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Osaline keelekümblus 5.

Klassis  (105 tundi)

Osaline keelekümblusklassid erinevad tavaklassidest materjali sügavamast uuringust ja mõistmist.


Insight Elementary, Fiona Beddall

Workbook, iTools
Online Practice
Test Bank
Grammar : Insight Elementary

Õpetaja: Polina Krivonoy


V klassi lõpetaja:

1. Kuulamine

• Saab aru õpetajate käsust ja reageerib adekvaatselt

• Saab aru lihtsamatest ja tuntumatest sõnadest tekstides

2. Rääkimine

• Teab ja oskab nimetada riike, nende pealinnasid ja rahvusi

• Tutvustama ennast, oma kaaslasi, perest
• Oskab kirjeldada klassikaaslasi
• Oskab paluma 
• Teab järjestikuseid ja kvantitatiivseid numbreid
• Teab kuupäevi
• Teab nädalapäevi ja kuud
• Teab kooli tunde 
• Jutustab oma päevast, huvidest ja vaba ajast, ilmast, lemmiktoidust jne.
• Jutustab oma tervislikku eleviisi
• Teab muusikariistade nimesid
• Jutustab koolielust
• Teab transpordivahendeid
• Teab juhiseid
• Oskab küsida abi
• Õpitud sõnavara raames jutustada oma oskustest
• Rääkida igapäevaelu situatsioonidest, kasutades õpitud keele vorme
• Teab sõnavara Maja teemal ja oskab kasutada 
• Oskab jutustada oma puhkusest
• Ta teab linna teemaks olevat sõnavara ja teab, kuidas kaardil navigeerida, oskab kaardil
küsimusi esitada 
• Teab sõnavara Maailma teemal, loomade ja nende elupaikade nimesid
• Teab sport ja varustus
• Saab tekstist lühidalt läbi lugeda kasutades läbinud sõnavara

3. Lugemine:

• Saab aru lühikestest kirjalikest juhenditest

• Saab aru tekstidest, kus on tutttav sõnavara
• Oskab lugeda õige intonatsiooniga
• Teab lugemise reegleid
• Oskab lugeda teksti ja mõista selle sisu
• Teab, kuidas teksti küsimustele vastata
• Oskab leida vajalikku infot ja täita ülesandeid tekstis

4. Kirjutamine:

• Oskab õigesti kirjutada sõnu;

• Õpetaja juhendamisel lõpetab laused ja sõnaväljendid;
• Kirjutada maha tahvli pealt või õpikust ilma veata;
• Iseseisvalt täita teste õpitud teemadel
• Oskab kirjutada päevade, kuude, aastaaegade nimed
• Võib kirjutada kvantitatiivseid ja järjekorranumbreid
• Tunneb algustähe ortograafiat ja teab, kuidas seda kasutada
• Oskab kirjeldada fotosid vastavalt plaanile
• Oskab kirjutada turismibrošüüri
• Oskab  kirjutada sõpradele mitteametlikku kiri oma hobide ja huvide kohta
• Oskab vastata pakutud küsimustele


1. Mina ja teised (30 tundi)   

• iseloom ja välimus (6 tundi )

• enesetunne ja tervis (6 tundi )
• suhted sõprade ja lähedastega (6 tundi)
• üldised tegevused (6 tundi )
• viisakas käitumine  (6 tundi )

2. Kodu ja lähiümbrus (30 tundi)

• kodu ja selle ümbrus  (9 tundi )

• sugulased (4 tundi )
• pereliikmete elukutsed (4 tundi )
• igapäevased tegevused kodus  (9 tundi )
• viisakas käitumine  (4 tundi )

3. Riigid ja nende kultuurid (15 tundi )

• sümboolika ja daatumid  (8 tundi )

• õpitava keele riikides rääkijate kombed. (7 tundi )

4. Igapäevaelu. Õppimine ja töö  (30 tundi)

• kodused tegevused (5 tundi  )

• toitumine kodus  (5 tundi )
• kool ja klass  (5 tundi )
• koolipäev  (5 tundi )
• õppeained  (5 tundi) 
• elukutsed  (5 tundi  ).
Läbivad teemad: 

1. Tervis ja ohutus.
2. Kultuuriline identiteet
3. Väärtused ja kõlblus 
4. Tehnoloogia ja innovatsioon

Keelealased teadmised:

• nimisõna: ainsus ja mitmus, nimisõna mitmuse erivormid (man/men, tooth/teeth), aluse ja

öeldise ühildumine; omastav kääne;
• artikkel: määramata ja määratud artikkel, artikli puudumine;
• omadussõna: omadussõna ühildamine nimisõnaga; 
• arvsõna ja mõõtühikud: põhi- ja järgarvud, pikkus, kaal, vahemaa;
• asesõna: isikulised ja omastavad asesõnad (vormid my, your jne.), näitavad asesõnad (this, that,
these, those), küsivad asesõnad;
• tegusõna: põhi- ja abi-tegusõna (be, have, do), modaal-tegusõnad (can, must); 
• tegusõna vormid: ajavormid (Present Simple, Present Progressive), käskiv kõneviis;
• määrsõna: sagedusmäärsõnad always, never, ever, sometimes, again, once, twice, three times;
järjekorra määrsõnad first, next, then, finally, before, after, later, so;  
• sidesõna: and, but, or, when;
• eessõna: enam kasutatavad eessõnad (in, on, at, in front of, behind, with, over, under, to ,by, up,
down, from, past, after, before, next to); eessõnalised väljendis 
  (next to, in the middle);
• süntaks: lihtlaused, sõnade järjekord jaatavas, eitavas ja küsivas lauses, lühivastused; 
• sõnade moodustamine: liitsõnad, arvsõnade tuletusliited -teen ja -ty, nimisõnade tuletusliited  -
er и –or;
• tähestik: tähtede nimetused ja sõnade hääldamine  (spelling);
• õigekiri: suur ja väike algustäht, nimisõnade mitmuse lõpud, omadussõna võrdlusastmed,
tegusõna vormid; kirjavahemärgid: punkt, küsi- ja hüüumärk, apostroof.


1. kuulamise ja suulise kõne kogemuste arendamine, esialgse sõnavara kujundamine;

2. õpitud fraaside ja väljendite aktiivne kasutamine kontekstis;

3. oskus eristada õpitava keele häälikuid ja omandada õige hääldamine;

4. arendada oskust korrata ja siduda õpitut.

5. näitvahendite kasutamine (video, esitlused)

Vilumuste kinnistamiseks kasutatakse:

1) reageerimine teatud sõnale või fraasile (käetõstmine, osutamine esemele või kujutusele);

2) pildi täiendamine kuuldu alusel;

3) näidise järgi kopeerimine või mahakirjutamine;

4) dialoogide esitamine;

5) kuulamine ja ülesannete täitmine kuulamise alusel;

6) valjusti lugemine, jutustus pildi järgi.


Kasutatakse viiepallilist kokkuvõtlikku hindamissüsteem. Peale selle õpilased hindavad ennast ise
töövihikutes toodud skaala järgi (1-3).

Hindamise põhieesmärgid seisnevad selles, et

1. motiveerida õpilast õppima;

2. rõhutada õpilase tugevaid külgi ja edukust;

3. suunata õpilase enesehinnangu kujunemist

Jooksev hindamine:

1. kodutööd

2. suulised vastused

3. kirjalikud tööd

4. klassi tööd

Õppetrimestri kokkuvõttev hindamine:

1. Jooksev hindamine

2. kokkuvõtvad testid

Kujundav hindamine:

• Tagasiside saamine suulise või kirjaliku sõnalise hinde vormis igal õppeperioodil;

Welcome (depending on the level of students)

Learning Students:
1. Can identify nationalities. 
2. Can identify countries. 
3. Can write numbers 1-30. 
4. Can use the affirmative form of the verb be.
5. Can use the negative form of the verb be.
6. Can ask questions and give short answers using the verb be. 
7. Can identify members of the family. 
8. Can use possessive adjectives. 
9. Can use feelings adjectives. 
10.Can use regular and irregular plural nouns. 
11.Can use have got. 
12.Can use appearance adjectives. 
13.Can use object pronouns.
14.Can use a, an andthe. 
15.Can write numbers 31+. 
16.Can use ordinals and dates. 

Learning Evaluation
Contents Map of Resources
Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Pair work: Section A: SB pages 4-5, WB page 4 Progress

reading and Check Unit
the alphabet; Vocabulary Bank, Countries and
listening to the W, WB page
countries and nationalities, page 124
dialogue, 11
learning the Section B: SB pages 6-7, WB page 5
talking about
interests; numbers Grammar and reference practice W.1,
spelling names,
1-30, family; WB page 112
completing the
culture quiz, Section C: SB pages 8-9, WB page 6
asking and
adjectives; days Grammar and reference practice W.2,
months and W.3 WB page 112
seasons; numbers
ng the sentences
31+; ordinals and Section D: SB pages 10-11, WB page
to the blog post,
dates 7
Grammar:  questions, Grammar and reference practice W.4,
practising W5, W6 WB page 113
be: affirmative, possessives,
negative, Vocabulary bank, Colours page 125
reading and
questions and learning the Section E: SB pages 12-13, WB
short answers;
adjectives; plural
nouns; this, that,
rules, matching
these, those; have
adjectives with
got; object pages 8-9
their opposites,
pronouns; a/an
completing Vocabulary bank, The Time, page
and the
sentences, 125
Speaking:  completing the
description of
ask and answer
the photo.
about yourself,
family and your

Unit 1:That’s life.10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)


1. Can understand a text about a daily routine. 

2. Can talk about their daily routine. 
3. Can use prepositions of time to talk about when they do things. 
4. Can use the present simple with he. sheand it. 
5. Can identify when to use the present simple. 
6. Can use the present simple in affirmative and negative
Learning sentences. 
outcomes 7. Can understand a text about British schools. 
8. Can identify school subjects. 
9. Can use the present simple to ask and answer questions. 
10.Can use question words with the present simple. 
11.Can talk about transport and journeys. 
12.Can understand classroom instructions. 
13.Can use capital letters correctly 
14.Can complete a questionnaire. 
15.Can write a questionnaire. 

Learning Evaluation
Contents Map of Resources
Activities and Testing
Vocabulary:  Labelling photos Section A: SB pages 14-15, WB page Review 1,
in pairs, 12 page 23
daily routines;
checking the
prepositions of Teacher’s resource disk, Pronunciatio
answers while
time; school Communication worksheet 1A n insight 1,
subjects; transport WB page
guessing the Section B: SB pages 16-17, WB page
Grammar:  words meanings, 13
completing the Progress
present simple: text, studying Grammar and reference practice 1.1,
check Unit
affirmative and prepositions, WB page 114
1, WB page
negative; present listening and Section C: SB pages 18-19, WB page 19
simple: questions reading 14
and short answers; comprehension Language
question words  exercises, Grammar and reference practice 1.2, and skills

matching the 1.3 WB pages 114-115 tests 1A, 1B,

questions to the Test Bank
Vocabulary bank, Classroom items,
daily routine; answers, in pairs
page 126
friends and planning the
family; school; perfect school, Teacher’s resource disk,
transport; labelling photos, Communication worksheet 1A
classroom learning to write
language  Teacher’s resource disk, DVD
a questionnaire.
extra+worksheet, School life, page
Writing: 19

answering a Section D: SB pages 20-21, WB page

questionnaire  15

Vocabulary bank, Classroom

language, page 126

Teacher’s resource disk,

Communication worksheet 1B

Section E: SB pages 22-23, WB page

Teacher’s resource disk, Writing
bank, Functional language bank

Unit 2: Time out.10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)


1. Can understand a text about free-time activities. 

2. Can express my likes and dislikes. 
3. Can talk about different sports. 
4. Can use the correct verb with sport nouns. 
5. Can use adverbs of frequency. 
Learning 6. Can use can/can’t to talk about ability.
outcomes 7. Can recognize and use antonyms. 
8. Can recognize spelling patterns. 
9. Can change adjectives into adverbs of manner. 
10.Can make and respond to requests. 
11.Can write a letter correctly. 
12.Can use linking words in a sentence. 
13.Can plan an informal letter. 

Learning Evaluation
Contents Map of Resources
Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Matching Section A: SB pages 24-25, WB page Review 2,

activities to the 20 page 33
icons, working
activities; likes Vocabulary bank, Sports, page 127 Pronunciatio
in pairs,
and dislikes; n insight 2,
checking the Teacher’s resource disk,
musical WB page
answers as a Communication worksheet 2B
instruments; 132
class, skim-
adverbs of manner Section B: SB pages 26-27, WB page
reading the text, Progress
answering the 21
Grammar:  check Unit
questions, Grammar and reference practice 2.1, 2, WB page
adverbs of discussing WB page 115 27
frequency: questions in
can/can’t for pairs, completing Vocabulary bank, Sports Language
ability and skills
collocations: play, go, do, page 127

Teacher’s resource disk,

Communication worksheet 2A

Section C: SB pages 28-29, WB page

22 tests 2A, 2B,
Test Bank
Grammar and reference practice 2.2,
Speaking: grammar
WB page 116 Cumulative
free-time listening review Units
Teacher’s resource disk,
activities; healthy comprehension 1-2, pages
Communication worksheet 2B
lifestyle; music exercises, 34-35
and band camp; discussing ideas Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra
requests with can in pairs, talking + worksheet, A famous music school,
insight 1,
and could about languages, page 29
WB page 92
Writing: learning to write
Section D: SB pages 30-31, WB page
an informal Exam
an informal letter  letter. insight1,
Grammar and reference practice 2.3, WB page
WB page 117 102

Section E: SB pages 32-33, WB page


Teacher’s resource disk, Writing

bank, Functional language bank

Unit 3: Home and away.10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)

Learning Students:
1. Can understand a text about houses of the future. 
2. Can talk about rooms and features in the home. 
3. Can use prepositions of place to describe where things are. 
4. Can use a/an, some and any. 
5. Can write sentences using there is/there are with a/some/any. 
6. Can talk about places in a town. 
7. Can use the possessive ‘s. 
8. Can use possessive pronouns and whose. 
9. Can identify places where we live. 
10.Can ask for and give directions. 
11.Can use sequencers in a tourist guide or text. 
12.Can plan a tourist guide. 

Learning Evaluation
Contents Map of Resources
Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Individual Section A: SB pages 36-37, WB page Review 3,

brainstorming on 28 page 45
inside and outside
topic vocabulary,
the home; Vocabulary bank, In the home, page Pronunciatio
prepositions of 128 n insight 3,
sentences in
place; city to WB page
pairs, reading the Teacher’s resource disk,
country 133
text for true Communication worksheet 3A
Grammar:  information, Progress
matching Section B: SB pages 38-39, WB page
check Unit
there is/there are prepositions to 29
3, WB page
with some/any; the pictures, Grammar and reference practice 3.1, 35
possessive ‘s; recording WB page 117
whose and vocabulary with Language
possessive pictures, Vocabulary bank, Around town, page and skills
pronouns answering 128 tests 3A, 3B,

questions about Test Bank

Speaking: Teacher’s resource disk,
home, matching
Communication worksheet 3A
your home; your pictures and
city; possessions; titles, completing Section C: SB pages 40-41, WB page
asking for and grammar 30
giving directions practise
Grammar and reference practice 3.2,
Writing: 3.3, WB page 118
speaking in
a tourist guide  pairs, discussing Teacher’s resource disk,
questions, Communication worksheet 2B
rewriting the
Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra
+ worksheet, A room with a view?,
page 41

Section D: SB pages 42-43, WB page

phrases, asking
for and giving
directions in Teacher’s resource disk,
pairs, learning to Communication worksheet 3B
write a tourist
Section E: SB pages 44-45, WB page

Teacher’s resource disk, Writing

bank, Functional language bank

Unit 4: The natural world.10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)


1. Can identify different geographical features. 

2. Can name different animals. 
3. Can use animal verbs. 
4. Can use strategies to learn and remember new vocabulary. 
5. Can talk about different types of pets. 
6. Can use the present continuous to talk about things happening at
Learning the moment. 
outcomes 7. Can describe the weather. 
8. Can use the adjective suffix –y to change nouns into adjectives. 
9. Can use the present simple and the present continuous in the
correct situations. 
10.Can name different activities. 
11.Can talk about different activities. 
12.Can make suggestions. 
13.Can respond to suggestions. 
14.Can express uncertainty. 
15.Can describe photos. 

Contents Learning Map of Resources Evaluation

Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Reading Section A: SB pages 46-47, WB page Review 4,

comprehension 36 page 55
the natural world;
animal verbs; Vocabulary bank, Animals, page 129 Pronunciatio
describing n insight 4,
definitions to the Section B: SB pages 48-49, WB page
weather; adjective WB page
photos, working 37
suffix –y; outdoor 133
in pairs,
activities Grammar and reference practice 4.1,
answering the Progress
questions, WB page 119
Grammar:  check Unit
completing Vocabulary bank, Pets, page 129 4, WB page
presentcontinuous; exercises,
present simple or recording words Teacher’s resource disk,
present in context, Communication worksheet 4A Language
continuous? making notes and skills
Section C: SB pages 50-51, WB page tests 4A, 4B,
Speaking: about animals,
38 Test Bank
animals; holidays; questions, asking Grammar and reference practice 4.2, Cumulative
weather; outdoor and answering WB page 120 review Units
activities; making questions,
Teacher’s resource disk, 1-4, pages
suggestions listening for
Communication worksheet 4A 56-57
information, Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra Literature
describing a photo describing + worksheet, Measuring the weather , insight 2,
photos, learning page 51 WB page 94
to write a
Section D: SB pages 52-53, WB page Exam
description of a
39 insight2,
WB page
Teacher’s resource disk, 104
Communication worksheet 4b

Section E: SB pages 54-55, WB page


Teacher’s resource disk, Writing

bank, Functional language bank

Unit 5:Food, glorious food.10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)


1. Can talk about different types of food. 

2. Can use compound nouns. 
3. Can make a word web to help themselves record vocabulary. 
4. Can understand text about unusual diets. 
5. Can identify countable and uncountable nouns. 
6. Can use some and any with countable and uncountable nouns. 
Learning 7. Can use much, many and a lot of with countable and uncountable
outcomes nouns. 
8. Can understand a text about traditional food. 
9. Can identify objects on the dinner table. 
10.Can talk about food using quantities. 
11.Can use a little and a few with countable and uncountable
12.Can use opinion adjectives. 
13.Can order food in a restaurant. 
14.Can use linking words of addition. 
15.Can write about a festival. 

Learning Evaluation
Contests Map of Resources
Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Reading and Section A: SB pages 58-59, WB page Review 5

listening 44 page 67
food; compound
nouns; on the Vocabulary bank, Food, page 130 Pronunciatio
exercises, mind-
dinner table; n insight 5,
mapping, Section B: SB pages 60-61, WB page
opinion adjectives WB page
making 45
Grammar:  compound
nouns, Grammar and reference practice 5.1,
countable and discussing 5.2WB pages 120 -121
check Unit
uncountable questions in Teacher’s resource disk, 5, WB page
nouns; much, pairs, answering
Communication worksheet 5A

Section C: SB pages 62-63, WB page

the questions,
completing the Grammar and reference practice 5.3,
dialogue and the WB page 121
factfile, planning
many, a lot of; a Vocabulary bank, Food quantities, 51
a farm for the
little, a few page 130
school, Language
Speaking: discussing the Teacher’s resource disk, and skills
questions in Communication worksheet 5A tests 5A, 5B,
food and you;
pairs, working Test Bank
school farm; your Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra
with a dictionary
favourite dish; + worksheet, Borough market , page Cumulative
in pairs, talking
ordering food 63 language
in pairs about
and skills
Writing: local dishes,
Section D: SB pages 64-65, WB page tests 1-5A,
labelling the
description of a 47 1-5B, Test
photos, writing a
festival Bank
dialogue, Teacher’s resource disk,
learning to write Communication worksheet 5B
a description of a
Section E: SB pages 66-67, WB page

Teacher’s resource disk, Writing

bank, Functional language bank

Unit 6: Material world.10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)

Learning Students:
1. Can describe clothes and accessories. 
2. Can talk about different shops. 
3. Can use negative prefixes. 
4. Can form comparative adjectives and use the comparative in
5. Can compare things. 
6. Can use shopping vocabulary. 
7. Can form superlative adjectives and use the superlative in
8. Can talk about different gadgets. 
9. Can use verbs to describe actions with clothes. 
10.Can use phrases for buying clothes. 
11.Can use a variety of adjectives to express their opinion. 
12.Can write a review. 

Learning Evaluation
Contents Map of Resources
Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Working with Section A: SB pages 68-69, WB page Review 6,

new vocabulary, 52 page 77
clothes and
checking new
accessories; Vocabulary bank, Shops, page 131 Pronunciatio
words in a
shopping and n insight 6,
dictionary, Teacher’s resource disk,
clothes words; WB page
studying the Communication worksheet 6B
negative prefixes; 134
words inpairs,
shopping; gadgets  Section B: SB pages 70-71, WB page
scanning the text Progress
for detail, 53
Grammar:  check Unit
discussing the Grammar and reference practice 6.1, 6, WB page
comparative questions in WB page 122 59
adjectives; groups, checking
superlative as a class, Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra Language
adjectives reading the blog + worksheet, Shopping in London, and skills

post, completing page 71 tests 6A, 6B,

the text, listening Test Bank
Teacher’s resource disk,
clothes and you; to the text and
Communication worksheet 6A Cumulative
shopping; living answering the review Units
without the questions, Section C: SB pages 72-73, WB page 1-6, pages
internet; buying reading the 54 78-79
clothes strategy,
Grammar and reference practice 6.2, Literature
completing the
Writing: WB page 123
factfile, insight 3,
gadget review discussing the Teacher’s resource disk, WB page 96
Communication worksheet 6B

Teacher’s resource disk,

Communication worksheet 6A
TV programme,
Section D: SB pages 74-75, WB page
working with the
dialogue, Exam
composing a Vocabulary bank, Clothes, page 131 insight3,
new dialogue, WB page
Teacher’s resource disk,
learning to write 106
Communication worksheet 6B
a review of a
gadget. Section E: SB pages 76-77, WB
pages 58

Teacher’s resource disk, Writing

bank, Functional language bank

Unit 7: It’s tough!10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)


1. Can identify parts of the body. 

2. Can change verbs to -er/-or nouns. 
3. Can describe housework. 
4. Can talk about obligation using have to and don’t have to. 
5. Can use should and shouldn’t to talk about good and bad ideas. 
Learning 6. Can understand a text about European settlers in the USA in
outcomes 1620. 
7. Can use antonyms of adjectives. 
8. Can use the past simple for of be.
9. Ca use can in past simple sentences. 
10.Can use vocabulary about health problems and treatments. 
11.Can use illness collocations. 
12.Can talk about illness and give advice. 
13.Can make suggestions and give advice. 
14.Can write a letter of advice. 

Contents Learning Map of Resources Evaluation

Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Matching the Section A: SB pages 80-81, WB page Review 7

pictures with the 60 page 89
parts of the body;
words, speaking
noun suffixes –er Teacher’s resource disk, Pronunciatio
in pairs about the
and or; opposite Communication worksheet 7A n insight 7,
pictures, reading
adjectives; health WB page
comprehension Section B: SB pages 82-83, WB page
Grammar:  tasks, speaking 61
with partner Progress
should, shouldn’t, about a sport Grammar and reference practice 7.1,
check Unit
have to, don’t event, discussing WB page 123
7, WB page
have to; past the questions to Vocabulary bank, Housework, page 67
simple: be and the photos, 132
can matching the Language

problems to Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra and skills

advice, + worksheet, Cleaning beaches , page tests 7A, 7B,
sports discussing how 83 Test Bank
competitions; to organise an
Teacher’s resource disk,
after-school clubs; after-school
Communication worksheet 7B
health problems; club, completing
talking about reading Section C: SB pages 84-85, WB page
illness comprehension 62
tasks, labelling
Writing: Grammar and reference practice 7.2,
the problems,
WB page 125
a letter of advice  listening tasks,
discussing the Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra
factfile as a + worksheet, A famous music school,
class, talking page 29
about illness,
Section D: SB pages 86-87, WB page
writing a letter
of advice.
Vocabulary bank, Health problems,
page 132

Section E: SB pages 88-89, WB

pages 66

Teacher’s resource disk, Writing

bank, Functional language bank

Teacher’s resource disk,

Communication worksheet 7B

Unit 8:Life story.10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)


1. Can talk about life stages. 

2. Can identify types of jobs. 
3. Can use adjective suffixes –ful and –al. 
4. Can use past time expressions. 
5. Can use past simple affirmative regular verbs. 
Learning 6. Can use past simple affirmative irregular verbs. 
outcomes 7. Can understand a text about great writers. 
8. Can identify different types of writing. 
9. Can use the past simple negative. 
10.Can ask questions using the past simple. 
11.Can use past simple short answers. 
12.Can make collocations with take. 
13.Can talk about a weekend in the past. 
14.Can use narrative adverbs. 
15.Can write a narrative. 

Learning Evaluation
Contents Map of Resources
Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Discussing life Section A: SB pages 90-91, WB page Review 8,

stages in pairs, 68 page 99
life stages;
reading the text
adjective suffixes: Vocabulary bank, Jobs, page 133 Pronunciatio
for more ideas,
-ful and –al; types n insight 8,
working in pairs, Teacher’s resource disk,
of writing; take WB page
telling the Communication worksheet 2B
collocations 135
stories, making
Section B: SB pages 92-93, WB page
adjectives from
discussing the Grammar and reference practice 8.1,
questions in 8.2 WB page 126
pairs, completing
Vocabulary bank, Past time
Grammar:  listening and Progress
expressions, page 133
grammar check Unit
past simple 8, WB page
exercises, Teacher’s resource disk,
affirmative: 75
listening for gist Communication worksheet 8B
regular and
and for detail,
irregular verbs; Section C: SB pages 94-95, WB page Language
past simple: 70 and skills
negative, tests 8A, 8B,
with a partner, Grammar and reference practice 8.3,
questions, short Test Bank
learning WB page 127
information Cumulative
about great Teacher’s resource disk, review Units
writes, Communication worksheet 8B 1-8, pages
people and their discussing types 100-101
Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra
jobs; people you of writing,
+ worksheet, The magic ofRoald Literature
respect; important matching the
Dahl, page 95 insight 4,
events in history; words to
talking about your WB page 98
thedefinitions, Section D: SB pages 96-97 , WB
weekend identifying and page 71 Exam
using insight4,
Writing: Teacher’s resource disk,
collocations, WB page
Communication worksheet 8A
a narrative  talking about the 108
weekend, Section E: SB pages 98-99, WB
preparing a pages 74
Teacher’s resource disk, Writing
learning to write
bank, Functional language bank
a narrative.

Unit 9: Changes.10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)

Learning Students:
1. Can describe people. 
2. Can identify different materials. 
3. Can use like in different ways. 
4. Can use going toto talk about future plans. 
5. Can understand a text about New Year celebrations. 
6. Can transform verbs into nouns using suffixes –tion and –ment. 
7. Can use will to talk about future predictions.
8. Can use phrasal verbs. 
9. Can use phrasal verbs to talk about phone calls. 
10.Can use formal and informal phrases for phone calls. 
11.Can use informal phrases in an email. 
12.Can write an informal email about future plans. 

Learning Evaluation
Contents Map of Resources
Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Matching the Section A: SB pages 102-103, WB Review 9,

pictures to page 76 page 111
describing people;
different uses of Vocabulary bank, Materials, page Pronunciatio
learning new
like; noun suffixes 134 n insight 9,
vocabulary with
–ion, -ment; WB page
a partner, writing Teacher’s resource disk,
phrasal verbs 136
summaries, Communication worksheet 9A
Grammar:  reading the text Progress
and answering Section B: SB pages 104-105, WB
check Unit
going to: plans the questions, page 77
9, WB page
Speaking: speaking with a Grammar and reference practice 9.1, 83
classmate about WB page 128
physical different events, Language
appearance; completing an Teacher’s resource disk, and skills
sculpture and art; email, listening Communication worksheet 9B tests 9A, 9B,
future plans; comprehension Test Bank
Section C: SB pages 106-107, WB
predictions and tasks, discussing
page 78
resolutions; the questions,
discussing a making plans, Grammar and reference practice 9.2,
business idea; matching photos WB page 128
talking on the and countries,
phone Section D: SB pages 108-109, WB
page 79

making Vocabulary bank, On the phone:

predictions, phrasal verbs, page 134
Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra
Writing: vocabulary,
+ worksheet, i-magazine for teens,
an informal email  page 108
techniques, Section E: SB pages 110-111, WB
writing an pages 82
informal letter.
Teacher’s resource disk, Writing
bank, Functional language bank

Unit 10: Explore.10-14 lessons (depending on the level of students)


1. Can identify holiday places and types of holidays. 

2. Can use prepositions of place in, on and at. 
3. Can use the present perfect with regular verbs in affirmative
sentences and negative sentences to describe experiences. 
4. Can use the present perfect with irregular verbs in affirmative
and negative sentences. 
Learning 5. Can understand a text about travel in the USA. 
Outcomes 6. Can use American English words. 
7. Can use present perfect questions and short answers. 
8. Can use ever and never with the present perfect. 
9. Can use travel collocations. 
10.Can use holiday phrasal verbs. 
11.Can use phrases to find out information for tourists. 
12.Can use linking words so and because. 
13.Can write a profile. 

Learning Evaluation
Contents Map of Resources
Activities and Testing

Vocabulary:  Speaking in Section A: SB pages 112-113, WB Review 10,

holiday places; pairs about page 84 page 121
prepositions of adventures,
Vocabulary bank, Types of holidays, Pronunciatio
place in, on, at; choosing correct
page 135 n insight 10,
US English; travel vocabulary to
WB page
collocations describe Teacher’s resource disk, DVD extra +
pictures, worksheet, Venice at risk, page 29
practising Progress
present perfect: grammar, talking Teacher’s resource disk, check Unit
to a partner Communication worksheet 10B
affirmative and 10, WB page
negative; present about life Section B: SB pages 114-115, WB 91
perfect: questions, experiences, page 85
learning Language
short answers,
information Grammar and reference practice 10.1, and skills
with ever/never
about the USA, WB page 129 tests 10A,
Speaking: recognising 10B, Test
Irregular verb list, WB page 126 Bank
travel and tourism; varieties of
life experiences; English, asking Teacher’s resource disk, Cumulative
questions about and answering Communication worksheet 10A review Units
holidays; tourist questions, 1-10, pages
Section C: SB pages 116-117, WB
information completing 122-123
page 86
Writing: advice,speaking Grammar and reference practice 10.2, Literature
about holidays 10.3 WB pages 130-131 insight 5,
a profile 
with a classmate, WB page
Teacher’s resource disk, 100
role-playing the
Communication worksheet 10A
learning to write Section D: SB pages 118-119, WB insight5,
a personal page 87 WB page
Vocabulary bank, Holidays: phrasal
verbs, page 135 Cumulative
Section E: SB pages 120-121, WB
and skills
pages 90
tests 1-10A,
Teacher’s resource disk, Writing 1-10B, Test
bank, Functional language bank Bank

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