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version: '6.2'

date: '2022-06-07T19:33:02Z'


uuid: 1d12408342854fd5a4436dd6d5d1bd4a

name: Templates/Telephony


uuid: 30cc187a4e994c39b07f53d86b5cc6bc

template: 'Asterisk by HTTP'

name: 'Asterisk by HTTP'

description: |

The template gets Asterisk metrics from AMI by HTTP agent.

You should enable the mini-HTTP Server, add the option webenabled=yes

in the general section of the manager.conf file and create Asterisk Manager

user with system and command write permissions within your Asterisk instance.

Disable the PJSIP driver if you do not use PJSIP or do not have PJSIP endpoints.

Please, define AMI address in the {$AMI.URL} macro. Also, the Zabbix host

should have an Agent interface with the AMI address to check Asterisk service


Then you can define {$AMI.USERNAME} and {$AMI.SECRET} macros in

the template for using on the host level.

If there are errors, increase the logging to debug level and see the Zabbix server log.

You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum

Template tooling version used: 0.41


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