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New system for reservoir management to smaller platforms; all-electric
systems are vital for subsea’s future; new opportunities in ESG; and more


3D mapping improves OFFSHORE WIND
reservoir understanding Global offshore wind capacity
achieves record growth

Industry faces a conflicting
brew of circumstances
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281-978-4940 |
APRIL 2022 / VOL. 243, NO.4

19 23 56


40 Slings and arrows Looking for positivity among
19 New system builds on proven all the negativity
technology for reservoir M. Slaton
9 What’s new in production
management to smaller Nano Fluids - Lubricants
platforms and satellite wells FORMATION EVALUATION
11 Oil and gas in the capitals
J. Musselman 45 Three-dimensional Casualties of war
23 Streamlining liquid mud mapping improves reservoir
13 The ESG perspective
plants: Sustainability from understanding with volumetric A day without oil?
the ground up and 3D insights
15 Executive viewpoint
D. Mackay / M. Kapila M. Viandante / J. M. Denichou Texas oil and gas can save
R. Signorelli H. Wang Europe—again
27 Technologies to enable subsea 60 The last barrel
SHALETECH: PERMIAN BASIN U.S. industry adapts to new normal
electrification for a topside
free environment 48 Permian Shales: $100 oil,
M. Lamb European tensions test STATS AND RESOURCES
basin-wide discipline 16 Industry at a glance
29 Real-time operations center
J. Redden 58 Advertisers’ index
drives new ESG opportunities
by integrating personnel 59 Advertising sales offices
and data
L. Wang / C. Stewart 53 Oil and gas expansion
accelerates as outlooks ABOUT THE COVER
35 OTC 2022 recognizes
improve significantly Illustrating April’s Offshore Technology
Spotlight on New Technology®
M. Plante / K. Patel lead theme, the cover features an image
Award winners of Transocean’s soon-to-be-delivered
K. Abraham Deepwater Atlas drillship during recent sea
THE ENERGY TRANSITION: trials offshore Singapore. The Deepwater
OFFSHORE WIND Atlas and Deepwater Titan, which is also
under construction in Singapore, are the
56 Global offshore wind capacity
only two “eighth-generation” drillships in the
achieves record growth industry, differentiated by their ability to drill
S. Gordon and complete 20,000-psi prospects and an
industry-leading, net three-million-pound
hoisting capacity. Image: Transocean.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 3

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JULY 2019

PERMIAN BASIN IADC Executive Committee

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enhance recovery, lower costs
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Real-time stimulation monitoring improves economics Art J. Schroeder, Jr., CEO, Energy Valley, Inc.
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Ample supply helps operators in volatile market
EXPEC Advanced Research Center
Top two producers climbing global E&P ranks Svein Tollefsen, Manager, Reservoir Technology, Equinor ASA
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4 APRIL 2022 /
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Looking for positivity

among all the negativity
Well, we continue to experience a most That is one big nugget of positivity.
interesting, albeit aggravating set of nega- Canada removes a Bay du Nord IN THIS ISSUE
tive financial and logistical factors at work stumbling block. Another positive mo-
globally. War conditions have gone on in
Ukraine for more than seven weeks, as of
this writing. In the U.S. and many other
ment occurred a day after the Ansys
conference, when the Canadian federal
government reversed itself and suddenly
19 Special focus: Offshore tech-
nology. Our lead theme has a
wealth of material. A Weatherford man-
countries, rampant inflation is taking approved the environmental assessment ager describes how a new system pro-
place, the various supply chains are a mess, for Equinor’s Bay du Nord development vides reservoir management to smaller
energy supplies are disrupted, and the cost project. This came just a month after platforms and satellite wells. Meanwhile,
of oilfield equipment and services is jump- federal officials on March 4 said that En- a Halliburton author focuses attention
ing higher. It’s hard to ignore all this nega- vironment and Climate Change Minister on operations at liquid mud plants to
tivity, but in this column, we’re looking for Steven Guilbeault needed more time to reduce, reuse and repurpose materials.
some positivity, wherever we can fit it. review the offshore site and project. Parker Wellbore experts explain how a
Digital transformation aiding net Environmentalists, no doubt, were hop- real-time operations center drives new
zero initiatives. One of the more posi- ing that the delay would kill the project. ESG opportunities. And a Baker Hughes
tive things in this industry that this editor But thankfully, someone in the Canadian author says all-electric systems are vital
has witnessed of late was a conference in federal government finally came to his/her for future subsea operations in the en-
early April that yours truly participated in. senses and put through approval of the as- ergy transition.
Put on by Ansys, Inc., a firm specializing sessment. One does have to wonder how
in engineering simulation software, the
Ansys Energy Forum’s working topic was
Reshaping the Future of Energy through
much the energy shortage stemming from
the war in Ukraine, plus sky-high oil and
gas prices, played into this decision. Nev-
40 Regional report: Gulf of
Mexico. Skyrocketing oil
prices caused by Russia’s war on Ukraine
Digital Transformation. ertheless, it’s one giant nugget of positivity. and Biden’s war on hydrocarbons pres-
Assuming that comments from con- A final testimonial to one of the in- ent the Gulf of Mexico E&P industry with
ference participants are reflective of the dustry’s great ambassadors. Last, but a conflicting brew of circumstances, says
industry’s overall mood, then the pace not least, among our examples of positiv- Contributing Editor Mike Slaton. While
of digital transformation in oil and gas is ity is the April 1 retirement of Halliburton the demand for oil becomes even more
gaining momentum in 2022. In addition, Vice President of Industry Relations Galen critical, U.S. operations in the Gulf and
the companies represented in the Hous- Cobb. After graduating from Oklahoma elsewhere are stymied by inconsistent
ton event emphasized that they are dedi- Christian University in 1975, Galen went government actions. For the deepwater
cated to achieving net-zero operations to work for Halliburton in what turned out Gulf, these slings and arrows imperil fu-
and rolling up their sleeves accordingly. to be an illustrious 47-year career. From ture production more than today’s imme-
The conference brought together a 1991 to 1994, he was Director for CIS and diate needs.
significant, representative slice of large China, with oversight in establishing Hal-
operators and service companies to dis-
cuss what they are doing in this sphere, in
terms of goals, strategies, methods and im-
liburton’s presence and operations in these
emerging markets. Later he was named
Director, Executive Sales and Business
45 Formation evaluation: Three-
dimensional mapping. Sch-
lumberger authors say that 3D mapping
plementation. Represented either among Development, before being promoted to improves reservoir understanding with
panel participants or attendees were oper- his last, most notable post in 2002. volumetric and 3D insights. For more
ators such as Shell and BP, along with ser- This editor has been blessed to know sustainable drilling, operators should drill
vice firms and technology providers like Galen for 30 years. And in that time, he has fewer, more accurate wells. This is chal-
Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, Hallibur- been a consummate ambassador for both lenging in more complex reservoirs. A
ton, NOV, Microsoft, GE and Flowserve. Halliburton and the industry as a whole. 3D reservoir mapping service helps im-
What impressed this editor was that Whether dealing with industry companies prove geosteering in such environments.
to a person, every panelist expressed the and associations, federal and state officials, The 3D reservoir mapping-while-drilling
dedication that his/her company has to other countries, philanthropic efforts, or capabilities open opportunities for addi-
the digital transformation and net-zero the public at large, Galen has been a bas- tional applications and integration with
efforts, as well as the sense of urgency tion of effectiveness and positivity. We are 3D or 4D seismic workflows.
that they showed, and the strategies/ going to miss his presence greatly. Best
methods already being implemented. wishes, Galen, on a great retirement! ŝ EDITORIAL@WORLDOIL.COM
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 7
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Nano Fluids - Lubricants

In my December 2021 column, while el. As shown in Fig. 2, even highly pol- and anti-seize pastes for valves; Atom-
discussing heat exchangers, I introduced ished surfaces, such as bearings, have mi- Lube series of 13 greases and lubricants
you to the concept of Nano Fluids. Nano croscopic imperfections (or roughness) for a variety of lubrication applications;
Fluidics is an area of the broader “Nano- that result in a constant compression- and two AtomLube dielectric greases.
Technology” that uses nano-sized parti- relaxation cycle that not only increases So, what’s the prize? AtomOil En-
cles to “functionalize” a fluid (rather than friction, but also generates heat. When gine Oil Treatment has shown a 43%
a surface) to better perform a specific added to a lubricant, the nGlide particles reduction in an engine’s steady state
function. In the heat exchanger column, constantly fill the “roughness gaps” to friction and a significant increase in oil
I discussed the use of certain nano-parti- prevent this compression-relaxation cy- film activation. AtomLube Frac Stack
cles to increase the thermal conductivity cle. The result is a significant reduction Grease has shown a 20% reduction of
of fluids used in heat exchangers. in friction and heat, and significantly friction, a 90% reduction in wear, and
This month, I’d like to expound a bit longer lives for the lubricated parts. a 50% increase in load capacity of frac
more on a particular type of nano-fluids: VinTech Nano Materials actually stack valves. AtomLube Anti-Seize Lu-
Nano-Lubricants. doesn’t sell nGlide particles. Instead, they bricant has shown a 90% reduction in
VinTech Nano Materials manu- offer a series of 21 individual lubricants wear and a 60% increase in load capac-
factures a unique family of proprietary under the AtomLube™ label, and a series ity on the valve stem of frac stack valves.
hybrid nanoparticles called nGlide. As of 17 individual oils under the AtomOil™ AtomLube Ultrared Trucking Grease
shown in Fig. 1, an nGlide particle has a label. Each of these products, including has shown a 40% reduction in friction
nanoparticle core surrounded by one or the nGlide particles, are designed to per- and a 20% reduction in wear on frac and
more functional materials. The final size form a specific function under a particu- transportation truck kingpins.
of the nGlide particle is still in the nano- lar set of operating conditions. Figure 3 demonstrates the positive ef-
meter range. This means that they will Some examples. AtomOil Engine fects of AtomLube® on the bonnet sleeve
not settle out in a fluid. When added to Oil Treatment for lubrication of rotating cam of a frac valve after a 10,000-cycle
lubricants, the nGlide particles coat the equipment; AtomOil Extreme Pressure wear test. With the AtomLube®, there
lubricated surfaces at the nanometer lev- Gear Oil for gear boxes; AtomOil Drone was no detectable friction or wear. This
Oil for lubrication of delicate instrumen- resulted in a reduction in valve down-
tation; AtomOil Ultra Wireline Lubri- time and repair costs. For more informa-
Fig. 1. Depiction of an nGlide particle. cant 12750 for protection of slickline, tion go to:
braided line, coiled tubing, snubbing
pipe, and perhaps wire rope against salt ŝ BILL@OILPATCHENGR.COM / Bill Capdevielle has 45 years of
upstream industry experience. He has held various technical and
water and H2S corrosion. managerial positions and is retired from both Mobil Oil and Hess. Bill
In addition, there is the AtomLube has spent equal portions of his career supporting producing operations,
series of six greases, sealants, lubricants in upstream technology centers, and in capital project support.

Fig. 3. 10,000-cycle test on frac valve bonnet sleeve cam.

Fig. 2. Depiction of omnidirectional

asperities and loadings on polished

The Surface is not Simple & nor is it Flat

Micro-asperity contact

Microscopic forces of molecular Adhesion &

mechanical Abrasion

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 9


Casualties of war
The consequences of the war between with the ruble stabilizing at 10% under its ghanistan. Dissemination of techniques
Ukraine and Russia will be considerable early February value. and know-how in several countries is now
for the energy and oil markets. Given The U.S. and Canada have banned im- a reality.
the extent of damages produced by the ports of Russian oil, while the UK has said Moreover, the weight of the NATO
war and the sanctions taken by NATO it will phase out purchases. French firm countries and their allies is much less than
countries and their allies (Australia, Ja- TotalEnergies, which owns a major part of it was in the 1970s. It is, therefore, more
pan, South Korea), a ceasefire will not NOVATEK, the main exporter of Russian than likely today that the new sanctions
imply a return to normal. The Ukrainian LNG, has said that it will stop its purchas- will bring about a change in subcontrac-
oil industry is in shambles, and the future es of Russian oil by next December. But tors, favoring Chinese or Indian compa-
of Russian oil production is uncertain. If other European nations have not followed nies, rather than blocking production.
Russia can find substitute customers, the suit, given their energy dependence on In addition, some of the NATO bloc or
question of the sustainability of produc- Russia. The IEA said that major oil com- allied countries could transfer part of
tion levels achieved so far arises. panies, as well as trading houses, shipping the know-how to Chinese companies, to
Ukraine was traditionally the pro- companies and banks, were backing down maintain an indirect presence in Russia.
cessing location for most Soviet oil. from doing business with Russia. Finally, the de facto prohibition for
However, its refining level declined dra- However, in the short term, Russia Russian companies to finance themselves
matically after 2010, even before the could find substitute customers, mainly on Western financial markets should not
2013-2014 Maïdan insurgency and prob- in India and China. Purchases made by represent a significant obstacle to invest-
lems with Russia. Oil refinery throughput Indian companies, which have obtained ments. Already, part of the investments in
declined from 369,000 bpd in 2005 to significant discounts from Russian firms, Russia’s hydrocarbon sector are made in
108,000 bpd in 2012 and 68,000 bpd in are up very sharply. Given that the Rus- yuan. This should accelerate in the com-
2020. As most industrial facilities were sian budget was calculated on the basis of ing period. Moreover, the Central Bank
emplaced around Odessa and Mariupol, a $42/bbl oil price (Brent), and that the of Russia has changed its policy signifi-
all the output is now stopped. Damage is price today is above $100, this leaves a sig- cantly since the war between Russia and
probably extensive. nificant margin for future discounts. The Ukraine began. It is not impossible that it
Ukraine possesses some convention- fact that India, with Russia’s help, is study- will put in place specific refinancing con-
al and unconventional hydrocarbon re- ing the construction of tankers suitable ditions for large Russian companies in the
serves. These resources are concentrated for the Arctic route, is a good indication hydrocarbon sector.
in three regions: Carpathian in the west of the economic and strategic importance Russian production is not likely to
(13% of proven reserves); Dnieper-Do- of the ties between the two countries. be affected severely in the medium term.
netsk in the east (80%); and Black Sea- The question is more complex, The experience of the sanctions taken in
Sea of Azov in the south (around 7%). when we look at sanctions relating to 2014 and 2015 shows that their impact is
Territorial conditions for a war termina- production, itself. Many companies from limited. The question of short-term im-
tion are here of the utmost importance. countries that imposed sanctions against pact, paradoxically, seems more import-
Russia is the third-largest oil pro- Russia worked as subcontractors for large ant. The extent of additional Chinese and
ducer behind the U.S. and Saudi Arabia. Russian companies (Rosneft, Lukoïl, etc.) Indian demand for Russian oil, and the
But Russia is the largest exporter of petro- and for Western firms operating in Russia. ability of Russian companies to deliver
leum and products in the world. Europe Is the withdrawal of these subcontractors this oil by sea, is a real uncertainty. We
depends on these exports, whether for likely to compromise Russian production can, however, consider that Russian com-
crude oil or products—such as diesel— capacity? panies will find ways to circumvent both
for its supplies. In January 2022, Russia’s Probably no, in the short term. Sim- the effects of the sanctions and that of
total oil and product production reached ilar, albeit less extensive, sanctions were the implicit withdrawal of many Western
11.3 MMbpd, practically recovering its imposed in 2014 and 2015 against Rus- companies from operating with Russia.
pre-Covid level, of which about 8 MMb- sia, and they had no significant impact. The world is no longer “West”-centered.
pd, or 70%, were exported. IEA forecasts If Russia had to permanently do without This could be one lesson rammed home
indicate that 2.5 MMbpd to 3.0 MMbpd the contribution of these companies, the by this ugly war.
of exports are at risk, corresponding to impact could be more severe. But today’s ŝ SAPIR@MSH-PARIS.FR / Jacques Sapir is a professor of economics
35% to 37%. However, the Ruble-USD world is no longer that of the late 1970s, at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris,
exchange rate, after plummeting during when high-tech sanctions were imposed and at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. An expert on Russian
economic policy, he graduated from the Institute of Political Studies in
the invasion’s first days, is now recovering, on the USSR following the invasion of Af- Paris in 1976, and earned a PhD in economics from EHESS in 1980.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 11

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A day without oil?

Things are beginning to move a little solar- and wind-centric. This seems to shut down leases on federal lands.
quicker in ESG reporting and standards. tip the scale toward the more reasonable The opposition will argue that this
Recently, the International Sustainability balance I think we need. Since then, on is exactly why we must hurry to elim-
Board published its first two proposals March 28,2022, the SEC ruled that Green inate fossil fuels, to eliminate the lever-
on development of global standards. The Century (an environmental mutual fund age countries like Russia have over the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commis- company) could move forward with its world. The problem is the real treachery
sion (SEC) on March 21, 2022, issued proposal to Chubb Limited (a large prop- this path will take. Europe certainly has
a proposed rule for new ESG disclosure erty and casualty insurance company), to gotten a taste of it—increasing energy
requirements, starting as early as 2024. cease underwriting new fossil fuel sup- costs with less reliability; increasing cost
This looks like we are aligning toward plies, a tip in the other direction. of everything; no more asphalt, plastics,
more comprehensive ESG reporting for On the surface, while the EU is learn- rubber and chemicals that we use every
public companies. On the surface, this ing from its overdependence on solar and day; tires for our cars. Yes, we can devel-
supports the massive shift toward Car- wind, and needs more reliable, less-ex- op alternatives, but at what cost and in
bon Capture and Sequestration (CCS), pensive sources of energy, the U.S. is what timeframe? Or we can offset fossil
as the race toward net zero begins. But is heading headlong down the same path fuel emissions and develop a new CCS
it all that simple? that the EU is trying to shift from. Don’t industry while moving toward cleaner
You see, plenty of negotiating and get me wrong: the EC faced a lot of back- energy in a slower transition. There are
posturing is still taking place as these lash from its decision, and we can still see bigger and bolder movements within the
disclosure requirements are being devel- some shifts down the road. So, there pos- industry—what if we offset our emis-
oped, and we still don’t have a clear view sibly will be some reversal. That is why I sions with CCS and take our produced
of what exactly these standards might called this decision a battleground topic water and clean it to discharge standards?
be. Even the SEC’s proposed rule is still for our industry that we cannot lose. The Imagine a net zero industry that provides
receiving public comment and possibly SEC ruling in favor of Green Century is energy as well as clean water—can there
some legal challenges, so it’s hard to say exactly what this battle is about. As we be anything more sustainable?
that 2024 will be the first year that these talk about the path and race to net zero, We must support efforts to include
standards are reported. One of the more they are talking about eliminating the oil natural gas in sustainability conversa-
complicated issues will be reporting and gas industry. tions. We cannot let the ESG movement
Scope 3 emissions, even though they are Then came Russia’s invasion of become the fossil fuel elimination move-
extending the reporting requirements. Ukraine. As horrific and terrible as this ment. In 2004, a famous mockumentary
The root of the problem will be how to invasion is, it accomplished one thing— was made, “A Day Without a Mexican,”
get a private company, which is not ob- it underscored the world’s dependence to highlight the importance of this com-
ligated to report Scope 3 emissions, to on oil and gas. With U.S. gas prices al- munity to California. Well, I think it’s
report its emissions to a publicly traded ready on the rise, this invasion increased about time for our own documentary,
client. There is much in the way of details prices even further. Russia’s leverage on “A Day Without Oil,” to highlight how
to work out here before the smoke clears Europe in general, but primarily East- vital oil is to our everyday lives. I don’t
and believe me, there is a lot of smoke. ern Europe, is Russian oil and gas. They believe that everyday Americans truly
What is undeniable is we will see even use these commodities to support understand this and what an outright
more transparency for publicly traded the Russian ruble by tying it to a gold ban on fossil fuels really means, plus the
companies and pressure to get to carbon standard lower than the existing one and devastation it would cause to our way of
net zero will continue. The question is requiring buying nations to purchase life and economy.
which way will the scales tip—toward Russian oil and gas in rubles. This is in I will keep you updated on all matters
eliminating fossil fuels or to a more rea- response to sanctions that have devas- ESG in the industry, but we must stay
sonable balance? In my last column, I dis- tated the ruble. Let’s hope Putin’s effort vigilant and support our industry and
cussed the importance of the European to tie the ruble to gold is as unsuccessful its efforts to move towards net zero. The
Commission (EC) ruling that natural gas, as Libya’s Gaddafi’s attempt. If anything, race is on my friends; let’s not take our
with some caveats, could be sustainable. it may better align NATO against Rus- eye off the target.
Of course, this came after a disastrous sia, but I digress. Russia’s invasion has
winter that saw increasing energy use led Europe to look for other oil and gas
ŝ MPATTON@HYDROZONIX.COM / Mark Patton is president of
Hydrozonix, an oil and gas-focused water management company.
and decreasing reliability, with blackouts sources. It also has forced the Biden ad- He is a chemical engineer with more than 25 years of experience
and brownouts, as the EU became more ministration to reconsider its attempt to developing new technologies for wastewaters and process residuals.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 13

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Featuring Insights From:

Texas oil and gas can save Europe—again

Like everyone, I’m heartbroken about for the first time in 67 years (EIA), sur- This wouldn’t be the first time that
everything happening in our world right passing Saudi Arabia and Russia to be- Texas energy played an impactful role on
now. As a parent and grandparent, I’m come the largest producer of oil and gas in the world stage. In World War I, Eastland
worried about the nation we are leaving the world (EIA). This gave us affordable County, Texas, and the “Roaring Ranger”
for the next generation.  energy, thousands of new jobs, economic production were essential to the Allied
In recent years, it has become painfully growth, and national security. Our coun- victory (American Oil & Gas Historical
clear that climate catastrophism has an try achieved this by simply empowering, Society). In World War II, 6 billion of
oversized influence on public policy. An instead of attacking, domestic oil and the 7 billion bbl of oil used to win the
intense focus on reaching the unattainable gas producers. war came from the U.S. (theconversa-
goal of carbon-zero has repeatedly caused The EU should be buying liquified nat-, with two East Texas pipelines
poor policy decisions that increase costs ural gas (LNG) from friendly countries largely responsible for transporting most
to consumers and make us more reliant like America, Australia, and other Western of it from the largest oil field in history at
on unreliable forms of energy. Ironically, democracies to meet their firm generation the time. Winston Churchill at the end of
these policies do not reduce emissions, needs. It’s dependable, affordable, and the conflict said that the war was won on
they just ship them overseas and make us cleaner than coal. European gas presently a sea of East Texas oil ( In-
more reliant on hostile foreign nations, trades around $26 per metric million Brit- deed, Churchill was a long-time believer
like Russia and China. But it doesn’t have ish thermal units, while the price of U.S. in the importance of oil during military
to be this way. LNG is a little over $9 but has been as conflict, and its a lesson that’s still true
Energy security is national security, low as $4 (EIA). Given the right produc- to this day. In his pre-World War I role as
plain and simple. I know it sounds played tion incentives, it can be that low again. First Lord of the Admiralty for the Brit-
out, but it’s a fact. Nowhere is this demon- Texas represents a quarter of U.S. natural ish Navy, he stressed the echoing point of
strated more clearly than in Europe, which gas production and can certainly produce energy security as national security in his
had relied on Russia for almost half of its more to meet that potential demand. words, “Safety and certainty in oil lie in
natural gas supply (The New York Times) Texas is the nation’s largest producer of variety and variety alone.” As Mark Twain
and unreliable renewables for roughly oil and gas. If it were a country, it would once said (supposedly), “history doesn’t
another fifth of their energy (EIA). The be the third- largest producer in the world repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”
European Union (EU) has painted them- (TXOGA). Prior to Covid-19 and OPEC As Chairman of the Railroad Commis-
selves into an energy-dependent corner disputes, Texas was producing an histor- sion of Texas, I led an effort, joined by my
and jeopardized their national security as ic 1.85 Bbbl a year, with a 60% increase colleagues, calling for all oil and gas pro-
a result.  from 2016 to 2020 (EIA). Today, Texas ducers to divest from Russia. I’m glad to
But Europe is more than a cautionary has been producing less at roughly 4.7 see so many companies heeded that call.
tale. America could be headed down the MMbopd, or 320,000 bopd less (EIA). I’m also mildly encouraged that President
same hazardous road if Democratic lead- Currently, American oil and gas pro- Biden came to his senses on Russian oil.
ership in Washington, D.C., continues to ducers are seeing all red lights. From grow- However, there is much more that needs
sacrifice reliable domestic production for ing ESG investments to federal leasing to be done to end Putin’s unlawful war,
foreign markets. bans to canceled pipelines and increased decrease energy costs, and strengthen our
Since taking office, President Biden has regulations, there has been little incentive national security. As Biden shuts the spig-
made every poor decision that he could the past two years for investors, produc- ot off on Russian oil and gas, he needs to
to cripple our geopolitical standing in ers, refiners and more. turn the American one on full blast.
the world and make the U.S. more reliant We need to be realistic and practi- The Lone Star State is ready to meet
on foreign oil and unreliable renewables. cal. Environmentalists’ goal of net zero is U.S. energy needs and help our European
From handing Afghanistan to the Taliban a wish, but it’s not an energy strategy. The allies meet theirs. Mr. President, please
to destroying our American energy domi- price of crude oil has skyrocketed, infla- just give Texas the green light.
nance, it’s clear this administration cares tion is rampant, and Europe is mired in its ŝ A lifelong conservative businessman, WAYNE CHRISTIAN
more about appeasing radical left-wing first ground war since World War II. was elected as the 50th Texas Railroad Commissioner in November
activists than doing what is right for the It’s time to switch the lights from red 2016. Prior to his time at the Commission, Mr. Christian served
seven sessions in the Texas House of Representatives, accumulating
American people. to green. We should be divesting from a strong record of standing for free markets and against burdensome
There are better alternatives, and hostile countries and harnessing Ameri- regulations. He is married to his wife, Lisa, and together they have
three daughters and five grandchildren. You can learn more about
buying American is the solution. In 2019, can oil and gas, especially right here in the Chairman Christian here:
the U.S. became a net exporter of energy Permian basin.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 15


Crude prices climbed in March, as the war in Ukraine persisted.

WORLD OIL & NGL PRODUCTION Million barrels per day
Experts predicted a long and drawn-out battle, which continued
FEB 2022 JAN 2022 AVG. 2021 AVG. 2020
to exacerbate concerns over the loss of Russian supplies. WTI
surged 18%, hitting $108.50/bbl, with Brent trading at $117.25/bbl, Saudi Arabia 10.23 10.10 9.12 9.21
up 20% compared to February. Despite higher prices, U.S. op- Iran 2.56 2.52 2.42 2.00
erators have not ramped up drilling activity dramatically, which Iraq 4.26 4.26 4.03 4.05
is typically the case in a high-price environment. Excessive com- United Arab Emirates 2.96 2.96 2.72 2.86
pany debt and the loss of bank funding have forced operators and Kuwait 2.61 2.57 2.42 2.41
service providers to embrace extreme financial discipline. The rig Neutral Zone 0.22 0.30 0.25 0.11
count averaged 662 units in March, up just 4% from 636 counted Angola 1.17 1.19 1.12 1.27
Nigeria 1.30 1.38 1.31 1.49
in February. In March, there were 4,273 DUCs in the U.S., 38% few-
Libya 1.16 1.00 1.15 0.35
er than the year-ago tally of 6,912. International activity averaged
Algeria 0.98 0.98 0.91 0.90
1,033 rigs in February, just two more than in January. Congo 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.30
Gabon 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.20
U.S. OIL PRODUCTION1 Thousand barrels per day Equatorial Guinea 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.11
DAILY AVERAGE FOR MONTH Venezuela 0.72 0.69 0.61 0.53
JAN JAN DEC NGLs & condensate1 5.33 5.29 5.22 5.11
STATE 20222 20213 % DIFF. 20212 TOTAL OPEC 33.84 33.49 31.58 30.80
Alabama 12 12 0.0 11 OECD2
Alaska 450 458 -1.7 451 U.S. 17.53 17.56 16.72 16.56
Arkansas 12 11 9.1 12 Mexico 1.97 1.99 1.95 1.93
California 349 377 -7.4 351 Canada 5.89 5.75 5.62 5.35
Colorado 398 377 5.6 412
United Kingdom 0.91 0.89 0.89 1.08
Florida 2 5 -60.0 4
Norway 2.12 1.97 2.04 2.01
Illinois 18 19 -5.3 19
Europe-others 0.46 0.45 0.46 0.47
Kansas 73 76 -3.9 72
Kentucky 5 5 0.0 6 Australia 0.47 0.47 0.44 0.45
Louisiana 1,792 1,525 17.5 1,798 Pacific-others 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
Michigan 12 12 0.0 12 TOTAL OECD 29.42 29.16 28.21 27.92
Mississippi 34 37 -8.1 36 NON–OECD
Montana 50 53 -5.7 51 Russia 11.40 11.37 10.87 10.61
Nebraska 4 5 -20.0 4 Azerbaijan 0.69 0.70 0.70 0.70
New Mexico 1,341 1,088 23.3 1,365 Kazakhstan 2.00 2.00 1.85 1.84
North Dakota 1,095 1,094 0.1 1,126 FSU-others 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.36
Ohio 47 56 -16.1 50 China 4.09 4.10 4.06 3.97
Oklahoma 394 420 -6.2 400
Malaysia 0.60 0.55 0.57 0.60
Texas4 4,867 5,018 -3.0 4,987
India 0.72 0.71 0.73 0.75
Utah 120 91 31.9 115
Indonesia 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.73
West Virginia 44 55 -20.0 42
Wyoming 227 236 -3.8 235 Asia-others 0.82 0.82 0.88 0.93
Others5 23 25 -8.0 27 Europe 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12
TOTAL U.S. 11,371 11,056 2.8 11,587 Brazil 3.05 3.14 3.00 3.04
LOWER 48 10,921 10,598 3.0 11,136 Argentina 0.69 0.70 0.64 0.61
1 Includes lease condensate. 2 Preliminary estimate, EIA. Colombia 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.79
3 DOE estimate. 4 Includes federal OCS production. Ecuador 0.49 0.46 0.48 0.48
5 Includes Arizona, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee and Virginia.
Latin America-others 0.42 0.42 0.43 0.40
Oman 1.05 1.04 0.98 0.96
U.S. GAS PRICES ($/MCF) & PRODUCTION (BCFD) Qatar 1.79 1.85 1.82 1.77
120 7 Middle East-Others 0.30 0.28 0.29 0.28
100 6 Egypt 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.60
Africa-others 0.72 0.74 0.74 0.79
80 Monthly price (Henry Hub) 5
12-month price avg. TOTAL NON–OECD 31.28 31.33 30.50 30.33
Production 4 PROCESSING GAINS3 2.29 2.29 2.25 2.11
3 TOTAL SUPPLY 96.82 96.31 92.53 91.17
40 Source: International Energy Agency. Note: Totals and subtotals may not add, due to rounding.
2 1 Includes condensates reported by OPEC countries, oil from non-conventional sources, e.g. Venezuelan Orimulsion
20 1 (but not Orinoco extra-heavy oil) and non-oil inputs to Saudi Arabian MTBE.
2 Comprises crude oil, condensates, NGLs and oil from non-conventional sources.
0 0 3 Net of volumetric gains and losses in refining (excludes net gain/loss in China and non-OECD Europe) and marine
J J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FMAMJ J A S OND J FM transportation losses.
2019 2020 2021 2022
Production equals U.S. marketed production, wet gas. Source: EIA.
110 Texas Gulf Coast 161 56 29 124 370 44% 125
ArkLaTex 39 13 12 39 103 38% 26
80 Eastern U.S. 25 20 18 3 66 38% 20
70 South Louisiana 15 10 5 0 30 50% 11
60 Mid-Continent 131 86 9 106 332 39% 73
50 Dubai Fateh West Texas / Permian 267 63 135 272 737 36% 275
40 W. Texas Inter. Rocky Mountains 212 43 50 150 455 47% 192
30 West Coast / Alaska 145 18 102 63 328 44% 113
20 Brent Blend
Source: DOE TOTAL U.S. 995 309 360 757 2,421 42% 835
0 Active - crewed and worked every day during the month. Source: AESC
Available - has crew ready to work.
M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M Idle - capable of being put to work in 48 hr and does not require spending in excess of $50,000.
2020 2021 2022 Stacked - cannot work without investment in excess of $50,000.

16 APRIL 2022 /

CANADA* 219 1 190 0 170 1 1300
EUROPE 72 30 79 32 67 31 1300
Germany 1 0 1 0 0 0 1200 1000
Italy 3 0 3 0 2 0
Netherlands 1 1 1 1 2 0 1100
Norway 0 16 0 17 0 18 1000 700
Poland 2 0 2 0 3 0
Romania 4 0 4 0 10 0 900
Turkey 19 2 18 2 16 1
United Kingdom 0 7 0 8 0 9
Others 42 9 50 4 34 3 700 F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F 100 M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
MIDDLE EAST** 252 35 249 40 224 36
Abu Dhabi 26 8 27 11 29 15 Source: Baker Hughes.
Egypt 24 10 22 11 19 2
Iraq 46 0 46 0 31 0
U.S. ROTARY RIG COUNT Monthly average
Kuwait 28 0 25 0 28 0
Oman 47 0 44 0 46 1 % DIFF.
Pakistan 16 0 16 0 12 0 MAR FEB MAR MAR ’22
Saudi Arabia 58 9 61 9 53 10 STATE & AREA 2022 2022 2021 VS. MAR ’21
Syria 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALABAMA-TOTAL 0 0 0 0.0
Others 7 8 8 0 6 8 Land 0 0 0 0.0
AFRICA** 64 17 71 15 49 8 Inland water 0 0 0 …
Algeria 26 0 33 0 22 0 Offshore 0 0 0 …
Angola 0 6 0 6 0 4 ALASKA-TOTAL 8 8 3 166.7
Kenya 4 1 4 0 3 0 Land 8 8 3 166.7
Libya 15 0 15 0 12 0 Offshore 0 0 0 …
Nigeria 7 1 6 0 5 2 ARKANSAS 0 0 0 0.0
Others 12 9 13 9 7 2 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL 7 7 7 0.0
LATIN AMERICA 121 32 129 29 95 30 Land 7 8 7 0.0
Argentina 51 0 48 0 38 0 Offshore 0 0 0 0.0
Brazil 2 10 2 8 2 6
COLORADO 14 13 8 75.0
Colombia 27 0 33 0 15 0
FLORIDA 0 0 0 0.0
Ecuador 7 0 10 0 4 0
KANSAS 1 0 0 0.0
Mexico 22 22 24 21 25 21
KENTUCKY 0 0 0 0.0
Venezuela 0 0 0 0 0 0
LOUISIANA-TOTAL 58 54 46 26.1
Others 12 0 12 0 17 3
North - Land 44 39 34 29.4
ASIA-PACIFIC 116 74 118 79 101 60
Australia 17 2 17 3 12 0 South - Inl. water 2 2 0 0.0
China, offshore 0 41 0 42 0 36 South - Land 0 0 1 -100.0
India 67 11 64 13 62 15 Offshore 11 13 11 0.0
Indonesia 25 4 30 3 19 2 MICHIGAN 0 0 0 …
Malaysia 0 6 0 7 0 3 MISSISSIPPI 0 0 0 0.0
New Zealand 1 0 1 1 1 1 MONTANA 1 1 0 0.0
Thailand 1 2 1 3 1 1 NEBRASKA 0 0 0 0.0
Vietnam 0 5 0 5 0 1 NEVADA 0 0 0 …
Others 5 3 5 2 6 1 NEW MEXICO 98 93 64 53.1
TOTAL 844 189 836 195 706 166 NEW YORK 0 0 0 …
* Updated with most recent data.**No data available for Iran and Sudan/South Sudan. Source: Baker Hughes.
NORTH DAKOTA 33 32 13 153.8
OHIO 12 12 9 33.3
OKLAHOMA 49 52 17 188.2
APR 2022 APR 2021 APR 2022 APR 2021 APR 2022 APR 2021 TENNESSEE 0 0 0 …
TEXAS-TOTAL 319 302 203 57.1
Total rigs in fleet 46 58 70 82 679 719
Offshore 1 1 2 -50.0
Marketed Supply 34 32 67 68 595 597
Inland water 1 1 0 …
Marketed Contracted 28 22 58 57 499 486 District 1 21 20 11 90.9
Rig utilization, % 82.4 68.8 86.6 83.8 83.9 81.4 District 2 24 21 16 50.0
District 3 6 5 3 100.0
Source: IHS Petrodata Weekly Rig Count.*
District 4 15 15 5 200.0
District 5 2 3 1 100.0
U.S. DRILLED BUT UNCOMPLETED WELLS District 6 24 21 14 71.4
District 7B 6 6 2 200.0
MAR FEB MAR Y-O-Y District 7C 26 24 20 30.0
REGION 2022 2022 2021 DIFF., % District 8 178 170 124 43.5
Anadarko 740 753 740 0.0% District 8A 12 13 5 140.0
Appalachia 467 473 548 -14.8% District 9 0 0 0 0.0
Bakken 415 426 647 -35.9% District 10 3 4 1 200.0
Eagle Ford 642 653 1,009 -36.4% UTAH 12 12 3 300.0
W. VIRGINIA 11 11 12 -8.3
Haynesville 383 371 324 18.2%
WYOMING 15 15 5 200.0
Niobrara 317 331 481 -34.1%
OTHERS 1 1 1 0.0
Permian 1,309 1,380 3,163 -58.6% U.S. OFFSHORE TOTAL 12 14 13 -7.7
BASIN TOTALS 4,273 4,387 6,912 -38.2% U.S. GRAND TOTAL 662 636 408 62.3
Source: EIA. Note: Totals may not add, due to rounding. Source: Baker Hughes. Note: State monthly averages may not add up to U.S. total, due to rounding.

World Oil / APRIL 2022 17

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New system builds on proven technology for reservoir

management to smaller platforms and satellite wells

A new slickline-deployed, memory-based, operators face some complex decisions. Do they simply plug and
cased-hole evaluation system delivers the abandon existing wells and turn their attention to potential re-
same quality data used to identify bypassed serves in new fields? Many do, but those operators incur the cost
reserves as conventional wireline but without of drilling, completing, and producing brand-new wells. They
will likely have substantial production from those newly tapped
the higher costs and logistical burdens. reserves, but risks and costs to get there may be high.
Still, most operators know that there likely are bypassed re-
serves in their existing fields. The only problem is that they don’t
ŝ JON MUSSELMAN, Weatherford know where those reserves are located. To find them, operators
deploy logging tools to perform a cased-hole evaluation of exist-
ing reservoirs. Typically deployed via wireline, pulsed-neutron
Although oil and gas operators work to extract the maximum logging detects the presence of oil, water, and gas, enabling op-
available resources from a reservoir, there will always be more erators to make informed decisions about where, and how, to
out there. Pulsed-neutron logging is a proven method to help op- invest time and technology.
erators monitor fluid contacts and other reservoir changes to op- With over 1,800 successful operations globally, Weatherford
timally manage their production, locate and quantify additional leads the industry with field-proven, advanced pulsed-neutron
reserves, and extend the life of mature fields. This technology, technology, engineered specifically to deliver accurate reservoir
however, has been underutilized in certain offshore environ- measurements in a wide range of configurations, often under
ments, due to cost and logistical challenges. challenging wellbore and reservoir conditions. Anchored by a
As a field is developed and placed on production, operators large five-detector array, Weatherford’s Raptor 2.0 cased-hole
offset the initial decline with infill drilling. As production con- evaluation system combines a high-output pulsed-neutron gen-
tinues, they turn to some form of artificial lift to overcome the re- erator, four spectroscopy sensors—each containing a lantha-
duction in reservoir pressure and continue producing the wells. num-bromide (LaBr3) scintillation detector and a fast-neutron
But as fields mature and the gold-rush days begin to dwindle, counter, Fig. 1.
These components, housed in two physical sections—the
Raptor’s advanced five-detector array helps identify bypassed
measurement unit, including the neutron generator and de-
reserves. tector array, and the processing unit that contains the process-
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 19

ing and control electronics—enable operators to investigate a CASE STUDIES

larger volume of the reservoir and multiple depths and resolu- Adriatic Sea. In an offshore gas well where the decline had
tions for accurate, reliable results. The large detector array also reached 90%, an operator wanted to evaluate whether additional
maximizes gas sensitivity, making it 250% more sensitive than reserves in new intervals were present, which might be opened
standard two-detector tools, a result that helps operators, no to restore production. The reservoir was composed of a series
matter the environment. of thin sandstone layers which had historically been difficult to
resolve with conventional cased-hole logs. The time window to
Fig. 1. Raptor 2.0 and Memory Raptor systems help identify conduct the logging was limited, due to other operations on the
bypassed reserves.
Weatherford experts studied the challenge and recommend-
ed the Raptor 2.0 cased-hole evaluation system and its enhanced
gas sensitivity of the large detector array to provide a clear indica-
tion of gas-bearing layers. The team proposed to run the logs in
sigma mode to minimize logging time. The data displayed several
gas indicators, enabling the operator to quickly identify the thin
gas-bearing layers within the reservoir. In this case, thru-tubing
perforating was available to open and test any new intervals. All
logging activities were completed in a single day, allowing other
operations on the platform to continue without interruption.
The interpretation and evaluation services team computed
the gas indicators and recommended perforations among the
newly identified intervals. After perforating, stabilized gas pro-
duction increased by nearly 400%, representing 50% of the origi-
nal rate restored in the sixth year of production. The subsequent
decline rate was less than 10% during the first year, indicating
that new reservoir compartments had been opened. Effective
planning, execution, and data interpretation led to the successful
restoration of gas production.

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20 APRIL 2022 /

Fig. 2. Smaller platforms and satellite facilities present Fig. 3. Memory Raptor system on the deck of a production
challenges for wireline logging. platform during field trials.

Onshore Mexico. The Raptor 2.0 system also benefitted an op-

erator in Mexico, which started an onshore workover campaign
to evaluate a new interval on an old well. The challenge centered
on understanding the effects of offset production and extensive
water injection among many producing wells.
Weatherford field personnel deployed the cased-hole evalu-
ation system in carbon/oxygen mode, a measurement of the in-
elastic carbon-oxygen and calcium-silicon ratios from the four
detectors to provide basic lithology and oil-water saturation.
Carbon/oxygen mode is not sensitive to water salinity, an advan-
tage in this reservoir, as water injection had changed the salinity
profile throughout the field.
The original logs had indicated the upper part of the forma-
tion should be productive, but the Raptor data showed a sig-
nificant water saturation in this interval. Weatherford engineers
suspected that the prospective interval had been partially swept unit onto the deck.
by offset production and had flooded out, due to the water injec- Conventional wireline logging operations also typically re-
tion. A second, slightly deeper interval, however, had good char- quire three- or four-person crews, with additional offshore re-
acteristics and was successfully recompleted. sources necessary to house and feed them. These factors tend
The operator anticipated a production rate of approximately to limit the application of wireline logging, especially for smaller
55 bopd, yet the Weatherford solution delivered 384 bopd. More- platforms and satellite well locations, and for older facilities with
over, had Weatherford not run the cased-hole log and simply re- limited lift capacity, Fig. 2. As a result, operators often face dif-
completed within the planned interval, the operation would have ficult choices that may mean leaving reserves behind.
failed, and the estimated expenses associated with water shutoff
to repair the well would have been at least $250,000. UPDATED SOLUTION
To address and mitigate these challenges, Weatherford de-
NICHE CHALLENGE veloped the Memory Raptor cased-hole evaluation system. The
The Raptor 2.0 cased-hole evaluation system is deployed Memory Raptor system adds a memory and battery controller,
via wireline. For onshore fields, conventional wireline logging as well as a safety sub to the Raptor downhole tool. These addi-
technology poses few challenges, but in many mature offshore tions provide completely autonomous control of the data acqui-
fields, running wireline technology can be more problematic. sition, enabling the tool to run in memory mode.
Mobilization of wireline equipment adds time and costs for ma- The memory and battery controller provide the same acqui-
rine transportation, and the existing production infrastructure sition functions as the wireline-based surface system electronics,
may not easily accommodate the full-service wireline unit and logging software, and the presence of a field engineer. The con-
other surface equipment required. Moreover, some older facili- troller manages tasks, such as the programming of the logging
ties may have insufficient crane capacity to load the wireline sequence, tool power, generator control, pulse timing, spectral
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 21

stabilization, detector gain control, data storage, and safety func- the same three modes: sigma, carbon/oxygen, and n-vision. To
tions. Crucially, the Memory Raptor system delivers the exact speed up the logging activity, the data can be downloaded in the
same data results as the wireline-based Raptor 2.0 system, yet field, reducing the operational time and cost required for con-
with substantial advantages to operators who may not be able to ventional cased-hole evaluation.
deploy a wireline unit.
In contrast to the challenges, costs, and constraints around VALUE DELIVERED
installing a wireline unit, slickline equipment is readily available Maximizing production and optimizing recovery from ex-
in many offshore production environments. Deploying Memory isting offshore assets is a segment of the oil and gas industry
Raptor on slickline requires only a single engineer using a laptop that will continue to grow in this decade. As such, it becomes
computer and a lightweight equipment package, Fig. 3. The rig- vital to monitor reservoir changes, identify bypassed reserves,
up length of less than 30 ft facilitates pressure control operations and perform completion and production diagnostics to man-
on smaller platforms or when using a portable mast. age production for optimal recovery. Conventionally, wireline-
Because only one field engineer is needed, the Memory Rap- based cased-hole evaluations performed these functions, but
tor system reduces the resources necessary to house and feed they came with a higher cost and a greater planning and logistics
multiple crew workers required to operate a full-scale wireline burden. With the introduction of the advanced Memory Raptor
kit. The reduction in operational complexity means operators system, operators can manage their offshore assets in a more ef-
face fewer scheduling challenges when considering the Memory ficient and cost-effective manner, with quality identical to that
Raptor system, mitigating disruptions to other operations on a of wireline logging.
platform, and minimizing any possibility of interrupting produc-
tion during logging operations. JON MUSSELMAN is the global product line manager
The benefits of the compact footprint extend to other envi- for cased-hole wireline services at Weatherford, based
ronmental impacts as well, generating reductions in risk expo- in Houston, Texas. He is responsible for global cased-
hole business strategy, technology development,
sure, energy, emissions, and waste. Fewer crane operations are and supporting operations teams around the world.
necessary with the Memory Raptor system, reducing personnel He brings over 40 years of industry experience to the
role and has a special interest in utilizing cased-hole
risks and lowering emissions and energy usage. And, with small- formation evaluation, production logging and well integrity
er vessels sufficient for marine transportation, operators save en- measurements to support well performance improvement through
intervention and well services campaigns. Mr. Musselman is a member
ergy and reduce carbon emissions. Just like the wireline-based of SPE and SPWLA and has authored papers on electrical imaging
Raptor 2.0 system, the Memory Raptor system acquires data in and NMR interpretation, as well as pulsed-neutron technologies.

For 40 years, GEOLOG has continually evolved

to serve our customers with the most cost
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22 APRIL 2022 /

Streamlining liquid mud plants:

Sustainability from the ground up

Operators and service cation of poverty and global health. aqueous fluids (NAF) has engendered nu-
companies continue to However, the industry must couple its merous fluid recovery techniques. Some
implement new ESG actions around climate change and water of these can be accomplished with mobile
initiatives. One provider is conservation to the need for supporting units at the rig site, but the LMP remains
a growing global population’s demand the centerpiece of fluid recovery, solids
focusing more attention on for energy. separation and preparation of “new” mud
operations at liquid mud Significant progress is expected from systems for the next wells in line.
plants to reduce, reuse research and development (R&D) ex- To accomplish this, the typical LMP
and repurpose materials. penditures made with these specific goals comprises multiple mixing tanks and fluid
The goal is to diminish the in mind, but impactful gains can be made storage options. A large, busy stockpoint
environmental footprint quickly if sustainability concepts are ap- may have thousands of bbl of various flu-
and promote operational plied directly to ongoing operations. ids stored in purpose-built tanks. A well-
There are clear and measurable im- run LMP must operate on two critical
efficiencies. provements to be made across the drill- principles: 1) reduce disposal volumes;
ing and production value chain. Routine and 2) reduce dilution requirements.
field activities and facilities that have
ŝ DEREK MACKAY, MUKESH KAPILA and been taken for granted for decades can Reuse. One of the chief benefits of NAF
ROBBIE SIGNORELLI, Halliburton be effective drivers of positive environ- systems is their longevity. With proper
mental change. conditioning and reconditioning, a NAF
may be shipped in and out of the LMP to
The oil and gas industry plays a key THE 3R’S dozens of wells. Density adjustments can
role in providing the affordable and re- As an example, the time-tested liquid be simplified by blending with differing
liable energy essential for economic mud plant (LMP), always there to support properties. The blended systems can be
growth, employment, education, eradi- drilling and completion operations, is the processed to meet most operator specifi-
perfect candidate for a “3R” overhaul. cations. The industry’s paradigm shift to
Liquid mud plant servicing the GOM
large-scale shale drilling also plays a part
at Port Fourchon, La. Reduce. The widespread use of non- in how efficiently drilling fluids can be
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 23

reused. If the well is destined for a shale guarantees that the cumulative effect is gets—can also deliver repeatable gains
frac job, the operator often relaxes the significant and measurable. in sustainability.
LGS percentage specification, because To make these gains, Halliburton
near-wellbore formation damage is no Repurpose. A spent fluid system is not recently launched an LMP assessment
longer a critical factor. The high rates of repurposed easily. Disposal seems nec- initiative that encompasses multiple fa-
penetration delivered by an NAF help re- essary at the end of the fluid life cycle. cilities around the globe, each with its
duce drilling days, and the availability of Wash water from tank cleaning is a good own unique set of conditions. A five-
rig-ready feedstock at the LMP makes it example, as are WBFs that are no longer stage process is applied to each candi-
easy to move to the next well in the batch in spec for sensitive wellbores and will date LMP, beginning with the selection
with no downtime. not hold up well in storage. However, a criteria and ending with measurable
Likewise, water recovered from well-equipped LMP can help transform results, Fig. 1.
water-based fluid (WBF) can be used these “waste” fluids into the key compo-
as wash water or added to many types nents in other pumping and circulation CANDIDATE SELECTION
of drilling fluid (water phase for NAF, activities, where a sizable volume of fluid In this assessment, the top candidates
base fluid for WBF), or it can be used is necessary, and fluid quality is less criti- among LMPs are sited in various loca-
to formulate some completion fluids. cal. These crossover applications extend tions around the world, Fig. 2. Selection
Thoughtful reuse helps reduce overall the usefulness of the fluid and help re- is based on operations and capabilities,
consumption of fluid components. Re- duce disposal volumes in the long run. rather than proximity to major industry
ducing consumption means fewer orders centers. In fact, some plants are very re-
to suppliers, less material transported Optimizing LMPs for the 3Rs. Lean mote or operate near residential areas,
over the road or sea, less dependency on operations naturally foster greater effi- and this can heighten the importance of
storage tanks that require lighting, main- ciencies, often well beyond the original a positive impact on local communities
tenance and fluid agitation, and a smaller objectives. Consistency, standardiza- and sustainability. The essential traits in-
environmental footprint reaching from tion and continuous improvement are clude the following:
the point of sale to the original manufac- the subsets of an efficient plant. What • Large volume of NAF throughput
turer. These positive changes may seem may start out as a sensible cost-saving / return due to the intrinsic
small and incremental at best, but the effort in fluid management—such as reusability of these systems
scope of drilling operations worldwide blending fluids to achieve density tar- • Strong demand for high-value

24 APRIL 2022 /

base oil systems

• Frequent handling of high-value Fig. 1. Overview of LMP optimization process.
brines in certain locations.
This does not exclude conventional
diesel-based NAFs as good candidates
for reuse and blending operations, even
though the cost per barrel (bbl) is low
by comparison to the “designer” fluids
used in deep water and other complex
wellbores. Likewise, WBFs need con-
sideration when it comes to reuse and
repurposing. Although these fluids are
certainly not as durable as NAFs, the
LMP optimization plan includes look-
ing for ways to “3R” all fluids to the
extent possible. Fig. 2. Vessel Hannah Kristina serving seven LMPs along the Norwegian coastline.

Data capture. Given the variability

among LMPs and their respective ca-
pabilities, settling on an “always appli-
cable” data set is possible only for cer-
tain metrics that provide insights into
possible replacement materials and/or
alternative packaging that can reduce
the environmental footprint. Another
part of the analysis focuses on the use
of solids removal technologies to signifi-
cantly improve fluid reusability, and this
is compared to the costs and inventory
management issues raised by dilution/
disposal options. The knock-on effects
can ripple through the supply chain and
have an overall result of less waste, less
energy consumption and less risk to
sustainability. These outcomes translate
to fewer emissions, which is part of the
company’s commitment to establishing which helped reduce inventory by over FINAL THOUGHTS
viable ESG targets. 34,000 bbl and helped prevent some of While the industry is making sig-
the emissions typically associated with nificant R&D investments to drive en-
Implementation. Halliburton deploys the manufacture, transfer and mixing of vironmental performance, technology
a small team of subject matter experts to new fluids and their components. development takes time, and many in-
evaluate each LMP. This group includes The innovative equipment used to novations will require significant capital
operations managers, equipment cham- make this happen cannot be overlooked: to scale. Instead of waiting, much can be
pions and information technology spe- • High-performance centrifuges done now to drive immediate impact.
cialists, among others. New workflows are configured in parallel to Ensuring our progress in sustainabil-
and purpose-built spreadsheets help process an average 60,000 bbl ity can begin with a hard look at some of
the team organize data extracted from per month at major LMPs. the most mundane operations. Instead
various sources. No two LMPs have • Advanced solids separation units of dealing with acres of tanks filled with
identical conditions, and the types and can be installed anywhere to “hurry up and wait” fluids, LMP manag-
extent of improvements can vary. How- produce a low-solids pre-mix mud ers are now proactively cleaning, blend-
ever, it’s a strong and essential first step for blending, and the dried solids ing and reusing all possible feedstock.
to what becomes habitual environmental can be used as material for treating This helps ensure an ample supply dur-
conservation. non-critical fluids, Fig. 3. ing periods of high activity and helps
• High-efficiency mixing devices minimize the negative impact of excess
Results. Halliburton can facilitate ensure that NAF systems are rig- inventory during a downturn. They are
the 3Rs at its LMPs, at the rigsite and ready when they leave the LMP, tracking reductions and calculating en-
throughout the network of manufac- which helps eliminate rig time vironmental gains throughout the fluid
ture, packaging, transportation and fi- spent on conditioning the fluid life cycle and following up with con-
nal disposal. Following the 3R strategy, and results in lower, less-costly tinuous improvement steps wherever
Halliburton has decreased purchases energy consumption. appropriate.
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 25

To date, this 3R process has been up” movement that incorporates person-
DEREK MACKAY is global product manager
implemented successfully at ten LMPs nel on the front line and allows them to for Baroid Separation Solutions. He has 30
around the world. The goal is to evaluate be the faces of industry’s commitment to years of industry experience, and spent
the first half of his career in drilling fluids
and optimize six to eight facilities each greater environmental responsibility. In before focusing on solids control and waste
year, going forward. This is a “ground any case, it’s a great place to start! management in field, operational, technical
and product management positions in Europe,
North America, MENA and sub-Sahara Africa.
Fig. 3. High-G centrifuge used to separate and recover dual-weight drilling fluids.
MUKESH KAPILA is chemical engineer
and entrepreneur since 1985. In one of the
business exits, he sold an environmental
technology to Schlumberger, where he worked
as a business manager and engineering
director. Mr. Kapila also has served as
strategic business manager for Baroid. He
has been issued 19 patents plus four pending,
in addition to authoring 14 peer-reviewed
publications. He is a professional engineer and
received an advanced certificate in executive
management, innovation and technology from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management.

ROBBIE SIGNORELLI is the liquid mud

manager for the Halliburton/Baroid GOM
region. He started with Halliburton in 2000
as a mud engineer. In 2008, he moved into
a role of technical professional with some
sales duties. He was eventually promoted to
operations leader for the Lafayette, La., office
and prior to his current role was promoted
to Baroid laboratory manager, overseeing all
testing for drilling, completions and reservoir
Dril-N Fluids in the Halliburton Broussard, La.,
GOM regional laboratory. Mr. Signorelli holds a
BS degree in business administration.

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Thursday, April 28, 2022 | 10 a.m. CDT / 4 p.m. BST
Amit Singh
How to Achieve Enterprise-Scale Innovation in Energy: Director Corporate
A real-world study on the impact of digitalization Strategy & Marketing
- Digital, Integrated
Rapid advances towards achieving our decarbonization responsibility in energy, while Projects, Energy
delivering the enormous productivity gains required to keep up with substantial growth Transition
in the world economy this decade, face the innovation dilemma—how do you achieve Schlumberger
meaningful innovation at enterprise-scale?

Join Schlumberger, Director, Corporate Strategy & Marketing, Amit Singh, as he presents
real-world solutions to the energy dual challenge, with examples of highly-successful
deployments of digital technology that harness data and AI to deliver automation for
customers around the globe. Amit will show how Schlumberger is leveraging industry-
Maddy McCarty
wide collaboration and partnership to deliver low carbon operations while driving a
Senior Digital Editor
sustainable future.
World Oil

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26 APRIL 2022 /

Technologies to enable subsea electrification

for a topside free environment
All-electric systems are lot of the high-grade stainless steel from The number of fully funded joint
vital for the future of subsea manufacturing, transportation, installa- ventures and multi-million-dollar invest-
operations in the energy tion and operation of subsea umbilicals. ments being announced suggests that
Lighter-weight pipes with less low-pres- they are not alone in appreciating the pos-
sure/high-pressure redundancy strip out sibilities of subsea electrification and its
both costs and carbon emissions from potential to help meet current concerns
greenfield sites. of the industry and its wider stakeholders.
ŝ MATT LAMB, Baker Hughes SPS systems When the volume of piping is reduced, Designers of industry specifications have
so is the need to distribute and manage it already started to issue “all-electric” regu-
through the manifold, as well as demand lations, requirements, documents and in-
Electrification, all around. That’s cer- for auxiliary equipment like hydraulic dustry standards to adopt. The American
tainly how it looks and feels, in our day- stab plates. Operators can go further and Petroleum Institute committee has prom-
to-day lives, and within certain spheres deeper—and with longer offsets—for ised to release drafts in the near future.
of the subsea oil and gas industry, too. less outlay than traditional hydraulic con-
There’s a good reason for all that talk. The trols have allowed to date. Gathering evidence. At Baker Hughes,
use of electrified subsea control systems we believe that subsea electrification de-
instead of hydraulic equivalents can con- Interest picks up. This technology is livers on operators’ key concerns when
tribute to solving some of the most press- not new. The first subsea electric tree was it comes to capital, operating and car-
ing issues facing operators today; namely built back in 1994 by Vetco Gray (now bon costs, and that the time is right for
lower OPEX, minimal CAPEX, and a part of Baker Hughes), although this was this technology to enter the mainstream.
significant reduction in the carbon inten- never installed. The first installation oc- Nonetheless, the business case is not al-
sity of operations, in order to improve our curred in 2006, and it has been the topic ways clear to all operators, and it needs
blue economy. of discussion since the early 1990s—al- to be stated robustly: no new technology
beit within much smaller industry circles. can be introduced without the necessary
Away from hydraulics. The subsea In the following years, it barely gained any evidence—especially safety and reliabil-
electrification conversation is not just traction, due to the industry’s lack of ap- ity—behind it, even when the general
about removing significant hydraulics petite to take risks on new technology— opinion appears to have embraced it.
from subsea infrastructure—more about until now. Having stuttered along a path So, we undertook to investigate and
that later. But when zooming in on hy- of almost imperceptible acceptance, sub- thoroughly analyze the potential savings
draulic removal, in effect we take the ba- sea electrification is experiencing a sud- available, as well as the ways in which op-
sic principles of electrohydraulic-control den exponential growth in interest and erations could be optimized, when using
(EMUX) subsea systems that are cur- engagement. This is due to requirements electrified control system technologies
rently used for instrumentation, and low- in areas such as: instead of a conventional, electro-hy-
power controls, but boost their power to • The use of electric actuators draulic approach. And rather than pick-
provide primary-drive to perform more on compression stations where ing a site that was already known to be an
intense tasks, such as opening or closing hydraulics were not available.
major valves. • Chemical injection metering
Fig. 1. Aptara manifold, electrified with
Benefits can be realized from simply valves, using electric motors ball valve with the low power rotary
changing some of the functions from hy- with a great track record. electric actuator.
draulic to electric. Removing hydraulics • The retrofitting of electric actuators
from the manifold offers a significant to operate what were ROV-operated
reduction in CAPEX; electrifying the valves on manifolds, Fig. 1.
choke valve can provide much-finer con- Together, all of these incremental steps
trol to enhance production; and utilizing have reduced the risk profile of subsea
closed-loop self-contained valves on gas electrification perceived by the industry.
lift or carbon-capture utilization and stor- Companies, such as TotalEnergies, have
age applications can give greater control announced their ambition to make all
of the injection fluids, reducing OPEX. new systems electrified, and Equinor has
By simply taking out the hydraulics, made similar commitments that it will be
the new electric systems also take out a electrified by 2023.
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 27

is often practical, desirable or safe: a case differently—and they need the evidence
Fig. 2. Example future topside-free and of modelling outperforming reality, and to support that. The evidence is now in
umbilical-free system with at source
renewables. something that operators will need to on subsea electrification. And it’s irresist-
consider when weighing up the benefits ible: subsea electrification is the future.
for their own fields.
Transition to energy frontiers with
Operational benefits. The study also all-electric. We at Baker Hughes view
indicates other areas in which the re- all-electric technologies expansion as a
moval of high-pressure fluid systems and critical-enabler for real step-change in
rotating machine parts of the hydraulic cost, blue-economy consciousness, and
power unit (HPU) can deliver notable trust and interdependency from system
benefits to operators. Firstly, system intelligences. Furthermore, we perceive
availability is likely to improve, as repair the all-electric system as a central part of
demand goes down. Additionally, as hy- the tapestry for the Baker Hughes energy-
optimal location for electric systems, we draulic systems tend to be one of the main frontier horizon transition, too.
worked with partners to select a site that causes of downtime in subsea systems, We have ventured to look beyond this
would be a credible example of a more the potential is there to significantly im- electrified core, to a true, full-electric sys-
typical subsea installation. The chosen prove production availability. In addition, tem offering, removing all chemical injec-
site was the SNEPCO Bonga Main field, operators can reduce leakage pathways tion topside, any subsea HPUs, and utiliz-
Nigeria’s first 1,000-m-plus, deepwater and marine operations—along with the ing electric surface-controlled subsurface
development, which has been producing risk of incorrect or faulty installation. All safety valves (eSCSSVs). By stepping into
oil and gas since 2005. of which suggest reduced OPEX and in- an operational world where there are zero
The study comprised a single produc- creased production availability. hydraulics, and a higher dependency on
tion loop within part of Bonga Main field. Operators can also expect to see in- electrical power, the role of the tethered,
It encompasses two production mani- spection, maintenance and access re- traditional umbilical systems and topside
folds, and associated wells, control system quirements go down, reducing staffing platform comes more heavily into focus,
and water-injection wells. The hypotheti- requirements for interventions, especially especially for long-offset and deepwater
cal project was assessed, as it would be for in hazardous areas. Finally, removing the applications.
a new subsea electrified system, with real- HPU and associated fluid systems also Uniting other leading peripheral tech-
world specifications and costings—and removes fluid releases and their environ- nology developments and supporting ca-
the results were conclusive. mental impacts, both topside and subsea. pabilities, renewable power-generation at
Clearly on the other side, subsea insula- source, connectors, and communication
CAPEX savings. Extensive analysis tion resistance reduction in electrical protocols, we vehemently believe that the
showed a 9% saving in subsea hardware systems is also a concern, and the quali- zenith of an all-electric, truly topside free
costs at system level. Those savings fication and testing of the electrical con- system is no longer the stuff of “dreams
come from several sources: for example, nectors needs to be managed closely. and science-fiction” but is within reach
the costs of umbilical systems were 30% with today’s technologies, Fig. 2. This en-
lower with electric systems, and control Fit for the future. Finally, the report ablement is the genesis to laying out the
systems were 24% lower, as was testing. looked at how the advantages of subsea possibilities of reconfiguring common
The slight increase (less than 1%) in the electrification can be enhanced further by system elements to service the energy
cost of subsea production tree systems digital tools that deliver data access, visu- frontiers that lay just beyond the hydro-
was easily offset by savings in wellhead alization, monitoring, and diagnostics and carbon horizon.
systems, structures, distribution sys- prognostics, and which pave the way to
tems, intervention and tooling. There is more predictive maintenance. All these
no doubt that, in terms of CAPEX, the actionable insights that digital infrastruc- systems product manager for
subsea electric system handily beats tra- ture offers would also be available on sub- deepwater, long-offset and
ditional hydraulics. sea electrified systems. Not only does this all-electric applications. He is
responsible for shaping and
Calculating operational costs is less improve availability of the system, and delivering cohesive and
straightforward, given the variables in- support de-staffed, autonomous opera- innovative multi-generation
system strategies for the company to
volved. Nonetheless, the study shows tions, it enables future-focused decision- sustainably answer current, adjacent and
that the main benefit of using the elec- making to support the longevity and sus- frontier energy market needs. Previous posts
tric approach is that start-up times for tainability of the overall subsea system. for Baker Hughes included leadership roles in
supply chain, operations/manufacturing and
trees are significantly reduced. Drawing For operators, facing tight margins, a program director positions. His sector
power from local energy storage modules changing investment landscape, an im- experience spans six years, his previous 11
(ESMs) for valve operations allows mul- minent skills shortage and unprecedent- years in aerospace, having formally delivered
in several manufacturing and customers facing
tiple trees to be opened simultaneously, ed political scrutiny, there is little room roles within Rolls-Royce aero engines and GE
which could enable operators to restart for experimentation. Equally, there is Aviation, and most recently as a consultant in
business management and strategic change.
systems in much less time, compared to little future in business as usual. Caught Mr. Lamb earned a first-class honors degree in
the conventional approach. Interestingly, between these opposing pressures, op- engineering and holds charterships in both
those start-up times are lower than what erators and their providers need to think engineering and leadership disciplines.

28 APRIL 2022 /

Real-time operations center drives new ESG

opportunities by integrating personnel and data
An integrated platform, continuous data streaming from monitoring, the RTOC can work more
incorporating data from the rig to the office. effectively with rig operations, as well as
multiple systems that are • Model preparation, such as support Environmental, Social, and Gov-
building torque-drag and surge ernance (ESG) efforts through the inte-
accessible to a real-time
and swab models. gration of systems and technology.
operations center and field • Operation surveillance, to By using an integrated platform, such
personnel, produces a detect dysfunctions and alert as Parker Wellbore’s Automated Digi-
comprehensive model the rig crew, based on certain tal Analytic Platform™ (ADAPT), data
of a company’s ecosystem. communication protocols. from multiple systems is accessible to
The innovative combination Since 2010, the new development of the RTOC and Operations. Data from
results in safer, more digital transformation and process auto- systems—such as the rig’s EDR, the rig’s
mation has enabled the industry to ex- engines, assets management system and
reliable operations with
pand the RTOC role from strictly remote computerized maintenance management
less downtime. monitoring to remote operations and system (CMMS), enterprise resource
other responsibilities. Beyond remote planning (ERP) system, knowledge base/

ŝ DR. LEI WANG and CHRIS STEWART, Fig. 1. Clustering analysis for fuel consumption vs. daily footage shows the least-efficient
Parker Wellbore zone in a red ellipse, sub-optimal zone in an orange rectangle, and a data quality issue
zone in a blue circle.

Fuel vs. daily footage

A real-time operations center (RTOC)
is not a new concept to the industry. Start- 30K
ing in the early 1990s, several major com-
panies built data information centers to
compile daily drilling reports via fax. In
the early 2000s, with the rapid develop- 25K
ment of the internet and wide adoption of
drilling data protocols such as WITSML,
many operators and rig contractors were
able to remotely view the rig operations 20K
via electronic drilling recorder (EDR)
sensor data and daily rig reports.
Daily fuel, liter

The RTOC initially played more of a

remote monitoring role instead of inter-
facing with rig operations directly. One of
the reasons is that well construction is a
complicated process. A significant amount
of rig information and data have still not
fully streamed to the remote office. It is 10K
believed that operational decisions should
be made at the rig site, as onsite personnel
have first-hand information and have the
physical ability to respond, as needed. 5K
Essentially, it is more difficult for office
staff to make the decision remotely with
limited information and data streaming to
the RTOC and then communicate actions 0K
to the rig site. The main initial responsi- 0 500 1,000 1,500
bilities of RTOC include: Daily footage, feet
• Data management, to ensure
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 29

lessons learned data, and engineering/ Moreover, having direct communica- technology, coupled with the RTOC, can
drilling model data—allow a unified and tion via technology—such as mixed real- provide the solution. Along those lines,
coherent picture of the entire company’s ity devices between the RTOC and rig site we see the following two promising trends
ecosystem. Having all these data at the personnel—allows for a smaller technical for the upcoming RTOC development.
fingertips of the RTOC and rig site per- workforce. Given the restrictions on trav-
sonnel enables for more efficient support elling experienced during Covid and the Remote operations to increase
from the RTOC and safer, more reliable shrinking pool of qualified new personnel competitive edge. Directional drilling
operations with less downtime. available and willing to work offshore, this (DD) is probably the first rig operation
transferred into the RTOC as part of the
Fig. 2. This rig operation breakdown indicates Well 2 had 60% less reaming and 41% less remote operation initiatives. For example,
circulation, resulting in an 82% reduction in general problems (NPT), compared to Well 1.
a major operator can support multiple DD
Rig time breakdown per well Rig Release – move/skid – spud in operations in the Permian basin from its
Drilling actual Houston RTOC center. The initial suc-
Reaming cess demonstrated with the firm’s land
Coring rigs shows significant potential to expand
Circulate hole clean to offshore rigs. The value includes reduc-
Well 1
Trip tions
Rig Release – move/skid – spud in in personnel onboard (POB) and
143 76 41 141 84 33 49
Lubricate rig costs, in addition to quality and consis-
Drilling actual
Repair rig (NPT) tency improvement.
Cut drilling line
Reaming The pandemic has changed the way in
Wire line logs which we work and how we conduct our
Run casing andCoring
cement lives in a variety of ways. However, one of
Well 2 37 164 30 24 90 74 30 Wait on cement/WOC
Circulate hole clean the positive Covid effects is to mandate
Nipple up/down BOPs more remote operations. Besides drilling
Test BOP Trip operations, rig maintenance work holds
Plug back potential for remote operational sup-
Lubricate rig
Fishing port. With capabilities to capture vital
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
General/other problem
Repair rig (NPT) equipment data in real time, the RTOC

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Derek Kamp
LIVE WEBCAST: Industry Manager-
Thursday, May 5, 2022 | 10 a.m. CDT / 4 p.m. BST Drilling & Completions
Caterpillar, Inc.
ESG in the Spotlight: Benefits of System Integration
Across the Oilfield SPEAKER:
Mark D. Anderson
Solutions today, for the oilfield of tomorrow. With a range of solution & services, and carbon
Product Strategy and
reduction technology, Caterpillar continues to foster relationships with customers and support
Definition Manager
their operations with efficient, fuel flexible, end-to-end optimized solutions. Join experts from
Caterpillar, Inc.
Caterpillar Oil & Gas as they discuss how the company is leveraging technologies, products, and
solutions to deliver Environmental Social Governance (ESG) benefits for the industry.

• Providing Simple End-to-End Solutions to Customers SPEAKER:

• Enabling New Power Generation Solutions Andy Publes
• Lowering Costs & Emissions Through Optimization & Automation Controls Systems
• Providing Flexibility to Integrate with Future Technologies Sr. Team Lead
Caterpillar, Inc.
Listen and learn in this exciting webinar as industry experts talk about how together, we can tackle
any challenge.
Sponsored By: Presented By: Kurt Abraham
and Chief Forecaster
World Oil
30 APRIL 2022 /

becomes a major support arm for main- perts onshore. This reduces the rig’s POB, with static charts showing cumulative
tenance efforts across global operations. operating costs, and the need to retrain or sum and fluctuation over a certain period.
From the start, safety operation windows recruit higher-skilled offshore personnel. To push the usage of fuel data beyond
and smart alarms can be set to alert the Potential applications for mixed reality bookkeeping, we must integrate daily fuel
RTOC and maintenance teams, when a devices with RTOC support can include consumption data with the daily drilling
certain parameter falls or rises to a critical things like operational support for tubu- report by joining both data sets in date/
level. As more data are gathered, models lar running services (TRS); new services time. This not only allows monitoring of
can be developed, using artificial intel- or crews; rig maintenance work for equip- the fuel consumption, but more impor-
ligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) ment, such as top drives, mud pumps and tantly, it also quantifies the fuel consump-
for predictive failure analytics. By captur- BOPs; HSE reporting and investigation; tion for each drilling operation.
ing this type of data, the RTOC can not and rig condition assessments. To better automate data collection
only support drilling optimization, but Notwithstanding the many benefits of and enable advanced analytics, Parker
also the performance of rig equipment. this technology, there are some challeng- Wellbore initiated a cloud-based Automat-
Recent developments in wearable tech- es that must be considered and overcome. ed Digital Analytic Platform (ADAPT)
nology, such as Microsoft HoloLens and These can include training and integra- to build an all-inclusive modern data
RealWear, allow for more efficient remote tion with existing workflows and network platform. This includes drilling data,
collaboration with subject matter experts infrastructure. The latter requires WIFI at key performance indicators, reports, rig
all across the globe. Whether completing the local rig site, which, in today’s offshore equipment data, maintenance data and, of
routine maintenance or addressing a criti- world, is generally available; however, the course, diesel fuel consumption data. This
cal issue in operations, these devices can bandwidth is typically the biggest prob- platform allows us to not only monitor fuel
quickly, and effectively, connect the end- lem to overcome. In some instances, a consumption, but to also quantify the fuel
user with a remote expert in the RTOC portable cellular network device may be consumption for each drilling operation.
to support in the process. Beyond remote used in some areas. Once these data are integrated into a
collaboration, workflow procedures and Overall, the cost of additional band- platform such as ADAPT, they can be ana-
assessment checklists can be developed width is outweighed by the reduction in lyzed and then visualized in such a way as
onto the devices, to allow for a technician personnel costs and the increased perfor- to provide valuable insight into the RTOC
to have virtual instructions and docu- mance and efficiency of the operation. and, thus, rig site personnel. This can en-
mentation available, hands-free for use on Moreover, this technology creates the re- able more efficient drilling operations, re-
the task. quired infrastructure to support ESG ef- ducing fuel consumption and subsequent-
These new, wearable, mixed reality de- forts, specifically around greenhouse gas ly providing a carbon reduction benefit.
vices, such as Microsoft HoloLens and Re- (GHG) emissions. This benefit is, however, easier said
alWear, can be used in hazardous locations than done. As a real-world example of
(HoloLens Zone2 and RealWear Zone 1) Optimizing efficiency with data how this can be achieved, we gathered fuel
and, as in the case of RealWear, be affixed analytics. As one of the main sources consumption data from one of our oper-
to a hard hat. RealWear may hold more of GHG emissions at a rig site, diesel fuel ating rigs. For these specific field trials, it
potential than HoloLens to our industry, consumption or generator set (GenSet) shows that rig engines use about 55% of
due to the device design. The RealWear data have been logged for many years. total diesel, making them the top consum-
devices allow the user to continue to have Due to the lack of automation in digital in- er amongst rig equipment. Although this
a natural view of the world, with an adjust- frastructure, these data had not been fully is probably quite intuitive, what it doesn’t
able eye piece that gives them access to utilized for carbon reduction. immediately tell you is “why.” Is there a
digital data. These data include drawings, Historically, the daily diesel fuel data specific drilling operation that drives the
solid models of equipment, work instruc- were recorded manually in a spreadsheet, increase in fuel consumption; is it a char-
tions or procedures, and many other data
types. With the capability of these devices Fig. 3. The optimization process saved 16,000 gal of diesel fuel or the equivalent of
358,000 lb of CO2 reduction, because Well 2 required less reaming and circulating.
to provide two-way video and audio, the
local user (technician on a rig for example) 0K
can work directly in real time with an SME
in the RTOC or other support center. 304K liters
As offshore technology advances, it re- 243K liters
2K 108K
77K Party A fuel usage
quires local maintenance and operational Others
personnel to continually evolve their skill 3K
Depth, feet

197K 166K
sets to maintain and use the equipment. Well 1 Well 2
This poses challenges, due to a large por-
tion of the offshore workforce retiring re- 5-Rig-Day diesel fuel yields
Well 1
cently and/or in the next few years. With Well 2
61K liters (16k gal.) fuel reduction
few offshore personnel available to recruit 6K 162 tonnes (358k lb.) CO2 avoided and saved*
(i.e., those willing to work under existing
7K *22.28 lb. of CO2 are produced by burning 1 gal of
conditions) it is becoming more impera- 0 5 10 15 20 diesel fuel per EIA
tive to have technology that connects indi- Rig days
5 days faster
viduals offshore to a pool of collective ex-
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 31

acteristic of this specific geological forma- To tackle this challenge, data from six off- sent the highest drilling efficiency of that
tion; could it be a faulty engine compo- set wells were processed, and then a scat- rig at a rate of 0.07 ft/liter.
nent; or is it something else? This begs ter plot was created, showing a correlation The slope of any data point on Fig. 1
the question of how to find the main con- between daily footage drilled vs. daily die- is defined as fuel per foot (FPF), repre-
tributors among different drilling phases. sel consumption, Fig. 1. The gray color in- senting the volume of diesel consumed
To address this question, drilling data tensity represents different wells, and the per one foot drilled. FPF is similar to the
must be synchronized with fuel consump- rig operation associated with each data concept of mechanical specific energy
tion. During these field trials we found the point is added as a tool-tip string. Then (MSE), which is commonly used in the
following observations: a machine learning algorithm clusters the industry. The difference is that MSE does
• The total amount of daily fuel data into the following three zones: not consider energy loss due to rig engine
consumption varies with different efficiency and other energy consump-
operations. As the rig power source, Least efficient zone is marked with a tions (drilling fluid circulation, lifting drill
the rig generator set is always on. red dashed ellipse. Most rig operations in pipes, making connection).
• Tripping and casing running this zone are confirmed as reaming or hole Conversely, FPF measures all the ener-
operations consume the least diesel. cleaning circulation, which consumes a gy spent via diesel consumption for every
• Drilling (i.e., increasing the depth of lot of diesel fuel in the range of 15,000 foot of hole drilled. The optimal FPF may
the wellbore) consumes more fuel to 27,000 liters/day. Yet, it increases the not be comparable to other rigs, because
than other operations. depth of the wellbore at a rate of under it depends on many factors, such as rock
• Reaming and hole cleaning 500 ft/day. strength, wellbore/hole size, drillstring
circulation is the second-greatest design, bit selection Therefore, for
diesel fuel-consuming operation, Sub-optimal zone is marked with an or- a batch drilling rig with similar well path,
which is lower than drilling but ange dashed rectangle. The daily fuel con- drillstring design, and formations, optimiz-
higher than other rig operations. sumption increases nearly linearly with ing drilling operations and upgrading rig
Other ways are needed to further daily footage drilled, but with a variation equipment will improve the optimal FPF.
verify the last observation, since reaming of 10,000 liters/day. The lower bound-
and hole cleaning circulation are typically ary of this zone may be considered as an Data quality issue zone, which is
followed by lower fuel-consuming opera- optimal line (marked with a green arrow), marked with a blue dashed circle. Those
tions, such as tripping and casing running. with a slope of 14 liters/ft, which repre- two outliers with extremely high daily

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32 APRIL 2022 /

footage and low diesel consumption are Depth, do we really need to circulate over level to standardize on the data format
due to bottomhole assembly tripping in 4 hrs? Should we check the wellbore/hole and governance.
re-drills. The daily drilling report acciden- cleaning model and offset data to have The result from our specific well field
tally categorized the tripping operation a certain reduction? The data analysts trials showed a reduction of 60% in ream-
as drilling, by using bit depth as wellbore should ask these questions, and engineers ing hours and 41% circulation hours, com-
depth. Both data points are not considered should redesign the process and then use pared to offset Well 1, Fig. 2. Furthermore,
in the analysis but are still shown here to the ADAPT to monitor the performance. Well 2 had an 82% reduction in general
indicate the importance of data quality. It is also a continuous improvement pro- problems, i.e., surface equipment non-
The clustering analysis reveals the fol- cess: repeating the whole optimization productive time (NPT). Ultimately, these
lowing insights: process to the next well and pushing the performance improvements not only
fuel consumption close to the optimal line. saved rig time by five days but also reduced
Reduce unnecessary reaming and fuel consumption by 16,000 gal, Fig. 3.
hole cleaning circulation operations Environmental aspect. Once these Assuming 22.38 lb of CO2 is produced by
to condense the least efficient zone, data have been fed into ADAPT, they can burning one gallon of diesel fuel (EIA),
Fig. 1. The rig crew may treat reaming then be used by the RTOC to automate then the amount of fuel reduction is equiv-
and circulation as operational insurance ESG reporting. With respect to the envi- alent to 358,000 lbs of carbon emissions.
for hole cleaning and tend to over-ream ronmental piece of ESG, we can use the
or over-circulate. This analysis quantifies results of these analytics to assess and VALUE POTENTIAL
the fuel consumption of these operations document our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. By integrating people and data with the
and triggers a conversation with drilling RTOC, new opportunities and synergies
engineers about the feasibility of reduc- Scope 1 emissions are direct GHG emis- are created to help reduce the environ-
ing the frequency and duration of ream- sions that occur from sources that are con- mental impact that our industry makes on
ing or circulation operations. In the past, trolled or owned by an organization (e.g., the world. At the same time, this increases
we talked about reducing back reaming, emissions associated with fuel combus- efficiency and adds business value.
merely focusing on extending the reliabil- tion generator sets and vehicles).
ity of downhole tools, and now this study DR. LEI WANG is a senior
principal engineer at Parker
reveals the environmental benefit of re- Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG Wellbore leading a technical
ducing back reaming. emissions associated with the purchase team to implement digital
technology and support
of electricity, steam, heat or cooling. Al- equipment development
Know your rig limits in terms of fuel though Scope 2 emissions physically occur of torque-turn system and
casing while drilling. He has
reduction. The slope of the green arrow at the facility, where they are generated, over 15 years of data science and engineering
or the optimal FPF indicates the most ef- they are accounted for in an organization’s experience in the oil and gas industry with 18
patents and 30 publications. Before joining
ficient drilling converting diesel into foot- GHG inventory, because they are a result Parker, he held several roles with ExxonMobil
age, Fig. 1. Any drilling optimization or of the organization’s energy use. in drilling mechanics and data analytics such
redesign may compress the sub-optimal as senior research engineer, team lead, and
data science advisor. More notably, he was
zone and still yield incremental fuel reduc- Scope 3 emissions are the result of activi- the principal inventor that developed and
tion. To further improve FPF, other equip- ties from assets not owned or controlled commercialized ExxonMobil’s Drilling Advisory
System. Dr. Wang holds a BS degree in
ment or energy sources may be introduced, by the reporting organization, but that electrical engineering from Nanjing University
such as providing the utility power line to the organization indirectly impacts in its of Aeronautics and Astronautics, an MS degree
in aerospace engineering and Ph.D. in
the rig site and a generator set with intelli- value chain. Scope 3 emissions include all mechanical engineering from North
gent power management. Additionally, the sources not within an organization’s scope Carolina State University.
low-side and high-side limits of FPF may 1 and 2 boundaries. The scope 3 emissions CHRIS STEWART is director of
help us better estimate fuel consumption for one organization are the scope 1 and 2 technology for Parker Wellbore.
He is responsible for Parker’s
and manage the carbon footprint. emissions of another organization. Scope technological development,
3 emissions, also referred to as value chain evolution of existing intellectual
property, and making strategic
Finally, how do we achieve the most emissions, often represent the majority of technology investments
efficient day with the least fuel con- an organization’s total GHG emissions. necessary to enable Parker
sumption? Figure 1 may indicate two Scope 1 tracking represents a good to achieve its overall business objectives.
Mr. Stewart has over 25 years of engineering
directions for fuel reduction. One is to re- starting point, as it is the simplest to im- and operational experience in both the oil
duce reaming and circulation operations. plement and is fully under one company’s and gas industry and government service,
encompassing technology development,
The other is to compress the sub-optimal control. The RTOC utilizes the data to engineering, operations, capital projects and
zone. To make drilling stay on, or close, optimize operations and helps perform general management. Prior to joining Parker,
he most recently served as director,
to the green optimal line, analysts need to the data quality checks for report genera- engineering and analysis, for Valaris, as
work with engineers and rig crews to sur- tion. ML/AI techniques are used to auto- well as engineering and leadership roles at
Cameron, a Schlumberger company, and the
mise the engineering solutions and pro- mate the report building. U.S. Navy. Mr. Stewart actively participates in
cess redesign. Scopes 2 and 3 require more data IADC and API committees to help continually
improve the energy industry. He holds a BS
For instance, the rig crew may back- sharing and integration, which provide degree in engineering from Old Dominion
ream every stand. Is it possible to reduce an outstanding opportunity for our in- University, an MS degree in engineering
and postgraduate certification in data science
the remaining frequency to every other dustry to open and share more data. This and business analytics, both from the
stand? Upon reaching a sectional Target would require collaboration at an industry University of Texas at Austin.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 33

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OTC 2022 recognizes Spotlight

on New Technology® Award winners
Annual awards were handed out to 14 deserving technical advancements
and innovations geared to the offshore upstream industry.


There were seven winners among the larger firms category, as outlined below.
In mid-March, the Offshore Technol-
winners of its 2022 Spotlight on New ACTUATOR. WELL INTERVENTION SYSTEM
Technology Award. This prestigious Bosch Rexroth has produced the SVA Expro has developed Galea™, a system
award is presented to OTC exhibitors R2 (Fig. 1), with safety by springs and as that replaces larger, conventional, and
who are revolutionizing the future of compact as hydraulic actuators. This dis- labor-intensive wireline rig-ups to per-
offshore energy through technological ruptive innovation for electrically actu- form a range of routine slickline opera-
advancement and innovation. In total, ated valves in the subsea process industry tions, Fig. 2. Galea reportedly decreases
14 companies, including seven small combines safety, efficiency and electric deferred production, lowers OPEX costs,
businesses, were recognized this year for operation for depths up to 4,000 m. Al- reduces HSE exposure for personnel, and
their breakthrough hardware and soft- though it is a small component, it should significantly lessens the carbon footprint
ware technologies. have a big impact on sustainability and of intervention operations.
Recipients of this year’s award were productivity. Galea can be configured in different
selected, based on the following crite- The SVA R2 has seamless integration operating modes to suit a range of appli-
ria: novelty in the marketplace; level with subsea equipment. It is the same size cations and environments. In fully auton-
of innovation; demonstrated success; as existing hydraulic cylinders and includes omous mode, the system is permanently
broad commercial appeal; and ability standard ROV interfaces for easy handling. installed onto the wellhead and deploys a
to make a significant impact across the Power supply and communication are
offshore industry. handled with just a single cable—like a
“Every year, OTC receives hundreds Fig. 2. The Galea system replaces larger,
sensor. This device speeds up installation conventional, and labor-intensive wireline
of award submissions showcasing re- and commissioning in the field with digi- rig-ups to perform various slickline
markably impressive and groundbreak- tal twins and standardized interfaces. Op-
operations while decreasing deferred
production, lowering OPEX costs,
ing technological advancements in the erators can easily automate existing equip- reducing HSE exposure, and lessening
offshore energy sector,” said Paul Jones, ment with simple retrofit solutions. carbon footprint.
chairperson, OTC Board of Directors.
“The companies awarded today repre-
sent some of the most innovative and Fig. 1. The SVA R2 is the world’s first
advanced technologies around, which electric subsea valve actuator.
we trust will shape and transform the in-
dustry for years to come.”
Since 2014, OTC has recognized the
innovation and technologies developed
by small businesses. In order to qualify
for the small business award, companies
must meet the above criteria, be indepen-
dently owned and operated or registered
as a nonprofit organization, and have
no more than 300 employees in the 12 Fig. 3. The MPD and RGH joint provides reduced NPT, fast rig-up time, and improved riser
gas handling.
months prior to the application deadline.
Founded in 1969, OTC’s flag-
ship conference is held annually in
Houston. For more information, visit

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 35


Fig. 4. The Merlin™ 15K HPHT riser system enables cost-effective drilling of shallow-water Fig. 7. Schlumberger’s autonomous
HPHT wells with a jackup rig. directional drilling focuses on intelligent
planning and execution capabilities, along
with surface automation.

Fig. 5. Vacuum-assisted pure oil recovery Fig. 6. Schlumberger’s extreme-

from R3 Environmental Systems recovers performance instrumented wireline
drilling fluid and water from waste intervention service leverages intelligent
mud/cuttings and allows companies to downhole technologies to optimize results
significantly reduce the amount of virgin in extreme conditions.
drilling fluid that they need to purchase,
transport, and eventually dispose of. Fig. 8. The subsea flow temperature
monitor was devised by ClampOn as a
non-intrusive sensor that determines the
temperature of the flow medium from
outside the pipe.

stripper packers and bearing assembly,

the joint is completely serviceable while
over well center. Stripper packers are run mentally friendly method for recovering
and retrieved by drill pipe tools, removing drilling fluid and water from waste mud/
tool string into the well, either at regular the need to pull the RIJ from the string or cuttings, Fig. 5. The recovered fluid (mar-
intervals or defined by well conditions. return to the onshore service center to re- keted as “SecondSource Drilling Fluid)
Between interventions, the tool string is place annular seals. has been independently verified to be
parked within a short lubricator section. equivalent to virgin drilling fluid—the
In semi-autonomous mode, a pre-pro- A 15K HPHT RISER SYSTEM result being one of the most environmen-
grammed intervention sequence is initi- Oil states and TotalEnergies have tally friendly drilling fluids on the market.
ated locally or remotely. This configura- produced a 15K high-pressure, high- As a result, companies can significantly
tion is particularly suited to multi-well temperature riser system for subsea reduce the amount of virgin drilling fluid
platforms or pads where regular interven- drilling applications in shallow water, that they need to purchase, transport, and
tions are required. Manual mode enables Fig. 4. The Merlin™ system enables cost- eventually dispose of. Recovering and re-
a quick rig-up intervention solution that effective drilling of shallow-water HPHT using the base drilling fluid instead of us-
is operated locally using familiar wireline wells with a jackup rig while offering ing new drilling fluid is an opportunity
winch controls. superior fatigue performance and im- for the industry to meaningfully reduce
proved safety with automated connection greenhouse gas emissions while main-
MPD AND RGH JOINT make-up. The system is believed to be taining quality standards. The technology
The Oil States MPD (managed pres- the first-of-its-kind design-rated for sour helps reduce the carbon footprint and
sure drilling) and RGH (riser gas han- service applications. other environmental impacts of oil and
dling) Joint (Fig. 3) is a step forward in Drilling wells from a jackup utilizes a gas E&P.
integrating managed pressure drilling and dry surface BOP and an HP drilling riser,
riser gas handling into a drilling riser. The complete with a hydraulic subsea connec- EXTREME-PERFORMANCE
system's innovative design solutions, such tor to the subsea wellhead. Quick con- INSTRUMENTED WIRELINE
as retrievable packers and pull-in bridle, nections are used to interface with the INTERVENTION
provide reduced NPT, fast rig-up time, rig surface 18 ¾-in. BOP stack. A landing Schlumberger has devised the Re-
and improved riser gas handling. joint provides interface between the BOP SOLVE iX extreme-performance instru-
Designed to improve safety and in- and the tension joint. The connections on mented wireline intervention service,
crease operational efficiency, the joint’s either end of the tension joints can be de- Fig. 6. It leverages intelligent downhole
hands-free flowline and umbilical stab- signed to be project-specific. technologies to optimize results in ex-
bing remove the need for man-riding. This treme conditions, such as HPHT, sour,
joint is around half the length and up to VACUUM-ASSISTED PURE and restricted-access environments. The
one-third the weight of conventional RIJs, OIL RECOVERY combination of innovative hardware,
making it easy to handle and fast to rig-up. R3 Environmental Systems’ innovative automation, and digitization enables
Being fitted with twin, retrievable technology is a highly efficient, environ- operators to monitor and control inter-
36 APRIL 2022 /

Fig. 9. The CoDril™ tool is a supplemental Fig. 11. The HYTORC Connect Software App communicates wirelessly with the company’s
downhole convertible core bit that can electric torque tools.
switch between coring and drilling modes.

Fig. 10. The MXT+™ Hydraulic Torque

Wrench delivers significant advances
in industrial bolting by integrating
dual-reaction technology, auto-release,
integrated cycle counter and coaxial drive
into one flexible tool.

by focusing on Intelligent planning and lations, for example, to replace broken

execution capabilities, along with surface intrusive sensors. It also can be integrat-
automation that complements a powerful ed into ClampOn’s range of Compact
suite of downhole automation features in- Subsea sensors to provide temperature
corporated in the firm’s steering tools. measurement alongside sand monitor-
Autonomous directional drilling ing, pig detection, vibration monitoring
stays right on a trajectory plan, because or leak detection.
this tool measures the exact strength of The sensor utilizes the firm’s well-es-
the earth’s gravitational and magnetic tablished DSP subsea hardware platform,
fields every second, and uses 3D reser- which has been in operation for more than
voir mapping in real time to help pin- 20 years. It is built into more than 4,000
point its exact subsurface location, and subsea sand monitors, pig detectors, leak
determine the precise steering responses monitors and vibration monitors.
vention in real-time and take immediate needed. This enables real-time reservoir
action to address downhole challenges. characterization and getting to the sweet CODRIL™ CORE BIT
Now available in two sizes, ReSOLVE spot in the pay zone. CoreAll’s Intelligent Coring System
Family services comprise the 31/8-in and Logging While Coring tool pro-
ReSOLVE instrumented wireline inter- vide real-time transmission of gamma-
vention service and 21/8-in ReSOLVE 2022 SPOTLIGHT ray, resistivity, downhole vibration and
iX extreme-performance instrumented SMALL BUSINESS WINNERS core jam indication. The CoDril™ tool
wireline intervention service and can (Fig. 9) is a supplemental downhole
be adapted to meet an operator’s ob- There were seven winners in the Small convertible core bit, allowing the opera-
jectives and maximize intervention Business category, including one firm tor to select between coring and drilling
impact. ReSOLVE iX service capabili- with two wins. modes. This saves a complete round trip
ties are uncompromised by its size and to change the BHA every time.
enable intervention in extreme condi- SUBSEA FLOW TEMPERATURE
tions, such as complex completions with MONITOR HYDRAULIC TORQUE WRENCH
small restrictions and sour and HPHT ClampOn devised this monitor as The MXT+™ Hydraulic Torque
environments. a non-intrusive sensor that determines Wrench (Fig. 10) combines the best of
the temperature of the flow medium HYTORC’s original MXT Wrench with
AUTONOMOUS DIRECTIONAL from outside the pipe, Fig. 8. The sensor the latest advanced technology. It delivers
DRILLING measures the pipe surface temperature significant advances in industrial bolting
This service by Schlumberger lever- underneath insulation and calculates the by integrating dual-reaction technology,
ages automation and digitalization to temperature of the flow medium, using auto-release, integrated cycle counter
advance offshore exploration and pro- algorithms that compensate for ambient and coaxial drive into one flexible tool.
duction, Fig. 7. This tool drills wells—re- temperature and insulation coefficients. The cycle counter monitors tool use and
gardless of the field, rig, or trajectory—in This monitor can be used as a stand- schedules preventative maintenance and
the most efficient and consistent manner alone temperature sensor. The instru- calibration. This feature helps maintain
possible, says the vendor. And this is done ment can be retrofitted to existing instal- the tool at peak performance
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 37

Fig. 12. ROCSOLE’s electrical tomography Fig. 13. Innovative technology by Subsea Shuttle provides modular subsea chemical
provides intelligent level detection and storage and injection.
data analytics for sand management.

Fig. 14. KINEKtron® is a retrofit subsea

strain monitoring system developed by

tion is an unwanted element. Robust and limits of “chemical-tubed” umbilicals, de-

reliable sensors are critical for automated veloping tie-back opportunities that cur-
sand management systems to secure the rently are only possible with new host fa-
proper functionality and avoid unex- cilities. In addition, it lowers development
pected shutdowns or reduced production costs of tie-back opportunities within cur-
rates. ROCSOLE’s electrical tomography rent technology reach by removing tubes
is a real-time non-radioactive monitoring from umbilicals (and reducing umbilical
The MXT+ tool is offered in a range solution (Fig. 12) that physically sees and costs by up to 80%). This technology was
of sizes for tackling tough bolting jobs, measures a separator's emulsion layer, im- previously cited with a World Oil Award
resulting in faster, safer and more reliable proving separation efficiency by optimiz- last October.
bolting. It is constructed from higher- ing residence time and resulting in higher
strength materials for rugged industrial quality output downstream. NEW-GENERATION SUBSEA
use and highly repeatable performance. STRAIN MONITORING
SUBSEA CHEMICAL STORAGE KINEKtron® is said to be the world's
SOFTWARE APP FOR BOLTING AND INJECTION first fully functional, tested and deployed
OPERATIONS Subsea Shuttle’s innovative technol- retrofit subsea strain monitoring system,
The HYTORC Connect Software ogy provides subsea chemical storage Fig. 14. The system is capable of measur-
App (Fig. 11) is used with the firm’s elec- and injection that satisfy the need for ing strain on structural tubular members.
tric torque tools to automate bolting op- longer and more cost-effective deepwater It combines many of Aquatec's existing
erations consistent with the industry’s 4.0 subsea tie-backs, Fig. 13. The system fea- underwater instrumentation and com-
digital transformation. The app commu- tures a cost-effective modular design and munications technologies with a new and
nicates wirelessly with the tool, initializes delivers application flexibility regard- unique method for measuring strain in a
bolting parameters, guides the operator, ing injection rates, autonomy, reliability, robust ROV-installable package.
monitors results, collects data, and gener- and compatibility with a wide range of Key features also include a unique,
ates complete quality documentation to production chemicals. multi-point strain transfer mechanism
assure bolted joint integrity. In addition, the technology lowers that facilitates high-dynamic range mea-
The app simplifies and speeds up the development costs while reducing host surement with microstrain resolution.
configuration of bolting operations by platform space and weight requirements. There are also dual through-wter com-
sending pre-set bolting parameters to the It eliminates hazardous chemical inter- munications and ultra-low-power design
tool. It guides the user during simple or action with offshore personnel while technology that provides up to three
multi-pass sequential bolting operations achieving lower chemical costs. The tech- years’ continuous strain data.
to ensure job accuracy. Detailed bolting nology also facilitates de-manning of plat- The instrument pod is rated to 150 m
results are captured wirelessly for com- forms while easing host tie-in burdens. and has a protective shroud for secure in-
plete project documentation. The benefits of subsea chemical stor- stallation. It handles data acquisition,
age and injection include supplementing storage and communications electronics.
INTELLIGENT LEVEL DETECTION existing clogged and/or “under-tubed” There is a wetmate connector for surface
AND DATA ANALYTICS FOR SAND umbilicals to maintain subsea well pro- interaction, plus an ROV handle, pressure
MANAGEMENT duction. It also enables production of re- sensor, accelerometer, acoustic modem
In oil and gas facilities, sand produc- sources past (further offset) the current and optical modem.
38 APRIL 2022 /

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Slings and arrows
ŝ MIKE SLATON, Contributing Editor

Skyrocketing oil prices caused by Rus- ana found in favor of Republican attorney Justice. “The consequences of the injunc-
sia’s war on Ukraine and Biden’s war on generals from oil states. tion are dramatic,” said the administration.
hydrocarbons present the Gulf of Mexico At issue is the “cost estimate of carbon The White House’s Office of Information
E&P industry with a conflicting brew of emissions,” an economic model aimed at and Regulatory Affairs said dozens of ac-
circumstances. determining the social impact of climate tions at the departments of Energy, Trans-
While the demand for oil becomes change. The Biden administration raised portation and the Interior, as well as the
even more critical, U.S. operations in the it from $7/ton to $51/ton of carbon di- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Gulf are stymied by outrageous fortune. oxide. The judge said the increase would will be “postponed or reworked.”
A successful Gulf lease sale was summar- artificially increase the cost estimate of But on April 15, the Interior Depart-
ily cancelled. Court and regulatory ma- leases and harm energy producing states. ment quietly announced plans to hold its
neuverings have further stalled lease sales Louisiana Attorney General Jeff first onshore oil and gas lease sales since
and, at the moment, halted the processing Landry called it a win and said the Biden Biden took office. DOI is opening just
of drilling permits for federal waters. order “was an attempt by the government 144,000 acres for lease and will charge op-
For the deepwater Gulf, these slings to take over and tax the people, based on erators higher royalties to drill on federal
and arrows imperil future production winners and losers chosen by the govern- lands, raising them for the first time. Royal-
more than today’s immediate needs. In a ment.” But the more immediate and con- ty rates will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%.
region where hugely complex and expen- trary result was that the federal govern- So far, no news on plans for the Gulf.
sive projects can take decades, the reper- ment used the ruling to stop work on new Lease sales in the Gulf and else-
cussions will come tomorrow. leases and drilling permits. where had already been challenged and
“Work surrounding public-facing rules, set aside. On Jan. 27, 2021, President
THE FRONT LINE grants, leases, permits and other projects Biden issued Executive Order 14008, ti-
Drilling permits and leasing on has been delayed or stopped altogether so tled “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home
federal lands and waters were blocked in that agencies can assess whether and how and Abroad.” It required a “pause” in new
February after a federal judge in Louisi- they can proceed,” said the Department of oil and natural gas leases on public lands
Vito newbuild (left) on the way to Shell operations in the Gulf. Source: Sembcorp Marine. Due online in 2024, the Anchor project’s discovery well (center) was drilling in 2015
by Pacific Drilling’s Pacific Santa Ana drillship. Source: Chevron/Pacific Drilling. BP’s Argos platform (right) arrives in Texas. Source: BP.

40 APRIL 2022 /
or in offshore waters, pending completion acres in the Western, Central and Eastern GOM Shelf, Renaissance Offshore, Mon-
of a comprehensive review and reconsid- Planning Areas. Highest bids came from forte Exploration, EnVen Energy Ven-
eration of Federal oil and gas permitting Anadarko (Occidental) for Alaminos Can- tures, Ankor Energy, and Samchully En-
and leasing practices.” yon ($10,001,252) and Green Canyon 551 ergy and Environment, Table 1.
The order resulted in a series of ac- ($6,001,252). It was followed by Chevron Total oil and gas production from
tions using environmental legislation and for Mississippi Canyon 40 ($4,409,990) the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
processes to delay, confound and stop and Walker Ridge 842 ($4,341, 006). Oth- dropped in 2020. Most of that decline
U.S. oil and gas development across the er successful bidders included Shell, BHP occurred in the GOM region, by far the
board. Arctic National Wildlife Reserve Billiton and LLOG exploration. dominant producer versus the Alaska and
(ANWR) leases were issued, then paused But, like ANWR, it didn’t last long. Pacific regions.
and ultimately suspended. Next door in The deal made it to Jan. 27, 2022, when For the first time since 2013, total OCS
the National Petroleum Reserve, opera- a federal judge annulled the sale, claiming oil production fell by 91,311,659 bbl for a
tions were delayed by a new review of an it did not sufficiently take climate change total 606,377,776 bbl. There wasn’t much
environmental statement published last into account. help in 2021, with BSEE figures for the
year. The planned Cook Inlet OCS Oil
& Gas Lease Sale 258 off Alaska’s south- BY THE NUMBERS
central coast was sidelined on Feb. 2. GOM production took a dip in Table 1. GOM production by operator,
Gulf of Mexico leasing was hit Feb. 2020 and 2021. But there is basis for im- ranked by volume
Operator Total oil, bbl Total gas, Mcf
12, 2021, when BOEM rescinded the provement this year. In deepwater opera-
Record of Decision for Lease Sale 257. tions, which account for the lion’s share of Petroleum
5,015,044 4,337,923
Planned for March 2022, it was the eighth GOM production, a dozen or more recent Shell Offshore 4,018,069 3,313,909
sale under the 2017-2022 National Oil discoveries are lined up: Murphy’s new Quarter
1,000,275 1,568,849
and Gas Leasing Program. But the game fields are due to come online; and some North Energy
GOM Shelf 231,087 637,657
was on again in September, when a U.S. big startups are planned, including BP’s
District Court compelled BOEM to hold Mad Dog Phase 2 and Shell’s Vito. Deeper, Offshore
88,962 155,078
the auction while conducting its “compre- high-pressure prospects will open up over Monforte
12,352 22,994
hensive review of the deficiencies associ- the next couple of years, as two high-capac- Exploration
ated with its offshore and onshore oil and ity drillships go to work for BOE’s Shenan- EnVen Energy
0 0
gas leasing program.” doah and Chevron’s Anchor projects. ANKOR Energy 0 0
And so, on Nov. 17, 2021, Lease Sale At the start of 2022, leading Gulf op- Samchully
257 was held. Thirty-three companies par- erators, ranked by volume of production, Energy and 0 3,326
ticipated, submitting $191,688,984 in to- were Anadarko Petroleum (Occidental) Note: Gulf production volume leaders
tal bids for 308 tracts covering 1.7 million Shell Offshore, QuarterNorth Energy, for January-March 2022. Source: BSEE.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 41


Table 2. U.S. OCS oil and gas production by calendar month

Oil production, bbl Gas production, Mcf
Month Alaska Pacific Gulf Total Year Alaska Pacific Gulf Total
Dec. 2020 33,006 385,989 55,121,793 55,540,788 Dec. 2020 331,392 227,575 68,335,042 68,894,009
Jan. 2021 40,591 376,970 55,007,096 55,424,657 Jan. 2021 262,554 227,840 72,630,185 73,120,579
Feb. 2021 38,329 344,553 50,259,385 50,642,267 Feb. 2021 158,897 229,131 65,229,540 65,617,568
March 2021 42,547 384,270 58,243,336 58,670,153 March 2021 229,751 247,788 75,181,454 75,658,993
April 2021 39,893 370,470 53,843,391 54,253,754 April 2021 220,460 248,537 70,697,784 71,166,781
May 2021 37,196 378,066 56,316,263 56,731,525 May 2021 202,709 229,885 73,025,744 73,458,338
June 2021 35,186 361,802 53,518,856 53,915,844 June 2021 182,890 238,106 68,436,549 68,857,545
July 2021 29,533 379,765 57,313,360 57,722,658 July 2021 148,710 246,582 72,880,254 73,275,546
Aug. 2021 35,637 352,252 47,996,275 48,384,164 Aug. 2021 221,487 244,639 62,269,922 62,736,048
Sept. 2021 35,828 357,988 31,652,870 32,046,686 Sept. 2021 193,961 237,744 35,310,772 35,742,477
Oct. 2021 38,195 231,277 51,667,481 51,936,953 Oct. 2021 198,263 214,103 60,696,719 61,109,085
Nov. 2021 37,717 226,271 52,462,283 52,726,271 Nov. 2021 210,733 209,414 79,346,153 79,766,300
Source: BSEE

Fig. 1. While deepwater continued to gain as a percentage of total production, total Table 3. GOM OCS Approved well permits
output fell in 2020. Source: BSEE by water depth for all types
Shallow Deep
Year (<500 ft) (>500 ft)
2022 thru
12 52 64
2021 148 633 781
2020 83 718 801
2019 225 794 1,019
2018 185 913 1,098
2017 158 627 785
2016 76 675 751
2015 170 709 879
2014 434 669 1,103
2013 507 554 1,061
2012 446 520 966
2011 418 274 692
Source: BSEE

first 11 months totaling 572,454,932 bbl, 589,255,880 Mcf, down from 721,301,118 counting for 417 approvals in 2021, com-
Table 2. Mcf in 2019. pared to 410 in 2020.
In the Gulf, oil production in 2020 was Rig activity in the Gulf has been rela-
601,351,182 bbl, down from 692,760,802 tively steady over the last year at roughly 14 FIELD NOTES
bbl in 2019. It was the first decline since rigs. On March 25, 2022, there were 14 ro- The two ultra-deepwater drillships
2014. In 2021, January to November, taries working, up 2 rigs from the same pe- that Transocean has been building for Gulf
the production tally was still low at riod in 2021, according to Baker Hughes. operators are due on location in 2022 and
568,280,596 bbl. There were 20 rigs working in March 2020. 2023. Their arrival will open up new high-
Total OCS gas production dropped Well permits marked a two-year de- pressure prospects, with the first drillship
to 809,482,112 Mcf, down from cline in 2021, with 148 shallow-well per- use of 20,000-psi BOP technology and
1,040,044,903 Mcf in 2019. In the Gulf, mits and 633 permits for deepwater wells. 3-million-pound hookload capacity.
gas fell from 1,034,420,387 Mcf in 2019 The 781 total permits are down 20 from Transocean’s Deepwater Titan and
to 804,537,475 Mcf in 2020. In 2021, the 2020 yearly total and minus 238 from Deepwater Atlas are built in Singapore by
January to November, production was not 2019’s figure. As of February 2022, BSEE Semcorp Marine’s Jurong Shipyard. The
much improved at 735,705,076 Mcf. had approved 64 permits—12 shallow- advanced vessels were started in 2014 and
Deepwater production continued water and 52 deepwater permits, Table 3. have faced Covid-related delays. Never-
to dominate the GOM as a percentage of BSEE breaks out permits in six catego- theless, they appear to be headed toward
total output. In 2020, that portion gained, ries—new well, revised new well, bypass, a GOM arrival this year and next. Deep-
with oil at about 93% of the regional total retrieved bypass, sidetrack and revised water Atlas will work for BOE Exploration
and gas at about 73%; in 2019 the figures sidetrack. The number of permits for each and Production during second-half 2022;
were 91% and 70%, respectively, Fig. 1. type varies year to year with project de- Deepwater Titan is scheduled to be onsite
But in terms of total deepwater produc- mand. For 2021 shallow permits, the big- for Chevron U.S.A. in first-quarter 2023.
tion, 2020 output dropped to 557,809,297 gest category was revised sidetracks, with Anchor. Chevron needs the Deepwa-
bbl, compared to 629,665,171 bbl in the 53 permits; in 2020, there were 23. The ter Titan’s high-pressure BOP and mas-
year prior, and 575,767,623 bbl in 2018. deepwater permits were more consistent, sive hookload for its Anchor project in the
The total for deepwater gas in 2020 was with the revised new well category ac- Green Canyon area. Anchor’s first phase
42 APRIL 2022 /

calls for a seven-well subsea development ate in 4,500 ft of water,

and semisubmersible floating production Mad Dog 2 is the southwest extension Fig. 2. Chevron project start-ups include
Mad Dog 2 in 2022; St. Malo injection in
platform. The planned facility has a design of Mad Dog field and may have recover- 2023; Anchor and Whale in 2024; and
capacity of 75,000 bopd and 28 MMcfgd. able oil-equivalent resources exceeding beyond that, Ballymore. Map: Chevron.
Total recoverable oil-equivalent resources 500 MMbbl. BP has a 60.5% interest,
may exceed 440 MMbbl. along with co-owners BHP (23.9%) and
Chevron discovered the Anchor find Union Oil Company of California, an af-
in 2015, when its Well 2 in Green Canyon filiate of Chevron Corp. (15.6%).
Block 807 found oil in multiple zones of Vito. Fabrication of Shell’s Vito float-
the Lower Tertiary Wilcox sands. The ing production unit was completed in De-
well is in about 5,000 ft of water and was cember 2021 by Sembcorp Marine. It will
drilled to 33,749 ft, MD. The project was be transported to the Gulf, where produc-
sanctioned in 2019 and is expected to cost tion is scheduled for this year, Fig. 4.
$5.7 billion, Fig. 2. Vito is a Miocene development discov-
Arrival of the Deepwater Titan will start ered in 2009. It is laid out on four Missis-
a development process expected to see sippi Canyon lease blocks under 4,000 ft
Fig. 3. The Argos FPU in South Korea on
first oil in 2024. Recoverable assets are es- of water. It features eight subsea wells and the BOKA Vanguard, headed to the
timated to exceed 440 MMbbl. a deep (18,000 ft) in-well gas lift. Peak Kiewit Offshore Services fabrication yard
Shenandoah. BOE Exploration will production is expected to be in excess of in Ingleside, Texas. Image: BP.
use the Deepwater Atlas in drilling and 900,000 boed. The development is owned
completion of its Shenandoah project. by Shell Offshore Inc. (63.11%, operator)
Each phase should last a little less than a and Equinor (36.89%).
year. Transocean says the drillship will Whale. Shell also has started con-
use dual 15,000-psi BOPs for the drilling struction of an FPU for its Whale proj-
program and switch over to the 20,000-psi ect. Sembcorp is also the shipbuilder, and
BOP for the well completion phase. Shell says the design is a 99% replicated
The Shenandoah discovery well was hull and an 80% replication of the top-
drilled in 2009 by Anadarko Petroleum on sides from its Vito project. The FID for
Walker Ridge Block 52. It is in 5,750 ft of the project was announced in July 2021 Fig. 4. Integration of Vito topside
water. The 30,000-ft, TD, well found about after a year-long Covid delay. Production structure with the FPU hull using a pair
300 ft of oil pay in the Lower Tertiary Wil- is scheduled in 2024. of 30,000-tonne goliath cranes at Tuas
Boulevard Yard, Source: Sembcorp Marine.
cox sands, and appraisal wells were drilled. The Whale production facility is in
In August 2021, a group comprised of BOE Alaminos Canyon Block 773, next to the
(operator), Navitas Petroleum and HEQ Shell-operated Silvertip field, and approxi-
Deepwater awarded Transocean the Deep- mately 10 mi from the Shell-operated Per-
water Atlas contract to develop Shenando- dido platform. The development, in more
ah. The subsea development will produce than 8,600 ft of water, features a semi-sub-
through a production platform. mersible production host with 15 oil wells.
A Navitas timeline shows completion Whale is owned by Shell Offshore Inc.
of subsea facilities in early 2023 and subsea (60%, operator) and Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
pipelines in early 2024, with first oil expect- (40%). Peak production is estimated at
ed in June 2024. The project was originally 100,000 boed, and the asset has an esti-
planned on a regional hub model similar to mated recovery of 490 MMboe.
the DeltaHouse and Who-Dat fields. St Malo. Ongoing work on the St.
Mad Dog 2. The Argos floating pro- Malo field waterflood is aimed at first in- provide engineering and procurement
duction platform for Mad Dog 2 arrived jection in 2023. The Chevron-operated services to support subsea and topsides
at the Ingleside, Texas, Kiewit Offshore field in Walker Ridge will get two new systems. The field is in Mississippi Can-
Services fabrication yard in April 2021. production wells, three injectors and top- yon Block 607, in about 6,581 ft of water.
BP (operator) plans start-up for second- sides water injection equipment. It will be Chevron is the operator (60%) with TO-
quarter 2022, Fig. 3. Chevron’s first waterflood project in the TAL E&P USA Inc. (40%) as co-owner.
The platform was built by Samsung Wilcox trend. Khaleesi-Mormont and Samurai.
Heavy Industries in South Korea and Chevron holds a 51% working inter- King’s Quay FPS is scheduled to go into ser-
transported by the BOKA Vanguard. It is est in St. Malo field, along with co-owners vice in mid-2022, in Khaleesi/Mormont
expected to support about 800 jobs in In- MP Gulf of Mexico, LLC (25%), Equinor and Samurai fields, says operator Murphy
gleside and about 250 jobs once in opera- Gulf of Mexico LLC (21.5%), Exxon Mo- Oil. In March, the company said its well
tion, says BP. After final work and inspec- bil Corporation (1.25%) and Eni Petro- completion program was underway, and
tions at Kiewit, the 60,000-ton platform leum US LLC (1.25%). final pre-commissioning activities were
will be towed to location, about 6 mi from Ballymore. A subsea tie-back for ongoing to receive first oil during second-
the original Mad Dog spar, about 190 mi Chevron’s Ballymore field was announced quarter 2022. The FPS is designed to pro-
south of New Orleans, where it will oper- in mid-April 2021 by Worley, which will cess 80,000 bopd and 100 MMcfgd.
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 43
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Three-dimensional mapping improves reservoir

understanding with volumetric and 3D insights
To achieve more sustainable viously acquired well logs, the new set of magnetic dipole antennas within azimuth-
drilling, operators should measurements almost doubles in number. al resistivity. It sends the data uphole in
drill fewer, more accurate Because the new inversion algorithm is not real time via mud pulse telemetry or wired
wells. This becomes confined to any specific forms of models, it drill pipe. The modular tool layout has one
is suitable for exploring complex reservoir transmitter and multiple receivers spaced
increasingly challenging, settings and finding solutions. between 5 m and 35 m apart. Antennas
as operators encounter The latest advances in the scalability operate at multiple frequencies between 2
more complex reservoirs. A and algorithm design of the cloud com- kHz and 96 kHz.
new 3D reservoir mapping puting infrastructure improve turnaround Using cloud computing, the 3D reser-
service helps operators time for the new inversion by more than voir mapping-while-drilling technology
improve geosteering in such 100 times. When combined, the features inverts the large datasets with a 2D azi-
provide a 3D reservoir map without having muthal pixel-based algorithm. The service
environments, reducing the
to compromise between high resolution then produces 3D-resistivity volumes,
need for more wells while and depth of investigation. The real-time which are filtered to understand the geo-
optimizing production. 3D reservoir map enables an up-to-date
reservoir model that helps the operator Fig. 1. GeoSphere 360 service acquires
make informed decisions while drilling 360° tensor data and sends it up-hole
ŝ MAURO VIANDANTE, JEAN MICHEL and enabling targeting of more complex in real time via mud pulse telemetry and
wired drill pipe.
DENICHOU and HAIFENG WANG, Schlumberger reservoirs and improving geosteering re-
sults. The ability to update reservoir mod-
els can help improve drilling, completion,
As reservoir complexity increases, drill- production and reservoir management.
ers require expanded reservoir mapping
capabilities with the ability to map resis- How the technology works. The 3D
tive boundaries on or near the vertical axis. reservoir mapping-while-drilling service
Conventional 2D reservoir mapping does acquires 360° EM tensor data of the for-
not allow for lateral changes in the plane, mation surrounding the tool, using tilted
and the 1D inversion algorithm only in-
verts for resistivity profile vertically at each
given point on the trajectory. Fig. 2. Integration of a 1D longitudinal resistivity inversion and a 2D transverse resistivity
inversion map in the 3D reservoir steering workflow enables imaging of lateral resistivity
An improved understanding of the res- variation.
ervoir structure and fluid contact in a full
3D context around the wellbore enables
geoscientists to better steer the well. Re-
cent advancements in deep directional
electromagnetic (EM) measurements, for
mapping deeper into the reservoir, have
enabled looking ahead of the bit while
drilling, reducing risk associated with un-
planned penetration of certain formations.
The GeoSphere 360* 3D reservoir
mapping-while-drilling service from
Schlumberger includes three parts: a set
of new measurements acquired downhole
and transmitted to surface in real time; a
new inversion algorithm that is model-
independent and fit for any reservoir
complexity; and a new cloud computing
capability that enables answers in real time
while drilling, Fig. 1. Compared with pre-
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 45

metrical relationship of the resistive geo- timate the resistivity anisotropy inside the tralia have used the 3D mapping-while-
bodies around the wellbore, calibrating 2D plane and its alignment angles. With drilling technology to improve reservoir
the seismic data and feeding into reservoir the single data point and execution of the understanding.
modeling workflows. The 2D inversions inversion on cloud computing services, a
integrate the 1D inversion results, illustrat- turnaround time of 15 min. or less can be North Sea operator extends well
ing vertical separations between two resis- achieved for a two-receiver BHA, enabling and gains extra net pay interval. In
tive bodies in a lateral plane, Fig. 2. The real-time inversion processing of the mea- a well with a coarsening upward sequence
2D transverse inversion slices illustrate the surements transmitted uphole. A 3D reser- of offshore shales and lower shoreface
lateral variation in the resistive bodies. The voir map can be derived from the multiple sediments, an operator wanted to land as
2D transverse inversion enhances integra- 2D inversions. early as possible, to ensure maximum net
tion of the geological dataset from a nearby sand once inside the reservoir. Another
wellbore to reservoir scale, enabling highly Data transmission. The 3D reservoir objective was to stay high on the structure,
educated geosteering decisions at realistic mapping-while-drilling service gener- maintaining between 3 m and 7 m, TVD,
drilling ROPs. ates numerous real-time measurements. from the top.
Because the full 3D data have sig- Conventional 2D reservoir mapping Because of a wedge geometry and pre-
nificantly more data points, the pre-drill technology generates a multi-frequency dicted volume from seismic data, the abil-
seismic images and geobody extractions measurement set with 55 measurements, ity to map the structural variations of the
are calibrated more accurately than what transmitting 30 curves from three fre- reservoir laterally and vertically would be
is possible with conventional technol- quencies in real time. Compared with a significant advantage, Fig. 3. The op-
ogy. Comparing all data sources enables the previous technology, the number of erator also wanted to optimize high-angle
further validation of interpretation. Ad- curves in each measurement set using the well placement for total hydrocarbon re-
ditionally, subsurface geomodels, updated 3D reservoir mapping technology almost covery and deployed geosteering support
in real time to a high resolution, enable doubles. Every measurement set from one for both the landing and the reservoir sec-
higher-confidence strategic geosteering transmitter-receiver pair has 96 measure- tion. A conventional reservoir mapping-
decisions in 3D. ments, which means a total of 54 curves while-drilling service provided 1D forma-
are sent in real time. tion resistivity mapping while drilling, but
Inversion algorithm. Eight measure- Advanced compression algorithms can real-time interpretation was limited by
ment classes, combined with shallow con- achieve an effective rate of more than 80 this type of inversion. More advanced 2D
ventional resistivity data, are inverted in bits per second (bps) in the latest MWD transverse inversions provide new infor-
real time using cloud computing for the system. This enables transmission of the mation, highlighting 3D structural com-
2D transverse resistivity inversion. The re- large number of curves needed for 3D res- plexity and fluid movements locally in the
sistivity and anisotropy of each pixel in a ervoir mapping technology in real time, near-wellbore region.
symmetric grid are inverted with the two using a mud-pulse telemetry system. The application of the 3D mapping-
alignment angles of the trajectory w.r.t. while-drilling service enabled steering
the 2D plane. A single data point or a data CASE STUDIES away from the planned trajectory toward
window can be used in the inversion to es- Operators in the North Sea and Aus- the sweet spot, which was located side-
ways from the planned trajectory. This was
made possible by the real-time processing
Fig. 3. (A) Interpolated 3D volume from 2D azimuthal inversion is shown unfiltered.
(B) The same aspects are filtered to show resistivities above 2.5 ohm.m. (C) Geobody of the 2D transverse resistivity inversions
extraction from the RMS amplitude attribute (green points). (D) With z-slices of 3D while drilling from the heel up to the to-
interpolated volume from the 2D azimuthal inversions. tal depth of the 8.5-in. horizontal section.
2D advanced transverse inversions were
incorporated into the current geosteering
workflow. This provided a complete 3D
structural understanding from the land-
ing zone when approaching the reservoir
top, all the way to steering inside the main
section in the horizontal interval. This in-
tegrated approach was used for 3D reser-
voir mapping while drilling and provided
relevant real-time information to steer
laterally, to keep the borehole within the
optimal reservoir exposure.
The 2D transverse inversions while
drilling mapped a higher resistive geo-
body located sideways from the wellbore
path. From the inversion results, it also
was possible to identify a lateral dip where
inclination and direction correlated with
the structural true dips derived from the
46 APRIL 2022 /

borehole LWD density images. This novel

real-time information supported a strate- Fig. 4. 2D azimuthal inversion slices, every 10 m, from a 75-m MD section, looking
north. The upper resistive red body is truncated in the earlier slices, with the truncation
gic change in the trajectory to turn fully reducing along hole. The inversion also images the stacked reservoir channels, yielding
westward, respecting the dogleg sever- important information on vertical connectivity in the lateral direction.
ity limit for running a production liner to
target and intercept the sweet spot. This
azimuthal 3D reservoir steering decision
delivered nearly 100 m, MD, of extra net
pay interval by extending the well inside
this reservoir section.

North Sea operator maximizes res-

ervoir exposure. To enable strategic
geosteering decisions, another operator
in the North Sea wanted to integrate data
from multiple scales of measurement, such
as borehole-scale and borehole-derived
near–seismic-scaled LWD, with attribute
analysis of surface seismic, Fig. 4. The well
contained significant static and dynamic toe of the well, the service could poten- reservoir understanding, operators can
uncertainties throughout the well design tially help geosteering azimuthally. The book more reserves, unlock more oil
and execution phases, including fluid dis- service can map the resistivity profile lon- production, enhance completion and
tribution and structural geometry. gitudinally and to the left and right, with production design, place fewer wells with
The project’s objective was to improve the depth of detection covering the previ- greater certainty and improve returns
and enhance geosteering operations in a ous well. This could help increase under- from complex reservoirs. The 3D reser-
complex reservoir, which contains an oil standing of the reservoir and the previous voir mapping-while-drilling service capa-
accumulation with a gas cap. The reser- well’s issue. Furthermore, it would help to bilities open opportunities for additional
voir comprised sandstones of a deepwater map the water saturation profile, if OWC applications and integration with 3D or
turbidite channel system. The geological moved up in some areas due to existing 4D seismic workflows.
structure was a complex, four-way dip well production. *Mark of Schlumberger
closer anticline with bounding faults and The service enabled the operator to
expected sub-seismic faulting, increasing achieve all objectives. The well was geo-
the level of uncertainty and complexity. steered 100% inside the target zone and MAURO VIANDANTE is the
An area of bypassed oil identified on the reached the required length. Real-time 3D geosteering and reservoir
mapping domain champion
eastern flank of the structure was the tar- reservoir mapping enabled the operator to for Schlumberger. He has 15
get for an infill well. make informed decisions on the well path years of experience in drilling,
logging and geosteering in the
in the completion design. The service also North Sea, Europe, Australasia
Australian operator geosteers well mapped some conductive features, help- and the Middle East. He has
been involved in field-test development of
100% inside target zone. In an oil field ing the operator better understand the both hardware and software of new LWD
offshore Australia, an operator wanted to reservoir dynamics related to fluid move- technology and has authored several papers
on geosteering techniques and LWD technology.
drill a new producer well that could be ment in the field. For the first time, the Dr. Viandante holds a master’s degree in
geosteered to maximize reservoir expo- operator ran 12-bps mud-pulse telemetry geology and a doctorate in structural geology
from the University of Chieti-Pescara.
sure while maintaining DLS and well tor- without issues. Despite the additional data
tuosity, thus ensuring a smooth comple- required to send uphole and the high ROP JEAN MICHEL DENICHOU
has gained experience in
tion run. The ability to map the reservoir of more than 30 m/hr, the update rate was geosteering for the past
and know where to blank it off was critical very good at 1.5 m for both receivers. Dur- 26 years while based in
Nigeria, Algeria, Tunisia,
for success. The operator also wanted to ing post-job, a 3D pointset and 3D cube Norway, the U.S. and China.
blank off conglomerate and avoid a chan- delivered to the operator enabled better His responsibilities include
technical advice, corporate
nel cut to the reservoir layer. visualization and utilization of data for strategy, product development, planning and
Other common challenges included reservoir model refining. execution of geosteering, and reservoir
mapping operations worldwide.
structural complexity, faults, channel cuts,
reservoir property lateral variations, and VALUE DELIVERED HAIFENG WANG is the
oil/water contact (OWC). geosteering and reservoir
The ability to achieve 3D reservoir mapping domain champion
The operator selected the 3D reser- mapping while drilling provides a bet- from Schlumberger, based
voir mapping-while-drilling service to ter understanding of the 3D geological in Perth, Australia. He joined
the company in 2001 and
use the resistivity profile map from the environment and fluid distribution with since has worked as a project
conventional curtain section inversion a deep depth of investigation, as well as engineer, project manager,
geosteering engineer, product champion, and
result to map the top and base of the res- the required information to create sup- domain champion over the past 19 years. He
ervoir and assist geosteering to optimize port for reservoir steering decisions for holds bachelor’s degrees in economics and
computer science and a master’s in geology
the well position vertically. Toward the optimal well positioning. By improving from Peking University.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 47

Shale Energy Technology Conference

ŝ JIM REDDEN, Contributing Editor

Scott Sheffield has a forewarning for the acre- Permian operators to reverse the calculus. “I will
age-restricted private operators helping drive re- not be surprised, if there is not a call on the U.S.
cord production in the Permian basin: your annual shale producer to grow, depending on what hap-
double-digit growth rates are unsustainable. pens to world energy markets, global inflation and
“A few private independents have announced some of the turmoil we’re seeing around energy
growth rates of 15% to 20% per year and eventu- security,” Coterra Energy Inc. CEO Tom Jorden
ally they’ll run out of inventory fairly quickly,” the said prophetically on Feb. 24. That was the day
Pioneer Natural Resources Co. CEO warned Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine further
on Feb. 17. “Also, many of the private companies roiled the market, eventually sending West Texas
are experiencing labor issues, cost issues and can’t Intermediate (WTI) oil prices to a since-corrected
get equipment.” 11-yr high of $123/bbl on March 8.
Sheffield says Pioneer will not deviate from a For now, the U.S. Energy Information Adminis-
maximum 5% production growth rate, even with tration (EIA) estimates April oil production in the
“$100 oil or $150 oil,” echoing many of his contem- Permian’s Midland and Delaware sub-basins will
poraries, which flush with cash, are determined to hit a record of just over 5.2 MMbpd, Fig. 1. Mostly
return more of same to investors, rather than maxi- associated gas production, likewise, is expected to
mize production growth. “So far, the public inde- reach a new high of 20,280 MMcfd, thanks in no
pendents are staying in line and I’m confident they small part to basin-wide initiatives aimed at miti-
will continue to stay in line,” he said. gating routine flaring to help reduce emissions,
That confidence is in jeopardy, however, as Eu- amid concerns over strained takeaway capacity.
ropean turbulence spills over into West Texas and March and April drilling activity also increased
southeastern New Mexico, pressuring multi-zone significantly, jumping by 18 rigs during the four
48 APRIL 2022 /
Pumpjacks are working at capacity, as
Permian oil production exceeds 5.2 MMbpd.
Image: Ovintiv Corp.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 49


erate production growth while generating

Fig. 1. March-to-April oil and gas production in the Permian is projected to increase robust free cash flow (FCF).
by 70,000 bpd and 120 MMcfd, respectively. Source: U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA). With a near-company record $1.8 bil-
lion in FCF in 2021, Apache Corp aver-
aged 227,991 boed in the fourth quarter,
largely from its southern Midland and
Delaware basin assets. Averaging two rigs
in the Permian basin, with a third slated
for the Delaware by mid-year, the com-
pany drilled and completed 12 net (13
gross) wells during the quarter in its Texas
holdings, which also include the Austin
Chalk, where two gross wells were turned-
in-line. “Our overarching goal for the next
Fig. 2. Patterson-UTI super-spec rigs (14 gross) in the Permian this year few years is to return to pre-pandemic
Rig 257 is one of the 334 rigs active in and put 300 to 330 wells online. production levels and then invest at a pace
the Permian during April. Image:
Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc In no danger of running out of resourc- that will sustain or modestly grow those
es or places to drill, ExxonMobil plans production volumes,” President and CEO
to increase Permian production this year John Christmann said on Feb. 22.
to more than 550,000 boed, up 25% over Centennial Resource Develop-
2021. Its subsidiary, XTO Energy Co., ment Inc. expects oil production to reach
will operate between 10 and 12 rigs and a high of 36,500 bpd this year—a 10% to
6-8 frac crews in 2022, the company said 15% increase over 2021—while generat-
during the March 2 Investor Day. ing FCF of more than $400 million. Run-
The same for Chevron, which aims ning a two-rig program, the company will
to hike production by 60,000 boed this drill and complete between 47 and 53
year, compared to 2021. The super-major gross wells with 80% of the completions to
raised 2022 Permian capital expenditure tap the Bone Springs in Lea County, N.M.
to $4 billion—a $1 billion jump over After FCF tripled last year to a com-
2021—and will operate around seven pany-record $2.9 billion, Devon Energy
rigs and put more than 200 new wells on Corp. also plans no more than 5% produc-
production, up 50% over last year. “That’s tion growth this year. This commitment
a meaningful step-up in activity, and we follows fourth-quarter output of 416,000
want to execute that well. I don’t think boed from a 400,000-net-acre Delaware
we’re going to be tempted by the price of basin leasehold—up 34% from the Janu-
the day to put that at risk by doing more,” ary 2021 closing of the WPX Energy
weeks ending April 14 to 334 active rigs, says CEO Mike Wirth. acquisition. The company will hold pro-
according to Baker Hughes. For others, inflation is taking a bigger duction at between 570,000 and 600,000
bite across their ever-tightening supply boed from its five unconventional assets,
PRODUCTION CONSTRAINTS chains. “Like all of our peers, we are expe- with 60% of activity directed to the New
Increasing production may be easier riencing inflation across our supply chain. Mexico Delaware, with an average of 14
said than done, given a tight labor pool, This includes rig rates, pressure pumping, rigs and some 220 new wells.
supply chain issues with everything from labor, fuel, sand and chemicals,” says Co- Ovintiv Corp. averaged 2021 Perm-
tubulars to sand, and a nearly 43% year- terra’s Jorden. ian production of 118,000 boed, where
over-year drop in the Permian inventory An offshoot of the October merger of it drilled 80 net wells and put 93 wells on
of drilled-but-uncompleted (DUC) wells. Cabot Oil & Gas and Cimarex Energy, production. With a 2022 FCF target of
Vicki Hollub, CEO of Occidental Pe- Conterra, nevertheless, will average six $2.9 billion, the company, as of Feb. 25,
troleum Corp, told CERAWeek by S&P rigs and two completion crews in the expects to hold cumulative oil and con-
Global that even the world’s largest shale Permian this year with 50-60 wells put densate production at 180,000-190,000
play is unable to singularly ease the current on production. Nearly 50% of the compa- bpd in its core Permian, Anadarko and
supply-demand imbalance. “The call for ny’s 2022 drilling and completion spend Montney shale plays. Ovintiv plans to av-
increased production from the U.S. at this will be diverted to the Permian, with oil erage three rigs in the Permian, with 60-65
point, especially with supply-chain chal- production expected to increase mod- net wells put on production.
lenges, can’t happen at the level that’s need- estly from 78,000 bpd in 2021 to between Marathon Oil Co. averaged 22,000
ed,” Hollub said on March 8 in Houston. 81,000 and 86,000 bpd this year, led by boed of production from its northern
Like Pioneer, Oxy will maintain Cimarex’s legacy Permian, and to a lesser Delaware asset in the final quarter of 2021
around 5% annual growth, with 2022 degree, Anadarko assets. and plans to put 20-25 gross wells online
Permian production expected to stand pat With few exceptions, a sampling of oth- in 2022, all in the second half. “We are not
at between 527,000 and 537,000 boed. er high-profile public companies shows a allocating any production growth capital
Occidental plans to run around nine net concerted effort, for now at least, to mod- in 2022 and expect our total company oil
50 APRIL 2022 /

and oil equivalent production to be flat

with the 2021 full year averages,” Mike Fig. 3. One of 12 centralized BasinScan laser nodes onsite in the Permian basin.
Image: LongPath Technologies, Inc.
Henderson, executive VP of operations,
said on Feb. 17. Marathon closed out 2021
with FCF of $2.2 billion.

For Bakken pioneer Continental Re-
sources Inc., the time was right to finally
stake a claim in the Permian basin. “We’ve
actually been looking at the Permian for
quite some time, “ CEO Bill Berry said
on Feb. 15, just under two months after
closing on the $3.25-billion acquisition of
Pioneer’s Delaware basin asset. The deal
included around 55,000 boed of produc-
tion and more than 92,000 net contiguous
acres, mainly in Texas’ Pecos, Reeves and
Ward counties.
Continental will operate four rigs in
the Permian this year with 46 wells ear-
marked for first oil. At the time of the Dec.
21 closing, the newly acquired assets aver-
aged roughly 42,000 boed of production.
Pure play Pioneer, meanwhile, will fo-
cus entirely on the “high-margin” Midland opened a data room for potential buyers. tensity 75% by 2030, leveled a broadside
basin, where it holds some 820,000 net ConocoPhillips is running 20 rigs and at private operators. “Private companies
acres. The company will operate 22-24 rigs nine frac crews across its Big Three (Perm- continue to vent and flare, much greater
and six frac crews in 2022 with 475-505 ian, Eagle Ford and Bakken) plays, with all than 1%. The privates need to be reined
wells turned-in-line. With an average $30/ but one rig active in the two Texas plays. in, because they are the biggest flarers in
bbl break-even cost, Pioneer estimates Permian production was 483,000 boed in the Permian basin,” he said.
year-end FCF of more than $7 billion. the fourth quarter. Among the public companies, Apache
Pioneer intends to maintain wholly un- “The increase in activity that we’ve lays claim to being among the first to end
hedged production of 623,000 to 648,000 seen from the privates and such will gen- routine flaring in the basin. “In 2021, we
boed this year. “With demand up, we may erate more production. But I think com- set an ambitious goal of eliminating rou-
need those extra barrels today, but the panies like ours and other large companies tine flaring in the Permian basin by year-
question is will we need them in ‘23 and kind of think more of a sustainable growth end, which we accomplished three months
‘24,” Sheffield says. rate because that’s really where you get ahead of schedule,” says CEO Christmann.
Callon Petroleum Co. is going full- your efficiency,” says Tim Leach, execu- To help meet weighty ESG objectives,
bore after integrating the 35,000 net acres tive VP of Lower 48. operators employ a variety of gas capture
in Reeves County, Texas, acquired in the and emissions monitoring mechanisms.
$788 million acquisition of tightly held Pri- EMISSIONS CONTROL One of the latest advancements deployed
mexx Energy Partners last October. Callon Meanwhile, in a play where nighttime in the Permian leveraged Noble Prize-
says 85% of its $725 million capital alloca- flares once gave the aerial impression of a winning technology developed at the
tion this year will be spent in the Permian, bustling city after sunset, public and pri- University of Colorado and the National
with production estimated at 101,000 to vate initiatives are intensifying to mitigate Institutes of Standards and Technology
105,000 boed, compared to 105,000 boed routine flaring and reduce greenhouse (NIST) to engineer laser systems that de-
in 2021. The company will average six to gas (GHG) emissions. While the largely tect the unique adsorption “fingerprints”
seven rigs and two completion crews in the industry-friendly Railroad Commission of methane, carbon dioxide (CO2) and
135,000 net acres now controlled in the (RRC) says statewide flaring rates fell to other GHG molecules.
Midland and Delaware basins. a new low of 0.19% in November 2021, Developed by LongPath Technologies,
After spending $9.5 billion in Decem- the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) Inc. of Boulder, Colo., the laser-driven Ba-
ber to snap up Shell’s Permian opera- in December said a helicopter survey sin-SCAN continuous methane monitor-
tions, ConocoPhillips Co. is reportedly showed emissions continuing at a “high ing and abatement technology is designed
looking to unload some Delaware basin rate” in the Permian. The EDF said it de- to reduce emissions by 60% to 80% in
acreage with an estimated $1 billion valu- tected methane plumes from 40% of 900 the respective coverage areas. By the end
ation, according to Bloomberg. A Cono- sites measured, with 14% attributed to of March, 12 systems had been installed
coPhillips spokesman declined comment malfunctioning flares. in the Permian, covering 156,000 acres
on the Feb. 11 report that the company Once again, Sheffield, whose company across more than 160 production and
was working with an advisor and had plans to reduce methane emissions in- gathering sites, the company said.
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 51
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Oil and gas expansion accelerates

as outlooks improve significantly
Compared to fourth-quarter share reporting an increase, the index will licly traded producers are restraining pro-
2021, the Dallas Fed’s survey be below zero, suggesting the indicator has duction growth despite high oil prices.
found that U.S. E&P activity decreased over the previous quarter.
surged in first-quarter 2022.
Data were collected March 9–17, and On average, respondents expect a
However, there are still a 141 energy firms responded. Of the re- West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil price
few question marks that will spondents, 91 were exploration and pro- of $93/bbl by year-end 2022; responses
linger through the year. duction firms and 50 were oilfield equip- ranged from $50/bbl to $200/bbl, Table 1.
ment/service firms. Survey participants expect Henry Hub nat-
ural gas prices to average $4.57 per million
ŝ MICHAEL PLANTE and KUNAL PATEL, Special questions asked of executives British thermal units (MMBtu) at year-
Dallas Federal Reserve Bank for this quarter include an annual update end, Table 2. For reference, WTI spot pric-
on breakeven prices by basin; expected es averaged $103.07 per barrel during the
firm growth in crude oil production; survey collection period, and Henry Hub
Activity in the oil and gas sector accel- anticipated changes in employee head spot prices averaged $4.65 per MMBtu.
erated during first-quarter 2022, accord- counts for 2022; the oil price needed to re- One of the special questions posed
ing to oil and gas executives responding turn publicly traded producers to growth to executives was “In the top two areas in
to the Dallas Fed Energy Survey. The mode; and the primary reason that pub- which your firm is active, what WTI oil
business activity index—the survey’s
broadest measure of conditions facing Table 1. What do you expect the Table 2. What do you expect the
WTI crude oil price to be at the end Henry Hub natural gas price to be at
Eleventh District energy firms—jumped of 2022? the end of 2022?
from 42.6 in the fourth quarter to 56.0, Dollars per barrel Percent of companies Dollars per MMBtu Percent reporting
reaching its highest reading in the survey’s < 70 4 < 3.50 2
six-year history, Fig 1. 70.00–79.99 12 3.50–3.99 10
80.00–89.99 30 4.00–4.49 30
OVERVIEW 90.00–99.99 25 4.50–4.99 28
The Dallas Fed conducts the Dallas Fed 100.00–109.99 12 5.00–5.49 16
Energy Survey quarterly to obtain a timely 110.00–119.99 4 5.50–5.99 5
≥ 120 13 6.00–6.49 7
assessment of energy activity among oil
Source: Dallas Federal Reserve ≥ 6.50 2
and gas firms located or headquartered
in the Eleventh District (Texas, northern Fig. 1. Measurement of oil and gas activity in Federal Reserve District 11.
Louisiana, southern New Mexico).
Dallas Fed Energy Survey Business Activity Index
Methodology. Firms are asked whether
business activity, employment, capital ex-
penditures and other indicators increased, 56
60 2022:Q1
decreased or remained unchanged com-
pared with the prior quarter and with the 40
same quarter a year ago. Survey responses
are used to calculate an index for each in- 20
dicator. Each index is calculated by sub- 0
tracting the percentage of respondents
reporting a decrease from the percentage -20
reporting an increase.
When the share of firms reporting an -40
increase exceeds the share reporting a de-
crease, the index will be greater than zero,
suggesting the indicator has increased -80
over the previous quarter. If the share of 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
firms reporting a decrease exceeds the
World Oil® / APRIL 2022 53

price does your firm need to cover oper- sections other than Midland and Delaware. a new well? The results, as displayed in
ating expenses for existing wells?” The re- In non-shale plays, the figure is $38/bbl. Fig. 3, were very divided. They averaged
sults shown in Fig. 2 are quite interesting. An additional special question asked $48/bbl in the Eagle Ford and $50 to $54
Among shale plays in the 11th Fed District, was “In the top two areas in which in the various sections of the Permian.
they show a low of $23/bbl in the Eagle your firm is active, what WTI oil price But the price required to drill a new well
Ford shale to a high of $35/bbl in Permian does your firm need to profitably drill jumped to an average $60/bbl in non-
shale plays, and it climbed further to an av-
erage $69/bbl for shale plays outside the
Fig. 2. Special Question on price needed to operate existing wells. Eagle Ford and Permian.
In the top two areas in which your firm is active: What WTI oil price does your firm need to cover operating expenses for existing wells?
Dollars per barrel
Oil production increased at a faster
90 Permian Permian
(Midland) Other U.S. (Other) Other U.S. pace, according to executives at E&P firms.
80 (Shale) (Nonshale) The oil production index rose sharply from
70 (Delaware) 19.1 in fourth-quarter 2021 to 45.0 in first-
60 quarter 2022. Similarly, the natural gas pro-
50 duction index advanced 14 points, to 40.0.
40 Eagle Ford $35
$38 Meanwhile, one of the special ques-
$28 $29 tions asked was “By what percent do you
30 $23 expect your firm’s crude oil production
20 to change from fourth-quarter 2021 to
10 fourth-quarter 2022? The results for that
0 question can be seen in Table 3. Executives
5 19 17 11 22 51 from 82 E&P firms answered this question
Number of responses during the survey collection period. Small
NOTES: Lines show the average, and bars show the range of responses. Executives from 84 exploration and production firms answered this question
during the survey collection period, March 9–17, 2022.
firms are defined as producing less than
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
10,000 bpd in fourth-quarter 2021, while
large firms produced 10,000 bpd or more.
Fig. 3. Special question on price needed to drill wells profitably. Responses came from 62 small firms and
20 large firms. As can be seen, the answers
In the top two areas in which your firm is active: What WTI oil price does your firm need to profitably drill a new well?
were spread out over a variety of ranges,
Dollars per barrel
although smaller firms tended to project
180 larger growth rates, and larger operators
Other U.S. Other U.S.
160 (Nonshale) (Shale) were more restrained.
Permian Permian Costs increased for a fifth straight quar-
100 (Midland) (Other)
Eagle Ford Permian ter. Among oilfield equipment/service
80 (Delaware) $69
$54 $60 firms, the index for input costs increased
60 $48 $50 $51 from 69.8 to 77.1—a record high. Only
40 one of the 50 responding oilfield equip-
20 ment/service firms reported lower input
0 costs this quarter. Among E&P firms, the
5 19 17 23 47 10 index for finding and development costs
Number of responses advanced from 44.9 in fourth-quarter
NOTES: Lines show the average, and bars show the range of responses. Executives from 83 exploration and production firms answered this question 2021 to 56.0 in first-quarter 2022. Addi-
during the survey collection period, March 9–17, 2022.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. tionally, the index for lease operating ex-
penses also increased, from 42.0 to 58.9.
Table 3. By what percent do you expect your firm’s crude oil production to change from Both indexes reached highs for the sur-
fourth-quarter 2021 to fourth-quarter 2022? vey’s six-year history.
Percent of respondents Given the rising costs, one would logi-
Response Large firms Small firms cally want to know at what oil price pro-
Less than 0% 0 10
ducers think that they can opt for produc-
0% 25 11
tion growth. Accordingly, another special
More than 0% but not more than 5% 25 5
More than 5% but not more than 10% 20 18
question asked them, “What West Texas
More than 10% but not more than 20% 15 23
Intermediate crude oil price is neces-
More than 20% but not more than 30% 0 11 sary to get publicly traded U.S. producers
More than 30% 15 23 back into growth mode?” As displayed in
Median growth, percent 6 15 Fig. 4., roughly 40% of executives said a
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. price of $80/bbl to $99/bbl. Another 20%
54 APRIL 2022 /

of respondents said $100/bbl to $119/

bbl, and a few went much higher. Inter- Fig. 4. Special question on price level needed to prompt greater activity by producers.
estingly, nearly 30% said that whether to What West Texas Intermediate crude oil price is necessary to get publicly traded U.S. producers back into growth mode?
grow production was not dependent on Percent of respondents
any specific price. 45
Following onto that topic, another spe- 40
cial question asked executives, “Which of
the following is the primary reason that
publicly traded oil producers are restrain- 30
ing growth despite high oil prices?” As 25
seen in Fig. 5, the number-one answer, 20
by far, was “investor pressure to maintain
capital discipline,” at 59%. The remaining
41% of executives answered either, “other,” 10
“ESG,” “lack of access to financing,” or 5
“government regulations.” 0
$80‒$99 $100‒$119 $120‒$139 $140‒$159 ≥$160 Not dependent
on price
OFS SECTOR NOTE: Executives from 123 oil and gas firms answered this question during the survey collection period, March 9–17, 2022.
Oilfield equipment and service firms SOURCE: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
reported improvement across all indica-
tors. The equipment utilization index re- Fig. 5. Special question on factors holding back production growth.
mained elevated, but it edged down from Which of the following is the primary reason that publicly traded oil producers are restraining growth despite high oil prices?
51.1 in fourth-quarter 2021 to 50.0 in first- Percent of respondents
quarter 2022. The operating margin index 60
advanced from 11.6 to 21.3. The index of
prices received for services jumped from 50
30.3 to 53.2, a record high.

All labor market indexes in the first
quarter reached record highs, pointing to 20
strong growth in employment, hours and
wages. The aggregate employment index 10
posted a fifth consecutive positive read-
ing and increased from 11.9 to 28.0. The 0
Investor pressure to Other Environmental, social Lack of access to Government regulations
aggregate employee hours index jumped maintain capital and governance issues financing
from 18.0 to 36.0. The aggregate wages and discipline
benefits index also rose, from 36.6 to 54.0. NOTE: Executives from 132 oil and gas firms answered this question during the survey collection period, March 9–17, 2022.
Six-month outlooks improved signifi- SOURCE: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
cantly, with the index climbing from 53.2
last quarter to 76.3, a record high. The out- Table 4. How do you expect the number of employees at your company to change from
December 2021 to December 2022?
look uncertainty index also jumped from Percent of respondents
-1.5 to 31.9, suggesting uncertainty be- Response All firms E&P Services
came much more pronounced this quarter. Decrease significantly 1 1 2
One additional special question asked Decrease slightly 3 5 0
executives, “How do you expect the num- Remain the same 51 63 32
ber of employees at your company to Increase slightly 37 31 48
Increase significantly 7 0 18
change from December 2021 to Decem-
Note: Percentages may not sum to 100, due to rounding. Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
ber 2022?” As detailed in Table 4, the
leading answer was “remain the same,” MICHAEL PLANTE joined the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas in July 2010. Recent
with 51% of all companies selecting that research has focused on topics, such as the economic impact of the U.S. shale oil
boom, structural changes in oil price differentials and macroeconomic uncertainty.
answer. Yet, there were differences. A He has also been the project manager of the Dallas Fed Energy Survey since its
whopping 63% of E&P firms chose this inception in 2016. Mr. Plante received his PhD in economics from Indiana University
answer, while only 32% of service compa- in August 2009.
nies did the same. The “increase slightly”
option was chosen by 37% of all firms, but KUNAL PATEL is a senior business economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
He analyzes and investigates developments and topics in the oil and gas sector.
that also broke out to 31% of E&P firms Mr. Patel is also heavily involved with production of the Dallas Fed Energy Survey.
and 48% of service companies. Overall, Before joining the Dallas Fed in 2017, he worked in a variety of energy-related
positions at Luminant, McKinsey and Co., and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Mr.
it’s a somewhat optimistic outlook for up- Patel received a BBA degree from the Business Honors Program at the University
stream employment. of Texas at Austin and an MBA in finance from the University of Texas at Dallas.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 55


Global offshore wind capacity achieves record growth

After a record year in 2021, could reach 6% to 9% by 2050 and gener- ects is Dogger Bank Wind Farm. It is an
projections suggest that ate 4,870 TWh to 5,990 TWh of power. offshore wind farm being developed in
global offshore wind may China led the way for new capacity ad- three phases–Dogger Bank A, B and C–
reach 712 farms, 29,000 ditions and overtook the UK as the largest located between 130 km and 190 km
offshore wind market. The country has 16 from the North East coast of England at
turbines and 235 GW by GW coming online, mostly in the final two their nearest points, Fig. 3. Collectively,
2030, including 96 farms, months of 2022, ahead of the expiration of these phases will become the world’s larg-
1,300 turbines and 14.5 GW a government subsidy deadline at the end est offshore wind farm. Each phase will
in floating facilities. of the year. New capacity additions were have an installed generation capacity of
more modest in Europe, as 1.8 GW were 1.2 GW and represents a multi-billion
fully commissioned, with 17 GW current- pound investment. Combined, they will
ŝ STEPHEN GORDON, Clarksons Research ly under development in the region. have an installed capacity of 3.6 GW and
Offshore wind project CAPEX com- will be capable of powering up to 6 mil-
mitments reached $44.6 billion in 2021 lion homes.
Offshore wind continues to play a vi- (the second-highest total on record), with The “wind” vessel market continued
tal role in the global Energy Transition. It a number of significant projects reaching to evolve, reaching nearly 1,100 vessels by
was another record breaking year in 2021 FID. These include the first utility-scale year’s end. Global wind turbine installa-
for the offshore wind industry, with re- offshore wind project in the U.S. (Vine- tion vessel (WTIV) utilization averaged
cord start-ups (84 farms, 18.5 GW, 3,400 yard Wind, 806 MW, Fig. 2). In Europe 83% during 2021 (up 6 percentage points
turbines) increasing global active capacity alone, $18.7 billion of project CAPEX y-o-y), while exceptional demand for ves-
58% to an all- time high of 50.5 GW, Fig. 1. were committed to offshore wind projects sels off China consistently kept utilization
This takes offshore wind to approximate- (compared to the $10.3 billion commit- over 90% in the second half of the year.
ly 0.3% of total global energy supply: our ted to offshore oil and gas projects). Rates responded, with the average dayrate
energy transition modeling suggests this The crown jewel in European proj- assessment for third-generation WTIVs
in Europe up 18% across the year, in ad-
Fig. 1. Exemplified by this wind farm complex offshore northern Germany, active
offshore wind capacity shot up 58% during 2021. Image: RWE.
Fig. 2. Under construction offshore
Massachusetts, Vineyard Wind is the
first utility-scale offshore wind project in
U.S. federal waters of the Atlantic. Map:
Vineyard Wind JV.

56 APRIL 2022 /

dition to increases in the commissioning/ Our longer-term projections suggest yards have already been active in the sec-
service operation vessel (C/SOV) mar- that the global offshore wind sector may tor. We’ve also looked at the demands on
ket. Dayrates reportedly quadrupled off reach 712 farms involving over 29,000 tur- the installation and support fleet, port in-
Guangdong in China during the middle bines and 235 GW by 2030 (current capac- frastructure and the unique maintenance
of the year. ity: 250 farms, 10,800 turbines, 50.5 GW). requirements of floating wind farms.
Record newbuild investment devel- Leading developers of floating wind
oped during 2021, with over $4 billion FLOATING OFFSHORE WIND to date include Equinor (2 farms, 32
of orders placed and increasing focus on Within the overall offshore wind mar- MW active, with 1 farm / 88 MW un-
alternative fuels and Energy Saving Tech- ket are floating offshore wind installa- der development); Cobra (2 farms, 50
nologies (ESTs). This included over 17 tions and projects. While “floating wind” MW active); Ocean Winds (1 farm, 30
(plus 9 options) WTIV newbuild con- is only a small part of the offshore wind MW active); and Windplus (1 farm, 25
tracts placed (totalling ~$2.5 billion), the industry today (only 10 projects of 124 MW active). In terms of potential capac-
highest yearly total on record, while 15 MW are active, with a further 8 projects ity, leading developers include BlueFloat
C/SOVs were ordered (totalling ~$800 of 165 MW under construction), strong (8.5 GW); Hexicon (7.7 GW); Oceanex
million), also the highest number on re- growth is expected from the middle of the (7.4 GW); Aqua Ventus (5.1 GW); and
cord, plus 39 CTV contracts placed. 2020s as the sector reaches commercial- Scottish Power (5.0 GW). Contractors
Both OEMs and wind farm develop- ization. Our projections suggest that 96 involved in turbine installation to date
ers came under pressure from rising ma- farms, 14.5 GW and 1,300 turbines could have included DOF Subsea (11 turbines
terial costs in 2021. Chinese steel prices be active by 2030. under development); Saipem (5 turbines
averaged $827/tonne during the year (up Floating wind is likely to open up new installed); Bourbon (5) and Boskalis (5).
47% y-o-y), while annual average copper regional markets, where development Equinor is developing the first floating
prices increased 51% to $9,317/tonne. has, so far, been unfeasible. Countries offshore wind farm, Hywind Tampen, to
Lower-than-average wind speeds in much with significant numbers of floating wind supply renewable power to oil and gas in-
of Europe also limited power output from projects already proposed include the UK stallations in Norway, Fig. 4. The Snorre
offshore wind farms, reducing the vol- (31.1 GW), Australia (13.8 GW) and the and Gullfaks oil and gas platforms will be
umes that operators could sell into the U.S. (10.7 GW). Over 150 floating off- the first ever powered by a floating off-
market. Offshore wind farms in Germany shore wind projects (totaling over 100 shore wind farm.
generated 23.5 TWh of power in 2021, GW) have been mooted by developers The broader offshore wind industry
compared to 26.9 TWh in 2020. in 21 countries/regions, with 37 having continues its exciting growth phase. Our
Power prices in Europe surged in 2021, nameplate capacities >1 GW. long-term scenarios suggest offshore wind
due to a tightness of gas supplies and low- As the floating sector moves toward will play a vital role in energy transition and
er average wind speeds. Day-ahead elec- commercialization, the industry has pro- may provide between 6% and 9% of global
tricity prices averaged €97.75/MWh in posed a variety of foundation designs (at energy supply by 2050. Data as of February
Germany in 2021 (more than triple their least 12). Semi-sub foundations are the 2022: for updates contact Clarksons.
level in 2020) and €103.55/MWh in the most common design in projects pro-
Netherlands (up 236%, y-o-y). posed (over 1,200 mooted, compared to STEPHEN GORDON has been global head
of Clarksons Research since 2012 and leads
During 2022, we are projecting a the combined ~350 across spar, barge a team of 150 experts providing widely
healthy 9.5 GW of offshore wind capac- and TLP turbine solutions). respected data and intelligence around
ity will come online (involving 1,400 tur- Floating wind poses new installation shipping, trade, offshore and energy. Clarksons
processes and analyzes millions of data
bines), bringing the fully commissioned challenges for developers, and our analy- points each day, supporting thousands of
global total to 60.0 GW. Offshore wind sis has examined which contractors and organizations across the maritime.
CAPEX commitments are expected to to-
tal some $55 billion, just below the record
Fig. 4. Equinor’s Snorre and Gullfaks platforms offshore Norway will be powered by the
of $56 billion in 2020. firm’s Hywind Tampen floating offshore wind farm.

Fig. 3. The jack-up vessel that will enter

service for the first time to install the
turbines on Dogger Bank Wind Farm was
officially launched in January 2022. Image:
Dogger Bank Wind Farm.

World Oil® / APRIL 2022 57


API..................................................................................................... 2 IVS Industrial Valves Summit.................................................. 10
The Lee Company......................................................................... 6
Ariel Corporation.......................................................................... 5
Oilfield Christian Fellowship....................................................24
Carbon Intel Forum.....................................................................14
Pipeline and Gas Journal..........................................................52
Deepwater Executive Summit..................................................12 Schlumberger Technology Corporation........................... OFC
Energy Web Atlas.......................................................................58 Wild Well Control....................................................................... 20
Energy Workforce and Technology Council......................... 8 Women’s Global Leadership Conference............................39
First Element Conference.........................................................34 World Oil Awards.........................................................................61
Geolog International BV...........................................................22
World Oil Subscribe........................................................4, 18, 62
Global Energy Infrastructure.................................................. 44
World Oil Webcasts...............................................26, 30, 32, 59
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58 APRIL 2022 /

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World Oil® / APRIL 2022 59


U.S. industry adapts to new normal

Despite WTI surging to an 11-year high capital expenditures while maintaining the prevailing high prices make shale drill-
of $108.50/bbl in March, U.S. shale oper- production levels. And according to the ing highly profitable,” Puranik concluded.
ators resisted ramping-up drilling activity March 2022 tally by EIA, the DUC total U.S. natural gas prices skyrocket.
and remained disciplined with capital ex- stood at 4,273, a reduction of 2,639 wells The Russia-Ukraine war also helped drive
penditures. The speed at which new rigs on a y-o-y basis. In the Permian basin, op- natural gas prices at Henry Hub to a 13-
have been deployed to the field is consid- erators have completed 1,854 DUC wells year high during the first half of April,
erably less than in previous up-price cycles. during the last 12 months, a reduction of topping $6.7/MMBtu. Colder-than-nor-
Most U.S. shale companies are being con- 59%. The Permian count now stands at mal temperatures in the northern U.S. and
servative, as priorities remain focused on just 1,309 wells waiting on completion. It’s Canada were also a factor. The elevated
funneling record free cash from this year’s the 20th straight month of declines in the domestic and export demand from Eu-
oil rally into share buybacks, dividends, West Texas/New Mexico field, leaving the rope has brought U.S. storage to a low-
debt reduction and acquisitions rather lowest inventory of DUCs in the largest er-than-average level at this time of the
than drilling new wells. However, this new U.S. oil field since February 2017. Six of year, helping to sustain higher prices (Rys-
fiscal responsibility has been forced on the the seven basins counted in the EIA report tad). While Europe has banned the import
industry and is not voluntary. show reductions, with the exception of the of Russian coal, and a few countries have
This point was hammered home at Haynesville, where the DUC total stands banned Russian oil, gas flows from Russia
the American Association of Drilling En- at 383, an 18% increase on a y-o-y basis. to Europe increased 20% in March, com-
gineers Fluids Technical Conference and U.S. shale production expected to pared to February. This suggests it will be
Exhibition in a keynote address on April grow. In spite of the lack of investor fund- some time before Russian gas exports are
19 by Richard Spears, managing director ing and free-flowing bank loans, crude targeted, which may create a temporary
of Spears & Associates. Spears’ talk, titled, production in the U.S. has recovered con- sense of confidence in the market. How-
How extreme financial discipline impacts siderably from the lows seen during the ever, with the rubles payment deadline
drilling activity in 2022 and 2023, outlined first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, and looming, and the anticipated escalation of
what has caused oil companies to display the brief price war between Saudi Arabia the situation in Ukraine, any relief for gas
uncharacteristic financial restraint, despite and Russia (GlobalData). The U.S. pro- markets may be temporary.
surging oil prices. duced approximately 11.5 MMbopd in Change is painful. The U.S. oil in-
No more boom/bust cycles. Spears February 2022, a 19% gain over the May dustry has a long and proud history of
outlined the familiar boom-and-bust cy- 2020 production of 9.7 MMbopd. suppling crude markets, and now we also
cle saying, “for decades, the relationship “As most countries have eased Covid export natural gas. The energy crisis trig-
between oil price and U.S. land drilling restrictions, global oil demand is anticipat- gered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has
activity was correlated and predictable, be- ed to rise over the coming months. In line created a new demand that will drive bil-
cause with high oil prices, capital and debt with this demand growth, the U.S. shale lions of dollars of investment in the global
surged into the industry to pursue reserve oil production is expected to increase fur- oil and gas industry. The U.S. and Europe-
growth and production growth. However, ther and could potentially reach pre-pan- an countries are planning new LNG termi-
in 2019, that came to a screeching halt, as demic levels by 2023,” says GlobalData nals that will be in service for decades and
a new generation of investors demanded Analyst Ravindra Puranik. The EIA pre- U.S. suppliers will be pressed to fill a supply
their money back in the form of dividends dicts WTI futures to average $113/bbl gap for nations moving away from Russian
and debt reduction. Every old relation- in May, and possibly remain in this range, gas. And despite opportunistic statements
ship between oil price and rig count was depending on the duration of the Rus- about greens potential, consumption and
thrown out the window, never to return.” sia-Ukraine military conflict. “Oil prices demand are returning to pre-Covid event
Other factors include high company debt were on an upward trend before the start levels. Until proven otherwise, hydrocar-
and the tainting and subsequent defund- of the Russia-Ukraine war, as global de- bons still drive our economy and are de-
ing of our industry initiated by the ESG mand was projected to outweigh supply in livering the reliable, cost-effective energy
movement. Also, there is hyper-inflation 2022. Since then, several majors, including we require to get us through another dif-
caused by rig/tool shortages created by BP, Shell and ExxonMobil, have decided ficult situation and beyond. Maybe the
underinvestment by the OFS sector. to exit from the Russian oil and gas indus- green guys could stop kicking our indus-
Opportunity for DUC reduction. For try amid concerns over Western sanctions. try (at least momentarily), and just say
many operators, this environment is a per- Some of these companies may divert their “thank you.”
fect opportunity to draw down their DUC capital—which was earlier allocated for
inventories, which has helped reduce Russian assets—to the U.S. shale fields, as ŝ CRAIG.FLEMING@WORLDOIL.COM
60 APRIL 2022 /
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