ( please answer that I will
give notice for Engine )
AOA procedure for Indian vessel ( told him about that 5 originals but he said their
is some new regulation has come now )

PSC gives list of items to be rectified. How will the PSC of another port know
about these items that need to be rectified by your ship.

Req for GMP


Annex 6. EEDI and what does it pertain to

Monthly Maintenance on On load release gear of LB

Plans to be carried as per Sopep Manual

Conventions required/related to carriage of cargoes
Straight BL
MLC Ammendment
1. PSC clear ground


3. Doc and smc interim cert requirement

4. Dry-dock precaution

5. Ranging of anchor
6. Vsl dragging anchor action
7. Slipping of anchor

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Stellar plate
Bilge plate / Bilge keel
Chain register
Official log book entries

What is foul anchor, how to clear


STCW contents and details

Dry docking details and precautions
What is critical interval
What is critical instant
Stability of ship, what is stable and unstable.
When unstable and stable ship
Heavy weather precautions
You are on bridge and Vsl agrounded action.
1p 1s DB tanks open to water how will you consider foundering
Proceeding to dry dock for repairs duty as a ch off.


Oil spill action.

Chain register
Itf blue card/ itf green card difference b/w them
How MLC is related to your wages.
How to use anchor chain to make fast with buoy
Duties of c/o as per Ism
Anchor, bitter end pms
Drydock preparation
Use of shore block

Use of bilge block


GA plan content

Stealer plate
Garboard strake
Condition of class
PSC in detail
Fire extinguisher type
How come to know which part of ship grounded?
1. What is squat and how you can counter it.
2. Anchor dragging action. And after when I said inform master. He said master
gone to shore
3. Chain register what do u get n intervals of crane load test
4. How you will Chk the wire of the crane to approve it for cargo operation.
5. When will you discard the wire and how u will know when. ( formula for broken

6. Plans on ship

7. Define bale capacity n grain


8. What you can find capacity plan and docking plan.

9. Various certificates on board.
10. Bilge blocks are what n how many are there used in dry docking
11. Procedures to be done before dry docking
12. Which class division has better insulation .What is C division
13. How will you know what is the required quantity of B.A set your vsl will carry.
14. Maintenance of anchor, bitter end, chain locker.
15. Official log book entries
16. Ground tackle.

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Preparation for bunkering
Which all certificates have intermediate survey
Which certificate has only intermediate survey and no annual

Preparation for seq survey


Timber loadline

Which type of ship is required to have longitudinal framing
Define rake of keel
What is tumble home?
Sopep locker contents
Use of docking plan
Shackel got parted in port while cargo handling and cargo operation was
stopped. dock safety officer onboard he was to check weather the shackel was
properly tested or not. how will u show him ?
- Transum floor
- Stellar plate
- If you want to secure a anchor if your bow stopper is stuck. what type of wire

rope. what is it called. And what size ?


- What maintenance on Anchor cable by ship staff?

- Vsl dragging in Hazira master ashore what will b ur action ?
- How does longitudinals and transverse run
- what is the angle of longitudinals and transverse (des are the words wic he
asked me. i also didnt understood what xactly he wanted. i asked him twice but
he repeated d same again)
- in panting beams what all things u will add to strengthen it ? And what can
replace a panting beam ?
1) GA plan and capacity plan
2) dry docking - use of shore blocks and where they are as Ch. Off what you
checkfor these , wt will you do if your capt. Want to come out on same trim as
before( want to hear sounding same for all tanks as before)
What you check before signing flooding cert.
Maintenance of anchor , how you measure wear and discard anchor chain
3) anchore in very deep:

3 shackles down anchor fould how you release it (he wantfrom kenter shackl and

full procedure)

What all use you can take from anchored
Ground tackle full
Anchor equp maintenance
4) stcw which reg. For your COC
5) SMC cert. inspection interval
6) how you implement ISM on board as Ch. Mate
7) as Ch. Off what entries in OLB
8) BL and how many original copy how you know frieght paid
1. Why Frame spacing Less in fwd part of ship ? with proper explanation.
2. Certificate Dont have annual survey ? reason if any ?
3. Why Article of agreement onboard ?on what basis it is on board ?
4. Stcw 2010 originally comes at which year ?

5. Why passanger ship called passanger ship ?


6. Rescue boat Requirement Passanger and cargo ship ?


7. Lifeboat Requirement Passanger and cargo ship ?

8. Shackle damaged ... auditor want to knw shackle before in good condition and
tested properly , hows he got that info ?
9. Mooring Rope size? Gant line size ?
10. What is bilge shore? How’s it useful? Where it fitted ?

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1. What all documents and plan will you takeover as C/O?
2. How will you go about preparing your vessel for dry docking?
3. How will you prepare your vessel for PSC?
4. What is important part in drydocking and why?
5. What all certificates are there on board?
6. What are your duties as per MLC 2006?(i said general about rest hours,

hygiene, good accommodation, welfare, salary in time )


7. Latest amendments for STCW 2010,what is the new rank included in it?( New

rank he wants to hear is able body seaman)
8.what is mixed mooring and why is it dangerous?( He wants to hear specifically
that in mixed mooring hawser rope will stretch more due to which all pressure
will fall on wire rope).
9. Which will I prefer more in case of spring rope long or short and why?
(He wants to hear long will stretch and less chances of braking)
10. How will you go about maintenance of your ship?
Started with marpol.. Annex VI requirement …
Sox , nox …
New requirement about EeXI. Not EEDI…
EeXI is for existing ships …. Dry docking…
In detail… Stability … Stiff tender… Stability booklet.

Types of manuals to be maintained as a mate


How to motivate cadets? Anchorage..

Loads an anchor will bear at anchorage. Wind and current..
Looking for d/D answer..
Interaction and shallow water explanations..
Contingency plans…
Any document to it.. Oil spill. Action as a mate..
Solas chapters.. Drill requirement.. Pms of LSA.. Piracy and BMp5
Form E content
Preparation for ISSEC inspection
Content of COSWP
Work Aloft as per COSWP

Annex 1 discharge criteria


General Cargo tank cleaning water discharge regulation

Dry Dock in detail
What plans required for Dry Dock and why
New recruitment regulations
STCW 2010 amendments
Particular Name of training for AB and Electrician
•stcw 2010 changes
•Asked me to tie a stage - gave me small stage and small rope - I could do dat I
told him I don’t knw sir then he started “everything I can manage but safety I
can’t u must knw this”
•what does COSWP says about stage - I told him in general but he wanted does
specifically about stage - I didn’t knw this too again he started “as a chief off

COSWP must be on ur fingure tip”


•statutory certificates and certs to load grain, imdg and for chem

•what all precautions u vl take for dry docking

•checks prior flooding the dock
•what all plans u need and lil bit contents of those plans what dey give
•static and dynamic test of crane
•what is proof load
•what will be the proof load for crane of 10t
•duties of mate as per MLC
•different types of moorings

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Certificates to be carry onboard, AFS wic paint is banned n how ll u check
whether d paint is in use is effective or not
Surface Preparation as per wic guidelines Prepare stage n wic guidelines ull refer,

PSSA n how dis area is designed


BWMP D2 standard n wat all methods r used in D2 standard, Docking, Shell,
Capacity plan , how ll u prepare for dockin n while undockin wat all ull check
Grab fell on ballast vent wer ull check its specs n while weldin wat r checks n test
ull do
Ballast tank inspection as per wic guidelines, ISM n COSWP contents
Asked to rig the Bosun chair using Bosun's chair knot ,...Could manage it
Dry docking
Asked whether have I done any dry dock and I said yes , then he started
How will you go about with preparing dry dock as a mate
Told him all about the planning of it and all the exchange of information between
ship and the dock and pre docking preparations of gas freeing

Again he asked about the gas meters


The he asked about the stability during dock

Loss of GM formula and critical period
Various types of plans and their use
Checks that you will do prior flooding dock
Marpol amendment regarding lighterage..
Mixed mooring
STCW contents and it's amendments
MLC rest hour requirements
Mostly from his sets he will ask wht happened last time, what have u prepared,
he is kind of practical brings lots of stuff wid him
1. he gives u a small stage practically and rope and asks u to prepare it, says
onboard other crew doesnt know how to do. he also asks u different types of
2. marpol in detail annex 5 disch criteria
3. drydocking how will undock vessel ita checks, while midway why flooding is

4. prepare vessel for loadline


5. what is fsc, what are its effect

6. how will release bitter end.
7. other ship anchor dragging towards your vessel(he wants to listen in worst last
optn will tie up buoy and release bitter end)
8. static, dynamic test of lifting appliances, also proof load, he wants to. listen
that. proof load
9. different types of mooring, especially Mixed mooring.
10. statutory cert, its max validity.
11. what is ISM.
12. duties of mate as per MLC.
13. what is Coswp, whatsl precaution you take while doing work aloft.
Gave me rope. And told to show bowline ..reef...and clove hitch... i was
like....comeon...itna to aata hi hai.
Then gave me a small wooden peice. Which was a proper mini stage. Told to tie
knots for staging.
He was happy to see the correct start i did. So he stopped in betn. He was like,

when u tel crew ..u should know it ..


Latest ammendments of sctw.


What is article of agreement.

Whts the use of ISM.
Wht is pms. How is pms linked with ism.
Different plans to be refered frequently as mate.
Action in case of m.o.b.
Dry docking prep.
What all precautions to be taken during dry dock as a mate.

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MLC title. ORB entry
What is CBA and IBF
What is blue and green agreement

Oil pollution action


Critical period . Why GM become zero when Vsl sits overall

How is framing done
What is strake how strake are numbered. Chain register.
What MoU you are aware of, India come in which MOU.
What is PSCO which inspection does he carry.
Abandoned seaman
- Past failing questions
How to tie a stage hitch
-what is CBA, AOA
-what entries to be made in ORB
-MLC Contents
-what is abandonment of seafarer as per MLC

-what is social security protection


-tell me about certificates as per ISM

-what all plans and manuals u know
-cargo certs to be carried on board chemical tankers
-oil spill in US action
-what is transverse thrust
-what is squat
-action u vl take to reduce squat
-what are positive points of floating dry-dock
-how will you carry out maintenance of windlass
ITF, IBF,CBA, diff btw ITF and IBF, MLC title, which all plans onboard, certificate on
chemical tanker and as per which convention, collision with fishing vsl, in US
coast while discharging cargo of oil there is oil spill action,

What is NWB- National welfare board, dry dock critical period


why is it so important , transverse thrust, squat, certificate as per ism and their

inspection interval,
what are PSC MOU and what is CIC, Anchor dragging anchor,
Oil record book entry and content,
Action in case of quartering seas at port quarter, pooping?
Maintenance of steering gear and accommodation ladder.
1. Something about BL he asked, I don't remember
2. Note of protest
3. Letter of protest

4. Letter of indemnity

5. Vessel grounded what actions u will take as C/O


6. Difference between PSC n FSI

7. What is PSC
8. What is Garboard strake
9. Numbering of plates

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1st he asked about previous attempts.. Wad happend n all.. Den he asked which
company and what ships... I told him I have done bulk and specialized cement
vsl. .. Point blank he told me Dat he will ask about tankers.
1. Name all d certificates on a tanker along with their conventions.
2. Discharging oil, in port. Tanker... Oil spill... Action..
3. Disch oil, in US port, tanker... Oil spill action
4. Info in SOPEP.
5. How many MOUS are u aware of.. And india comes in which and which all
countries cm along with it.
6. Prepare ur vsl of psc.
7. Prepare vsl for SEQ
8. Berthing Situation.. Vsl to berth port side alongside.. Berth is on port side..
And wind cming from about 3 pts on stbd bow.. I gave 3 methods... Including

Baltic moor.. But even I knew Dat wasn't the right way...and ASM candidates told

me he wants practical answers. So gave him practical how I wud carry out

manoeuvre. Immediately he changed the question
9. Wad is transverse thrust.. Wad happens to bow for right hand prop.
10. Wen is it the most prominent.
11. Casting off vsl port side alongside.
12. Entries in OLD... Quoted section 213 and 214....immediately changed.
13. AOA... as soon as I said tri party... He asked purpose of aoa
14. CBA.
15. FORM E
16. Drydock critical period, why is it called d same? Wad is force P? Why and how
is Der a loss of GM? Here the moment I began talking abt the derivation frm
derrets.. He stoped me.
Throughout the session he was giving me that look as if wad I was saying was
completely wrong.. I stood my ground and confidently answerd based on wad I
know, learnt and studied.
Types of B/L
What is the other name of multimodal B/L?
MLC contents and amendments.
Anchor dragging.
Vessel grounding.
Swell from quarters & heavy weather action.
Bunkering- oil pollution.
Critical period n instant.
Why is it called as critical period?
Why GM starts reducing- he tried to convince me that once the vessel touch the

block, it gets additional support then it should be good for vessel then I told me

everything about dry dock stability calculation. It took a lot of explanation to


convince him.
Documents under ISM & validity.
Documents under ISPS & validity
How will u ensure that ship is complying ISM. ETA.
Defects of welding. Test of welding.
How the plates n frames are numbers. Gardboard strake.
Why I is omitted in naming, I said it can be read as 1. He wrote alphabet I on a
paper and asked if this I or 1. I said I. then he asked is there any other reason I
said this is the only reason I'm aware of. Article of agreement n it's contents.
Load line survey preparation. Statutory survey. Clc bunker.
Wreck convention n Certificate under it.

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Past failing questions.
Where's the headquarters for Indian Ocean MOU?
NFU steering. Hunting gear.
You've to berth your vessel starboard alongside, you're approaching with the port
on your port bow, wind on starboard bow, no current. Master incapacitated, no
thrusters, no pilots and no will you go about it

L&SS code

Sheer strake and numbering

How will you dock your vessel if you've bilged in way of 2p db tank
You're loading on an oil tanker and there's an oil spill... actions
Clearing a foul hawse...wires to be used and their swl
Hanging off anchor.
Wires used on to calculate their breaking strength...what will the swl
CBA, IBF, ITF, blue card, green card.
AOA and contents
- Critical instant, Critical period,

Why GM reduces while critical period.


How to numbering frames and plate what is shear strake, deck plate joining

shear numbering.
CBA and IBF What is blue card and grey card. Oil spill on a deck action as a ch
officer. What is statutory certificate, Statutory certificates on chemical tanker?
All basic principle of ship construction, strakes, gardboard strakes, keel strakes,
stealer plate, meteorological instruments, screening of lights,
Loss of stability
Damage control plan
Difference between ibf and itf
Blue card and green card
AOA, CBA, Certificates associated with ISM

What will happen to SMC if doc is cancelled?


Who issues SMC, validity, survey

Numbering of frames.. numbering of plates
Oil spill in US waters.
You've run aground, action, vessel collided with fishing boat,
Mlc amendments
Mlc sections
Stcw code training to crew as chief officer, record book as per marpol &
requirements, What is PSC & type of PSC inspection?

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How will you calculate mbl of wire rope..what other ropes used on board, how to
calculate their mbl..he wants formulae.
Where would you use a 6*12/6*24 and 6*37 rope?
You need to be made fast to a buoy with your anchor chain, how will you go
about it after you hang off your anchor
Loss of stability
Damage control plan
Difference between ibf and itf
Blue card and green card
What's a ro
certificates associated with ism
What will happen to smc if doc is cancelled

Who issues smc



Foundering in will you determine you've foundered with respect to
immersion of deck edge and gz curves
Numbering of frames.. numbering of plates
Oil spill in US waters
Foundering of will you know you foundered..
You've run aground, actions as a mate
You find you're taking in water in two compartments.. actions now
You realize that you're taking in water in 3 to 4 compartments, what will your
decision be as a mate
Mlc amendments
Mlc sections
Stcw code
This is all I can remember..he asks questions mostly from his standard sets, but
he requires very technical answers..very reasonable fellow, but difficult to please
Vessel in US, oil spill actions. Will u use OSD if yes if not why what it is
U r deck and oil tank explodes-action
Drydock everything ,critical period,why P and what happens if P is there
Vessel dragging u r on watch
Types of CBA, what is CBA too many cross questions of CBA and IBF
Blue green card
Ur company complies with what ITF or IBF or CBA - why

IBF is complaint with ITF ? Why how ?


How to berth vessel without pilot master tugs with a current

Shell expansion plan - what is frames
What is plates
Why numbering from aft and not fwd
Why aft perpendicular is zero
Collision of vessel on port bow
His facial expression does not change if any of your answer and you will not
know if you speaking correct or wrong. He will behave as if he is cool with all of
your answers. Does not give marks.
Only totally wrong or totally right.
Grounding action
Damage stability calculations
Ism certificates and docs,validity and inspection

Mlc ammendments

IBF, Itf blue card and green card too much in depth

Multimodal transport
Rpsl issued by whom
And requirements for rpsl
Hanging off anchor procedure

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How will you calculate mbl of wire rope..what other ropes used on board, how to
calculate their mbl..he wants formulae
Where would you use a 6*12/6*24 and 6*37 rope
You need to be made fast to a buoy with your anchor chain, how will you go
about it after you hang off your anchor
Loss of stability
Damage control plan
Difference between ibf and itf
Blue card and green card

What's a RO?

certificates associated with ism

What will happen to smc if doc is cancelled
Who issues smc. Bmp5.
Foundering in will you determine you've foundered with respect to
immersion of deck edge and gz curves
Numbering of frames.. numbering of plates. Oil spill in US waters.
Foundering of will you know you foundered..
You've run aground, actions as a mate
You find you're taking in water in two compartments.. actions now
You realize that you're taking in water in 3 to 4 compartments, what will your
decision be as a mate. MLC amendments. MLC sections. STCW code.
How will you calculate mbl of wire rope.. what other ropes used on board, how to
calculate their mbl..he wants formulae
Where would you use a 6*12/6*24 and 6*37 rope?
You need to be made fast to a buoy with your anchor chain, how will you go
about it after you hang off your anchor. Loss of stability.
Damage control plan
Difference between ibf and itf.
Blue card and green card. What's a RO?

Certificates associated with ISM


What will happen to SMC if doc is cancelled?

Who issues SMC? Bmp5.
Foundering in detail.. How will you determine you've foundered with respect to
immersion of deck edge and gz curves?
Numbering of frames.. numbering of plates
Oil spill in US waters. Foundering of will you know you foundered..
You've run aground, actions as a mate. You find you're taking in water in two
compartments.. actions now.
You realize that you're taking in water in 3 to 4 compartments, what will your
decision be as a mate. MLC amendments. MLC sections. STCW code.
Hanging off Anchor with 5 seaman available.
CBA, Tri Party Agreement,

MLC amendment,


Intact Stability,
Dry docking,
Force P,
Loss of GM, SOPEP. Oil spill in US waters

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IBF, Green card
Blue card
Any ISM certificates onboard
Sheer strake, Garboard strake.
How frames are numbered from aft and from keel?
Vessel going to Dry dock with damaged forward how u ll plan.
Vessel grounded...action

Vessel hull breached. No 1 port n stbd tanks n forepeak taking in water.action..


What factors to be taken into account for re-floating the vessel?

Flooding n foundering
Formula for foundering
Heavy lift precautions
Critical stages while heavy lifting
U r loading crude in USA..oil spill..action...whom all u will contact
He is very quiet fellow and he doesn’t react to any answer but incase you said
something slightly wrong then he will reask you
Anchor dragging..action
MLC amendment
Bill of Lading. Received for shipment bill of lading.
ITF, IBF, Green card.

Blue card, How a owner can become a member of any organisation?


Hanging off an anchor, DOC AND SMC.

CBA, AOA, Sheer strake.
Garboard strake.
How frames are numbered from aft?
Vessel going to Dry dock with damaged stern how u’ll plan?
Grounding actions as a mate
Oil spill in US waters actions while you are discharging

Actions you will take if No.1, No.2 FWD WBT are bilged

CBA, what do you understand by it?

IBF, TCC, Use of anchor chain for mooring it to bouy.
How will you secure the anchor, and what type of wires will you use.
Different types of wire, and the calculations of using the same for breaking
strength and SWL.
Preparation for dry dock..
explain what happens start to end from stability point in dry dock including
critical period why/how virtual loss of gm and what will happen because of that
Why stern trim?


What is there to strengthen stern part ?


FSE , how there is virtual loss of GM with diagram explain?

How will u deal with vessel of negative stability?
Angle of loll?
Moment of inertia?
COVID-19 contingency plan on your last vessel( he asked me when I signed off)

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Sydney web and Luthdale or something he asked based on bi and tri party
Chain register n contents who issues certificate and chain register book
What is environmental protection as per Which marpol annex?
Persian gulf to Singapore seq certificate expired including 3 months what actions
Ballast water treatment
Advantages and disadvantages of flow through
BWMP. Statutory mandatory and class certificate.
(Mandatory he wants to hear as per imo regulations )
Seq and loadline survey
Heavy weather precautions
Standing and running Moor

Indiscipline actions (as per olb)


Technical definition of foundering (loss of intact stability he wants to hear )

What is stranding and grounding
Have you done a dry dock ?
What's coswp?
Who issues it ? Full form of MCA
what is mca what authorities they have ?
Certificate of clas ?
Authorized person ?
Who is competent person onboard (top 4 ) ?
Who surveys the lifting appliances ?
Draw timber load line ?
What is L in timber load line ?
What is timber ship ? Define ?
What is piracy and armed robbery? And difference between them ?
Statutory mandatory class certificate diff
Stcw duties as co
Anchor drift action

Porn cd bosun

How will u motivate crew
Olb orb CRB
Disobedience action
Crew not listening to u
COSWP published by?
What do u mean by statutory, mandatory & class certificate?
Galley fire.. contingency plan ?? Action as C/O
Duties of c/o as per STCW
What is OLB?

How do u maintain discipline onboard?

What is PMS?

Heavy weather precautions?

Preparation for entering Piracy area?
Prepare vessel for PSC inspection.
What is grounding? Foundering?
What is garboard strake?
During cargo operation LNG leakage at manifold actions?

what is tri party and bi party?


duties of mate as per stcw


statutory and mandatory certificates difference

code and convention meaning and difference

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1. Prepare you vessel for PSC.
2. What is PMS?
3. Have you been to Dry Dock before? What are operations carried out in DD.?
4. Duties of Choff as per STCW
5. How will you carry out Steering gear test?
6. Syntoptic charts and its use.


7. What is First Principle of Effective Watch keeping?

8. How will you Carry out PMS of LSA and FFA?

9. Heavy wether precautions as a Chief mate
10. Preparare Vessel for Entering Piracy prone area.
11. What is Grounding?
12. What is Ground Tackle?
13. What is Collision
14. What is Foundering?
15. What is Action after Dragging Anchor.

What was GM of your last ship in loaded condition - wanted figure


What is intact stability


What is damage stability

OLB as per which regulation and what all to record
You go for anchor station ahead and when heaving only chain comes up and no
anchor what can be the cause.

1) Why Marpol came in to force(said abt Torrey Canyon) - said fine

2) When did marpol came in to force- Exact date he wanted
3) What are statutory Certificate , Mandatory cert n class certificate. n how all 3
are connected- said without these certificate vessel cannot said...was not
convinced .... then he only said if ur class certificate become invalid then ur
statutory n mandatory cert also becomes invalid.
4) Emergency generator will supply power yo which all nav equipment- All
equipment as per solas ch5 reg 19
5) Preparation for SEQ survey
6) 1st principal of watch keeping- He wants that navigational watch is kept on the
bridge n this is the 1st principal of watch keeping .
7) Difference between GA plan and capacity plan

8) What is OLB, CRB , ORB.


9) How will you maintain Discipline on board?


10) Duties of Chief officer as per STCW.

11) How will you assist master in decision making?
12) Effect of MLC on ship operation. regarding MLC he said there is a book as
frequently asked questions and answers on mlc...he said ye padlo aur mlc meh
kuch padne li jarurat nhi
13) Chain Register
14) If chain register is full no space for entry.. how will you get new chain
register n from whom... i said will ask the dock aur port to arrange for us...said
15) Preparation for PSC inspection
16) Difference between glass fibre and fiber glass n where it is used ..i said glass
fiber is used in fire blanket whereas n lifeboat is made of fiberglass
17) Difference between normal bulb n navigational bulb...could not answer this

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1) Entries in OLB
2) Why do you need official log book ??
3) How will you maintain discipline onboard?
4) Preparation for PSC
5) Dry docking what all jobs ?

6) Chain register

7) Ballast water regulation . When it came into force .. what about your last

vessel. Did you comply with it .
8) How many contingency plans on last vessel
9) Fire in galley action?
10) material of fire blanket
11) what's inside a DCP extinguisher
12) Difference between a glass fibre and fibre glass.
13) what will you Tel mate while bunkering ??
Q. Ballast water management? What method did you use on your last vessel.
Q. Crew member asks for porn CD what will you do? Answer as mentioned in
Pawan notes.

Q. How will you maintain discipline on board?


Q. Chain register?

Q. Mandatory and statutory certificates?
Q. Why is OLB required?
Q. What is collision?
Q. How will you prepare for PSC inspection
What is a code. And why are they mandatory. Ballast water management code and
when it came.

He drew the plimsoll mark and asked what load line is this. - he said the line in

the centre is in conjunction with summer load line . Summer load line.

Jobs to do at dry dock. Dry dock survey. How to handle multinational crew.
Intact stability booklet contents. Duties of chief officer as per stcw.
What is grounding stranding foundering. Statutory , mandatory and call
how do u maintain discipline onboard
How do u motivate crew

Bi party & tri party agreement with eg


what all Fire Fighting arrangements do u have onboard

what is Fire blanket made up of (Fibreglass or Kelvar)
Tell. me about LSA & FFA maintenance (pms & makers inst)
Jobs carried out in DD
what conditions make ur ship unseaworthy
how do u maintain discipline onboard
How do u motivate crew
Maintenance of FFA


Jobs carried out in DD


Olb as per which ms act

Action in power failure
What is mandatory cert/statutory cert/class certu
What is Stranding /Grounding /Foundering
How wil u carry out psc inspection

-Coswp despite not being a mandatory publication is still carried on board


because it's published by MCA which is a governing body.


-Crew asking for porn ( impose riders ( set conditions) with crew when to watch
the porn).

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1. Contents of SOLAS.
2. Prepare for LL survey, safcon survey, isps survey ( listen few points n den
moves to next)

3. COSWP who issues and where?


4. Full form of MCA.

5. Measures for transiting piracy area.
6. OLB whu issues and enteries. He wants as per Which MS act is OLB req.
7. Crew indisciplined. Action.
8. What is collision?
9. Prepare for PSC.
1. you are dragging anchor action?(he repeated the same question from function
1 may be wanted to hear as per function 3 )
2. what are duties of C/O as per STCW?

3. How will you maintain harmony between multinational crew on board?


4. what are bi- party and tri-party agreement?

5. what are grounding, stranding and foundering?
6. your crew is asking for blue film CD your action?
7. what is the importance of DG manifest and other contingencies?
8. what all jobs you do in drydock?
9. how will you go about PSC?
- Chain Register
- GA plan, Capacity plan
- LSA n FFA Plan
- Hanging off an anchor procedure
- Ballast water management. Which procedure your ship used. I told him we had a
treatment plant. So asked abt that. How it works and stuff. Wanted to hear that it
was used both ways when taking in ballast and while disch also. Said that hence
was convinced.
- COSWP published by whom? MCA. Ok what is mca? Can somebody just go abt
printing books and everyone will follow. Mca is maritime coast guard agency. It is
like Uk dg shipping and hence has been given the authority by imo.
- Statutory, mandatory and class certificates. Told him but he dint like the ans.
Said not correct.
- What is OLB. Official log book. What entries? Started telling but was stopped in
between says not required. All entries to be made are given on the first page. No
need to memorise. As per what regulation you should have official logbook. Ms
Act reg 212. Was convinced.

- ORB. Entries

- Difference between collision and allision

- Docking plan. Started telling abt dry docking plan says you are telling abt F3
drydocking plan. I asked docking which is berthing. You should ask again if not
sure, ok contiue with drydocking plan. What info you get from it.
- AOA. What all is there in it.
- Bi party n tri party
- How will you prepare your vsl for load line survey.
Started telling him about checks to be done etc. Stops midway n says no need of
ram kahani. Its very simple and dont make it complicated. Load line survey is
done to ensure the watertight integrity of the vsl. Thats it. I said ok.
- PMS? Advantages and Disadvantages.
- How will you resolve problems when sailing with multinational crew. Wants to
hear keeping one language preferably English as common language and taking
care of everyone’s liking in food menus.
- How will assist master in making an important decision. Told him loads of stuff.
Not satisfied and says you will provide all available information to him and then
let him make the decision with all resourced at his disposal.
- Loading bunkers. What standing orders you will give to the duty officers.
- How will you punish a seafarer and as per what? Olb
- Drydocking jobs as mate

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Environmental Protection, Bwn, S/M/Class certificates,


JB SINGH olb, orb, chain register, maintain dicipline on board,

prepare for loadline, Lsa, ffa, pms,

personnel management, grounding, stranding,
Hanging of anchor to release cable, dry docking.

What do you mean by environmental protection

Ballast water management plan and various methods
As per MSA definition of unseaworthy
Chain register contents
What are statutory and mandatory certificate
What is bi party and tri party agreement
How will you maintain discipline onboard
Duties of choff as per stcw


Psc and flag state inspection

How will you maintain lsa and ffa

Contingency plan
Pms?as per which regulation
How you will train your junior
What is foundering,beaching,
Stranding ,grounding
Faul anchor. Faul hawse.
Anchor dragging action
Heavy wx what all precautions
Content of stability booklet
What all jobs needs to be carried out in dry dock?
1. How will you maintain discipline onboard as a chief officer.
2. What is bi part and tri party agreement

3. Difference between grounding and standing n foundering


4. What is mates receipt and bill of lading..... When does master sign the B/L

5. Your chain register is full.... Who will issue the chain register.
6. Who is MCA. whom is it equivalent to in India.. ( maritime and Coast Guard
agency equivalent to dgs)
7. Contents of stability booklet.
OLB entries?
Discipline onboard?

How u will take care of the welfare of multinational crew?


AOA in details? F3
Annex 1 discharge criteria?
Difference between OLB & Deck Log Book.
How to deal with crew if they ask for Porn Movies?
Prepare vessel for dry docking ?

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1. Chain register and contents ,
2. If chain register fill up completely then what will you do,
3. What is environment protection as per marpol,
4. Ballast water management and types of methods of water treatment,
5. Entries to be made in ORB Part 1 & 2,
6. Any latest ammendment for marpol and solas
7. What is statutory certificate and what is mandatory certificates,
8. Load lines survey preparation,
9. Heavy weather precautions,
10. Port state control preparation,
11. Bunkering operations what instructions you will give to your oow,

12. How will maintain discipline on board,


13. Handling of multinational crew procedure,

14. Bosun asked for porn movies what you will do,
15. What is stranding and grounding,
16. What is MCA,
17. WHAT is ganger length,
18. What is OLB, why it is on board,
19. Entries into OLB by which regulations
20. What is bi party agreement and tri party agreement,
21. What is PMS in details including types of PMS and advantages of PMS,
22. What should be the gm while entering into dry dock with formulas,
23. What is class certificate and conditions of class,
24. What is collision and Alison,
25. Why marpol came into force,
26. PMS for LSA and FFA.... This much right now I remember.....
How will you address issues with regards to multinational crew.
OLB requirement under what? Entries in it
Application of paints in various areas
Orb cargo spaces entries

Hiw will u assist Master in emergencies


Vsl in port detained by psc actions.

How will u immplement ism as mate
Ballast water latest req.
Total number of b/l and explain.
How will you brief your officers prior to bunkering operations.
Mates receipt.
Statutory n mandatory certificates.
Failing questions-
Replacement of plugs in DD and MLC amendments
Ballast water latest amendments
Olb and Orb
Handling indiscipline onboard(he wnts to hear by following guidelines in olb)
Statutory,Mandatory and Class certificate.
Are these interrelated? Yes,if anyone is not valid,then ship is unseaworthy.
Suez canal tonnage certificate comes under what?

Types of Containers( Don't say refrigerated,say temperature controlled ,3 types :


Self ,ship-shore supply and air cooled, open top is two types - tarpaulin and hard

cover top ).
Diff in stranding,grounding and foundering?
Dry dock plan.
Difference in ton,tonne,long ton,short ton.
Duties of chief mate as per STCW.
Training Onboard.
Info given to duty officer before bunkering.
What is PMS? Why is it required? What are its advantages?
At the start ,he asked you failed because of only these two questions? (MLC and
Dry dock,plugs)

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-Annex 1 Discharge Criteria
JOHRI -ISM (wants to hear whole content)

-Proof Load
-SSCEC validity (6 months)

Noise regulation

Annex6 ( EEOI , what plans related to annex 6 , for engine the certificate needed,

sox nox discharge criteria)

Dry docking , critical period and formula.
Moulded breath
Moulded draft
ISM code
Chief mate Ism duties
What is PMS
What’s chief mate areas in PMS
PMS for bulk carrier
AOA and what’s new column added to it? (NO IDEA said some new column added)

OLB and ORB entries


MLC & STCW rest hour

PSC inspection
STCW amendment
Annex 5 amendment
Dry dock preparation
Dry dock plans to refer
Critical period and calculation
Piracy preparation onboard and citadel
What is statutory and mandatory cert and name them
MLC 2006 latest amendment
ISPS code in detail

You are a sso and ship route is passing through a piracy prone area explain your

Annex 1 disch criteria

How to implement ism on board
Life bouy specification
How many chapters in solas and name them
Mlc cert . In detail
What are the fire division then explain A class division
Difference between STCW and MLC rest hours

How's to implement ISM on yard delivery vessel

Solas requirements for lifejacket

Oil record book part 1 and 2


What is LWNA , LS , LW ?
How do you determine the length and breadth of vessel from the LWNA and LW
load line?
Testing methods of lifting appliance
Titled of MLC

MLC details with respect to payment of wages

What happens if payment of wages not done

Certificate as per Marpol all annex


What is EEDI
What is mentioned in EEDI certificate ?
Purpose of EEDI certificate
Difference with respect to IAPP and EEDi ? ( Failing question)

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• Tanker damage stab requirement
• Define tanker
• Condition of assignment of loadline for type A
• Amendment to Marpol annex 5
• Marpol Annex 6 purpose wrt chief mate
• Entries in GRB part 2 entries.
• Solas chapter V contents (wants regulation numbers)
• As a mate implement ism onboard
• Purpose of CBA (goes in depth, wants to hear "detailed procedure incase
disputes among seafarers")


• Contents of CBA
• Ur on tanker, vessel aground and ur sleeping, take action considering use of

anchors , use of tow etc.
• Special survey of the tankers in dry dock,
• What is significance of ESP and CAS, which is mandatory?
• Prepare seq survey as a mate (wants to hear form-e)
• Implement MLC onboard
• Cargo leakage will u call PSC? n actions after that.
• Mob in Singapore actions (wants to hear IAMSAR vol-3, mob action cards)
• Ranging of anchor
• Ro wants to conduct ESP, prepare your ship as a mate.
• Implement ballast water convention (wants to hear d2 d3)
• And many more wrt certification.
Damage stability
Sewage treatment plant requirement
How I'll cm to knw u r incinerator is plastic compliant..
Flexible cargo hose testing requirement

Gas detection system requirements


Fore pk store wid no gas detector...hw I'll carry out fire petrol
Damage stability requirement

Bilge shore
Dry docking plan info
Why we use tail in mooring ropes
Tug rope parts ...wht preacaution required n wht went wrong
Eta aft
Chain register content
Drydocking preparations, planning, stability calculations
Rest hours requirements


When violated how much compensation to be given after that

Lifeboat drill requirements F3
Silting problem in river berth, what precautions
Stowaway found on ship, as a chief off what all u will do, this is his pet question
Anchoring in deep water

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What is Overdue in PMS. PMS for mooring ropes.
Line management plan requirement and full name of plan( i explained him
content but couldn’t remember full name he gave me 1 min to think)
Bmp4 vs bmp5. Reporting requirement as per bmp5
Indian water reporting requirements. INDSAR.
Ship shore safety checklist, what all items for recheck.
Difference between MLC and STCW work rest hr and exemptions.

ORB part-2 entries for bulk carriers (he specifically asked bulk carriers to

Once i said not required on bulk carriers then requirements for orb1/2, crb and
How will u handle indiscipline onboard?
Heavy wx precautions. During heavy wx one of container slides off- action.
Slop tank requirements and differences between slop and rot tank.
Is I.G required in ROT tanks?
Action in case of I.G failure on product tankers/crude tankers and where u will
find such guidance.
1. Describe your last vessel?
2. Certificate posted on Alley way?
3. Plan posted in alley way?
4. How many fire hose required as per your ship?

5. How many SCBA set required as per vessel?


6. Critical equipment on board vessel?

7. Emergency operation as per ISM?
8. Critical operation as per ISM?
9. Apart from your work what all the job you have carried out in last ship?
10. How will you carry out Training and drill?
11. Extinguisher on board your vessel?
12. What are the composition of DCP?
Solas content.
CLC, fund and supplementary fund.
Certificates- stat, mand and obligatory difference and y suez tonnage is
obligatory.( As per das it is mandatory)
High seas intervention (?).


Dry docking in detail.

Surface preparation types of paint.

Corrosion preventive measures.

Marpol 73/78. In brief.
Accident investigation.
OLB entries, orb and grb.
Athens convention.(das)
SUA convention.(Das)


Full drydocking. not satisfied


Critical period.
Surveys and cross questions.

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Anchoring considerations what all to check
Anchor not coming up 12 shackles down action
When will you slip cable
Can you use starboard windlass to heave port anchor ref.frictional something I


didn't undertsand
Drydock critical point

Critical period
Intact and damage stability and partial loss of stability
Which is worst condition
Angle of loll and applicable for which type vessel

1. Declivity of the blocks.



2. Critical period. Explain.

3. STCW amendments. (Asked what exactly is the amendment)

4. Clearing foul anchor. (Use mooring hawser instead of wire rope as it can be

1. 3 red lights in Vertical Line, what does it indicate

2. approx. 5 situations and action by which v/l and as per which rule
3. Why magnetic not reliable in High lat - answer weakening of DF, and dip
increases and tried to explain and he jumped to another question
4. Vertical Sector of light, I asked PD v/l - told him 1005&60% intensity thing and
5/7.5 degrees
5. Skip distance and Skip Zone - HF Transmision (Not MF) GMDSS and also ranges
par se. Mentioned also daytime and nighttime transmission thing.


6. Which is Dangerous SC and Dangerous Quadrant in NH - answered this, and

then why dangerous is dangerous - v/l will come close more to eye etc etc

7. Why Gyro is not reliable in Higher lat , I told him formula of CSE, but he wants
to know like statements that the speed of earth at higher lat is higher, u can add
up the same in the formula as like in denominator of CSE formula and it shall
suffice beautifully. I was not able to do that.
8. What is prognosis chart.
9. Sound signals of aground v/l - this was last question and I started with like 3
distinct strokes on bell followed by rapid ringing ...........and meanwhile he took
EXN and did what he had to do and asked to Carry On.
(a few 2-3 Questions by the Internal which i am nor able to recall )
• Introduce yourself

• Why u failed last time, Failing questions


• Surveys is details.. F3
Type and how many surveys
• Principal difference between Flag state and PSC
• Types of Anchor Mooring.... how many types and procedure for same..







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Anchoring in the river- here i replied that i will do mooring either running or
standing for which he said have you ever seen that... No.... So y are ypu saying
smthing which you havent seen......i said in river i got restricted sea room to
swing so thats the only option i have... Then he changed the question ans said
anchoring in which i replied all the points for anchoring
Prprn for seq survey


Prpn for Loadline survey

Liferaft maintenance interval

Hru- here again he suggested that ita better that u check inside of hru ho it works
when u get opportunity... Coz i replied all thay knife inside funda which is
Gm value at drydock- i said sufficient... He wanted value.. Then i explained him
alk the loss of gm and said after loss i should have positive gm.. To which he said
u should have min gm as pe IS code all the time as it says so... So guya when
anysurveypur asks for exact valie fo gm at drydock then say. 0.15m +expected
loss of gm when the vessel is all over the block
Asked about written status...why fail last tm.
Mlc five fundamental ILO 5 convention because of which MLC


2006 come in force...could nt ans dis.

Salary not received for last 2 month...told about on board complaint

F3 ask how much compensation to give in such case...n wht if
nobody replay to u r complaint....then how to revoke n get the compansation....
Winch maintainance
Asked me where i live ...which company... Scrolled my file.
- Competent / responsible person as per Dock labour act definition


- PMS of Crane

- Oil spill - tanker cargo opt / bunkering both
- Synchronous Rolling.
No face expression, wasn't satisfied with my answers 😅 , but did not said
anything just cleared.
Sea time calculation as per stcw
Co duties
Check after berthing as a mate
Oil spill
Lng massive spillage going overboard action
Scupper plug not required on lng regulation no

Provisional seq

Interim seq

Seq with form and difference

Lng engines only basics
Lng tanks material
Lng temp
Reliq plant
Boil off only basic
Brittle fracture
Mlc standard ( not interested in titles)
Mlc alternate before mlc
Full form of sigtto

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What is an operation as per ISM?
ISM code as per which chapter? Is compliance mandatory?

MEENA How will you make sure your vessel is complying with ANNEX 6 requirements
Statutory and mandatory certificates with examples

Spill at manifold during discharging, actions. Marine casualty.
ORB 1&2, CRB differences.
Difference between foul anchor and foul cable.
1. Difference between ROC & RANSCO course.
2. Ice classification, Ice Nomenclature (1/10, 2/10 etc.)
3. Where will you get info regarding ice.
4. What is POLAR code.
5. Which ship can go to ice? Which All certificates are required for Polar región
and as per which regulation?
6. Difficulty in ice navigation.
7. How will you navigate in ice?
8. How will you prepare your passage/voyage plan in ice?
9. What info will you obtain and from where?
10. What preparations / precautions will you take for ice?
11. Is training required for officers and crew on ship? What training with respect
to ice is required for officers and crew as per Polar code?
12. As per which legislation is voyage planning required. Which regulation
13. Difference between voyage and passage plan. What is mentioned in SOLAS
Voyage or passage?

14. What is bore tide.


15. What are duties of C/O duties as per STCW

16. How and when will you take star sight.
17. How will you assist Master in decision making.
18. What is requirements Side light, sternlight and Masthead lights in horizontal
directions ( cross question on this one)
19. Now you come to know that you are not complying 3 deg in fwd direction
what will you do. (I answered him but then he said your ship is 15-20 yes old now
how will you do)
20. What is synoptic chart and what is mentioned on it. Which symbols.
21. Damage control what is it. Did you had damage control plan or book let. As
per which regulation.
22. Tell me everything about ETA (Requirement, Equipment, Deployment
procedure etc)
23. Foundering and sinking difference.
24. How will you train your cadet and crew on board?
25. What is your opinion on digital cadet record book?
Asked how did you prepared for the exam. What all did you refer? Then asked me
why did it took you so long to clear your exam and asked for EXN. He keeps all
publications near him and most of the time confirms your regulation numbers
that you quote.
What is shipboard operation/operation(as per ISM)
You are a chief officer taking a yard delivery. What all plans will you check are
there onboard?
what all plans will you send to dry dock prior to drydocking?
capacity plan.

what is bilge block.


what is parametric rolling.


Will you incorporate contingencies in cargo plan?

Bosun complaining about AB not working well . Action.
Master asks you to drop anchor in deep water. As a mate what will you do ?
what is triparty biparty agreement?
what is AOA?
You are on ship.. your article of agreement expired. what will you do?
Duties of mate as per STCW.

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what is shipboard operation/operation(as per ISM)
You are a chief officer taking a yard delivery. What all plans will you check are
there onboard?
what all plans will you send to dry dock prior to drydocking?
capacity plan.
what is bilge block.

what is parametric rolling.


Will you incorporate contingencies in cargo plan?

Bosun complaining about AB not working well . Action.
Master asks you to drop anchor in deep water. As a mate what will you do ?
what is triparty biparty agreement?
what is AOA?
You are on ship.. your article of agreement expired. what will you do?
Duties of mate as per STCW.
MEENA will asks you questions very indirectly and will drop hints..He will guide
you for the answer.
1. What is ORB and CRB?
2. Entries of ORB
3. GRB entries? Category of wastes?
4. Can we throw e waste overboard?
5. What is CAP?
6. To which ship it applies.Who carries out?
7. What is Statutory and Mandatory certificate? Give examples?
8. What are Form P, E, R,and C?
9. Ballast water standards D1 and D2.
10. How does the ballast water treatment plant works?....look for YouTube


11. What is the MS act Regulation no. For Prevention of discharge of oil or oily

mixture?... Regulation 356C in Part 11A.
12. PMS of Mooring winches?
13.What is BHC and BRC?Break Holding Capacity -80 % of MBL of the rope and
Brake Rendering capacity -60% of MBL of the rope
14. How to test the Mooring winches?
15. 20yr. old ship with different sizes of ropes and different MBL.How will you go
about testing and what Rendering capacity will you set?...
I told him all winches Will have different Rendering capacity i.e 60% of MBL.
He said wrong and asked me to find out .I called up my C/O and he called up his
Superintendent just to be sure and replied that we will set the value of lowest 60%
MBL rope in all winches.
1. Orb part 2 entries.
2. Capacity and shell expansion plan.
3. Load line survey preparation.
4. Define load density and stowage factor.

5. What plans do you need for dry dock.


6. Article of agreement contents.


7. MLC titles.
8. How the train second officer.
9. Entries chief officer makes in the official long book.
10. Interval for abandon ship and SOPEP drills.
11. How to anchor in a river. And explain running moor.
12. What action if ship is grounded in Lakshadweep.
Heavy weather precaution. Plans for Dry docking.
As a CO how will u prepare for a Dry dock.

Precautions for entering Dry dock, ETA.


LRIT carriage requirement n info. Difference in AIS n LRIT.


Hours of rest requirements as per MLC.

Safety equipment survey in details. (he wants to hear as per Form E and then
what it contains). Types of Moor. Running moor. Draw n explain.
Drill requirements. Lifeboat drill. Fire drill. Enclosed space drill. Mob drill.

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14-JUNE-18 Frequency of fire and abandonship emergency steering drill to be carried out
Statutory certificates reqd
MIRANDA Then he asked me about SIRE inspections whether ive done any or not
Why sire insp are done and general checks

Maintenance of anchor cable windlass
Duties as per ism amd stcw
Rights of seafarer as per mlc
Drill requirement Abandonship (duty wise)enclosed space (2 monthly), ORB, DD


Enclosed space permit,

Amendments to Marpol,

open moor, bi tri party agreements,
ETA, capacity plan.
Checks to be done prior a load line survey.
What are the latest amendments to MARPOL?
Discharge criteria for oily water mixture from Engine room in Special Areas.
Enclosed space entry precautions. You and another crew member are inside a DB
tank(0.76m high) near the bell mouth. The crew member collapses. How will you
rescue him? Ans: By Tied Hands Crawl method. (He called it Drag and carry
method, which is also correct, as Tied Hands Crawl is a type of Drag and Carry
Entries in the Oil Record Book
What is a chain register?


Multi modal bill of lading.

What is Note of protest? When is it written?

What are anodes? Where are they used? Difference between the ones found in the
ballast tanks and the ones placed around the hull.
Where are they located on the ship’s hull? What is their purpose? Ans: They are
sacrificial anodes that are placed on the hull near the propeller because the
propeller and the ship’s hull are made of different metals. The hull being more
reactive, behaves like a sacrificial anode. Hence, sacrificial anodes are placed to
protect the hull from corrosion.
A fully loaded gearless bulk carrier runs aground on a rock(Fwd portside) at high
tide. Range of tide is 4 metres and the next low water is in 5 hours. No damage
to the hull. Actions as chief mate. Ans: Ballast the tanks on the starboard side
which will create enough list for the ship to slide off the rock.
1.Loadline survey prep
2.heavy wx precaution
3.what is MLC ( told 5 titles..was enough for him)
4.Rest hours as per MLC
5.Grounding of vsl ...action ( ground tackle n change in tide)

6.what mooring preffered in river ( running moor...asked proc)


7.Marpol amendments

8.Hot work procedures n precautions

9.Enclosed space entry procedures n precautions n abandon ship drill freq as per solas will u train ur second mate
12.Contents of capacity plan
13.Annex 1 cargo disch criteria
14.ORB part 2 entries
Marpol annex 1 amendments,

Drills interval,

Expansion plan,

Documents for Drydock,

Type of anchoring to be used in a river with constrained sea room, ( standing,
running moor) ... Which is more preferable.

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MLC contents
What is COSWP
Rest hour
Latest amendment to solas and marpol

Heavy weather precaution


Duties of Chief off as per ism

How will u motivate crew
Standing moor and running moor
U r in tidal water which anchor u will use
Ism code
How will u train u r 2 ND off
Interim cert
What r certificate for is code and when they r carried out
Form R what is it
Amendments od ISM
Rise of floor
What is MLC

Rest hours of MLC


Drydock preparation

Solar n marpol amendments
SEQ survey preparation
How will you train your second mate
Orb part 2 entries
Olb entry for indiscipine
Marpol amendments
Discharge criteria
Aft perpendicular
Bilge keel

Bilge blocks

Docking plan

Precautions while dockin
Dock labor chain register nd contents who issues it COSWP
Duties of chief as per ism
How will you train ur second mate on ship
Orb 2 entries
1) Chain registers contents (as per Samsul’s notes) and retention period. (5 Years
from Date of last entry).
2) Criteria of condemning wire rope any other criteria?
3) Social Responsibility
4) Own ship dragging anchor. Actions?
5) List of Statutory Certificates.
6) How will you carry out training session on-board?


7) What is Bilge Shore?

8) Which one is more critical Instant or Critical Period, reason?

9) Indiscipline Action as per MS Act. (Section 196)

10) Bunkering during heavy rain. What precautions you will take. (Told him will
ask for the permission from terminal if they allow to drain the water if yes I will
keep my one watch keeper at constant watch till scupper plug is open) (Keyword:
Absorbent Pads to be kept ready, in case oil sheen on board place the pads on
them to absorb the oil)
(Will follow ISGOTT Bunkering C/L).
11) In Floating Dry-dock, Critical Instant and Critical Period.

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Latest Marpol amendments
Content of IOPP certificate
When do you issue DOS?

What all security records are maintained by ch Officer in.


Garbage regulations and categories, special area.

What is continuous synopsis record?
Vessel going to non ISPS compliance port.. Action?
Can we throw cargo residues overboard?
Vessel in red Sea disch potassium next cargo to. Load grain in Mediterranean,
where will you dispose Potassium from hold cleaning?
Conditions of assignment of loadline with all specifications...
Mlc amendments... N what led to the amendments...
Mates receipt??? Issued by whom??? He misleaded me first and then caught me...
What all info on mates receipt...

Bill of lading and why required...


Difference between stranding and beaching??? What all actions ul take on

stranding and on beaching??? Lots of cross questions...
More than an oral it was an argument...
What he did on many occasions is that he will misguide first and once Ur on
wrong track he will catch u on that...
A suggestion to all that be confident n stick to ur answers and don't fall for into
his misguidance...
indisiplin on board. Cadet hammerd chief Cook. How will u go about it.

Entries in OLB.

STCW amendments, marpol amendments,

How will u carryout final trimming.
Subdivision load line
Type A and B ships
What types of pollution a vessel can do, What is Annex 6
What is PMS, what all PMS items come under a mate.
Dock Labour Act what does it say.
What is the difference between a STCW 95 and STCW 10.
What is a drill planner, why is is used.
Training record book required by which crew members, who all signs it.
Have you done a dry dock
What all plans you will refer and prepare for dry dock
Whats critical moment, critical period and critical instant


Which all certificates are issued by class

Steering gear failure emergency F3
AOA (If you tell him tri party, he will tell you was it tri party in your last vessel, tell
him politely ki that is required only for Indian ships)
What all information is there in Article of Agreement
You are transiting Piracy area, what all preparations you will do, what all
equipment’s required.
You are an assistant master, how will you go about anchoring in particular
How will you clear a foul anchor, with external substances (Lower down the
anchor till anchor aweigh position and use engines astern, pick up to see any
luck otherwise send someone on the bosun chair once the foul is out of water)

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• On what rules ship is constructed
• Who makes construction Rules for ships
• IACC what are they.... Name them
• Chain register contents and who endorses and issues it
• ORB part 1 and 2
• what all logbooks are carried on board ship
• Types of dry docks
• Official Log book
• ORB A and B and entries

• MARPOL Annex 6 what does it deals with.


• SOPEP and contents of items in SOPEP

• If you have SMPEP are u required to keep SOPEP
• What is RPSL, how it benefits the seafarer
• What is PSC?
• What is PMS?
• What regulations make PMS Mandatory
• Dry docking preparation
• Dry docking hazard when docking
• Types of Bulkheads
• Duties of mate as per STCW
• How to train you crew
• How to handle crew and deligate jobs to deck crew.
1) ISM code objectives
2) AOA contents


3) Flag inspection contents

4) Preparation of LL survey

5) what all information given in shell expansion plan
6) preparation of renewal survey
7) Contents of cargo ship safety certificate and preparation for it
Amendment to STCW
Action in case crew misbehavior

DD in full 6 months advance preparation



PSC flag state
MLC in detail
Ism functional requirements ask me total 12 all of them he wanted to listen
Vessel grounds and collision action

Boat note

What is Bi party n Triparty agreement, give example. F3

Static n Dynamic load test of Lifeboat
Latest Amendment to BWM code.

What are recovery strops and how will you use it?
Life raft lashing, weak link, how it works etc
Chain Register

Bottom Plug Plan


How will you find out where is the bottom plug?( As per him: you will find the

location from the plan, go on deck near the frame number that you know from
the plan, throw a rope over side n then straightaway go to that point to remove
the plug)
How to carry out Static Load test of Crane?

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Official log book entries .
Difference between PSC AND FS INSPECTION ? Flag state inspection who do and
PSC inspection who do ?

Grounds for detention .


After CLC convention which convention takes over ? How much is the liability for

ships in CLC . Fund convention is for whom ?? How Fund’s generate for FUND
What are the requirements of collision bulkhead -asked by Aggarwal ? Where it is
situated .
PMS for windlass .
1- London dumping
2- When CLC limits exceed what convention takes over? Who pays the premium in
3- Which Marpol amendments are coming in force in the future? He wanted with


4- Orb 1 n 2.. What entries? What particular entries for tank cleaning to be done

in orb? In detail.
5- Action as chief mate in case of collision? (He waited for damage stability point)
7- Damage stability how will u practically use it? And why is it done? And what
else will you do for damage stability?
8- Anchoring vessel in calm waters, anchoring in choppy seas full procedure from
If CLC fails what takes over (fund conv)

What is fund convention?


London dumping convention

Explain indiscipline as per MS act
No wind no current how will u anchor
Certificates under Ism

If limit of CLC gets exceeded, what to do?


Who pays money for fund convention?

What is form-a and form-b?
Interval for pressure testing of immersion suit.

1. What are the certificates you carry on board ?

2. What is CSR, contents, who issues it ?
3. ISM contents
4. MLC Structure, titles, dMLC 1 and 2, amendments
5. CLC and fund
6. If CLC AND Fund is exhausted then where else will you get the money from ?
7. Who forms the Fund ( i said ship owners... but he wanted to hear ship owners
of 150000 dwt and above)
8. Anchoring procedure

9. Flooding, actions

10. Your vessel hit a fishing vessel in 2nd mates watch and he didnt inform

anyone. You as a mate came to know at 4 in the morning after you took over the
watch. Your actions as a mate ? ( he specifically wanted to hear vdr extract,
which is missed)
11. STCW 95 and 2010 major features changed ?
12. Official log book entries as per MS Act, also to mention which section ?
13. Where can you find the capacites of pumps and lines and max loading rate
etc( the answer is VECS Manual)
14. AOA, Explain
15. Shipper asks your master to sign a clean B/L, where as the cargo loaded is
damaged, as a mate what will you suggest your master ?
16. Contingency plan

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PMS of crane
How to check particulars of crane wire

NITIN Contents of Chain register

Annex 5 amendments

Discharge of cargo, cargo wash water, cleaning water, deck water from passage
from red sea to Medi
ISPS - how to change security level, who will inform you - tell him procures in SSP
and that CSO will inform you to change.
What is bi-party & tri-party aggrement
What if CLC fails?
What is Fund Convention?
How will you know when ship has touched block in dry dock


PMS for anchor chain & Anchor

Pressure testing requirement for immersion suits
Foam A & B
During bunkering Oil Pollution (First 3 actions)
What is dump Valve
Precautions to open dump valve.

Vsl to anchor what all checks. Then asked about stripper bar(mentioned not to
imagine Brazilian stripper). Brackets in bulk carriers and gusset plate to be

drawn. Then went on to scantling from Shell expansion plan. Asked me what type

of grab you had last ship I told him but he asked me working pressure for it.

Gangway wire renewal and where it goes on the gangway and which part comes
first when fixing the new wire. Different types of grease. Different types of
fenders. Hatch cover which type and how it opened.
Welding tests done. Wind heeling criteria.
IOPP form A and B and which ships applicable. Chartering terms - FOB, CIF, CAF.
Drydock preparation. Loadline survey preparation.
Different Conventions with respect to liability. Why is there a limitation on

liability. Documents for ImDG.


Documents after loading for oil tanker. Preparation for SEQ survey and what is

SEQ. Stripper bar. Types of couplings.
Types of joints. Types of floors. Template joint.
Cable chain is coming out of spurling pipe even with stripper bar. What
modification? Fire pump requirements. ISM amendments. No payment for 2
months what to do.
1) CO2 extinguishing system Time delay between alarm and discharge /
Procedure for activating
2) Critical period

3) AoA

4) ISM and PMS


5) SEQ survey preparations

6) Statutory Certificates / Form E
7) Open Moor/Mediterranean Moor
8) Change in trim when going from dock water to sea with diagram

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1. Types of frames
2. On your last ship wat type of frames were there
3. Type of floors
4. DMLC 1 and DMLC 2
5. Vessel going in high traffic density as per STCW how you will arrange watch
6. Amendments of Marpol Annex 5
7. List all statutory certificates
8. Static and dynamic test of lifeboat at drydock and how to do it
9. Ammendments in STCW

10. Latest amendments in Marpol Annex 6


11. Maintenance on windlass and types of grease and which grease will you use

for maintaining windlass and deck cranes
12. Chain register who has the authority to check apart from PSC
13. Chief officer can make entries in chain register??
14. MLC chapters
15. When MLC came into force and whn India ratified MLC
16. Entries in official Log book
17. Entries in Oil record book part 1
18. Define Stealer plate
19. Snubbing anchor and splitter plate in anchoring (the exact word can't
remember guys).
Torsional stress hw to reduce it, Type of floor, Flare, Gusset plate,
Striper bar in windlass location, To much in ship construction,
Stealer plates, Stealer plate numbering,
Shell expansion plan n use, Plate numbering,
Choff dutties, Casualty in pump room action, Loadline survey preparation,
GT, NT, Differnce between flagsate n psc,
Marpol certificate, Dry dock work, Derick test at dry dock,

Block maintenance, Different type of grease,


How determine crack in tank, Inspection of tank, CLC, PnI,

Critical instant, Critical period, Life boat test at dry dock
Flag state can detain ship, Code 30, Code 15,
Bosun fight with cadet action, How to determine hull painting in dry dock,
How to measure paint coating, Ism amendment, Stcw amendment,
Pms in detail, Anchore cockbill,
Anchoring, Beaching, Foul anchore procedure, Aoa, Drill.
Bwm d2, Advance transfer stopping distance draw, Surface preparation,
Welding type test, Squat, Many more. Every topic cross question.
Asked why I took so long to clear orals since i am appearing since 2018.
Started by what ship i have sailed on, then asked be about frames on tanker,
what is transverse web?

When to change anchor cable. Name of the pin in kenter shackle.


How to change gangway wire? How is the end of wire attached to drum?

Expiry of lifeboat ration (I had no idea about that).

Types of hose coupling onboard.
What is MLC convention?
What is DMLC 1 & DMLC 2?

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How to change brake lining and risk involved in it?
Paint required to fully paint the ship-how much liter of paint.
DMLC n its part
Lifeboat starting method apart from battery
Lifeboat fuel capacity
Latest MS notice issued by dg Shipping - regarding corona virus
Critical period

M notice type

Various form of certificate and type of certificate

Latest ISM amendment
Shell expansion plan
Types of framing
Triparty and biparty agreement
Fixed foam system n its capacity
Pilot cylinder use...why 2 provided n how does fixed co2 system works
Difference between plan and drawing
DOC and SMC audit interval
how to change brake lining and risk involved in it
paint required to fully paint the ship-how much litre of paint
DMLC n its part
lifeboat starting method apart from battery
lifeboat fuel capacity
latest Ms notice issued by dg Shipping - regarding corona virus
critical period

m notice type

various form of certificate and type of certificate

latest ism amendment
shell expansion plan
types of frameing
triparty and biparty agreement
fixed foam system n its capacity
pilot cylinder use...why 2 provided n how does fixed co2 system works
difference between plan and drawing
DOC and SMC audit interval

Pilot ladder dimensions, quarter listing

Naming of Stealer strake

Amendment to Marpol
Amendment to ISM
Characteristics of Rescue boat and few more easy ones
...chaffing ring ...companion ways
...chequered plate ...gratings
...stealer plate ...dmlc

...ism ammndmnt ...inspection and reporting

...annex 5 ...seq form E

...l/b starting requirement ...swl ka details

F3 raft things weak link and all

...emgcy fire pump ...co2 system control station ...running wire on crane chhannge
...snubbing of anchor ...stripper bar
...scope of cable

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PMS of gangway
When to condemn a wire?
Marpol amendments in detail.

Annex 6 in detail.
Fire in dg container forward action.

What equipment we have on-board anything to puncture inside the container

(water mist lance which is like a nozzle).
Entries in OLB
Types of floor
Framing system
ISM amendments
Type of Rust tank inspection strengthen member

Bulb angle bar diagram amendment to Marpol.

How to change wire for Ram grit and sand blasting pressure?

Hydro blast meat room malfunction action discharge criteria for that Official Log
Book entry shell expansion plan numbering stiffeners diagram.
How will u report about tank inspection DMLC and MLC?
1. Latest Marpol amendments. Asked me how will you pump out home cargo
wash water after cleaning

2. Latest ism amendments.

3. Seq survey prep.

4. Galley fire at night
5. Bank cushion
6. Naming of strakes and frames
7. How to overhaul nrv and where is nrv for cargo holds
What us stellar plate, how is it numbered.
Relation between kg/sqcm and bar.
What pressure u will test fire line, how many relief valve are present and where?

If scupper in galley is chocked, what plan to refer and how will u clear that?
PMS on windlass.

What will u do if u don’t receive salary on board, certificates required as per MLC
What is critical period, what are standards of grit blasting?
Prepare for SEQ survey.
What is anchor a cockbill? What is snubbing of cable?
Entries in OLB
Action if u r not getting salary as per MLC.
Bosun and cadet fighting action.

Dry Docking, critical period and critical instant

Tank inspection and reporting

Seq survey, equipment in seq certificate.


Draw ‘Bulb bracket’

How to change gangway wire, how one end of the wire secured on the drum.
How to do ISPS initial survey.
MLC requirement, how to obtain certificate.
What to check in bottom inspection, and maintenance of same..
Standards of grit blasting

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What if you don’t get wages on board
OLB entries
Loadline survey preparation

Draw the diagrams of different types of brackets.

Shell expansion plan

Why letter ‘I ‘ missing from the naming
of the strakes from bottom
Types of plating’s
Types of floors
Detailed grilling on ship construction with diagrams
Latest MARPOL annex 5 requirements
Bulk carrier hold bilge alarm system
Frame numbering. Plates numbering. Types of Floors.
Slop tank requirements, Anchor cock a bill , Snub anchor.
PMS of anchor and how will you change the brake band. ISM amendments.
Marpol amendments. Critical period why is it important.

Have u done dry-docking (asked many questions on Dry-docking)

What all thing u will check prior flooding of dock.

Bi party and tri-party agreement. u have not been given salary for 1 month action.
Grounding action, how will u come to know where ur vessel has grounded. Fire in
the galley action what all things will u check, How will u bring back the galley in
to working Condition. Load line survey preparation.
MLC, MS ACTs for not following discipline on board. Name some statutory
Construction: types of floor, sheer stroke
Snubbing of anchor, a cock bill
Slipping of anchor.
Ground tackle
Tank inspection report .
Meat room provision spoiled action as mate.
Company doesn't pay u salary for 2 months action

Ism amendments
Olb entries

Marpol amendments
Statutory certificate
Loadline survey
Tri party and bi party agreement
Critical period
Jobs of chief officer
Replacement of wire rope
Ffa arrangements in cargo hold of PCC: as I had sailed on PCC
Ventilation in cargo holds for PCC
-what is guset plate, bracket, both draw nd show.
-what is transom floor,
-what is ceiling of a cabin or masters cabin called in shipping term.

-what is companion way

-what entries u'll make in OLB.


-ur vsl collided, action.?

-what are the contents of stability booklet.
-ur gallery drain choked, action, i don't know what he wanted to hear.
-how will u heavy lift cargo, ur vsl doesn't hv crane, what all precautions u'll take.
-Ammendment to ism code

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-what is guest plate, bracket, both draw and show.
-what is transom floor,
-what is ceiling of a cabin or masters cabin called in shipping term.

-what is companion way

-what entries you'll make in OLB.

- your vessel collided, action?
-what are the contents of stability booklet.
-ur gallery drain choked, action, i don't know what he wanted to hear.
-how will u heavy lift cargo, ur vsl doesn't hv crane, what all precautions u'll take.
-Ammendment to ism code
What are Statutory certificate and name few
Official log book
Cadet hit bosun.. Act... If no witness.. Then.. Still misbehaving the.. How to warn
and entries in log book
ISM ammendments
STCW... Manila ammendments.. Duties
Your cable which was let go in TSS.. Now with Ch engr replace the brake band..
How... What is the post for lifting the brake band called

Fire on container... Did you have one on board... How to fight on deck.. . DG
action... Not a DG now action..... Do you have something you can puncture into

the container.. What is it called.. How will you deploy it.. Master says jettison the
container with ship's crane.. How and what to use.. Types of slings.. How will you
let go off the sling once the container is over the side.. What is snotter
What plan to refer to for accommodation scupper.. Wire used to clear the
Spurling pipe cover.. How arranged and what is the use.... Where does the pipe
lead to and what will happen in heavy seas.. . Messed up here
Ranging of cable
Drydock plan
Grit blasting standards
What information does the GA Plan give.. Why the profile view is of the stbd side
Started off with introduction, which company which ships done .
Then rapid fire questions.
1)salient features of MLC.
2) role of flag state In MLC.
3)how to change gangway wire procedure .Also sketch of wire securing
arrangement on drum .
4)meat spoilt in meat room actions ,went more deep into it with temp of meat
room precautions, garbage disposal criteria.

5)types of floors ,purpose of lightening holes in floor.


6)Gusset plate .

7)how will u disconnect joining shackle .

8)heavy weather precautions.
9)bow cushion effect .
10)ballast tank inspection In detail along with report to made.
11)Weeping rust .
12) Fight between cadet and bosun action ,lots of cross questioning .
13)ISM ammendments.
14)preparation for seq survey .
And few more questions can't remember coz it was a rapid fire round.

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1) Grounded vessel action as mate
Ans- as per func 3 nd he was not listening to my ans nd busy in eating ice cream.
2) PSC : didnt give me time to ans nd shifted to next question.
3) ISM : I was answering nd he shifted to next question.
4) thn solas chap 9 docs - doc nd smc.
Prepare vsl for ism inspection -: I was answering nd he shifted to next question.

5) kenter shackle
6) critical moment/ instance: i answered everything but he was not happy.

7) thn asked after docking what will be your draft: fwd draft 5 mtr, aft draft 6
Ans- I fucked up here saying 5 mtr.
8) cal of sf nd bm , i started explaining but he said next question.
9) wind heeling criteria curve - i couldnt explain but told i can draw nd show it on
paper md thn explain - he said not by paper only by words.
10) STCW contents and explain – I started explaining but he said next question.
11) ISPS docs.
1. Plan on board.
2. Docking plan.
3. Sheer plan.
4. Tri party and bi party.
5. Incident in suez canals, reason.
6. PSC and flag state.
7. STCW code contains.
8. Chapter 8 of STCW.

9. ISM code contain.

10. How you will implement ism on board.

11. During departure port, steering fail action.
12. Ship touched bottom, action.
13. Pollution as per MS act.
14. Entry into Official log book.
15. Berthing to stbd side without tug with onshore wind.
16. During drydock when inside dock when stern touch blocks, what u will check
and Action.
17. Duty of chief off in drydock.
18. Which is more dangerous in dry dock?
Wind heeling criteria..
Grain Stability Criteria..
Angle of Loll(Thumb Rule)..
Collision as vessel departs from port..
Critical instant/moment/period..
When P will be maximum..


Formula to calculate Loss in GM..

Content of ISM/STCW..

Foundering and action..

Ground tackle n tug which is better and why..
Note of Protest..
Entries in Official Log Book..
PSC inspection..
Prior arrival Drydock preparation..
Types of Convention..

Wind heeling criteria



Critical instant
Damage stability criteria

Angle of loll
(Concentrate cargo hazard n listed during voyage )

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Which ships have you done? Bulk Carrier
Then he started with his standard set.
1. Ship shore safety checklist for tankers
2. Contents of ISGOTT
3. IBC code
4. IGC code


5. Vessel loaded with Concentrates and sudden heel experienced. How will you
determine if angle of loll or list due to shift of cargo?

6. Wind and weather criteria
7. How to calculate windage area
8. Wind feeling criteria for vessels with large fretboard
9. Hazards associated with RO-RO vessels
10. Flammability diagram
11. What is LEL
12. What is SF and BM and how to calculate?
13. Heel due to wind formula.
1. ISM content and functional requirements word to word
2. Emergency preparedness
3. Critical moment and period. Why is it known as critical period?
4. Various plans onboard,
What is docking plan?


5. Why trim required in drydocking?

6. COSWP contents word to word

7. What is ground tackle, draw and show! Why is preferred over tugs?
8. What does IMO say about Emergency Preparedness.. quote !
9. Vessel foundering.. action?
10. MLC amendments
11. Mediterranean moor.. advantage ? How would you decide you have to moor
that way?
12. Damage stability criteria for tankers..
1) What is IOPP certificate. What is the info u get from it. Who issues it .Validity...
2) How to calculate the GM when drydocking : I couldn't convince him over this I
told him I'll calculate the P force then the virtual loss of GM and subtract from the


initial GM.
3) Definitions wrt drydocking the ones in Samsul was okay for him.

4) Ground tackle uses and advantages
5) Definition of foundering.
6) Contents of Is code. Why is it mandatory (wants to hear as per solas chapter 9)
7) STCW convention, contents.
Pretty much the same questions from the question bank...
Ship shore safety checklist
Survival capability requirements of oil tankers as per Marpol Annex 1
Chain register contents
What are Dock labor regulations?
Entries in ORB
Severe Wind heeling criteria

Grain stability criteria

Dry dock pre entry precautions in terms of stability

What happens at critical instant?

Ground tackle using tug.
Anchor fouled with underwater obstruction. How will you clear it?
Explain PMS as per ISM code
Annex 2 discharge criteria and P and A manual contents (asked by Capt. Topinov)
STCW what are the standards of watchkeeping
Contents of Code of Safe working practices
Enclosed space entry checklist

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Drydocking in detail... When will us start preparing.. demucking of chain lockers


How will u carry out inspection of Ballast tanks..

How will u prepare for dry docking?

What all is done in dry dock for anchor
ISM code duties and requirements
CO duties as per STCW
(Covered everything from that portion checklist, ”samsul first page”)
Marpol annex 5 discharge criteria
Various ship plans
Shell expansion plan detail
Stealer plate
Olb , chain register ,
What is dock labour act
AOA , triparty biparty
Lsa ffa maintainance , prepare pms schedule ( lot of cross questions)

Anchor cable maintenance


Chain locker construction ( draw)

Show how eductor works

What is foul anchor, how will u free ur anchor from underwater obstruction
How will u slip ur anchor
Kenter shackle construction
How is anchor connected to chain ( draw )
Emergency steering change over procedure and wht are the requirements
Ship aground action ( he wants all practical on priority basis)
Sopep equipments
Bunkering preparation
(And mny mre cant remember, he went on fr 1.5 hours)
( for this new surveyor just prepare that checklist on first page of samsul and he
wants all practical answers)
1. Grain stability and documents and factors required.

2. SEQ survey what preparation as mate.

3. Angle of repose. How much for grain?


4. Loading Concentrate, Sulphur, High density cargo precautions?

5. Chemical category x,y,z?
Duties of mate as per stcw, What is disabled ship,
unsafe and unseaworthy ship (state as per ms act),

SOPEP and SMPEP plan,


Orb 1 and 2 entries, F3

Difference between survey and inspections,
Are class survey and psc inspection mandatory
(I said yes as per solas chap2 part1 survey and solas chap 11 part 1 psc
mandatory so he was satisfied).
Introduce yourself

Form A and Form B

What is ISM. I told him contents of ISM word by word. Repeats: What is ISM. I told

him full form, date of entry etc etc. Repeats: What is ISM. Then realised he was
looking for practical meaning

Which audits have you done on board

First Audit after delivery and certificate
Oil Spill- Duties as mate
Anchor dragging West coast of India- Actions
Disabled ship: Told him definition word by word - That was the tipping point!

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Orals along with master candidates.
Situation of TSS crossing CBD and NUC from different sides
Loading and carriage of ATF/ Naptha/ HSD together.
Grain loading, How will you proceed ?

What is a disabled ship and unseaworthy ship?
For PSC standard compliance what will you refer.
SOLAS latest amendments

-Form e and Form r


-What is disabled ship.

-What is unseaworthy ship.

-What is arm robbery
-What is piracy. ( He wants definition of piracy as per UNCLOS article 101.

1) diff. btwn resoultion, code, guidelines


Then in detail what is code , guidelines , convention on board examples

How code , Guidelines ammended , what is protocol

3) BMP4 detail ( how issue nd what in it latest version),

Piracy prone areas in world
4) LRIT, SAAS , how you know positioning of equips on bridge
4) TSS ror situations
5) MLC what is imp things for chief mate
6) ISPS and ISM why mandatory
Financial security provider

Audit and survey

IOPP form A and form B in detail

Prepare for Load line survey

Prepare for SEQ survey

Prepare for Safety const survey
Fire in dry dock
How will you prepare report to give to master (master has to give it to supt
Survey and inspection
Which is mandatory
Chain register contents who issue certificate,
Oil record book entry and regulation, STCW contents, Draw load line,


Dry docking preparation, wt u will check as mate,

wt is shell expansion plan, critical period and critical instant, F3
Quite frequently he is asking some GK question ,and many more but I couldn't
recollect ...
1.Form e and r

2.Preparation for iopp survey form a and b

3.Fixed fire fighting system on last ship draw and explain to cadet.

4.Ism in detail
5Latest amendments of solas and marpol

6.Stcw amendments
7.Mlc and stcw rest hr
8.2/0 thinks he collided and calls u action as mate and master unconscious.
9.Preparation for safcon

1. Form A and form B w.r.t. IOPP


2. Preparation for dry dock


3. Audits n inspection difference

4. At haldiya Anchor dragging and master gone shore action?

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-Bow door construction
-Unberthing Ship without Tug and BT and current from ahead (ships alongside at
both fwd and aft of the ship)


-Loadicator Failure
-Static and Dynamic test

-proof load
-OLB (reqd as per MS act 212 and entry as per 214)
-MS Act Articles (461 Secttion and 17 Parts)
-Wreck Removal Convention (Nairobi)
-VOC in detail
-Bow door construction
-Unberthing Ship without Tug and BT and current from ahead (ships alongside at
both fwd and aft of the ship)


-Loadicator Failure
-Static and Dynamic test

-proof load
-OLB (reqd as per MS act 212 and entry as per 214)
-MS Act Articles (461 Secttion and 17 Parts)
-Wreck Removal Convention (Nairobi)
-VOC in detail
Vgm. Chain register.
Competent person. Responsible person.
Tests of lifting appliances. Eta regulation n in brief.
Wires and its maintenance. Anchor chain n maintenance.

Chain locker maintenance. PMS.


Ship lists 5 degrees no external force.. Action ( stop ballast or fuel transfer ops if

Goin on.) n den odr procedures.
Why such list (he answered consumption of fuel).
Hw to increase GM if u dnt hav any dB or wing tanks fr ballasting( transfer fuel oil
in one tank to reduce fsc n ballast fuel oil tank).
Bitter end inspection n hw to Chek its availability (DD n chekd as per sms).
Stabily comes in wich certificate.
1. Annex 6 pollutants what is particulate matter
2periodic survey of lifting appliance
3 cargo ship safety certificate


4. Load line survey

5 cba

6 pms
7 ism contents
8 duties as per ism
9 coswp amendments
Slipping of anchor, how will you tie the buoy to anchor chain(told him the exact
procedure as given in Pawan but he wanted to know how exactly we'll tie the
Asked me if iv done a drydock. When I said no, he said you need drydock


experience to become chief mate.

Procedure for preparing ship for drydock, how will you get credit for your tanks

before esp as chief mate(didn't understand the question, when I told him so he
asked me if I knew that chief officer need to get credit for cargo tanks before esp
survey), preparing the ship for mlc inspection by port state, entries in olb(told
him all the entries but he said that Co only has to enter freeboard), eta
deployment procedure,

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Chain registers. Contents & Entries.
Checks on lifting appliances by ships staff & shore
Hull protection ICCP anode protection

Various types of surveys done


Certificates renewed in dry dock.

Dry dock carried out as per what regulation. Interval of Dry dock, when and how
can exemption be taken to delay drydocking. And too much cross questioning as
I had told him I did a drydock (when another candidate said didn’t do Dry dock he
replied minus 2mks for a chief mate u shuold have prior DD experience)
When would u consider beaching?

1) latest amendment in MS act


2) Latest amendment in marpol, solas


3) Enclose spla entry permit , why we use it

4) Can u discharge bilge water in special area , more about ows
5) Cargo ship safety certificate & expiry + cross questions & Many more

1. What are Bore tides? How will you keep a check if your vessel is
alongside/made fast in a river port?
2. What all certificates are needed to be carried on modern ships?
3. How to carry out initial ISM and ISPS inspection (prior to issue of certificate).
Lots of cross questions.

4. Latest MLC Amendments.


5. What is Bill of Lading? It's functions and how many copies will you have?
6. What is CBA. Describe in short.

7. What kind of Ballast water management did you have on your ship. When will it
be enforced on your ship?
8. When can a ship be detained. What is the difference between NC and
9. How often do you carry out security drills on your ship.
10. Who carries out SSA. Can you show the SSP to everyone onboard?
11. Contents of SEQ, Form E.


Imminent collision action, Aoa- key points on seafarer contracts,

tripartite agreement, new amendments for mlc,
maintenance of rescue boat quick release arrangement as per OEM (equipment

pms as per which reg, Dry dock version 1 and version 2

How will u prefer to enter vessel in a dry dock....reasons for small stern trim...wht
is requirement for dry will u make sure tht anchor cable is safe to
use...where will u measure the thickness of anchor cable...wht is ranging of
cable???..wht is dry dock version 1 and version 2....types of blocks...
Wht is chain register...who issues it... contents...who is competent person...
competent authority???...what is bi party and tri party agreement...why u say AOA

is tri-party....but when u join ship only u and master sign it...are u sure???
List all important certificate in priority order....what is ism will u

implement it...revision of ism manual...who does it???? Procedure for emergency

steering...why u carry it will u transmit the command from
bridge to steering many means are there...why gyro reapeater installed
in steering flat if he has to follow ur orders from bridge...action in case of
grounding....can u calculate the damage stability??? What is mlc...dmlc part 1 and will u ensure tht seafarer is secure as per mlc.... amendment to mlc,solas
and marpol...I don't remember all questions...

Titles of MLC, difference between ms notice and order and who issues it,

Who issues medical chest in India,

Condition of class in detail (who requests, who gives, is administration involved),

Certificates issued by class,

IMO subcommittee.

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Vessel aground at high tide action, condition of class,
lifeboat/rescue boat annuals, Rights of seafarer as per MLC,
SRIVASTAVA all amendments to MLC, detention as per MLC,

dry dock preparation, critical period,

calculation of P and virtual loss of GM,
all the certificates Carried on-board and regulations related to it,
HRA transition preparation and precautions,
Articles of agreement, CBA,
procedure to clear foul anchor
Ground tackle, beaching, duties of c/off as per ISM ,
STCW in brief, MLC in brief,
MLC certificates, mlc n stcw rest hour difference,
BL, types of BL, non - negotiable BL,

dry docking procedures Arrival n departure,


Dock Inspector comes onboard,

what will he check, powers of Dock inspector,

Annealing, Chain register, Marpol Annex,
New Amendments to Marpol, ballast Water Management,
D1, D2, BMP5 in brief,
how will u prepare for HRA transit, COSWP,
Maintenance of Anchor cable in dry dock- link inspection,
Mooring system PMS, What plans u will refer while dry docking..explain all.

How many categories.


What type of fluid can be discharged.

Vessel aground action.

Now the vessel has started leaking cargo and all your tanks are 98% full. Actions.
D2 method of ballast water management, he asked me specifications.
Effect of change of density.
Entries in ORB.
ISM- Major NC, motto of ISM, How SMC is issued to a new ship, Detain-able

deficiency as per ISM,


Chain Register
Interval for annealing.

PMS- mooring winches, windlass, anchor chain, discard criteria for anchor chain.
MLC- titles, certificates, detonable deficiencies of MLC.
Docking plan, info in it, Docking plan Version 1 & 2.
Emergency response system, How does it work, in detail.


-MLC: titles, fundamental rights, social rights, PSC inspection as per MLC.
-Official log book enteries.
-two crew fighting onboard- your action.

-Anchor foul- how to remove.

-You encounter pirates at sea- your action.( mention BMP)

What is chain register?

Duties as a chief officer
Talk about Ism code
Talk about Isps code?
What is Note of protest
BL and types of BL? In this he wants to hear the clauses about Hague visby and

hamburg mentioned at the back of the BL

What is force maijure? ans: situation out of control of humans

What is tri party Agreement

Purpose of Article of Agreement
Entries in ORB and official log book
Why annex two of marpol is Control of pollution and the rest is prevention of
Drydocking prepare ur ship?
Critical period?
What will u touch first? Bow or stern during docking and why??
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11-SEPT-19 ( All answers had to be again written on a piece of paper. Min 15 points required
in each question )
SUNDARAM 1. List all statutory certificates you know.
2. Vessel undocking, precautions to be taken.

3. Vessel to drop anchor in deep water, precautions to be taken.
4. What do you mean by loadline certificate and what all will u do at the time of
annual survey/ preps for the same.
1. Loadline concept, why it is?
I thought he is asking for history why LL came.
Then he said dont give me history.
I want nly wat to be checked. I started telling him abt hatch cover vent pipes n al.
He said he want very concise answer in one line.
I said LL is basically related to checking water n weather tight integrity of vsl. He
said he wanted to listen dis.
2. Critical period n instant.


He asked weather i have done DD.

As i said yes he said tell me wat is floating graving yard. I explained all abt it n

But he wanted to knw wat is critical instant n period for floating dock.
3. Loadline surveys when duration of certification.
4. ship safety certificate n validaty.
5. Tell me abt ISPS survey as i started he said tell me only upar upar se...
den he asked me security items onboard you will show to me.
6. Citadel
7. Baltic moor
8. Why anchor is used in dis.
9. What is over ridding authority of master as per ISM.

-Annex 1 Discharge Criteria



-ISM (wants to hear whole content)


-Proof Load
-SSCEC validity (6 months)

what is lugless schakle ?



how to connect and open a lugless schakle ?

wire rope construction

how to discard wire rope
pilot ladder in depth . pilot ladder inspection is a part of which certificate ?
enclosed space and multi gas detector ?
Berthing alongside in a river with strong currents and wind
Your anchor chain has broken while picking up action


Amendments to IMSBC
SF BM. Which is better HOG and SAG?

Oil record book entry.

Your second mate has loaded extra cargo and SF BM has exceeded the limit
Made me write down all the statutory certificates onboard and their validity with
the surveys required (I wrote down 7 not happy)
Draw lugless joining shackle and name the parts
When will you discard a wire, he will actual give you a case and will tell you to

solve it.
During mooring, mooring rope parted, can we use manila rope (No manila rope

can’t be used as it has no elasticity, and in wet condition it has tendency to

Baltic moor, In what position you will drop anchor so what you reach the berth as
What all checks you will do before flooding the dock after completing dry dock

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1. ISM code and it's contents IN ORDER.
2. What is pssa? Now Capt Mukesh takes over.
3. There has been an oil spill from one of the ships in Vishakhapatnam. You must

have read it on WhatsApp. What can affected do to obtain compensation, i.e CLC

4. Now if Owner cannot cover the entire cost of liability, then? i.e. Fund
5. Who funds the Fund convention?
6. What are the Marpol annex 6 latest amendments.
ETA arrangements? Requirements?
ETB contents ? Requirements?
Chain register
Statutory and mandatory certificates

Certificate of registry

Anchor chain PMS

Criteria for changing anchor cable/links?
Duties of a chief mate ?
Can chief mate take over the command when the master is incapacitated.
Death onboard ship action.
Official log book entries as a mate.
Dry dock procedure





Chain register, Oil record book and who signs it, AOA,
ism documents and cross questions, Stcw amendment,


Who does Hull survey on drydock, Transverse thrust,

Ranging of cable and if discarded then on what basis and who rejects it
Marpol all annex, Salient features of annex V,
In drydock which trim you'll prefer and what all info to docking master.

-Chain register
- MARPOL how many annex’s and discharge criteria for oil.what is instantaneous
rate of discharge of oil.
- Explain in detail annex 6 what information it contains.Many question related to
it like what is EEDI, SOx NOx requirement.

-What is note of protest.


-ISM documents and cross questions


-Stcw amendment
-MLC and it’s title
-Who does Hull survey on dry dock,during survey found one damage how you will
go about it which plan u will refer, cross questions on it, how plates and framed
-Girthing of tug
-what is sheer strake
1. Types of BL? Who issues it? What is a liner BL?

2. How much trim will you prefer to enter a drydock and why?

3. Shell Expansion plan?


4. Who goes for rounds with a chief officer in a drydock? What is required to be
5. What is ESP?

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Dd as per what?
As a co wht trim u will like and why in DD
Ship sitting on docks who accompanies u for hull inspection
You found damage in hull how you will report
Shell expansion plan

Garboard strake sheer strake stellar strake


Chain register

Docs of ISM
Docs of ISPS
Mlc titles
Dmlc part 1 and 2
Running moor
Anchor dragging action
Types of rudder and describe them
1. Shore crew dies onboard detailed action (First to inform master. I said inform
port before master so said first inform master and he will inform concerned

parties as you don't have any overriding authority over master)

2. Oil spill action in detail (Wants to hear SOPEP and QI)

3. Flag state and port state

4. Flag state dispensation
5. If near Australia who is coastal state and port state.
4. Difference in piracy and armed robbery.
5. Why codes are mandatory. Are all codes mandatory.
1. Condition of Class.

2. Snatch block. How it is different from normal block.


3. Wire rope ? How it is constructed? How the diameter of the wire rope changes ?

What does 24 mean in 6 X 24 wire rope? Can the strands be less than 6 ?
4. DOC and SMC in detail. Why interim certificate is required
5. Orb entries
1. Drydocking procedure
2. What is critical period.
3. Measures for corrosion prevention of Hull. (Paint,Anodes and ICCP)

4. How will the vessel behave if she goes from fresh water to salt water. (explain

the shifting of COB and water plane area change which causes the vessel to trim )

Lot of cross questioning.
5. Condition of Class.
6. Snatch block. How it is different from normal block.
7. Lay of cable. Why different lay of cable present. How will you uncoil a new wire
rope? B.S of wire ropes?
What is sheer strake. And what is the lowest strake of the ship.
Who goes for external hull inspections when in drydock.

What plan will you use to identify a damaged plate


How are plates numbered.


What all you get in a dry dock plan.

What all documents are reqd as per ISM and Their validity.
MLC amendments
STCW amendments

Marpol annex 6 salient features. Many more questions in annex 6.


Static n dynamic test.


ISM related docs n der validity.

Stealer plate n diagram.

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Raining of cable
How to find out that cable is damaged?
Runner wire damaged when and how to change

ISM documents as per ISM


Enclosed space entry procedure
Gave example of cofferdam
Told him about risk assessment and permits but he dint agree and dint told me
what he was looking for.
STCW amendments
1. Chain Register, Annealing

2. Drydocking, Calculations, surveys checks


3. ISM - audits, SMS etc

4. Ship Plans, details etc
5. Draft Survey calculations.
6. Little bit about ship construction
- what is Enhanced survey system
- enhanced survey criteria for bulk carrier of 10 year old
- marpol Annex 6, tell me what u know abt it
- voc management and it's regulation

- What is Seemp
- Eedi

- Annex 6 requirements for ship constructed before Jan 2013

- what is ranging of cable
- what is criteria of discarding it
- now u discarded it but new cable is not available , what will u do
- condition of class
- stcw 2010 amendments
Now tell me what DG shipping has done with respect to this? For every answer he
was asking why why like that?
Dry docking - how much trim u will proceed , I said small trim he asked why small
trim there is a reason . I said about the stresses he wanted to hear something
MLC: tell me something about it .
What is chain register? Contents

Back on MLC and contents


STCW convention- tell me in detail , your certificate as per which regulation .

Amendments to STCW convention , he tried to help me in gaining the answer but
I said I couldn’t remember. He asked if seafarer stranded at one port how he will
get his wages from owner as per what regulation
-ISM docs
Certificate as per ISM
What is the document as per SMC carried onboard . - he answered it is your SMS
SSP, ISPS documents & certs, ISM docs

IOPP cert, statutory certs.


Types of paints

What is BL & its types?

Ranging of cable
Chain locker paint

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External started with what went wrong last attempt.
I said i wasnt prepared for insurance.
Then he asked me what are the connections between insurance and mlc tell any
three points
Then he asked me what the first word before insurance- marine is

Why it is called marine insurance

What is ISSC

Interim ISSC validity when it is issued
SSAS preparation
SMC validity
ISM code
Elements of ism chapters..
This is all in my layman’s language.. what he asked me his wording i dont even
remember or u can say i didn’t understood what he was asking me..
1.MLC rectified on which date .
2.ISPS rectified on which date

3.In which all codes n conventions amendments came due to ISPS.


4. As per which regulation OOW is responsible in case of collision and if he does
not call master ..
5. Deviation clause and warranties when i gave ans his next question Marine
insurance date of enforcement and and many more regulation number like these.
1- Cat x loaded on Oman port discharging at Mediterranean, how will u go about
2- Have u done DD, what do u think abt whole process of DD, explain everything


u know about it?

3- One crew MOB port side, sense fog swell height 3+ m what will u do ?

4- How will u recover crew in heavy weather? Use of hanging of pendent and
recovery strops.
5- Draw life raft secured on ship? What is the shackle called to which weak link is
1. Have u seen ICCP system? How does ICCP system work and does it cover
rudder, propeller and bow thruster? (Wants to hear it works on potential
difference only covers parallel body of ship)
2. What system protects the keel area.
(Wants to hear anti fouling system
3. Tell me everything u know abt antifouling system and paints. (Wants to hear
tht AFS type is mentioned in AFS certificate including the paint used. Also why
TBT was banned and upcoming amendment regarding Crybutylene).
4. Person in distress. Own vsl is only vsl nearby and proceeding to rescue. Swell

2-3mtrs. How will u go abt launching and recovery of boat? (Wants to hear use of

on load mechanism for lowering and use of Recovery strops and Hanging off

penant for recovery).

5. Where does coal cargo get stuck inside a bulk carrier hold? What all structures
do u find inside a bulk carrier cargo hold? (Wants to hear spiral ladders, hopper,
corrugations and sounding, temp sampling and gas measurement pipe guards
also DB air pipes).
6. Care and maintenance of Hatch covers. (Wants to hear abt wheels, cleats,
rubber packing, drain channel, greasing points, rubber packing of ventilators,
resting pads).
7. What are compression bars, its purpose and maintenance? (Wants to hear it is
made of metal and bears max weight of hatch cover, will do light greasing plus
and other maintenance as per manufacturer instructions).
1. Marpol full form and all regs
2. SOLAS chapter-9 name.


3. Dry docking of Gas carrier preparations.


4. What work on anchor cable at dry dock.

5. Found one joining shackle broken how to open and replace or weld?
6. Anchor dragging actions.

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1. Chain register parts and what enrties to be made.

2. A man has falled , all the williamson turn and other action is already taken,

wind force 4 , master order to prepare resue, how will you prepare for it.

3) Discharge criteria of category X cargo.
4)Garbage record book part II entries to be made.
5) How will you prepare ship for Safety equipment survey.

-liferaft securing arrangement diagram

-diff between lifeboat as rescue boat and independent rescue boat


-recovery strop and hanging off penant

-anx 2 discharge criteria

-grb part 2 entries
-cargo residue in wash water discharge criteria and deck wash water discharge

- Loading IMDG- wanted to hear DG Manifest to be sent to DG Office .


- Seaway Bill, mate's receipt

- Cargo washing, dunnage disposal when vsl does not leave spl area Annex V
- Disch for Cat X washings.

Loading via crane in port , cranes shackle break ! How to explain to dock
SOLAS chapters

Seq survey


Full form of STCW convention
STCW code
Full form of MLC
What will you do if you are not getting salary on-board?
How to renew mooring wire
-MLC Convention made out of which all other conv(many thx to the guy who

posted this earlier👍)


- Drydock preps

- Loadline survey
- Damage Stab criteria for Gas tankers.
- Clearing Fouled Anch.
how will u prepare for Loadline servey in detail
How do you recover rescue boat. Draw the recovery strops and connection


IAMSAR patterns
You’re the OSC. In Atlantic. 4 ships with you. How will you go about it?

Ans Parallel sweep. Asked me to draw and show.

Function of dampers
Mushroom vent diagram and detail.
How will u prepare for SEQ survey in detail?

All equipment that u will check


no. of life bouys required on 2oo meter ship in dry-dock how will u locate bottom

Practically how will u know when standing on deck that plugs are in between
these frames.
- Lifeboat recovery Strops in detail

- Stevedore damages d crane how will u prove to the inspector That From your

side the crane was maintained properly as per Chain Register


- Chain Register in detail

- Recovery of Lifeboat in rough weather
- Markings on a Lugless Joining Shackle

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1) Started with past questions: latest, future amendments to Solas, Marpol, ISM,
2) dry-docking: everything from star to end : from planning/preparation for dry
dock, stability calculate, plans, various jobs, undocking.
3) PMS on LSA/ FFA/ anchor chain/ gangway.
4) How to recover rescue boat in bad weather.
5) How to test crane wire : static / dynamic test
6) How to carry out maintenance of crane wire
7) HRU working principle with diagram
8) How to do the test on mooring winches
9) Transverse test: definition and explanations


10) Standing / running mooring

11) Rigging plan

12) Fire on 4 high IMDG container: explain all steps from start to end
13) When India ratified mlc and isps
14) New coordinates for HRA
15) ISM code: duties of mate / functional requirements
16) Content of chain register
17) Power of inspector
18) OLB entries
19) what all statutory certificate required to carry on board.... As per which
regulation..... additional for oil tanker/chemical tanker/ and gas
20) eg of what all practical maintenance work that you will plan as a C/O for next
3 months 21) indention of paint.

Lifeboat requirements


Hanging pendants
Marpol amendments

Solas amendments
Any amendment regarding container ships.

1. Why do we need a docking plan? How does it look like ?

2. Work carried out in dry dock?
3. What all surveys carried out in dry dock?

4. Why do we need to do bottom inspection, as per which regulation ?frequency ?


5. What is the paint used on sacrificial anodes?

6. ICCP system where is it located on the sides or at bottom?
7. Marpol amendments / regulations?
8. Diagram of lugless schackle / bitter end
9. What is snubbing the cable
10. Which type of moor In congested waters?
1. Safety construction certificate
2. Dry dock
3. Chain register
4. Loose gear

5. Recovery strops and Hanging off pendant


6. Purpose of ISM

7. Safcon survey
8. Ioppc survey
9. ORB part 2
10. ODMCS - (Cross Questioning)
11. Forms in Chain register
12. Marking on Shackle - (Cross Questioning)

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Load line certificate Annual and intermediate survey (Gave a Date and later told to
tell the survey dates )
Load line survey and lots of cross question
Wanted to know how to inspect all the items
like ballast vents, Hatch covers
manhole covers ;etc

Load line missing how do you go about marking


which certificate to see

E/r major fire during bunker operation
Half of the crew ashore
Two many cross questions in emergency
Another situation with respect to chain register - Gerared bulk career Grab fell
down inside cargo hold Two people injured due to fault of a shackle attached to
Where in chain register will you find information of the shackle Which part? And
what are the marking on Shackle
Annex 5
New amendments in marpol

Fixed fire fighting system


Why ism code mandatory Nd where listed

Certificate on Bulk carrier
Iopp what is form A
Solas in detail - 3 imp things
Why is ISPS code mandatory
1) Latest amendment in reference to foam fire fighting system on containers.
2) How will you fight fire in 4-5 tier container.
3)Latest STCW 2010 when it was in force Nd any 10 changes from earlier one.
4) Content of chain register.
5) Static Nd dynamic load test of crane and in depth knowledge.
6) While wrkng cargo with ships cargo gear-shackle breaks - cargo damage- dock
inspector onboard , how wl u assist him and how will u identify the damaged
shackle in chain register.


7) Drydock survey what all maintenance is carried out.

8) maintenance on anchor cable and chain locker during DD and how is

inspection of chain locker is carried out.
9) Bitter end arrangement with drawing.
10) Kenter shackle drawing.
11) Marking on anchor Nd anchor crown.
12) Care Nd Maintenance on transducer during DD
13) Location of ICCP
14) How is seachest Nd bow thruster protected with anodes or ICCP.
For him chain register is an important area he will get into indepth knowledge of
it as he was working in Mumbai dock for 8-9 yrs.
1. Chain register have u seen on vsl u r testing derrick what entry
u have to make in chain the test is carried out? Will u use union


purchase during testing or single wire..

2. Mandatory n statuary certificate.

3. Without which certificate vsl can't sail?

4. Dyanamic n static load test? N how it is carried out..
5. Inspection n survey difference ?
-AOA. IBF. Load line survey preparation.
What is Loadline and it's purpose.
Various Plans on-board.

MLC contents. STCW contents. STCW amendments.


Certificates required as per ISM code, explain how to go about issuing these

certificates. What is HOG and SAG.

Draft survey calculations
- Form A and B and it's contents rest hour requirement as per MLC.
Pollution while bickering action as a mate.
Loadicator requirement and how to test loadicator.

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1. ROR Cards (Plenty)
2. Situations
3. Responsibilities between vessels
4. RV Situations
5. Grain Code
6. DOA for Grain
7. Loadline
8. Torsion Box in Container Ships
9. CSC plate
10. Net, Gross & Tare weight of container
11. What is stacking weight & racking stress
12. Cargo Securing Manual contents
13. IMDG contents
14. Container leak - Action as C/O (1st thing they wana hear is “inform master”

15. Container seal


16. Lifting gear fails - Action as C/O “first inform master, c/e”

17. Summer to Tropic n vice versa
18. Factors that affect squat
19. TRS
20. MLC general
21. MLC latest Amendments
22. Change in rest/work hours as per MLC
23. Magnetic Compass as you keep going north
24. Gyro Errors
25. Diff between Survey, Audit & Inspection
26. PSC inspections
27. Positioning of Lights
28. Dimensions of Shapes
29. LRIT general
30. Diff between cumulative/ Annual NTM
31. Drydock how will u allign your ship on the blocks
32. TBT? Why not used anymore
33. Anti Fouling & Sacrifical Anodes (how does it help n process)
1. Statutory certificate required on Gas tanker Which is not on other ship. I said

2. What is COF?

3. No. of pages in COF
4. Can you load cargo if not mentioned in COF?
5. Duties of chief mate as per ISM.
6. Which all trainings are carried onboard?
7. How will you mentor your crew.
Said since external cleared only function two, will ask only those questions

IMSBC code. Potash hazards and how will you refer to IMSBC.

Though you were on bulk, did you carry IMDG code.. does IMDG code apply to
bulk cargoes..
Vessel in Australia gets detained coz cargo of manganese ore was not trimmed..
What could the reason be?
Passage planning as a mate,

Problems with high lat. Navigation, compass used in high latitudes.


Rule 19, why vessel not to alter course to port for a vessel ahead of her beam.
How to go about loadin5g bulkcarrier after receipt of voy orders.
Regulations related to tankers... marpol, IBC, IGC.. basics..
Training of crew.

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-Current around Durban
-Brass composition
-Quote rule 13
-Sextant kaise hold karte hai
-Chaffing chain ,bilge keel type of iron
-QH curve
-IBC ch17 column
-Unit of instantaneous rate of discharge
-Secondary venting as per which reg

-Decanting procedure

-Clean sea guide book ka use
-How to calculate percentage of rust during ballast tank inspection
-Multi stage centrifugal pump.
-Interval for Doc and Smc audit.
-Calculations of ship stability without lodicator
-Requirement for loadicator testing.
-load testing of hose handling crane. Upto what angle u will lift boom.
-winter solistic, what angle to se on sextant for merpass
-content of annex 1 marpol
- 4 different grades of cargo.what all point. There are 24
-Mlc applications from joining to sign off.
- criteria to discard cargo hose.
Voyage planning on chemical tanker
How will prepare your ship loading palm oil
How will you carry out heating of same
What is chemical code


Bridge team management

Magnetic compass
2 situations
What is haze?
Open sea how will you fix position.
Sextant error. What is haze?
Black out action
- what are the minimum inputs required for ECDIS (position, heading, speed
through water)
- How to make gyro noth seeking
- MARPOL Requirements of ships to have COW system onboard

- Cow manual

- How will you clean tanks from one grade to another

- VEF in detail MIXED
- 2 main principal motions to avoid for safe securing or cargoes as per CSS Code
(sliding and tipping)
- Asked me to draw how will i secure a 60t rectangular object on deck and angles
at which securing will be done
- functional requirments of ISM Code
- Preparations for dry dock
VDR retrieval procedure.
In normal watch how you will come to knw vdr is working
If any alarm comes in vdr and psc boarded action
Ballast water management plan requirements
When did india ratified the convention?

Classification society, p&i


Principles of insurance
If cargo damage who will pay for damage
1 ror card(fishing vsl extending gear more than 150 mtr)
Day and night signals for vsl aground
Specification of shapes as per annex 1
Rice loading what all precautions
Testing of lifting gear appliances
Chain register contents? who will sign and when?......

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He thought I had done tankers and was surprised that I didn't answer tanker
questions. Then I said I had done only bulk carriers. He said fine but you should
know. Azad is a chilled out guy. Makes it very comfortable.

1. How will you go about loading concentrates?

2. Hazards of high density cargo?


3. What is load density?

4. How will you know if your vessel can load high density cargoes?
I said I will check I'm the vessels stability booklet and cargo details. But he
wanted to know the Solas regulation. I didn't know that.
Untill the last question Azad wants to pass candidates. But I guess I just fell
short. He asked me to prepare all topics next time.

Past failing questions


Launching appliance test criteria


Ism code contents

Docs to be signed as chief mate
Practical knowledge of containers (my last ship)

Cert. Of registry? Which regulation?

statutory or mandatory? (only 1 failing q)
Sight reduction table star sight calc.?
Star finder?

Sight calculation in detail


Nautical twilight time in almanac is commencement tym or end tym?

Vdr new req? (something about recording duration)
ETA requirements, checks to b carried and drill requirements?
Rule 19
Some cards nd situations
How to make gyro north seeking?
Rate of turn calc. and wop
Started with ch8 stcw
Chief mate on bridge and pilot is busy on vhf action talking ( here I said I will tell
pilot to stop , he said he will not stop instead u keep watch on 2 vhf , common
sense )
2 cards (surprise)
How will u test lodicater
How will order paint for painting full ship in drydock ? He want to listen ship
painting plan given in dock with thickness and should b measured by chief officer

with machine ( it was a bouncer )


accordance to that and after paint ion just

After drydock how will u screen navigation lights
Critical period
Icpp purpose?
Bottom plug how will know where is ur bottom plug
Eemp, eedi
Draw symbol of weather report on paper with meaning
Synopsis and pyrognsis reports
Purpose of ism
Mlc title , what it say about wages

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Many Cards
Rules 19, 10, 13 annexes
How to teach 2nd mate pp
TRS why currents change
How to teach
Gyro failure what all equip affected
Why monsoon is extended in arabian sea
Weather reports facsimile


Polar code

Ocean currents
Load density, heavy lift cargoes,
Grain code DOA without DOA
Sulphur, coal precautions
Bi party tri party
Dry dock preps
Plans required
Windlass pms
Mlc fundamentals
Cas/ Cap
Break rendering test
Started with cards. Orb 1/2 entries and details.
Chief mate duties - ISM/ STCW. Rest hour requirement via STCW.
Fund convention - what is your when does it apply?


TRS - origin /identification/ actions in both hemisphere. Tld.

Arpa alarms. Echo sounder principle and errors.
Dry docking precautions. Preps.
Article of agremnt / cba. Tri party and by party meaning.
Certificates. Grounding action.
Passage planning as a ch mate

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Loading on
-Ro Ro
-TIMBER ship
-Ism content
-mlc element
-lpg ship
-cavitation of pump
-rudder cycling
-why ship bow heads into wind.
-how will u make correction in orb.
-standard /semi- standard and non-standardized cargo
-loading of coil
-zener diode were it is used on ship.
-motivation to onboard ship staff

-fan is running on AC or DC.

-Who signs EDP

-equipment receiving power supply from emergency generator

-8 month to dry dock how will u prepare
-training of ship staff.
-which certificate under Nairobi CONVENTION .who issues it
-chain register content.have u seen it.
-height between decks on roro ship.
-isgott content.
-imdg ,supplement etc. How amendment made.
-Annex 1 discharge criteria.
'- boxing of compass from S to E.
- error in sextant and its correction.
- entry in olb
- heavy weather precautions.
- passage planning
-Hra transit
- density of gasoil and gasoline.
-certificate issued by P & I club
Doldrums. ITCZ. Bore tide.
How to convert nominal range into normal range?
Few more nautical terms.. not able to recollect

Marpol annex 6. Pollutants as per annex 6?

Voc. Vecs. Marpol annex 1 equipments.

PSSA ? Where will you find the list of PSSA's?

Location of zero numbered plate?
Welding faults? Different types of steel?
ISM ? Certificates as per ISM
Audits frequency? Interim certificate

Breaking yaw, IMSBC , loading grain, annual / 5 yrl test for lifeboat for EPIRB,

What do they test ? Parametric rolling IMO circ number?


what is CSR? ISSC survey interval? Mlc details, IOPC fund,

anti-fouling in detail, d1-d2 ballast standard word to word,

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- Asked me types of ships I've sailed on
- Rule 19.
- ROR cards & situations.
- 4 stages of collision
- Gyro Errors. Lots of cross questioning.
- Setting for the secondary alarms systems in tankers.

- Safety features in Pumproom?

- Location of gas detection sensors situated in pumproom.

- Explain about emergency pumping of bilges in pumoroom and the location of

- Exhaust / Blower requirement for Pumproom ventilation.
- Pyrophoric reaction
- Damage Stability
- Contents of ISGOTT
- Marpol Annex 1 & 2
- Duties of c/off as per ISM
Hazard of Forest Products
Timber lashing
Contents of Lashing Code
Breaking Stress of wire

Loading iron ore


Alternate hold loading

Loading Plan
Hazards of Chemical Cargoes
Timber Code
You are exiting TSS 5nm remaining , precautions ?
NUC lights ?
PD vsl seen end on lights ?
Contents of GA plan ?
Lifting appliances proof load ?

Crane 10t swl then how much proof load ?


Testing intervals?
Procedure of testing? How you tested in dry-dock?
in which all ports you did topping up ?
hose burst during topping up action ?
DG manifest contents ?
Describe BMP 5 ..
You are joining the ship as mate .. off-signing mate will be going by same boat
in 2hrs detailed action including time interval?

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Explain Rule 19, 18, 7
Few situations. Few cards. 4 stages of collision.
Explain sections of IMSBC pertaining to C/off.
Explain certificates with respect to environmental protection for which Ch off has
to prepare for.
ORB part 2 entries...and details which go in the entries
Proof load and SWL of provision crane.
There were a few more questions too. can’t remember.
(I messed up a card and he wanted to hear some specific word, capt Chand got
very pissed up at that.

Most questions needed answers lengthy and detailed than it looked to the eye.He

looked unsatisfied at every answer but he cleared me in 2 and 3.Because internal
had bordered me on function 1 , external didn't ask anything)
Draft calc procedure for bulk cargo
What certificate as per ImSBC code and for DG cargo?
Loading and gas freeing procedures for tankers in detail
Cargo tanker calculation
What is BRC/BHC...purpose and method
What is the trim requirement for tankers and where is it
Why PV valves are having effluent velocity of 30ms?
What is CAS?
What is FSI and PSI
Tanker loading, suddenly listed to side of shore side/Gangway. Action?
Some questions on ship handling. Pivot point, etc.
Precautions before entering TSS after entering TSS while transiting TSS
In which case u can enter separation zone in TSS
if BNWAS swtich off from main power mean swtich board then how captain come
to know about provision fo the same
Action vessel aground from bow in soft mud and listed to stbd action and
navigation officer later action as mate
4 stages before collision
Rule 7
TRS dangerous and navigable quadrant in both hemispheres
Incase of collision whom to report in indian water and where are MRCC loacted in

Content of BL he dont want notes answer need orginal BL as onboard content as


per order on BL,

Note of protest in which condition u can file note of protest dont forget to tell
through master if forget to say and he took fundtion 2 from me ,
U r loading oil on terminal suddenly 5 degree list action,
On which list and trim loading arm automatically disconnected ,
What are onboard provisions to control pollution
Marpol all annexes and certificate for all annexes and their validity and all about
Crane PMS
Proof load of crane he give valve he need answer in return exact figure not
interested in what percentage
ORB part 1 and 2 enteries
Official log book and enteries by choef officer
Triparty biparty AOA
Copies of AOA and which copy goes to whom he want in serial order number

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Rule 9,10, 14
In rule 14 he asked me what does ' nearly reciprocal' mean ( ans : he wanted to
hear 1-3 degree cut off arc)
And gave me a few situations where I fucked up
While Anchoring, you are in charge and your engines are not going astern while
trying out, what action?
Rule 10 he wanted to hear the unwritten rule! ( As in call master and stuff)

He is not keen on quotes, more on understanding.


Proof load?
Asked me to calculate the proof load of my last ships cargo crane and provision
Duties of chief officer as per STCW
Statutory certificate
PMS of crane
Statutory certificates, which certificates are related to chief mate?
Garbage record book
What entries to be made in garbage record book?
Solas Chap. 5 with regulation in details. Auto pilot Requirements.
Details of GPS. AIS, LRIT, Rot performance standards.

Voyage planning details. SIGTO and ISGOTT content and purpose.


HD compressor working with diagram. How to use boil of Gas.
Compressor room drawing with detail equipment and working.
LD heater. Hazards of LNG. COW and IG system.
IMDG class. About EMS and MFAg. ISM chapter and explain each chapter.
MLC titles. Rest hour as per STCW & Exception.
Asks me y so many attempts...I just said m a newly married guy.
Gyro fail in TSS. Olb entries...started with master's entries where he stopped me n
said as a mate..

When I mentioned him abt drafts he asked are they for SW Or others?

I said as per my flag state olb we have a seperate column for whatever
drafting we see.. we enter n then we check the density n log it down.. PSC..
explained him the difference between PSC n flag state inspection by giving
Rule 10..after first 3 paragraphs he was like ok u passed...
Under what regulation towing apparatus comes.
Under what regulation official log book comes.
Under what regulation steering gear comes.
Under what regulation watch arrangements comes.
Under what regulation manning comes.

Then asked me what types of ships you did I said only bulk carriers.


Cargo monitoring on tankers. (i was confused what exactly. Then he said make a
cargo monitoring plan for tanker)
Chapter 17, IBC.
Heavy / light oil (i tried to say density and viscosity..... he moved to next
Then he said fine you are from bulky.... Tell me what is MoP. (Before i could
think moved to next ques)
Clearing grounds. Told me to study hard and come next time.
Give professional intro
Draw steering gear
HSE code

SSP code


Legal requirement for Chain register - Told him dock labor act - He said that's
Functions as per stcw: Told him as per samsul few points said no. Then told him
the headings said no.
Then asked what regulation as per COC.
Told him A II/1. He said tell me all the regulations in chapter II

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What is sea stabilize and ground stabilize...
Gyro failure effect on radar...
DANIEL JOSEPH Gyro failed how will u establish ship position from radar.

As per him we use cog and sog from radar plotting. He said we consider CMG. I

said no.
Can u load oil in bulk carrier or oil in chemical carrier or chemical in bulk
I said can load oil in bulk only If the vessel is constructed and certified
to carry such cargoes...for eg. OBO ships....he said yes but u r not saying tht
word which I need.
Performance standards of autopilot.
What is difference between LNG and lpg. ( Technical details. ).

What is a knock out drum and how I'll you test it and know it's working.

Regulations as per IGC on the compressor and motor room.
How to pressure test lines as per IGC
What is mollier diag. Draw and explain.
As I worked on gas tankers he asked many more relating to gas tankers. And
wanted answers as per IGC code.
Myself, Asm n 2mate candidate together.
General intro
Random questions


Iron ore precations

What are Surveys
Arrival port, engine failure action
Now above situation in RV
What all cargoes i carried
Seq survey. What will u ask Master when preparing for survey. (Cert folder)
Unseaworthy ship n Disabled ship difference.
You got instructions to load Grain
What all things will be there in shoppers Declarations
Hazard of Coal , Sulphur
Which type of coal is dangerous and where it is given
Can we load Grain with AOR 40 deg and why ?


PSC found Life boat damaged and Give Code 30 and Master Ashore Action

Can you sail out with Damaged LB
Flammability Diagram to draw
SOLAS Content
Few questions from his set (Pawan’s Notes) specially Singapore st situation and
Cross questions on that
How will plan a voyage and what info you give to 2nd mate
How will you train a 2nd mate for mates Job
All points in MS notice 9/2010 Regarding iron ore
1. Aground vessel fog signals

2. Weight of empty container


3. Volume of empty container


4. IMDG cargo segregation

5. Certificates on bunker
6. Discharge criteria annex 1
Mixed questions
Circumpolar bodies

ROR cards around 10-15 wants word by word.


Loading class 1 cargo. Doc required and how to load.

Signs of TRS
DOC validity , how often checked? ISM
Ranging the cable.

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TRS avoiding action
I gave him sector n 123 rule answers
External gave me a hint dat internal wants to hear about subra
Veering and backing

Lights of a south cardinal marks


Docs for loading dg

Compatibly table ( I didn’t know.. So asked me to find out)
Docs as per isps code n Solas chapter 11 for security
Critical period
Why is it critical (bcoz once the stern touches the GM starts reducing )
How will u take effective action( positive GM, small trim)
All random, one after the other. NUC lights for a fishing vessel?
How do you know if your own vessel is making way or not making way?

What is a boat note? What is a mates receipt?

How will you use a gun tackle? How will you identify the replacement wire for

your crane that is kept in the store?

Interval of testing of lifting gear?
What are the documents required for loading grain cargo?
Can you load without DOA? What is the compatibility table?
Genuine surveyor, very down to earth, listen question carefully n ans, mostly ans
related to certificates should be said as per which convention and if Ch. If you
1. ISGOTT, ISM, BLU code full forms
2. Ballast tank capacity in relation to deadweight (in percentage)
3. IG failure action in oil tanker as well Chem tanker. (engine room saying can’t
be repaired)
4. Special hazards of chemical, name three (should be different from oil)
5. Ground tackle.
6. Forms of IOPP
7. SAFCON n Loadline
8. What is form SEQ? Form E?
9. CSM N CSS as per which regulation? available on what kind of ships?
10. Draw plan view of Chem tanker, and draw location of ballast tanks do
mention segregated ballast tanks) as per which regulation what’s the breadth of
ballast tanks, what is SBTLT?
11. Duties of mates As per ISM?
12. As per which Ch. Shipboard operations checklist has to be followed?

13. Hazards in Ro-Ro,

14. Hazards loading Sulphur,
15. Hazards of Timber cargoes. ( Commonly heard vsl loaded timber 2-3 days
afta departure vsl heeled by abt 5 deg) recent accident if containers.
16. Blower requirement in pump room of a tanker.
17. IG requirements wrt to alarms n requirement of the blowers.
18. Venting requirements in Ro-ro
19. Very common PSC defects.(as per him India has identified 18 very common
20. Contents of MSDS, as per which requirement?
21. Very common class defects.
22. Foam system onboard explain
23. Explain DCP fixed fire fighting on Chem tankers.
24. Explain blending of cargo.( as per him blending is not allowed any more ,
which regulation?
25. Contingency plan if d Derrick/ winch was being used is broken fallen down,
ship structure damaged n crew injured.
26. Stevedore loading steel coils n while loading they have slipped to the
hatchway and damaged , action as a mate.
27. Maintenance on foam system.
28. From where u ll get ship/shore C/L, in bulk carrier, tankers.

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In RV If u see target on Radar at 3 mile dist on stbd side ahead of beam & it's
bleep coming n going what action u will take
2 ROR card(NUC, Preferred channel to port B region) Why additional whistle signal
for aground vessel in RV n why 2 short 1 long why not 3 short 1 long or any other
If gyro fails, how will u know its fail.
Why we calculate Tide by harmonic constant and when?
Where you find load density?
Entries made in chain reg n what is annealling
What all documents are required for grain loading

What is timber load line,is it diff from normal loadline n at how much height u

can load timber on deck

All about COW procedure on tanker
What is CPP, how it work?
On a tanker how will u decide max loading rate
What is letter of credit? What is solid ballast?
What is BS & SF. How they relate to each other. From where we will get Broken
stowage n stowage factor of cargo loading
What is VOC? What is Brine trap n what is use of it?
Fire in E/R generator platform action
How will u assist Master in decision making
PSC report form n what is meaning of code no.17 n 30
Tell me everything about AOA
Which all entries we make in Logbook regarding weather observation n why we
kept record of dry n wet bulb n sea water temp.

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Limits of liability for container loss
Cross current in a river
Raking stress- what on ship to avoid it
Low pressure to TRS - stages
Crane PMS
Which has more breaking stress - crane wire or lashing wire
Draw loadline stbd side
Sailing vsl using engine- day and night signal
Bilge block - is it compulsory
Need for loadline
Double bottom tank breached, how will you relieve tank pressure. How to rig
collision mat
Undocking how to calculate. Told him same condition as docking. He said how. I
said I'll have arrival conditions.
Tidal berth precautions as a chief officer - told him increases moorings and
maintain ukc as per company policy, wasn't satisfied said don't increase moorings
get someone to tend to moorings all the time.
Weight of empty container.
Breaking strength of 6/37 wire
Checks before flooding
Fire pump running and hydrants closed what will happen.
Only one star available at 1800 and at 2100 another lighthouse available can you
calculate position at 2100.
Calculate dip without almanac - told him formula, asked how to calculate your

height form bridge - told him ga plan, measure using a scale, asked how will you

know your draft at the bridge level.
Precautions when on cargo watch loading container.
Ais working.
How to calibrate dopler log.
Anchor dragging master ashore
Anchoring on sand bottom
Length of shackle
Which is better for ship- long or short stay
Short, long stay
Procedure to load using ships crane
Gyro failure action (Do mention call electrician to check)
How will you repair
What correction is made to gyro, will it affect the gyro
Compass is showing high deviation, what to do.
Magnetic compass why are magnets on it.
Electronic aids to navigation
Other vessel AIS data not coming, action
Ship steering disabled, which flag.
Vessel aground, broadcast message.
Vessel relative bearing 90° on stbd bow who will take action
RV vessel on a bend of narrow channel, which signal.
Why not use vhf for collision avoidance in your company.
How many garboard strakes - apparently there are 2
Heavy lift loading, GM negative on lifting - Ballast and minimize FSC.
After ballasting how will you know that you will not have negative GM
Certificate as per Annex 4 or marpol
Rule 34a

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1. Sextant angle measure..back angle
2. Sextant legs
3. Poisonous cargo.. imdg class
4. Lifebuoys requirements
5. No cards, no buoys,no situtation
6. Oil tanker.. cargo fixed fire fighting system.. low expansion foam or height
expansion foam
7. IMDG segregation
8. Crane breakdown.. shackle broke.. one shore guy injured complaining no
proper shackle.. your action
9. 6 strands.. 12 wires per strand swl?
10. Ht of eye .. to make tables urself..particulars lost ...
11. Container fittings
12. Load density of main deck or pontoon will be more

13. Load density


14. Condition of class
15. Safe management certificate.. inspection frequency ?
15. Imdg containers precautions
16. 10000 grain bag loaded.. what remark to put on BL
17. Anchoring dragging..master n ch. eng out..what ul do..
18. Load density
19. Stack of container
20. Potassium cyanide..which class
21. Capacity and GA plan difference
22. Contents of capacity plan
23. Where ..Why transverse frames are closer
24. Stages of CTRS..low.. depression..cyclone..severe cyclone..super cyclone
25. SMC certificate.. inspection interval
26. Number of Tide volumes
27. Range of tide
27. Bale capacity..grain capacity
28. Ex mer limits
Ror cards

Rule no 13

IMSBC code
Grain code
Various cargoes: Coal, concentrates, iron ore
Certificates various as per Convention
Grounding Action?
Mine clearance, towing vsl, preferred channel cards.
Taking over navigational watch,
Alrs volumes in detail, names , numbers, what all info., tide tables volume details.
Secondary tide calculation, TRS action, determine the storm centre. Weather
routeing, routeing charts.

Coal, ore , sulphur (why fw is used for settling the dust?) loading precautions,


loading car carrier,

IMSBC, contents, how to confirm the TML given on shipper’s dec is correct. Can
test is not the answer btw,
Gas ship types, IMDG seg and stowage,
Cba, itf and ibf diff?, statutory cert on chem tankers, ship handling situation,
drydockim in detail, fwd of the ship damaged , prepare , drydocking he wants to
knw how does a small gm of mere 40-45 cm help counteract the large upthrust?
Couldn’t convince him( pls find ans for this)

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1. You come to bridge, in night how Can you determine whether it is Venus or
Jupiter? Venus will be morr brighter, he told if there is only one planet,how will
you comparr, i was quitr but you'd venus is mOrnii g and evening star, hr told if
you dont know this how will u train your cadet.
Ans- on the starting pages if almanac there is a chart given, look ar that chart and
you can identify the planet As per him
2. What all eqpts you had on bridge and as per what?
3. As soon i told sextant, he asked sextant errors and then what the arc angle is
and y its is 120, explained priniciple
4. Alarms of ecdis
5. Gyro maintenace, i answered as per pawan, and also added will checj manual
to refer if i need to apply speed lat error
6. Rule 2, 10, 19, 34, 9 quote
7. Are you allwoed to violate tss as per rule 10, i answered only if in immediate
danger, or if i m ram vsl as per 10 l and k
8. Weather routing principle. I don’t remember more of him, mostly was as per
his set in pawans
9. He showed me one diagram and told to identify the vessel, this was my failing
question. It wad based on loadline with only deck line and plimsoll circle and
mark shown.
Ans As per him is, a vessel only allowed to trade in summer Zone
10. What is code, why so many different codes

11. Y imsbc and imdg differenT


12. What is segregation table and what info you get from Dangerous Goods
13. Y grain and imsbc different, i ans as per pawan and he smiled abd told wrong
Ans Because grain is more widely traded cargo and requires special care
14. Contents of intact stability(i told all hindship thing and main word
15. You did taNkers, i told yes, he told what is in chemical carrier, i told ibc code
16. Type of refrigerated cargo as per imo? I told chilled, frozen and meat, he
wnated temp
17. Type of gas tankers as per imo? I Answered preSsure, semi pressur anf fully
refrigerated, he nodded, so i told independent, imtegral, gravity and pressure
18. How many bill of lading Are there, he wanted numbers, so i named some and
told 14(bluffed). gave me only 3/10.
19. Statutory, mandatory And Class certs
20. What is contingency and hoe many numbers were there on your ship
21. How will you prepare for psc
22. Stranding, grounding, foundering
23. Have you done drydock, what critical jobs done, so i told painting, he asked
antifouling paint name and i didnt knew, he was upset
24. How will you do pms of lsa ffa, i told as per solas and flag state, but later I
told sms
25. Duties of Choff as Per stcw
26. Bunkering with barge, choff duty. I after saying all, told SOPEP, he was waiting
for Scuppers plugging.

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How will you assist Master in Navigation? - I will give him all necessary inputs and
let him take the final decision. What if Pilot is giving port 20 and there is a
shallow patch on port side - I'll bring it into the notice of pilot. Pilot is still not
listening saying that you will not understand - I'll bring it into the notice of Master
and will ask Master about pilot's intention ( important is that as a duty officer you
will raise your concern to Master). What is Risk of Collision - Quoted him Rule 7
para (d). He was very happy saying that it's good you didn't gave some other
fundas available on internet. Have You Taken Compass Bearing- Yes Sir , I always
take Compass Bearings when in sight of one another, in RV I rely on radar
Bearings. Gave me a situation- TSS and you have fishing vessel on port bow and
roc exists, Action ? She's not supposed to impede my passage, If still no action
then attract her attention by 5 Short and rapid blasts, If still no action then call
Master but if situation is very critical then take action before master comes on
bridge. He was very very happy when he heard call Master, he said finally
someone is there who will call master before taking any action. Manoverboard
Action as a duty officer - told him all immediate actions then he asked me which
turn? I said Williamson turn, he asked why not Anderson? I said Anderson is for
ships with tight manoeuvring characteristics. Heavy Weather Precautions
Approaching Signs of TRS. Imdg Class 1 ? – Explosives. Precautions When Loading
Explosives? - Have him all Common Sense replies that Store away from Engine
Room Bulkhead. Handle without impact. Avoid Radio Transmission whilst cargo

operations. Store with adequate Sheathing

Check packing. Imdg Container Cargo Spillage- Refer Ems guide

Still Can't Control Spillage- Wants to listen that safety of life will take priority in
your actions. Shipper has given Wrong Information about weight of container and
You have loaded 25t of container on top of 5t container, negative GM because of
this, Actions- Just told him I will ballast opposite side and bring the GM down
taking care of stresses
Recently Ship Capsized while Ballast Exchange, possible reasons? - Virtual Loss of
GM due to Free Surface Effect. Recent Case Study about fire on ship near Kandla,
why couldn't they flood the engine room with CO2? - Because they already had
used fixed CO2. Requirements for fixed Co2- 40% of largest Cargo Space or 35%
of Engine Room including Volume of casing, whichever is greater
Which gas to use inorder to calibrate oxygen meter- Pure Nitrogen Gas i.e 0% of
How will you verify 20.9% of Oxygen? - By Fresh Air
How will you verify readings in between are reliable? - Just Exhale from the
mouth, our exhaled breath contains 18% of O2.
How will you change Lifeboat wire? - Remove the Old wire, Put Heaving Line In
Place of Old wire so that we know exact sequence of previous wire as to which
pulley and blocks
Then Replace with new Wire
PMS of Windlass
Procedure for Overtaking in Narrow Channel
How to indicate that you want to overtake from starboard side? What will other
vessel do?
RV situations from last attempt. TSS, small vessel crossing stbd to port action.
Open sea head on situation another vessel overtaking from stbd action..
RV vessel crossing from stbd to port action. CBD vessel privileges.


Vessel in deep water route no special lights exhibited privileges...


Asked me which type. Asked only from bulk. Practical qstns like what all to
consider while loading grain and coal.
Why loadline?
Explain any safety related incident faced and learning from incident.
Why trim changes with density?

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Started with introduction, asked how were the orals with external,
what is ocean current, type & cause, crossing, overtaking with fishing,
why no TRS in equator, condition to confirm trs, action,

principle of gyro compass, why gyro compass no effective at poles,

why trs curve, magnetic compass, it's error,
how will you correct on board, he wants to know the procedure,
limitation of ECDIS, RADAR, sextant error, ism requirements.
Why PSC, official log book, deck log book, why Baltic, Mediterranean moor, he
almost all questions which external asked.
- ROR situation - A power driven vessel 1 point on STBD. bow can see both her
side lights.
At what range will you see both her side lights?



Basically he dint want to hear that we shall determine if the risk of collision exist.
- What is operation as per ISM Code?
- What is lnss plan?
- If you don’t receive salary on board for 2 months? What provision are given in
MLC for this?
Situations said my application of rules is not correct and then asked me to quote
Horizontal and vertical visibility of lights

Tanker calculations,

How will you convert density in vacuum to air,
Why o you need IMDG on tankers, went into depth on bill of lading
(what is seaway BL, liner BL, are all BL negotiable/non-negotiable, why so, and few
What is trenching the cable (burying the submarine cable),
Class notation for crude oil and chemical tanker.
How will you assist Master in decision making
Vsl south of equator ...TRS approaching...Action?
Requirement of ETA
Information available in emergency towing booklet
Diff between TRS and TLD
ISGOTT contents

Tanker and bulk carrier calculation..each and everything...cross questions in


Types of gases carried as per gas code
Types of chemical tankers
COW... precautions...before, during and after
Mandatory cert
Latest amendments of mlc... explain them
Baltic Moor
Precautions before flooding in dry dock
You are in Indian waters and where u will report, not happy with indsar n
inspires, wanted island reporting..
1 Situation Head on and keep moving target to my stbd and asked action, said
port to port. And finally I said open sea I can alter to port now, and failed,...

Full loading plan and as per which book or regulation... No idea.



Hvvv, what is requirmnt min velocity for outgoing Gas, said 30m/s , Why, said can
backflow at 28m/s , not satisfied.
Straight BL. NOP gave me situation.
On gas carrier with deepwell p/p, cargo is full but hydrates formed, company
asks master to go for NOP, as a chief mate what docmnts will u carry. Unable to
answer other than log books.

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Random questions asked
1. Rv visbislity , Tv vessel is overtaking my your vessel from your stbd quarter
?what is your action ? As per which rule ? He also wanted to know the rule no
with the part eg rule 19(d)
2. Voyage planning , why do u do it as per which regulation?
3. 4 stages of collision ?

4. 4 stages of passage planning ?and many more cannot recollect


5. You are a mate on tanker loading in progress , your duty officer calls u middle
of night telling the vessel is listed 5 degrees your action ? I told him Il ask him
whether all the tanks are on even level , is ballast as per plan ? He said no what
will be your most important action? Then he only answered that In such condition
as a mate Il stop the cargo.
6. What is l&ss ?
7. Anti-fouling paints ?
8. Form P,E,R,C
9. BHC and brc how to set it ? And many more I don’t remember.
Polaris a0, a1, a2 meaning
MLC amendment
AOA amendment
Coal spontaneous combustion
Straight bl
PSC code
Duties when aground
How will u overhaul valves
Sea-chest pressure testing

Overhauling of pv valve

Heavy weather ballast requirement as per marpol except cow
Errors of gyro
Draw flags K, Y, substitutes
Details on Indian charts
How to do gas change operation on gas carriers?
Indian regulations for timber carriage
Paramount clause
When ballast management requirements came in force
DG manifest
Paramount clause
HNS convention
Plenty gas carrier terms which I never heard before
You are CBD vessel and have RAM vessel in stbd bow. What will you do?
In RV your Radar is not working how will you know there is risk of collision with a
vessel forward of the bow. And you can hear fog signal?
Which vessels do not show mastlights?

What do you understand of cargo shift?



What is dry shift and wet shift?

What do you mean by righting lever?
What do you mean by GM?
What do you mean by GG1?
How will you secure cargo?
How will you induct new comer on the ship?
How will train a cadet?

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Mixed Questions (Wants only answers he has in his mind- Remembered Use of
Fishing tackle from 2nd Mates)
Mate's Receipt and information in it
(He doesn't agree with the standard answer given in notes... Of course!!!)
COW regulations. Which tanks you will COW?
What to do when there is a problem in the COW system?
(He doesn't agree with the answer)
Can you load a cargo without doing COW?
Precautions on voyage loaded with steel plates on a general cargo ship from UK


to India (Wants to hear points he has in mind)

Step by step ordering paint for dry dock (Doesn't agree)
How to determine thickness of paint film? What is the exact procedure?
Use and info of Shell Expansion Plan and deep into it
Parts of shell expansion plan (Wants answer he hasn't in mind, he told me he is
going to ask someone to bring some shell expansion plans in his office and then
I have to extract info out of it 🤨 at that time he was interrupted by someone and
then he forgot)
Do all plates of ship have same thickness ?
Are any plates thinner ? If yes, which plates ?
Assigning loadline to a ship, the exact procedure and deep into it..cross
quentioning for 15 min. Margin line.
You are discharging coal in Richard bay who much coal you’ll keep on board to
trim the vessel.
You hav 1000 tonnes to go how will you load the ship (he wants to hear trimming
tables to be used)
Vgm requirements when in force and Indian circular no. Very important
Formation of TRS

Mates receipt

In the dock chief inspector comes on board what all he will check
You hav a vessel how much grain you will load in it
What is the value of atmosphere pressure when you say normal pressure
Muduli doesn’t want ans from Errol Fernandes or subra for him u hav to study
from a book may b made by him
After the orals there was a lot of cross questioning for formation of TRS,
I asked him politely to tell me the ans.
To my knowledge he dint understand it or even he didn’t knew it

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How to find gyro error
Limitation of ecdis
Loading refer , imdg cargo
Marpol annexe naming , annex 6 new regulation and annex 4 discharge creteria
Olb part1 and part 2 entries
Passage plan as per mate
Heavy weather precaution
What is contingency anchorage?
Nogo area
Publication as per solas on board
Coswp who publish
Imdg supplement + part with info
Srs reporting in India

Ror overtaking in narrow channel


Quote rule 18
Loading different grades of cargo
High tidal port alongside precaution ?
Stability criteria for gm only timber cargo , general cargo and grain code.
Y grain code applies to grain only ?
Drydocking have u done ? I said no ? He said what u plan in general before
Pilot in size seuz canal touch bottom ? As an mate action ? I stared with stability .
Then he said he had done purposely. It's common practice there.
Cargo spill action
Chief officer night order
What are the manning levels on bridge ?
Stcw chapter 8
Who report QI in case of spillage
What is maximal deviation applicable as per solas on magnetic compass
Trs 1-2-3 draw
Draw agulas current and kurioaheio ?

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1. Define Reid vapor pressure.
2. What equipment is used to test Reid vapour pressure.
3. TLV definition as per ISGOTT and all 3 types of tlv( Wants exact definition)
4. High density cargo definition.
5. There is a trimming table on bulk carriers. What are it's contents. How does a
chief officer use it? Wants particular answer.
6. Ferrosilicon loading precautions and detail about the cargo.
7. Which part of the cargo causes volatility?
8. Timber lashing explain all.
9. Ship shore safety checklist.
10. Damage to cargo. What all documents you will prepare? ( I answered
certificate of lifting appliances, last testing result, line pressure testing date,
pre arrival checklist signed by c/o- explained all checks done, Deck log entry

related to pre arrival checklist, rest hours of crew members during cargo


11. B/L clauses
12. When can master refuse to sign BL?
13. Charter party clauses
14. Incoterms. Why are they required? What all types. Explain any two.
15. At what time the sellers responsibility shifts to the buyer?
16. Types of chemical tankers
17. Types of chemical cargo
18. Types of gas carriers.
19. Compare Marpol Annex 3 and IMDG.
20. Concentrate liquified. Action?
21. Definition of port of refuge?
22. IMSBC contents
23. Name all types of B/L and explain.
Few more questions related to Cargo documents and charter party.
Started with situations gave two situations normal crossing normal conditions
and in rv
Errors of gps
Passage planning as a mate
Synoptic charts weather routieng charts, indsar, inspires, rule no 15,

sight calculations how will you do


Grain stability booklet, DOA,

how to load without DOA,
CSS code stcw ammendments 2010, IMDG code,
How will you lash containers, he asked me all the codes.
PM's of anchor chain
PM's of windlass, tests on loadicator, what will you do if loadicator fails, what is
SF and BM and many more.
Radar Inoperational, there is a target on ur port bow at 6 miles in clear visibilty.
How to train your cadet on dis situation
Tcpa-1.5 n 1 min, wat will you do in dis case two diff targets is on radar of range

of abt 2 nm

Bill of Lading
How will u do Gas freeing after discharging?
How will you do your tank pressure test?
How will you call loading rate?
Diesel to jet oil, how will u proceed for loading?

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ROR cards
Distance between shapes
Day signal for vessel aground
Polar code and pwom and certificates issued

Oil cess


How is MLC issued? All steps

PM's for anchor
When will you change anchor cable
Quarterly Amendments to SOPEP
Slops requirement
What is certificate a and b
How will you determine that vessel has taken all over the blocks?
CLC expired
What is Fund

Tankers how to gas free, inert, purge


Cow washing
Static electricity
When is static electricity most possible on tankers - Cow and operations with
static accumulator oils
Cow advantage/disadvantage
Tanker pump room 4m of water, all pumps submerged at sea, action.
Contents of IMSBC
Trim and stability booklet contents
Wind heeling criteria
Container identification system detailed ( I am from containers)
Bills of lading
Documents to be signed by chief mate
Bilge alarm at night procedure WIDS
Types of valves in bilge system
PMS for windlass
Type of grease used
PMS for galley to avoid fire
CDT bosun fight action

Drydocking flooding the dock


Container fire on deck action

: Preparations for seq survey
Storck guide use
How to load 50 imdg containers
What is segregation table
How do we segregate
: Galley hood mesh cleaning agent
: Mlc & dmlc
How to avoid galley fire
When to condemn wire
How to check integrity of bottom plugs before flooding
Ship construction terms
Anchor - how to open a joining shackle
Ism code amendments

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Quote rule 16,17
Gyro error in higher latitude
TSS as per Solas ch 5 in detail
No situations, no cards
Benzene molecular formula / chemical formula of any chemical you load on ship
Ship shore safety checklist all parts / content
You are loading oil and suddenly spray coming from mast riser.. action?

IBC code content

Minimum requirement as per IBC code
What thing you will check on RORO ship as chief officer during deck rounds
Sheer profile
Plans on board
Docking plan
Critical moment in drydock
SF and BM definition and how to calculate
Wind heeling criteria
ISM code content
STCW chap 5 and 7 in details.
IBC code full content... What chemical loaded... Any chemical full details for
checking in IBC... Bcoz m chemical hand
Molecular formula for MTBE... Molecular weight of MTBE... I said i dont know it is
very big formula though i was not sure... Then molecular weight and formula for
ISGOTT content... Ship shore checklist full explanation?
Wind healing criteria with diagram... But did not ask much bcoz he was talking to
Sundaram in between
Ground tackle and use


What to check when coming from long voyage with respect to cargo gear... Main

point is limit switch.
Concentrate... Hazards... What to do in case of sudden list
How to determine is it angle of loll or list
Foundering... What to do... Damage stability precautions to be done before
Survival capability for either chemical or oil or gas carrier
Foul to correct... There are few more... I don't remember much bcoz
he asked over 20 questions in 15 minutes
He barely listen to answers and change the questions the moment you have
gained fluency
He completed 2 master candidate and 1 mate candidate in 45 minutes... That too
he took orals separately
High lat. error in gyro magnetic compass.
Corrections in both situations.
Quote rule 8,19,10
Explain rule 39,40,41
SOLAS chap v various regulations, VTS
Grain code in detail.
ISGOTT content, ship shore safety checklist with 10-15 pts,

AOL & actions.


Weather heeling criteria.

Grain req as per SOLAS.
Stab req, formula n draw diagram.
IGC code.
Content of IBC code.
Damage assumption, survival capability as per IBC code, COW in detail,
Advantages, disadvantage of COW.
Gas free procedure on tanker.
Flammability diagram.

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PSC, ROR situation,
TSS Singapore strait,

SANTOSH Iron ore loading,

oil spill action,
SEQ survey preparation,
Details in SEQ certificates,
How will you guide 3rd mate in preparing for survey
➢ Types of weather routeing
➢ What are synoptic charts and what details will you find in it?
➢ You are loading iron ore in monsoon in Goa. Also give details of DG circular


➢ (Wants to hear the stock pile is left in the open in rain due to which as per the
circular a MMD surveyor should examine it to ensure TML is not exceeded
beyond limits
➢ Is inspection and survey required? Where is it written? (Wants to hear Solas ch.
2 and Ch.12 )
➢ How will u prepare for SEQ survey
lights and shpaes of mineclearance vsl

iron ore

chain register
disabled ship
difference between disabled ship and unseaworthy ship difference
His fav TSS situation (u in TSS other crossing from port n STBD bow from outside

VTS n VTMS (wants legal implications).

Flammability diagram

Iron ore precaution
Explosion in pumproom, vsl in dry dock, action as chief officer
Duties of chief officer as per SMS in dry-dock.
Tanker 3 diff parcel mixed, action? (NOP, evident, wants legal implications)
Hazards of concentrate.
Hazards involved in COW operation?
Hazards of coal?

Which publications to refer for coal loading?

How will go about loading grain cargo?
What is MLC?
SMC validity?
What is disabled ship?
Asked for introduction and types of ships you've done and regarding status of

Lights of trawler shooting nets

Lights of trawler at anchor


Situation where you are a nuc and there's a cbd crossing on port bow and your
drifting to a mine clearance on the stbd bow....Your action
Lights of mine clearance.
Mostly on grain code questions and loading grain and cross questions
Various plans on-board. How will you train cadet?
Def audit survey and inspection.

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What is disable ship ?( his mean disable mean unseaworthy ship)
Duties after action after collision
Lights of fishing vessel in indian ocean near kochin also on anchor
Dense fishing traffic how to proceed and how to attract their attention ( signal to

attract attention rule 38)

Zero visibility and vessel aground how to attract attention to other vessel.

Static electricity content in NAPHTHA

Pollution while loading action SOLAS ch 5 content he will ask to relate
requirements to SOLAS
lot of question on ISM
intial cerficate for new ships
Validity of interim for ISM
Internal and external audit requirements
How many audit u have done till now and procedures
Mine clearance vsl lights n action

Ur in singapore straits n two vsl crossing from either side hw wd u assist master

Bunker oil spill prevautions
Actions in case of oil spill
Difference of vts n vtms
Loading ore from indian ports - indian reg( ms act 10 of 2010)
Trawler lights.
Trawler shooting net day n night signal, spacing between trawling n shooting net
NUC 2 point stbd of CBD distance 7 miles action. Day n night signal of NUC.

AIS terrestrials n celestial difference.

Dead ship ?

Moisture content formula.

Naptha hazard.
Coal information if not given by shipper. Which code you refer to get its
DOC, SMC period of SMC interim validity n its extension duration.
ISM elements
Difference between survey n Inspection.
Portable fire extinguisher inspection duration ( that came from 2nd mate
Draw search patterns
Draw last ship sprinkler system
Inspection n audit n survey

Is inspection mandatory...

Difference in height of the fishing vessel hawling lights

Hawling lights n flag
One RV situation
One vessel on STBd now n one on port bow..action
Mlc structure
1. Which ships, introduce urself.
Also called one master candidate.

2. Loading of grain criteria, how to calculate without booklet.

3. 2 crossing situations in Singapore tss

4. What is cba,

5. Psc cums onboard, ur lifeboat had sum damage while berthing. Master ashore
your action as mate.
6.Can u sail with a damaged lifeboat.
7.What is give way n stand on in RV. vts mandatory
9. Show in solas where, is ship reporting mandatory.
10. Inspires n indsar.

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1. Survey, inspection, audit, Is an inspection mandatory or recommend, as per
which reg?
2. Grain loading, aor, properties of grain, stability criteria.
3. Iron ore loading (Indian regs regarding iron ore fines)
4. Black rose, Asian forest, emerald star case studies in full detail.
5. Which cargo in Imdg and imsbc both? Types of coal?
6. Imdg classes, explosives, recent incident regarding carriage of such cargo.
7. Sight calculation, y long by chron in the morning, best time to take morning

8. Draw on paper how will you teach a cadet how to take a sight. He wants to see

the mornings sight run till noon. And pls cutting.

9. Elements of Ism code
10.How many chapters in Imsbc code? Is Imsbc mandatory? To which all vsls is it
mandatory, as per which reg?
11. Some chemical tanker cargoes, precautions.
12. Own vsl CBD, mine clearance on stbd bow crossing. Action. As per which
13. Rv in tss English Channel with vsls all spread out fwd of the beam on both
14. Fishing vsl at anchor lights.
15. Trawler, trawler at anchor lights.
16. Mine clearance lights, y no ram lts, is mine clearance a ram vsl.
17. Aground vsl lights, less than 100m, more than 100m.
18. Vertical distance and sector between lights.
Asked me to Introduce myself
What to do if a country wants to make new TSS?
Told him that state should ask IMO and design the TSS as per guidelines and
design criteria given by IMO

Once IMO approves it will be mentioned in IMO ships Routeing guide

Are all TSS mandatory? - Yes Sir, even though TSS is not approved by IMO it still

may be mandatory under local rules

What is Vessel Engaged in Fishing? - Quoted him the Definition as per Rule 3
By This time He already wrote PPP in my file
What to do if country wants to make a special area for fishing? - Told him that
first proposal to parliament and then it should become a part of some act like
Some more questions regarding Random topics like Sanchi Collision case and Fire
on Tanker Near Kandla
Was Doing his Work Side by Side as well so took a bit long to complete.
How will u train cadet as star sight calculation
Which mtd is preferred.

What is diff bet survey and inspection.

Hazards associated in loading concentrates.

How will u load timber in bulk carrier.


Gm required for timber carrier, grain.

He asks only related to your type of ship.
How will u check moisture content onboard.
Which certificate required in bulk carrier related to cargo.
Fixed fire fighting in cargo hold.
Latest amendment of Sola's regarding LSA.
Anchor dragging action.
Loading of grain without hydrostatic particulars
Loading without DOA

What is the starting word in a safety message iron ore precautions


Form b (IOPP)

Contents of form b
Vessel in Port life boat damaged,
PSC officer on board: ship unseaworthy,
company pressurising to sail out ,
repairs will take time.

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1. Passage plan inputs

2. Diff between noon sight and noon position
3. How to take sights.

4. Form A and B

5. Bay plan.
6. Loading iron ore precautions.
7. Latest Solas amendment.
8. First certificate as per ISM when ship is built.
9. Loading grain without grain stability booklet.
Questions were randomly asked not as per function.
How to go about loading grain in general cargo and OBO carriers..( told him
about the stability requirements with or without DOA).. he wasn't happy, dont

know what he was expecting


Angle of repose for grain?

As a C/O, how would you plan drills?

What are statutory drills onboard?
IOPP form A and B
What does the IOPP contain?
As a C/O explain your cadet the importance of ISM?
PSC form A and Form B
Difference between survey and inspection
ROR situation lots of cross question ,wt survey u wil conduct aftr delivery ,wt is
Survey and inspection and as per which Solas regulation ,


Disabled ship

Audits and inspection difference.
Singapore strait in TSS both side vessel crossing wt is ur action lots of cross
question, ur vessel about to collided wt is ur action and master is not picking up
the phone.
GRB entries. CRB in brief. ORB in brief.
Difference btw ORB n CRB
Significance of P&I club .
How will u load Without Loadicator...asked me to define SF/ BM and gave me a

cargo plan to make, made him a Loading Plan 😂... he said i wat cargo calculation

n SFBM calculation...showed calculation...SF/BM explained as per Box ship
stability sums..
What is MBL and BHC ,BRC.
Then he asked how will u kw wen u join as mate if these settings is will
u come to kw...i said will check the marking done...He was angry n said go n find
Could not find answr, said tried to refer OCIFM but cud not find ans..
Grain Code Content..
Lashing, Strapping, Bundling..
Critical instant/moment/period..

Timber ship Visibility Criteria.


Content of ISM..
Difference between SMC & DOC..
Does company follow ISM..
Who does company ISM audit..
Which certificate does company get..
PSC inspection and why needed..

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What is Tilt and Drift in Gyro?
Where does the magnetic needle point?
Where does the Gyro Compass point?
Difference between Mag North True North and Gyro North.
Elements of ISM (He wants the 16 contents).

Quote Rule 19 Para E.

What do u mean take all way off and how will u do it?
What is the use of taking all way off?
Gave me an old Colregs book n asked me is this correct.. wht is missing from this
( Part F was missing).
Checks wrt to safety before tank entry
Why do we carry out Loadline surveys
What all items are checked during Loadline survey?
What is FSI? can Flag state detain ur ship(As per him yes they can).
- Master incapacitated(Meaning of incapacitated.) and sent ashore u vessel at
anchor in open anchorage with dense anchor traffic, anchored vessel ahead starts
dragging anchor ,behind also have vessel action
- tss dense traffic both steering motors fail action
- coriolis force and how it affects u
- action in trs

- aground vessel sound signal

- meaning of distinct stroke
- which vessel can show lantern with sidelights and sternlight
- why diff loadline zone
- how many types and areas
- can a country have diff zone at diff time
- then his standard qstn of max loadable calculation from india to rotterdam (
tropical to winter loadlind)
- vgm circular
- FML circular
Started with asking me my attempt and said external had recommended me to be
passed. Rv situations
Fishing vsl / sailing vsl situations. Situations where i was on FV and SV aswell
Asking me to moor the ship in a Mediterranean port.
Asked me to explain rule 19.
Asked me to explain rule 18.
Asked me what is lugless shackle.
How to open it. Steering failure in narrow channel answer

2cbd vessels and i am oow on 1 head on situations

Construction of wire rope MIXED
How to order wire rope
Explain sound signal of pilot vessel
What is pms / pms requirement
How to train cadet
How to make entries in orb
Told me he did psc today and asked me what were the defficiency codes he could
have possibly given to the vessel
There was another captain in the room ....he asked me what to do when vessel
runs aground.
The other captain said “ id make him a mate

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Capt. Sundaram was very busy and told me to wait out and you have done well
iwth 1,3, will get it. I was happy k hogaya and thought Capt.Sundaram will Not
ask anytging, cause morning he didnt asked anyone anythimg
But later he called me at 3.45pm and started with ror situation. He is a thorough
gentle man and helps to boost in confidenece.
1. Asked me to explain rule 19 d and e in my own words ane later he questioned
k if vsl on rIght aheAd In rv, what will you do, so wanted to hear k i will not alter
anything for vsl on my portside, and then ask for vsl abaft abeam like overtaking,
i told not to alter. He told good i want to see your understanding
2. Now you and other vsl in open visibilty, both cbd headon, what to do? I told
will reduce spd, told still it will exist, i told i will see if i can aLter a bit If searoom
available and avoid interaction, then asked cbd definition, which rule will apply? I
told 14, so can you adjust to stbd, no, then he Told what abt rule 2, i told yes sir
in immeduate danger to depart. He told think in it as mate level taje time
3. A Sailong vsl fishing With trolls, which lights? I told trawling lights and then he
told T R O L L, then i was confuseeed and Todd pursine gear and fishing light, he
was very upset k now you have drop to level where i need to ask definitikn on
fishing vsl, he told me to open ror book abd read. It was mentioned trooling lines
do not restrict manoverability. Then i told sir onlt sailing vsl light, he was happy
And Told simple one line answer you got confused and ToLd me all Diff lights
To ans cbd as it was circling my head, I told as per 2, Will ground better than


collision, he told aise toh har baar ground karoge, master ho tum, simple, taje all

way off and come to open sea room, ask for tugs, let that vsl clear and you pass
or let her clear you, he asked what is all way off, i told stw zero
4. Principle of gps
5. What is integral gyro, told as per Pawan
6. Est posn, dr posn and obs posn?
7. Sqre flag with ball down
8. Flag y
9. Flag nc
10. Critical period and moment(instant), he gave me a model and show where will
ve critical period and instant
11. Lugless joining shackle
12. Master not on ship, other vsl dragging anchor to you, fIrst step By you? I he
told which code says you are acting master? Then i told i will sveer my anchor
and give help to sheer away and by time will ask eng room to give me engines
13. Why loadkine survey? I told to check reserve buoyancy, He wanted to hear
watertight abd weatherright, i continued what checks we do
He was very busy with other stuff and was very liberal, no arrogance nothing,
finished at 6.30pm.
When he was signing i thought he will not give me fn 1, but he entered p and p
leaving 2, i requested sir please Ask me on fn 2, idk y i didnt got, He said i can't
override external and its unethical, you did well and are focussed, let me ask him,
he called and discussed with capt. Jb singh and later told no, you are first time
and i m sure you will get next time, don't worry. I was happy with His kindness
and consideration.
ISM code...explanation in little... Main point... It is for safety of personal and ship
and environment.
Loadlines very much in details... Designation of zones... Zone definition... Criteria
for deciding freeboard... Factors to consider... He was checking more of


SF and BM manual calculations... Any specific point regarding SF and BM to


observe... How to calculate when loadicator fails

After arrival... There is shortage of cargo by 2000 tonnes after draft survey...
What action? Baltic moor?
Grain code... Provision and requirements
Safecon survey... What to check
IOPP certificate details... Not much
Loadline survey. What to check? Little details... Main purpose of load line survey.
What is seaworthy... I defined unseaworthy as per MS Act.

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1) Principle of GPS ( Keyword TRILATERATION)
2) ECDIS use. (Keyword Antigrounding Tool)
3) Hand Lead Line ( Length of both lines used in shallow and deep sea) 20
Fathoms and 100 Fathoms respectively.
4) How do you find nature of bottom with Hand Lead Line. (Cavity at bottom of
the Hand Lead Line)
5) Black out at sea none of the electronic equipments working how to navigate
without electronic equipments. (Heading-Magnetic Compass, Position Fixing-
Sextant, Depth-Hand Lead Line)
6) You are grounded by bow and you are grounded laterally, in which case it will
be easier to come out with the help of ground tackle. (Bow)
7) What is citadel?
8) What all items/ equipments you will keep in citadel?
9)In an exercise in an ISPS audit infront of surveyor, 3 of the crew members were
found missing when the Piracy alarm was raised? They were not aware of the type
of alarm and location of citadel. Action?
10) Gave me model of two buoys Lateral Port Hand and Lateral Stbd had. Kept
model of ship. Told me you are coming out of port from Phillipines. Place the
buoy accordingly.
11) Your electronic navigation equipment’s were not were working, reference to
point (5), and now u are approaching a land, you can visually see land far away
and some fishing vessels nearby that land. What will you do? (Wants to hear that I
will prefer anchoring, as the depth will be suitable nearby that area. Will check
with Hand Lead Line, the depth, and anchor.)
12) Baltic Moor. Full procedure. At what distance you will drop the anchor from
the berth. (I told 70 to 100 feet from berth, as explained by Capt. Rajeev Jassal in
MySeaTime Blog). He was happy to hear 100 feet.
13) Difference between Dangerous, Hazardous & Harmful.


14) You see oil slick at berth near you ship side at jetty. Action?

15) 20 years old ship. You are loading cargo, and have already reached 50%
stages of cargo plan, but ballast is not going out. Action?
16) Vessel at berth, Master ashore, war declared, as a Mate what will you do?
(Key point: Vessel will leave berth and anchor in outer anchorage and will hoist
White Flag, rest all normal points, ISPS level 3, Takeover as 2nd in command,
Inform Company etc.)
17) Why different Loadline Zones are there?
18) Vessel touched bottom during loading, now if u do draft survey will you get
less value or more value of Displacement? (Less)
19) Principle of Gyro Compass.
20) As in Ques (16) will you leave the berth without securing and move to
anchorage? I said No. I will batten down the hatches and secure everything. Then
Capt. Sundaram said by that time one missile will hit your vessel 👀, So leave the
berth first asap nd then u can do the securing for wx. I said ok Sir 😬.
21) Course 270°, West Cardinal mark ahead. (Wants to hear that you will go on
reciprocal course) ( I said I will reduce speed & take all way off, will make no
headway further, and then reverse course, coz I am in danger water), Critical
Situation, Call Master, Check charts for missed correction.
22) Course 090°, West Cardinal buoy ahead. Action?
23) If your all the electronic navigational equipment’s are failed are you NUC. I
said Yes. Capt. Sundaram said no. Then he asked me the definition of NUC. Told
him the same. Then he said you can still manoeuvre with Sextant, Magnetic
Compass so you are not NUC.
24) How will you communicate in such situation to the shore as in (23) as VHF are
not working. (With signalling flags).
25) Ocean currents near Australia.
26) Direction of currents in NE and late NE monsoon in Arabian Sea and Bay of
27) Gave me paper and told me to show, whether I will go along the coast or
away from the coast, on the west and east coast of India.

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Fishing vsl lights( got me confused with 50mtr more in length)
Towing vsl lights when at 3 point at your stbd bow aground vsl lights
NUC lights when at 3 point on stbd bow
Crossing situation with towing vessel
Necessity of rule 39 to 41 have u heard about mandatory audit system
Weather associated with cold front
In TRS what is track what is path
How will you know which side u r in (dangerous or navigable)
SW monsoon is dependent on which weather phenomenon
ROR is having how many parts
Doppler log and electromagnetic log how do they work

Which speed is actual speed SOG or STCW


When will we get SOG
Onboard fire of dangerous goods how will you go about it
What is bi party and tri party agreement
ISPS Code what docs onboard
Can you prepare an SSP (wants to hear citadel criteria)
Docs onboard as per ISM (wants to hear about sms manual)
What all things are there in SMS manual
STCW 2010 manila amendment
In dry-dock why small trim (wants to hear to minimize virtual loss of GM)
Transverse thrust effect
You are alongside with strong northerly current
You have to unmoor and go on southerly course
How will u go about without tugs and without bow thruster?
Tell me about yourself? Who is heading (company) India office?
How many ships? Type of ships?
Where do you stay and from where you did Phase1 and 2?
ROR part F why it is required? Fwd masthead light positioning.
Situation trawler only lights. Polar water navigation.
Why magnetic compass fails in North Pole? Explain ESP.
Condition of class. Running moor using ship model.
Draft survey complete on paper. Stale billing of lading.
Bill of lading details. Document of credit?
Container csc plate. IMDG cargo segregation.
Imdg supplement contents. Segregation for class 1 ( on paper).

Why initial draft survey required? What is constant?


Stealer plate? Dry docking details. Shell expansion plan.

Marpol annex 6 details. Smc/ doc/ sms/ content of sms.
BWMS convention details. Calculating tidal stream. What is tidal stream?
Autopilot fail action and change over to emergency steering
Function 1 i made few mistakes. 2 and 3 went well. Initial file went to Capt
Darokar ,then Capt Daniel finally my file went to Capt. Meena
Internal: what went wrong in function -1?
As per SOLAS/StCW - gangway, winches, pilot ladder maintenance?( does not want
to hear what we do onbd). Why so many accidents?
Sour crude? Full form of STcw code and stcw convention.
Duties as per stcw related to function 3. Documents for loading
Sigtto contents. Loading plan. Tanker cargo calculation. Fundamentals of MLC.
Latest amendment to MLC. Couple of cross question if I remember will post.

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NUC vessel lights. Action in crossing situation.
Towing vessel lights. Precaution for loading concentrate.
IG content. Deck seal. PV valves and PV breaker difference.
IG production. MLC documents on board. Certificate as per ISM code.
ISM manuals on board. Who issues BL? What is BL? COL.
SW monsoon. Construction of wire rope. IMDG code application. Care of cargo in

Stiff and tender vessel. How will u load bulk carrier?


Deck seal type. Use of deck seal. How you will teach 2nd mate for passage plan?
4 stages of collision. How you will determine collision is evident?
Publication number. What actions will you take if hose burst at time of topping
How you will test the crane?
Proof load. ISGOTT content.
Markings on crane. BM5.
Drills are to be done on ship routine.
Emcy strng gear drill. Statutory certificate on board.
Dry dock preparation before 6 months.
1. ESP
Criteria for carrying out that, y it is required? U need to av understand of same.
He asked me what they do in ESP survey. When i told him close up inspection
and thickness measurement .What is the criteria for doing close up inspection
and thickness measurement. I gave ans and given in Randhawa notes he was
2. Construction of wire rope.
Give e.g. What is 6x 12 means, y S and Z ? He explained it to me about 6x12.
3. Running wire, topping wire, wat is preventer wire?

Have u heard of derrick , I told him I told him small, jumbo and stulken derrick


with its swl, rest if dnt know abt it.

3. Have u done draft survey onboard anytime . I said yes
Explain me in detail: many y in between like y initial draft survey, wat corrections,
y we do corrections? He was satisfied.
1. He told polar water danger to navigation
He just want to hear about gyro and magnetic. What happens to them. Y it
happen like dat?
2. 2 white light in horizontal. 2 ans towing and partly submerged inconspicuous
3. How many rules and name all annnex.
4. Vessel towing alongside on your port bow. What action and why?
5. STCW amendment?
1) What is defination of piracy , armed robbary and terrrorist attack as per admin
and give 25 mark answer
2) What is defination of oil tanker as per solas
3) What is the chapter 12 of solas and what is amendments for structure of BC?

4) When is dmlc part 2 ratified ( not MLC whic is ratified in 2013 and 2016)

5) What is notice issued by govt of india to coast guard for security of ship

6) What is diff btwn mlc and stcw work and rest hour
7) What is the notice which states about keeping a bridge watch for 4 hour and
cargo watch for 6 hour
8) What is requriment for oil tanker vessel to have a double hull tank?
9) What is last date for the vessl to b convertd to double hul tanker

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He started with what kinds of ships i have done and i told him sir bulk carrier and
mostly car carrier
so the first question was from Gas Carrier

2) What do you mean by control?? No bookish and piratical knowledge reqd.


3) What do you mean by module of ISPS and when was it implemented?

4) Situation in RV
Radar nonoperational, You hear a fog signal of a vessel on port bow, stbd bow,
stbd beam, stbd qtr, and port qtr.Take Action.
Answer- He just want to listen Call Master,

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1.Plan a passage from UK to US in month of December, what factors will you take into
I explained him regarding normal procedure of passage planning adding marking of ECA
areas, load line zones and other special areas. Precautions against cold weather and ice etc.
What is ice accumulation? Have u ever seen ice accumulation? How much ice can accumulate
overnight? I replied I have never seen ice accumulation and no idea about quantity. Then he
explained, about 400 tons of ice can generate overnight effecting stability of the ship
tremendously, ceasing the access to the forecastele which is again a dangerous situation.
2. Make a risk assessment on use of ECDIS:
I prepared it normal way but he was not satisfied sating some columns are missing in this, I
could not understand his reasoning.
3. You have a vessel 4 points on a port bow, clear day, good visibility, you have a trainee
cadet on bridge with you who will keep an independent watch when he is officer, how will you
train him regarding this situation?
Train that cadet how to report a target like 4 points on port bow, 2 points abaft the beam etc.
take visual bearing and keep monitoring, if bearing remains constant and vessel is
approaching than risk of collision exist as per rule 8. Determine the situation such as head
on, crossing or overtaking.
He asked how will you do that?
By determining the aspect.
What is aspect?
I gave him a proper definition of aspect.
After that?
In this particular situation if aspect is more than 112.5 than we r overtaking and if less than
it‟s a crossing situation. He stopped me here.
4. You are in northern hemisphere, moving at 15 knot, wind veering, pressure drop 4mb,
your action.
I replied with the action to be taken when TRS is encountered and also told him since I am not
stationary, I have to stop the ship to ascertain the wind pattern. He was surprised to hear a
word „stopping‟ from me and asked me can you stop the ship in such heavy weather? I replied
no I want.
Than what will you do? I was really stuck here and didn‟t know what to say. He told me you
are very close to the answer but you don‟t know that term, there is a specific term for this.
finally he only told me that its „heave to‟ which later on stricked me and that was the end.


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1. How will u load Grain cargo on general cargo vessel? Ans. obviously that vessel will not
have DOA so tell loading grain criteria for vessels without DOA.
2. What r the stability requirements for grain vessels.
3. What is static accumulator oil and how will u load it (Ans. Tell that u will add anti static
accumulator device to raise the electrical conductivity to more than 100 Pico Siemens).
4. How will u plan to load crude oil including full cargo calculations?
5. What is the requirement for the number of crude oil tanks to b washed?
6. What is MARV? (Ans: Maximum Allowable relief Valve Setting).
7. How will u load heavy lift on the hatch cover of a container ship? If u mention about CSS
code then what r the contents of CSS code and cargo securing manual.

1. Passage planning from Mumbai to Kuwait in very detail? (Mention all details including
checking of the Lat Long of intended ports first)
2. Now you have found that few charts & few Publications for the intended voyage are not
onboard? (Indent for it)
3. How will you indent for your charts? (Do mention the procedure to get the latest edition
date, cumulative notice & weekly notices)
4. How will you indent for your publications? (Do mention the three monthly publication in
force list published in NTMs)
5. When will you indent for these? (As soon as i get the info for next ports)
6. How will you go about marking the restricted areas in relation to available depth & width of
navigable waters for your vessel in the passage? (My answer was as per my company policy
i.e, 10% - Port limits & berth, 15% - Fairways outside ports, 20% - Ocean Passages)

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7. Now your passage plan is ready. What Next? (My ans - I will present it to master for
approval & amendments if any)
8. Ok Master had made some amendments. What next? (My ans - Call for a Bridge team
9. Why will you call a bridge team meeting before departure? Is it necessary? (I told him that it
was there as per my company policy)
10. Now assume you are Chief mate and second officer has called you for bridge team
meeting. What all things you are going to check in Bridge team Meeting? (My ans – As a Chief
Officer I will ask the second mate to show me all the loadlines zones which we will be
crossing, suitable areas where i can carry out ballast water exchange, Special areas for Oil &
Garbage, High traffic density areas where i need to assign extra crew for lookout duties)
11. As a mate what can be done from your side for a safe & proper lookout? (My ans – To
assign extra crew for lookout)
12. What if you feel that there is not sufficient crew onboard, how can u confirm that? (My ans
– Safe Manning Cert.)
13. Ok the no. Of crew is Ok as per Safe manning certificate but still you feel that everybody
is overloaded with work. (Since the safety of the vessel & safety of navigation is getting
hampered, with consultation with master to request the company to provide additional
14. Sight Calculation. Last position known to you is previous day 1200 hrs.
15. TRS from which all places you will get the information? (Do not forget to mention the
ASDs, the last TRSs & also path traced by them)
16. How will you find that a TRS is forming? (Blah blah as per Subhra Book)
17. Why the height of the swell is mountaineous outside TRS? (Blah blah as per Subhra Book)
18. Synoptic Chart? (Blah Blah as per Nitin Mahajan Notes)
19. Have u done it? (My ans - No)
20. Then why r u saying it? (My ans – Sir because u asked it and i have read it in the book)
21. Flags A,B,G,I,O,N,Z,1st Substitute

1.What will u do in order to develop a healthy working atmosphere on ship as a mate( safety,
welfare, positive att., skill and knowledge of job ………)
2.Actions as mate if a crew member comes to u with a complaint(be patient, calm him down,
investigate the cause..take action accrdngly….if out of cntrl infrm master)
3.CBA & AOA( biparty-triparty agremnet)
4.Ship handling during anchoring and berthing( use of wind, current/tide)


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1. What is the power of bulbs used for Navigation purpose?

2. Does ROR applies 2 WARSHIPS?? xplain both yes n no n as per which rules n in what
respect. Ans =
complies as per Rule1(a) n Rule 2 at all times xpect in war times.
cannot comply fully positioning of lights n shapes due to a diff kind of constn see Rule1(c).
3. SW monsoon winds Storm Signals. Ans = not known.
4. Principles of wheelhouse. Ans=he xpects STCW(rest hrs n fitness for duty).
5. Steerin gear failure in a TSS. Actions. Ans=discuss n c Subra's book on watchkeeping.
storm signals
- ship routeing imo publication
- solas ch. 5
- taking over watch- cargo,nav nd heavy weather
- when vl u cal master(if he asks u this question tat means u hav passed)

 What ships u have done?
o A:Containers
 how will u load liquified gas?
o A : i said as per igc code. All necessary precautions. He was not happy. Then i said
gas is liquefied by cooling it below boiling point, and then carried in fully
refrigerated or partly refrigerated.
 Q: trs avoiding action
 Q difference between trs amd tld?
 Q : why is ahead quadrant in rhsc dangerous in n hemisphere ??
 Q : containers carried as per what code ?
o A: Css
 Q : ram on port side action?
 Q : if u r ram will u give 5 short blasts is other vessel is not altering ?
o A : yes but range is only 2 miles so other vessel may not hear it. He told me never
say only 2 miles u can hear for more than 5 miles also
 Q: why to have tide by head while berthing?
 Q: gyro principle ? Errors? Corrections ? Precision of gyro scope?? Too many questions on
 Q fronts ?? Symbols ? Occlusion ?? Tld again?
 Q: eta arrangements on tankers ? Which circular ? A : i said i dont know circular number
but i know content!!
 After i gave him answer for eta he told me its msc 33.

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1. U are in north atlantic ocean, how do u come to know that where r u wrt a TRS?.
2. How wil to determine u are in the dangerous quadrant?
3. Ok, now u r in the dangerous quadrant, how will u keep clear of the trs?
(here he was not satisfied with my answer, i told him everything that is there in subra, but
still he wanted something else, he tried giving he some hints but i culdnt understand,
he said he wanted a practical answer --- i didnt know what practical answer shud i give, then
he asked, since u r telling me that u will face the true wind on ur stbd bow and proceed and
keep altering as the wind veers where will the storm lie - i said on the stbd quarter( i was not
sure in my mind) how will u clear the storm if u keep on altering explain...i gave all
subras fundas...jairam unsatified, said u guys shud not just tell things written in some books,
i want practical answer ...---- i was lost ....i gave up.)
4. Ur vessel in aground in south china sea, in ur watch i.e c/o watch, actions ?
(after giving all the aground fundas, i finally told him , i'll try to refloat the vessel, and i'll try
to ascertain the nature of the seabed....ok, sea bed is rocky, i said i'll chk if there is ny change
in ny soundings of ny tanks, he said ur fpk tank and ur no.1 db port and no.1 db stbd are
open to sea, what will u do.....second time lost)
5. he asked me 3 ROR cards 1. fv seen from astern with gear extending more than 150 mts.,
2.cbd more that 50 mts seen end on, 3.lateral port hand buoy region B
4. What is region A , B ?

What do u knw abt BTM
(all gen. things abt organization, effective navigation, coordination, communication, avoid
accidents out at sea etc.)
U r on bridge ur vessel is approaching pilot stn. 3rd off goes 2 pick up pilot without walkie
talkie , n ur 3rd off riggs d pilot ladder witout man ropes due 2 which pilot falls in2 d water,
ur actions in this
( I said as I vl b on manoeuvring speed will stop engines, inform master ….blah blah I said I vl
take action as I vl keep monitoring frm w/h as 3rd off has no means 2 inform me)
What do u call this incident ( I said failure of bridge team management)
How cud u avoid ( I said proper communication, certified off 2 receive, manropes checked,
lifebuoy 2 b kept stand by…….blah blah)
Whats master responsibility in this (I said tat its his responsibility to ensure tat pilot embarks
n disembarks safely, organize things as he remains d overall incharge…inform company if
things get out of hand………….blah blah)
Wht is d 1st n basic principle of navigation thru ice( I spoke abt voyage planning n even that if

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i hav a route whr conditions r warmer n if I can avoid navigating thru ice I vl avoid
it………..was satisfied)
Wht r meteorological conditions n how do they affect u as a navigator (I said temp, weather,
current….etc and d affecting part I spoke little round d bush n then spoke abt d visibility….he
was waitin 2 hear visibility ………..he was satisfied n told me 2 b specific he said if I want u 2
elaborate will let u know)
Ur r a loaded vlcc in a tss u c a tug right ahead in ur lane ur actions( I said 1st will ascertain
my posn. ten inform master, inform pc, five short n rapid blast n five short n rapid flashes if
at night he said n wht more no flags……….i said X first ten D he wanted 2 hear D I guess)
What is weather routeing(I said ant currents , tides , iceberg limits, pressure etc…..n will help
in navigation n stuff ………..was satisfied)
Wht is effective navigation ( I quoted rule 5, he asked me y effective I went elaborating d rule
again goin round n round…….he changed d question)
As a chief mate how will u assist a casualty ( I spoke abt immediate first aid, stretcher
hospital 2 b ready inform master maintain co-ordination, I told him abt d near miss part,
safety meetin discussion n finally told him I will assist d master in implementing proper n
effective safety standards onboard to avoid such accidents in future…..was satisfied)
Wht is occupational hazard( gen…..)
Tell me everytin abt rule no. 30 ( I quoted d rule for him)
Tell me everytin abt rule no. 21 ( I quoted d rule again)
Fog signals for towin vessel, towed vessel, vessel aground ( pls mention if towed vessel not
manned not obliged 2 do so)
Wht is restricted waters( gen. I spoke abt d depth n insufficient sea room 2 navigate n
If d diff bet true north n true south is 180 deg wht is d diff bet magnetic north n mag. South (
I said it will vary n it will not b 180 deg. As it will depend on variation…..n diff bet TN N MN is
variation… was satisfied)
What r d means for position fixing at sea( he said jus 3………… ten stuck me celestial,
electronic n terrestrial ………..was happy)
Wht is ship routeing( general)
What is tss( I started quotin d rule …….he stopped me half way) n asked can u violate tss (I
said no I cannot violate tss he said ten who can violate I quoted rule 10 para k and l n said
they can violate ten he told me u r on tat RAM vessel mentioned in d last 2 para so can u
violate ten I confidently said yes I can violate………….was satisfied)
Ten he started wit his pet questions wht I was waitin for as I knew sum of tem
Wht is d diff bet. Normal bulb n navigational bulb( normal bulb -1 filament, nav bulb- 2
filaments …he wanted more…..apart frm wht I told him…. he told me normal bulb r screw
type n pin type n nav bulbs r even plate type………m not aware…...)

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Wht is d outer portion of d sidelight called d casing part ( dioptic lens…….was satisfied)
Wht is lee tide n how does it help u ( lee tide- wind n direction of current same, I said it helps
in passage planning current n wind favours u like plan accordingly, n even during
Spring tide n neap tide( spring- sun n moon in conjunct………….neap sun n moon in
Wht is gyro technically known as ( -sensitive element-…………guys tis question was not
asked 2 me but it is one of his pet questions)
Asked me wht is new colregs divided in2 ( how many parts n annexes)
Wht is annex 1 of colregs
How will u test a sart n epirb ( I will follow instructions given on it…….satisfied)
How vl u carry out emergency steering drill( I started elaboratin……he said talk like a
mate…………I said instructions r given in steering flat n wheel house vl follow tem ….was
How will u as a mate assist master in decision makin…….(general…)
Wht is synoptic chart n how vl does it help u( general I spoke abt it givin me a d behavior of
weather at tat time n accordingly vl help in makin prognosis from d present condition….n
help me 2 take appropriate n effective actions)
Whr does trs originate , wht is d general movement, why does it recurve , n whr in NH n E
longitude does it occur( originate I said 5- 25 deg, gen movement WNW in NH, y does it
recurve I did not know I said I was tryin 2 find out but I cud‟nt ten he xplained 2 me tat it
recurves bcoz low pressure area goes n strikes d high pressure area n tis high pressure area
acts like a wall n due 2 which it strikes it n gets deflected,… NH it occurs in bay of Bengal
near Andaman n even in south china sea……was satisfied………..)
Avoiding action dangerous quadrant NH( met book)
Wht is d defn of beaching,stranding, grounding, sinking n foundering……….(sinking-vessels
looses its buoyancy completely, foundering- ingress of water n followed by sinking, vessel
unable 2 cope up wit ingress, grounding – wen vessel takes d ground, stranding- wen vessel
does not hav tendency to refloat……m not sure………I did not knw sinkin defn……..n gave
him some crap……ten he told me d defns.)
Vessel has a collision take action as a mate (general)
Wht r d latest amendments 2 colregs n solas n wen did they come into force (I told him abt
colregs – annex 4 dist. Signals, n abt solas ( ETA,LRIT, VDR wit regulation no. n chapter no.
was satisfied)


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10) QUOTE RULE- 5 ( WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY “all other available means”
12) what was my vsl last sea speed , so now u r in Malacca straits , suddenly heavy rain
restricted visibility , action , what is your safe speed now & at what speed u will proceed now
,, he actually wants da speed u will be doing
13) characteristics & limitations of radar , what does it mean?
14) QUOTE RULE- 19
Sorting out the differences between tides and currents
It takes a sailor to know the difference between currents, tides, and tidal streams, although
the rules are simple. A current is a steady, permanent, horizontal movement of water, like a
broad river running through the open ocean. A tidal stream also is a horizontal movement of
water, but its speed and direction vary frequently and regularly according to the state of the
tide. A tide is a vertical movement of water. You can‟t pile up water vertically, of course, so
when the tide rises, the water has to slip off sideways. This movement is called a tidal stream
and, like a current, is described by its set and drift (course and speed).The average strength
of a 6-hour tidal stream is two thirds of its maximum flow. The total drift in nautical miles in
that time is two thirds of the maximum rate in knots, multiplied by 6.In most locations, the
ebb (outgoing) tide is stronger than the flood (incoming) tide, and lasts longer. At or near the
coast, the ebb and flood don‟t flow toward and away from the shore, but rather run parallel

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with it. A tidal stream is usually stronger within 2 or 3 miles of the coast than it is farther out.
See also Ocean Currents; Slack and Stand; Tides.

1. Overtaking situation. Im the vessel over taking her from stbd side, what action…..then I
overtake and alter my course to port and situation seems to be crossing whose responsibility
( I said still my responsibility cos any chnge in brg wil nt relieve me of my duty of keeping
clear til it is finaly past…happy)
2. Southern hemisphere U r near a Trs .Action … ( tel every thing from determining the
bearing til taking wind on port bow or quarters depending on the semi circle)
3. Errors of GPS
4.Which is accurate GPS or DGPS and how will it be indicated if it is a DGPS ( markings are not
there) …
5.In Ecdis how will you put T n P notices…Does T n P corrections come in C.D. for
correcting…( In Ecdis manualy data can be added and erased when required…this is used for
T n P correction s and T n P corrections wil not come thorugh c.d. as normal ECDIS correction
6. what is BTM and BRM
7.U r leaving a port and u have a small UKC… will the ship squat ..( yes) then what are the
factors on which squat depends ( I told on speed ) and then he asked anything else any co
efficient( I recalled block co efficient ) does the ship always squat by stern ( said no) then how
is it related to coefficient and if block co efficient more then squat by head and if less then
squat by stern
8. mooring operations , what precautions will u take ( said all abt normal mooring practices
and snap back zone)
9. In what conditions tug rope will part and what precautions will u tke to tke cre of the crew.
( said if rope is bad or tug pulls it more then the strength required or chafing of rope and to
prevent wil keep crew out of that area when tug id pulling)
10. Anchor is dragging , action
11. If the pressure is dropping and u don‟t see anything on the wx fax, what are your
obligations ( said him open bridge door and tap the barometer and then may be trs is
developing or a tropical depression then inform other vessels and coastal authority as per
solas ch V met services reg. ) then he asked answer me as a mate .. I replied I will first have to
inform the master …that was what was required )
12.when are you allowed to enter a traffic seperation zone.


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1. terminology of TRS( wanted all the defination and its meaning including angle of indraft n
vertex n all)
2. Recite Rule no.1 exactly word to word and Rule no.7
3. Fishing vessel defination word to word ( also asked me what fishing gears are there and
which annex it is given jst to confuse its all in Rule 3 only)
4. procedures to take moonsight ..( dont miss to say augmentation of S.D. and HP which i
5. Procedures to calculate Ex Mer sight by Noories table ( i told him the formulae bt he
wanted frm Noories table)
6. 5/6 ROR Cards ( his fav is Red White Green light in a vertical line ,,,,,i answered him
seaplane ....and i gt a plus point ther bt of no use)
7. then red and green combined side light in fwd and two white lights above it ( i answered
vessel less than 12m and towing sme object ....he dint say nethin)
8. Ror cards for isolated danger mark, North cardinal buoy and Preffered channel to stbd in
region B. also what is the purpose of North cardinal buoy ( i said for markin the north side of
a shallow patch ...or it shows the direction according to compass...he was nt satisfied,,,n he
said it was started initialy fr markin wrecks.)
9. characterstics of VQ and Q flashing lights....( i cudnt answer ...he wants the no of flashes
per minute )
10. Sailing vessel situations....( both were sailing vessel and who is supposed to take action(
ask fr which side the wind is )
11. then Annex 3 Requirement for bell..( he told me to draw a bell jst a normal dia i drew a
manual bell he wanted an electric bell...minus one there)
12. gave one Narrow Channel situation
13. Fog signal for vessel aground.... ( exact sequence how the signal will be heard)
14. Approaching Restricted visibility ...preparation as a duty officer
15. In cards Fishing vessel with hauling nets shooting nets and nets fast upon an obstruction
( will show hauling nets underway and then ask what if the instead of white over red there are
two red lights one above other i told its nets fast upon and obstruction then he asked nethin
else needs to be dne i said no then he said if nets are fast upon an obstruction then hw can a
vessel be underway so side lights and mast head lights are not required)

1. Use of flinders bar and spheres
2. Schuler tuning
3. Started with cards.
a. W - R light in a horizontal line
b. R - W - G in a horizontal line

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(Seaplane. I did not know)

c. Asked a few more cards.
4. Situations
Which v/l will take action and by which rule.
I said CBD will not impede the passage of NUC and RAMas per rule 18.
Now, which v/l will keep clear and as per which rule?
I said rule 2 but he wanted to hear crossing situation and said that rule 2 is the last resort
and he wanted a more immediate rule
b. Two sailing, which v/l will take action. i forgot to ask him the wind direction, By now i was
sure that function 1 was out of my hands
5.After this he went into Annex 1 COLREGs

Func 1
1. what is voyage planning?
started telling him about appraisal and referring publications. using asd and ocean passages
to select the best route.
here he stopped me and said suppose if you have plotted a great circle and capt says to use a
rhumb line. i said i would put rhumb line. he asked why do you think capt asked you to do
that. explained to him about GC taking to high lat where weather can cause concerns.
2. How would you determine safe speed ?
i started explaining in my own words. He said if you can quote then do that because you are
bound to make some mistakes when using your own words. i said ok sir, and started quoting
in the middle he would ask me to stop and explain the points.
In the radar section he asked me about limitations of radar.
3. Gave situations with the ship models (we were sitting in capt saggi's office) ?
Expected to hear what rule is applicable quote the rule and action to be taken.
Pretty standard situations.
4. How would you navigate in and around a TSS? What precautions will you take in those
told him about the converging and diverging traffic, reporting as may be required by the port
control etc.
5. TRS- pretty much everything about them formation, action, detection etc.
in which areas does it usually form, i said between 5° - 23 °. he said it is 25°.
then he asked where in bay of bengal do they form. i had no clue. i said in the northern part
of bay of bengal. he looked at me funny then i said little more to the south. he said a lot

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more to the south near andaman. then he explained that place has the perfect conditions for
formation of trs.
5a. difference between currents and tides how and why do they occur?
standard answer
6. Difference between beaching and grounding ?
told him beaching is intentional and done to save the vessel in dire situations. grounding is
As a mate your master tells we will be beaching what action will you take?
i started by saying that we would scout for appropriate beaching ground, he said that is
master's job you tell me what YOU will do practically. I said to minimize pollution and stuff i
would try to transfer if possible any cargo and fuel to safe tanks. he said is that ever possible.
i said usually not possible. he told me to give a straight practical answer. i said ring alarm ,
muster crew, close water tight doors, ready boats, prepare fire fighting and sounding
equipment. He was satisfied.
7. what all is there in damage stability booklet?
I dont know why but somehow i thought this was in func 3 and i had left it completely.
I was struggling. then he asked me which ships i have done. i said gas carriers. then he said
suppose there is damage to the ship, how will you use the booklet. i told him i will find out
which spaces which have been affected, get their volume and permeability calculate the
ingress of water, and get potential loss in GM, trim, list, stresses etc. He seemed satisfied.
8. Ocean currents? reason they occur.
standard answer

1) how wil u take weather precautions on a voyage
2) details on polar code
3) weather criteria for ships
4) with what instrument on board will chief officer monitor effect of weather on the vessel (
loadicator )
5) how loadicator can be used to monitor stress due to bad weather
answer given by him :- loadicator sea condition is given for beufort scale 4. so increase teh
scale in teh loadicator and then check teh stresses if they are acceptable at higher beufort
6) difference between current and tides
7) what drift ( not satisfied by my answer )
he explained by drawing on paper . he explained that there is cyclic roation of the water
which sets in the water speed
8) what is upwelling ( not satisfied by my answer)

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he explained by drawing on a paper how upwelling occurs. for me this concept was new and
it did not match at all with subra book
9) gps fails on board . how wil u come to know on ecdis ( alarm )
10) ecdis fails. what wil u do ? ( not satisfied by my answer )
Answer as per him - change to paper charts , compare the scale of the ecdis chart and paper
chart, plot the dr on the chart, plot own course from dr , check for how long it is safe to
continue on that course
11) how does a trs form ?
12) in bay of bengal , where would a trs develop ? ( andaman nicobar )
13) why wil it develop there ?
14) what are convection currents in formation of clouds ?
15) what is a ship roueting system ?
he kept about 5 models of ships in front of my model and told me to assess the situation and
answer for all the vessels giving the situation with all vessels, type of action i would take ,
due to which rule, and then to quote the rule whatever i used in the situation.
I told him i wont be able to quote the rule but wud be able to say the full rule in the
understood way.
he said that that is not acceptable by me. u have to quote the rule. i said i wil try sir.
16) situations involved -
a) crossing from port bow - rv and normal
b) fishing vessel on port bow
c) headon situation
d) sailing vessel overtaking
e) crossing from stbd bow with sailing vessel on stbd bow overtaking us
17) rules quoated - 6,13,14,15,19 ( best i could )
18) master informed u that vessel is to be beached, action as chief officer ?
19) how to calculate the stability of the vessel in this situation? ( i didnt knew ) - he was
frustrated by me at this point of time
20) how would u calcute value of p when drydocking? ( i told i dont know the formula to find
out p at this point of time )
21) how does the stabilty of teh vessel is effected when drydocking of the vessel? ( i told
about virtual loss of gm as weight of p is discharged virtually when vessel drydocks )
22) what is difference between bilging and damaged vessel above waterline ( i told bilged
vessel wil create a loss of buoyancy and water plane area will be affected and that wont
happen in damage vessel above waterline) - he was not satisfied
his answer :- bilging can cause flow of water in both directions in and out while the other can

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cause only ingress

23) princlipal of gyro compass
24) explain precission and explain how does the movement happen when torque is applied (
he gave me a pencil and tole me to explain )
25) how wil u make a gyro north seeking ? ( explained precission in tilt and azimuth and top
heavy bottom heavy etc )
26) principal of magentic compass ? ( tried to explain but could not satisfy him )
27) can magnetic compass used in higher latitude?
28) reason for not being used? ( i tried to answer as per nitin mahajan - he got wild at me
and told me to stop my nonsense )
29) why are currents on wester sides are stronger than easter sides? ( western intensification
and coriolis force . i followed by saying that i am not too sure on how that helps making the
currents stronger! he replied U ARE NOT SURE ABOUT ANYTHING TILL NOW!!
30) precautions for ice navigation?
31) what happens when u use de-icing compound ? ( it prevents ice accretion on decks )
32) how will u determine your position in open seas
33) in which rule does it say " scanty info shuld not be used "
34) different types of ship reporting systems in the world?
35) reports to be sent to them?

1) U are on a container ship, thersa container ship comind down right ahead, thers another
vsl on or port bow around 3 pts and thers a fairway buoy on ur stbd Bow around 4 pts. The
fairway buoy is at around 4 miles . good visibility and risk of collision exists. The tcpa of both
the vsls is the same . Action
My Rply: 1 short blast and alter course to stbd.
2) Identify the Fairway buoy
My rply: told him the shape , colour, and light of the fairway buoy(Safe water mark buoy).
3) U are on a container ship ,there‟s a vsl 3 pts on ur port bow and another vsl on ur stbd qtr.
Thers risk of collision , the radar is operational and RV.action
My reply: Reduce speed to the minimum at which I can be kept on my course and if necessary
take all way off.
4) You are transiting through a TSS and thers a vsl ahed of u , whom u r overtaking and RV
My rply: Alter course to port and over take him frm the port side .He asked me as per which
rule …I said rule 19
5) u r on a big tanker ship transiting through Singapore straits. One fathom Buoy is around 3
pts on ur port bow and ur engines failedk, thers another vsl behind u in the tss.action
rply: display the NUC signal, inform master ,inform the Singapore VTS and prepare for

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emergency anchorage.
6) Master is not yet come on the Bridge
Rply: call him up again
7) master Still not coming
Rply: Ring the emergency alarm
8) Still not comin
Rply: Send a crew member to his cabin. In the mean time ask another officer (2nd officer ) to
go Fwd stns for the anchorage.
9) the Crew member reports to u that master has slipped, banged his head and is
unconscious(Master is incapacitated)
rply: Call up the chief cook and the stwd .as they are the members of the medical party and
so are familiar with the location of the first aid kit and procedures and equipment. First
anchor the ship and then attend to the Master.
10) now u have to prepare for evacuation of the master frm the ship.what options of
evacuations do u have
rply: helicopter evacuation , one method where the helicopter lands on the ship and the the
other method is the winching method.
11) This particular tanker ship of urs does not have enough landing space for the vsl
Rply: prepare for winching , whinching area the bridge wing area as the tanker bridge wings
have a considerable open area. Told him about helicopter operations
12) after u anchored the ship u suddenly find that the ship has developed a 3 degree port list.
rply: Call another officer on the bridge and hand over the watch to him while I go down and
investigate the cause of the list . sound the tanks
13) u r grounded at 4 db port side and now have to prepare for emergency towage
14) make the fog signal for a vsl aground ( he wants u to make it with ur mouth)
rply: I asked him the length of the vsl (130m).
15) what emergency towing arrangements does a tanker have fwd and aft
16) how will u pass the towing line to the tug coming to u frm the stbd side and u also have a
wind of force 5 blowing frm the stbd qtr
rply: told him that ill use the LTA and attach a messenger line to the line of the LTA
17) how will u fire the LTA
for ur understanding, if u have to pass the line of a LTA in the North direction and if u have
the wind blowing frm the west , then u fire the LTA in a dirction of around 045 so that the
wind catches the line and the line will curve and the propellent of the LTA will to the north.
18)how will u make use of the small diamonds on the chart.
The tidal range and the tidal stream diamonds. Thers a table on the chart giving the tidal
range and stream.
19)u have received weather warnings of heavy weather , what precautions with respect to

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cargo will u take

18) how will u assist the master with ice navigation, u r already in a pack of ice
19) wat happens to a gyro in high latitude

No cards, No quoting, No Magnetic boards. Capt. Khatri's cabin has models. So straight
forward models for situations. I was confident with ROR though.
1. 4 vessels ahead, 1 on STBD bow abaft the beam crossing, 1 overtaking from fine quarter
vessel entering port. I said reduce speed, assess situation and tackle each target as per least
2. Rest. Visib. operational RADAR- 1 on STBD quarter and 1 on Port Bow. I said reduce speed
and let both vessels pass as per rule 19.
3. Red buoy 2+1 flashing in Japan- Which buoy. Preferred channel to PORT. Topmark- I said
Triangle, He said cone.
4. Then asked about fairway buoy characteristics. Told him for Special mark.
5. Vessel in Singapore Straits, one vessel o'taking not taking action. Action- 5 short blasts.
Narrow Channels rule.
6. Now you are NUC, OFB Buoy on Port Buoy (OFB btw is ONE FaTHOM BANK and I didnt know.
I told him never been to Singapore as a officer and then he asks me how much is one fathom,
yaha se mera Function 1 starting getting screwed)- I said I'll show proper signals, inform VTS
and consider anchoring.
7. What speed will U anchor- I said Emergency Situation and Shallow very close so at 4-5
knots. Not satisfied says anchor gone and Master will come up on bridge. (Then remembered
Master ko kal raat ko daru pilake sulaya hai). He says anchor gone Master gets a heart attack,
U have to land him ashore. Said about Helicopter ops, inform VTS and stuff after anchoring.
8. If other anchor does not hold and breaks. I said beach the vessel. He asks how without
engines. Im clean bowled, runout, caught, hitwicket all at once. I said wherever find suitable
beaching ground go and beach. Aise hi just to show miracles do happen.
9. Towing vessel comes to ake you out. Not coming close coz of shallow, how to pass heaving
line. I said LTA. He asks which side. I said into wind. He says 1 LTA wasted. I sad use the
other I have two now away from the wind. Happy.
10. What is MSI?? Stumped that was the only one left. Ok Its Maritime Safety Information. Ch V
reg 4. I took it in terms of Meterology since we were talking of wind. Wrote it on my form.
11. VTS and SRS regulations.
12. What is Ship Routeing? Answered and Happy.
13. Which Solas Ch. V regs important as a Mate. Said all, then most impo Pilot Hoisting
arrangement coz under mate's control and his responsibility. Happy.

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1) safe water mark on starboard side..vl right ahead, sailing vl on port and vl on port bow..roc
with all vls take action...
I answered since this is a safe water mark it indicates safe water all around I will alter to stbd
keeping clear of the buoy…he changed the situation..
2) RV radar not working other vessel approaching from port bow. Intensity of sound signal
I said since I cannot determine the cpa I will reduce my speed..he said still coming..i said I will
take all her way off by going astern…then he said how will convey other vessel u r going
I said I cannot bcos in rv cannot use manvring signals…he wasn‟t happy..he kept saying then
how u will convey other dat u are going astern…
I think he wanted to hear that even if u r going astern on engine ship is actlly not moving
astern…hence till the time we fully stop we give 1 long..nd then 2 long blast eventually on
3) describe safe water mark
4) Errors of gyro

1. Situasn in RV, u r going in singapore st. behind a vsl, ur spd is more, risk of collision
exists... action... ans i vl overtake her, he said shallow patch on stbd side, tel him, i vl
overtake from port side cos as per rule, u can alter to port for a vsl being overtaken...
2. Calculasn of tide in detail, wat is neap n spring tides
3. Errors of GPS
4. SRS (ship reporting system) n VTS (vessel traffic survices) in detail
5. RED Flashing 2+1, in Japan... describe the buoy
6. In Singapore straits near OFB master died action..... i was answerin suddenly he said engine
fails, action... while i was answering, he askd how much is one fathom, i said... 6 feet den he
said, soon after u anchored, vsl listed 2 deg to port, action...
7. How vl u assist master in command decision making (read from nitin mahajan)

1) Quote Rule 8 and 2 – He actually listened to each and every word I said. Was blank at the
start but then started rattling it off. Asked me to explain Rule 2 and what is observance of
good seamanship. Gave him a few examples.
2) Steering failure while heading out from port – told him switch over to the other steering
system, and try out NFU too, if still not responding then call for emergency steering.
Broadcast PAN PANPAN alert by VHF informing vessels and VTS. Contingency anchoring

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position. He stopped me there, I guess he was satisfied. But one never knows from his
expressions, as dead as they can get.
3) ECDIS Performance standards – could not answer many points,
4) Role of AIS and LRIT IN today‟s world – gave him a broad description and finished off
saying that it helps in the overall management of traffic routeing and enhances safety of
navigation, safety of life, and prevention of pollution. What is mentioned about VTS in
SOLAS? ( I guess the main point in func I was that rules were quoted, if u do that when asked,
Func I is in ur kitty.)


1. new wreck mark
I think its Blue and yellow strips,, with red and yellow flashing( not sure)
2.TRS and signs of TRS.. ( looking for word halo- P kumar told me)
3.cardinal marks and lateral marks
4. prefered channel markins, region A and B.....
5. gyro error ( Damping error and co spd lat error.... formula for the same,,
6.which gyro compass have damping error ( not sure)
7.few cards and situations..
8.make cargo plan for loading 100000 t of crude oil on your previous vsl......
9.precaution for cow operation...( he want to listen that cargo kept for cow should not be
from the bottom of the tank.)
10.draw flamemability diagrame and explain it..
11.. when loading cargo how will u release the tank pressure...
12.anchor dragging... action( I told him that 1st i will lower more shackle on 1st anchor and
than if sttill not holding drop 2 nd anch........capt P kumar said no... immmediately drop the 2
nd anch......


1) ROR situations regarding sailing vessels, power driven vessels etc..i had to justify my
action as per which rule in each case..
2) What is Safe speed? And who do u determine it in different situations and what factors
does it depend on?
3) TRS: favourable conditions? How will you detect? How to determine in which quadrant you
are in? what is veering and backing? How do you determine veering and backing? Action to be
taken when in dangerous quadrant and navigable quadrant?
4) Once anchor is aweigh are you underway? (yes) now if ur heading is 000 T and current is
180 what will ur heading be? Without using engines? What will happen if you give hard
starboard? Will ur heading change? By how much? Will she settle on any particular heading?

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5) How will you identify a north cardinal buoy by day and night? You are steering 000 T and
you see a north cardinal buoy right ahead.. action?


1. Weather at centre of TRS?(absolutely calm)
2. Various Cards esp fishing / RAM / Sailing.(be thorough)
3. Whether Fishing vsl is RAm?(YES-Definition of Fishing vsl).
4. Night / Day signal of Sailing vsl propelled by macinery.(Power driven of her lenght).
5. BIMMS?(Bangladesh,India,Myanmar,Maldives,Srilanka-for coastal vsls and NCVs)
6. NCV?(Near Coastal Voyage)
7. RV encountered, actions.Calling master in forepeak tank.(to call master , he wants to
sound 5-short and
rapid blast on whistle as master has no walkie talkie or responsible person on top_.)
8. Sailing from India to Brazil, precautions w.r.t. cargo (other than weather)?
9. Loadline charts, on wat basis these are made?(made on seasonal basis-he wants the
"SEASON" and nothing else).
10.Identification of dredger / diving opn vsl at anchor?(her day and night signal)
11.Alarms of navtex , doppler log, echo sounder, gyro?(for navtex-when URGENCY or
DISTRESS message recd)
12.Controls on auto pilot?

1) Self introduction, type of vsl I have sailed.
2) Abrupt written status.
3) Voyage planning from Mumbai to Japan through Singapore Malakka straight as a Mate,
he doesn‟t want to listen 2nd mate part.
Ans – Loadline zone requirement, high risk area (Piracy), all about ocean currents on
passage, ballast wtr mng, cargo care & ventilation, warm clothes for crew, Marpol Reg, any
special areas, garbage disposal. He said ok. Next question.
4) Sign of TRS
Ans:- Swell, drop of atmospheric pressure, Wx msgs, weather.
5) Name some ocean currents?
6) Where you find Labrador current and Gulf stream current.
7) 20 to 25 ror cards from his mobile.
8) Two crossing situations, action.

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9) Heavy Weather Precaution?

All I told Shamsul Notes.
10) Error of Sextant.
Ans:- a) Error of perpendicular b) Side Error c) Index error d) Error of Collumination e)
Graduation error f) Centering error g) Optical
11) Draw some synoptic charges symbols.

12) Error of echo sounder.

13) Open moore. Explain.
14) All procedure about emergency, steering on your last vessel,
15) Enclose space entry in ballast tanks, how you proceed?

1) Current (What do you know about current)
Ans:- Drift, upwelling, gradient.
2) Formation of TRS
Ans:- 1st Indication shell, baro< 3mb
3) South China Sea, wind veering, action?
Ans:- Keep Wind on Stb bow and proceed.
4) Passage Plan from Mumbai to UK
Ans:- Check chart, order if not available.
- Piracy area, so preparation for that.
- Cold climate, ice a creation.
- Conduct meeting, explain all the points.

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5) ROR Cards:-
Ans:- „N‟ Cardinal, aground v/l < 50 m & > 50 m, NUC, CBD (only identify)
6) Piracy area precautions.
Ans:- Call cell crew, meeting, brief all the risk. Razer wire to be….
Company security officer & DPA contact no. posted SSAS mock test to be done.
7) Heavy weather precaution.
Ans:- first meeting, all loose item keep in store and lash bridge eqpt to be lashed. All
crew to lash in their cabin. ER informed M/E on & slow speed.
8) Enclose space entry in ballast tank.
Ans:- First de-ballast if water present.
- Ventilate thrash manholes (both manholes opened) till O2 content is 21%, CO as per
- Have one man standby with walkie-talkie.
- Provide lighting, complete the checklist and get sign by master and seaman then
9) Barometer correction? Err?
Ans:- I told index err, then he said it is correction “No idea about Barometer err”
10) How will you drop it in a river whose width is not sufficient.

11) Draw Cold/ Warm/ Occulded front symbol.

12) Going from warm to cold climate. How will you ventilate cargo?
Ans:- “Ship Sweat”, Check dew pt. temp of outside air if temp of hold is < Dew pt of
outside air then do not ventilate.
13) Error of Sextant.
Ans:- Side err, index err, err of perpendicularity, graduation err. (only name, not in
1) Error of Echo Sounder.
Ans:- (Only Err Number, no details)


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Asking first why did u fail. in previous attempt.

i explained my mistakes were specifically only in ROR and
I just told him one past failing question of my previous attempt which i had prepared and i
answered him. After that he asked what more so whatever past questions i had prepared very
well i explained them all. So was satisfied.
Then he started off with
1. Bad weather your vessels fwd mast head lights gets busted both main and back up how will
you go about it ?
Ans: I told him since bad wx so would ask eto to do the needful when wx calms and during
this time if a situation occurs i will switch my fwd anch light or deck light to indicate my bow.
he said what more can u do if there is no situation but vsls are present in vicinity.
he wanted the ans as we will broadcast msg via vhf or put it on AIS msg as our fwd nav lt is
not working.
2. You are a deep draught vsl in tss and in deep route a fishing vsl crossing from stbd to port
what is your action?
Ans: Give 5Short blast on whistle attract attention.
if fv not taking action reduce speed since your engines will be on manoeuvring speed or take
all way off. He asked whether Deep draft will give u a special right to go ahead of the fishing
I said no as fishing vsl should not impede the passage of any other vsl ,but in tss normal
steering and sailing rules apply as its a crossing situation i should not cross its bow. he
agreed on it by saying yes be it a fishing vsl or anyother vsl crossing in tss.
3. He asked if there was a separation zone which has sufficient depth and a 1 mile width
Ans: I said to avoid immediate danger i will enter the separation zone and quoted the points
of Tss rule for avoiding immediate danger
4. Who declares whether you are a CBD ? And on what basis?
Ans: i quoated the rule 3 def of CBD he affirmed and said how will u decide specific to your
i said for depth we should have less than 2 times of our static draft and width less than the
turning circle of the vsl in the navigable water on that basis we can say we are CBD and
Master will decide on it.he agreed.
5. How will you indicate your self as CBD vsl to other vsl in vicinity?
Ans: shapes and lights for CBD as per ROR. he further asked the dimensions i answered as
per the annex 1.he asked is there any other way how u will indicate that you are CBD. I said
by the Nav status on the AIS.
6. What is the RV signal of CBD ? and which all other vsl give the same signal in RV?How do
power driven vsl indicate their moving or stopped ?

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Ans: Rule no.35. he questioned me the above one by one as i was answering him.
7. In RV there is a vsl overtaking you from stbd qtr cpa 0.5 nm and tcpa 30 min? action?
Ans: i said i will take action as per rule 19 d 2. He said the vsl is now come close and its on
your port qtr around 1.0 nm when will you take your said action. i said during the initial obs
of 30min TCPA. He said ok and then he asked will u give manoeuvre signals in RV i said no
and explained as manoeuvre signals is when in sight of each other.
8. You are near coast area about 15 to 20 Nm.Your vessel has a blackout not ME failure ,
complete black out ?What is your first action?
Ans: initially only emergency source equipment will work Put NUC lights and shapes indicate
your change in status by broadcasting security msg and on AIS.ok then he asked in terms of
steering what will you do? He kept pointing me as steerage will be hardly any thing left as
engines will be down for the time being still what can u do with that momentum?
I said I will use that momentum and steer towrds the sea side , he said yes you should take
actions as will best aid to your situations.
9. Characteristics of The buoy at the start of a channel what is it called while entering port?
Ans. Fairway buoy: Red white stripes, isophase, occulting, morse code A, top mark if present
10. Comming back to the fishing vsl.when a fishing vessel is passed very close u suspect.
Might have gashed hull but you see over the vessel is fine and the fishing vessel has gone
stern and clear and everything looks ok what will be your action?
Ans: I will inform master about the situation. Note down the position and try to get the
identification details of the fishing vessel and also inform the same to the VTS and near
coastal authority. ask the engine room to inspect the area for any ingress of water. He asked
what else will be your action to see whether the FV is doing ok i said i will keep it in sight
and if required approach close and check to ascertain. He said what will you do if u r trying to
contact the fishing vsl and they are not replying.
he then pointed about investigation might take place at next port then i said I will save the
VDR data. He then affirmed saying yes that should have been your initial actions.
11. What is dew point temperature?
Ans. basic definition then he asked why is it important in Navigation point of view i explained
him about finding the onset of Fog time if diff between surface temp and dewpoint is below
5deg he agreed. Then he asked apart from navigation point of view how is important to you
as chiefmate i answered in consideration of painting and deck maintenance he pointed out
what about cargo i said also about cargo sweat.


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1) what precautions in RV when navigating in a narrow channel in

Japanese waters?
2) Have you taken star sight ? How to take it? ( DEBATE WENT ON FOR 30 MINS )

Directly started with q's frm Capt. Srivastav
1.How will you carry out passage planning ? (told him duties of both 2nd mate and chief
2. Pressure is fallin ... how will u prepare ship ( read the various reports and c if u have a
storm warnin , record weather hrly and all tat , inform dept heads to secure items etc.)
3. ROR cards 10-15 and a buoys.
4. TRS.
5. Ship is enterin port said ... assist master in approach

1. Psg planning. explain everythng (wants everything in precise).
2. Explain Weather routing, ship routing
3. Routing charts. Explain in detail.
4. Explain briefly about all publications/equipments on the bridge.
5. Sight calculation, methods and ways. Why do we use the method of back angel??
6. COLREGS Rule 01,02,09,10,18,19, various situations.
7. Nav Warnings. explain the format u receive on a NAVTEX receiver. He asked various signs
used on the weather map. Fukin asked me 2 draw it!!
8. Every single damn thing of a TRS (ALMOST THE ENTIRE CHAPTER). Thn he started asking as
if it was orals jus for MET!! Fronts, col, and lot of difrnt things including equipments!! ( This
topic went on for long!!)

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9. Weather prognosis, synoptic charts.. timings..

10. Characteristics, limitations and restrcn of radar.
11. Performance standard of a Radar. Also for GPS (thnks mithil)
12. Vessel in dover straits, visibilty suddenly reduces to 1 mile.. What will be ur safe speed
and how will u determine the same?
13. Factors 2 b determined while considering safe speed.
14. Errors in gyro. He also Wants the formula for co.spd lat error!!
15. Polar navigation, precautions and planning. (Wants 2 kno that u kno about the POLAR
CODE!!). Vessel planing a voyage frm San Fransisco 2 Yokohama. Plan ur psg.
16. Draw the constellation for URSA major n minor!!
17. Asked me a lot about piracy!! Transiting in gulf of Aden!! Wants 2 kno ur knowledge of
entire reporting and the pre planning b4 entering a piracy porne area as a chief mate (whos
the SSO in almost every 2nd company)!! (do not forget 2 to tell him bout, Actions as per the
SSP and increasing the security level, CONVOYS, CITADEL POSITION). Since, in my company
the 2nd mate is the SSO, i told him hell lot of things which he was pretty amazed 2 listen
NON STOP ;-). So it came in my favour.

1) How will you take over watch at 0400 hrs?
(he wanted to listen main points…master‟s night orders, navtex - Wx warnings on chart,
check quarter master if in fatigue, acquire targets on radar, SMS watch take over checklist)
2) Heavy weather onset precautions?
(I started with inform Master as per standing order wind force, inform mate, engine room,
catering department, respective precautions in each department, log wx in deck log book as
per frequency in SMS manual heavy weather checklist)
3) 1900 hrs Vl aground what action how will u assist master?
Stop, inform, lights, sounding tanks, sounding n nature seabed, ascertain damage or
pollution, E/R tank sounding, reporting as per sopep, damage stb calu, Blah blah blah
4) ROR Cards (NUC + Aground, fishing, safe water mark, isolated danger, south cardinal)
5) Approaching restricted Vis action?
Inform Master as per standing order, fog signal, extra lookout (he asked who is extra lookout
I said bosun or OS other than quarter master as per bridge watch schedule, blah blah blah)
Vry imp I forgot to tell switch on nav lights…but as he promted I realized and told him,
anything about radar…he always likes to listen acquire detected objects first….)
6) Crossing situation other vsl on STBD side action at 12,9,6,4 nm range ROC ?
Assess situation take action as per rule 15 at range of 6 nm….lot of cross questions abt safe
range to take action…he was happy when I never changed my mind to take action at 6nm
range ….as speed of own vl and target vl was irrelevant…he said I don‟t know abt their

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7) Same question as above but u r watch on radar ?
I started at 12 nm acquire target…assess…he stopped me…said ok
8) Crossing situation other vsl on PORT side action at 12,9,6,4 nm range ROC ?
As I was answering he asked me when own vessel in doubt what signal… I said sound signal
range max 2nm so target vl at 4 nm cannot hear….he wanted to hear this
9) Determining and Avoiding TRS ….everything as per his book…wanted to hear vl should
HOVE TO for determining wind veering or backing…also when v/L overtaking TRS or
approachin TRS from aft.
10) Have you ever tested DSC test call and R/T, which station ?
Yes, Australia (wiluna)
11) Departing from port and joining TSS, as per which rule and statement?
I started rule 10, he stopped me in between
12) Rule 2?
I started but he stopped after 1st para

Passage planning frm Bangkok to US east coast.
(Told him everything how to go about it a lot of cross questioning)
- Calculation of Sight
(Told him things came to my mind, asked me time of star sight i said nautical twilight)
-wht all equipments on bridge
(Slowly started with equipments i knew thoroughly, asked me how the compass heads
towards north,blah blah blah from nitin mahajan notes)
- How will u know determine your compass showing right heading at berth
(told him by ships position on chart and comparing with compass)
- any other method
(said by taking azimuth may be i was wrong)
- Ecdis interfaced with which all equipments
(Ecdis notes)
- If you are approaching a port and u see something on the radar which is not on chart ur
(told him will check t&p, navtex, navarea warnings may find it there which is not plotted)
-he said if nothing there and its a new wreck
told him will ask the vessel in the vicinity and port authorities by vhf
- wht if master doest speak much while appraoching and departure
and only give helm orders
(will tell him politely to do a bridge meeting before dep and before approaching with chief

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eng so that everyone is aware of the way the ship is going to be manoevered)
(blah blah from SUBRAH'S book)
-synoptic chart
(nitin mahajan notes)
-beaching in detail and asked me to beach a vessel
(told him about beaching by head)
- asked me hows my ROR
(i replied am good)
- asked me flags N,P,I etc
- asked me to quote rule for narrow channels
(i told him i have not mugged up but can tell him)
- he said then tell me
(told him the whole story of rule no.9)
- sound signals of narraw channel while over taking other vsl and nearing a bend
- information about strg gear system
(from nanda notes)
- which make u had in ur last ship
- he said u draw strg gear system on ur vessel and bring it tomo.
(i nodded my head and said yes)
- tell me which cargoes u loaded
(blah blah blah)
- how ships are constructed
(told him everything which i could remember of errl fernendes bk)
- drydocking which plans
(from bulk carrier practice told him things i could remember)
- asked me to come tomo
Day 2
- asked me several things w r t strg gear drawings i bought
- asked about GZ curve and angle of loll
( told him wht ever i could remember from subrah's bk)
- asked me to draw vsl upright and heeled and some cross questioning
( told him about shift of COB and all)

1.Why there is a grain code and why not included in IMSBC. I replied: 2 major hazards
associated with carriage of grain i.e. settling and shifting. He agreed and in reply is asked if

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due to settling G goes down and GM increases than why it is not good for the stability of the
ship. I was speechless. He asked me to write down the stability criteria for grain ships on a
paper. I wrote the first point of stability criteria for ships without DOA. He stopped me there
and asked me to draw a GZ curve for grain ship and to show initial GM in the same. I did the
2. Your ship suffers damage due to iceberg like Titanic breaching 5 holds in a way. What will
be your action? I replied to refer to damage stability booklet for stability calculations for
damage assumptions given in the booklet. He replied "do you think such assumption will be
given there?" I replied "probably not and since we can not calculate same using intact stability
booklet, I will report to the rapid response damage assumption.
Than he asked who provides this shore based facility, I replied "class".
3. How will you calculate KM of the ship?
It is given in the hydrostatic particulars against various drafts.
But how will you calculate KM? Along with that he gave me a hint if I have done problems on
bilging in phase 2. I immediately replied yes and wrote on same paper
What is BM(T): BM(T)=I/V
What is „I‟: „I‟ is the second moment of inertia for water plane area.
He corrected me that „I‟ is the second moment of inertia for „intact‟ water plane area and all
related parameters in hydrostatic particulars are based on intact water plane area and thus in
case of any damage we can not use intact stability booklet.
4. On an oil tanker, IG plant gives alarm and fails during discharging operation, your action as
a chief mate.
Immediately stop discharging, inform terminal, master and duty engineer. Ask duty engineer
when IG plant can resume working.
Some cross questions:
Chief engineer replies that plant can not be resumed, some spare parts will be required which
are not on board then what will you do? I remained stuck to my previous answer that
discharging will not be resumed without IG plant operational and added owner, charterer and
operator will be informed so that spares can be arranged operation can be resumed.
Will you wait for so long? What is the problem in discharging while IG plant inoperational? I
explained him about pyrophoric oxidation and he was satisfied („Pyrophoric oxidation‟ and
exothermic reaction‟ these are the two words that he wants to hear from you)
Pyrophoric oxidation‟
In an oxygen-free atmosphere where hydrogen sulphide gas is present (or specifically where
theconcentration of hydrogen sulphide exceeds that of the oxygen), iron oxide is converted
to iron sulphide.When the iron sulphide is subsequently exposed to air, it is oxidised back to
iron oxide and either freesulphur or sulphur dioxide gas is formed. This oxidation can be

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accompanied by the generation of considerable heat so that individual particles may become
incandescent- Rapid exothermic oxidation withincandescence is termed pyrophoric
oxidation. Pyrophoric iron sulphide i.e. iron sulphide capable of pyrophoric oxidation in air,
can ignite flammable hydrocarbon gas/air mixtures
5. At last he explained me about settlingof grain, settling of grain will cause the GM to
increase (not reduce). Due to settling grain will rise up (this was surprising to me).
Now knowing this when will you load the heavy lift in general cargo ship, at the beginning, at
intermediate stage or at end?
Heavy lift must be loaded at the beginning so that it can be loaded as low as possible in the
hold. If not and if loaded at last, it will cause it to load at the top level reducing the GM.

1. Which all ships you have done?
2. How many cranes you had on your first ship?
3. How much SWL?
4. What purpose cranes?
5. Chain register in detail?
6. What type of hatch covers?
7. What all you used to check as a cadet before opening hatch cover?
8. Now as a mate what you will tell to your cadet before opening the hatch cover?
9. What is IMDG Code?
10. Have you loaded IMDG cargo? (My ans – yes inside containers)
11. What IMDG Cargo you have loaded? (My ans – I don‟t know as it was inside container)
12. What if that cargo catches fire? (I will refer to IMDG supplement for Ems Fire)
13. When you don‟t know your cargo itself then how can you take action in emergency? Are
you going to open & refer all those books, once the fire has started? (I was zapped, he wanted
to hear that as the cargo is loaded on my ship i would refer to Ems, MFAG, MSDS well in
advance to be aware of all hazards beforehand)
14. Have you loaded Sulphur?
15. Which type of Ships you are sailing now a days? (VLCCs)
16. Tell me how crude oil affects you, your ship crew, shore personnel, the environment and
your country? (Blah blah as per ISGOTT)
17. What is lashing Code? (CSS code)
18. What is there in it? (Do not forget to mention Actions in heavy weather & actions when
cargo has shifted)
19. Have you seen it? (My ans – No)
20. Then what you have seen? (Cargo Securing Manual)
21. What is CSM?

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22. Does it need approval? (Yes)

23. Who is the authority to approve it? (My ans - Adm or class on behalf of Adm)
24. What is a boat note?
25. What is its Significance? (Don‟t forget to mention that it will serve same purpose as Mate

1. U are in brazil and u are loading steel plates and steel coils in ur cargo holds for a trans
atlantic voyage, what all precautions u'll take ?
( i told everything related to lashings, csm, css )
2. How will u make sure that the lashings are done properly ? ( i said visual inspection )
3. U are loading sulphur, what instructions u'll give to ur duty officers ? (told in general but
the hazards and precautions of sulphur)
4. what is a b/l ?
5. what are the diff types of b/l (i didnt know the answer)
6. what is a STALE b/l ? ( B/L not made available to the consignee even after the date
specified in the letter of credit, not acceptable as a valid document )- thanks to nitin

Sulphur loading, precautions and what instruction will you give your duty officers.
I spoke in general abt Hold prep, hazards with sulphur. He moved, fairly satisfied
Stale Bill of Lading?
I said I am not sure but shall I try? He laughingly said ofcourse go ahead, I said this is post
dated bill of lading.
Ok tell me what exactly is a bill of Lading
I started like a talking machine and he said ok ok good
Then contents of Chain register, he was happy as I told him abt 3 parts and additional forms
which are entered upon an inspection.

Saw my file again..... mmmmm only Bulk carrier......
1. Start loading of grain....., vsl at US port.... disch at Asian port...
2. damaged grain, action....( he wanted funda of STALE B/L,which I explained)
and then........... he changed..... started asking me abt Tankers...... dat spoiled everything......
Actually he asked me Practical Qs which I didn't answer satisfactorily.... like will u go
abt disch in vlcc.... shit..... no idea.....Single buoy mooring.....

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1. Which ships you have done? (Oly gas tankers)
2. how many type of gas ships are der as per imo?
( i was teling him Full ref, Semi pressurised... bt he stopd me and said dose r the modes of
so i oly told him Chlorine carrier, LPG, LNG, Ethylene Carrier).
3. How would u load ammonia and lpg?
so i askd him wtr he wantd d grade change process from ammonia to lpg, so he askd me
wtr i had laoded ammonia.. i said no
so he said tell how to load LPG.
4. What precautions ul take for loading lpg cargoes.
5. What precautions youl take so that the gasses dont vent out side
(just told dt we hv a compressor onboard and den at port dey provide vapour return too)
6. What is Timber code? what does it tell?
7. What is Timber Cargo?
8. Where it is loaded?
-inside the holds and on deck
9. What is Wood Pulp?
-obtained from pulpwood and timber code doesnt apply to it.
10. What is Dangerous cargo?
- i just told him which is harmful for the environnment, non safe for personnel and safety of
11. Montereal to some port in India. Tell how to load Urea?
- just started wid Urea is a Groub C cargo and is hygroscopic and may form cake if moisture
gets in contact. He stopd me.
12. how to laod Steel Plates of dimension 6 x 10 m, thickness 5mm.
- i started wid checking d laod density of steel plate, laying dunnage below deck and
shorings on the bulkheads at 1m spacing. he stopd me
13. What is IMSBC code?
- told him d full form and its purpose and that there are 13 chapters in it.. he stopd me.
14. Why seperate grain code and imsbc code?
- told him because grain has a small angle of repose 15-20 and even imsbc has some
trimming procedures wic says dat below 30 degress trimming
to be carried out as per grain code. and even solas says dat u hv to carry a sperate grain
code and imsbc code.
15: How Many types of Refrigerated cargoes are there?
- Told him the Air cooled, Chilled and Frozen with the temp.. bt he said dose temp gvn in
errol fernandes book are outdated whic are 30 years back.

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16. How many types of Heavy Lifters are there?

- Told him that i knew that oly 2 types are der and the names i dnt know.
17: What is Chain Register? What does it contain?

1) what is Inerting & purging
A) Inerting means reducing O2 content of a cargo tank & Purging is to further reduce O2
content of a COT , also reduce HC content to a level below which combustion can not be
2) what all books n plan u require for cargo loading ..??
A) a-stability booklet
b- loading manual
c - GA plan
d - Capacity plan
3) What is the 1 st thing u will see in the statbility booklet as mate joing 1st time
A) i said first ill see vessel particular , various conditions , stress in varous conditons , IMO
no. N approval stamp.
Then he said why imo no. Is mentioned in d stab book then he said during jb time imo no.
Was not there , he was pissing me off k why it is mentioned now , then i said it is now
required as per SOLAS then he said where it is mentioned in solas i was quiate just thinking k
wich chapt ...he keep pressing k were it is mentioned i could not ans then he said k it is
mentioed in solas ch ( i dint remeber it )
Then again to the point he asked what will b the first thing ull see in stab book i said
whatever i can bt he was not agreed then he said Exemptions is the first thing to see so that
ull not do the things which the book says k not to do these things during load or discharge.
4) what is CODE ..??
A) I said sir it is compilation of rules n regulations which the ship is suppose to follow for
loading the cargo covered by the code then i said its LAW we follow.
5) Why IMSBC n Grain code separate ..??
A) I said sir grain has diffrent hazards like shifting n settling which d other cargo dnt hv dats
y grain is separate .
So he said all cargo hv diffrent hazards like sulphur also settales n shifts so then we hv
sulphur code ....he was just pressing for ans he want , then i said grain has low angle of
repose (15°to 18°)..he said okk but wot else more ...after thinking i said sir grain can shift
easily once grain shifts to 1 side due to rolling , the same amount of grain will not return
back wd d rolling on other side and like this slowly vessel will capsize then he said okk.
6) then he asked wot types of LPG , before i can start he asked hv u done gas tanker , i said
No then he moved to next quest ...

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7) wot precaution u vl tk for UREA.?

A) Urea is hygroscopic cargo it absorbs moisture n form cake so hold should be complete dry
n entry of spray , water n moisture should be prevented into d hold .
8) then he asked me wot ol cargo u carried in chem tanker ..??
A) i told him about sulphuric acid , phosforic acid - loading precaution both are acids n
corrosive in nature plus sulphuric acid vapours are toxic so these are to be handled wd
proper PPE chem suits n SCBA set to be used for manifold connection n disconnection , lifting
PV valve n other person should b far away from pv valves plus ballast under the acids tanks
are to removed if possibles coz any leak wl lead to explosion .
Then i said i also carried SM n PARAXYLENE.etc
9) what is contingency ..??
A) it is planning in advance for any emergency which includes actions which we hv to take in
such emergency . Contingency plans are made for possible emergency which may arise on
Then he asked how money contigency check lists u had in ur company ...i think for a while
then said sir total about 17 checklists .
10) what is dangerous cargo ..??
A) i said cargo which presents danger to marine environment n human health.
He asked what else more then i repeated same thing bt he was pushing me to get wot he
want bt it was not clicked in maa mind the lastly he only said cargoes which are listed in
IMDG are dangerous dats old anything more.
11) what is Timber ..??
A) timber includes sawn wood , log , cants , poles , pulp wood
12) types of refrigeated cargo ..?
A) I said 3 types like fruits carried in temp. Atm n below to +5° & milk product carried at 2° &

Frozen products like fish , meat carried at 2 ° n below ..
13) what is ISGOTT ..who publishes it ??
A) international safety guid for oil tanker n terminals provides safety guidline for tanker n
terminals for safe loading n unloding n said few contents like hazards of petrolium ,
properties etc.
It is published jointly by OCIMF , IAPH n ICS
14) what is mates receipt ..??
A)I said as per errol ka chhota book , it is a receipt signed by d mates of the ship for goods
dat is loaded on board . And it should be available to mate before loading commence so dat
mate can use it for planning n stowage n comments on cargo ..then he said how can u sign
the mate receipt before cargo is loaded ...i said sir it wl be signed by mate after the cargo is
loaded then he said okk so how u get mate receipt before cargo is loaded i was quiat for

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some tym then he moved to next quest ..

15) what is BL ..??
A) BL performs 3 main function
It is d receipt for cargo loaded on board n signed by master or agent on behalf of ship owner.
It is d document of title to d cargo .
It is negotiable document ..means cargo can sold just by signing n tranfering BL to the name
of new buyer.
16) who prepares BL ..??
A) i said it is prepared by agent on behalf of shipowner...then he said wrong ...i thinked for
sometym then thought might be shipper bt he was getting high so i waited then he only said
k it is prepared by shipper..
17) what is NOP ...note of protest .. V i said as mentioned in samsul ka book .

Wen u run ur cargo on recirculation do u start IG n y ( yes…………blah blah….normal)
Ten he asked me hav I done containers I said no my knowledge abt containers is very bookish
…..he said lets c how much u knw n started off
Tell me everytin u knw abt containers (I told him everytin givin in errol fernandes book how
much I read…..)
Wht is d technical name for reefer containers ( temp. control containers…….he told me)
Wht r d type of cold cargoes( hard, chilled n frozen……….he told me again guys pls chk it out
Wht is loading in a container n unloading frm container called (loading- stuffing, unloading
frm a container – stripping)
Wht r d contents of isgott( I answered well)
Wht is imsbc code ( gen idea)
Wht is a ro ro ship ( I said it carries passengers as well as cargoes)
He said if for a container if u say 5000 teu, 20000 teu how do u measure a ro ro ship ( I was
again blank……..after thinking I said tonnes……..he said how will u measure passengers in
tonnes…….n he told me its measured in meters like passengers n cargo r disch on tracks like
it measurement depends upon d length of d tracks……)
Wht is thr on d 1st page n last page of trim n stability booklet ( 1st page- stamp of class….tat
its approved by administration……….last page deadweight scale folded ……was satisfied)
Wht is d difference between chemical tanker n product tanker with regard 2 doc. n equipment
( I spoke abt centirugal/ framo pumps, orb/ cargo record book, sopep/ smpep……changed
over 2 next question did not react)
Tell me everytin u knw abt livestock carrier ( I told him everytin I read frm errol fernandes
book………….he wanted 2 knw abt d vet officer, cert. of fitness, n chks tat d surveyer does

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prior 2 issuing d cert.)

If u r a chief officer on a livestock carrier n if u have inadequate data 2 load wht do u do ( I
told him I vl refer 2 d manuals, n even 2 previous loading plans n stuff…..ten he said still u r
not satisfied ……….i did not hav anytin 2 say………..he told me go n refer 2 d net if u give
one click u vl get 80 pgs on how 2 go abt loading livestock…….)
Wht is heavy lift
Wht is css code ( gen spoke abt stowage n securing)
Wht is a code ( I told him code is a set of rules n reg. which has 2 be followed………….but JB
SINGHS ans is code means law n under no circumstances can it b violated…must b strictly
complied with………….had lots of cross questioning on tis)
Precautions while loading /unloading tanker ( as per chklist)
Precautions during cow ( gen)
Why is grain not included in d imsbc code ( I spoke abt d angle of repose, behaviour n VHM
but was not satisfied…….)
Ten he said define grain n y is linseed not included in grain (I defined grain, linseed-
behaviour is not similar 2 tat of grain in its natural state…..) again lots of cross questioning
Wht is d defn of timber 2 which ship does it apply
Wht is woodpulp n wht is pulpwood n y is it not included in timber ( I did not knw so lectured
me sayin I never took trouble 2 go on net n find out………blah blah…..)
U r a vlcc wen unloading how will u go abt takin ballast ( gen…..sequence n stuff)
Types of gas carriers as per imo ( I knew 2 LNG N LPG………………but he told me thr r 6 types
of gas carriers- LNG, LPG, AMMONIA, ETHYLENE N 2 more which I don‟t remember)
Precautions while loading sulphur ( gen)
U hav 2 load steel coils of 25t each in a hold how wud u go ldg. ( he gave me a paper n pen n
asked me 2 draw n show I drew a hold n made a single tier ten made another tier on top of it
………………he told me ur ship will sink coz wen d wt. is 25t u r supposed 2 load it in a single
tier……..i thought by now I lost func 2……..later I made corrections 2 d figure)
How will u load still billets (gen……I said I vl load tem in fore n aft dirn in d hold….blah blah)
Wht is dangerous goods ( all mentioned in imdg code)
Imdg code applies 2 whom ( carryin dangerous cargo in packaged form)
Wht r d precautions 2 b taken while loading imdg (gen)
Wht is mates receipt ( apparent cond of goods…………blah blah)
Func of bill of lading
Wht r cargo claims (I told him abt if a cargo is damage it must not b accepted or owner is
liable for cargo claims …..blah blah………..)
Dg manifest
Take any operation whr pollution can tak place n tell me ur actions ( I took cargo unloading
on tankers n started of emcy stop………blah blah)

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1. when will u condemn a wire rope
2. what all conditions are there in Loadicator ( said sea and harbour). At anchor which
condition will use and why ( said sea condition and reason being at emergency if I have to
move out I will need sea condition)
3.Heavy lift precautions . ( told all) then asked if load density is little less then the load of
cargo will you load ( I said yes but only after applying proper dunnage so that the load gets
distributed. And load is not applied on a point ) if lifting a heavy lift crane stops .actions . (
ask chief engineer if manual over ride is there to lower the crane . then ask for shore
assistance wheter they have any crane to hook on load and just take the weight)
4.While discharging on tankers IG system fails action. ( stop discharging and cannot proceed
till IG system is back) .what if it is a product tanker ( I said still no. but he said it is possible
….asked master candidate outside he said in Isgott provision for product tankers is given)
5.contents of d.g. manifest. When I told un no. he asked what is un no. (said no given for all
dangerous cargo which helps to identify all the properties from vol 2)
6. does IMDG apply to tankers ( no its only for D.G. carried in packaged form ) . then to
tankers what Chapter applies ( Solas Ch 6 and 7)
7. what is vapor recovery line . ( used to supply tank vapors to terminal where during loading
it is prohibited to release vapor in atmosphere like U.S.A California state ) if at discharge port
terminal person is fitting a discharge chiksan on vapour line by mistake what wil u do ( I said
not possible cos it has a stud at 12 oclock position due to which normal discharge line cannot
be fitted ) how will you identify vapor line ( said that 1m yellow band and red band on either
said and black stencil of vapor wriiten on it)
8.loading rate depends on what ( said first the dia of line and thn recalled also on venting
capacity )
9.precautions against shifting of cargo ( saucering, bundling , lashing, longitudinal divisions,
strapping with wire mesh )
10. What is marpol annex 2.( said jst the tittle and shifted to next function)
11.Loading explosives in general cargo ship, what all documents are required.

1) grain loading precautions?
2) stability requirements for grain loading?
3) intact stability requirements for normal ships
4) how wil u find out the initial gm of the vessel?
asked me to draw teh graph of gz curve and explain
--- i drew a tangent from zero to the point of contraflexture where it reaches the vertical line

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of 57.3 to find out initial gm.

he didnt agree with me and told me that all my concepts are totally wrong. he said that it is
not always that that line wil pass through point of contraflexture. this point is different from
deck edge immersion point.
he was totally pissed off at me with this point.
5) what is tht angle 57.3 ( i told its 1 radian )
6) from the point so called as point of contraflexture, he asked me what shud be the angle on
the x-axis for it to be allowable? (12 degrees )
7) tell me everything u know about ISGOTT. - he told me u make one mistake in this and u
wil go out of this rooom failed!
( i told him the parts of isgott and its latest ammendments )
8) what is a mates receipt?
9) what is a bill of lading?
10) why bill of lading is an EVIDENCE OF CONTRACT AND NOT A CONTRACT ?
his answer :- b/l is signed only by master and a contract is between two parties. so b/l is not
a contract but an evidence of contract
11) securing arrangements for grain
12) oil loaded on a tanker is dangerous goods?.( i said no . as its not in packaged form )

( 1.1 what is load density.
(1.2 shipper does not give u the load density of the cargo , can u find out the load density of
the heavy lift.
(1.3 now the load density u obtained is greater than the load density of the deck ,, can u go
about loading the heavy lift
(1.4 what is the critical point in loading the heavy lift ( ans- when the load is just picked up
off the ground by the crane . the KG of the load shifts to the crane head)
( 1.5 what is DRAG – precautions for the same ..
2) CSS Code – told him the contents & use
3) Purpose of IMDG code – told him about IMDG code ( vol , suppl , what info in vol-2 , & how
to use the code) & also contents of vol -1,2, supplement.
4) BC code – told him contents
5) Explain Grain stability requirements using GZ – Grain heeling lever curve,
6) How will you obtain the grain heeling lever to be used in the above
7) How will you go about planning the distribution of grain cargo in various holds
8) How will you determine SF & BM of a vessel,
9) What is lodicator – its use , what info is fed in it , & what info is obtained from it .

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10) Can the vessel exceed its SF & BM maximum set values.
11) How will u go about loading on a gas carrier .
12) What preparations to be carried out prior to a gas carrier arriving berth for loading ,
13) How is per-arrival carried out on a gas carrier.
14) What info u get in the IGC code – told him the content

1) Load density?
Ans:- Capacity of tanktop or deck to load more amount of cargo, per unit area.
2) Stowage factor?
Ans:- Volume of cargo per unit weight.
3) Angle of repose?
Ans:- Angle Between horizontal plane and bulk cargo.
4) Angle between B/L & Mates recpt.
Ans:- B/L signed by master, document of title, M/R signed by C/O..
5) Grain Code (What do you know)
Ans:- Required by ships carrying grain, it has chapter … DOA… Without DOA….
6) IMDG code.
Ans:- Has 2 vol & Suppliment, 2nd Volume has list of Cargo, Suppliment has EMS,
MFAG. (Only this much I told te next question)
7) Latest amendment of MARPOL.
Ans:- I don‟t know, sorry sir.
8) COW?
Ans:- It is used to remove the patch stuck of crude carrier
9) Types of container?
Ans:- Open type, half height type, tank type (Next)
10) How will you load coal. (Precaution)
Ans:- Coal is meth emitting cargo and spontaneous heating, surface ventilation only to
remove pockets of methane (Next que)
11) Any latest amendments for tanker.
Ans:- Sorry Sir.
12) Tanker loading procedure?
Ans:- IG should be maintained in < 8% O2 in tank and be positive.
13) How you carry out draft survey?
Ans:- Check all 6 draft, calculate quarter mean, apply 1st and 2nd trim correction, list
correction and subtract all deductibles.
14) Duty of C/O

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Ans:- Loading cargo, care during transport, unloading garbage management, SSO, deck
PMS (next que).
15) What all plans you know?
Ans:- GA Plan, LSA/FFA Plan, Shell expansion plan.
16) What info you get from shell expansion.
Ans:- Bew line, buttock line (forgot everything)

6.what is multimodal transport vessel? said dnt knw
7.wat is permeability,,,he doesnt want ans ki bs/sf% bulkis Whr do u find d density range of cargo ur vessel is suppose 2 carry,,? ( its in cert
of class),,,,i din knew tht
9.wat all codes apply 2 bulk carrier
10.wat is bill of lading,,,
11.can a master sign mates receipt,,(shud say no)
12.if ur vessel is discharging crude oil and all suction n discharge pressures r fine but still
cargo is not reaching manifold, thn wat is ur first action as a mate,, ?
( i said 1st i will check d line up for discharging,,he said line up is okk,,,
2nd if ny valve is stuck thn,,he said thn d pressure will vary,,
3rd i said tht means cargo is goin overboard or in some other tank,,i wl stop d
operations,,,,he said no,,,
thn i dont knw hw it came out i said i wll chk tht d drop valve is shut or not,,yess thts d
i told him sir i told u abt d line up in tht drop valve is checked,,no no beta u shud say drop
valve only,,thts means cargo is gettin recirculated,,,i said OKK SIR)
13.if ur vsl is not a timber carrier n u hav to load timber thn wat is ur action,,, (according 2
capt mishra ans is master shud call for timber load line marks n lashing requirements
required as per timber code)

1. Grain loading on Gen Cargo ship. I asked him do I have DOA.
2. Grain loading without DOA.
3. You have to load 1200 tons of Iron Ore and have to trim the vessel from 1.2 m to 0.6 m.
How to do it. Told him using Hydro tables using LCB and LCG or Using wd/100MCTC taking
60 cm trim change. Told him another crude method by keeping people on marks. He said not
practicable. I said the same since terminal must be informed where how much, because
shoots cannot be repositioned. I said the using the formulae. I guess he was Happy.
4. Load Heavy lift on Container Vessel's hatch cover. Told whatever I knew about CSM.

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5. Where will you get load densit of Hatch Cover. I said Capacity Plan and CSM.
6. Loading precautions and Position. I said C/L to keep accelerations minimum. Happy.
7. Prepare Crude Oil tanker for DD. How will you go about tank preparation. I started I will
cow all tanks at last disch port. He then asked have U done crude. No.
8. Then to Chem. My Baby. I took good care of it. Types of Chem Tankers. What is Cargo
containment. He was Happy with my answers.
9. P and A Manual?
10. Cargo Samples Fail when Vessel in Disch port. I saw maybe due to SW ingress. Keep temp
and press logs ready. Inform Charterers, P and I and ask for independent Survey.
11. Says Cargo gone bad due to Bulkhead failure. Intertank leakages. Everyday occurence on
UNIVAN vessels. Faad diya. Cargo offspec. Discharge to barge.
12. Which survey for checking Transverse bulkheads, I said SAFECON.

1) COW operations- told him the basics, permission from terminal, type of cargo, and
checklists to be used
2) Ship shore safety checklist- some of them were explained and asked me how is it coded?
Told him about the A-P-R system of coding and mentioning the interval period to be
mentioned for repetitive checks. Part A , PART B PART C for which cargoes.
3) You are carrying concentrates and the ship lists while departing port. Action.
4) What are Bonjean Curves/
5) Loadicator failure


1. IGS?
2. From where we get IG?(from IG generator)
3. Loading of granular Sulphur, wat document required?(he wants ONLY "DOA-DOC OF
4. Fumigation?(refer IMDG vol II)
5. Reliance on loadicator? (basically test of loadicator).
6. Is Loadicator manual approved?(Yes-Class approved)


1) What type of pipeline systems are there on tankers? Draw..( I could draw direct line but got
stuck drawing ring main system..nw who remembers that..we all had done it during our 2nd
2) How many chapters are there in Isgott? I started telling him the chapters..serial order..he
asked me 4 the no. instead..i took a wild guess n told him 21..its actually 26..though I knew

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all the contents I still lost this question I didn‟t knw the no.
3) He asked me to draw flammability range diagram..i drew it..lot of cross questions here..i
answered well..
4) Grain code contents..
5) Stability criteria for Grain..
6) Container lashings..? I told him all the equipments used as per Errol Fernandes‟ book and
how it is to be done..but he wanted the name of the lashing..i didn‟t knw the name..(result
lost another question)
7) Difference between LPG and LNG..i told him 2-3 points..but he wanted in detail..


1. wat temp does gas freeze ? no idea ... i asked him which type of gas but he told me my
thermodynamics shd b strong coz i have done lng.
2. Institiute warranty ? no idea ... fn 2 didnt start off well
3. went bck to earlier q and started off with boilin pt (def) and y is lng carried in liquid state
and at this temp
3. thr were alot of q's on Lng coz he has been involved with operations on Lng , leakage in
primary barrier & causes (failure of primary membrane but also can b due to diff pressure
gauge v/vs bein open cargo cant b transferrd - past exp...temp sensors , gas detection

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system , manifold operations along with purgin and drainin , safety onbrd lng ships , safety
vv and relief v/v settings , hazards associated with cryogenic cargo.
4. IMDG code , contents , classifiation , loading

13) Dangers of RO RO ship?
Imp…they have few transverse bulkheads…ingress of water major hazard
14) How will you refrigerate a cargo hold?
Independent refrigeration, brine,,,,he said one more…then he promted as air conditioning
principle…put cold air….i said ok
15) IMDG in detail?
Imp…supp contents n use
16) High density cargoes? (jst SF < 0.56 m3/t)
17) Concentrates n precautions? (I started wid defn, MC, TML, he stopped me)
18) What is lashing code? (he wanted to listen everything… stand, semi stand, non
standardized cargoes stowage n securuin n CSM guidelines)

1) how many of grades of cargo u loaded on LNG ship-ans: only one grade methane coz on
lng u can load only methane.
2) difference between LNG and LPG
ans: LNG -163 ,LPG : propane -40 : ammonia -33 : nbutane 0 :isobutane -4
LNG : lighter then air LPG: heavier thn air (exception ammonia)
3) ISGOTT ammendments(i.e new ISGOTT)
ans: 1) its divide into 4 parts
2)use of mobile(can use only if its intrinsically safe)....looking for this answer
3)bunkering operation included
4)static electricity hazards
there are few more which i told him i cant recollect
4) hazards of LNG
ans:Fire, spillage can cause brittle fracture as cargo is cold, Frost bite ,asphyxiant.
5) What instrustion u will give to ur junior officer regarding cargo operation as mate
ans:1) written standing orders(tell him evrything eg: breakdown of pump,difficulty in
adhereing to the plan,when in doubtetc)
2) any req by sms
3) special instructions and req by shore
all the above things should be in writing.
6) Cargo gear breakdown contingency plan:

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ans: Stop cargo opertion as soon as breakdown occurs by pressing esds or cut off switch(he
wants to here this 1st)
inform cheng elec officer
inform port and chief inpector who will send a competent person.
7) what is load density and angle of repose.(define)
8) load LNG.
9) what is note of protest. their were few more cant rememeber.....
Fucntion 3:
1)Why is dry docked needed.
ans: 1) class req
2) and for underwater hull maintenance
2) construction of LNG/LPG ships.
3)statutory and mandatory certificates.
ans: statutory which is reqd by the law or statute
mandatory : local reg
4)Chain regsiter parts.
5) what is Biparty and tripary with eg
ans : biparty CBA(betwwwn owner and union) , triparty AOA(owner/master , shipping master
and employee)
6)Duties of mate as per Stcw and Ism
ans : 2nd in command(he wants to hear this 1st) and thn blah blah...
7)As a mate prepare for PSC inspections
Ans : tell him i will first check the last psc report and all the previous NCs, if any are rectified.

1.Things tht i would check when i enter in a hold of a fully ref gas carrier.... I told him
everything except the most basic thing....tht he wanted to hear....Frosting , which is an
indication of a leak in a tank...
2. Wht kind of insulation was there onboard
3. Loading ....what action would u take incase the pressure in the tank is rising after
commencement of loading, all compressors working....
Ans: i told him tht i would ask if shore could take the vapours.....but the "Shore "
declined... Then i told him i would stop loading.. Pressure is still rising....i told him i would
check compressors functioning....which was in perfect normal condition.....then he told me
tht consider u are on a pressurised vessel and now answer....then i told him tht i would use
the water spray system to cool the tank from outside...thts wht he wanted to hear.
4. Dry Docking with respect to LPG...
i) Stability Aspect

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ii) Last cargo carried is Ammonia...he wanted entire operation from stripping the liquid to
5. How would i prepare for a survey of Certificate of Fitness on a Gas carrier...
Ans: Told i would check everything tht made a LPG carrier, "a LPG carrier " including i
would check tht extra SCBA sets and safety equipment

1. Defn Heavy Lift. Precaution.
While i was answering one of the points i gave was press up ballast tank he said be precise
jus dont say anthing...i told DoubleBottoms and he said ya that i the way.
2. You are on a ship suppose 20,000Dwt can you load timber and u don‟t have a timber load
line assigned to your ship.
3.What is grain Cargo? Give eg.? What all you require? I answered him and he said do u also
Require a DOC. I said no , not for cargo but yes as per ISM. He said no am asking bout cargo.
I said no.
After the orals he said yes u require for IMDG.
How you r supposed to know he is asking this, relating to IMDG
4.what is breeches buoy? (FUN 3)
5. You are on a bulk carrier approaching port 48 hrs in hand fwd draft 8.0m after draft 8.5.
Port control tell you bring after draft to 8.2 what is ur action? U cant change ballast and u r on
ballast voyage.
6. what is Hanging off anchor?
7. What is CRB? I answered him and told its for chemical tanker he said why is it not for gas
carrier I said no.
8. What is Part A and Part B ?
I said it is in PSC inspection form.
Then he asked do you Form R, Form E. I said no.
9. What is Bilge blocks.
10. How high can a Reefer Container be loaded?
11. Container Lashing
12. Tare Wt, Stack wt.
Looking at Sydney‟s ques and all other previous questions from him. These were totally
unexpected to me and I guess to anyone. he was good to Sydney but am still in a shock what
all wrong went that day.

20) As a mate on ur container ship how will u check that a reefer container after arriving on
the ship was cooled properly prior its arrival on board

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Rply: there is a Parthlow chart which gives the record of the temperatue of the reefer
container for a period of 1 month.

21) what are the various test that a container undergoes prior it is put into service
22) how will u load a heavy lift on the deck of a container ship
23) on ageneral cargo vsl how will u load explosives
24) on a general cargo vsl how will u know wat loose gear do u have
Chain register
25) what are the contents of the chain register?
26) On a bulk carrier what do u determine frm a Draught Survey
27) U have 6000 tons of cargo to load in the 2 triming holds No.2 and No.7 ,ur present trim
is 60 cms and u have u get the trim to 30 cms.
Told him trim formula (hindship)
28) severe wind criteria. Drawn and shown him including the formula
29) the different lashing requirements as per the timber code
30) Cow requirements
31) Displacement and dilution method
32) Whats MARVS, SPMEP(I think is something to do with oil containment system on tankers),
CAS and CAPS ( some surverys related to tankers)
33) SOPEP , what oil containment equipment do u have on board.
34) Different statutory certificates
35) How will u go about preparing the defect list for drydock
36) What jobs are carried out with respect to the hull in the drydock
37) What is critical period, why is it important( refer to hindship its explained beautifully
there, note that critical instant is the time when the bow is just about to sit on the blocks and
NOT when the stern touches ( as stated in Capt. Dubeys Book , it is wrongly stated in Dubeys
book and is gona be corrected in the new book)
38) How will u shift the ship frm jetty no 54 to jety no 66, and the master is not onboard.
Also u have an off shore wind.
Know all ur Stabily Formulas (Hindship ones) for List, trim, drydocking, severe wind criteria.

Capt. Oak is a dam gem of a guy. In the start he asked me if I was comfortable with any
function in particular.nyways I started off with one ( of course he passed me in all 3
But honestly I do feel he is, considering he was very practical and wanted practical answers so
pls take a moment ,think and then answer the question ..don‟t just say anyting instantly. I
was not asked any rules or shown any cards. Also no SOLAS and MARPOL stuff ( after all a
practical guy would definitely refer to these publications which are always there on board).

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I was able to answer all the questions of function 1 and 3 . in function 2, I wa unable to
answer 2 tanker questions , I taught I may not get function 2 but then capt. Avasthi gave me
all the 3 Functions, he did not ask me any questions.
Remember guys when u pass , don‟t forget to write down ur questions, after all someone also
wrote them down for u.

1. He checked my file and asked if I have done all modular courses and he pointed at copy of
RANSCO certificate with STCW II/2 mentioned on it and asked me that have you gone through
this. I replied with no. He gave me STCW 2010 code and asked me to find out same. While
searching for it I replied that my certificate is as per STCW 95. So he started looking for old
edition and replied that this old edition will not be here so find it in new edition only, it won't
be different. Somehow I managed to find out this section and read in front of him.
He asked me the content of STCW code. I started with some standards in random order and
he stopped me in between and asked to refer STCW 10 in future.
2. You as a mate going to join a new company and joining in next 4 to 5 days. How will you
come to know that the ship you are going to join is a safe ship?
I will check if company has valid DOC. I will ask company to familiarize me with company SMS
procedure. That's all I could answer. Then he replied to state functional requirement of SMS. I
explained him few points and then he gave me ISM code. This was definitely old edition. He
asked me to read out the functional requirements. After reading out those 6 points I
explained it better this time.

1. What is beaching? (Best Notes – Refer to D J House Shiphandling)
2. As a mate go about beaching a vessel? (After all preliminary blah blah, I said i will take
maximum ballast before beaching)
3. Why you are taking maximum ballast? (My ans - To refloat her easily also so that she
doesn‟t refloat accidently by itself, mentioned the rise of tide condition in flat bed grounding)
4. Why are you dropping Anchors before beaching ? (My ans - So that i can pull her back to
5. Additional precautions? (Blah Blah As per DJ House)
6. Now you have beached your vsl to repair a cargo tank leakage. There is an expert Welding
team onboard your ship provided by the owners. Tell me the basic jobs of which you have to
take care as a mate? (My answer – were preparing the tanks for Hot work all procedures as
per ISGOTT, Enclosed spaced entry permit – points, Hot work Permit – Points, Working Aloft
or overside permit – points and other precautions related to safety of operations)
There was a lot of cross questioning in most of the questions. Questions asked were random

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and not functionwise.

Then he told me that I was lacking the instinct of a candidate as I was answering specific and
precise. He told me that its like I have showed you a pigeon and asked you what is it? You
have answered Sir it is a pigeon, but as a candidate you must answer that Sir it is a pigeon, it
has got 2 eyes, 2 wings, 2 legs and so on........ until I stop you. I was a bit depressed by this
statement from him.
After that he told me that most of the situations & emergencies I have handled quite well as a
mate. He said that his observation is that I will be able to handle the Chief Mate‟s Job
onboard. He said that he is passing me in all 3 functions. He wished me good luck n said be a
good Chief Officer. We both shook hands and I told him that it was a nice & learning
interaction with him.
SPECIAL OBSERVATION: Capt. Awasthi is not a very soft spoken guy, but very practical fellow.
He is not at all bothered about Solas, Marpol, ISM, STCW, amendments, MS Act, MS Notices,
Quoting rules and all. All he is interested in how sincerely you had carried out your last duties
and how will you handle the job in your next rank.

1. One ship 2 points on port bow coming down, one ship right ahead coming down and
fairway buoy 4 points on stbd bow. Action? And fairway buoy characteristics.
2. Open sea, one ship right ahead, one ship on port quarter and stbd quarter both
overtaking. Practical action out at sea i.e. no speed reduction.
3. R.V. one vessel on port bow 3 points is crossing not taking avoiding action, one ship on
stbd quarter, radar working. Action? Now radar not working. Action? Now if u reduces speed
she is still coming in. Now if u go astern how will u convey her that u r going astern because
she is still coming in i.e. what sound signal for this action.
4. Narrow channel, one vessel right ahead and u r overtaking. Action. Now how will
interaction takes place between u 2. What helm orders throughout manoeuvre u will give
taking care of interaction as well as bow cushion effect until u overtake and go ahead of him.
5. U r on anchor at 4‟o clocks other vessel not under command drifting on u. Action. Now u
cannot use engines as maintenance is going on it. Action. Now if u paid out full anchor chain
still u r colliding. Action. Now u r unable to release bitter end also. Action. Now even if u rig
fenders she collided at No. 2 DB tank ruptured. Action. Now after all collision contingency u r
waiting for getting towed. What arrangements r there for towing on your vessel. How will u
pass your messenger line to tug right ahead with wind from 3 points on port bow i.e. how will
u throw LTA.

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6. U have to go for buoy mooring and u have to disengage your anchor from anchor chain
and pass your anchor cable for mooring. Describe procedure. What is the name of pin in lug
less joining shackle?
7. What r the problems associated with Gyro in higher latitudes.
8. What r the prognosis and synoptic charts.
9. What all preparations for ice navigation u will do?
10. Wind force 4 and u r o forecastle. How will u know anchor has brought up?
11. What r the latest amendments of SOLAS Chapter 5?
12. What is Ice reporting and trs reporting? (ANS: SOLAS CH V Reg. 31, 32 and MSA Act 354
and their contents, this was the only question asked by Capt. Das to me & which became my
failing question).

2off- bridge items
3off- lsa/ffa
mate-loadicator printouts
log book entries:ORB, ballast watre management,OFB(drill entries)etc,work rest hours.
crew-knw their duties and thier duties during emegency.
8)give examples of NC rest hours not complied
2.cannot lower life boat
3.gmdss equipment not working
5.emergency equpmet not working.
9)as a mate how will u make a PMS for any equipment on board.
ans:1) i will refer to maker's manual.
2) as per company sms.
10) contingencies
Grounding- stop engine...thn blah blah
collision- stop engine..exhange of info and check the feasibilty of staying interlocked.
11)master gone ashore and ur anchored in port limits..action if there is any emegergency.
i used dragging anchor eg as emergency.
ans:1)since im send 2nd in command i will assume the reponsibilty
2)send 2nd officer for emergency anchor stations.inform port and alert nearby ship.
contact master on mobile (he is actually waiting to hear this)
3) inform engine room.
4) pay out extra cable.
5) if still not holding thn pick up anchor and reachor

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12) can u pick up anchor on our own.

ans : no sir ..b4 picking up i hav to inform portand req their clearance..who will arrange for a

In US waters, discharging and there is an oil spill, oil is in water.
I went in details abt notifications but he said son this is for asm orals, what will you do as a
mate, I said activate ESD / stop discharge and he said Yessss this is what I want to know and
then asked me if u are the man at the spot and you have some chemicals which can disperse
oils will you use, I said No. Happy.
What is Collective Bargaining Agreement, CB. Act?
Told him unions and flagstate and stuff. Then he asked me what does your company refer to
when they prepare a seamans contract. I said ITF
He said do you know what is IBF? I said no sir.
Ok is your company a part of IMEC? I said I am not sure.
Okay the AB onboard is misbehaving, what will you do as a mate.
I told him abt finding out his problems, warning and making a log book entry as per MSA in
OLB. Happy
You have a hold no. 2 damaged and you have to proceed to Dry Dock what precautions will
you take, I talked abt careful passage planning reviewing the weather vis-à-vis damaged
condition. Then damaged stability seeking advice from em‟cy response services etc.
The he asked abt choice of Dry Dock. Told him abt Floating or if circumstances so desire then
Graving dry dock. He said what would be the trim that you would prefer? I said as low as
possible as reason very simple, less upthrust which will reduce undue stresses on the hull.

1. What is BL?
2. How Many types of Bill are there?
3. What are statutory, Mandatory and Class Certificates?
- just gv def from samsul notes..dat ws enough for him
4. why do we follow several codes? imsbc, grain, css etc..
- js had read smwer in the qstn bank dat he wants to hear oly dat code means law and u hv
to follow it.
and also told him dat such codes become mandatory under some conventions.
5. what is stability booklet?
-just gv him the 5-6 points frm grain stability booklet.
6. what is Docking plan?
7. What is midship section plan

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- i cundt tell him dis so i said i dnt knw

8. Loadicator inputs.
- i said i dnt know. i hv worked on it bt the exact thing i dnt knw
9. while working on d crane and lifting some hose on gas tanker. power failure action
10. Hanging off an anchor. How youl do it?
- Just drew the diagram and expalined it.
11. what is AOA.
- told him as per MSA 100 for indian ships
12. What info does it contain?
13. What is OLB?
- told him as per MSA 212 u need it on indian ships
14. What entries do you make in it?
15. how you wil take care of Multi national crew?
16. What precautions you wil tell to the crew to take while bunkering?
17. How you will carry out maintenance of LSA n FFA?
- As per solas reg, Training Manual and Mfc instructions
18. your crew is indisciplined. How youl manage them?
- as given in samsul
19. Your crew asks you for porn. what youl do?
-i read somewer that he himself said that porn cds r kept in bond store. so i said exactly
dat..said il give the Porn cds just like normal cds
to the crew and eneter in the book and take his sign on it and tell him to return it back.
20. What youl will first check in the Stability booklet wen u take over from a new choff?
-Exemptions which will give u what not things to do
21. What is Biparty and Triparty Agreement?
22. Have you gone through the COSW? Who publishes it?
Maritime coast guard authority, UK and told it has 34 chapters. he stopd me.
23. How youl help master in decision making with respect to any maritime casualty?
- Just gave him an eg about collision and accessing damgage stability etc.
24. What is Contigency?
25. How many contigency Plans were there onbaord your vessel?
26. What is the Minimum GM required for general Cargo Vessels?
-Minimum GM = 0.15m as per intact stability criteria.
27. How will You Plan for PSC?
28. Did you go under any Psc Inspection? what NC's You had gt?
- Just told him bout rest hours.
29. Preparations for Loadline Survey?

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30. Duties of Mate as per STCW?

31. What is PMS?

Wht is statutory certificates, mandatory certificates n class certificates ( statutory – reqd. by d
administration, mandatory- reqd. by international regulation, class- reqd. by d classification
society ……………….was satisfied)
Wht is suez canal certificate ( suez canal cert. counts non earning spaces of d ship as earning
spaces I cud not give him a proper example…….its reqd. by class but its mandatory for
trading was my ans…………he said ok still can improve)
Entries 2 b made in d official log book n its reqd. by whom ( entries gen ……reqd by whom I
said flag state….he said whr is it written I said MSA 1958, reg 212 was happy)
How will u go abt welfare of crew onboard ( blah blah………….)
Wht do u knw abt safety n environmental protection policy ( I told him wht I read frm notes n
abt companys policies………….was satisfied)
Wht is pms ( ..gen……)
Wht is ballast water management ( I told him abt international convention for control and
management of ballast water n sediments frm ships, its c/o respon. Plans r available on
board …………..n even abt d amendment regarding ballast water treatment in 2016…was
How many contingency plans r thr on board ( 23 I answered)
Wht is a contingency plan(gen……….gave me a paper n pen n asked me to write some of d
contingency plans on board…….i wrote abt 10 of tem……ten he asked me 2 stop)
How wud u go abt implementing contingency plans onboard ( I told him d gen stuff ten I evn
told him tat d contingency plans r attached in d muster list for our refrence n stuff….was
How will u make an olb entry for a person who has died onboard ( ask me 2 write n show him
wht I did was name , rank , cdc no, passport no, is presumed to be not breathing even after
doin d following checks…..carotid pulse, light check , heart beat etc…ten I send a copy 2 a
shore doc who will verify tat d chks done by personnel onboard r appropriate n ten he will
certify tat person dead on d basis of chks made onboard…..n send d copy onboard only ten
tat person can b called a deceased …….in addition I even made entries abt personnel effects,
money, wages of tat person, deductions if any supported by vouchers …………..was happy)
How wud u go abt carryin abt risk assessment ( like he wanted assessment 2 b carried out in
accordance wit safe practices given in code of safe working practices for merchant seaman
Bunkers r 2 b transferred precautions ( general……….inc orb entries)
Hanging off anchor ( frm dantons book is wht he wants………….)
Since I never did a drydock he did not ask me abt drydockin

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1.STCW req fr rest hours
2.What is STCW
3.Does it apply to chief cook and fitter and how ( said the full form of stcw and said they
require certificate for working on ship as well as pre sea training and courses)
4. with ism what r u expected to do in a safety meeting ( gave him a practical ans what v
actualy do on ship )
5.what is risk assesment and how wil u determine wheter risk is high or low ( said
determining hazards and eliminating them or preventing them is risk assesment and how
often it occurs and what is the consequence will determine its degree, but sir was looking for
2 words which are probability and severity)
6. what if the port side anchor is not coming up cos motor is not working, can you bring it
back ( said yes by taking the wire rope from the adjacent winch to the spring winch , operate
the srping winch and this will move the port windlas winch which wil then help to move up
the anchor.) on this he asked me think out of the box. ( told him can apply three fold purchse
like that on a ground tackle and hauling in the cable slowly…bt he asked me can u use the
stbd motor I said yes port can be replaced by stbd, thn asked any other method…was
thinking til that time he told if u want to move out in short time then said slip the anchor .
then he told yes and also put a bout at the last end so that anchor can be retrieved later on…)
7. What is mast head light. What will be its intensity when at 112.5 and what is the cut off
range( cloregs annex 1 horizontal sectors)
8.Preparation for dry docking
9.what is pms and how it is helpful. If there is any overdue job. How wil u carry it, cos if
overdue jobs are completed then present jobs wil get overdue …( said I wil take assistance
from master and ask him for sme time then

1. what is Cabotage Law
2. Duties as per STCW of a mate( i said a few points then he asked where else can u find i said
ISM then he asked ne new regulation or convention where u can find i said no idea)
3. what if a seamen stabs another ( i gave him sme points then he asked what if u r in coastal
waters i said then this becomes a civil jurisdiction case mre qns on this )
4. what if a seamen is not coming for work inspite of being fit ( i told him all the points of
giving him a warning and making an entry in log book,,,then i forgot only to tel that a copy of
this statement should be given to the seamen for his records then i tol i will not punish him
bt try to talk to him thn next qn was )
5. what is the quantum of punitive action and where will u find it...

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6. When will a DOC ( ISM ) be taken back ( i said when then auditor finds a major non
conformity and and ISM and SMS is not followed and he wanted something more which i
cudnt recollect)

1) Own vessel in Malacca straits , STEERING GEAR FAILURE, Action ..
2) SOLAS requirements for emergency steering gear.
3) ISM code - gave him its purpose, certification, requirement , use & also told him its
Content. . is it mandatory ?? what gives it the mandatory status?
4) ISPS ( spoke about security levels , DOS (declaration of security ) , CSO , SSO , PFSO ), what
gives it mandatory status?
5) Own vessel proceeding through Piracy areas – PRECAUTION.
6) What is SSAS (ans: Ship security alert system ),
7) Who is alerted when u press the SSAS on board?
8) Where is the SSAS received for Indian flag ships ( DGS ( jahaz bhavan) – 6th floor)
9) Crew refuses to take orders from you – as a chief mate - How will u go about handling the
situation : how will u go about recording in the official log book,
10) Taking over a new vessel in dock – Owner new – what surveys required to be carried out .
11) MARPOL , what is it about & annex covered in it ?
12) Your vessel damaged / breached in the bow area - which dry dock will you prefer & why
& how will you go about Dry docking it ( ans: Floating dry dock preferred – as can adjust the
floating docks trim to dock the vessel with minimum trim , so that upthrust (P) is minimum ,
hence the loss of GM is minimum.. )

1) ORB entry on bulk carrier?
Ans:- Any ballast taken in fuel oil tank, disposal of sludge, bilge (E/R), disposal.
2) How will you guide you 2/o.
Ans:- Explain him in passage planning, cargo watch, navigation.
3) MLC
Ans:- Min requirement fr seafearer ( all 5 topic only)
4) Preparation for DD
Ans:- Prepare a list of eqpt to be repaired. Ask all officer and E/R dept. to submit a list.
Take photo & send to office. Docking plan to be sent to dock to prepare the blocks.
5) Have you been to DD?
Ans:- yes sir once.
6) What did you learn?

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Ans:- ship side blasting by sand, painting, remaning of propeller. On deck many plates,
brackets changed…. All doors changed….

1. Plans reqd for DD
2. Then told me that trim and GM are imp for DD...wat is the 3rd factor....i told him that
maybe if ther
is cargo onbd...he told me thatthat is not correct but it is something to do with i
told him
ships displacement....he didnt reply so i then said lightship...and he was like...u were
answering so well and now why are u messing it this point i thought Func 3 to gaya...
4. wat is PMS
.Where will you get Mer Pass for planets.Wants exact page.
2. Visual Cross Brg and USing range rings and EBL which one is accurate?
3. HOw to use Star Identifier? Procedure
4. Which is the Brightest Star.
5. HE wanted to name one constellation and the starts in it.
6. HOw will you choose star for sight
7. In a round bout TSS.Which way to go CLockwise or Anti-clockwise.
8. You are on a course visibility suddenly drops to 1nm. Master tell you to
come down to safe speed. what will you do? i gave him all factors but wasnt convinced he
told will you tell this in engine room.
9. You are on a course u se a shoal and its not on the chart what is ur action?
he wanted reporting according to Hydrographic Note.
10. He drew a pilot station on a paper and drew a CTS and drew 50m and 100m contour and
said said you have No Nav Aids only Echo sounder how will you navigate.
Ans. Missing course it dint strike me.
11. Can almanac be used for the next year. I said yes for Sun and stars. And he said even if
its leap year.i said yes he asked me am I sure I said yes.

2. ESP
3. Removing anchor 1st shackle for towing, how will you go about. I said take extra lashings,
Lower slightly to check if bearing weight of Anchor + Chain. Remove lugless Shackle and pass
cable. What is pin of shackle called. Spile pin, choked with Lead.
4. ETA which reg- I said SOLAS Ch. 2 and requirements for deployment. All OK, but said reqd

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for 10000GT+ but actually for 20000DWT+.

5. Risk Assessment for removing bow thruster motor. Said all. Fine.
6. What is close up survey and what is overall survey. All part of ESP.
7. How to arrange for close up survey. Again ESP.
8. P and I clubs. Just started and said enough. Wait outside.


1. Wat all plans required for docking?
2. D/Dock requirement i.e. how many times in 5 years.
3. Wat is shell expansion plan? wat info we get?(thickness and grade of plate)
4. Certificates esp IOPP, IAPP, IPPC, Sewage, Form A and B(supplement to IOPP).
5. Validity of Safety Mgmt Cert?
6. Any audit for SMC?
7. NOP? When lodged?


1. Drydockin procedure ... stability , enterin , precautions bfr floodin ( keep same stability
cond with the 1 u came in with , vacuum test of bottom plugs etc )
2. Implement ISM code on new ship ... DOC , SMC
3. Statutory and mandatory cert
4. CBA , AOA .... give expls of CBA in india ... told him its btw MUI and shipping companies ...
but he wanted names of contracts
5. Chain register
6. relate loose gear with chain register and also wire ropes ..... loose gear thru idn no. and
wire rope thru a systematic pms ... thr is no identification no. on wire ropes... thr were a few
emergencies as well all i can recollect .....

1. Articles of agreement.
2. What all certificates as per SOLAS?? ESP?? Close up examination>>?? Preparations before
surveys?? SAFECON>>?? (In the list of certificates, do not forget 2 mention CLC). Do u kno
wht is certificate of financial responsibility>>??
3. Explain ISM code with contents?? In force? Latest Amendments?? What is ur part as a MATE

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with the code??

4. (this went on pretty long!! HIS EVERY QUESTION WAS DIFFERENT!! NO RELATION 2the
previous in many cases!!) Master is hospitalized onboard after a accident!! Ur engines fail!!
Moderate seas. U are bout 150 Miles off the Port and ur only option is emergency TOWING.
Explain the procedures right from the start, how will u go about it>>??
Explain the documentation involved with the tug. As per which SOLAS Reg is ETA required on
tankers?? Is the mate authorized 2 initiate anything with rgds 2 LOYDS OPEN FORM in the
absence of master?? HAVE u seen a LOF?? hw dose it look?? Hw many sections?? What all
things u have 2 write inside?? How do the owners reserve ther rights w.r.t LOF?? (and hell lot
of cross questions which i managed 2 answer as i have worked on the company manuals!!) Do
not forget 2 use this word NO CURE NO PAY whn u r answering bout the owners!!!)
5. STCW 95?? Contents?? As a mate wht will u comply with??
6. Bosun acts smart, AB is indisciplined, What action will u take?? Can u sack them?? If yes,
give me a example which says u can do so! ( wants 2 here MS ACT).
7. Bill of lading>?> Mates receipt?? Letter of protest?? SOPEP?? Contents of SOPEP?? Wht all
revisions do u get for SOPEP?? Who sends it??
8. Filing system for C/o ONboard?? Are u suppose 2 keep the old cargo plans onboard??
Why?? Documentation with the SHORE?? How will u check tht ur maintenance is as per plans??
9. What is a treaty?? What is a convention??
10. Tell me a convention made for combating oil pollution, where major parties are involved.
11. Wht is CSS and CSM?? Is it the same?? What all do you get from it??
12. how will u dry dock ur vessel?? Procedures with the docking master?? calculations??
(wants 2 kno all the formulas) How will u assure the master that u have done a correct
assessment for the stability of the vessel prior entering DD and it will be safe at all times??
Explain critical, inst, period!! How will you refloat the vessel after the dry dock is over>?>
Precautions and checks?? how about the stability??
13. U are a General cargo vessel, A stevedore dies because of your operational mistake. What
do u think is going 2 happen next?? Consequences>? legally, operationally?? Is the P and I
gonna pay for it?? What happens 2 u?? Can u be imprisoned or is it tht ur licence wud b
cancelled?? (Well, Most imprtnt in all this which luckily , FORTUNATELY clicked me here, DOCK
LABORS REGULATION!! Thts all he wants 2 kno.)
13. This checklists and all are just waste papers and nobody is actually filling it. Thts the
truth. While complying with certain things, Wat do u think is the best?? Experience or by the
14. Chain Register?? Entries?? Inspection?


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19) Two imp record books for C/O?

ORB n Garbage rec book
20) What all receipts u will attach to them?
Garbage landing, oil-sludge disch to shore/barge
21) Have u done drydocking?
Yes, said twice….he didn‟t ask me anything
22) B/L and mate‟s receipt, boat note?
23) Chain register?
24) Biparty / triparty?
25) What u know abt ISM code? ( I started as per 16 elements, never told him all, doc smc
cert…gave few points how to implement onboard,,,)
26) CO2 flooding in E/R?
I told him abt how to operate, quick closing v/v‟s, alarm, 85% in 2 mins, head count blah blah
blah…but he wanted to hear some vent v/v in emgcy,,,,I was not aware…

1) what does ur father do?
2) who was safety officer on ur last vessel?
3) duties of safety officer
4) duties of safety officer while cargo work is going on
5) how wil u go about loading in a bulk carrier. ( i said a few points and stopped. cud not
cover all the imp points)
he didnt seem happy with this
6) loading heavy lifts ( i did not mention that i wil check all the gear associated with picking
up the heavy life)
he said that why u straight jumping to the stability and loss of gm without checking the gears
and ropes for picking up the heavy lift??
7) how wil u load dangerous cargo?
8) what all documents and information are given by the shipper for loading dangerous cargo
9) what is the importance of time sheet and statement of facts in a voyage charter party?
10) how will u go about loading a bulk carrier which is on a voyage charter party? ( he wanted
to hear the clauses associated with voyage charter party regarding loading time i guess ) -
Ans as per me :- i told that in a voyage charter party its very important to finish loading in
the laytime and hence delays should be minimum he was not happy with this and told me
that i had expected an answer wrt arrived ship, laytime etc
11) as a chief officer , what all corcerns you in a voyage? ( i answered loadlines, ice, weather,
traffic , etc )
12) ship routeing system and elements of ship routeing system.

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i could not understand what to answer in elements of roueting system. so i told about
mandatory tss , areas to be avoided, asl lanes, etc.
he said that u are forgetting most of the things like precautionary area, dw route, flow of
traffic arrow etc
13) ship reporting system
14) as an oow, how does chapter 5-safety of navigation of solas and colregs help you
i answered that all 35 regs of chapter 5 helps in navigation.
15) name a few of them
all i could remember is carriage requirements few points, srs, vts, tss, master obligation to
report. at this is stopped,
he asked me to continue and name more. he said that u are forgetting srs vts.... at this i just
told him that i had said vts earlier. he got very angry at this and told me that he was not deaf
and dont act smart in front of me. he asked me to go outside and wait till he thinks he has
time to take my orals. I was totally shocked at this reactions and thought that now alls over.
nothing in my hand will be given by him. he called me agian after about 2 hours.
15) told me to continue my answer on chapter 5 of solas. ( this time i said many things. 2
hours are enough to know most of the regulations of chapter 5)
16) on magentic board, resembling to ror cards, showed me towing vessel on port bow. .
actions and as per which rule
17) sailing vessel ahead , action as per which rule
18) fishing vessel ahead , action as per which rule
19) on magnetic board, made aground vessel more than 50 mtrs. action ?
20) fog signal for such aground vessel?
21) your action as a mate when u see such vessel right ahead? master is sleeping and does
not wake up?
( i said i wil check the chart and see why this situation has happened and why it has come on
our course. that means even our charts are not corrected or our position is not being plotted
properly as per teh passage plan . i wil go on reciprocal course and then check the next best
route to be taken for transitting that area. also i wil report this situation to the coast
during this answer he wrote p-p- on my form. my mind was more on seeing wat he was
writing than in answering!!
22) who issues nav area warning in india ( i said i dont know ... i was having a feeling that he
wil cut the letter p and put f in

Opening question: what informations do you get from M.O.I (din know what it meant,
supposedly it is meterological office of india.

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1. as a mate what are the regulations you are interested in solas ch v. he wants a list of regs...
2. he gave me restricted visibility situaitons 2 of them, over taking inside tss, and one with a
isolated danger on stbd side and port bow and right ahead targets.
3.then a vsl proceeding from singapore to japan at night you observe a red light flashing
(2+1) basically preferred channel buoy in region b.
4. heavy lift loading on container hatch. if wire breaks which regulations to refer on actions
required. he wanted specific answer.
5.then he asked about procedure to change the wire of a crane, step by step, including
reporting and also requesting for surveys, which i missed out.
6.he grilled regarding grain loading, but i guess it went well with me, stabvility requirements
and stuff and about volumetric heeling moments, doa he was very particular, lot of cross
questioning, like who issues and how they issue and who maintains teh standards and stuff
7. he asked what is the unit of conductivity, ( pico siemens) then he asked what are static
accumilator oils, and last part i couldnt answer, he wanted what should be the conductivity of
an oil for it to become static accumilator oil.he wants precise value
Grandfather Clause :
Grandfather clause is a legal term used to describe a situation in which an old rule continues
to apply to some existing situations, while a new rule will apply to all future situations
The term grandfather clause in its current application refers to a legislative provision that
permits an exemption based upon a preexisting condition. For example, through the
application of grandfather clauses, certain prerogatives are ext...
Radar Horizon :
The electromagnetic waves follow the rules of the optics in higher frequencies (>100 MHz).
All radar unit systems almost without exception work in this frequency domain. Well,
therefore the wave fronts also propagate to quasi-optical rules.... Radar horizon is something
related that actual distance is different and radar distance come to differeent coz of various
reasons like temp dew attenuation etc
1) U have done only tankers and none of dry bulk vessels???? i hope u have some knowledge
atleast of other type of vessels!!
2) what the the ammendments to the venting requirements of a product tanker as compared
to a chemical tanker. only the ammendments
3) what is the meaning of " not warranted for "
ANS :- i answered tht its the conditions for the marine insurance. he said thats "warranty" and
i have asked u " not warranted for "
4) what is grandfather or grandpa clause ( not sure wat out of the two he said )

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5) what are the ammendments of chapter 12 of solas , when was it incorporated and
something more he asked which i still can figure out
6) when did ILO convention /code came into force
7) when did ISPS code came into force, when did india ratify, when was it adopted and when
was proposed
IN FORCE - 1 JUL 2004
8) along with isps code ratifications, give any 5 codes / conventions which got ratified along
with it
9) have u read lsa code?
started laughing and said are my standards different ???
10) when did LSA code came into force
ANS:- gave some date BUT WRONG ANSWER
11) ism code ammendments are under which standards?
12) in what conditions can tacit / explicit ways of acceptance be different for different
13) has india ratified SEWAGE ANNEX 4?
15) what is meaning of ratified , adopted, inforce:-
16) when is next stcw conventions coming into force
17) can india detain a ship of 499 grt for many findings on the ship? eg sewage related non
ANS :- i cant recollect how i answered but i said NO. i am wrong i guess
18) wat is radar horizon? have u experienced in your watch?

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19) while keeping watches have u experienced that land which is many miles away has been
shown on radar very near
20) have u read about it and the causes for which it can cause?
21) wat are the testing requirements for immersion suits?
FREQUENT TESTING in between the orals he asked that do u feel that anything wat i have
asked to you is irrelevent from the topics you should be knowing??
ANS :- no sir, all questions are basic , but i was not prepared for your questions
vaz said in the end:-
yesterday only i had asked a person from the office and he was not aware of this circular
himself. i am happy you know about it. I was not looking for the circular number but wanted
to know if u knew anything about the msc circular. the reason i asked is that I had made
some inputs to that circular. I hope you were comfortable during the orals! you have to be
very comfortable in order to answer the questions properly.
WAS ??
1. Ratification of ISPS code : 31st Oct 2003
2. Ratification of LSA code : 01st july 1998
3. Ratification of Solas Ch 12: 01st july 1999
4. Requirements for Venting on a tanker
5. tests to ve carried out on Immersion suit
6. Extension of Liferaft shore manintenance
7. ITU pulications used onbd
8. Is GMDSS logbook a Mandatory reqt (ITU Req)
9. Can IMDG loaded without DOC
10. What codes is applicable for old gas ships?
11. Range ans Bearing Discrimination

1) Vertical Spacing between lights on a vessel of more than 20 mtrs and less than 20 mtrs. for
20+ mrs it is 2 mtrs abd since i was not sure as to what is for 20- mtrs vessel, i sort of said it
is supposed to be 1 mtrs.i was not sure about the 20- mtrs vertical spacing and he asks me
weather I am telling or asking?

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Lately we landed up to the conclusion that ' I am not sure or not aware is a better answer than
giving a unsure figure' for all further questions.

2) Clear visibility he will ask you to put a situation and then i assumed a crossing situation, I
made the condition as a vessel on my port side crossing and i am showing my green light to
her. and so she is required to keep clear of me. He caught hold of my statement and asked
me the condition again, i said the condition again and then he explained me how is that
possible son a vessel on your port and seeing your green side, He asked me to a take a break
for two minutes... I went out and joined my orals after a minute. I quoted the correct
condition this time and then he says what will you do if the vessel doesnt take action subject
to ROC exist- I Said 5 short blast and if still she doesnt take action I will alter to starboard
and turn and I will pass around the stern, also i said i could do a parallel course, this i
Withdrew as there went a discusiion as to what is parallel course He adds up that you turn to
starboard and once you have that the target vessel o the starboard you see that she also
altered to starboard and now what will you do, I said Alter more to starboard.... He adds up
weather you will not give 5 Blasts this time? I added yes. After this whole thing he tells my

3) RV - Under what case are you allowed to turn to port for a vessel fwd of your beam - With
all my confidence I said no sir I cannot alter to port in RV for a vessel fwd of my beam. He
added r u sure becos I am telling you that you can alter to port in RV for a v/l fwd of your
beam. I still said NO sir, I will not alter to port. had to open soft copy ROR and the overtaking
clause was make to read, Realising my mistake; he started english is very catchy language
you read it carefully and the meanings and some stuff.

4) Rocket Parachute flare - Upto what height and what depth in water is it visible - i said not
sure but approximately 10 mtrs -asked at what height or depth can the light be still lit - Said
not sure approx. 6 nched. Both answers are wrong. He asked whether
i have read lsa code , i said yes but not that much in depth (upto where RPF is going)

5) Latest Distress signals added to COLREG Appendix 4 - I said i do notknow what ae the
latest one or any new one is added, Ll i know is there are 15 distress signals. which he asked
me to tell. I made 11-12. He actaully counts them while you are telling them.

IMDG latest amendments - I said I don't know what is the latest amendment but every 3 years
the IMDG is published wherein all new IMDG cargoes identified are added including UN No,
PSN, Properties, Class la bla bla.

Page 62
Keep visiting for latest notes Phone:- 7715932112

IMDG Contents - I said 2 Volumes along with 2 supplements EMs and MFAG
What does EMS MGAF /Supplements do - I Said something goes wrong with ship due to cargo
- Spil inhalation, fire then detailed procedures for containing and dealing with it are provided
in the Supplement.
2 more questions related to cargo which I do not know to answer and i dont remember it
Asked about SOx and NOx Limits - I said some .5 % for SECA something. He then asked me
to find out both SOx and NOx. I went in and said dates and 3,5/.5 for outside and 1/.1 for
inside SECA. Didnt ask about NOx.
At last he asked how do you rate yourself - I said 6,6 in both functions (I was laughing inside
for these marks though).

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