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Suicide Squad

This rag tag team of crooks become a family for ... reasons? While the individual actors
where fine in their performance the plot and editing was just foolish and the trailers
made it seem like the Joker would actually be involved in the movie when he was
anything but. 

 Deadshot - great
 Harley Quinn - Shallow character
 Diablo - Mister not seen in this picture until a sacrifice was needed
 Slipknow - See Diablo
 Captain Boomerang - One funny joke and ignored the rest of the movie
 Enchantress - Nice FX horrible plot
 Killer Croc - More of a good guy than Batman at this point
 Rick Flagg - Romance because they needed a thicker plot
 Amanda Waller - Better villain that was ignored both in and out of the movie
 Incubus - Crappy FX and too many tropes used

Batman v Superman
Two horrible heroes become friends over having the same named mother. I did not like
anyone in this movie at all and was disappointed in just about every direction the
characters were going.

 Batman was a sociopath on a killing/branding rampage

 Superman was more Super God and superficially tries to connect to humans but
fails to do so 
 Wonderwoman is there for reasons and any interest died when she blindly
followed the rather than lead
 Lex Luthor was more Joker and the jar of piss
 Superman was killed for all of a few minutes

Man of Steel
Superman is not allowed to be superman because people are scared. So when he
actually becomes superman he goes all out killing and causing plenty of property
damage. While I can allow this new edgy superman to kill it also means he will not be a
paragon that people look up to. 

 Superman - Am I supposed to care?

 Pa Kent - Dumb death for a dumb reason
 Zod - Actually decent villain but needed a better reason to convert the world
 Lois Lane - Utterly forgettable

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