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Name: Janees Sara Buttar

Reg no#: 50972

Title: Twelve years of Slave

Genres: History, Drama, Historical drama


Q. Compose a review of 500 words on a book that you have recently read.

Book Review

“Slavery is theft – theft of a life, theft of work, theft of any property or

produce, theft even of the children a slave might have borne.”

~Kevin Bales~
I was expecting to be more affected by the pain and violence that I knew slaves experienced at
the hands of their masters. However, I found myself more affected by the psychological pain that
they had to endure. This book is told from the view point of a man who was a slave. I felt quite
ignorant about American history while reading this narrative. I was unaware that there was a
time when some blacks were free while others were enslaved. As difficult as it is for me to read
anything related to slavery, I believe it is important for stories like this one to be heard. I’m in
wonder at how much resilience African-American slaves showed.

I’m embarrassed to say I had no idea that this was a true story. I find it odd that I’d never heard
of this particular slave narrative, given how powerful and informative it is. I decided to read it
after all the media frenzy surrounding the novel. As this reluctant hero, the actor draws us behind
his eyes to reveal a man trying to resolve his life as he hopes to live each new day, He inhabits
the position with an experience of ardor and cognizance that brings a proper power to every
moment. While we might also additionally by no means realize how such acts of selfishness have
broken generations, “12 Years a Slave” reminds us of the power of perseverance to confront and
survive. Though difficult to watch, 12 Years a Slave is most definitely worth reading, especially
with more mature children or teenagers. It is touching, and maintains you on the threshold of
your seat as you experience an inkling of the ache Solomon is going thru blossom to your
personal heart, from, the absolutely brilliant actors and script.

But overall, another important non-fiction story for all to read and remember. Slavery is
definitely a part of history we never should repeat and racism should have no place in our
society. Learning and responding accordingly are the best course of action to prevent darkness
like this from taking hold again.

The character of Solomon and the major part of his life of which he spends in prison left the
strongest impression because Solomon was the person in this story who lives in USA and was
being tortured due to the jealousy between Americans and Africans in 18th century, he was kept
in a jail for twelve years despite he was a skilled full person but due to the war of black man and
white man he was giving his sacrifices for his nation and at that time no one was there to help
him and bring him out of this situation and use his skills in a positive way but after wards when
he released from jail he record his experience in abolitionism movement from where he got fame
of using his skills.

I can relate this story for presently where we have lots of examples like in Afghanistan Taliban’s
sacrifices a lot but the government of that time was giving so much hate to these mujahedeen’s
as they are terrorists and as they have to remove peace from Afghanistan but now, we can easily
sea that Taliban’s are ruling in Afghanistan and we have lots of other examples like in barman,
philistine, sham if they will fight this war with courage and bravery, they will also win this
In this book there are many places where Northup says tremendous things but the one I like the
most is?

If I have failed in anything, it has been in presenting to the reader too prominently the
bright side of the picture.

'Northup's tale is so gruesome that he knows some people would read it and don’t believe that he
is speaking the truth.' So, he wants people to know that not only is he telling the truth, even that
slavery is considerably worse than what he tells. He also does not tell the reader what to believe,
but rather hopes that his life experience will help readers "develop their own opinions of the
'peculiar institution.'" His story's moral weight speaks for itself. And I believe. Anyone who
reads the book will find this concept terrifying.

I would highly recommend this book to everybody but before that I want to recommend one
more book which is incident in the life of a slave girl because reader could directly down into the
dart pit of horrors that was slavery and that describe period of history in enough details so
everybody could understand not only with the mind but also even more importantly with the

12 years a slave is worth reading because personally I like the message of this book that people
don’t just deserve the capacity to survive but to live and we must make a cultural change that
urges us to do something, anything and everything to end human trafficking.

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