Present Perfect Rules and Songs

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[Vaasa REPEC? W2 PEWECT relates past ug lions and alates bo the pr aot | PARR Hee ‘ VP ean eee {, To express unifinishea past: 1 i on an my provont job for ix yours, fhe action began in tho past: | ae prosent oO. Have you ever) been to Australia? I 6G had two’ crashos in my caroor ag a racing driver, wy I ———— the action happoned: in the past butwe don't know, when or we're not interested in when 0? o? pe ren PRESENT PAS® 19607 if qa747 eome sine 4 in your lite ii otsd 1980? 3 tte. ‘express the present result of a past event ve “oot! my wadle te Have you seen 1t7 Shots broken her lpg, 90 ohe can't play tennis. immu L The aotion happonod in the paat, jusually) the vecent past ! ‘with rooults in the prosent past : present ~ ete en a RE Set be THE PRESENT PERPECOO udents of English often Cind thin tonso difficult. ‘tho ‘mis similar to a tense in many other. \ olen tance languages, but the ddeas it expresses aro difforent. » choice of Present Perfect or Past Simple, Presont Perfect or ‘pont Simple, is not about tine, +0 worked no a barman. “orked as a barman. , sh thego'sontonees refer to the sane ‘notion in the pact, The choice about enpyct » that is, how' the speaker veoa, the aethor. Tho firat stonce is talking about a personal exporience in one's “life, and oxaot Line whon thia happened is not important hero. ‘he Presa ect relates past to py 7 — eee Second pontence we expect a time expreosion to suy exact. en in the past this netion happened, the worked ug barman when I waa in France. ¢ ¢ SRECTEHEOD OMe Pe Thy rf : ) Fes wereR ne fee a Bete Passa wo WE UNFINISHED - PAST The Present Porfect io used to expyeos an action or state which ‘ gon in the past and still continues, Z'vo -boen a teacher for ten years, Hots had a car since he was I8. vone Languages thio do traslated by the present tense » bub an ish this is WRoK Iam a teacher for ten years is WRONG. Wand SINCE ten years for | two weeks half an hour agen . ete 4 wha period of time Auguat Lines last yoar Christmas 8,00 ince +a point of tine The Pre nt Perfeet iu the past and is finiohea, interestaiin the experienc: used to exprovs un action which happened in but we are not imtoronted in when. We are e@ as part of someone's life, Have you ever been in » zar crash? Hote that 4£ the time dn stated, and if moro dotudle ave given, the benno changes to the Past Simple and the Past Continuous, A lave you ever had a car accident? ‘BYes, I have. A Where did it happen? B In 1979. I was driving down a road when a car case’ okt in front of me, 3 Prese it RESULT a, the Preoent Perfect -refers to a past.aotion and shows ‘tho result of that action in tho present. The’ taxi has arrived, 7 (It's outside the heuse how.) I've recovered frum my illness. ( I'm better now. ) Shots broken her log. . ( That's why she can't walk. ) b. It io common to introduce news in the Bresont Perfeot, vecause the speaker is emphasizing the event as a prosent fact. Have you heard? Mary has had a baby girl. Agein, if more details are given, the tonse changes. Mary had the baby at 6.30 this morning. Tho baby wedghs ve pounds. PRESENT PERFECT or PAST SIMPLE? j i a. Compare the difforent time expressions used. : 4 PAS? SIMPLE yeuterday laut woek I dia it two days ago at 8.00, , Whon I was young for a long tino Live done at | “nee July before vocently Have you already done it? . Have you done it yot? 1 UNILUUTSHED PA: I've Lived dn London: for six years. (I still do, and will continye to in the future.) Z lived in Reto for six years. (At a pordod in the past, now finished.) PERTEN Cr I've written two plays. % ( Up totnow in my lifo. Perhaps I'11 write aor ce.) PRESENT RESULT Peter has injured his ankle. ( lie ankle is still bad.) Peter injured his ankle. ( We anoune the problem is a ‘thing of ‘tho’ past: - ‘at hepponed quite sone tine ago)) 4. COMMON MISTAKES WITH ME . PRESENT PERFECT, DE CARRPUL . ‘The (a) sentences are WRONG, The corrogt versions (ve) and an explanation are aloo givon. a. IT have seen hin yeoterday. ( WRONG ) bv. I saw him yesterday, ( RIauT ) (Definite time in the past is stated ~ yesterday ~ 90 Past Siaplo is correct.) | : a. I etudy English for ten years. ( wRONG ) b, I have studied English for ten yours, ( RIGIUT ) (Action bggan in the past and still continues, so Inglish necds the tense. that joins past and present the Present Perfect, ) a ‘ sa been here since two weeks. * ( wrong ) "lo"o been hore for two wookn. ( tient) (‘The tonve 4s correct, bit two wooks in a period of time, 20 for 4s needoa.) u. When hive you started your job ( Wrong ) b, When did you start your job.?, (The queption 40 nvking for a dofinite time, uo thd Pact Simple is neéded. ) eo GRAMMAR QUESTIONS . No. Brown he post you've applied for involves a lot of travolling Mave you been abroad much? Wigmore I've been to most of western Europe, and I've been to castern Europe once, to Huhgary. ie Brown Why did you go there? ir Wigmore Te hotel sont me to. attend a conference. ile Brown 1 see. Have you ever orgenined a gonference yourself? ur Wicmore Yea, I have actunlly. why?, Ms Brown Well, thie job would require rather a lot of organizing neetings and conferences, Brovm asks: Huve you boon ubroad much? Have you over organized a conference yourself? ~ 18 ohe interested in exactly whon he did these things? - Or io she acking about his experience, some tine in his lire If Ms Brown wanted to know when bur Wigmore went to Hungary and hen he organized a conference, what would her questions. be? bt | When. , “When. . 49 LSTILL HAVEN'T FOUND WHAT, T'MLOOKING FOR ©) the highest fountains through the fields Only to be with you Only to be with you 1 have run I Res ‘those city walle: + Only to be with you But I still haven’t found what Pim looking for But I still haven’t found : ‘ . Whatl'm ee for a gee honey lips tie imag in ier fingertips like fire This Burning dosire with the tongue of angels L_ the hand ofa devil “it was warn in the night Iwas cold as astono’ ~ But I still haven't found ‘What P’'m looking for But [still haven’t found What I’m looking for Iboliove in the Kingdom Come ‘Then all the colours will bleed into one But yes, I'm still running You the bonds You 7, the chains You_ tho cross Tad my shame And my shame You Know I beliove it But I still havow't found ‘What P'm looking for

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