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Social Media is a means of interaction among people in which

they can interact, create, share or exchange information and ideas
through virtual communities and social networks. It is indeed
useful and also fun, and so, here are some of it's positive
implications in our country.

Source of Information

Nowadays, news travels like wildfire especially with

the help of social media. With just a few clicks, you
can easily access the web and stay updated to the
current issues and matters of the Filipino society.


During the new normal, social media served as

the primary mediator in order for the student
and the teacher to still interact, despite the
distance. Education during the pandemic was
done virtually with the aid of social media.


Contrary to the benefits that social media

provides, it also has it's disadvantages.

Affects the Mental and Physical

Health of the User

Research found out that prolonged exposure to

social media increases the risk of depression,
anxiety, loneliness and even suicidal thoughts.
This behavior also deprives the user to perform
regular physical activities thus, resulting to
becoming physically unhealthy.

Invasion of Privacy

Some people possess the skills to access and hack

one's information in social media. Causing the
spread of personal matters that are not meant to
be publicized resulting to the destruction of a
person's image in the society.

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