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Health Promotion
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Health Promotion

Health refers to a state of mental and physical well-being. Physical health involves
pursuing a healthy lifestyle to decrease the risk of disease and injury. Mental health
includes our ability to enjoy life, achieve balance, adapt to adversity and feel safe and

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Health care combines science,
' informatics and a culture of continuous improvement with R%%:&+)2+7*$6.$("&U&'(86#%.%9&K%<%#&C

best practices and evidence-based care. The goal is to provide better care experiences and
'()*+%&'(".%". better health for individuals and society, at lower costs.
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Health Promotion Model !"#$%&'!()*+,-.+).

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The Health Promotion Model (proposed by Nola Pender in 1982 and revised in 1996) !"#$%&'!(/.01.2()*3/4.

+ I".*(9)7.$("&LD(.&,%`)$*%9M defines health as a positive, dynamic state and not merely the absence of disease. This
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model notes that unique personal characteristics and experiences affect health- '.01.2(9*/(5:.(!"#$%&'!
seeking behaviors, which can be modified through nursing actions.

In addition to perceived barriers to action, other factors that impact wellness, illness
and health-seeking behaviors include religious beliefs, economics, political beliefs, '()*+%&,%E%*%"7%&K$+. )
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sociocultural factors and interpersonal influences. Access to care, escalating costs, wait '()*+%&F=##-2)+ )
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time and other barriers to health care may also impact wellness.
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The desired outcome is improved health, enhanced functional ability and a better
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<5@534;("*C>7.5.- quality of life.

Remember It!

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The desired outcome of the nurse's health promotion activities is for clients to
experience improved health, enhanced functional ability and a better quality of

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Client- & Family-Centered Care

<5@534;("*C>7.5.- Client- and family-centered care emphasizes respect for, and being responsive to, the<)*/.;(DE
preferences, needs and values of clients and their families.

( *+,,%"-6-714+#8-9-!"4+(#)%"-5%"#$%: Although the nursing process demands a scientific and clinical approach to client care,
the nurse must apply this knowledge in a compassionate, nonjudgmental and
culturally sensitive manner.
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Understanding and honoring clients' (and their families') goals and preferences can
lead to better health outcomes and an enhanced quality of life.

Remember It!
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Nurses must apply their knowledge of health promotion and maintenance in a

<5@534;(A+(B/*?/.44 compassionate, nonjudgmental and culturally sensitive manner that
incorporates the beliefs, values and preferences of the client (and their family)..

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NCSBN Learning Extension Resources

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Learn more about client- and family-centered care in Learning Extension's
Patient- & Family-centered Care course, part of our Transition to Practice
program for new nurses.
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