544.8r 16 Report On Indirect Method To Obtain Stress Strain Response of Fiber Reinforced Concrete

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Report on Indirect

Method to Obtain Stress­

Strain Response of Fiber­
Reinforced Concrete
Reported by ACI Committee 544


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American Concrete Institute
Always advancing
First Printing
American Concrete Institute
Always advancing
March 2016
ISBN: 978-1-942727-72-9

Report on Indirect Method to Obtain Stress-Strain Response of Fiber-Reinforced

Concrete (FRC)

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ACI 544.8R-16

Report on Indirect Method to Obtain Stress-Strain

Response of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (FRC)

Reported by ACI Committee 544

Barzin Mobasher't, Chair Clifford N. MacDonald, Membership SecretarY

Neven Krstulovic-Opara', Secretary

Carina-Maria A Idea Rishi Gupta Max L. Porter Consulting Members

Emmanuel K. Attiogbe George C. Hoff Venkataswamy Ramakrishnan P.N. Balaguru
Nemkumar Banthia John Jones Klaus Alexander Rieder Hiram Price Ball Jr.
Joaquim Oliveira Barros' David A. Lange Pierre Rossi Arnon Bentur
Gordon B. Batson Maria Lopez de Murphy Surendra P. Shah Andrzej M. Brandt
Peter H. Bischoff Michael A. Mahoney Flavia de Andrade Silva James I. Daniel
Jean-Phi Iippe Charron Bruno Massicotte Kay Wille Sidney Freedman
Xavier Destree Christian Meyer Robert C. Zellers Melvyn A. Galinatl
Ashish Dubey James Milligan Lihe Zhang Henry J. Malloy
Mahmut Ekenel Nicholas C. Mitchell Jr. Antoine E. Naaman
Liberato Ferrara Gerald H. Morton *Members of the subcommittee that

Gregor D. Fischer Antoine E. Naaman* authored this report.

IChair of the task group that drafted
Dean P. Forgeron Jeffrey L. Novak
this report.
Antonio Gallovich Giovanni A. Plizzari

Development of proper design procedures for fiber-reinforced lation of flexural data are introduced. These are divided into two
concrete (FRC) materials requires use of material tensile and general categories: elastic equivalent approach or inverse analysis
compressive stress strains that reflect the contribution offibers to method. In the elastic equivalent approach, a summary of available
the post-cracking behavior. While uniaxial tension tests provide test methods by various code agencies are presented.
the most fundamental material properties, conducting closed-loop Using back-calculation methods, tools based on the finite
tension tests are difficult to accomplish; therefore, methods based element method and analytical closed-o f rm solutions are presented.
on indirect measurement of tensile properties using flexural tests An approach is presented that uses closed-form moment-curvature
are typically used. relationships and obtains load-deflection responses for a beam of
This report presents the methodologies that are used for data three- or four-point loading. The method is used to obtain equiva­
reduction and presentation of the flexural test results in terms of lent parametric tensile stress and strain relationships for a variety
an equivalent tensile stress-strain response for FRC materials. of FRC materials. The methods are compared against the available
Existing methods for estimating uniaxial tensile stress-strain residual strength and also elastically equivalent residual strengths
response of strain-softening and hardening FRCs from flexural obtained by different specimen geometries.
beam-test data are introduced. Different approaches applied to Results for a range of FRC materials studied show the back­
beam tests based on elastic equivalent, curvefitting, or back-calcu- calculated post-peak residual tensile strength is approximately 30
to 37 percent of the elastically equivalent flexural residual strength
for specimens with different fiber types and volume fractions.
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are
Keywords: fiber-reinforced concrete; inverse analysis; tensile stress-strain
intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and
inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use
of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance
and limitations of its content and recommendations and who
will accept responsibility for the application of the material it
contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and
all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall
ACI544.8R-16 was adopted and published March 2016.
not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
Copyright © 2016, American Concrete Institute.
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CONTENTS beam test data. In many FRC systems, the contribution of

fibers is apparent after the concrete cracks and the fibers that
CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE, p. 2 bridge such cracks start to debond and pullout, thus resisting
1.1-Introduction, p. 2 its opening and generating a force that transfers the loads
1.2-Scope, p. 3 across the crack. The magnitude of load carried by the fibers
depends on the opening of the crack width; it can be normal­
CHAPTER 2-NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS, p. 3 ized with respect to the cracked area and referred to as a
2.1-Notation, p. 3 residual strength. The role that fibers play in bridging a main
2.2-Definitions, p. 4 tensile crack is therefore characterized as resisting crack
opening, also referred to as bridging force and is represented
CHAPTER 3-TENSILE AND FLEXURAL TESTING as an average effective stress and described by a tensile
AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES, p. 4 stress-crack width relationship. A majority of FRC mixtures
3 .1-Tension and flexural testing, p. 4 exhibit a distinct stress-crack width relationship that can
3 .2-Strain softening and hardening, p. 4 also be integrated with the initial elastic response of the
3 .3-Deflection softening and hardening, p. 5 composite into a combined nonlinear stress-strain response.
3 .4-Equivalent tensile stress-strain responses, p. 6 The stress-crack width relationship can be represented as
3 .5-Inverse analysis methods, p. 6 an equivalent stress-strain response by assuming a character­
istic length parameter to smear the crack width into a nominal
CHAPTER 4-TEST METHODS, p. 6 strain distribution. If mechanical tests that only focus on the
4.1-Test and specimen types, p. 6 tensile strength (ASTM C496/C496M) or flexural strength
4.2-Stress-strain diagrams, p. 7 (ASTM C78/C78M) of the FRC are conducted, this contri­
4.3-Stress-strain diagram in RILEM approach, p. 7 bution, herein referred to as residual strength, is either inac­
4.4-Flexural tensile strength frJI and residual flexural curate, not reported, or reported in terms of parameters that
tensile strengths.fR.1 and/R,4, p. 7 may not be useful for design or analysis. Furthermore, accu­
4.5-Relationship between uniaxial tensile stress and rate measurements of tension tests that capture the post-peak
flexural strength, p. 8 response are difficult to conduct; therefore, many agencies
4.6-Tensile stress-strain diagrams and strain values s1, use flexural tests as an indication of tensile response.
�>2, and s3, p. 8 While the tension test theoretically shows the true mate­
rial behavior and the flexural test represents a structural
CHAPTER 5-STRESS-STRAIN CURVES BY response, a flexural test is often used as a means of property
BAC K-CALCULATION APPROACH, p. 10 measurement. The difference between the tension and flex­
5 .!-Parametric stress-strain curves, p. 10 ural test results of many FRC materials is that in a tension
5.2-Back-calculation of flexural test data, p. 12 test, the post-peak tensile stress-crack width response does
5.3-Comparison with averaged residual strength results, not influence the maximum load obtained by the member. In
p. 12 a flexural test, however, the maximum load can be directly
5.4-Comparison with RILEM and JCI methods, p. 13 related to the residual stress levels such that the overall
behavior can be affected by the post-peak response.
CHAPTER 6-CONCLUSIONS, p. 1 3 An alternative method is to calculate post-cracking
behavior using the experimental flexural results and reduce
CHAPTER 7-REFERENCES, p. 14 them into a set of material parameters that are in compliance
Authored documents, p. 14 with the model assumptions. This topic is the subject of this
report. The testing methodologies are discussed in detail in
A PPENDIX A-SPREADSHEET-BASED INVERSE committee reports such as ACI 544.3R. The present report
ANALYSIS PROCEDURES, p. 1 6 addresses procedures to obtain an effective tensile stress­
A. l -Simplified strain-softening/hardening fiber-rein- strain curve from the experimental results.
forced concrete model, p. 16 Many structural systems that use FRC, such as structural
A.2-Derivation of moment-curvature diagram, p. 17 floors or indeterminate structures, can exhibit an increase in
A.3-Derivation of nominal flexural strength, p. 17 strength values in proportion to the residual strength, which
A.4-Simplified moment curvature diagram, p. 19 is a direct contribution of fibers; however, this parameter is
A.5-Load-deflection response, p. 20 only measured in a qualitative way using flexural tests such
A.6-Example: Three-point bending test, p. 21 as ASTM C l 609/C l 609M.
To develop and apply design procedures for FRC mate­
CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE rials, simplified equations are needed to account for the
fiber's contribution to the tensile response, especially after
1.1 -lntroduction cracking has occurred. This report addresses methods to
This report provides guidelines for obtaining uniaxial compute the stress transfer after cracking is initiated in a
stress-strain curves of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) from concrete section.

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1.2-Scope F force component in stress diagram, lb (N)

This report presents ex1stmg methods for estimating fc' uniaxial compressive strength, psi (MPa)
characteristic tensile stress-strain or tensile stress crack /eq equivalent flexural tensile strength parameter, psi
width response of strain-softening fiber-reinforced concrete (MPa)
(FRC) using flexural beam test data. Methods are proposed ft tensile strength, psi (MPa)
for strain-softening FRCs that do not exhibit distributed or fR residual flexural tensile strength parameter, psi
parallel microcracking when tested in flexural loading condi­ (MPa)
tions, and strain-softening FRCs that do exhibit distributed h, net section height, in. (mm)
or parallel microcracking when tested in flexural loading hune = distance between notch tip and cross-section top
conditions. k neutral axis depth ratio
A set of definitions for an equivalent stress-strain diagram L clear span, in. (mm)
(Naaman and Reinhardt 2006; Noghabai 1998) are presented Lf fiber length, in. (mm)
first and followed by calculation procedures for obtaining LP plastic length for crack localization in beams, in.
flexural tensile and residual flexural strengths from beam (mm)
test data. Specific coefficient values for notched beams M moment, in.-lb (N.mm)
(RILEM TC 162-TDF 2003) and third-point beams (NBN Mer moment at first cracking, in.-lb (N.mm)
B 15 238:1992) are validated. Because the coefficient values Me moment in elastic range, in.-lb (N.mm)
are not directly reported for beam types tested per ASTM M;1 moment at an intersection point, in.-lb (N.mm)
C1609/C1609M and ASTM C l 399/C1399M, this report Mn nominal flexural strength, lb-ft (N.mm)
proposes an approach to do so and compares the results Afr, nominal flexural strength at maximum deflection/
with other methods. The relationship is presented in terms curvature, in.-lb (N.mm)
of parameter-based stress coefficients that are determined Per total load at first cracking, lb (N)
using a step-by-step inverse analysis procedure in Appendix vf volume fraction of fiber
A. The report concludes with the relationship between the a normalized transitional strain (1':1,../!':er)
parameters that define the stress-strain diagram and the �erit = normalized critical tensile strain
experimental flexural residual strengths. ���� normalized tensile strain at maximum stress (1':1,/!':cr)
The proposed approach has several drawbacks, as it is for 811 maximum deflection, in. (mm)
a one-dimensional material behavior model, and yields an f:e compressive strain
effective stress-strain response based on the model assump­ !':cr first cracking tensile strain
tions of trilinear tension and bilinear compression. Further­ f:eu maximum compressive strain
more, because the results of back-calculation are size- and f:cy compressive strain at yielding
geometry-dependent, the procedure is presented for test data !':; strain value at a point along the stress strain
obtained from ASTM C1609/C1609M specimens. Other response, in./in. (mm/mm)
geometries and specimen dimensions may need to be corre­ !':peak= strain value corresponding to tensile strength, in./
lated with standard-sized specimens. The method can be in. (mm/mm)
applied to any size specimen and the results can be used for f:t tensile strain
comparative basis. Different beam sizes may yield different !':If.,. transitional tensile strain (a x !':cr)
stress-strain values because of the size effect. The subject 1':111 maximum tensile strain
of the size effect is not addressed in this document because q, curvature, 1/in. (1/mm)
the majority of the flexural test specimens are in the narrow <Per curvature at first cracking, 1/in. (1/mm)
range of 4 x 4 to 6 x 6 in. (100 x 100 to 150 x 150 mm) <Pit curvature at an intersection point, 1/in. (1/mm)
size. Comprehensive sets of data with different fiber types <Pu maximum curvature, 1/in. (1/mm)
and specimen sizes have been analyzed using back-calcula­ 11 ratio of Ee,JEc
tion procedures, and a comparative evaluation of the results A normalized top compressive strain (f:ci!':er)
are discussed in recent publications (Bakhshi et a!. 2014; Aeu normalized maximum compressive strain (f:e,/!':er)
Mobasher et a!. 2014). A111 normalized compressive strain when bottom fiber
reaches maximum tensile strain
CHAPTER 2-NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS ll normalized post-peak residual tensile strength
llcrit = normalized post-peak residual tensile strength for
2.1 -Notation elastic perfectly plastic moment-curvature response
b beam width, in. (mm) Gc compressive stress, psi (MPa)
c1, c2, c3, C; Gcy compressive yield strength, psi (MPa)
constants for definition of tensile stress strain curve G; stress value at a point along the stress strain
d beam depth, in. (mm) response, psi (MPa)
E Young's modulus, psi (MPa) G1 tensile stress, psi (MPa)
Ee Young's modulus, psi (MPa) co compressive-to-tensile strength ratio (f:cyEI!':erE)
Eer equivalent Young's modulus of a cracked tension
member, psi (MPa)
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2.2-Definitions strain softening fiber-reinforced-fiber-reinforced

ACI provides a comprehensive list of definitions through concrete composite with a primarily linear elastic ascending
an online resource, " ACI Concrete Terminology," https:// tensile stress-strain curve up to the same point representing
www.concrete.org/store/productdetail.aspx?ItemiD=CT13 . both the first cracking and peak stress, followed by a reduc­
Definitions provided herein complement that resource. tion in stress as the strain is increased.
bend-over point-tensile stress measured at the onset of strain hardening fiber-reinforced-fiber-reinforced
first cracking (in a uniaxial tension test); this point is consid­ concrete composite with a primarily linear elastic ascending
ered as tensile yield point or limit of proportionality. tensile stress-strain curve up to the first cracking, microcrack
crack bridging-ability of the fibers to extend from one coalescence, and a post-elastic portion characterized by an
face of a crack to the opposite side and transfer load during increase in the stress with a much lower effective stiffness
crack opening to the opposite face. (representing tension stiffening) up to the maximum stress.
crack mouth opening displacement-measure of crack unstable crack propagation-uncontrolled and dynamic
length extension beyond the tip of a notch created at the extension and widening of a crack that is not solely depen­
center of a beam specimen subjected to flexural loads in a dent on additional load on the specimen.
three-point bending configuration.
deflection hardening-multiple cracking accompanied CHAPTER 3-TENSILE AND FLEXURAL TESTING
by an increase in flexural strength after first cracking due to AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES
strain hardening of the bridging material.
deflection softening-flexural response with a primarily 3.1-Tension and flexural testing
linear elastic ascending branch up to the first flexural Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) materials have been
cracking, followed by an immediate reduction in load with extensively studied under direct tension loading conditions.
increasing deflection. Due to brittleness of the material, problems in conducting
first crack strength-stress corresponding to the load stable tension tests that must be addressed include:
at first crack for a fiber-reinforced concrete composite in a) Inherent instability of crack propagation from one side
bending or tension. of the specimen to the other that changes the uniformity of
flexural toughness-area under the flexural load-deflec­ applied deformation
tion curve obtained from a static test of a specimen up to b) Difficulty in control testing protocol and control mode
a specified deflection, which is an indication of the energy due to brittleness and sudden crack growth in the material
absorption capability of a material. c) Test results that are significantly influenced by the
limit of proportionality-flexural stress measured at the support boundary conditions of fixed or free, specimen size,
onset of first cracking (in a bending test). and notched versus unnotched specimens (Van Mier 1996)
microcrack coalescence-process by which microcracks d) Maintaining objectivity in the closed-loop control
grow sufficiently to join together and form a larger, perhaps conditions, such as cracking symmetry for notched speci­
visible, macrocrack. mens (Mobasher 2011; Hordijk 1991)
microcracking-formation of localized, microscopic
cracks within concrete, approximately 0.04 in. (0.1 mm) 3.2-Strain softening and hardening
wide up to a few mm (less than 0.16 to 0.20 in. [4 to 5 mm]) Many of the physical, durability, and mechanical prop­
long that may not be visible. erties of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) are affected by
progressive collapse-failure of a primary structural the amount, type, bond, and nature of anchorage (straight,
element that results in the failure of adjoining structural hooked, twisted, or fibrillated) of fibers used. Other criteria
elements, leading to further structural failure. that are affected by the interaction of the fiber on the stress­
residual strength-apparent strength in the post-peak strain response include, but are not limited to, strength, strain
load region of a static load-deflection curve, calculated by capacity, first crack strain, elastic modulus, crack width,
the ratio of the bending moment in the post-cracking stage at durability, permeability, total energy absorption, fatigue life,
a given deflection by the section modulus of original section. thermal conductivity, and shrinkage and creep characteris­
serviceability limit state-performance criterion for tics. Therefore, characterization of the tensile stress-strain
serviceability of a structure, corresponding to conditions response is an important parameter of the analysis and
beyond which the structure might fail to meet technical design of FRC structures.
requirements such as stress limits, deformation limits, Strain-softening behavior in FRC represents tensile
and crack control and, therefore, declared unfit for routine response with a primarily elastic ascending stress-strain
loading conditions. curve up to the point that is both the first cracking bend­
smeared crack-formation of multiple cracks spread over point and also ultimate tensile strength. Response is
over a distinct area. followed by unloading due to unstable cracking, and opening
stable crack propagation-incremental and sequen­ of a crack with partial resistance offered by the debonding
tial growth of a crack as a result of addition of load on the and sliding pullout of fibers. All subsequent stresses remain
specimen smaller than the first cracking (maximum) stress. In a strain­
strain softening-process where unstable crack propaga­ softening material, therefore, formation of a crack under
tion directly follows crack initiation. loa.d is_directlyfollo'-Yt;d.by its sudden and self-driven propa-
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--- Plain Concrete

Stress --- Strain softening Deflection Softening FRC
toad Strain softening Deflection hardening FRC
Strain Hardening FRC

Deflection 0 mu

(a) Tensile Response (b) Flexural Response

Fig. 3.2-Classi.fication of fiber-reinforced concretes (FRCs) based on their tensile

response (after Naaman and Reinhardt [2006]). (Notes: BOP is bend over point; UTS is
ultimate tensile strength; MOR is modulus ofrupture; and LOP is limit ofproportionality.)

gation because the material is quasi-brittle with low bridging It is noted that many of the characteristics of strain­
stress. Hence, the sample loses its ability to carry load and softening and strain-hardening responses in tension testing
the stress-strain response goes through a descending branch, are also observed when the specimen is tested in flexure.
as shown in Fig. 3 .2. The post-cracking stress remains below The responses in these conditions are referred to as deflec­
the peak stress in subsequent loading (Naaman and Rein­ tion softening and deflection hardening; however, there is
hardt 2006); therefore, the softening behavior does not affect no one-to-one correlation between the two modes. Deflec­
tensile strength, but increases tensile ductility. tion hardening occurs for samples that have a sufficiently
Strain hardening behavior in FRC is a behavior repre­ high level of fibers to exhibit strain-softening behavior in
sented by an elastic ascending tensile stress-strain curve up tension, but hardening behavior under flexural testing. The
to the bend-over point, followed by an increasing load as post-crack response in flexure exhibits ascending load with
the strain is increased, as shown in Fig. 3 .2a. The effective increasing deflection after the first crack point. For example,
stiffness in the response after the bend-over point level is if the volume of the fibers is increased in excess of a level
much lower than the elastic stiffness (representing tension designated as critical fiber content, then the entire stress­
stiffening). The response continues at this stiffness up to the strain response is also affected because the manner of load
nominal tensile strength (ultimate tensile strength). In this and strain distribution change in the sample. This is because,
case, the magnitudes of first cracking and nominal tensile as the plain matrix cracks, there are sufficient fibers to carry
strength may be distinctly different. Response after the ulti­ the load that is being released by the matrix.
mate tensile strength is followed by gradual unloading. Because the flexural design of FRC elements is
The strain hardening occurs under condition with a suffi­ normally governed by the tensile stress-strain response,
ciently high fiber content, stiffness, and bond properties the post-cracking behavior has a direct effect on the results
such that the composite tensile strength exceeds the matrix .
(Soranakom and Mobasher 2009b) Proper characteriza­
cracking strength. In this process, after initial formation, tion of the load-deformation response and computation of
a stable crack propagation stage takes place and the mate­ valid material behavior data from these tests is essential to
rial could behave as perfectly-plastic or exhibit hardening successful design applications (Banthia and Trottier 1995a,b;
behavior. Because the sample is capable of supporting addi­ Mobasher 2011; Cunha 2010). Many structural systems
tional load, multiple parallel cracks may also be formed and with strain-softening materials, such as structural floors or
the tensile and flexural load deformation responses after indeterminate structures, can exhibit deflection-hardening
cracking are characterized by an ascending load-deforma­ behavior and an increase in strength values in proportion to
tion branch up to the nominal strength (Fig. 3 .2b). the residual strength.
The difference between the tension and flexural test results
3.3-Deflection softening and hardening of strain-softening materials is that, in a tension test, the post­
Flexural behavior may vary significantly depending on peak tensile stress-crack width response does not influence
whether fiber-reinforced concretes (FRCs) exhibit tension the maximum load obtained. In a flexural test, the maximum
strain-softening or strain-hardening response. An approach load attained is related to the softening stress magnitudes.
to classify FRC based on its tensile mechanical response While a strain-softening FRC can develop deflection soft­
from the uniaxial tension can also be extended to flexural ening or deflection hardening based on the residual stress
behavior. This classification depends on the efficiency and level present, FRC with tensile strain-hardening behavior
amount of fibers that covers a range from strain softening to always exhibits a deflection-hardening response.
hardening (Naaman and Reinhardt 2006).

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3.4-Equivalent tensile stress-strain responses ibility analysis to determine the flexural strength of SFRC
As an alternative to direct measurement of the stress-strain members (Teutsch 2004).
by uniaxial tension test, a back-calculation approach can be d) The UK traditionally followed JCI SF4:1983, but
applied to flexural tests. This is attractive, as flexural tests are recently shifted toward the RILEM design method­
routinely conducted as quality control tests and, therefore, the ology (Barr and Lee 2004) and methods based on BS EN
data collected can be used to verify the material properties and 14651 :2005+ A1:(2007).
further used in the design of the next sections. Back-calcu­ e) The Italian guidelines (di Prisco et a!. 2004) are based
lation of equivalent tension results from flexural tests, also on load-crack tip opening displacements from four-point
defined as inverse analysis, is a useful tool because it provides bending tests on notched beams using equivalent stresses.
equivalent tension response needed in member design. f) The Scandinavian approach is also based on residual
Approaches have been developed by RILEM TC 162-TDF strength parameters (Silfwerbrand 2008).
(2003) and DIN EN 14561:2006-08. The equivalent tensile g) The U.S. design guidelines for flexural members are
response can then be used in the design of flexural members based on empirical equations of Swamy et a!. (1975), ASTM
for applications such as slabs, panels, and other applications C1609/C1609M, ASTM C1399/C l 399M, Banthia and
where fiber contribution is introduced using equivalent soft­ Dubey (1999), and Fischer (2004). The residual strength
ening parameters. Different approaches do not always yield parameter is obtained using elastic section properties; the
unique results, as assumptions regarding the shape of the effect of fiber type and concrete composition are not speci­
stress-strain response inherently affect the back-calculated fied. ACI 544.6R and ACI 544.7R have initiated the use of
parameters and, therefore, several test methods for calcu­ residual tensile strength as a parameter in the design.
lation of the equivalent tensile properties are summarized. h) Soranakom and Mobasher (2007c, 2008, 2009a)
An overview of the existing inverse methods for obtaining proposed closed-form solutions to correlate the flexural load
uniaxial tensile stress-strain curves from beam test data deflection to a simplified tensile stress strain response-a
follows in 3 .5. procedure applicable to a wide variety of design applica­
tions, such as one- and two-way slabs, beams, slabs-on­
3.5-lnverse analysis methods ground, and earth-retaining structures.
There is no standard specimen geometry for flexural testing In a majority of these cases, the uniaxial compressive
among the various test methods of RILEM TC 162-TDF response is determined directly from standard compres­
(2003), CEB-FIP (2011), and DIN EN 14561:2006-08. sion cylinder tests. Flexural tests conducted by BS EN
These approaches use notched three-point bending tests 14651:2005+ A1:(2007) are recommended for characteriza­
loaded along the midspan. ASTM methods such as ASTM tion of tensile behavior. The CEB-FIP (2011) advises against
C1609/C1609M and C l 399/C l 399M, however, recommend using uniaxial tensile tests for standard testing of new
unnotched four-point beam tests. Based on these recom­ mixtures due to the associated difficulty of execution and
mended standards, tensile stress-strain response can be interpretation (Blanco et a!. 2013). These procedures can
calculated using prescribed equations. Values of the coef­ also be modified for a serviceability level design criteria. The
ficients of these equations are determined from the experi­ long-term behavior of cracked FRC under tension, however,
mental'. data using an equivalent elastic or inelastic method. can be developed and required for structural fibers, such as
The inverse-analysis method is optimal for finding values organic or natural fibers, whose long-term performance is
when specific coefficient values are unknown and include: influenced by creep. CEB-FIP (2011) specifies if certain
a) Technical guidelines for FRC, developed by RILEM requirements about characteristic residual strengths and the
TC 162-TDF (2003) for steel fiber-reinforced concrete limit of proportionality (BS EN 14651:2005+ A1:(2007))
(SFRC) by introducing the concept of equivalent feq and are fulfilled, then fiber reinforcement can substitute conven­
residualfR flexural tensile strength parameters. These values tional reinforcement at serviceability limit.
were u·sed to derive the stress-strain or the stress-crack width
response of an SFRC (Namman and Reinhardt 2006; DIN CHAPTER 4-TEST METHODS
EN 14561:2006-08; RILEM TC 162-TDF 2000a,b).
b) CEB-FIP (2011) also adopts the concept ofresidual flex­ 4.1-Test and specimen types
ural tensile strength parameters to derive the constitutive law Various test methods exist for direct or indirect evaluation
that characterizes the tensile behavior of strain-softening and of the uniaxial-tensile properties of fiber-reinforced concrete
strain-hardening FRCs. The code proposes two simplified (FRC). These include uniaxial tensile, wedge splitting, and
stress-crack width models based on the rigid-plasticity and beam tests. Common flexural beam tests are performed
linear-elasticity tensile behavior of FRCs. Correction factors under a three- or four-point layout:
are applied to scale the equivalent residual flexural strength a) Three-point load recommended in RILEM TC 162-TDF
at serviceability and nominal states, which are determined (2003), CEB-FIP (2011), and ASTM C293/C293M
from three-point bending tests conducted based on BS EN b) Four-point load recommended in ASTM C78/C78M
14651:2005+ A1:(2007) (Blanco et a!. 2013; Bakhshi et a!. c) Four-point load for FRC in ASTM C1399/C l 399M,
2014). ASTM C1609/C1609M, Teutsch (2004), JCI SF4:1983 , and
c) German guidelines similar to RILEM TC 162-TDF NBN B 15 238:1992
(2003) for design of flexural members use the strain compat- Beam tests can be subdivided by beam type:
Coovriaht Am�te Institute

a) Unnotched, such as those used by ASTM

b) Notched, such as those used with the three-point load
test by RILEM TC 162-TDF (2003) and CEB-FIP (2011)
Controlling the post-peak response is much more depend­
able using a crack-mouth-opening displacement (CMOD) 3.51 2.0: E [o/oo)
in a notched beam as opposed to deflection control used in I I
unnotched beams. The CMOD measured in a notched beam I I
is a monotonic increasing variable, which provides stable I I
testing conditions while deflection includes elastic defor­ I I
mation outside the fracture process zone, which may cause Compression Tension
unstable tests if extra caution is not considered (Hordijk
1991 ). Further detailed description of each beam type and Fig. 4. 3a-Stress-strain diagram for FRC in uniaxial
test procedure is presented in the corresponding standards tension and compression (RILEM TC 1 62-TDF 2003).
and, therefore, beyond the scope of this report.

4.2-Stress-strain diagrams
There are various ways to represent the residual strength of
a sample after the point of maximum load. In each case, the
model should include the localization effect within the crack
region where all incremental deformation is concentrated,
while the remainder of the specimen undergoes unloading
in an elastic or inelastic manner. The average strain over the
descending response is affected by the definition of a char­
acteristic length parameter as a material property, as crack
opening is represented by a smeared crack. Existing soft­
ening responses are subdivided into two main categories: a)
1) Stress-crack width definition F[N]
2) Stress-strain approach, where the strain is defined in 1
terms of average displacement over a predetermined char­
acteristic length or, alternatively, with a smeared crack
approach (di Prisco et al. 2004; CEB-FIP 2011)

4.3-Stress-strain diagram in RILEM approach

The stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. 3 .2 is proposed
by RILEM TC 162-TDF (2003). The values that define
this constitutive model are based on a piecewise linearized
response in the post peak domain. Average or characteristic
values are then used later for design purposes.
In Fig. 4.3a, the key points of the compression side of the
diagram are taken directly from the standard compressive Fig. 4.3b-Load-displacement response ofa test beam used
cylinder test. For the tension side of the diagram, the key ,
to evaluate: (a) fR.J from FR,1; and (b) A4from F R 4(RILEM
points are: TC 1 62-TDF 2000a, b; 2002a, b; Barros et al. 2005).
a) cr1 and E1-Tensile strength and corresponding strain
b) cr2 and E2-Stress and strain at the onset of the stable c) Residual flexural tensile strength at deflection of 1/8 in.
strain-softening branch (3.0 mm)JR,4
c) cr3 and E3-Stress and strain at the end of the softening Details on how to evaluateftmJI,.JR,�, andfR,4 are presented in
branch 4.4 and details on <J;, E;,ft111J1,./R,1, andfR,4 are provided in 4.5.
The values of <J; and E; (i = 1, 2, 3) can next be directly
related to beam test data using the approach presented in 4.4-Fiexural tensile strength f1,,1 and residual
RILEM TC 162-TDF (2000a,b; 2002a,b) and Barros et al. flexural tensile strengths fR,1 and fR,4
(2005). In this case, <J; (i = 1, 2, 3) are related to the following The flexural tensile strengthftJI and residual flexural tensile
characteristic points on the beam-test load displacement strengthsfR,I andfR,4 values are calculated directly from the
curve (Fig. 4.3b): load displacement response of the test beam, which is sche­
a) Average value of the flexural tensile strength, ftmJI, for matically represented in Fig. 4.3b (DR,I = 1164 in. [0.46 mm]
example, is the limit of proportionality of the beam response and 8R,4 = 1/8 in. [3.0 mm]).
b) Residual flexural tensile strength at deflection of 1/64 4.4.1 Flexural tensile strength f1,R-The flexural tensile
in. (0.46 mm)JR,I strengthft JI is defined as the maximum flexural tensile stress

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within the critical section at a load level equal to the limit of
proportionality, FL. The limit of proportionality is the load at
the end of the linear-elastic response, as shown in Fig. 4.3b. 4
When there is no clear end-point to the linear-elastic portion <J

of the load-displacement curve, the limit of proportionality hsp

is defined as the highest load up to a deflection of 0.002 in. 4 I <J
(0.05 mm) (RILEM TC 162-TDF 2002a,b). ,j <J
L ....1 4
4 l_
Similar to the modulus of rupture J,. of conventional
concrete, the flexural tensile strength j;JI is calculated "
assuming linear stress distribution within the critical section. i _ar-f!.La�ti.c_ b.LQ.c_k-J-_ s
�Li.!!J _ -J-L.i.!!_f!.ar-elasl(c

When a three-point beam bending test is used, L and b define Non-Linear

span and width of the test beam, respectively; h 11 defines the hin�e

net section height; and the flexural tensile strength j;JI is

Fig. 4. 6. 1 . 1-Specimen idealization for model use (Barros
calculated as
et a!. 2005). Uncracked section is distance between notch tip
and cross section top, h sp·
curve and use them to construct a piecewise response. The
tensile strain value s1 is obtained following Hooke's Law
If a notched test beam is used, the net section height h 11 and using Young's modulus of fiber-reinforced concrete
equals the distance between the notch tip and cross section (FRC), Ec, which is assumed to be the same in compression
top (h ) or defined as h sp in Fig. Alternatively, if
u11c , and tension
the loading geometry changes from three-point bending to
four-point bending, the parameters of the equation should be (4.6)
changed accordingly.
4.4.2 Residual flexural strengths fR,1 and fR,.r-Residual Other strain values s2 and s3 depend on the choice of
flexural tensile strengths /R,l and /R,4 are taken from beam modeling technique used for the back-calculation of the
loads FR,l and FR,4 that correspond to beam deflections of properties. A sample model is presented in 4.6.1.
1/64 and 1/8 in. (0.46 and 3 . 0 mm), respectively (RILEM 4.6.1 Tensile stress values a 1 , a2, and a3-Relationships
TC 162-TDF 2002a,b), as shown in Fig. 4.3b. However, at connecting tensile stress values, cr; (i = 1, 2, 3), with flexural­
this deflection level, the stress distribution is no longer linear tensile valuesj;mJIJR,J, and/R,4 vary depending on the type of
within the critical section and the uncracked beam height is test beam used, listed as follows:
smaller than its value at the limit of proportionality, hunc· The 1) Notched (RILEM TC 162-TDF 2003) three-point
same relationship to that used for calculating the flexural bending
tensile strength ft.fl is still used 2) NBN B 15 238:1992
3) Unnotched ASTM C78/C78M and ASTM C293/C293M
4) Unnotched ASTM C1399/C1399M and ASTM C1609/
(4.4.2a) C1609M RJLEM notched three-point beam -If a notched
three-point bending is used (RILEM TC 162-TDF 2003),
the specimen can be approximated as shown in Fig.
(4.4.2b) Tensile stress values cr " cr2, and cr3, as defined in Fig. 4.3b,
can now be calculated as

4.5-Relationship between uniaxial tensile stress (4.6. l . l a)

and flexural strength
The flexural tensile strengthj;JI and residual flexural tensile (4.6. l . l b)
strengths/R,I and/R,4 can be directly related to the key tensile
stress parameters cr; (i = 1, 2, 3) that define the stress-strain (
diagram shown in Fig. 4.3b. This relationship is a function
of the specimen type and size, and introduced through stress where d is the depth of the beam's cross section, and ftmJI
coefficients C1, C2, and C3, the values of which can be calcu­ is the average value of the flexural tensile strength, j;JI . In
lated from test data using an inverse analysis procedure. RILEM TC 162-TDF (2003) and Barros et a!. (2005), there
is a size factor k11 that is also introduced, and the C; stress
4.6-Tensile stress-strain diagrams and strain coefficients and strain values can be assumed as (Barros et
values E1, E2, and E3
a!. 2005)
An inverse analysis procedure is used to determine the
entire stress-strain response from the experimental tests. A c, = o.52, c2 = o.36, c3 = o.n,
more simple approach is to identify a few key points of the s2 = 0.12%, s3 = 10.4% (
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INDIRECT METHOD TO OBTAIN STRESS-STRAIN RESPONSE OF FIBER-REINFORCED CONCRETE (AC1 544.8R-16) 9 Belgian NBN unnotched four-point beam­ and general loading geometry have also been used within
Nemegeer et a!. (2003) used the deformation-controlled a different testing protocol to obtain the post-crack tensile
bending test defined by NBN B 15 238:1992 to evaluate response. There are no standardized procedures for correla­
FRC material properties. The test is a four-point bending tion of these ASTM test methods with the uniaxial stress­
test, with a span of 18 in. (457 mm), with beam width and strain response of FRC. Stress coefficients C1 , C2, and C3
height of 6 in. (150 mm). are not reported for nominal strength values from ASTM
Contrary to the RILEM approach presented in the previous C78/C78M and ASTM C293/C293M, partly because these
section where case loads are recorded at a deflection of 1/64 tests were not intended to measure the deflection; therefore,
and 1/8 in. (0.46 and 3.0 mm) (Barros et a!. 2005), NBN B calculation of stress-strain components are not possible. No
15 23 8: 1992 records loads at a deflection of 1116 and 1/8 in. relationship exists that connects tensile stress values, 0; (i =
(1.5 and 3 mm)-for example, FR.J s and FR.3 0, respectively. 1, 2, 3), to load-displacement behavior of unnotched beams.
Corresponding residual flexural strengths, fR-Is and fR_30 , are If, however, one measured the deformation during the test,
calculated as an inverse analysis procedure that can be used to relate
tensile stress values, 0; (i = 1, 2, 3), to load-displacement
behavior of unnotched beams. Due to the strain-softening
( behavior, to measure the post-peak deflection response, tests
are required to be conducted under closed-loop deflection­
controlled as described in Chapter 5. Unnotched ASTM CJ399/CJ399M and ASTM
Cl 609/Cl609M beams-Both open-loop and closed-loop
tests have been developed for measuring the deflection in
This approach is based on an equivalent elastic analysis a flexural sample. The average residual strength (ARS),
and assumes that once a beam has cracked, the depth of proposed by Banthia and Dubey (1999), is obtained through
the compressive zone can be estimated at approximately ASTM C l 399/C1399M, which is an open-loop test. ASTM
10 percent of the beam height. The residual flexural tensile C1399/C1399M is conducted by means of an open-loop
stress in the post-cracking range can be estimated as 37 load-controlled test machine on a precracked specimen. A
percent of the corresponding linear-elastic stress. Based on steel plate is placed underneath a concrete beam and the spec­
these assumptions, resulting tensile stress values 0 1 , 02, and imen is loaded under four-point bending until the concrete
as defined in Fig. 4.3a, are cracks. The purpose of using steel plate in the precracking
process is so the load transferred onto the specimen does

= 0.21ifj! (in MPa)

not diminish after cracking. The operator is expected to
0"1 ( stop the precracking loading process immediately after the
cracking begins. The steel plate is removed and the cracked
( specimen is reloaded for post-crack flexural loads at deflec­
tion levels of 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, and 0.05 in. (0.5, 0.75, 1.0,
03 = 0.37fR-30 ( and 1.25 mm) for specimens 4 x 4 x 14 in. (100 x 100 x 350
mm). The equivalent stress results are averaged to represent
( ARS value. This parameter has been used as a method to
compare different material formulations and could be used
The strain values £2 and £3 can be used to represent the as a representative tensile strength measure for design, after
serviceability and also the nominal strength levels. consideration of appropriate reduction factors. Chapter 5
The C; parameters and the strain values of the points that discusses the correlation of the ARS value with the residual
define the tensile behavior of FRC can also be determined tensile strength value. The procedures for computation of
by inverse analysis using a finite element method approach this reduction factor are provided.
(Sena-Cruz et a!. 2004; Mazaheripour et a!. 2012), a cross ASTM C 1609/C1609M tests an unnotched specimen
section layer approach detailed in Barros and Sena-Cruz under deflection control to compute the post-peak flexural
(2001), or an iterative procedure with a closed-form solu­ load-deflection response and uses a method similar to ARS
tion, such as the one presented in Appendix A (Soranakom proposed in ASTM C1399/C1399M, wherein the post­
and Mobasher 2008). In the inverse analysis, the 0-£ tensile crack range is expressed as an equivalent residual strength
diagram is obtained by fitting, with the minimum error, the measure. Figure shows the setup schematics for one
average force-deflection, or crack-mouth-opening displace­ of two linear variable differential transformers (LV DTs)
ment (CMOD) curve recorded in the experimental notched used as closed-loop feedback control parameters (ASTM
beam bending tests. C1609/C1609M). ASTM beam tests: ASTM C78/C78M four-point As the post-peak response is averaged, the residual load
flexural and ASTM C293/C293M three-point beams­ is used to calculate an elastically equivalent flexural stress
ASTM C78/C78M and ASTM C293/C293M are used to using the section modulus of the uncracked beam where
obtain the flexural strength using unnotched third-point and the moment is divided by the equivalent elastic section
center-point loading, respectively. These beam dimensions modulus. The problem with this test is that the formation
Coovriaht American Concrete Institute �-

have to be calculated by the finite element method, or by

hand computation. The proposed approach can be used
with ASTM C1609/C1609M, JCI SF4:1983 , RILEM TC
162-TDF (2003), and BS EN 10 14651:2005+ A1:(2007) to
process the experimental data into equivalent stress-strain
responses. It furthermore allows the conversion and modifi­
cation of ASTM test results for engineering calculations and
can be used as a method to justify the finite element calcula­
tions and empirical reduction factors used by RILEM TC
162-TDF (2003).
The simplified stress-strain tensile model can be related
to the flexural data using a closed-form solution of moment­
curvature response and load-deflection calculation of fiber­
reinforced concrete (FRC) as proposed by Soranakom and
Mobasher (2007a,b,c) and Soranakom et a!. (2008). This
approach relates the measured flexural load-deflection
response of FRC test beams to tensile stress-strain response
through an iterative process that is conducted in a spread­
Fig. 4. 6. 1. 4-Crack growth in FRC samples under four­ sheet setting (Mobasher et a!. 2015).
point bending test (Mobasher et a!. 2011). The constitutive model using nondimensional parameter­
ized strain-softening and strain-hardening FRC is shown in
of localized cracks may vary within the middle third range Fig. 5.1a. The compression zone is linear elastic-perfectly­
of the specimen and the deflection control might not be an plastic (Fig. 5.1 b(b)) defined by a yield point (Eey' C5ey) as it
accurate measure of localization. Also, during closed-loop maintains at the constant yield stress C5cy until the ultimate
testing of unnotched specimens, support conditions in terms strain Ecu ·
of friction, sliding, and rotational capacities become critical The tension strain £1 is described by a nondimensional
and can cause scatter in test results. Additionally, the fixity strain measure 0 using a piecewise linear response with an
of the roller supports plays a dominant role in the results elastic range E up to the tensile strength point Ecn followed
(Wille and Parra-Montesinos 2012). No reported values for by a residual tensile strength f.i.E'Ecn also referred to as ap in
the stress coefficients c � , c2, and c3 exist based on nominal Fig. 5.1a(a). Three strain measures define the first cracking
strength values from ASTM C1399/C1399M and ASTM (Ecr), transition strain (£11-u ), and the ultimate tensile strain
C1609/C1609M. level (E,u). Ultimate tensile and compressive strains limit the
ultimate flexural strength. With this approach, all strains and
CHAPTER 5-STRESS-STRAIN CURVES BY stresses are normalized in terms of the cracking strain Ecr
BACK-CALCULATION APPROACH and cracking strength C5cr = EerE. Corresponding normalized
strain parameters a, p, 0111 , co, 'A, and Acz" as well as stress
5.1 -Parametric stress-strain curves parameter fl, are defined in Fig. 5.1a and Eq. (5.1a). The
The approach proposed by RILEM TC 162-TDF (2003) ultimate tensile strain level Ptu is used as the limiting state,
uses flexural data and techniques such as finite element whereas first cracking tensile strain Ecr and tensile modulus E
method to obtain approximate values of the material models are used as intrinsic material parameters to normalize other
using a trial-and-error procedure. This approach should be parameters
repeated for different fiber types and sample geometries as
well as loading geometries to obtain the back-calculated
values for tensile stress-strain approach. For example, the co = - ; a = £/rn ; 1-'� - s... '·

methodology discussed (Vandewalle and DuPont 2003) is £cr Ecr Ecr

(5. l a)
applicable to steel fibers with a specific aspect ratio, fiber R Etu 'l Ecu .
length, and fiber volume. If the properties for other fiber P tu - ' 1\.cu
Ecr Ecr
types or combinations are measured, the procedures would
have fo be repeated, which may be impractical for rudi­
Nomenclature used is:
mentaty design procedures. While all the back-calculation
a) Cracking strength in tension, acn is defined as EcrE
procedures essentially use a similar approach of changing
b) Post-cracking strength in tension, defined using scalar
the input variables to a simple or complicated model to find
parameter fl, is ap = fl£C/E
the optimized output, the procedure can be streamlined if
c) Transition point in the post-crack strain in tension,
a set of the calculations are automated using parameter­
defined using scalar parameter a, is Etrn = aEcr
ized variables and constants that can be easily changed. At
d) Yield strength in compression, C5cy = COEcrE
the satne time, a parameterized load-deflection procedure,
e) Y ield strain in compression, Eey = WEer
or a moment-curvature procedure, allows for a fast tum­
f) Ultimate tensile strain £1u, defined using scalar param­
around on the tedious computations that would otherwise
eter p,ll, is Ctu = PtuCcr
Coovriaht Am�te Institute

(a) (b)

Ed =yE

._ _____ ...
.... .,; £t
Ecr Etrn=accr Etu=PtuEcr
Fig. 5. 1a-FRC model used by Soranakom and Mobasher (200 7a,b,c) and Soranakom et
al. (2008), where (a) is the tensile response and (b) is the compression response.

cctop=Accr fc1
f''''''''f ''''''''=''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
2. 1 Fc1
� hc1 � kd �
················X ······· Y.· · · · · · · · t · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
: :
1 � ht1 �d 1
............. ... ......... . ....)( ...................� ........... f� 1
. . . . .......-
. ----1-.

2 � ht2 2 -+-----'._...
-"'----...... .................Y. ..................Y. .................. .

'='''''''''�''''''''='''''''''''''''''''''''''''' fc1
3. 1 Fc1

Fig. 5. 1 b-Strain and stress diagrams a t the post-crack stage: (a) strain distribution; and
(b) stress distribution (Soranakom and Mobasher 200 7a, b,c). (Refer to Stages 2. 1 and 3. 1
in Table A.3afor post crack stage.)

g) Ultimate compressive strain Ecu = AcuEcr

A relationship has been proposed between the approach by
Soranakom and Mobasher (2007a,b,c) and the approach by (5. l b)
BS EN 1465 1 :2005+A l :(2007)

Coovriaht American Concrete Institute �-


Deflection, in
0 0.02 0.04 0.06


Polymeric Fiber (Type A)

0 0
0 0.1 0 .
05 1 .5

Strain, mm/mm Deflection, mm

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.2-(a) Effect ofage on back-calculated tensile stress-strain response, and a represen­
tative curvature-deflection relationship; and (b) effect ofage on experimental and simulated
load-deflection responsefor polymericfibers (Bakhshi et al. 2014). (Note: 1 MPa = 145 psi.)

Appendix A presents the procedures for calculation of the The sudden drop in the resistance after cracking refers to
closed-form moment curvature and load-deflection curve. deflection-softening response. According to the model by
This approach is extended to FRC elements that can also Soranakom and Mobasher (2008, 2009b ), assuming that
include longitudinally steel- and fiber-reinforced polymer there is only a single segment to the softening response (for
bars, where £2 can be higher than £ 1 , and Gp higher than Gc,. example, a = 1 ), the transition from deflection softening
to simulate strain-hardening FRCs (Mobasher 201 1 ; Taheri to deflection hardening takes place at a critical post-crack
et al. 20 1 1 ). tensile strength of

5.2-Back-calculation of flexural test data

(5 .2)
Figure 5.2 presents the back-calculated tensile stress­
stain response and flexural load-deflection response of
macro-synthetic fibers (Bakhshi et al. 2014). The effect of The critical post-crack tensile strength level !lcrit maintains
curing time on the tensile data is obtained from the flexural a residual strength equivalent to the cracked strength level. A
load-deflection results and plotted in Fig. 5.2(a). The initial value of llcrit = 0.35 is obtained at a compressive strength to
tensile response is linear elastic up to approximately 87, 1 74, tensile strength ratio co = 9, and characterizes two subclasses
and 232 psi (0.6, 1 .2, and 1 .6 MPa) for 8-, 1 6-, and 36-hour of materials-deflection softening (!l < 0.35) and deflection
samples as the first crack stage, respectively. After cracking, hardening (!l > 0.35).
the load is transferred to the fibers, and crack bridging
results in strain-softening response. Back-calculated tensile 5.3-Comparison with averaged residual strength
stress-strain responses show that after an average strain level results
of approximately 0.0025 in./in. (mm/mm), the residual ASTM C l 399/C 1 399M and ASTM C 1 609/C 1 609M can be
strength of the macro-synthetic fiber composites reaches used by means of spreadsheet-based inverse analysis proce­
a constant value. The post-crack residual strength at this dures (Soranakom and Mobasher 2007a,b,c, Mobasher et al.
plateau zone increases from approximately 50 to 80 and 2015). Correlation of residual strength from ASTM C 1 609/
1 00 psi (0.35 to 0.55 to 0.7 MPa), respectively due to curing C 1 609M and the back-calculated method is addressed in the
from 8 to 1 6 and 36 hours. A maximum curvature-versus­ following. To illustrate the differences in the interpretation of
deflection plot is also shown in Fig. 5.2(a) and represents test data between an equivalent elastic and strain-softening
a linear response. As shown in Fig. 5 .2(b), the simulated approach, the stress distribution during the late stage of a
r<e'sponse for the load-deflection response shows a good macro-fiber sample composite is presented across the cross­
correlation with the experimental data. The parameter 11, sectional depth in Fig. 5.3 (Soranakom and Mobasher 2 0 1 0).
representing the normalized post-crack strength of the mate­ Using a strain-softening material model captures the incre­
rials, is obtained as 0.52, 0.44, and 0.46, respectively for 8-, mental movement of the neutral axis, magnitude of compres­
1 6-, and 36-hour cured samples. Note that all these samples sive stress, and residual tensile stress. The simulation of Fig.
ate classified as strain softening, with parameter 11 defined as 5.3 on polypropylene fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) reveals
the normalized post-crack residual tensile strength. a discrepancy between the present method and average
residual stress (ARS) in accordance with ASTM C 1 399/

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C 1 3 99M or ASTM C 1 609/C 1 609M, which is primarily due 5.4-Comparison with RILEM and JCI methods
to a difference in stress distribution between the two test Similar comparisons of back-calculation data can also be
methods (Mobasher 20 1 1 ). made with equivalent models obtained from the RILEM TC
Note that specimen size effect has considerable influence 1 62-TDF (2003) method. Results indicate the linear elastic­
on the measured residual flexural strength parameters; for based residual strength approaches overestimate the residual
example, ASTM C l 399/C l 399M currently only allows the tensile strength by as much as three times. The inconsistency
testing of 4 x 4 x 14 in. ( 1 00 x 1 00 x 350 mm) sized beams. is in residual strength calculation using the linear elastic
ASTM C1 609/C 1 609M, however, allows the use of both 4 approach; the neutral axis is assumed fixed at the centroid
X 4 X 14 in. ( 1 00 X 100 X 350 mm) and 6 X 6 X 20 in. ( 1 50 X of uncracked section and the stress distribution is linear,
1 50 x 500 mm) specimen sizes, depending on the length of leading to nominal flexural stress levels that are far greater
the constituent fibers. Size effect causes smaller beam sizes than tensile strength. Based on this inconsistency, the use
to show higher residual flexural strength parameters. of a consistent and verifiable reduction factor when using
the ARS method in design and analysis of fiber-reinforced
concrete (FRC) sections is needed. Although discussions of
the ASTM C 1 609/C 1 609M test method are beyond the scope
Stress, MPa of this report, computation of a residual strength value based
0 4 8 on nominal flexural stiffness is marginally associated with
60 post-crack tensile strength or tensile residual strength param­
2 eter ap as defined in Fig. A. 1 (a).
c E JCI SF4: 1983 recommends calculating an equivalent flex­
N.A. (k) by the Present Method
E ural strength from flexural toughness and specimen geometry.

The Soranakom and Mobasher (2007c) approach requires
Q) Stress Distribution 20 0.. an adjustment factor of 1/3 . 1 1 = 0.32 and 1/3.2 = 0.3 1 , as
-c Q)
Softening Zone -c shown in Fig. A. 1 , which correlates with the recommended
0 0 0 g>
values by RILEM TC 1 62-TDF (2003), JCI SF4: 1 983, and
cu Barros et a!. (2005) for a variety of FRC materials that use

Q) polymeric fibers (Bakhshi et a!. 20 1 3). The comparison
(..) -20
c b etween the residual strength parameter obtained from the
cu -1 ARS Method, c
cu present method and the experimental values reported based
(/) --- Linear Elastic
i5 -40 � on the aforementioned testing protocol are shown in Fig. 5 .4,
Present Method,
-2 Elastic Softening which shows a linear correlation with a slope of 3 . 1 to 3.2
(Mobasher et a!. 2014).
���_.--��_.-�_.� -60
0 400 800 1 200 1 600
The available methodologies that are used for data reduc­
Fig. 5.3-Comparison of stress distribution in the present tion and presentation of the flexural test results in terms of
back-calculation approach with the ARS method (Soranakom an equivalent tensile stress-strain response for fiber-rein­
and Mobasher 2010; Bakhshi et a!. 2013). forced concrete (FRC) materials are reviewed. Due to the
variable nature of the number of parameters and fiber geom-
�o.,., psi

50 1 00 1 50 200 50 1 00 1 50 200

t,._ , = 3.104 �0� ob=3.22 �ocr
[L R' = 0.981 ·u;
R2= 0.966 c.
� 400 �
...J II?
!g_ 2 0 �
0 0 0 HPFRC Steel 0 0 0 0 HPFRC Steel
* * * Macro Polymer '11 '11 '11 Macro Polymer
0 0 0 Giass 0 0 0 Giass
-- Linear Fit -- Linear Fit

o �-�-�-�-�-�� o o �-�-�-�-�-�� o
0 0.5 1 .5 0 0.5 1 .5

�a.... MPa

Fig. 5. 4-Correlation of residual strength from ASTM C1 609/C1 609M, RILEM, and
JCI-SF4, and the Soranakom and Mobasher (2010) approach requires an adjustment
factor of3. 1 to 3.2. 25.
Coovriaht American Concrete Institute �-

etry and types, a uniform material model is presented that is ical Concrete Mix Design Utilizing B lended Cements,
applicable to different types of specimens made with steel, Performance-Based Specifications, and Pay Factors," Final
glass, and polymeric FRC. The method is also compared Report 633, FHWA-AZ-1 3-633, May, 1 1 1 pp.
against the available residual strength and also elastically Bakhshi, M.; Barsby, C.; and Mobasher, B., 2014,
equivalent residual strengths obtained by different specimen "Comparative Evaluation of Early Age Toughness Parame­
geometries. ters in Fiber Reinforced Concrete," Materials and Structures,
V. 47, No. 5, pp. 853-872. doi: 1 0. 1 6 1 7/s 1 1 527-0 1 3-0098-1
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Coovriaht American Cohcrete Institute �-


strain-hardenin g

(a) �c,\
� /
/ I p=J.L
cr_ _EcrE
/ ___ ···················· )!i····

crcr=EcrE ····· �C',.. l i

� l l
?� 1
/ : crp=J.LEcrE ..f.

strain softenin g O<J.L< l
I Et
�------��� Ec
Ecr Etrn=aEcr Etu=13tuEcr Ecy=roecr

Fig. A . l-Full option material models for both strain-hardening and strain-softening
FRC: (a) compression model; and (b) tension model.

Taheri, M.; Barros, J. A. 0 . ; and Salehian, H. R., 20 1 1 , A.1 -Simplified strain-softening/hardening fiber­
"A Design Model for Strain-Softening and Strain-Hard­ reinforced concrete model
ening Fiber Reinforced Elements Reinforced Longitu­ For the inverse analysis procedure, a general strain hard­
dinally with Steel and FRP Bars," Composites. Part B, ening tensile and an elastic perfectly plastic compression
Engineering, V. 42, No. 6, pp. 1 630- 1 640. doi: 1 0. 1 0 1 6/j . model as derived by Soranakom and Mobasher (2007a,b,c;
compositesb.20 1 1 . 04.009 2008; 2009b) is shown in Fig. A. I . Tensile response is
Teutsch, M., 2004, "German Guidelines on Steel Fiber defined by tensile stiffness E, first crack tensile strain Ec,.,
Concrete," Proceeding of the North American/European cracking tensile strength ac,. = EBen ultimate tensile strength
Workshop on Advances in Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Epeak. and post-crack modulus Ecr· The softening range is
BEFIB 2004, Bergamo, Italy, Sept., pp. 23-28. shown as a constant stress level f.t.E'Ecr- The compression
Van Mier, J., 1996, Fracture Processes of Concrete: response is defined by the compressive strength acy. defined
Assessment of Material Parameters for Fracture Models, as royEEcr· To simplify material characteristics of strain-hard­
CRC Press, 464 pp. ening fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) and generate closed
Vandewalle, L., and DuPont, D., 2003, "Bending Test form design equations, classical assumptions such as plane
and Interpretation," International RILEM Workshop on Test section remain plane, linear strain distribution, and small
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Schniitgen and L. Vandewalle, eds., RILEM Publications in tension, the closed-form equations can be simplified
SARL, pp. 1 - 1 3 . further to the idealized bilinear tension and elastic compres­
Wille, K., and Parra-Montesinos, J . G . , 20 1 2, "Effect of sion models, as shown in Fig. A . 1 (a) and (b). To reduce
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forced Concrete," A CJ Materials Journal, V. 1 09, No. 3, region. It has been shown that the difference in compressive
May-June, pp. 3 79-388. and tensile modulus has a negligible effect on the ultimate
moment (Soranakom and Mobasher 2008). By defining all
APPE NDIX A-SPREADSHEET-BASED INVERSE parameters as normalized, with respect to minimum number
A NALYSIS PROCEDURES of variables, closed-form derivations are obtained. Applied
This appendix presents the steps in the development of tensile and compressive strains at bottom and top fibers, 13
closed-form moment curvature and load deflection of a and A., are defined as
flexural beam. The material properties are assumed based
on two main parameters: the elastic stiffness and the first
crack strain. All other material parameters for the tensile and
� = S. , A = s._ (A. I a)
£cr Ecr
compression stress strain response are expressed in terms of
parametric components.
Methods are based on an inverse analysis of beam data Material parameters required for the simplified models are
experimentally validated. This appendix presents a complete summarized as follows. Parameters, a, J.L, TJ, ro, are defined,
spr�adsheet-based inverse analysis for center- or third-point respectively, as representing normalized, tensile strain at peak
loaded test beams and specific relationships for specific strength, post-crack modulus, and compressive yield strain
beam types (RILEM TC 162-TDF 2003). Relationships can
Epeak = crE (Jcy = (J cy
be used for other beam types by determining stress coef­ a = -- ' T] - ' co = -- - (A. l b)
ficients C�, C2, and C3 using one of the described inverse Ec,. E EEcr ()cr
ana.Jysis methods.

�te Institute
Coovrioht Am

t''''''''t "'''''t''"'''''"''''"'''''''''' fc1
(2 . 1 ) Fc1
i hc1 i kd i
················ X ······· ;>j(· · · · · · · · t · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

: :� d
1 � ht1 1
ccr ............. ················· ·X ··················· � ············ ft.1
. . . . . . . . .-

2 � ht2 :
2 -+-----l� Ft2
"'------11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Y...................Y................... .
ctbot=�ccr ft2
(a) Strain distribution (b) Stress distribution

t''''''''t'''''''t''''''''''''''''''''''''''' fc1
(3. 1 ) Fc1
� hc1 � kd � � Yc1
·· ·············· X � f ······· ········ ·····························

········ X········ ··

:: Yt1 :
: h t1 : d
ft1 ........... � Yt2 �
Ft1 :

: Yt3
................. x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

t )r.
................. �. -�........... ..j.. . .... .... .. .. .ft.:?... . �.. . ._,. Ft2 �
� ht3 ft3 3
. . ....... .� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .
� v• Ft3
"'------11 . ......

(c) Strain distribution (d) Stress distribution

Fig. A. 2-Strain and stress diagrams at the post-crack stage (Ranges 2. 1 and 3.1 in Table
A. Ja).

A.2-Derivation of moment-curvature diagram

For typical strain-hardening fiber-reinforced concrete (A.3a)
(FRC), the compressive strength is higher than the tensile
strength. Thus, flexural strength is controlled by the weaker
tension, and compressive stress is normally low in the elastic F,l = ( 1 - k) & = 3. ( 1 - k)

; (A.3b)
range. For this reason, the elastic compression model (Fig. bhcrcr h 3 �
A.2(b)) is used. For the development of design equations,
the accompanying compressive stress developed in a beam
section is limited to the yield compressive stress <Jcy = 0.85/c ' � = (1 - k) ( � - 1) ( 11 � - 11 + 2) .
at compressive yield strain �>cy' where fc' is the uniaxial bhcr cr 2�
compressive strength. (A.3c)
Y1 2 = 211 � 2 - 11 � - 11 + 3� + 3
( 1 - k)
A.3-Derivation of nominal flexural strength h 3� ( 11 � - 11 + 2 )
Nominal flexural strength of a beam section, according to
the imposed tensile strain at the bottom fiber (£1 = �£c,.) can where F and y are the force and its centroid, respectively;
be derived based on the assumed linear strain distribution, subscripts c 1 , t 1 , t2 designate Compression Zone 1 , Tension
as shown in Fig. A. 1 (a). By using material models described Zone 1 , and Tension Zone 2, respectively; and b and h are
in Fig. A. 1 (a) and (b), the corresponding stress diagram is the width and the height of the beam, respectively. The
obtained, as shown in Fig. A.2(b ), in which the stress distribu­ neutral axis parameter k is found by solving the equilibrium
tion is subdivided into a Compression Zone 1 , and Tension of net internal forces equal to zero, Fc 1 + F,1 + F12 = 0 and
Zones 1 and 2. Force components and their centroidal distance expressed in Eq. (A.3d)
to the neutral axis in each zone can be expressed as Eq. (A.3a)
through (A.3c)

Coovriaht American Concrete Institute �-


Table A.3a-Neutral axis parameter k, normalized moment M ', and normalized curvature <1> for each stage
of normalized tensile strain at bottom fiber, p
Stage k M' = M,/Mc,. <j> = <j>/<J>a

for y = I
I 2 2� [(y - l)k,3 + 3k,2 - 3k, + I ] �
k - M', - <I>', =
0 < � ::0 1 I - -l + fi 1 - k, 2(1 - k, )
for y * I
-l + y


, (2 - C2 1 )k21' + 3C21k21 - 3C21k21 + C21
2 M2 1 = �'
D21 - D21 � l - k21
2. 1 k21 = 2 �
! < � :S a D2 1 - � <I>'21 =
2(1 - k 1 )
O < A. :S w (2�3 - 3�2 + I )11 + 3�2 - I 2
D21 = 11(�2 -2� + I ) + 2� - I c2 1 =

3 3 2
, (2� - C3 1 )k3 1 + 3C3 1k3 1 - 3C3 1 k3 1 + C3 1
D" - D" �2 M3 1 =
k,, = ' l - k3 1
3.1 D" - � �
a < � ::; �"' <I>'3 1 =
2(1 - k3 1 )
O < A. :S w (2a3 - 3a2 + 1)11 - 3Jl(a2 - �2) + 3a2 - I
D3, = lj ( a2 -2a + 1 ) + 2!1(� - a) + c" =
2a - 1 �2

where c1 = 11 CW - 2B + 1 ) + 2B - 1 . strain capacity a-that need to be estimated for ultimate

The nominal moment M,, is obtained by taking the first moment for the design purposes.
moment of force about the neutral axis, M11 = Fc1Yc1 + According to bilinear tension and elastic compression
F11y11 + Fay12, and express it as a product of the normal­ models shown in Fig. A. 1 (a) and Fig. A. 1 (b), the ultimate
ized nominal moment M,, and the cracking moment Mer as moment is obtained when the normalized tensile strain at
follows in Eq. (A.3e) and (A.3f) the bottom fiber (B = E/Ecr) reaches the tensile strain at peak
strength (a = BpeakiBCI) . Equations (A.3f) to (A.3h) for ulti­
mate moment, however, are applicable for the compressive
(A.3e) stress in elastic region only. The elastic condition should be
checked by computing the normalized compressive strain
developed at the top fiber 'A and compared to the normal­
- 2k + 1 2�e
M' = c e + (A.3f) ized yield compressive strain co. The general solutions for
2 �2 1-k all the cases are presented in Table A.3a. Using the strain
diagram in Fig. A.2(a) to find the relationship between the
2 top compressive strain and bottom tensile strain as follows
where c2 = cl + 2 CI B - B .
If the full stress-strain response is desired, then the loca­
tion of neutral axis and effective moment are obtained under � _£
_,_ (A.3g)
the definitions provided in Table A.3a. In this table, the deri­ kh (1 - k)h
vations of all potential combinations for the interaction of
tensile and compressive response are presented.
Substitute f.c = ABcr and Ct = Beer in Eq. (A.3g), then limit
Analysis of Eq. (A.3f) using a parametric analysis indi­
the maximum compressive strain to the yield compressive
cates that the contribution of fibers is mostly apparent in the
strain Ecy = COEcr. Finally, the condition can be expressed in a
post-cracking tensile region, where the response continues to normalized form as
increase after cracking (Fig. A. 1 (a)). The post-crack modulus
Ecr is relatively flat with values of11 = 0.0-0.4 for a majority
k (A.3h)
of cement composites. The tensile strain at peak strength, 'A = - � ::;; co
Bpeak. is relatively large compared to the cracking tensile 1-k
strain Ben and may be as high as a = 1 00 for polymeric-based
fiber systems. These unique characteristics cause the flexural Case 2. 1 of Table A.3a occurs when the tensile behavior is
strength to continue increasing after cracking. To simplify elastic-plastic while the compressive behavior is still elastic.
the problem for a typical strain-hardening FRC, the contri­ The general solutions presented in Table A.3a allow for the
bution of post-peak tensile strength is ignored; therefore, computation of the location of neutral axis as a function of
the flexural strength is associated with the tensile strain at applied tensile strain B in Eq. (A.3i)
peak strength. Also, the effect of post-crack tensile response
parameter ll can be ignored for a simplified analysis. The
parameters for back-calculation are therefore limited to two
variables-post-crack stiffness 11 and post-crack ultimate

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Table A.3b-Location of neutral axis, moment, and moment-curvature response of a strain-hardening

composite material with y = 1; 11 = 0.0001 - 0.5

11 A, ( ��J
M'(k) M'(<jl)
0.5 0.5(�2 + I - 2�) + 2� - I -0.773 + o . J 08 x w-'k-6 0.507 + 0.686$
0.2 0.2(�2 + I - 2�) + 2� - I o.654 + o.5 1 6 x w-2k-6 1 . 1 0 5 + 0.383$
0. 1 0. 1 (�2 + I - 2�) + 2� - I 1 .276 + o.289 x w-2k-6 1 .461 + 0.234$
0.05 0.05(�2 + I - 2�) + 2� - I 1 .645 + 0. 1 632 x w-2k-6 1 .720 + 0.1401$
0.0 1 0.0 1 (�2 + 1 - 2�) + 2� - 1 0.852 + 0.456k-l 1 .342 + 0.3 7 1 -J<jl
0.0001 O.OOO i epl + 1 - 2�) + 2� - 1 3 . 1 77 - 3.068k 3.02 1 - 2.047/-Jq,


� 0.3
z �

-� 0.2
"0 "0
Cii Cii
� 0.1
�,=0.05 z
e--e--€> ,=0.00
� ,=0. 1 0

<!1- - � - � ,=0.01
...... ,=0.20
o ���--��������
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
(a) Normalized Curvature, <I>' (b) Normalized Curvature, <I>'

Fig. A. 3-Effect of (a) depth ofneutral axis on the moment capacity of a section; and (b)
the moment curvature response in the range 2. 1.

This equation can be simplified by assuming equal tension The proper way to use Table A.3b is to generate a column
and compression stiffuess (y = 1 ). For an elastic perfectly plastic of incrementally increasing strain values as �- The next step
tension material (TJ = 0), the equation reduces to Eq. (A.3j) is to assume a post-crack stiffuess value such as T] = 0. 1 . The
depth of neutral axis is then computed first by calculating the
value of parameter A as a function of each individual value
(A.3j) of �- Using that value of k, the moment and also the moment
curvature relationship are obtained in a column wise format.
The relationship between the moment and curvature as a
Table A.3b presents the case ofy = 1 for different values of function of the neutral axis can be plotted as two x-y column
post-crack stiffness, T] = 0.5, 0.2, 0. 1 , 0.05, 0.0 1 , and 0.00 1 . parameters.
Note that the neutral axis is a function � and can be used in
calculation of the moment, or the moment-curvature rela­ A.4-Simplified moment curvature diagram
tionship. These general responses, which are shown in Fig. Using a simplification approach to represent the normal­
A.3 (a) and (b), show that with an increase in applied tensile ized moment-curvature diagrams using a bilinear curve,
strain, the neutral axis compression zone decreases. Note, the load-versus-deflection curve for deflection-hardening
however, that this decrease is a function of a post-crack and deflection-softening can be obtained. In the simplified
tensile stiffness factor. Although the moment-curvature models, the intersection points (<Pit', Mit') of the linear elastic
relationship in this range is ascending, its rate is a function response and the linear post-crack response is found by using
of the post-crack tensile stiffness. One can use a curve fit a regression equation (Eq. (A.4)). The regression equation is
approach and estimate moment-neutral axis depth as well dimensionless and independent of the unit used.
as the moment curvature values for distinct values of T], as
shown in Table A.3b. The equations in Table A.3b repre­ Mil' = 0.7425Mu' + 0 . 1 739 and <Pit' = Mit' (AA)
sent the magnitude of the moment and moment-curvature
response generated for any rectangular cross section using The conversion to a bilinear curve is described in detail by
basic tensile material parameters in the 2 . 1 range, as shown Soranakom and Mobasher (2008).
in Table A.3b, and are applicable within 1 percent accuracy
ofthe dosedcform results.
Coovriaht American Concrete Institute �-

l l
s s

. . ... �be

. ••
(C) · . .. .
.. . •• •
.. •• . . . ..
. · · . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . .
· ·· · ·· .
·· I ···
· ·· · .. . ··
1 .: 2 .: ···
· ·· . .
· .

s s I S/2 1

Mbcr S
M11 J


Fig. A. 5-Three- andfour-point bending test: (a) loading setup; (b) moment distribution;
(c) curvature distribution at first bilinear cracking; (d) curvature distribution at ultimate
momentfor high normalizedpost-peak tensile strength (/1 > f.1criJ; and (e) curvature distri­
bution at ultimate momentfor low normalized post-peak tensile strength (/1 < f.1criJ -

A.5-Load-deflection response Lz
0 = -- ·

Figure A.5(a) shows the loading and geometry for three­ II 24M 2 II

and four-point bending tests. Figure A.5(b) show moment

[ (2 M,; - Mu Mbcr - M;c,. ) <i>" + ( M,; + M.. Mbo ) <i>bcr ]
distributions at cracking (Mbcr) and ultimate levels (M11) .
With the area moment method, the corresponding curvature
diagrams shown in Fig. A.5(c) to A.5(e) are divided into
several areas and taken around the left support to obtain
L M bcr L L
the midspan deflection 8. A set of equations for calculating o = <i> �� " (2L - L
) + .. <i> ( - 2L )

midspan deflection of three-point bending at first bilinear 8 p l 2Mbcr p (A.5c)

cracking, at ultimate strength when material has 1-l > 1-lcrit, and ll < llcrit
at ultimate strength when material has 1-l < llcrit are presented
in Eq. (A.5a) to Eq. (A.5c).
Similarly, a set of equations for four-point bending can be
written as

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= L2 critical normalized post-peak tensile strength f.tcrit = 0.345 is

8, -­
2 1 6M,� calculated by Eq. (A.6a).

[ (2 3M,� - 4M,Mba - 4M:a )<P, + (4M,� + 4M,Mba )<Pba· ] (A.5e) 96

. =�= · = 0.345 (A.6a)
llcra 3co - 1 3(9.6) - 1

o, 5L2 <jl, M,L2 <1>&cr Because f! = 0.30 < f.tcrir, the worksheet shows Type 2
= +
72 27Mbcr (Naaman and Reinhardt 2006). According to the normalized
ultimate tensile failure �''" the corresponding normalized
top compressive strain Aw is checked, which shows that the
Load step P; can be back-calculated from a discrete point compressive strain fails at Stage 3 (co < 'A).
i along the moment curvature diagram
r:l =
1-' w 200 > (co2 + 2f! - l ) = (9 . 62 + 2 x 0 . 3 - l ) = 1 5 2 _ 9 (A.6b)
2 x 0.3
P; = ----j-
for <!>; = 0 . . .<jl, (A.5g)

'A,, < Acu means that the ultimate tensile strain will reach
where S is a spacing between the support and loading point; S = the failure before the compressive strain crushing. The
L/2 for three-point bending; and S = L/3 for four-point bending. smaller of'Aw (= 1 1 .03) and Acu (= 3 0) is used as a normalized
ultimate compressive strain 'A, in the calculation of neutral
A.6-Example: Three-point bending test
axis depth ratio ku by Eq. (A.6c).
(Note: An excel spreadsheet with associated uses manual
that computes the material properties for three- and four­
2 11"-
point bending samples is available for download (Mobasher k" = = 0.052 (A.6c)
-(1)2 + 2A.( (!) + ll) + 2J.! - 1
et a!. 20 1 5).)
Determine the moment-curvature diagram and load deflec­
tion response of a beam size 4 x 4 in. ( 1 00 x 1 00 mm) tested (3J.!A.2 + 3coA. 2
- 3Jl - co3 + 2)k 2
M'(A. , k , co, ) =
under three-point bending at clear span L = 12 in. (300 mm) . ll A. 2 (A.6d)
Assume that the material post crack stiffness parameter T) = 0; - 3J.!(2k - 1) = 0.868
therefore, after cracking, the response is directly in the soft­
ening range. Assume the plastic length for crack localized
"''(A., k , (!), Jl) = }:__ =
zone under the point load LP = 4 in. ( 1 00 mm) The ultimate .
1 1 .03
= 1 05 . 52 (A.6e)
uniaxial compressive strength.fc' = 4300 psi (30 MPa), uniaxial 'I' 2k 2(0.052)
tensile strength ac, = 360 psi (2.50 MPa), and post-peak tensile
strength aP = 1 00 psi (0.75 MPa). The ultimate compressive The normalized ultimate moment M,/ and curvature cp,/ are
strain Ecu = 0.003 and the ultimate tensile strain Ew = 0.02. The calculated by Eq. (A.6d) and (A.6e) as 0.868 and 1 05.52,
Young's modulus E = 3,600,000 psi (25,000 MPa). respectively. The intersection points (<Pit' and Mu') of the
Using the specified material properties, determine the normal­ linear elastic and the linear post-crack response for bilinear
ized material parameters. Assuming no nonlinear response, a = moment curvature diagram is found by regression Eq. (A. 1 2).
1 and T) = 0. These parameters are calculated as follows: The normalized cracking moment curvature is always equal
Cracking strain: Ecr = ac,JE = 2.5/25000 = 0.0001 to 1 (<Per'= Mer' = 1). Because the material is deflection soft­
Normalized post peak tensile strength: f! = a/acr ening, the normalized reduced cracking moment Mcr2 ' is
0.75/2.5 = 0.30 needed and calculated by Eq. (A6.f) as 0.8 1 8.
Normalized ultimate tensile strain: �'" = E11/Ecr
0.02/0.000 1 = 200 <!>;, = M(, = 0.7425M,; + 0. 1 739
Normalized ultimate compressive strain: Acu = Ecz/Ecr (A.6f)
= 0.7425(0.868) + 0 . 1 739 = 0.8 1 8
0.003/0.0001 = 30
Assumed compressive yield stress: acy = 0.8 x .fc ' = 0.8 x The four controlling points for normalized moment and
30 = 24 MPa (3480 psi) curvature and dimensionalized moment and curvature, in
Compressive to tensile strain ratio: co = acJ(&cr) = 24/2.5 = 9.6 addition to the computed load and deflection values for these
Using the parameters computed previously, and input control points, are obtained as shown in Table A.6a.
parameters such as test method = 3 (three-point bending) or The moment-curvature response is recovered by multi­
4 (four-point bending), b = 4 in. ( 1 00 mm), d = 4 in. ( 1 00 plying the cracking moment curvature to their normalized
mm), L = 12 in. (300 mm), LP = 4 in. ( 1 00 mm), and E = moment curvature using equations in Table A.3a. The deflec­
3 ,600,000 psi (25,000 MPa). tions of three-point bending for the deflection softening f.l <
According to the material parameters' input, tensile and f.tcrit are calculated (Eq. (A.5b) and (A.5c)) and the load calcu­
compressive stress-strain responses are calculated. The lated (Eq. (A.5f)). Note that the deflections at the cracking are
t��.. sa�� but the load step due to Mbcr and Mcr2 are different.
Coovriaht American Concrete Institute �-

Table A.6a-Normalized and dimensionalized moment and curvature with computed load and deflection

<!>' M' <j>, in.-' (mm· ' ) M, lb. i n (N.m) 6, in. (mm) P, lb (kN)
0.000 0.000 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
1 .000 1 .000 5 .08E-05 (2.000E-06) 3688 (4 1 6.7) 0.00059 (0.0 1 5) 1 249 (5500)
1 .000 0. 8 1 8 5 .08E-05 (2.000E-06) 301 8 (340.9) 0.00059 (0.0 1 5) 1 022 (4500)
1 05.52 1 0.868 0.0054 (2. 1 1 0E-04) 3200 (36 1 .5) 0.052 1 ( 1 .323) 1 084 (4800)

Table A.6b-Diagram of accurate moment curvature

Accurate moment-curvature diagram
Stage 'A k <!>' M' <j>, mm-1 <j>, in.-' M, N.m M, lb.in.

I 0.00 0.500 0.000 0.000 O.OOE+OO 0 0.0 0

I 1 .00 0.500 1 .000 1 .000 2.ooE-o6 5 .08E-05 4 1 6.7 3688
2 1 . 86 0.267 3.480 0.772 6.96E-o6 0.0002 32 1 .5 2846
2 3.15 0. 1 66 9.5 1 0 0.802 1 .9oE-o5 0.0005 334.3 2960
2 5 . 30 0. 1 03 25.725 0.837 5 . 1 5 E-o5 0.00 1 3 348.8 3087
2 7.45 0.075 49.644 0.854 9.93E-o5 0.0025 355.8 3 1 49
2 9.60 0.059 8 1 .267 0.864 1 .63E-o4 0.0041 359.9 3 1 86
3 9.97 0.057 87.334 0.865 1 .75E-o4 0.0044 360.4 3 1 90
3 1 0.34 0.055 93.401 0.866 1 .87E-o4 0.0048 360.8 3 1 94
3 1 0.70 0.054 99.468 0.867 I .99E-o4 0.005 1 3 6 1 .2 3200
3 1 1 .07 0.052 I 05.535 0.867 2. 1 1 E-04 0.0054 3 6 1 .4 3200

Deflection, 6 (in)
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
(a) 6000

]j 0.8 5000
E 1 000
::E 0.6 4000

�-� 0.4
""" � 800 �
": 3000 0..
"""' 600 ""
0 0
0 -l
@ o
.,Bilinear Approx. -l
z 0.2
-- Exact Soln. 400

0 ����-����- 1000 200

20 40 60 � I'O�
80-L� O�I20
Normalized Curvature, q, 0 I 0
0.3 0.6 0.9 1 .2 1.5
Deflection, 6 (mm)
Curvature, q, (in- 1 )
0 0.0012 0.0024 0.0036 0.0048 0.006
Fig. A . 6b-Computed load and deflection values for the
4000 example case of a beam presented in Table A . 6a.
Alternatively, the accurate moment curvature diagram is
E' 3000 :5
2S 3oo g found using equations for M1 ', M21 ', and M31 ' listed in Table
::E A.3a or approximate values represented in the M'(cp) column
2000 i and A.3b. Figure AS compares the accurate moment-curvature
6 response and their approximate bilinear models. The steps for
@ o
E> Bilinear Approx. 1 000
� computation of load-deflection response, according to bilinear
1 00
-- Exact Soln. models, are shown in Fig. A.6a(a) and Fig. A.6a(b). For the
four-point bending test, the procedure is similar, except LP is

- �5�
E� o�
-o�5 o.�
,� .o�
o� oo�I�
5� .o�
o� oo�
.oo�5 not needed; users can enter any value or simply zero. An accu­
Curvature, q, (mm·1)
rate expression for moment curvature can be developed using
the closed-form equations identifying each of the three zones of
Fig. A. 6a-(a) Normalized moment-curvature response;
response (Table A.6b) and Fig. A.6a(a) as the moment-curva­
and (b) its corresponding dimensionalized moment-response
ture response and Fig. A.6a(b), which represents the normal­
using the simplified and exact procedures for a rectangular
ized moment-curvature. Figure A.6b shows the load deflection
cross section.
results based on the data presented in Table A6.a ..
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