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1- The lymphatic drainage of the tip of the tongue first passes to which group of lymph nodes?
a- Submental c- Superior cervical
b- Supraclavicular d- Submandibular

2- Which one of the following structures pierces the buccinator muscle?

a- Sublingual artery c- Auriculotemporal nerve
b- Parotid duct d- Deep facial vein

3- A cranial nerve which does not carry taste from the tongue?
a- Facial c- Vagus
b- Glossopharyngeal d- Trigeminal

4- Is not a content in the rectus sheath

a- Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric c- Iliohypogastric
b- Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve d- Ilioinguinal

5- Which structure is deep to hyoglossus muscle?

a- Lingual artery c- Deep part of submandibular gland
b- Lingual nerve d- Hypoglossal nerve

6- Share in formation of the three boundaries of the inguinal canal

a- Transversus abdominis c- Rectus femoris
b- Internal oblique d- External oblique

7- Where can the main duct of sub lingual gland open?

a- In the roof of the mouth cavity c- It has no duct
b- On one side of mouth cavity d- In the floor of the mouth cavity

8- Lymphatic drainage of the sides of the tongue first passes to which group of lymph nodes?
a- Superior cervical c- Submental
b- Submandibular d- Supraclavicular

9- Opening of submandibular gland duct into oral cavity is at

a- Sublingual papilla c- Mandibular 3rd molar
b- Maxillary 2nd molar d- Dorsum of tongue

10- Which hernia usually descends down to the scrotum?

a- Umbilical hernia c- Femoral hernia
b- Indirect hernia d- Direct hernia

11- Ilioinguinal nerve supplies
a- Lower parts of internal oblique and transversus abdominis
b- Lower part of internal oblique
c- Lower part of transversus abdominis
d- Lower part of external oblique

12- Which structure opens opposite the upper 2nd molar?

a- Crescent of gianuzzi c- Main duct of parotid gland
b- Main duct of submandibular gland d- Main duct of sublingual gland

13- The superficial inguinal ring present in

a- Fascia transversalis c- Transversus abdominis aponeurosis
b- Internal oblique aponeurosis d- External oblique aponeurosis

14- Which nerve enters the inguinal canal through the deep ring
a- Iliohypogastric c- Ilioinguinal
b- Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve d- Subcostal

15- Which is not a salivary gland

a- Parotid c- Sublingual
b- Submandibular d- Sweat gland

16- The medial border of the inguinal triangle is formed by

a- Lateral umbilical fold c- Lateral border of rectus abdominis
b- Linea alba d- Inguinal ligament

17- After an operation of cholecystectomy, the skin of the wound becomes infected, which group of
lymph nodes are expected to be enlarged?
a- Lumbar c- Superficial inguinal
b- Lateral aortic d- Axillary

18- Which muscle fibers are inserted into the anterior ½ of the iliac crest
a- Posterior fibers of internal oblique c- Posterior fibers of transversus abdominis
b- Anterior fibers of internal oblique d- Posterior fibers of external oblique

19- The posterior wall of the inguinal canal is formed by

a- Transvesus abdominis c- External oblique
b- Fascia transversalis d- Rectus abdominis

20- Which muscle arises from the intermediate area of the anterior 2/3 of the iliac crest
a- External oblique c- Transversus abdominis
b- Internal oblique d- Internal oblique and transversus abdominis

21- The superficial inguinal ring is supported posteriorly by
a- External aponeurosis c- Conjoint tendon
b- Transversus abdominis aponeurosis d- Internal oblique aponeurosis

22- After an operation of appendicectomy, the skin of the wound becomes infected, which group of
lymph nodes are expected to be enlarged?
a- Superficial inguinal c- Lateral aortic
b- Axillary d- Lumbar

23- The lateral border of the inguinal triangle is formed by

a- Lateral umbilical fold c- Lateral border of rectus abdominis
b- Linea alba d- Inguinal ligament

24- Which muscle supplied by the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve
a- External oblique c- Transversus abdominis
b- Internal oblique d- Cremastric

25- Hernia passes through inguinal triangle is called

a- Direct inguinal hernia c- Umbilical hernia
b- Indirect inguinal hernia d- Femoral hernia

26- Which nerve enters the inguinal canal through its roof
a- Subcostal c- Ilioinguinal
b- Iliohypogastric d- Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve

27- Vestibule of oral cavity lies between

a- Teeth c- Gums
b- Lips and Cheeks d- All the above

28- Oropharyngeal isthmus is the junction between

a- Mouth cavity c- Larynx
b- Pharynx d- a&b

29- Tongue is a highly muscular organ for

a- deglutition c- speech
b- taste d- all the above

30- Apex of the tongue touches

a- incisors c- premolars
b- canines d- molars

31- Root of the tongue is attached to

a- hyoid bone c- epiglottis
b- mandible d- a&b
32- All the following is characters of inferior surface of the tongue except
a- plica fimbriata c- frenulum lingue
b- deep lingual vein d- sulcus terminalis

33- Dorsum of tongue is divided by sulcus terminalis into

a- posterior 2/3 c- posterior 1/3
b- anterior 2/3 d- b&c

34- Apex of sulcus terminalis is directed

a- anteriorly c- superiorly
b- posteriorly d- inferiorly

35- Pharyngeal part of tongue characterized by presence of

a- adenoid c- lingual tonsils
b- pharyngeal tonsils d- cerebellar tonsils

36- All muscles of tongue are supplied by hypoglossal nerve except

a- hyoglossus c- palatoglossus
b- genioglossus d- styloglossus

37- Which of the following is untrue about genioglossus muscle?

a- it is supplied by hypoglossal nerve
b- the 2 muscles protrude the tongue
c- one muscle protrudes the tongue to the same side
d- one muscle protrudes the tongue to the opposite side

38- The sphincter of oropharyngeal isthmus is

a. hyoglossus c. palatoglossus
b. genioglossus d. styloglossus

39- Which of the following muscles is supplied by cranial accessory nerve?

a. hyoglossus c. palatoglossus
b. genioglossus d. styloglossus

40- Taste sensation of anterior 2/3 of the tongue is conducted by

a- trigeminal nerve c- facial nerve
b- glossopharyngeal nerve d- hypoglossal nerve

41- General sensation of posterior end of the tongue is conducted by

a- hypoglossal nerve c- glossopharyngeal nerve
b- vagus nerve d- accessory nerve

42- Cancer on the tip of the tongue will be drained to
a- bilateral submandibular lymph nodes c- bilateral submental lymph nodes
b- unilateral submandibular lymph nodes d- unilateral sub mental lymph nodes

43- Infection of tongue ulcer on the right side will drain to all the following except
a- submandibular lymph nodes c- jugulo-omohyoid lymph nodes
b- jugulo-digastric lymph nodes d- submental lymph nodes

44- Upper end of the parotid gland is pierced by all the following except
a- auriculotemporal nerve c- zygomatic branch of facial nerve
b- superficial temporal vessels d- temporal branch of facial nerve

45- Lower end of the parotid gland is pierced by

a- marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve c- external carotid artery
b- divisions of retromandibular vein d- maxillary artery

46- Parotid lymph nodes are related to ------------ of parotid gland

a- anteromedial surface c- posteromedial surface
b- lateral surface d- medial end

47- All the following are passing through parotid gland except
a- posterior facial vein c- facial nerve
b- external carotid artery d- parotid lymph nodes

48- Which of the following is not related to anteromedial surface of parotid gland?
a- masseter muscle c- sternomastoid muscle
b- medial pterygoid muscle d- ramus of mandible

49- Which of the following is not related to posteromedial surface of parotid gland?
a- sternomastoid c- masseter
b- posterior belly of digastric d- mastoid process

50- Posteromedial surface of the parotid gland is pierced by

a- external carotid artery c- retromandibular vein
b- facial nerve d- a&b

51- The deepest structure within the parotid gland is

a- facial nerve c- posterior facial vein
b- external carotid artery d- auriculotemporal nerve

52- Parotid and submandibular capsule is derived from

a- pretracheal fascia c- deep cervical fascia
b- para vertebral fascia d- carotid fascia
53- Parotid duct opens in the vestibule opposite
a- upper 1st molar c- upper 2nd molar
b- upper 2nd premolar d- upper canine

54- Parotid duct pierces

a- buccinator c- medial pterygoid
b- masseter d- lateral pterygoid

55- Secretomotor parasympathetic supply of the parotid gland

a- hypoglossal nerve c- auriculotemporal nerve
b- glossopharyngeal nerve d- lingual nerve

56- Lateral surface of submandibular gland is related to all the following except
a- submandibular fossa c- lateral pterygoid muscle
b- medial pterygoid muscle d- facial artery

57- Sublingual papilla is the opening site of

a- parotid duct c- sublingual duct
b- submandibular duct d- cystic duct

58- Submandibular duct is crossed by

a- facial nerve c- lingual nerve
b- hypoglossal nerve d- glossopharyngeal nerve

59- Lingual nerve gives sensory supply to all the following except
a- anterior 2/3 of tongue c- submandibular gland
b- parotid gland d- sublingual gland

60- Facial nerve supply of the following except

a- tongue c- sublingual gland
b- parotid gland d- submandibular gland

61- Sublingual fold is the opening site of

a- parotid duct c- sublingual ducts
b- submandibular duct d- cystic duct

62- All the statements about external oblique muscle are correct except:
(a) Its lower border forms the inguinal ligament
(b) Its aponeurosis takes part in the formation of rectus sheath
(c) It forms the boundary of inguinal triangle
(d) It takes origin from the outer lip of the iliac crest

63- The neurovascular plane in the anterior abdominal wall lies between:
(a) External and internal oblique muscles
(b) Internal and transversus abdominis muscles
(c) Transversus abdominis muscle and fascia transversalis
(d) Fascia transversalis and parietal peritoneum

64- Anterior wall of rectus sheath below the arcuate line is formed by the aponeurosis of:
(a) External oblique (c) Transversus abdominis
(b) Internal oblique (d) All the above

65- Muscle whose aponeurosis forms both anterior and posterior walls of rectus sheath is:
(a) External oblique (c) Transversus abdominis
(b) Internal oblique (d) None of the above

66- All are the contents of rectus sheath except:

(a) Superior epigastric artery (c) Superficial epigastric artery
(b) Rectus abdominis (d) Inferior epigastric artery

67- All the following ligaments are derived from inguinal ligament except:
(a) Lacunar ligament (c) a&b
(b) Interfoveolar ligament (d) Reflected part inguinal ligament

68- All the statements about cremaster muscle are correct except:
(a) It consists of loops of skeletal muscle fiber, derived from internal oblique muscle
(b) Its function is to pull the testis up toward the superficial inguinal ring
(c) It is supplied by ilioinguinal nerve
(d) It supplied by genital branch of genitofemoral nerve

69- Select the incorrect statement about the conjoint tendon:

(a) It is formed by the fusion of aponeurosis of internal oblique and transversus abdominis
(b) It forms the medial 1/3 of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal
(c) It is attached to the pubic crest
(d) It is formed by the fusion of aponeurosis of external and internal oblique muscles

70- All the statements about Hesselbach’s triangle are correct except:
(a) Indirect hernia pass through it
(b) It is bounded laterally by inferior epigastric artery
(c) It is bounded medially by lateral border of rectus abdominis
(d) It is bounded inferiorly by the inguinal ligament

71- The midinguinal point is a point midway between:
(a) Pubic tubercle and anterior superior iliac spine
(b) Pubic tubercle and iliac tubercle
(c) Pubic symphysis and anterior superior iliac spine
(d) Pubic symphysis and iliac tubercle

72- Regarding inguinal canal all the statements are true except:
(a) It is an intermuscular slit in the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall
(b) It is about 5 cm long
(c) It provides passage to spermatic cord
(d) The ilioinguinal nerve enters it through deep inguinal ring

73- Internal oblique muscle share in all boundaries of inguinal canal except
(a) anterior wall (c) roof
(b) posterior wall (d) floor

74- Deep inguinal ring supported by

(a) conjoint tendon (c) inguinal ligament
(b) internal oblique muscle (d) fascia transversalis

75- Inguinal ligament attached to

(a) ASIS (c) pubic tubercle
(b) pubic crest (d) A&C

76- Which of the following muscles attached to iliac crest?

(a) external oblique (c) transversus abdominis
(b) internal oblique (d) all the above

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