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Cementing Technology Manual

Section 16 Spacers

Section 16

DUAL SPACER ............................................................................................................................. 16-3 Functions of Supplementary DUAL SPACER Additives: ........................................................ 16-3 DUAL SPACER E.......................................................................................................................... 16-6 DUAL SPACER Mixing Aid (DSMA) ............................................................................................. 16-8 DUAL SPACER Surfactant A ...................................................................................................... 16-10 DUAL SPACER Surfactant B .......................................................................................................16-11 SEM-7 ......................................................................................................................................... 16-12 Pen 5 ........................................................................................................................................... 16-13 MUSOL A .................................................................................................................................. 16-14 SD Spacer ................................................................................................................................... 16-15 SAM-4 Spacer ............................................................................................................................. 16-17 SUPER FLUSH 100 .................................................................................................................... 16-19 SUPER FLUSH ........................................................................................................................... 16-21 Mud Flush ................................................................................................................................... 16-23 N-Ver-Sperse O .......................................................................................................................... 16-24 Alpha Spacer .............................................................................................................................. 16-25 Alpha Preflush............................................................................................................................. 16-27 Alpha Spacer Water Surfactant .................................................................................................. 16-28 Alpha Spacer Oil Surfactant ....................................................................................................... 16-29 Spacer 500 .................................................................................................................................. 16-30

January 1996


Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual Notes:


January 1996

Cementing Technology Manual

Section 16 Spacers

Section 16

Description and Primary Function: DUAL SPACER is a water-based fluid. Its primary application is as a low viscosity, weighted spacer (flush) for primary and secondary cementing operations. It can be designed to displace water- and oil-based muds and can be formulated with fresh water, seawater, 3% KCl, and salt concentrations as high as saturation. Its rheological properties typically allow it to be pumped in turbulence at reasonable displacement rates. These properties improve mud displacement while maintaining drilling fluid and cement slurry isolation. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: Refer to Functions of Supplementary DUAL SPACER Additives. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid eye and skin contact. In case of contact, flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Wash clothing before wearing again. Inhaling the dust can be irritating to the respiratory system. Use protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with skin and eyes. Properties: Additive: DUAL SPACER Part No.: 516.00177 Specific Gravity: 2.27 Form: powder Color: tan How Packaged: 51-lb sk Bulk Density: 31.1 lb/cu ft Water Requirement: varies with density DUAL SPACER Mixing Aid DSMA was designed to improve surface suspension properties during low shear mixing operations (i.e. offshore slugging pit) and after batch mixing bulk-blended DUAL SPACER. Retarders When the DUAL SPACER is pumped at elevated temperatures, add a retarder to counteract the dilution effect occurring at the cement-spacer interface. Nonconformance to this guideline can result in a significantly reduced pumping time. Absolute Volume: 0.0529 gal/lb Solubility in Water: @ 20C, 11.4 g/100 ml H2O Odor: odorless pH: 10 for 1% solution Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 500F (16C to 260C) Quantity: The spacer volume should provide a minimum of 4 minutes contact, with a preferred contact time of 8 to 10 minutes, or 1,000 annular linear feet. If DUAL SPACER is the only spacer or flush run, no less than 500 annular linear feet of spacer is recommended, regardless of contact time. Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Refer to Special Instructions Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. Compatible: A sufficient amount of retarder should be incorporated into DUAL SPACER designs pumped under high temperature conditions.

Functions of Supplementary DUAL SPACER Additives:

January 1996


Section 16 Spacers Surfactants

Cementing Technology Manual

Surfactants are commonly used when displacing oil-based muds to reduce interfacial viscosity and preferentially water-wet the pipe surface, which promotes better cement bonding. Defoamers Adding D-AIR 3 helps combat the foaming tendencies of a surfactant-laden DUAL SPACER. When surfactants are not used, other defoamers, such as NF-3 or D-AIR 2, can also be applied. Special Instructions: Consider the specific job application when selecting the spacer fluid. Since the DUAL SPACER fluid possesses low rheological properties, solids segregation can occur under downhole conditions with long static times. To provide adequate suspension properties for typical liner jobs, DUAL SPACER's improved suspension formulations are recommended. If, however, spacer fluid solids suspension is critical to the job's success, 2 to 6 lb/bbl of bentonite, attapulgite, or sepiolite can be added to further improve downhole stability.


January 1996

Cementing Technology Manual

Table 16-1: DUAL SPACER

Section 16 Spacers

Rates for Turbulence in Various Annular Configurations (bbl/min @ 190F) Standard Design DUAL SPACER Mixing Aid gal/10 bbl water 1 1 1 6-1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 3.2 2.7 2.7 3.2 3.3 3.9 2.6 3.1 3.3 2.9 3.3 3.3 8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 4.3 3.7 3.6 4.3 4.4 5.2 3.5 4.1 4.4 3.9 4.4 4.5 12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 9.5 7.7 6.8 9.2 9.6 11.0 7.1 8.7 8.8 7.8 9.3 8.0 Improved Suspension Design 6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 3.7 3.0 3.0 4.4 4.9 5.3 2.6 2.8 3.4 3.2 2.8 4.2 1.6 2.1 3.1 3.5 3.8 4.0 8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 5.0 4.1 4.0 5.9 6.6 7.1 3.5 3.8 4.6 4.3 3.8 5.6 2.2 2.9 4.1 4.7 5.1 5.5 12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 11.0 8.3 7.6 11.4 12.7 13.1 7.4 7.6 8.9 9.1 7.5 11.8 4.0 5.2 6.7 10.1 10.7 10.9

Density lb/gal 12 15 18 12 15 18 12 15 18 12 15 18 12 15 18 12 15 18

Water Type Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh Sea Sea Sea 3% KCl 3% KCl 3% KCl 18% NaCl 18% NaCl 18% NaCl Sat. NaCl Sat. NaCl Sat. NaCl

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Quantity: The spacer volume should provide a minimum of 4 minutes contact, with a preferred contact time of 8 to 10 minutes, or 1,000 annular linear feet. If DUAL SPACER is the only spacer or flush run, no less than 400 annular linear feet of spacer is recommended, regardless of contact time. Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Refer to Special Instructions given in the DUAL SPACER Section. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. Compatible: A sufficient amount of retarder should be incorporated into DUAL SPACER E designs pumped under high temperature conditions.

Description and Primary Function: DUAL SPACER E is a water-based fluid used in the European/North Sea area. It functions as a low viscosity, weighted spacer (flush) for primary and secondary cementing operations. It can be designed to displace waterand oil-based muds and can be formulated with fresh water, seawater, 3% KCl, and salt concentrations as high as saturation. Its rheological properties typically allow it to be pumped in turbulence at reasonable displacement rates. These properties improve mud displacement while maintaining drilling fluid and cement slurry isolation. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: Refer to Functions of Supplementary DUAL SPACER Additive listed in the DUAL SPACER section. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid eye and skin contact. In case of contact, flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Wash clothing before wearing again. Inhaling the dust can be irritating to the respiratory system. Use protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with skin and eyes. Properties: Additive: DUAL SPACER E Part No.: 516.00296 Specific Gravity: 2.09 Form: powder Color: tan How Packaged: 51-lb sk Bulk Density: 24.28 lb/cu ft Water Requirement: varies with density Absolute Volume: 0.0574 gal/lb Solubility in Water: @ 20C, 11.7 g/100 ml H2O Odor: odorless pH: 9.5 for 1% solution Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 500F (16C to 260C) 16-6

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Cementing Technology Manual

Table 16-2: DUAL SPACER E

Section 16 Spacers

Rates for Turbulence in Various Annular Configurations (bbl/min) Freshwater Design Density lb/gal 12 12 12 15 15 15 18 18 18 Temp F 72 120 190 72 120 190 72 120 190 6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 3.6 3.5 3.9 2.8 2.8 3.4 2.8 2.7 2.2 8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 4.8 4.7 5.3 3.8 3.8 4.4 3.7 3.7 2.6 12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 9.6 10.0 12.0 6.7 7.4 9.8 5.5 6.7 4.0 6 1/3-in. hole 5-in. pipe 2.1 1.1 1.1 2.8 1.6 1.2 5.0 4.1 2.0 Seawater Design 8 1/3-in. hole 7-in. pipe 2.9 1.5 1.5 3.8 2.1 1.7 6.7 5.6 2.7 12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 5.0 2.3 2.5 5.7 3.2 2.7 12.0 10.4 4.2

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 500F (16C to 260C) Concentration: 1 gal DSMA/10 bbl fresh water; 1.5 to 3 gal DSMA/10 bbl seawater Special Information: Usage Restrictions: When preparing brine DUAL SPACER fluids, add the mixing aid to fresh water. The salt must be added later, or the concentration of DSMA required to obtain adequate surface viscosity will be significantly increased. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. negligible


Description and Primary Function: DUAL SPACER Mixing Aid consists of a powder disposed in a lowtoxicity oil. It was developed to minimize solids setting which frequently occurs when the DUAL SPACER is mixed in a low sheer environment (e.g., offshore slugging pit). DSMA improves the surface suspension properties of a DUAL SPACER design. Secondary Effects: DSMA increases pump rates required for the DUAL SPACER to achieve turbulence. Its effect is less at higher temperatures. Interaction with Other Additives: DSMA is capable of being crosslinked with a chrome source. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid eye and skin contact with DSMA. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get prompt medical attention. If mist is inhaled, remove to fresh air. If irritation persists, get medical attention. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Keep person warm and quiet, and get medical attention. If vomiting occurs spontaneously, keep head below hips to prevent aspiration. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: DUAL SPACER Mixing Aid Part No.: 516.00177 Specific Gravity: 1.01 Form: liquid Color: tan How Packaged: 2-gal can Bulk Density: 8.38 lb/gal Absolute Volume: 0.1193 gal/lb Solubility in Water: miscible Odor: mineral oil Flash Point: 255F Pour Point: 15F Activity: 40% 16-8

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Cementing Technology Manual

Table 16-3: DUAL SPACER Mixing Aid Effect
Rates for Turbulence (bbl/min)

Section 16 Spacers

DUAL SPACER "Improved Suspension Design" (Fresh Water) 1 gal DSMA/10 bbl Fresh Water Density lb/gal 12.0 Temp F 72 120 190 15.0 72 120 190 18.0 72 120 190 6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 6.1 5.2 4.4 7.0 5.5 4.9 8.8 6.2 5.3 8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 8.3 7.0 5.9 9.4 7.5 6.6 11.9 8.4 7.1 12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 15.3 13.5 11.4 17.2 14.0 12.7 21.1 15.5 13.1 6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 2.5 2.9 3.2 2.1 2.5 2.7 3.1 2.8 2.7 No DSMA 8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 3.4 4.0 4.3 2.9 3.4 3.7 4.2 3.8 3.6 12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 6.0 7.8 9.5 4.4 6.1 7.7 6.6 6.2 6.8

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Activity: 100% Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: Up to 500F (260C) when used in a properly designed blend of surfactants. Concentration: 0.2 to 1 gal/bbl Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Using D-AIR 3 can alleviate the foaming tendencies DUAL SPACER Surfactant A. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. negligible

DUAL SPACER Surfactant A

Description and Primary Function: DUAL SPACER Surfactant A is commonly used in water-based spacers, and it flushes when displacing oil-based drilling fluids. This surfactant is often used with surfactants to reduce interfacial viscosity and preferentially water-wet the pipe surface, promoting better cement bonding. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: It works synergistically with other surfactants to provide interfacial compatibility. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid eye and skin contact. In case of contact, immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, give two glasses of water and induce vomiting. Repeat until vomit is clear. Keep head below hips to prevent aspiration. Get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: DUAL SPACER Surfactant A Part No.: 516.00207 Specific Gravity: 1.02 Form: liquid Color: pale yellow How Packaged: 5-gal can Bulk Density: 8.50 lb/gal Absolute Volume: 0.117 gal/lb Solubility in Water: insoluble Odor: mild aromatic Flash Point: 645F Freeze Point: 1F pH: 5 to 7 for 1% solution


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Cementing Technology Manual

pH: 5 to 7 for 1% Solution Activity: 100% Normal Range of Use in Wells:

Section 16 Spacers

DUAL SPACER Surfactant B

Description and Primary Function: DUAL SPACER Surfactant B is commonly used in water-based spacers, and it flushes when displacing oil-based drilling fluids. This surfactant is often used with surfactants to reduce interfacial viscosity and preferentially water-wet the pipe surface, promoting better cement bonding. It is also recommended as a single water-wetting surfactant, even if interfacial viscosity is not a problem. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: It works synergistically with other surfactants to provide interfacial compatibility. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid eye and skin contact. In case of contact, immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, give two glasses of water and induce vomiting. Repeat until vomit is clear. Keep head below hips to prevent aspiration. Get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: DUAL SPACER Surfactant B Part No.: 516.00208 Specific Gravity: 1.06 Form: liquid Color: colorless How Packaged: 5-gal can Bulk Density: 8.85 lb/gal Absolute Volume: 0.113 gal/lb Solubility in Water: miscible Odor: mild, characteristic Flash Point: 600F Freeze Point: 49F

Temperature: Up to 500F (260C) when used in a properly designed blend of surfactants. Concentration: 0.2 to 2 gal/bbl Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Using D-AIR 3 can alleviate foaming tendencies. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. negligible

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Activity: 100% Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: Up to 500F (260C) when used in a properly designed blend of surfactants. Concentration: 0.5 to 2 gal/bbl Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Using D-AIR 3 can alleviate the foaming tendencies of SEM-7. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. negligible

Description and Primary Function: SEM-7 is commonly used in water-based spacers, and it flushes when displacing oil-based muds. This surfactant is often used with surfactants to reduce interfacial viscosity and preferentially water-wet the pipe surface, promoting better cement bonding. It can also be recommended as a single water-wetting surfactant, even if interfacial viscosity is not a problem. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: It works synergistically with other surfactants to provide interfacial compatibility. Safety and Handling Procedures: SEM-7 can cause severe eye and skin burns. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Give 1 quart of water or milk to dilute. If inhaled or swallowed, get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: SEM-7 Part No.: 70.15625 Specific Gravity: 0.99 Form: liquid Color: light yellow How Packaged: 55-gal drum Bulk Density: 8.25 lb/gal Absolute Volume: 0.1212 gal/lb Solubility in Water: miscible Odor: alcoholic Flash Point: 74F Pour Point: -7F pH: 7.7


January 1996

Cementing Technology Manual

Normal Range of Use in Wells:

Section 16 Spacers

Pen 5
Description and Primary Function: Pen 5 is commonly used in water-based spacers, and it flushes when displacing oil-based muds. This surfactant is often used with surfactants to reduce interfacial viscosity and preferentially water-wet the pipe surface, promoting better cement bonding. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: It works synergistically with other surfactants to provide interfacial compatibility. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid eye and skin contact. In case of contact, immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, give two glasses of water and induce vomiting. Repeat until vomit is clear. Keep head below hips to prevent aspiration. Get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: Pen 5 Part No.: 516.1 Specific Gravity: 1.03 Form: liquid Color: clear, colorless How Packaged: 55-gal drum Bulk Density: 8.6 lb/gal Absolute Volume: 0.1163 gal/lb Solubility in Water: miscible Odor: alcoholic Flash Point: 120F Pour Point: -4F pH: 7.4 Activity: 1%

Temperature: Up to 500F (260C) when used in a properly designed blend of surfactants. Concentration: 0.5 to 1.5 gal/bbl Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Using D-AIR 3 can alleviate the foaming tendencies of Pen 5. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. negligible

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: Up to 500F (260C) when used in a properly designed blend of surfactants. Concentration: 0.5 to 2 gal/bbl Special Information: Usage Restrictions: none Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. negligible

Description and Primary Function: MUSOL A is a mutual solvent which is commonly used in waterbased spacers, and it flushes when displacing oilbased drilling fluids. This additive is often used with surfactants to reduce interfacial viscosity and preferentially water-wet the pipe surface, promoting better cement bonding. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: It works synergistically with surfactants to provide interfacial compatibility. Safety and Handling Procedures: MUSOL A can cause severe eye and skin burns. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Give two glasses of water or milk to dilute. If inhaled or swallowed, get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: MUSOL A Part No.: 70.15756 Specific Gravity: 0.93 Form: liquid Color: colorless How Packaged: 55-gal drum Bulk Density: 7.75 lb/gal Absolute Volume: 0.1290 gal/lb Solubility in Water: miscible Odor: mild Flash Point: 149F Pour Point: - 40F Activity: 100%


January 1996

Cementing Technology Manual

Section 16 Spacers

SD Spacer
Description and Primary Function: SD Spacer is a water-based fluid used in primary and secondary cementing operations. It is designed to utilize common cementing additives to formulate a low viscosity fluid capable of achieving turbulence at reasonable pump rates. This spacer can be used to displace most water-based muds with little or no modifications. Applications requiring displacement of oil-based muds typically demand the addition of surfactants. SD Spacer can be formulated in fresh water, seawater, and 3% KCl water. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: Supplementary additives which can be used in the SD Spacer include retarders, surfactants, and defoamers. (Refer to the DUAL SPACER section for application). Obtain additional viscosity by decreasing the inhibitor CFR-2, increasing the amount of bentonite, and/or (for seawater designs) pretreating the seawater with a caustic. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid eye and skin contact. In case of contact, immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Wash clothing before wearing again. Inhaling the dust can be irritating to the respiratory system. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: SD Spacer Specific Gravity: variable How Packaged: bulk blended Bulk Density: variable Water Requirement: varies with density Absolute Volume: variable Solubility in Water: variable Odor: odorless pH: variable Normal Range of Use in Wells: Spacer Density: 10.5 to 19 lb/gal

Temperature: 60 to 500F (16C to 260C) Quantity: The spacer volume should provide a minimum of 4 minutes contact with a preferred contact time of 8 to 10 minutes or 1,000 annular linear feet. If SD Spacer is the only spacer or flush run, no less than 500 annular linear feet of spacer is recommended, regardless of the contact time. Special Information: Usage Restrictions: If spacer fluid solids suspension is critical to the job's success, the SD Spacer should be tested under downhole conditions and modified as needed. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. Compatible: A sufficient amount of retarder should be incorporated into SD Spacer designs pumped under high temperature conditions.

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Table 16-4: SD SPACER
Rates for Tubulence in Various Annular Configurations (bbl/min @ 190F)

Density lb/gal 12 15 18 12 15 18 12 15 18

Water Type Fresh Fresh Fresh Sea Sea Sea 3% KCl 3% KCl 3% KCl

6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 3.6 4.2 3.4 2.2 2.4 2.0 2.6 3.2 2.4

8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 4.9 5.7 4.6 2.9 3.2 2.7 3.5 4.4 3.3

12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 9.3 9.3 7.1 5.8 5.1 3.8 6.8 7.5 5.5


January 1996

Cementing Technology Manual

Effect on Slurry Properties: 1.

Section 16 Spacers

SAM-4 Spacer
Description and Primary Function: SAM-4 Spacer is an oil-based fluid designed to help reduce interfacial contamination between the cement slurry and drilling mud during displacement on primary and secondary cementing jobs. To prevent the possibility of oil-wetting a water-wet pipe, limit its use to oilbased mud applications. The spacer consists of a 50:50 oil-in-water emulsion using liquid Spacer Mix (emulsifier), Spacer Sperse (wetting agent), and barite (weighting material). Secondary Effects: SAM-4 Spacer has excellent fluid-loss control. Interaction with Other Additives: none Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid eye and skin contact. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if subject is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Give one quart of water or milk to dilute. If inhaled or swallowed, get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: SAM-4 Spacer Part No.: NIS.259 Water Requirement: varies with density Solubility in Water: nil Odor: hydrocarbon Normal Range of Use in Wells: Density: 8 to 20 lb/gal Temperature: 60F to 400F (16C to 204C) Concentration: 50:50 diesel oil:water (by volume); 0.5 gal Liquid Spacer Mix/bbl SAM-4 Spacer; 4 lb Spacer Sperse/bbl SAM-4 Spacer; barite to weight Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Use SAM-4 only when displacing oil-based muds.

Compatible: A sufficient amount of retarder must be incorporated into SAM-4 Spacer designs pumped under high temperature conditions.

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Table 16-5: SAM-4 SPACER
Rates for Turbulence in Various Annular Configurations (bbl/min)

Density lb/gal 12 12 12 15 15 15 18 18 18

Temp F 80 150 200 80 150 200 80 150 200

6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 12.5 10.6 8.3 16.9 11.8 10.2 22.1 13.6 12.6

8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 16.9 14.2 11.2 22.7 15.9 13.8 29.8 18.3 17.0

12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 26.6 27.6 23.5 36.8 28.3 29.4 51.4 32.1 35.4


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Cementing Technology Manual

Bulk Density: 11.66 lb/gal Absolute Volume: 0.0857 gal/lb

Section 16 Spacers


Description and Primary Function: SUPER FLUSH 100 is a reactive fluid used in primary and secondary cementing operations. Typically, it is diluted with either fresh water or seawater (see usage restrictions) to form flushes designated as SUPER FLUSH 101 through 105. This product has been used to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. improve mud displacement improve cement bonding improve downhole fluid-loss control set cement plugs control lost circulation squeeze underground water flows

Solubility in Water: @ 20C, miscible Odor: slightly soupy Freeze Point: 30F Pour Point: 35F pH: 11.2 Activity: 29.2% Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 450F (16C to 232C) Concentration: 5 to 100 bbl Note: Minimum non-reactive spacer volumes should be based on a casing or annulus capacity of 150 ft of fill (whichever is larger) plus 1 bbl if the pump used to insert the spacer is not clean. Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Dilute SUPER FLUSH 100 with seawater only if a caustic (NaOH) is first added to the seawater. A concentration of at least 28 lb caustic/10 bbl seawater is required to prevent premature gelation. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. extreme gelation/acceleration: SUPER FLUSH 100 must be separated from cement (and other chemicals) with a minimum volume of nonreactive spacer.

It can be used with all known mud systems and cement slurries when isolated with sufficient volumes of applicable, non-reactive spacers. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: SUPER FLUSH 100 is highly reactive in the presence of divalent metal ions (such as calcium, i.e. cement), highly saline solution, and acids. Safety and Handling Procedures: SUPER FLUSH 100 can cause severe eye and skin burns. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Give one quart of water or milk to dilute. If inhaled or swallowed, get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: SUPER FLUSH 100 Part No.: 70.15607 Specific Gravity: 1.40 Form: liquid Color: translucent How Packaged: 55-gal drum or bulk

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Table 16-6: SUPER FLUSH Applications

Reactive Flushes SUPER FLUSH 100 SUPER FLUSH 101 SUPER FLUSH 102

Primary Applications Severe lost circulation (i.e., dilution problems) Squeeze cementing with crossflow problems Major lost circulation Squeeze cementing with major diverting requirements Cement bonding Mud displacement Fluid-loss control Minor lost circulation Squeeze cementing with minor diverting requirements Setting cement plugs Cement bonding Mud displacement Fluid-loss control



SUPER FLUSH 103, 104, and 105 provide longer contact times at economical costs.

Table 16-7: Rates for Turbulence

Rates for Turbulence in Various Annular Configurations (bbl/min) Density Reactive Flushes SUPER FLUSH 100 SUPER FLUSH 101 SUPER FLUSH 102 Note: lb/gal 11.7 10.0 9.6 Temp F 190 72 72 6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 4.7 1.1 0.8 8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 6.3 1.5 1.1 12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 9.0 2.3 1.9

The apparent viscosities of SUPER FLUSH 100 at room temperature and at 190F are 387 and 25 Cp, respectively. SUPER FLUSH Designation Example: SUPER FLUSH 102 contains - 1 part SUPER FLUSH 100, 2 parts Water (by volume)


January 1996

Cementing Technology Manual

Absolute Volume: 0.0538 gal/lb

Section 16 Spacers

Description and Primary Function: SUPER FLUSH is a reactive fluid which is typically used in primary cementing to improve mud displacement and cement bonding. It also helps control downhole fluid loss. When using the Double Strength design, this flush can also alleviate minor lost circulation during primary cementing and be used in plug cementing operations to prevent slurry from migrating downhole away from the plug location. SUPER FLUSH can be used with all known mud systems and cement slurries when isolated with sufficient drums of applicable, non-reactive spacers. Since the reactive ingredient is readily soluble at low temperatures, it is especially useful in cold climates. It can be weighted up to 20 lb/gal and be prepared with fresh water or seawater (see usage restriction). Secondary Function: SUPER FLUSH can be designed with additional bridging materials to help control severe lost circulation. This is normally recommended only when SUPER FLUSH 100 is not available. Interaction with Other Additives: SUPER FLUSH is highly reactive in the presence of divalent metal ions (such as calcium, i.e., cement), high saline solutions, and acids. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid eye and skin contact. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Wash clothing before wearing again. Inhaling the dust can be irritating to the respiratory system. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: SUPER FLUSH Part No.: 516.00114 Specific Gravity: 2.23 Form: powder Color: tan How Packaged: 68-lb sk Bulk Density: 32.60 lb/cu ft Water Requirement: varies with density

Solubility in Water: @ 20C, 62 g/100 ml H2O Odor: odorless pH: 11 for 20% Solution Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 450F (16C to 232C) Quantity: 5 to 60 bbl Note: Minimum non-reactive spacer volumes should be based on a casing or annulus capacity of 150 ft of fill (whichever is larger) plus 1 bbl if the pump used to insert the spacer is not clean. Special Information: Usage Restrictions: SUPER FLUSH can only be mixed with seawater if a caustic (NaOH) is first added to the seawater. A concentration of at least 28 lb caustic/10 bbl seawater is required to prevent premature gelation. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. extreme gelation/acceleration: SUPER FLUSH must be separated from cement (and other chemicals) with a minimum volume of nonreactive spacer.

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Table 16-8: SUPER FLUSH
Rates for Turbulence in VariousAnnular Configurations (bbl/min @ 120F)

SUPER FLUSH Designation Standard Strength Double Strength Weighted Weighted Weighted Note:

Density lb/gal 9.2 10.1 12.0 15.0 18.0

6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 1.7 3.7 4.9 6.0 6.7

8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 2.2 5.0 6.6 8.0 9.0

12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 4.6 10.4 13.4 17.4 18.4

Double Strength SUPER FLUSH is similar in reactivity to SUPER FLUSH 102. If more reactivity is required with a product prepared from dry material, FLO-CHEK P can be used.


January 1996

Cementing Technology Manual

Special Information:

Section 16 Spacers

Mud Flush
Description and Primary Function: Mud Flush is an aqueous solution of MF-1 and MORFLO II. This flush enhances mud displacement by diluting and chemically dispersing water-based muds and by providing turbulent flow action as it is pumped through the annulus. While MF-1 acts as a dispersant, MORFLO II conditions the pipe for improved cement bonding. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: Mud Flush can prematurely gel SUPER FLUSH. Safety and Handling Procedures: Mud Flush can cause severe eye and skin burns. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, move victim to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if the victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Give 1 quart of water or milk to dilute. If inhaled or swallowed, get prompt medical attention. Properties: Additive: Mud Flush Part No.: NIS.336 Specific Gravity: 1.01 Form: liquid Color: clear, tan How Packaged: bulk Bulk Density: 8.40 lb/gal Absolute Volume: 0.1191 gal/lb Solubility in Water: miscible Odor: mild pH: 4 to 5 Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 500F (16C to 260C) Concentration: 200 lb MF-1; 10 gal MORFLO II; 990 gal water

Usage Restrictions: When removing freshwater drilling muds, prepare Mud Flush with fresh water. Use an adequate volume of non-reactive fluid to separate Mud Flush from SUPER FLUSH. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. compatible

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Special Information: Usage Restrictions: none Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. lowers compressive strength

N-Ver-Sperse O
Description and Primary Function: N-Ver-Sperse O is a hydrocarbon-based fluid which can be used as a cementing flush when displacing oil-based muds. This flush enhances mud displacement by diluting and chemically dispersing those muds and by providing turbulent flow action. N-Ver-Sperse O is typically followed by a water-based flush containing water-wetting surfactants to improve cement bonding. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: none Safety and Handling Procedures: N-Ver-Sperse O can cause severe eye and skin burns. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Give one quart of water or milk to dilute. If inhaled or swallowed, get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: N-Ver-Sperse O Specific Gravity: 0.84 Form: liquid Color: clear, light amber How Packaged: bulk Bulk Density: 7.00 lb/gal Absolute Volume: 0.1429 gal/lb Solubility in Water: nil Odor: amine Flash Point: varies with base oil Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 350F (16C to 176C) Concentration: 100% base oil (of mud); 5% MUSOL A or MUSOL; 1% HYFLO IV


January 1996

Cementing Technology Manual

pH: 7.5 for a 1% solution Normal Range of Use in Wells:

Section 16 Spacers

Alpha Spacer
Description and Primary Function: Alpha Spacer is designed to: 1. 2. 3. separate drilling fluid from the cement slurry disperse mixtures of wellbore fluids to ensure compatibility leave the pipe and formation water-wet to improve cement bonding.

Temperature: 60F to 350F (16C to 176C) Recommended Volume: At least 500 ft of annular separation Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Must add KCl in the correct order. (See Interaction with Other Additives.) Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. compatible

This spacer can be used to displace either a wateror oil-based drilling fluid by changing the surfactant type/concentration and incorporating KCl in the design. Secondary Effect: none Interaction with Other Additives: When designing Alpha Spacer to displace an oil-based drilling fluid, always dissolve KCl in the mix water before adding the spacer mix, or the Alpha Spacer Oil Surfactant will cause the spacer to produce excessive viscosities. For water-based mud applications, adding KCl is optional, but if it is used, it can only be added after the Alpha Spacer mix has had the time to hydrate. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid getting Alpha Spacer on skin and in eyes. In case of contact, flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Inhaling the dust can be irritating to the respiratory system. Use protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with skin and eyes. Properties: Additive: Alpha Spacer Part No.: 516.00696 Specific Gravity: 1.74 Form: powder Color: tan/off white How Packaged: 50-lb sk Bulk Density: 54 lb/cu ft Water Requirement: varies with density Absolute Volume: 0.0691 gal/lb Odor: odorless

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Table 16-9: Alpha Spacer Flow Properties
Turbulent Flow Rates in Various Annular Configurations (bbl/min @ 180F)

Density lb/gal 9 12 15 18 9 12 15 18

Water Type Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh 2% KCl 2% KCl 2% KCl 2% KCl

Yield Point 2 (lb/100 ft ) 75F 16 13 15 17 18 14 19 21 180F 14 12 11 10 13 9 6 6

6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 6.9 6.5 5.7 5.9 6.7 5.7 4.7 4.3

8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 9.3 8.8 7.7 8.0 9.0 7.7 6.4 5.8

12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 19.5 17.3 15.0 14.3 18.8 15.7 12.0 10.7


January 1996

Cementing Technology Manual

Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. compatible

Section 16 Spacers

Alpha Preflush
Description and Primary Function: Alpha Preflush is a chemical wash designed to enhance the displacement of both water- and oil-based drilling fluids because it is pumped in turbulence and can dilute and disperse clays that can cause flocculation problems during cementing operations. To promote better cement bonding, one of the two Alpha Spacer surfactants is used in this preflush. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: none Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid getting Alpha Preflush on skin and in eyes. In case of contact, flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Inhaling the dust can be irritating to the respiratory system. Use protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with skin and eyes. Properties: Additive: Alpha Preflush Part No.: 516.00697 Specific Gravity: 1.22 Form: powder Color: tan How Packaged: 50-lb sk Bulk Density: 51 lb/cu ft Absolute Volume: 0.0984 gal/lb Solubility in Water: soluble Odor: nondistinctive pH: 7 for a 1% solution Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 500F (16C to 260C) Concentration: 3 lb/bbl Preflush mix and 0.2 gal/ bbl Alpha Spacer Water Surfactant or 1 to 2 gal/bbl Alpha Spacer Oil Surfactant, depending on the displaced mud type Special Information: Usage Restrictions: none

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 350F (16C to 176C) Concentration: 0.2 gal/bbl Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Must provide adequate shear to disperse surfactant. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. negligible

Alpha Spacer Water Surfactant

Description and Primary Function: Alpha Spacer Water Surfactant is commonly used in the Alpha Spacer and Alpha Preflush when displacing waterbased drilling fluids. It is used to provide better cement bonding. Secondary Effects: Since this surfactant provides a slight defoaming effect, add it to the mix water before any of the other materials. Interaction with Other Additives: none Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid getting Alpha Spacer Water Surfactant on skin and in eyes. In case of contact, flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, move to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, give two glasses of water and induce vomiting. Repeat until vomit is clear. Keep head below hips to prevent aspiration. Get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: Alpha Spacer Water Surfactant Part No.: 516.00698 Specific Gravity: 0.99 Form: liquid Color: pale yellow How Packaged: 5-gal container Bulk Density: 8.21 lb/gal Water Requirement: none Absolute Volume: 0.0122 gal/lb Solubility in Water: insoluble Odor: aromatic Flash Point: 200F pH: 5 to 10 Activity: 100% 16-28

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Cementing Technology Manual

Activity: 100% Normal Range of Use in Wells:

Section 16 Spacers

Alpha Spacer Oil Surfactant

Description and Primary Function: Alpha Spacer Oil Surfactant is commonly used in Alpha Spacer and Alpha Preflush when displacing oil-based drilling fluids. This surfactant is used to reduce interfacial viscosity and preferentially water-wet the pipe surface, promoting better cement bonding. Secondary Effects: Because this product has foaming tendencies, add it to the spacer/preflush just before it is pumped downhole. Interaction with Other Additives: It viscosifies the Alpha Spacer. Safety and Handling Procedures: Avoid getting Alpha Spacer Oil Surfactant on skin and in eyes. In case of contact, flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. If mist is inhaled, move to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If swallowed, give two glasses of water and induce vomiting. Repeat until vomit is clear. Keep head below hips to prevent aspiration. Get prompt medical attention. Use proper protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with eyes and skin. Properties: Additive: Alpha Spacer Oil Surfactant Part No.: 516.00699 Specific Gravity: 0.99 Form: liquid Color: clear How Packaged: 5-gal container Bulk Density: 8.21 lb/gal Water Requirement: none Absolute Volume: 0.0122 gal/lb Solubility in Water: soluble Odor: aromatic Flash Point: 200F pH: 5 to 10

Temperature: 60F to 350F (16C to 176C) Concentration: 1 to 2 gal/bbl Special Information: Usage Restrictions: D-AIR 3 alleviates the foaming tendencies of Alpha Spacer Oil Surfactant. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. negligible

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual

Normal Range of Use in Wells: Temperature: 60F to 250F (16C to 121C) Recommended Volume: The spacer volume should provide a minimum of 4 minutes contact, with a preferred contact time of 8 to 10 minutes, or 1,000 annular linear feet. If it is the only spacer or flush run, at least 500 ft of annular separation is needed, regardless of contact time. Special Information: Usage Restrictions: Surfactants are required when displacing oil-based muds. When surfactants or salt is used in a Spacer 500 design, a defoamer is required to reduce foaming tendencies specifically D-AIR 3, for oil-based mud applications. Effect on Slurry Properties: 1. compatible

Spacer 500
Description and Primary Function: Spacer 500 is a low toxicity, polymer-based spacer which was developed to meet environmental regulations defined by Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), and Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA). Spacer 500 can be pumped in turbulence at reasonable rates and is designed to provide a compatible interface between the cement slurry and drilling fluid. It can be formulated in fresh water, seawater, 18% salt water, and mixed at a density range of 10 to 18 lb/gal. Spacer 500 can be used to displace both water-based and oil-based drilling fluids. Secondary Effects: none Interaction with Other Additives: Always prehydrate Spacer 500 in the mixing water before any salt is added, or the spacer blend will not yield properly, and settling problems could result. Safety and Handling Procedures: This product contains materials that are considered nonhazardous and virtually nontoxic. Avoid getting Spacer 500 on skin or in eyes. In case of contact, flush eyes and/or skin with plenty of water. If irritation persists, get medical attention. Inhaling the dust can be irritating to the respiratory system. Use protective equipment to avoid inhaling the dust and contact with skin and eyes. Properties: Additive: Spacer 500 Part No.: 516.00727 Specific Gravity: 2.30 Form: powder Color: tan/grey How Packaged: 50-lb sk Bulk Density: 54.87 lb/cu ft Water Requirement: varies with density Absolute Volume: 0.052 gal/lb Solubility in Water: forms a gel Odor: odorless to slightly fishy


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Cementing Technology Manual

Table 16-10: Spacer 500

Section 16 Spacers

Rates for Turbulence in Various Annular Configuration (bbl/min @ 160F) Density lb/gal 10 14 18 10 14 18 10 14 18 10 14 18

Water Type Fresh Fresh Fresh


Yield Point 2 (lb/100 ft ) 75F 3 5 4 5


6 1/2-in. hole 5-in. pipe 3.0 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.5 5.8 2.6 3.4 4.2 3.0 3.6 5.1

8 1/2-in. hole 7-in. pipe 4.1 4.6 4.8 5.2 6.1 7.8 3.5 4.6 5.6 4.1 4.8 6.9

12 1/4-in. hole 9 5/8-in. pipe 8.3 8.3 9.0 10.3 11.7 14.7 6.7 8.6 11.2 8.3 10.0 14.8

160F 3 3 5 4 6 10 2 5 11 3 6 14

Fresh Fresh Fresh Sea Sea Sea 18% Salt 18% Salt 18% Salt

8 12 3 4 7 6 11 20

Improved suspension and high-temperature application designs.

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Section 16 Spacers

Cementing Technology Manual


January 1996

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