IPHP Summative Test

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_____ 1. Which of the following best describes Philosophy?

a. at the root of political thought c. expressive in various arts forms
b. hypothetical explanation of inexactly unknown d. all of the above
_____ 2. Philosophy is neither Western (European/Occidental) nor Eastern (Asian/Oriental) because it is ______.
a. Filipino b. Indian c. Buddhist d. universal
_____ 3. The branch of philosophy dealing with HOW we know WHAT we know is the science of _______.
a. logic b. metaphysics c. epistemology d. all of the above
_____ 4. Applying the Principle of Cause and Effect, God is known through reason as ____________.
a. creator b. all powerful c. life-giver d. uncaused cause
_____ 5. Which of the following is the proper object of the sense of sight?
a. light b. black c. sweetness d. color
_____ 6. In the experience of the taste of blueberry cheesecake, which sense comes into play immediately prior to taste?
a. sight b. smell c. touch d. hearing
_____ 7. Which of the following best describes a TERM?
a. idea b. sentence c. word d. essay
_____ 8. Which of the following refers to the first mental act by which we perceive the essence(s) of a thing?
a. simple apprehension b. Theology c. judgment d. reasoning
_____ 9. The mental representation of the object experienced.
a. phantasm b. sense of touch c. syllogism d. metaphysics
_____ 10. Which of the following is a TERM?
a. plant b. is c. the d. an
_____ 11. Which of the following is required in the experience of darkness to be able to think of it as dark?
a. light b. scent c. flower d. sound
_____ 12. That our body gets hungry and sick and grows old and die means that our LIMITATION is from the __.
a. spirit b. immaterial reality c. health d. physical or matter
_____ 13. To be able to say that an object is absent or no longer around, which of the following is required of the
a. prior presence of object b. prior absence of object c. lost and found d. sense of sight
_____ 14. Man’s ability to conceive in mind unreal things like Pegasus (a winged horse) is made possible through _____.
a. imagination b. abstraction c. memory d. analysis
_____ 15. The branch of philosophy dealing with the psyche or the mind.
a. logic b. metaphysics c. psychology d. all of the above
_____ 16. Which of the following acts exhibits “inter-generational responsibility” on the environment?
a. conserving water c. switching off the light when not in use
b. planting plants and trees d. all of the above
_____ 17. Which of the following BEST describes Man’s relation to nature?
a. vital- because nature sustains life c. important - because man needed wood and food
b. neutral- man may or may not need nature d. no relation at all
_____ 18. Which of the following acts exhibits care/concern on the environment?
a. watching TV often c. switching off the light when not in use
b. listening to music d. having a chewing gum
_____ 19. Which of the following is a universal statement (applicable to all)?
a. Man is rational animal. c. Most AIS students are not lazy.
b. Some cakes are not sweet. d. They are here.
_____ 20. A supremely designed order and harmony that can be naturally observed brings to man an idea of God as a ___.
a. First Mover b. the Uncaused Cause c. Perfect Being d. Supreme Architect
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Choose TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
_____ 1. Greek word for wisdom is  (sophia).
_____ 2. Greek word (philos) means love.
_____ 3. In the shape circle, line is seen because of the color.
_____ 4. In the shape circle, line is more important than color.
_____ 5. Philosophical question has no definite answer.
_____ 6. Opinion is based on established evidence.
_____ 7. Ordinary question has fixed and easy answer.
_____ 8. Man is NOT capable of transcendence (going beyond what is given).
_____ 9. Man is both body (material) and soul (spiritual).
_____10. The size of the circle changes its shape.

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