Co-Ingestion of Nutritional Ergogenic Aids and High-Intensity

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Sports Med

DOI 10.1007/s40279-016-0525-x


Co-ingestion of Nutritional Ergogenic Aids and High-Intensity

Exercise Performance
Alireza Naderi1 • Conrad P. Earnest2 • Ryan P. Lowery3 • Jacob M. Wilson3 •

Mark E. T. Willems4

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

Abstract Many sports involve repeated bouts of high-

intensity exercise. High-intensity exercise is compromised, Key Points
however, by the early onset of exercise-induced fatigue.
Metabolic by-products, ion dysbalance and amount of Studies on effects of co-ingestion of nutritional
phosphocreatine are considered the main peripheral causes ergogenic aids are more prevalent.
of fatigue during high-intensity exercise. Intake of nutri- Co-ingestion of some ergogenic aids may improve
tional ergogenic aids is commonplace to enhance perfor- high-intensity exercise performance.
mance of high-intensity exercise by offsetting the potential
mechanisms of fatigue. Creatine, probably one of the best Sports nutritionists must have awareness of effects of
known nutritional aids to enhance performance of high- co-ingestion of nutritional ergogenic aids to better
intensity exercise, has convincingly substantiated its advise athletes.
ergogenic potential. Although multi-ingredient supple-
ments are now common, the justification for effectiveness
is mostly based on observations with single intake of those 1 Introduction
ingredients. In this narrative review, the main focus is on
the evidence of the effect of co-ingestion of ergogenic aids Many sports include activities with high-intensity exercise
on performance of high intensity exercise for which the (HIE) over a sustained period, for example, in sprint and
single intake has shown beneficial effects on high-intensity middle distance running, or with short repeated bursts of
performance. HIE interspersed with periods of low-intensity exercise in
team sports such as soccer, handball and basketball [1].
During HIE, energy is mainly supplied by phosphocreatine
(PCr), the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrate (CHO) in
addition to the aerobic breakdown of substrates (in a range
of 30–90 %) [2]. Both aerobic and anaerobic processes of
& Mark E. T. Willems substrate breakdown are limited by the rate (power) and amount (capacity) of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) pro-
Department of Sport Physiology, Boroujerd Branch, Islamic
duction [1]. High-energy phosphate stores and the maximal
Azad University, Boroujerd, Iran amount of lactate/proton production in skeletal muscle are
Exercise & Sport Nutrition Laboratory, Texas A&M
identified as important factors for the capacity of the
University, College Station, TX, USA anaerobic energy system [1]. Such capacity can be
3 enhanced by the consumption of some ergogenic aids such
Department of Health Sciences and Human Performance,
The University of Tampa, 318 N Boulevard, Tampa, as creatine, b-alanine and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
FL 33606, USA [1]. It is the duration and type of exercise that will influ-
Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of ence the contribution of fatigue processes in the neuro-
Chichester, College Lane, Chichester, UK muscular and central nervous system (CNS).

A. Naderi et al.

In general, muscle fatigue is described as an exercise- ‘‘caffeine creatine supplementation.’’ Selected studies were
induced reduction in the ability of muscle to produce force limited to humans as participants in randomized controlled
or power [3]. For HIE, several fatigue mechanisms may be trials. References cited in the retrieved articles were also
operational, such as a lowering of ATP, accumulation of considered. In this review, co-ingestion of nutritional
inorganic phosphate (Pi) [4], muscle acidosis (i.e., the ergogenic aids means the intake of supplements separately
accumulation of lactate and H?), increased extracellular at more or less the same time, whereas combined intake
potassium, lowering of muscle glycogen, lowering of would mean the intake at the same time due to their
muscle PCr stores as well as dehydration and electrolyte presence in one product. This narrative review will provide
imbalances [5]. There is strong evidence that we can delay information on the metabolic regulation of HIE, mecha-
exercise-induced fatigue by nutritional manipulation [6]. nisms of fatigue during HIE, followed by the effects of co-
Intake of ergogenic supplements is one of the most com- ingestion of sports supplementation on HIE performance.
mon methods used by athletes. It has been shown that the
intake of some sports supplements is able to delay the
factors contributing to fatigue in HIE, for example, sup- 2 Metabolic Regulation in High-Intensity Exercise
plementation with NaHCO3 and b-alanine will enhance (HIE)
buffering capacity in blood and muscle [7, 8]. Creatine
supplementation is useful for increasing PCr stores [9]. It Energy for exercise is provided by ATP regardless of
has been shown that caffeine intake reduced extracellular intensity or duration. The quantity of ATP in skeletal
potassium accumulation [10], and it is well-documented muscle is approximately 3–5 lmol/g or 6 mmol/kg of fresh
that consumption of CHO-rich foods 3–4 h prior to exer- muscle [13, 14]. For work to continue, ATP must be
cise increases muscle and liver glycogen stores and may replenished at a rate equal to ATP utilization, and the
delay exercise-induced fatigue. utilization of ATP and its provider sources are dependent
In the last decade, more attention has been given to on intensity. During HIE, ATP is provided directly by the
whether co-ingestion of nutritional supplements would intramuscular stores of PCr (aka creatine phosphate) and
provide additional benefits for those athletes engaged in muscle glycogen. It should be further noted that these
HIE. For example, Tobias et al. [11] reported that the co- systems do not function independently, but work syner-
ingestion of b-alanine with NaHCO3 provided an addi- gistically. For example, Hirvonen et al. [15, 16] demon-
tional ergogenic benefit during four bouts of 30-s upper strated in sprinters running between 40 and 400 m that
body Wingate tests. Furthermore, Kilding et al. [12] indi- ATP and PCr stores appear to drop to a ‘‘critical’’ con-
cated that NaHCO3 and caffeine co-ingestion had no centration that is maintained within a lower limit, physio-
additive effect compared with NaHCO3 and caffeine sup- logic window, while blood lactate increases corresponding
plementation alone. to distance in order to ‘‘protect’’ or maintain ATP pro-
This narrative review will focus on the effectiveness of duction in the face of continued work (Fig. 1).
co-ingestion of sports supplements on HIE performance,
including caffeine? NaHCO3, b-alanine ? NaHCO3, b-
alanine ? creatine, creatine ? caffeine, and cre-
atine ? NaHCO3. The review will also provide informa-
tion on the metabolic regulation of HIE, the mechanisms of
fatigue during HIE and the effects of co-ingestion of sports
supplements on HIE performance. Scientific papers were
retrieved in accordance with an extensive search in
PubMed (2000–2015) and Google Scholar (2000–2015).
Computer search engines used the following combinations
of keywords: ‘‘high intensity exercise,’’ ‘‘exercise fatigue,’’
‘‘high intensity exercise fatigue,’’ ‘‘metabolism exercise,’’
‘‘high intensity exercise metabolism,’’ ‘‘sodium bicarbon-
ate beta-alanine exercise,’’ ‘‘beta-alanine NaHCO3 exer-
cise,’’ ‘‘beta-alanine exercise,’’ ‘‘sodium bicarbonate
exercise,’’ ‘‘caffeine sodium bicarbonate exercise,’’ ‘‘caf-
feine exercise,’’ ‘‘caffeine supplementation,’’ ‘‘creatine
sodium bicarbonate exercise,’’ ‘‘creatine supplementation
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of energy provision during high-
exercise,’’ ‘‘creatine beta-alanine exercise,’’ ‘‘beta-alanine intensity running performance (adapted from Hirvonen et al. [15,
supplementation,’’ ‘‘caffeine creatine exercise,’’ and 16]). ATP adenosine triphosphate, PCr phosphocreatine

Supplementation and High-Intensity Exercise

2.1 Endogenous Synthesis and Stores of Adenosine prevent the acidification of cells. The only known reaction
Triphosphate (ATP) involving creatine and PCr is the reversible creatine kinase
reaction, which is controlled by creatine kinase [20]:
The provision of ATP is known as maximal ATP power and PCr þ ADP þ Hþ ! CPK ! CR þ ATP
generally follows the pattern of provision to energy where
small stores correspond to higher intensity exercise and in which CPK and CR are creatine phosphokinase and
larger stores to lower intensity work. Despite low concen- creatine, respectively.
trations of ATP and PCr within muscle, their ATP power is This reaction is moved to the right by removal of ATP
exceptional. Especially noteworthy is the consideration of during energy production and to the left during energy
creatine monohydrate as an ergogenic aid given its ability to generation at sites at the mitochondria. The role of creatine
increase maximal ATP power. The available energy and PCr as a spatial energy buffer via the PCr energy
capacity (mol ATP), maximal ATP power produced [per shuttle hypothesis is widely accepted [21, 22]. In this
mmol ATP/kg of dry muscle (dm)], exercise intensity model, a CPK-specific isoenzyme resides at a peripheral
supported, and duration of activity allowed per energy terminus located at the myosin head. After phosphorylating
source is well established. With regard to anaerobic energy ATP via the CPK reaction, free creatine diffuses into the
sources, ATP stores within muscle (0.02 mol ATP) provide cytosol and travels back to the mitochondria, where it
*11.2 mmol ATP/kg dm and support very high-exercise arrives at the energy-generating terminus in the mito-
intensities lasting *1–2 s [17]. PCr stores (0.34 mol ATP) chondria. Free creatine interacts with another specific
produce 8.6 mmol ATP/kg dm and also support high-ex- isoenzyme of CPK where PCr is formed from mitochon-
ercise intensities, and last approximately 30–120 s. drial ATP. The PCr is then shuttled back to the site of
Anaerobic glycolysis via intramuscular glycogen stores utilization or actin myosin complex. This becomes an
(5.2 mol ATP) produce 5.2 mmol ATP/kg dm, and support important consideration in that glycolysis is not reduced
high, rather than very high-intensity exercise [17]. Training during longer ([30-s) anaerobic work tasks with or without
status also affects anaerobic glycolysis, as trained individ- creatine monohydrate supplementation. Therefore, optimal
uals have a slower conversion rate of glycogen to ATP, stores of free creatine are important to energy production
presumably as a function of shifting to being more efficient and the shuttling of ATP derived from glycolysis.
at converting fatty acids [18]. Thus, the longer HIE persists,
the less reliant one becomes on ATP resynthesis by PCr. 2.3 Glycolysis Modulator

2.2 Proton and Temporal Spatial Energy Buffer With the onset of sudden and intense exercise, glycolytic
flux typically increases several hundredfold. During HIE,
Over the last 2 decades, supplementation with creatine the resynthesis of ATP takes place primarily through the
monohydrate has gained great application for its effec- simultaneous breakdown of PCr and anaerobic glycolysis
tiveness in increasing anaerobic capacity via the PCr [23–25]. As intense exercise continues, PCr concentrations
pathway, whereby PCr acts as a phosphate donor for the fall dramatically in an effort to maintain ATP, thereby cre-
resynthesis of ATP. Important to this discussion is that the ating an increased need for replenishing ATP in the active
foremost function of PCr is to maintain a state of metabolic muscle. In vitro evidence suggests that glycolysis is stimu-
flux or provision of ATP energy currency. When ATP is lated by the decline in PCr due to its removal as an inhibitor
used for energy, phosphate is hydrolyzed from ATP to of phosphofructokinase. When PCr levels decrease, phos-
form adenosine diphosphate (ADP): phofructokinase becomes uninhibited, subsequently allow-
ing glycolysis to increase. This elevated rate of glycolysis
ATP þ H2 0 ! ATPase ! ADP þ Pi
produces more ATP due to the increased energy demands
The ratio of available ATP divided by ADP and Pi required of the active muscle [26]. PCr depletion is &300 %
provides both a biochemical measure and an in vivo signal faster than glycogen depletion [23], and as previously dis-
that dictates the control of cellular energetics. Continued cussed, Hirvonen et al. [15, 16] have demonstrated the
energy production or ‘‘metabolic flux’’ is predicated on the reduction in PCr stores in sprints lasting from 40 to 400 m.
fact that each biochemical pathway is unable to generate or Similar observations have been observed during varied
maintain a steady-state energy flux by itself [13]. Overall, bouts of cycling lasting from 6 to 30 s [23, 27, 28] and
creatine monohydrate has been shown to increase energy repeated electrically stimulated muscle contractions lasting
flux by acting as a temporal energy buffer by increasing the 1.6 s for 52–63 contractions at 20 Hz [29, 30]. While bodily
ability of PCr to act as a hydrogen buffer consequent to endogenous stores of ATP are relatively set, PCr and muscle
ATP hydrolysis [19]. When the creatine kinase reaction glycogen stores can be expanded via dietary manipulation
favors ATP regeneration, H? is utilized, thus helping to with creatine monohydrate and CHO ingestion.

A. Naderi et al.

3 Mechanisms of Fatigue in HIE

3.1 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

and Phosphocreatine (PCr) Relationship

Fatigue during HIE encompasses a number of integrated

components involving bioenergetics, ionic dysbalance and
neuromuscular factors. For the purposes of this review, we
will only discuss those factors related to metabolic sub-
strates. Overall, PCr correlates strongly with the develop-
ment of fatigue and decline in muscular force exhibited
during exercise [31]. This was also demonstrated by
Infante et al. [32], who showed a direct relationship
between external work and PCr breakdown in the frog
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of decreased glycolytic rate associ-
rectus abdominis. Spande and Schottelius [33] further ated exercise intensity during workloads designed to elicit exhaustion
showed a direct relationship between force production and at predetermined times [41]
PCr stores in tetanically stimulated isolated mouse soleus
muscle. In humans, Hirvonen et al. [15, 16] concluded that
the slowing of running speed may be related to a decline in accumulation in the muscle that dissociates to the lactate
energy production brought forth from ATP and PCr stores anion and hydrogen cation. Subsequently, intracellular pH
in that type II muscle fibers possess higher initial levels of decreases causing several performance attenuating effects
PCr and, consequently, greater rates of PCr utilization than in both the intracellular and extracellular milieu. Increased
type I muscle fibers [34–37]. Hultman et al. [31] has shown hydrogen concentration may affect the contractile appara-
a significant decrease in PCr concentration associated with tus by affecting calcium and/or myosin ATPase [42] as
5-min cycling bouts at 0 watts (W) (*6.8 PCr mmol/ well as the CPK equilibrium reaction [43]. The resulting
g dm), 65 W (*5 PCr mmol/g dm), 130 W (*3 PCr acidosis may then also affect the key glycolytic enzymes
mmol/g dm) and 195 W (*1.5 PCr mmol/g dm). In order phosphorylase and phosphofructokinase [44]. While cre-
to maintain continued force production, the rate of PCr atine has been the subject of numerous research reports, the
resynthesis must increase to meet the higher energy capacities of a number of additive constituents to offset
expectations required by the active muscle. It must be fatigue during exercise and/or increase recovery following
further appreciated that during high-intensity, intermittent exercise have been investigated. These include co-ingest-
exercise, the rate of PCr resynthesis plays an important role ing various supplements such a creatine with b-alanine or
in the force capabilities muscle can generate during NaHCO3, as well as other supplements, such as caffeine.
sequential bouts of exercise, owing to the heavy reliance on
substrates of PCr and ATP. To this end, it has been cal-
culated that 80 % of the ATP production for the last of ten 4 The Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
6-s sprints on a cycle ergometer is derived from PCr. and Caffeine Co-ingestion on Performance
If PCr resynthesis is not given adequate recovery time,
performance is impaired and power output is decreased [27, Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethyl-xanthine) is one of the most
38–40]. When recovery is prolonged, increased PCr con- popular dietary supplements used by athletes. Caffeine
centrations are correlated with greater power output during supplementation at dosages of 3–6 mg/kg improved aero-
consecutive cycle ergometer sprints allowing 90 and 180 s bic long-duration exercise performance through its mech-
as rest periods, respectively [40]. As PCr concentrations anism of action including effects on the CNS, increasing
decrease, the conversion of muscle glycogen must continue free fatty acid mobilization and direct effect on muscle
at a sufficient rate (e.g., glycolytic rate) to maintain power contraction [45]. For high-intensity, short-duration exer-
output or fatigue will ensue without a decrease in exercise cise, a number of studies have demonstrated that caffeine
intensity, as the rate of glycolysis is also associated with supplementation leads to decreased extracellular potassium
exercise intensity, as depicted in Fig. 2. concentration and increased plasma catecholamine con-
centration, which could delay fatigue and improve perfor-
3.2 Acid Base Status and Lactate Accumulation mance [5, 10, 46]. NaHCO3 is an extracellular buffer
having an important role in maintaining blood pH. In
It has been postulated that the decline in power output effect, supplementation with NaHCO3 elevates the extra-
observed during HIE may be the result of lactic acid cellular buffering capacity and enhances HIE performance

Supplementation and High-Intensity Exercise

[47]. Theoretically, intake of NaHCO3 along with caffeine ingestion of NaHCO3 and caffeine resulted in an
could have a beneficial additive effect for those athletes improvement in judo performance compared with placebo.
involved in HIE. Christensen et al. [48], in a double-blind, However, when caffeine and NaHCO3 were supplemented
randomized, placebo study, investigated the ergogenic alone, the performance was not improved. This synergistic
effect of NaHCO3 plus caffeine in 12 elite, well-trained effect was attributed to reuptake of K? by muscle fibers by
rowers (six open-weight, six light-weight) during a 6-min co-ingestion of NaHCO3 and caffeine. The authors also
maximal performance test for 4 days. Total distance, mean reported that when NaHCO3 intake is divided into three
power and perceived exertion were measured in the study. doses and spaced 30 min apart (0.1 g/kg of body weight at
The rowers were supplemented with 3 mg/kg caffeine with 120, 90 and 60 min before exercise), gastrointestinal dis-
calcium as a placebo, 300 mg/kg NaHCO3 with dextrose as tress is prevented [52]. Collectively, it seems that there is a
a placebo, or caffeine (3 mg/kg) ? NaHCO3 (300 mg/kg) discrepancy between the results of the studies (Table 1).
with calcium and dextrose as placebo. These dosages were Thus, future research should address the effects of co-
given at 45 min (caffeine) and 75 min (NaHCO3) prior to a ingestion of caffeine and NaHCO3 in different exercise
maximal performance test. The results indicated that total models, e.g., in those in which gastrointestinal discomfort
distance for all rowers given caffeine and caffeine? does not seem to compromise the performance enhance-
NaHCO3 was longer than for those given placebo and ment [53].
NaHCO3. Mean power for all rowers given caffeine and
caffeine? NaHCO3 was also higher than for placebo and
NaHCO3. However, no differences were observed in 5 The Effects of NaHCO3 and b-Alanine Co-
average distance on the first, second, third and fourth days ingestion on Performance
of the test. There was no difference in perceived exertion
between all groups during 6-min maximal performance Carnosine is a dipeptide that is synthesized from b-alanine
test. The authors found that ingestion of caffeine and caf- and histidine amino acids and has been identified as an
feine? NaHCO3 improved 6-min maximal rowing test but important intramuscular buffer [7]. There are a number of
caffeine? NaHCO3 had no additional benefits in all rowers studies that reported on the co-ingestion of b-alanine with
and NaHCO3 had no ergogenic effect [48]. The lack of NaHCO3 in an attempt to increase both intra- and extra-
enhanced performance in the NaHCO3 group is thought to cellular buffering capacity [54–56]. In theory, increase of
be related to lower blood flow in rowing, which could muscle carnosine content and blood HCO3- levels may
result in reduced leg H? ion release such that intramuscular improve exercise performance and postpone or minimize
leg acidification is not a limiting factor in rowing exercise muscle fatigue in those athletes who are exposed to the
compared with running and cycling [48]. In a review paper intramuscular acidosis mediated by the HIE. Danaher et al.
by Juel [49], it was noted that training adapts the pH reg- [54] examined the effects of 6 weeks of b-alanine sup-
ulation in blood and skeletal muscle. This may blunt or plementation (4.8 g/4 weeks and 6.4 g/2 weeks thereafter)
prevent a performance effect with NaHCO3 intake in well- with NaHCO3 (300 mg/kg 90 min prior to the test) on
trained individuals. Also, Pruscino et al. [50] showed that muscle carnosine content, blood pH, HCO3- and physical
the ergogenic effect of caffeine ingestion alone was limited performance during repeated sprint ability tests (five
when it was co-ingested with NaHCO3. However, the repeats of 6-s maximal effort cycling bouts separated by
authors showed that either NaHCO3 alone or caffeine and 24 s rest) and a cycling capacity test at 110 % of maximal
NaHCO3 led to enhanced performance in two series of power. The results demonstrated an increase in the muscle
200-m swimming freestyle [50]. In addition, Kilding et al. carnosine content in gastrocnemius and soleus muscles by
[12] showed that ingestion of caffeine (3 mg/kg) and 62 % and 88 % in the b-alanine group and the groups
NaHCO3 (300 mg/kg) alone enhanced high-intensity supplementing with b-alanine ? NaHCO3, and NaHCO3
cycling time trial performance in ten well-trained cyclists. had higher blood pH and HCO3- levels. In addition, there
Mean power output was higher in caffeine, NaHCO3 and was no difference in peak and average power output and
caffeine? NaHCO3 trials (2.4, 2.6 and 2.7 %, respec- total work done during the repeated sprint ability test fol-
tively), resulting in faster performance times (-0.9, -1.2 lowing co-ingestion of b-alanine ? NaHCO3 compared
and -1.2 %), with no additional improvement with co- with either b-alanine or NaHCO3 alone and placebo (cal-
ingestion of caffeine? NaHCO3 [12]. Carr et al. [51] cium carbonate). The investigators also found that co-
reported gastrointestinal discomfort when NaHCO3 was ingestion of b-alanine ? NaHCO3 during the cycling
co-ingested with caffeine, which may have prevented capacity test at 110 % resulted in a higher time to
enhanced performance during exercise. However, no dis- exhaustion by 16 % and 14 % with b-alanine compared
comfort with NaHCO3 intake was observed in the study of with placebo, but no additional improvement was shown
Christensen et al. [48]. Recently, it was reported that co- between b-alanine alone and b-alanine ? NaHCO3 and

A. Naderi et al.

CAF and NaHCO3 alone improved performance, but

NaHCO3 and CAF ? NaHCO3 improved swimming

there was no change in time to exhaustion following

additional effects in all rowers, NaHCO3 had no

maximal rowing, but CAF ? NaHCO3 had no
NaHCO3 supplementation [54]. However, a few studies

Only ingestion of CAF improved performance

CAF ? NaHCO3 co-ingestion improved judo
also reported that NaHCO3 supplementation alone further

CAF and CAF ? NaHCO3 improved 6-min

CAF ? NaHCO3 had no additive effect

improved exercise performance compared with either b-
alanine and NaHCO3 co-ingestion or b-alanine alone in
repeated running sprint tests [57] and maximal sprint
swimming [58]. In contrast, Tobias et al. [11], in a ran-
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, exam-
ined the effect of 4 weeks of b-alanine
(6.4 g/day) ? placebo (dextrose), NaHCO3 (500 mg/kg
for 7 days during the fourth week) ? placebo (dextrose),

and b-alanine (6.4 g/day) ? NaHCO3 (500 mg/kg) during
four bouts of 30-s upper body Wingate tests with a 3-min

recovery in each bout. It was observed that total work

performed for b-alanine ? NaHCO3 (14 %) was more
efficient than NaHCO3 (7 %) and b-alanine (8 %) alone
[11]. Mean power was also greater in all four bouts in the
Special judo fitness

3-km cycling time

NaHCO3 ? b-alanine group compared to the b-alanine

200-m freestyle
6-min maximal

group (second and third bouts) and the NaHCO3 group

2 9 maximal
Exercise test
Table 1 Human studies on the effects of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and caffeine (CAF) co-ingestion on performance

6 9 2000-m

time trials

(fourth bout), with post-exercise blood lactate increased in



all groups and rate of perceived exertion only affected by


b-alanine and NaHCO3 alone [11]. It is likely that the

additive effect of b-alanine ? NaHCO3 is related to the
intermittent super maximal test, which resulted in greater
prior to the test, 60

45 and 75 min prior

30 and 90 min prior

45 and 90 min prior

120, 90 and 60 min

60 and 90–120 min

intramuscular acidosis in comparison with continued HIE

min prior to the

prior to the test

[59]. The chronic NaHCO3 loading during the fourth week

to the test

to the test

to the test

(500 mg/kg) may have resulted in further enhancement of

the blood buffering capacity in comparison with those


studies that used an acute protocol with NaHCO3 supple-

mentation (300 mg/kg prior to the test). Furthermore,
Hobson et al. [60] reported in highly trained rowers a
possible additional benefit in 2000-m rowing ergometer
performance following b-alanine ? NaHCO3 compared
6.2 mg/kg CAF ? 300
3 mg/kg CAF ? 300

3 mg/kg CAF ? 300

6 mg/kg CAF ? 300

300 mg/kg NaHCO3

with b-alanine alone. Also, some studies indicated that co-

? 6 mg/kg CAF

mg/kg NaHCO3

mg/kg NaHCO3

mg/kg NaHCO3

mg/kg NaHCO3

ingestion of b-alanine with NaHCO3 had a further non-

significant improvement in total work done, time to
Daily dose

exhaustion and performance [55, 61]. It seems that dis-

crepancies in findings of co-ingestion of NaHCO3 with b-
alanine in the studies may be due to different exercise
protocols, the characteristics of the subjects, and different
protocols of NaHCO3 supplementation (Table 2). Further
n = 10, judokas

n = 10, cyclists

n = 6, freestyle
n = 12, rowers

n = 8, rowers

research is required on the effect of chronic NaHCO3


loading with b-alanine co-ingestion during HIE.


6 The Effects of Caffeine and Creatine

Co-ingestion on Performance
Christensen et al. [48]

Pruscino et al. [50]

Kilding et al. [12]
Felippe et al. [52]

Creatine is produced from the amino acids glycine, argi-

Carr et al. [51]

nine and methionine in the kidney, liver and, in a lesser

amount, the pancreas [62]. The majority of creatine is

stored in skeletal muscle, and it exists in phosphorylated

and free forms. It is well-documented that creatine

Supplementation and High-Intensity Exercise

No additive effect of b-alanine and NaHCO3 co-

supplementation leads to an ability to maintain intensity

b-alanine ? NaHCO3 had a minimal additional

Chronic b-alanine ? NaHCO3 intake enhanced
performance compared with NaHCO3 and b-

No additional effect of b-alanine ? NaHCO3

ingestion, no effect of NaHCO3 on cycling
during HIE due to the more rapid regeneration of ATP [63].

NaHCO3 enhance performance, no additive

additional effect of b-alanine ? NaHCO3

NaHCO3 improved performance more than

b-alanine improved performance with no

It was reported that with co-ingestion of caffeine with
creatine, the ergogenic benefit of creatine was unaffected

effect of b-alanine ? NaHCO3

[64]. In addition, Vanakoski et al. [65] reported that cre-

alanine supplementation alone

atine and caffeine co-ingestion do not show pharmacoki-
netic interaction. Also, Hespel et al. [66] demonstrated that

NaHCO3 ? b-alanine
4 days of creatine loading decreased muscle relaxation
time, whereas chronic caffeine supplementation resulted in
increased muscle relaxation time [66]. This result may
explain the lack of an ergogenic effect with co-ingestion of



caffeine and creatine reported by Vandenberghe et al. [64],

with potentially an insufficient washout period for creatine
(i.e., 3 weeks) and the timing of the caffeine intake (i.e.,
2 9 100 maximal sprint swimming
Repeated sprint ability and cycling

4 bouts upper body Wingate tests

about 20 h before post-test). In line with this, Harris et al.

2 9 100 time trial swimming

[67] reported that effects of creatine loading were blunted

by gastrointestinal discomfort with intake of creatine and
4-min cycling time trial

Cycling capacity test

caffeine (2–24 h after post-test cessation). Other studies,

Repeated sprint test

however, showed an increase in intramuscular creatine

capacity test

following co-ingestion of creatine with caffeine [65, 66].

Exercise test
Table 2 Human studies on the effects of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and b-alanine co-ingestion on performance

Subsequently, it was shown that ingestion of caffeine after

creatine supplementation improved exercise performance.
In the study by Doherty et al. [68], it was observed that the
acute ingestion of caffeine (5 mg/kg 1 h prior to the test)
2 weeks, 4 weeks, 90 min

4 weeks, 2 weeks, 90 min

4 weeks, 60 min prior to

4 weeks, 60 min prior to

4 weeks, 90 min prior to

after 6 days of creatine loading (4 9 5 g) improved time to

exhaustion during running on the treadmill at 125 % of
Duration and timing

prior to the test

prior to the test

4 weeks, 1 week

maximum oxygen uptake by over 10 % compared with

4 weeks, 2 days

baseline and placebo trials. In addition, Lee et al. [69]

the test

the test

the test

examined the acute effect of caffeine ingestion after cre-

atine loading on intermittent high-intensity sprint perfor-
mance. Twelve physically active males were assigned to
either creatine ? caffeine or creatine ? placebo groups.
65 mg/kg b-alanine ? 300 mg/kg

alanine ? 300 mg/kg NaHCO3

The subjects were supplemented with 0.3 g/kg of creatine

4.8 g b-alanine, 6.2 g b-alanine,

6.4 g b-alanine ? 500 mg/kg

4.8 g b-alanine ? 300 mg/kg

6.4 g b-alanine ? 300 mg/kg

for 5 days ? 6 mg/kg placebo or 0.3 g/kg creatine for

6 g b-alanine ? 300 mg/kg

5 days, followed by 6 mg/kg of caffeine 1 h prior to an

3.2 g b-alanine, 6.4 g b-
300 mg/kg NaHCO3

intermittent high-intensity sprint test (6 9 10-s sprints with

60 s active recovery). In this test, mean and peak power

were increased after creatine ? caffeine supplementation

Daily dose






during the test compared with baseline (i.e., the subjects

performed the test before consumption of any ergogenic
aids), and creatine ? placebo provided greater mean and
peak power compared with baseline. This study also
n = 8, recreationally

revealed a positive ergogenic effect of caffeine ingestion

n = 24, team sport

n = 12, physically
n = 13, swimmers

n = 18, swimmers
n = 13, cyclists
n = 40, combat

after creatine loading [69]. However, recently, Trexler

active males

active males

et al. [70] observed that co-ingestion of coffee (8.9 g



instant coffee with 303 mg caffeine content) and caffeine

anhydrous (0.3 g/kg) during creatine loading (20 g) for
5 days did not enhance strength and sprint performance in
Danaher et al. [54]

Ducker et al. [57]

De Salles Painelli

physically active men. In agreement with a study by Harris

Tobias et al. [11]

Mero et al. [58]

Bellinger et al.

Sale et al. [61]

et al. [67], the authors reported mild gastrointestinal dis-

et al. [56]

tress in the creatine and caffeine group. Taken together,

caffeine supplementation after creatine loading could pro-

vide an ergogenic benefit for athletes.

A. Naderi et al.

Table 3 Human studies on the effects of creatine (CR) and caffeine (CAF) co-ingestion on performance
Study Subjects Supplementation Exercise test Results
Daily dose Duration and timing

Trexler et al. [70] n = 54, physically 4 9 5 g (20 g) CR, 5 days Repeated sprint test, Neither CR alone, nor
active males 300 mg/day CAF, 1 RM and in combination with
8.9 g COF containing repetitions to CAF or COF,
303 mg CAF fatigue enhanced strength
and sprint
Lee et al. [69] n = 12, physically 300 mg/kg CR, 5 days, 60 min prior 6 9 10-s CAF improved
active males 6 mg/kg CAF to the test high-intensity performance after
sprints CR ingestion
Doherty et al. [68] n = 12, active males 300 mg/kg CR, 6 days, 60 min prior Treadmill running CAF improved
5 mg/kg CAF to the test at 125 % VO2max performance after
CR ingestion
VO2max maximum oxygen uptake, COF coffee, RM repetition maximum

More research is warranted to examine the effects of co- greater efflux of H? ions from working muscle allowing
ingestion of caffeine and creatine on HIE performance greater work and intensity to be performed [73, 74]. Con-
[71], especially during maintenance dosing protocols of versely, more recently, Griffen et al. [75] examined the
creatine supplementation (Table 3). effect of creatine ? NaHCO3 co-ingestion during repeated
Wingate tests by measuring indices of mechanical power
output and total work done. The results specified that
7 The Effects of NaHCO3 and Creatine creatine (20 g/7 days) and NaHCO3 supplementation
Co-ingestion on Performance (300 mg/kg) alone induced an improvement on indices of
mechanical power output. However, no effect was
It is well-established that creatine supplementation observed on co-ingestion of creatine ? NaHCO3 in com-
improves HIE performance mediated by ATP/PCr regen- parison with creatine alone, but there was a small effect on
eration [72]. Also, acute NaHCO3 intake increases the total work done for creatine ? NaHCO3 co-ingestion; co-
extracellular buffering capacity [8]. In general, it is ingestion of creatine ? NaHCO3 also improved perfor-
hypothesized that co-ingestion of creatine with NaHCO3 mance compared with NaHCO3 alone. Overall, no additive
may provide additional ergogenic benefit for HIE models. effect was shown in co-ingestion of creatine ? NaHCO3
To date, only a few studies have examined the potential [75]. Discrepancies between the results of these studies and
effect of co-ingesting creatine and NaHCO3. Barber et al. those of the study by Griffen et al. [75] may have been
[73] examined the effect of creatine (20 g creatine for related to inadequate washout of creatine and inadequate
2 days) ? NaHCO3 (500 mg/kg) on the performance of six NaHCO3 dosage used in the latter study compared with
repeated Wingate sprints. It was reported that cre- other studies. Although these studies showed conflicting
atine ? NaHCO3 co-ingestion improved relative peak results on the effect of creatine and NaHCO3 co-ingestion,
power (7 %) compared with placebo and creatine had a it seems that there is a minimal additive benefit for co-
4 % improvement in comparison with placebo, while co- ingestion of creatine and NaHCO3 (Table 4), and yet more
ingestion of creatine ? NaHCO3 showed a greater atten- research is warranted regarding chronic co-ingestion by
uation of decline in relative peak power during six repeated well-trained and elite athletes with different exercise tests.
Wingate tests when compared with creatine and placebo.
However, it was attributed to greater bicarbonate blood
levels followed by NaHCO3 supplementation [73]. Mero 8 The Effects of b-Alanine and Creatine
et al. [74] reported that 6 days of creatine loading along Co-ingestion on Performance
with NaHCO3 supplementation at a dose of 300 mg/kg
improved the second bout of 2 9 100-m freestyle swim- Creatine monohydrate is the most studied, effective nutri-
ming performance by 0.9 s compared with placebo. The tional ergogenic aid currently available for effects on lean
mechanisms of action for the ergogenic benefits of co- body mass and HIE capacity [76]. Supplementation with
ingestion of creatine and NaHCO3 have been related to creatine can increase the total resistance training volume

Supplementation and High-Intensity Exercise

via ATP resynthesis, and total training volume has been

closely linked with skeletal muscle accretion [77]. In

No additional benefits of CR ? NaHCO3

addition, improvements in repeated sprint performance,

CR ? NaHCO3 improved swimming

No improvement by CR ? NaHCO3
bench press strength, fatigue resistance, body weight, and
relative lifting volume can be observed within a relatively
short period of time [77]. Moreover, creatine supplemen-
tation has been demonstrated to increase the activation of
satellite cells and myonuclei in muscle following chronic
resistance training [78], and long-term studies have

observed that those supplementing with creatine can
experience beneficial body composition adaptations [76].

b-Alanine supplementation has been demonstrated to

augment muscle carnosine concentrations in humans [79–
81]. Harris et al. [7] concluded that carnosine plays a
critical role as an intracellular buffer within the skeletal
muscle of humans as well as having antiglycation and
6 9 10-s repeated Wingates

6 9 10-s repeated Wingates

2 maximal 100-m freestyle

antioxidant properties. More importantly, b-alanine sup-

plementation has been shown to enhance physical perfor-
mance during HIE bouts, delay the onset of neuromuscular
fatigue [82], increase aspects of military performance [84],
Exercise test

Table 4 Human studies on effects of creatine (CR) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) co-ingestion on performance

and may have indirect effects on lean body mass [83].

Recent studies have investigated the effects of the co-
ingestion of these two efficacious supplements [84–89]. It is
suggested that the increase in skeletal muscle PCr and
carnosine concentrations via supplementation with creatine
6 days, 2 h prior to the

monohydrate and b-alanine, respectively, will work syn-

ergistically to delay fatigue by decreasing the reliance on
anaerobic glycolysis and reducing intramuscular hydrogen
and timing

ion [88]. When both creatine and b-alanine were combined


7 days

2 days

in a multi-ingredient supplement, it improved lower body


muscular endurance [87], body composition [86] and

strength [86] and even reduced subjective measures of
fatigue [87]. Other studies have also seen synergy when co-
ingesting the two supplements. Zoeller et al. [89] reported
20 g CR, 300 mg/kg

20 g CR, 500 mg/kg

20 g CR, 300 mg/kg

increases in endurance performance during a graded exer-


cise test. Similarly, Stout et al. [88] and Hoffman et al. [84]
Daily dose




showed increases in physical working capacity at neuro-

muscular fatigue threshold, strength, and lean tissue
accruement. Recently, Kresta et al. [85], however, found no
synergistic benefits in body composition, graded exercise
test performance, and Wingate anaerobic capacity tests in
n = 9, well-trained males

recreationally active women. However, it is likely that tests

n = 13, trained males

n = 16, competitive

that were selected for measurement and time points may

partly explain the differences from previous studies. For
instance, Green et al. [90] reported no increases in peak

power with short-term creatine supplementation. Further-


more, Hobson et al. [91] reported that the ergogenic effects

of b-alanine supplementation were limited to exercises
lasting about 60–240 s. Lastly, in the aforementioned study
Mero et al. [74]
Griffen et al.

by Kresta et al. [85], neither PCr nor muscle carnosine

Barber et al.

levels were elevated following the 4-week supplementation



period, which may be explained by the sex and training

status of the individuals used in the study [85].

A. Naderi et al.

Table 5 Human studies on the effects of b-alanine and creatine (CR) co-ingestion on performance
Study Subjects Supplementation Exercise test Results
Daily dose Duration and

Kresta et al. n = 32, recreationally 6.1 g b-alanine 4 weeks Graded cycling Little additive effect
[85] active females 300 mg/kg CR 1 week exercise test of b-alanine ? CR
100 mg/kg CR 2–4 weeks
Zoeller et al. n = 55, male athletes 1.6 g b-alanine ? 34 g glucose 4 weeks Graded cycling b-Alanine ? CR
[89] 5.25 g CR ? 34 g glucose exercise test may enhance
1.6 g b-alanine ? 5.25 g
CR ? 34 g glucose
Stout et al. n = 51, male athletes 1.6 g b-alanine ? 34 g glucose 4 weeks Incremental cycling b-Alanine delayed
[88] 5.25 g CR ? 34 g glucose exercise test neuromuscular
fatigue, no additive
1.6 g b-alanine ? 5.25 g
effect of b-
CR ? 34 g glucose
alanine ? CR

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